APRIL 2015 4625 Brandingshire Pl., Fort Worth TX 76133 March Contest Results Best of Show: Mark Howard, F/A-18D Hornet 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 Place, 1/48-Scale Multi-Engine Aircraft: Mark Howard, F/A-18D Hornet Place, 1/48-Scale Multi-Engine Aircraft: Rich Wolf, A-26B Invader Place, 1/48-Scale Multi-Engine Aircraft: Rich Wolf, C-47 Skytrain Place, 1/48-Scale Single-Engine Aircraft: Collin Wilson, Sopwith Triplane Place, 1/48-Scale Single-Engine Aircraft: Sean Richards, Bf-109G-10 Place, 1/48-Scale Single-Engine Aircraft: Sean Richards, P-40 Warhawk Place, 1/72-Scale Aircraft: Dave Hibscher, Yak-3 Place, 1/72-Scale Aircraft: Dave Hibscher, Yak-9 Place, 1/72-Scale Aircraft: Dave Hibscher, Yak-3 Place, 1/144-Scale Aircraft: Joseph Fischer, KC-135 & F-4 Refueling Pair Place, 1/35-Scale Armor: Sean Richards, German 242 Armored Car Place, 1/35-Scale Armor: Sean Richards, M-16 Halftrack Place, 1/35-Scale Armor: Sean Richards, Kommand Wagen Place, Ships: Frank Landrus, Tupolev G-5 Motor Torpedo Boat Erasmo Piñero reviews history of the XC-142A tilt-wing during March program Erasmo Piñero offered another in his outstanding series of club programs with his discussion of the development of the XC-142 tilt-wing aircraft built by LingTemco-Vought in the mid-1960s. the Hiller X-18, both of which flew successfully, and the “ugly duckling” of the group, the Kaman K-16B, a heavily modified Grumman Goose, which was ground tested only. As usual, Erasmo included a first-class Power Point program with not only archival photos, but performance charts comparing the performance of this remarkable aircraft with earlier pioneering efforts and our newest VTOL wonder, the Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey. The LTV XC-142A was rolled out to the public at Vought Aircraft in Dallas and first flew on Sept. 29, 1964. The fourengined aircraft’s first hover took pace three months later, on Dec. 29, 1964. The first vertical-to-horizontal transition was performed on Jan. 11, 1965, at NAS Grand Prairie. Erasmo opened his presentation with a quick review of early VTOL tilt-wing efforts, including the Boeing VZ-2 and During the XC-142A program, a total of 420 hours were flown in 488 flights. Of the five XC-142A test aircraft, four were destroyed in accidents during testing. The surviving example is on display at the National Museum of the United States Air Force at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio. The performance of the XC-142A was impressive for its time. Maximum speed was 414 knots (versus 275 knots for the V-22), making it one of the fastest VTOL transport aircraft of the era. Range was 820 miles. The service version would carry 32 equipped troops or 8,000 lbs. of cargo. While the innovative design presented several challenges, including the extreme propeller downwash encountered by the four turboprops, and the inherent complexity and vibration from the cross-linked common driveshaft, flight testing progressed smoothly until a fatal crash occurred on May 10, 1967. The first XC-142A was delivered to the Air Force test team in July 1965. As usual, Erasmo put together a superlative show. Many thanks for your tireless efforts on behalf of the club, Erasmo. IPMS NCT to host ScaleFest 2015 on May 30 Victory in Peace: The best model vehicle, aircraft, ship, figure, or diorama depicting a peacetime victory of any kind, any era. There will be lots of vendors, Make-NTake for the kids, and door prizes galore. Doors open at 9 a.m. and the show lasts until 5 p.m. Our good friends at IPMS North Central Texas will host ScaleFest 2015 on Saturday, May 30, at the Grapevine Convention Center, 1209 South Main St., Grapevine 76051. This year’s ScaleFest will feature a double Theme Award. “V for Victory” celebrates: Victory in War: The best model vehicle, aircraft, ship, figure, or diorama depicting victory over the Axis powers in World War II. You can visit the IPMS NCT website at http://www.ipmsnct.net/ for more information. There is also a .pdf contest brochure that you can print from the website which also includes a map to the convention center and a coupon for $2 off admission. Again, Squadron Mail Order will host an open house coinciding with ScaleFest. The mail order warehouse will open to the public Friday and Saturday, May 2930. From the Grapevine Convention Center, it’s a short hop over to 1116 Crowley Drive, in Carrollton, and they’re bound to have some great contest specials on hand. The IPMS Fort Worth Scale Modelers meet the third Monday of each month (except September) at the First Baptist Church of Benbrook. The meetings begin with a social period at 6:30 p.m. and the formal meetings last from 7 p.m. to about 8:30 p.m. Dues are $2 per month, with first-time guests and children admitted free. Squadron EagleQuest XXIV coming up Thursday-Saturday, June 18-20 information on the agenda, hotel information and Squadron Mail Order specials. With the general Event Pass, you get the following: Squadron EagleQuest XXIV will be coming up Thursday through Saturday, June 18-20, 2015, at the Embassy Suites in Grapevine, Texas. The theme will be “Heavy Metal.” For more information, see the special promotion on the EagleQuest website at http://www.squadroneaglequest.com/ The website also includes information on ordering Event Passes and *40% Discount shopping at the Squadron Warehouse *Full access to seminars *Complimentary $5 raffle ticket *Complimentary food at Squadron scheduled events (excluding Awards Ceremony) *Complimentary Squadron Signal book signed by artist Don Greer *Member at round-table feedback session *Access to the Squadron Common Room where there will be movies playing, places to repair your models, "Make and Take" for the kids and much more. You can also order a ticket which includes admission to the Awards Ceremony banquet. The Embassy Suites Dallas – DFW Airport North Outdoor World at 2401 Bass Pro Drive in Grapevine will be the setting for this year’s event. A special room rate will be in effect. To order Event Passes and Awards Ceremony tickets by phone, call Richard Poulsen at 1-800-527-7427, ext. 1060. Mark Howard took Best of Show honors at our March meeting with his F/A-18D Hornet March meeting model contest pics Collin Wilson brought along this beautiful Sopwith Triplane to the March meeting. Nice KC-135 & F-4 refueling pair by Joseph Fischer. Photos by Frank Landrus A beautiful Tupolev G-5 Torpedo Boat by Frank Landrus. Quarter-scale A-26B Invader by Rich Wolf. Sean Richards entered this nice M-16 Halftrack with quad-.50s in the March contest. Rich Wolf also impressed the group with this stunning 1/48-scale C-47 Skytrain in full D-Day markings. One of three 1/72-scale Russian Yak fighters entered by Dave Hibscher last March. Sean Richards also covered aircraft in the March contest with this 1/48-scale Bf-109G-10. SUPERCON 2015 S ponsored by the IP M S F ort W orth S cale M odelers Saturday, September 12, 2015 Bob Duncan Community Center 2800 S. Center St. Vandergriff Park, Arlington 817-465-6661 Door Prizes! Vendors Galore! Make ‘n’ Take for the Kids! Doors open at 9 a.m. Registration: 9 to 11 a.m. General Admission: $5, with children 6 years of age and younger free Theme of Supercon 2015: “1945: The Way to the Future.” Any model - aircraft, armor, ship, figure, auto, etc. – pertaining to 1945 will be eligible for the Supercon 2015 Theme Award. Additional Special Awards for: Best World War II Subject Best Armor Subject Best Vietnam War Subject Best Luftwaffe Subject Most Popular President’s Award And BEST OF SHOW! Vendor tables are $20 each (one 8-foot or two 4-foot tables) To reserve vendor tables, please contact Robert Ferrera, 817-447-7670, 4 to 8 p.m. weekdays and 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturdays
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