Rare Disaster Concerns Everywhere George P. Gao and Zhaogang Song May 5, 2015 Internet Appendix: Additional Analyses and Robustness Checks Figure IA-1: Rare disaster concerns of 104 global assets (mean and standard deviation) Figure IA-2: Downside risk CAPM betas of GRIX-beta quintile portfolios Figure IA-3: Kelly-Jiang tail risk betas of GRIX-beta quintile portfolios Table IA-1: EQRIX-beta portfolio alphas and factor loadings Table IA-2: FXRIX-beta portfolio alphas and factor loadings Table IA-3: BDRIX-beta portfolio alphas and factor loadings Table IA-4: CMRIX-beta portfolio alphas and factor loadings Table IA-5: Asset-class RIX-beta COMBO portfolio alphas and factor loadings Table IA-6: GRIX-beta portfolio alphas and factor loadings Table IA-7: GRIX-beta portfolios within each of four asset classes Table IA-8: Correlations between rare disaster concerns and economic factors Table IA-9: Downside risk CAPM betas of asset-class RIX-beta portfolios Table IA-10: Kelly-Jiang tail risk betas of asset-class RIX-beta portfolios Table IA-11: Additional robustness checks on alternative return specifications and GRIX construction Table IA-12: Alternative measures of rare disaster concerns (within asset classes) Table IA-13: Alternative positions of average investors (within asset classes) Table IA-14: Prediction of GRIX on future economic fundamentals Table IA-15: Disaster concern innovation and returns of portfolios within and across asset classes Table IA-16: Kelly-Jiang tail risk and returns of portfolios within and across asset classes Table IA-17: U.S. exchange trade funds (ETFs) to track MSCI/FTSE international equity indices Figure IA‐1: Rare disaster concerns of individual assets in the global financial market This figure shows time‐series mean (left axis) and standard deviation (right axis) of monthly RIX for each of 30 international equity indices (Panel A), 32 foreign currencies (Panel B), 14 global government bonds (Panel C), and 28 commodities (Panel D). We also list option sample period below each panel. The full names of options are provided in the appendix of the paper. Panel A: International equity index 0.016 0.03 Mean Standard Deviation 0.014 0.025 0.012 0.02 0.01 0.008 0.015 0.006 0.01 0.004 0.005 0.002 0 0 Equity index option sample period: ASX200 (2001:02 ‐ 2012:10), ATX (1996:01 ‐ 2012:10), BEL20 (1996:01 ‐ 2012:10), TSX60 (1999:09‐ 2012:10), OMXC20 (2005:10 ‐ 2012:01), ESTX50 (2001:07 ‐ 2012:10), OMXH25 (2005:02 ‐ 2012:10), CAC40 (2005:05 ‐ 2012:10), DAX (2001:07 ‐ 2012:10), ASE20 (2000:10 ‐ 2012:10), HSI (1996:01 ‐ 2012:10), NSEI (2001:07 ‐ 2012:10), TA25 (1996:01 ‐ 2012:10), MIB (2004:05 ‐ 2012:10), N225 (1996:01 ‐ 2012:10), IPC (2004:06 ‐ 2012:10), AEX (1997:01 ‐ 2012:10), VINX30 (2006:09 ‐ 2012:10), OBX (1999:02 ‐ 2012:10), WIG20 (2003:09 ‐ 2012:10), RTS (2009:03 ‐ 2012:10), SGX (2009:04 ‐ 2012:10), KS200 (1997:07 ‐ 2012:10), IBEX (2001:11 ‐ 2012:10), OMXS30 (2004:11 ‐ 2012:10), SMI (2001:07 ‐ 2012:10), TAIEX (2001:06 ‐ 2012:10), SET50 (2008:06 ‐ 2012:10), FTSE100 (1996:01 ‐ 2012:10), SPX (1996:01 ‐ 2012:10). Panel B: Foreign currency 0.16 0.12 Mean 0.1 Standard Deviation 0.14 0.12 0.08 0.1 0.06 0.08 0.04 0.06 0.02 0.04 0 ‐0.02 0.02 0 Currency option sample period: ARS (2004:03 ‐ 2012:05), AUD (1996:01 ‐ 2012:05), BRL (2004:03 ‐ 2012:05), CAD (1996:02 ‐ 2012:05), CLP (2004:03 ‐ 2012:05), COP (2004:03 ‐ 2012:05), CZK (2000:11 ‐ 2012:05), DKK (1996:07 ‐ 2012:05), EUR (1999:01 ‐ 2012:05), HKD (1996:01 ‐ 2012:05), HUF (2000:11 ‐ 2012:05), ISK (2006:01 ‐ 2012:05), INR (2004:03 ‐ 2012:05), IDR (2001:03 ‐ 2012:05), ILS (2004:03 ‐ 2012:05), JPY (1996:02 ‐ 2012:05), MYR (2000:11 ‐ 2012:05), MXN (2000:11 ‐ 2012:05), NZD (1996:12 ‐ 2012:05), NOK (1996:02 ‐ 2012:05), PEN (2004:03 ‐ 2012:05), PHP (2003:02 ‐ 2012:05), PLN (2000:11 ‐ 2012:05), RUB (2006:01 ‐ 2012:05), SGD (1997:03 ‐ 2012:05), ZAR (1996:01 ‐ 2012:05), KRW (2002:02 ‐ 2012:05), SEK (1996:01 ‐ 2012:05), CHF (1996:01 ‐ 2012:05), TWD (2004:08 ‐ 2012:05), THB (2000:11 ‐ 2012:05), GBP (1996:01 ‐ 2012:05). Note: The RIX mean and standard deviation of Icelandic Krona (ISK) are divided by 10. Panel C: Glboal government bond 0.009 0.012 Mean Standard Deviation 0.008 0.01 0.007 0.008 0.006 0.005 0.006 0.004 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.001 0 0 Australia Australia (10YR) (3YR) Canada (10YR) Germany Germany Germany (10YR) (2YR) (5YR) Italy (10YR) Japan (10YR) Spain (10YR) United Kingdom (10YR) United States (10YR) United States (2YR) United States (30YR) United States (5YR) Bond futures option sample period: AUS 10YR (1996:01 ‐ 2012:12), AUS 3YR (1996:01 ‐ 2012:12), CAN 10YR (1996:01 ‐ 2003:05), DEU 10YR (1996:01 ‐ 2012:12), DEU 2YR (1998:02 ‐ 2012:12), DEU 5YR (1996:01 ‐ 2012:12), ITA 10YR (1996:01 ‐ 2000:06), JPN 10YR (1996:01 ‐ 2012:12), ESP 10YR (1996:01 ‐ 2000:08), GBR 10YR (1996:01 ‐ 2012:12), USA 10YR (1996:01 ‐ 2012:12), USA 2YR (2006:11 ‐ 2012:12), USA 30YR (1996:01 ‐ 2012:12), USA 5YR (1996:01 ‐ 2012:12). Panel D: Commodity 0.025 0.01 Mean Standard Deviation 0.009 0.02 0.008 0.007 0.015 0.006 0.005 0.01 0.004 0.003 0.005 0.002 0.001 0 0 Commodity futures option sample period 1996:01 ‐ 2012:12 with the following exceptions: BA (2008:07 ‐ 2012:12), HU (1996:01 ‐ 2006:11), LH (1996:11 ‐ 2012:12), PA (2010:11 ‐ 2012:12), PB (1996:01 ‐ 2010:05), QL (2009:07 ‐ 2012:10), RB (2006:05 ‐ 2012:12). Figure IA‐2: Downside risk of low‐minus‐high GRIX‐beta portfolios This figure presents mean excess returns of five GRIX‐beta quintiles against their downside risk CAPM (DR‐CAPM) betas. These quintile portfolios are monthly formed using 104 global assets of equity indices, currencies, government bonds, and commodities (see Table 4 in detail). To estimate each portfolio's DR‐CAPM beta, we regress its monthly excess returns on the MSCI world equity index excess returns using only downstates that are all months in which the market return is at least one standard deviation below its sample mean over the period from January 1998 through May 2012. The DR‐CAPM beta of low‐minus‐high GRIX‐beta hedge portfolio is ‐0.008 (with a t ‐statistic of ‐0.03). 1.2 Mean Excess Return (in percent) 1 1 ‐ Low GRIX beta 0.8 0.6 0.4 3 2 4 0.2 5 ‐ High GRIX beta 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Downside Risk CAPM Beta 0.8 1 1.2 Figure IA‐3: Tail risk of low‐minus‐high GRIX‐beta portfolios This figure presents mean excess returns of five GRIX‐beta quintiles against their tail risk betas based on the Kelly‐ Jiang (2014) market tail risk factor. These quintile portfolios are monthly formed using 104 global assets of equity indices, currencies, government bonds, and commodities (see Table 4 in detail). In estimating each portfolio's tail risk beta, we control for its loading on the MSCI world equity market returns. The tail risk beta of low‐minus‐high GRIX‐beta portfolio is 0.035 (with a t ‐statistic of 0.37). 1.2 1 ‐ Low GRIX beta Mean Excess Return (in percent) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 3 4 2 0.2 5 ‐ High GRIX beta 0 ‐0.08 ‐0.06 ‐0.04 ‐0.02 0 0.02 Kelly‐Jiang Tail Risk Beta 0.04 0.06 0.08 Table IA‐1: EQRIX‐beta portfolio alphas and factor loadings This table reports detailed results of EQRIX‐beta portfolios. The benchmark factors include global CAPM (MSCI world equity market return), Frazzini‐ Pedersen (FP) betting‐agains‐beta (BAB), Moskowitz‐Ooi‐Pedersen (MOP) time series momentum (TSMOM), Asness‐Moskowitz‐Pedersen (AMP) international equity‐index‐based value (VAL) and momentum (MOM), Fama‐French (FF) international size (SMB), value (HML), and momentum (WML), and Hou‐Karolyi‐Kho (HKK) cash‐flow‐to‐price (CP) and momentum (short term) return (SRET). For brevity, we present portfolios' loadings on only non‐ market‐based factors in multi‐factor models. Panel A: Monthly Portfolio Formation Global CAPM α MSCI Low RIX‐beta 0.703 1.138 (2.47) (15.24) 2 0.152 1.154 (0.53) (19.75) 3 0.057 1.157 (0.32) (19.45) High RIX‐beta ‐0.051 1.107 (‐0.19) (17.22) Low ‐ High 0.754 0.031 (2.38) (0.45) FP 2 factor α BAB 0.627 0.275 (2.24) (2.29) 0.278 ‐0.332 (1.00) (‐2.01) 0.012 0.075 (0.06) (0.86) ‐0.050 ‐0.011 (‐0.19) (‐0.11) 0.677 0.286 (2.12) (2.25) MOP 2 factor AMP 3 factor α TSMOM α VAL MOM 0.562 0.087 0.497 0.392 0.455 (2.25) (2.41) (2.01) (2.96) (5.00) 0.193 ‐0.026 0.164 0.480 ‐0.109 (0.71) (‐0.83) (0.71) (3.90) (‐0.95) 0.037 0.012 ‐0.079 0.447 0.268 (0.20) (0.47) (‐0.47) (4.99) (4.96) ‐0.053 0.001 ‐0.175 0.537 0.224 (‐0.21) (0.04) (‐0.74) (5.04) (2.77) 0.615 0.086 0.672 ‐0.145 0.231 (2.12) (2.04) (2.34) (‐0.89) (1.97) Panel B: Quarterly Portfolio Formation Global CAPM FP 2 factor α MSCI α BAB Low RIX‐beta 0.798 1.150 0.771 0.145 (3.03) (16.79) (2.93) (1.04) 2 0.372 1.205 0.426 ‐0.093 (1.67) (22.56) (1.90) (‐0.74) 3 0.095 1.171 ‐0.002 0.201 (0.51) (21.87) (‐0.01) (2.15) High RIX‐beta ‐0.064 1.164 ‐0.015 ‐0.104 (‐0.25) (18.76) (‐0.06) (‐0.71) Low ‐ High 0.861 ‐0.013 0.786 0.249 (2.52) (‐0.17) (2.13) (1.52) MOP 2 factor AMP 3 factor α TSMOM α VAL MOM 0.668 0.081 0.613 0.443 0.399 (2.69) (2.16) (2.60) (3.34) (2.92) 0.368 0.002 0.311 0.318 0.052 (1.64) (0.10) (1.47) (2.99) (0.49) 0.040 0.035 ‐0.039 0.355 0.274 (0.21) (1.51) (‐0.23) (4.08) (4.06) ‐0.070 0.004 ‐0.201 0.679 0.136 (‐0.29) (0.13) (‐0.98) (6.88) (2.09) 0.738 0.077 0.814 ‐0.235 0.263 (2.28) (1.63) (2.60) (‐1.38) (1.63) α 0.452 (1.86) 0.003 (0.01) ‐0.129 (‐0.69) ‐0.206 (‐0.83) 0.658 (2.25) FF 4 factor SMB HML 0.546 0.097 (5.13) (0.88) 0.258 0.165 (2.40) (1.85) 0.004 0.164 (0.04) (2.06) 0.278 0.205 (2.27) (2.21) 0.269 ‐0.108 (1.91) (‐0.62) WML 0.076 (1.17) ‐0.057 (‐0.95) 0.060 (1.06) ‐0.074 (‐1.16) 0.150 (1.48) HKK 3 factor α CP SRET 0.442 0.157 0.234 (1.44) (1.79) (3.40) ‐0.004 0.166 0.027 (‐0.01) (1.92) (0.40) ‐0.276 0.204 0.149 (‐1.55) (3.82) (3.74) ‐0.331 0.256 0.044 (‐1.33) (3.14) (0.66) 0.773 ‐0.099 0.190 (2.26) (‐0.82) (1.95) α 0.515 (2.32) 0.122 (0.53) ‐0.141 (‐0.74) ‐0.270 (‐1.16) 0.785 (2.51) FF 4 factor SMB HML 0.598 ‐0.012 (4.79) (‐0.12) 0.214 0.208 (2.73) (2.03) ‐0.051 0.189 (‐0.53) (3.06) 0.246 0.197 (1.90) (2.00) 0.352 ‐0.209 (1.85) (‐1.21) WML 0.056 (0.82) ‐0.018 (‐0.31) 0.088 (1.55) ‐0.087 (‐1.44) 0.143 (1.35) HKK 3 factor α CP SRET 0.588 0.054 0.220 (2.13) (0.59) (2.89) 0.074 0.263 0.116 (0.33) (3.21) (2.17) ‐0.293 0.215 0.139 (‐1.52) (4.51) (3.21) ‐0.313 0.188 0.008 (‐1.35) (2.39) (0.14) 0.901 ‐0.134 0.212 (2.41) (‐0.99) (2.14) Panel C: Semi‐Annual Portfolio Formation Global CAPM FP 2 factor α MSCI α BAB Low RIX‐beta 0.863 1.138 0.799 0.229 (3.28) (14.39) (2.85) (1.31) 2 0.199 1.177 0.256 ‐0.124 (0.93) (23.95) (1.22) (‐1.14) 3 0.252 1.228 0.184 0.112 (1.43) (24.48) (1.02) (1.27) High RIX‐beta ‐0.107 1.149 ‐0.090 ‐0.054 (‐0.42) (17.39) (‐0.35) (‐0.37) Low ‐ High 0.970 ‐0.011 0.889 0.283 (2.79) (‐0.15) (2.30) (1.66) MOP 2 factor AMP 3 factor α TSMOM α VAL MOM 0.720 0.089 0.660 0.453 0.460 (2.90) (2.02) (2.71) (3.23) (3.03) 0.195 0.002 0.133 0.305 0.060 (0.90) (0.09) (0.65) (2.51) (0.57) 0.213 0.024 0.140 0.310 0.203 (1.15) (1.15) (0.85) (4.03) (2.67) ‐0.120 0.008 ‐0.268 0.726 0.157 (‐0.51) (0.25) (‐1.39) (8.49) (2.43) 0.840 0.081 0.928 ‐0.273 0.303 (2.57) (1.50) (2.84) (‐1.77) (1.73) FF 4 factor α SMB HML WML 0.565 0.604 ‐0.003 0.078 (2.35) (4.86) (‐0.03) (0.96) ‐0.086 0.224 0.223 0.022 (‐0.39) (2.80) (2.42) (0.45) 0.101 ‐0.061 0.097 0.011 (0.53) (‐0.76) (1.54) (0.16) ‐0.354 0.241 0.253 ‐0.066 (‐1.55) (1.89) (2.66) (‐1.09) 0.919 0.363 ‐0.256 0.144 (2.68) (2.07) (‐1.31) (1.26) HKK 3 factor α CP SRET 0.580 0.072 0.263 (2.07) (0.67) (2.76) ‐0.106 0.255 0.138 (‐0.48) (3.27) (2.38) ‐0.050 0.187 0.068 (‐0.27) (3.94) (1.55) ‐0.389 0.192 0.020 (‐1.70) (2.61) (0.38) 0.969 ‐0.119 0.243 (2.50) (‐0.80) (2.05) Panel D: Annual Portfolio Formation Global CAPM α MSCI Low RIX‐beta 0.791 1.192 (2.89) (12.28) 2 0.246 1.154 (1.15) (20.58) 3 0.141 1.188 (0.90) (26.43) High RIX‐beta ‐0.130 1.143 (‐0.58) (22.40) Low ‐ High 0.921 0.049 (2.95) (0.59) MOP 2 factor AMP 3 factor α TSMOM α VAL MOM 0.697 0.059 0.570 0.537 0.475 (2.78) (1.25) (2.35) (3.49) (3.26) 0.214 0.020 0.136 0.350 0.167 (1.05) (0.81) (0.68) (3.17) (1.56) 0.155 ‐0.009 0.114 0.255 ‐0.048 (0.92) (‐0.43) (0.76) (3.02) (‐0.73) ‐0.178 0.030 ‐0.290 0.664 0.188 (‐0.80) (1.19) (‐1.68) (8.79) (3.76) 0.876 0.028 0.860 ‐0.127 0.286 (2.89) (0.63) (2.80) (‐0.75) (1.88) FF 4 factor α SMB HML 0.419 0.686 0.084 (1.77) (5.41) (0.79) ‐0.055 0.180 0.215 (‐0.24) (1.97) (2.34) ‐0.033 ‐0.076 0.244 (‐0.20) (‐0.83) (4.44) ‐0.306 0.235 0.132 (‐1.49) (2.02) (1.56) 0.725 0.451 ‐0.049 (2.47) (2.55) (‐0.30) HKK 3 factor α CP SRET 0.464 0.121 0.281 (1.70) (1.28) (3.33) ‐0.159 0.220 0.182 (‐0.71) (3.00) (3.39) ‐0.205 0.327 ‐0.029 (‐1.21) (6.28) (‐0.58) ‐0.260 0.093 0.015 (‐1.47) (1.38) (0.37) 0.724 0.028 0.266 (2.22) (0.23) (2.96) FP 2 factor α BAB 0.691 0.311 (2.44) (1.83) 0.293 ‐0.116 (1.37) (‐1.01) 0.160 ‐0.078 (0.98) (‐1.00) ‐0.139 ‐0.006 (‐0.62) (‐0.05) 0.829 0.317 (2.50) (2.32) WML 0.086 (1.17) 0.069 (1.22) ‐0.055 (‐0.95) ‐0.080 (‐1.79) 0.166 (1.88) Table IA‐2: FXRIX‐beta portfolio alphas and factor loadings This table reports detailed results of FXRIX‐beta portfolios. The benchmark factors include currency market (i.e., the dollar (DOL) factor in Lustig‐Roussanov‐Verdelhan 2‐factor model using all countries), Frazzini‐ Pedersen (FP) betting‐agains‐beta (BAB), Moskowitz‐Ooi‐Pedersen (MOP) time series momentum (TSMOM), Asness‐Moskowitz‐Pedersen (AMP) currency‐based value (VAL) and momentum (MOM), and Lustig‐ Roussanov‐Verdelhan (LRV) carry (HML). Panel A: Monthly Portfolio Formation Currency Market FP 2 factor α DOL α BAB Low RIX‐beta 0.516 1.285 0.507 0.194 (3.30) (18.84) (3.29) (2.23) 2 ‐0.101 1.028 ‐0.090 ‐0.042 (‐1.24) (20.01) (‐1.07) (‐0.79) 3 0.077 1.031 0.069 0.060 (1.01) (22.73) (0.88) (1.42) High RIX‐beta 0.174 1.154 0.160 0.135 (1.77) (19.20) (1.64) (2.74) Low ‐ High 0.341 0.131 0.347 0.059 (1.81) (1.62) (1.83) (0.53) MOP 2 factor AMP 3 factor α TSMOM α VAL MOM 0.512 0.005 0.519 ‐0.048 0.043 (3.25) (0.17) (3.38) (‐0.63) (0.58) ‐0.104 0.003 ‐0.125 0.084 0.027 (‐1.20) (0.16) (‐1.57) (1.63) (0.65) 0.064 0.016 0.100 ‐0.075 ‐0.028 (0.83) (0.86) (1.29) (‐2.08) (‐0.73) 0.180 ‐0.007 0.171 0.030 ‐0.017 (1.76) (‐0.30) (1.69) (0.44) (‐0.27) 0.332 0.012 0.348 ‐0.078 0.060 (1.72) (0.32) (1.82) (‐0.87) (0.67) LRV 2 factor α HML 0.495 0.031 (3.21) (0.51) ‐0.088 ‐0.021 (‐1.06) (‐0.43) 0.130 ‐0.078 (1.63) (‐2.33) 0.227 ‐0.080 (2.10) (‐1.56) 0.267 0.111 (1.39) (1.62) Panel B: Quarterly Portfolio Formation Currency Market FP 2 factor α DOL α BAB Low RIX‐beta 0.551 1.331 0.546 0.179 (3.14) (20.35) (3.17) (2.51) 2 0.001 1.013 ‐0.002 ‐0.044 (0.01) (16.92) (‐0.02) (‐0.69) 3 0.070 1.026 0.086 0.035 (0.94) (20.38) (1.17) (1.02) High RIX‐beta 0.077 1.136 0.049 0.169 (0.81) (18.09) (0.54) (4.33) Low ‐ High 0.474 0.195 0.496 0.009 (2.46) (2.70) (2.58) (0.11) MOP 2 factor AMP 3 factor α TSMOM α VAL MOM 0.537 0.017 0.546 ‐0.030 0.060 (3.03) (0.63) (3.20) (‐0.41) (0.87) 0.001 ‐0.001 ‐0.029 0.099 0.040 (0.02) (‐0.05) (‐0.35) (1.90) (0.84) 0.076 ‐0.008 0.099 ‐0.087 ‐0.050 (1.02) (‐0.55) (1.32) (‐2.45) (‐1.37) 0.068 0.011 0.077 0.015 ‐0.019 (0.72) (0.51) (0.78) (0.21) (‐0.30) 0.469 0.006 0.469 ‐0.045 0.078 (2.36) (0.19) (2.38) (‐0.53) (0.99) LRV 2 factor α HML 0.559 ‐0.012 (3.20) (‐0.18) 0.013 ‐0.018 (0.13) (‐0.33) 0.106 ‐0.054 (1.38) (‐1.46) 0.126 ‐0.073 (1.24) (‐1.65) 0.433 0.061 (2.21) (0.87) Panel C: Semi‐Annual Portfolio Formation Currency Market FP 2 factor α DOL α BAB Low RIX‐beta 0.615 1.290 0.615 0.128 (3.41) (19.29) (3.42) (1.82) 2 ‐0.179 1.041 ‐0.191 0.013 (‐2.05) (24.34) (‐2.16) (0.27) 3 0.121 1.016 0.126 0.060 (1.54) (19.07) (1.57) (1.53) High RIX‐beta 0.111 1.164 0.098 0.141 (1.22) (19.31) (1.13) (2.84) Low ‐ High 0.505 0.126 0.516 ‐0.012 (2.54) (1.71) (2.56) (‐0.14) MOP 2 factor α TSMOM 0.601 0.018 (3.28) (0.66) ‐0.178 ‐0.001 (‐2.09) (‐0.07) 0.122 ‐0.001 (1.51) (‐0.05) 0.103 0.009 (1.12) (0.46) 0.497 0.009 (2.40) (0.28) AMP 3 factor α VAL MOM 0.607 ‐0.001 0.045 (3.43) (‐0.01) (0.62) ‐0.178 ‐0.012 0.004 (‐2.02) (‐0.34) (0.11) 0.142 ‐0.077 ‐0.016 (1.75) (‐1.91) (‐0.43) 0.094 0.072 ‐0.001 (1.00) (1.11) (‐0.01) 0.512 ‐0.073 0.046 (2.53) (‐0.90) (0.55) LRV 2 factor α HML 0.610 0.007 (3.37) (0.11) ‐0.149 ‐0.045 (‐1.59) (‐0.93) 0.149 ‐0.041 (1.85) (‐0.96) 0.155 ‐0.066 (1.61) (‐1.53) 0.456 0.073 (2.26) (1.07) Panel D: Annual Portfolio Formation Currency Market α DOL Low RIX‐beta 0.526 1.282 (3.29) (16.68) 2 ‐0.131 1.084 (‐1.60) (21.34) 3 0.110 1.061 (1.32) (19.58) High RIX‐beta 0.157 1.089 (1.56) (19.12) Low ‐ High 0.369 0.193 (1.92) (2.06) MOP 2 factor α TSMOM 0.529 ‐0.005 (3.24) (‐0.14) ‐0.120 ‐0.014 (‐1.49) (‐0.81) 0.109 0.002 (1.26) (0.11) 0.123 0.042 (1.21) (2.14) 0.407 ‐0.047 (2.04) (‐1.18) AMP 3 factor α VAL MOM 0.556 ‐0.121 ‐0.018 (3.61) (‐1.43) (‐0.22) ‐0.126 0.002 ‐0.026 (‐1.53) (0.05) (‐0.70) 0.091 0.062 0.029 (1.07) (1.17) (0.62) 0.135 0.051 0.056 (1.29) (1.02) (1.13) 0.422 ‐0.172 ‐0.074 (2.21) (‐1.89) (‐0.78) LRV 2 factor α HML 0.477 0.072 (2.92) (1.06) ‐0.084 ‐0.071 (‐0.94) (‐1.56) 0.131 ‐0.031 (1.55) (‐0.69) 0.236 ‐0.119 (2.30) (‐2.86) 0.241 0.191 (1.22) (2.55) FP 2 factor α BAB 0.524 0.131 (3.28) (1.58) ‐0.145 0.035 (‐1.76) (0.72) 0.124 ‐0.051 (1.47) (‐1.04) 0.140 0.218 (1.46) (5.35) 0.384 ‐0.087 (1.97) (‐0.97) Table IA‐3: BDRIX‐beta portfolio alphas and factor loadings This table reports detailed results of BDRIX‐beta portfolios. The benchmark factors include global bond market (GBD), Frazzini‐Pedersen (FP) betting‐agains‐beta (BAB), Moskowitz‐Ooi‐ Pedersen (MOP) time series momentum (TSMOM), Asness‐Moskowitz‐Pedersen (AMP) global‐government‐bond‐based value (VAL) and momentum (MOM). Panel A: Monthly Portfolio Formation Bond Market FP 2 factor α GBD α BAB Low RIX‐beta 0.364 1.361 0.357 ‐0.201 (5.39) (11.99) (5.18) (‐1.81) 2 0.186 0.861 0.180 ‐0.066 (4.54) (13.87) (4.45) (‐0.59) 3 0.157 0.768 0.165 ‐0.187 (3.98) (12.88) (4.00) (‐2.78) High RIX‐beta 0.148 0.968 0.164 ‐0.244 (2.62) (9.58) (2.72) (‐2.16) Low ‐ High 0.216 0.393 0.193 0.043 (2.84) (2.38) (2.49) (0.30) MOP 2 factor α TSMOM 0.289 0.048 (4.42) (3.40) 0.154 0.021 (3.87) (1.84) 0.135 0.014 (3.58) (1.54) 0.130 0.012 (2.47) (0.94) 0.159 0.036 (2.15) (2.22) AMP 3 factor α VAL MOM 0.361 0.021 0.214 (5.42) (0.13) (1.91) 0.185 0.018 0.032 (4.41) (0.17) (0.37) 0.161 ‐0.087 0.061 (4.18) (‐1.27) (1.06) 0.162 ‐0.272 0.061 (3.05) (‐3.29) (0.74) 0.199 0.292 0.153 (2.69) (1.65) (1.11) Panel B: Quarterly Portfolio Formation Bond Market FP 2 factor α GBD α BAB Low RIX‐beta 0.272 1.263 0.260 ‐0.167 (4.13) (12.78) (3.91) (‐1.06) 2 0.199 0.889 0.197 ‐0.188 (4.73) (11.78) (4.70) (‐2.35) 3 0.161 0.743 0.167 ‐0.167 (3.35) (11.93) (3.34) (‐2.69) High RIX‐beta 0.188 1.016 0.205 ‐0.215 (3.40) (10.04) (3.53) (‐2.00) Low ‐ High 0.084 0.247 0.055 0.048 (1.08) (1.61) (0.70) (0.26) MOP 2 factor α TSMOM 0.205 0.041 (3.24) (2.84) 0.156 0.027 (3.68) (2.51) 0.131 0.018 (2.95) (2.46) 0.162 0.016 (3.12) (1.28) 0.043 0.026 (0.56) (1.60) AMP 3 factor α VAL MOM 0.274 ‐0.055 0.099 (4.14) (‐0.39) (1.04) 0.187 0.133 0.134 (4.32) (1.60) (1.62) 0.164 ‐0.064 0.075 (3.62) (‐0.92) (1.19) 0.201 ‐0.202 0.074 (3.73) (‐2.23) (0.88) 0.073 0.146 0.025 (0.94) (1.00) (0.21) Panel C: Semi‐Annual Portfolio Formation Bond Market FP 2 factor α GBD α BAB Low RIX‐beta 0.404 1.362 0.401 ‐0.385 (6.17) (10.95) (6.02) (‐3.14) 2 0.171 0.779 0.164 ‐0.044 (4.91) (13.26) (4.75) (‐0.42) 3 0.149 0.711 0.156 ‐0.138 (3.76) (11.42) (3.73) (‐2.31) 0.141 ‐0.254 High RIX‐beta 0.126 1.089 (2.08) (9.97) (2.22) (‐2.33) Low ‐ High 0.278 0.273 0.260 ‐0.131 (3.46) (1.70) (3.18) (‐0.81) MOP 2 factor α TSMOM 0.340 0.039 (5.62) (2.62) 0.127 0.027 (3.32) (2.50) 0.126 0.014 (3.31) (2.19) 0.094 0.020 (1.59) (1.51) 0.246 0.019 (3.08) (1.08) AMP 3 factor α VAL MOM 0.386 0.170 0.302 (5.73) (1.31) (2.30) 0.170 0.005 0.016 (4.86) (0.07) (0.22) 0.156 ‐0.101 0.020 (3.90) (‐1.45) (0.36) 0.139 ‐0.210 0.089 (2.37) (‐2.20) (1.05) 0.247 0.380 0.212 (3.11) (2.81) (1.47) Panel D: Annual Portfolio Formation Bond Market FP 2 factor α GBD α BAB Low RIX‐beta 0.377 1.434 0.372 ‐0.417 (5.36) (10.92) (5.15) (‐2.22) 2 0.162 0.749 0.158 ‐0.087 (4.51) (10.71) (4.49) (‐1.23) 3 0.132 0.728 0.134 ‐0.010 (3.21) (9.89) (3.09) (‐0.14) High RIX‐beta 0.181 1.065 0.199 ‐0.231 (2.99) (10.45) (3.19) (‐2.32) Low ‐ High 0.196 0.369 0.174 ‐0.185 (2.55) (2.01) (2.23) (‐0.87) MOP 2 factor α TSMOM 0.282 0.061 (4.45) (3.40) 0.128 0.022 (3.34) (2.07) 0.123 0.006 (3.11) (0.79) 0.168 0.008 (2.74) (0.63) 0.114 0.053 (1.43) (2.51) AMP 3 factor α VAL MOM 0.378 ‐0.062 0.308 (5.38) (‐0.33) (1.83) 0.162 0.009 0.066 (4.48) (0.13) (0.95) 0.140 ‐0.154 0.036 (3.55) (‐2.25) (0.65) 0.188 ‐0.148 ‐0.002 (3.15) (‐1.60) (‐0.02) 0.189 0.086 0.309 (2.52) (0.42) (1.66) Table IA‐4: CMRIX‐beta portfolio alphas and factor loadings This table reports detailed results of CMRIX‐beta portfolios. The benchmark factors include commodity market (SPGSCI), Frazzini‐ Pedersen (FP) betting‐agains‐beta (BAB), Moskowitz‐Ooi‐Pedersen (MOP) time series momentum (TSMOM), Asness‐Moskowitz‐ Pedersen (AMP) commodity‐based value (VAL) and momentum (MOM), Baltas and Kosowski (BK) trend‐following time series momentum at monthly frequency domain (FTB), and Yang basis (HML). Note: the time series of commodity basis factor provided in Yang (2014) is only up to December 2008. Panel A: Monthly Portfolio Formation Comm. Market FP 2 factor α SPGSCI α BAB Low RIX‐beta 0.543 0.524 0.582 0.274 (1.92) (11.98) (2.10) (3.66) 2 0.334 0.509 0.295 0.235 (1.19) (11.50) (1.05) (3.01) 3 0.133 0.488 0.127 0.348 (0.44) (8.08) (0.44) (4.91) High RIX‐beta ‐0.280 0.373 ‐0.373 0.318 (‐0.89) (6.83) (‐1.22) (4.35) Low ‐ High 0.823 0.151 0.955 ‐0.044 (1.96) (2.00) (2.19) (‐0.35) MOP 2 factor AMP 3 factor α TSMOM α VAL MOM 0.559 ‐0.020 0.575 0.075 ‐0.039 (1.90) (‐0.29) (1.98) (1.05) (‐0.60) 0.237 0.115 0.287 0.045 0.068 (0.82) (1.40) (0.97) (0.58) (0.87) 0.156 ‐0.028 0.143 0.206 0.000 (0.53) (‐0.35) (0.50) (2.99) (0.01) ‐0.355 0.089 ‐0.326 0.211 0.080 (‐1.13) (1.04) (‐1.06) (2.90) (1.08) 0.914 ‐0.109 0.901 ‐0.136 ‐0.120 (2.18) (‐1.10) (2.12) (‐1.30) (‐1.32) BK 2 factor α FTB 0.738 ‐0.072 (2.37) (‐1.13) 0.263 0.036 (0.82) (0.46) 0.225 ‐0.048 (0.74) (‐0.56) ‐0.364 0.019 (‐1.07) (0.22) 1.102 ‐0.091 (2.49) (‐1.00) Yang 2 factor α HML 0.521 0.012 (1.78) (0.19) 0.134 0.059 (0.49) (0.89) 0.287 ‐0.052 (0.94) (‐1.04) ‐0.186 ‐0.032 (‐0.51) (‐0.49) 0.707 0.044 (1.51) (0.53) Panel B: Quarterly Portfolio Formation Comm. Market FP 2 factor α SPGSCI α BAB Low RIX‐beta 0.487 0.634 0.553 0.253 (1.58) (11.93) (1.79) (3.09) 2 0.132 0.419 0.152 0.402 (0.46) (7.59) (0.57) (6.75) 3 0.200 0.392 0.210 0.380 (0.73) (7.05) (0.81) (5.81) High RIX‐beta ‐0.444 0.334 ‐0.462 0.332 (‐1.55) (6.30) (‐1.71) (5.74) Low ‐ High 0.930 0.300 1.015 ‐0.080 (2.10) (3.79) (2.23) (‐0.78) MOP 2 factor AMP 3 factor α TSMOM α VAL MOM 0.558 ‐0.081 0.511 0.087 ‐0.038 (1.69) (‐1.04) (1.56) (1.03) (‐0.48) 0.102 0.034 0.141 0.126 ‐0.020 (0.36) (0.37) (0.49) (1.76) (‐0.31) 0.211 ‐0.013 0.220 0.164 ‐0.037 (0.77) (‐0.15) (0.79) (2.79) (‐0.60) ‐0.477 0.038 ‐0.470 0.161 0.028 (‐1.66) (0.55) (‐1.64) (2.52) (0.43) 1.035 ‐0.119 0.981 ‐0.074 ‐0.066 (2.32) (‐1.27) (2.15) (‐0.73) (‐0.71) BK 2 factor α FTB 0.669 ‐0.074 (1.84) (‐0.91) 0.256 ‐0.088 (0.84) (‐1.02) 0.201 ‐0.008 (0.72) (‐0.11) ‐0.542 0.035 (‐1.86) (0.48) 1.211 ‐0.109 (2.48) (‐1.18) Yang 2 factor α HML 0.604 0.021 (2.26) (0.32) 0.389 0.020 (1.37) (0.37) ‐0.109 ‐0.000 (‐0.38) (‐0.00) ‐0.173 ‐0.060 (‐0.57) (‐1.24) 0.777 0.081 (1.86) (1.00) Panel C: Semi‐Annual Portfolio Formation Comm. Market FP 2 factor α SPGSCI α BAB Low RIX‐beta 0.754 0.557 0.833 0.254 (2.53) (10.10) (2.80) (3.19) 2 ‐0.248 0.490 ‐0.220 0.396 (‐0.99) (12.33) (‐0.95) (5.77) 3 0.556 0.416 0.526 0.372 (1.97) (8.31) (2.03) (5.77) High RIX‐beta ‐0.582 0.341 ‐0.584 0.319 (‐2.13) (5.97) (‐2.26) (5.80) Low ‐ High 1.336 0.216 1.417 ‐0.066 (3.39) (2.92) (3.51) (‐0.65) MOP 2 factor α TSMOM 0.753 0.001 (2.34) (0.01) ‐0.278 0.034 (‐1.08) (0.50) 0.524 0.037 (1.85) (0.40) ‐0.546 ‐0.041 (‐1.99) (‐0.63) 1.299 0.042 (3.19) (0.45) AMP 3 factor α VAL MOM 0.740 0.099 0.014 (2.34) (1.19) (0.17) ‐0.266 0.146 0.017 (‐1.04) (2.13) (0.26) 0.563 0.165 ‐0.018 (1.95) (2.36) (‐0.29) ‐0.564 0.148 ‐0.032 (‐2.03) (2.48) (‐0.49) 1.304 ‐0.048 0.046 (3.21) (‐0.50) (0.46) BK 2 factor α FTB 0.893 ‐0.033 (2.51) (‐0.37) ‐0.284 0.035 (‐1.08) (0.60) 0.476 0.001 (1.65) (0.01) ‐0.473 ‐0.083 (‐1.61) (‐1.20) 1.365 0.050 (3.03) (0.50) Yang 2 factor α HML 0.827 ‐0.025 (2.52) (‐0.34) ‐0.395 0.049 (‐1.42) (0.86) 0.331 ‐0.034 (1.02) (‐0.62) ‐0.500 ‐0.051 (‐1.58) (‐0.92) 1.327 0.026 (2.84) (0.32) Panel D: Annual Portfolio Formation Comm. Market α SPGSCI Low RIX‐beta 0.488 0.515 (1.59) (8.07) 2 ‐0.060 0.452 (‐0.21) (10.13) 3 0.646 0.433 (2.24) (7.38) High RIX‐beta ‐0.601 0.400 (‐2.26) (8.91) Low ‐ High 1.089 0.116 (2.74) (1.47) MOP 2 factor α TSMOM 0.469 0.021 (1.43) (0.25) ‐0.071 0.012 (‐0.24) (0.15) 0.626 0.022 (2.12) (0.28) ‐0.568 ‐0.038 (‐2.12) (‐0.60) 1.036 0.060 (2.52) (0.68) AMP 3 factor α VAL MOM 0.450 0.147 0.043 (1.36) (1.81) (0.51) ‐0.026 0.150 ‐0.055 (‐0.09) (1.92) (‐0.82) 0.616 0.173 0.032 (2.08) (2.75) (0.57) ‐0.575 0.099 ‐0.041 (‐2.13) (1.75) (‐0.60) 1.025 0.048 0.084 (2.45) (0.52) (0.82) BK 2 factor α FTB 0.521 0.022 (1.46) (0.25) ‐0.039 ‐0.016 (‐0.13) (‐0.23) 0.728 ‐0.092 (2.43) (‐1.27) ‐0.562 ‐0.023 (‐2.06) (‐0.30) 1.083 0.044 (2.38) (0.44) Yang 2 factor α HML 0.539 0.001 (1.53) (0.02) ‐0.243 0.008 (‐0.84) (0.14) 0.529 ‐0.007 (1.51) (‐0.16) ‐0.541 ‐0.071 (‐1.68) (‐1.17) 1.081 0.072 (2.26) (0.81) FP 2 factor α BAB 0.551 0.308 (1.81) (3.80) ‐0.049 0.434 (‐0.18) (5.80) 0.634 0.321 (2.39) (5.20) ‐0.587 0.287 (‐2.29) (5.29) 1.138 0.021 (2.77) (0.20) Table IA‐5: Asset‐class RIX‐beta COMBO portfolio alphas and factor loadings This table reports detailed results of four asset‐class RIX‐beta combination portfolios. The benchmark factors include global equity market (MSCI world equity market return), Frazzini‐Pedersen (FP) betting‐agains‐beta (BAB), Moskowitz‐Ooi‐Pedersen (MOP) time series momentum (TSMOM), Asness‐Moskowitz‐Pedersen (AMP) all‐asset‐based value (VAL) and momentum (MOM), and Baltas and Kosowski (BK) trend‐following time series momentum at monthly frequency domain (FTB). Panel A: Monthly Portfolio Formation Global CAPM FP 2 factor α MSCI α BAB Low RIX‐beta 0.641 0.434 0.327 0.704 (3.78) (9.46) (2.13) (5.44) 2 0.222 0.444 0.071 0.337 (1.42) (12.30) (0.43) (2.98) 3 0.181 0.438 ‐0.098 0.619 (1.30) (8.12) (‐0.76) (5.51) High RIX‐beta 0.053 0.395 ‐0.287 0.754 (0.31) (7.88) (‐1.97) (5.53) Low ‐ High 0.588 0.039 0.614 ‐0.050 (3.53) (1.28) (3.53) (‐0.30) MOP 2 factor AMP 3 factor α TSMOM α VAL MOM 0.500 0.113 0.603 ‐0.073 0.133 (3.19) (2.15) (3.94) (‐0.70) (1.35) 0.121 0.080 0.226 ‐0.076 0.022 (0.76) (1.75) (1.43) (‐0.63) (0.25) 0.118 0.050 0.119 0.090 0.121 (0.89) (1.14) (0.84) (0.90) (1.60) ‐0.063 0.093 ‐0.055 0.217 0.186 (‐0.39) (1.87) (‐0.34) (2.18) (2.38) 0.563 0.020 0.659 ‐0.290 ‐0.054 (3.26) (0.53) (4.17) (‐2.32) (‐0.57) BK 2 factor α FTB 0.591 0.065 (3.55) (1.43) 0.224 0.015 (1.32) (0.30) 0.187 0.012 (1.44) (0.29) 0.036 0.034 (0.22) (0.76) 0.555 0.031 (3.22) (0.87) Panel B: Quarterly Portfolio Formation Global CAPM FP 2 factor α MSCI α BAB Low RIX‐beta 0.615 0.455 0.282 0.731 (3.31) (7.85) (1.81) (5.07) 2 0.187 0.453 ‐0.024 0.441 (1.22) (12.17) (‐0.14) (3.98) 3 0.160 0.417 ‐0.108 0.575 (1.09) (8.87) (‐0.87) (5.28) High RIX‐beta 0.012 0.406 ‐0.292 0.645 (0.08) (8.70) (‐2.19) (5.38) Low ‐ High 0.604 0.049 0.574 0.087 (3.48) (1.60) (3.35) (0.51) MOP 2 factor AMP 3 factor α TSMOM α VAL MOM 0.520 0.079 0.582 ‐0.074 0.125 (3.21) (1.37) (3.52) (‐0.65) (1.18) 0.132 0.046 0.155 0.068 0.052 (0.83) (1.02) (0.96) (0.50) (0.53) 0.089 0.059 0.102 0.068 0.122 (0.65) (1.30) (0.71) (0.88) (1.96) ‐0.082 0.077 ‐0.068 0.172 0.131 (‐0.59) (1.60) (‐0.48) (1.68) (1.84) 0.602 0.001 0.650 ‐0.245 ‐0.007 (3.69) (0.03) (4.02) (‐1.80) (‐0.07) BK 2 factor α FTB 0.582 0.048 (3.47) (0.92) 0.216 ‐0.010 (1.25) (‐0.20) 0.136 0.027 (0.98) (0.71) ‐0.017 0.028 (‐0.12) (0.66) 0.599 0.020 (3.57) (0.52) Panel C: Semi‐Annual Portfolio Formation Global CAPM FP 2 factor α MSCI α BAB Low RIX‐beta 0.703 0.425 0.395 0.683 (3.78) (7.37) (2.26) (4.48) 2 0.051 0.447 ‐0.229 0.584 (0.34) (12.35) (‐1.65) (6.06) 3 0.299 0.435 0.072 0.454 (2.09) (10.18) (0.49) (3.99) High RIX‐beta ‐0.066 0.426 ‐0.363 0.649 (‐0.46) (9.07) (‐3.04) (5.96) Low ‐ High 0.769 ‐0.001 0.758 0.034 (4.58) (‐0.04) (4.20) (0.21) MOP 2 factor α TSMOM 0.609 0.077 (3.43) (1.34) ‐0.057 0.089 (‐0.40) (2.09) 0.237 0.051 (1.60) (1.01) ‐0.133 0.055 (‐1.03) (1.22) 0.742 0.022 (4.36) (0.44) AMP 3 factor α VAL MOM 0.652 ‐0.035 0.151 (3.70) (‐0.28) (1.55) ‐0.008 0.088 0.116 (‐0.06) (0.88) (1.37) 0.288 ‐0.017 0.038 (1.90) (‐0.24) (0.53) ‐0.158 0.219 0.141 (‐1.21) (2.07) (2.05) 0.810 ‐0.254 0.011 (4.97) (‐1.89) (0.14) BK 2 factor α FTB 0.678 0.044 (3.78) (0.81) 0.021 0.033 (0.14) (0.75) 0.253 0.025 (1.75) (0.62) ‐0.047 0.004 (‐0.36) (0.10) 0.725 0.040 (4.19) (0.85) Panel D: Annual Portfolio Formation Global CAPM α MSCI Low RIX‐beta 0.590 0.446 (3.09) (6.97) 2 0.106 0.432 (0.69) (10.89) 3 0.280 0.431 (2.06) (11.11) High RIX‐beta ‐0.028 0.421 (‐0.21) (9.99) Low ‐ High 0.618 0.025 (3.87) (0.68) MOP 2 factor α TSMOM 0.487 0.089 (2.69) (1.60) 0.014 0.079 (0.10) (1.87) 0.250 0.026 (1.73) (0.55) ‐0.097 0.060 (‐0.80) (1.31) 0.584 0.029 (3.54) (0.73) AMP 3 factor α VAL MOM 0.511 0.030 0.202 (2.75) (0.25) (1.92) 0.069 0.038 0.082 (0.45) (0.36) (1.00) 0.249 0.085 0.040 (1.88) (0.88) (0.55) ‐0.081 0.081 0.105 (‐0.64) (0.89) (1.52) 0.592 ‐0.051 0.097 (3.45) (‐0.36) (1.15) BK 2 factor α FTB 0.586 0.040 (3.26) (0.76) 0.079 0.023 (0.51) (0.53) 0.300 ‐0.015 (2.15) (‐0.36) ‐0.055 0.033 (‐0.45) (0.80) 0.641 0.008 (3.99) (0.20) FP 2 factor α BAB 0.292 0.693 (1.54) (4.11) ‐0.194 0.604 (‐1.33) (6.15) 0.046 0.485 (0.35) (4.36) ‐0.288 0.563 (‐2.66) (6.73) 0.581 0.130 (3.14) (0.82) Table IA‐6: GRIX‐beta portfolio alphas and factor loadings This table reports detailed results of GRIX‐beta portfolios. The benchmark factors include global equity market (MSCI world equity market return), Frazzini‐Pedersen (FP) betting‐agains‐beta (BAB), Moskowitz‐Ooi‐Pedersen (MOP) time series momentum (TSMOM), Asness‐Moskowitz‐Pedersen (AMP) all‐asset‐based value (VAL) and momentum (MOM), and Baltas and Kosowski (BK) trend‐following time series momentum at monthly frequency domain (FTB). Panel A: Monthly Portfolio Formation Global CAPM α MSCI Low GRIX‐beta 0.944 0.531 (3.98) (8.41) 2 0.300 0.358 (1.90) (7.89) 3 0.302 0.346 (2.31) (7.97) 4 0.119 0.544 (0.56) (6.73) High GRIX‐beta ‐0.060 0.543 (‐0.22) (6.23) Low ‐ High 1.004 ‐0.012 (3.61) (‐0.20) FP 2 factor α BAB 0.675 0.679 (2.80) (3.56) 0.081 0.517 (0.53) (5.55) 0.048 0.527 (0.37) (5.19) ‐0.233 0.760 (‐1.03) (3.65) ‐0.534 1.076 (‐2.05) (5.43) 1.208 ‐0.396 (4.07) (‐1.70) MOP 2 factor α TSMOM 0.672 0.217 (2.75) (2.15) 0.159 0.113 (0.98) (2.03) 0.160 0.113 (1.29) (3.21) 0.111 0.007 (0.51) (0.11) ‐0.033 ‐0.022 (‐0.13) (‐0.25) 0.704 0.238 (2.55) (2.50) AMP 3 factor α VAL MOM 0.914 ‐0.144 0.142 (3.75) (‐0.77) (0.97) 0.246 0.061 0.114 (1.47) (0.58) (1.15) 0.191 0.174 0.211 (1.54) (1.80) (2.96) ‐0.023 0.363 0.207 (‐0.10) (2.72) (1.70) ‐0.080 ‐0.028 0.065 (‐0.27) (‐0.18) (0.45) 0.994 ‐0.115 0.077 (3.32) (‐0.55) (0.46) BK 2 factor α FTB 0.884 0.091 (3.47) (1.16) 0.271 0.048 (1.60) (0.98) 0.217 0.066 (1.72) (1.78) 0.199 ‐0.036 (0.88) (‐0.54) 0.025 ‐0.024 (0.10) (‐0.30) 0.860 0.116 (2.89) (1.47) Panel B: Quarterly Portfolio Formation Global CAPM α MSCI Low GRIX‐beta 0.772 0.502 (3.29) (7.50) 2 0.329 0.337 (1.98) (7.31) 3 0.212 0.357 (1.48) (7.19) 4 0.189 0.528 (0.89) (6.77) High GRIX‐beta 0.040 0.537 (0.15) (6.90) Low ‐ High 0.731 ‐0.035 (2.55) (‐0.61) FP 2 factor α BAB 0.548 0.619 (2.30) (3.01) 0.117 0.530 (0.74) (5.53) ‐0.026 0.537 (‐0.18) (5.00) ‐0.189 0.843 (‐0.87) (4.16) ‐0.384 1.032 (‐1.51) (5.93) 0.932 ‐0.413 (3.00) (‐1.72) MOP 2 factor α TSMOM 0.585 0.147 (2.52) (1.63) 0.241 0.069 (1.40) (1.14) 0.103 0.086 (0.75) (1.95) 0.113 0.060 (0.53) (0.88) 0.110 ‐0.055 (0.40) (‐0.64) 0.475 0.201 (1.62) (2.39) AMP 3 factor α VAL MOM 0.752 ‐0.129 0.099 (3.13) (‐0.70) (0.70) 0.273 0.077 0.108 (1.59) (0.57) (1.21) 0.141 0.079 0.142 (0.97) (0.93) (1.83) 0.037 0.305 0.255 (0.17) (2.19) (1.97) 0.022 0.072 0.016 (0.08) (0.47) (0.11) 0.730 ‐0.200 0.082 (2.32) (‐0.91) (0.47) BK 2 factor α FTB 0.780 0.041 (3.28) (0.57) 0.341 0.024 (2.02) (0.49) 0.154 0.051 (1.14) (1.14) 0.207 ‐0.002 (0.96) (‐0.03) 0.175 ‐0.060 (0.61) (‐0.73) 0.605 0.102 (1.87) (1.30) Panel C: Semi‐Annual Portfolio Formation Global CAPM FP 2 factor α MSCI α BAB Low GRIX‐beta 0.608 0.485 0.306 0.775 (2.59) (6.36) (1.23) (3.43) 2 0.467 0.352 0.256 0.506 (2.58) (6.58) (1.33) (3.55) 3 0.214 0.372 0.001 0.520 (1.51) (6.85) (0.01) (3.77) 4 ‐0.001 0.512 ‐0.328 0.775 (‐0.00) (8.25) (‐1.79) (5.56) High GRIX‐beta 0.179 0.526 ‐0.258 1.018 (0.65) (6.71) (‐1.01) (6.08) Low ‐ High 0.429 ‐0.041 0.564 ‐0.243 (1.68) (‐0.73) (1.89) (‐1.07) MOP 2 factor α TSMOM 0.449 0.125 (1.92) (1.26) 0.414 0.042 (2.16) (0.65) 0.101 0.089 (0.73) (2.12) ‐0.096 0.075 (‐0.54) (1.25) 0.210 ‐0.024 (0.76) (‐0.28) 0.239 0.149 (0.89) (1.75) AMP 3 factor α VAL MOM 0.543 ‐0.080 0.189 (2.14) (‐0.42) (1.16) 0.486 ‐0.099 ‐0.009 (2.45) (‐0.60) (‐0.07) 0.132 0.127 0.154 (0.91) (1.61) (2.11) ‐0.173 0.385 0.272 (‐0.90) (2.92) (2.63) 0.178 0.035 ‐0.012 (0.64) (0.22) (‐0.08) 0.365 ‐0.115 0.201 (1.25) (‐0.50) (1.11) BK 2 factor α FTB 0.585 0.056 (2.41) (0.70) 0.515 ‐0.006 (2.72) (‐0.10) 0.177 0.049 (1.29) (1.18) 0.012 0.013 (0.07) (0.22) 0.290 ‐0.056 (1.02) (‐0.67) 0.295 0.112 (1.00) (1.47) Panel D: Annual Portfolio Formation Global CAPM α MSCI Low GRIX‐beta 0.561 0.545 (2.20) (6.11) 2 0.219 0.436 (0.86) (4.47) 3 0.205 0.324 (1.48) (7.05) 4 ‐0.002 0.473 (‐0.01) (8.80) High GRIX‐beta 0.553 0.514 (1.94) (6.77) Low ‐ High 0.009 0.032 (0.03) (0.42) MOP 2 factor α TSMOM 0.395 0.133 (1.54) (1.44) 0.098 0.096 (0.39) (1.46) 0.056 0.119 (0.45) (2.89) ‐0.088 0.069 (‐0.45) (1.06) 0.550 0.002 (1.97) (0.02) ‐0.155 0.130 (‐0.50) (1.44) AMP 3 factor α VAL MOM 0.484 ‐0.062 0.231 (1.77) (‐0.35) (1.36) 0.197 ‐0.029 0.072 (0.71) (‐0.15) (0.49) 0.143 0.103 0.117 (1.06) (1.29) (1.70) ‐0.147 0.376 0.212 (‐0.79) (2.22) (1.86) 0.528 0.001 0.064 (1.84) (0.01) (0.42) ‐0.044 ‐0.064 0.167 (‐0.14) (‐0.28) (0.89) BK 2 factor α FTB 0.535 0.058 (2.05) (0.75) 0.264 ‐0.008 (1.11) (‐0.13) 0.149 0.063 (1.13) (1.53) 0.012 0.015 (0.06) (0.23) 0.584 0.006 (2.05) (0.06) ‐0.049 0.052 (‐0.15) (0.66) FP 2 factor α BAB 0.175 0.904 (0.63) (3.55) ‐0.129 0.750 (‐0.40) (2.64) 0.022 0.435 (0.16) (3.57) ‐0.284 0.644 (‐1.42) (3.89) 0.166 0.869 (0.61) (4.83) 0.009 0.035 (0.03) (0.12) Table IA‐7: GRIX‐beta portfolios within each of four asset classes We monthly form four GRIX‐beta portfolios within each asset class. This table reports excess returns, five‐factor alphas and loadings. Panel A: GRIX‐beta portfolios formed using only international equity indices Excess MSCI MOP Alpha FP BAB Return Market TSMOM Low GRIX‐beta 1.209 0.719 1.233 ‐0.061 0.034 (1.90) (2.50) (19.22) (‐0.43) (1.03) 2 0.084 ‐0.202 0.989 ‐0.220 0.030 (0.16) (‐0.91) (17.71) (‐1.74) (1.10) 3 0.322 0.003 1.016 ‐0.033 ‐0.024 (0.67) (0.02) (25.92) (‐0.40) (‐1.20) High GRIX‐beta 0.514 0.134 1.171 ‐0.113 ‐0.048 (0.92) (0.65) (28.35) (‐1.13) (‐1.51) Low ‐ High 0.695 0.585 0.062 0.052 0.082 (2.22) (1.84) (0.86) (0.30) (2.01) Panel B: GRIX‐beta portfolios formed using only currencies Excess Dollar Alpha Return Market Low GRIX‐beta 0.679 0.397 1.196 (2.63) (2.85) (14.26) 2 0.326 0.109 0.986 (1.63) (1.10) (18.15) 3 0.283 ‐0.017 1.134 (1.50) (‐0.21) (22.25) High GRIX‐beta 0.497 0.152 1.177 (2.32) (1.47) (18.88) Low ‐ High 0.182 0.245 0.019 (1.09) (1.64) (0.18) FP BAB 0.085 (1.30) 0.102 (2.18) 0.082 (1.92) 0.103 (1.82) ‐0.018 (‐0.22) MOP TSMOM 0.019 (0.45) ‐0.018 (‐0.70) 0.012 (0.46) 0.017 (0.48) 0.002 (0.04) Panel C: GRIX‐beta portfolios formed using only global government bonds Global Excess MOP Alpha Bond FP BAB Return TSMOM Market Low GRIX‐beta 0.296 0.235 0.898 0.136 0.038 (2.66) (3.25) (5.51) (0.87) (2.67) 2 0.281 0.258 0.775 ‐0.086 0.012 (3.67) (5.25) (9.89) (‐0.96) (1.18) 3 0.136 0.113 0.644 ‐0.213 0.017 (2.32) (2.63) (7.64) (‐3.14) (1.77) High GRIX‐beta 0.114 0.135 0.912 ‐0.319 0.009 (1.27) (2.18) (7.74) (‐3.47) (0.71) Low ‐ High 0.183 0.100 ‐0.013 0.455 0.029 (1.66) (0.91) (‐0.05) (2.32) (1.28) AMP Value 0.368 (2.48) 0.536 (4.67) 0.460 (5.50) 0.635 (5.33) ‐0.267 (‐1.43) AMP Value ‐0.076 (‐0.88) 0.006 (0.14) 0.029 (0.85) 0.085 (1.54) ‐0.161 (‐1.55) AMP Momentum 0.343 (2.67) 0.018 (0.16) 0.181 (2.39) 0.406 (3.74) ‐0.064 (‐0.45) AMP Momentum 0.048 (0.42) ‐0.045 (‐0.76) ‐0.002 (‐0.04) 0.034 (0.44) 0.014 (0.10) AMP Value AMP Momentum ‐0.028 (‐0.14) 0.056 (0.53) 0.082 (1.01) ‐0.341 (‐2.88) 0.314 (1.17) ‐0.074 (‐0.53) ‐0.005 (‐0.07) 0.015 (0.22) 0.098 (1.03) ‐0.172 (‐0.87) Panel D: GRIX‐beta portfolios formed using only commodities Excess SPGSCI Alpha FP BAB Return Market Low GRIX‐beta 1.126 0.734 0.524 0.234 (2.87) (2.68) (10.76) (3.21) 2 0.174 ‐0.305 0.662 0.299 (0.44) (‐1.43) (13.80) (3.62) 3 0.168 ‐0.110 0.521 0.315 (0.42) (‐0.42) (11.05) (5.29) High GRIX‐beta 0.368 0.311 0.595 0.271 (0.90) (1.11) (10.08) (3.43) Low ‐ High 0.758 0.423 ‐0.071 ‐0.038 (1.78) (0.98) (‐0.94) (‐0.33) MOP TSMOM 0.188 (1.80) 0.207 (1.79) 0.108 (1.33) ‐0.030 (‐0.31) 0.218 (1.44) AMP Value ‐0.075 (‐0.92) 0.126 (1.49) 0.019 (0.31) ‐0.003 (‐0.03) ‐0.073 (‐0.63) AMP Momentum ‐0.053 (‐0.61) 0.008 (0.08) ‐0.055 (‐0.87) ‐0.198 (‐2.37) 0.145 (1.00) Table IA‐8: Correlations between rare disaster concerns and economic factors The macroeconomic variables include quarterly real GDP growth per capita, inflation based on the change of CPI, recession dummy based on NBER recession dates, default risk based on the change of default spread (the spread between investment‐grade and non‐investment‐ grade corporate bonds), and term risk based on the change of term spread (the spread between long‐term and short‐term government bonds). The variables of finanical market risk include market excess return, the Pastor‐Stambaugh innovation measure, the spread between on‐the‐run and off‐the‐run 10‐year Treasury notes, market volatility risk based on the innovation of implied volatility, and risk‐neutral (RN) moment risks of variance, skewness, and kurtosis. In calculating correlations between asset‐class RIX and market return/volatility risk/moment risks, we use asset‐class‐specific measures of return, volatility, and moments. In calculating correlations between GRIX and market return/volatility risk/moment risks, we use the MSCI world equity index return and across‐asset‐class global measures of implied volatility and risk‐neutral moments. Global volatility and RN moments are estimated on the set of equity indices, currencies, bond futures, and commodity futures options (the aggregation procedures within and across asset classes are similar to those of constructing asset‐class RIXs and GRIX). The variables of funding and liquidity constraints of financial intermediaries include the Adrian‐Etula‐Muir broker‐dealer leverage shock, the Hu‐Pan‐Wang noise measure, the Treasury‐Eurodollar (TED) spread, the spread between interest rate swap and T‐bill, the spread between LIBOR and repo, and the aggregated funding liquidity risk based on the principal component analysis (PCA) of the last three types of spreads. Correlations that are statistically significant at the 5% level are in bold. EQRIX Panel A: Macroeconomic Fundamental Risk Real GDP Growth ‐0.34 Inflation 0.10 Recession 0.39 Default Risk 0.38 Term Risk 0.18 Panel B: Financial Market Risk Market Excess Return Pastor‐Stambaugh Liquidity On‐Off Run Spread Market Volatility Risk RN Moment Risk (Variance) RN Moment Risk (Skewness) RN Moment Risk (Kurtosis) ‐0.19 ‐0.09 0.32 0.27 0.26 ‐0.07 0.01 FXRIX BDRIX CMRIX GRIX ‐0.24 ‐0.25 0.42 0.07 0.20 ‐0.20 ‐0.05 0.36 ‐0.01 0.20 ‐0.18 ‐0.22 0.41 ‐0.06 0.17 ‐0.29 ‐0.14 0.49 0.07 0.23 ‐0.01 ‐0.06 0.09 0.06 0.07 0.05 ‐0.04 0.04 ‐0.10 0.09 0.10 0.13 ‐0.05 ‐0.05 ‐0.11 ‐0.06 ‐0.02 0.15 0.09 0.12 ‐0.07 ‐0.09 ‐0.10 0.13 0.10 0.08 0.12 ‐0.01 ‐0.07 ‐0.49 ‐0.18 0.16 ‐0.16 ‐0.16 0.07 ‐0.61 ‐0.10 0.19 ‐0.07 ‐0.05 Panel C: Funding and Liquidity Constraints of Financial Intermediaries Hu‐Pan‐Wang Noise 0.33 ‐0.01 0.06 Broker‐Dealer Leverage Shock ‐0.49 ‐0.60 ‐0.48 TED Spread 0.10 ‐0.12 ‐0.08 Swap ‐ T‐bill 0.13 0.19 0.11 Libor ‐ Repo 0.11 ‐0.09 ‐0.06 Funding Liquidity Risk (PCA) 0.16 ‐0.07 ‐0.05 Table IA‐9: Downside risk CAPM betas of asset‐class RIX‐beta portfolios To estimate each portfolio's downside risk CAPM beta, we regress its monthly excess returns on the (asset‐class‐specific) market excess returns using only downsates that are all months in which the market return is at least one standard deviation below its sample mean. Panel A: monthly portfolio formation EQRIX‐beta Portfolios β t(β) Adj. R2 Low RIX‐beta 4.59 1.257 46.6% 6.61 2 1.353 65.0% 7.13 3 1.415 68.5% High RIX‐beta 4.56 1.086 46.2% 0.56 Low ‐ High 0.171 ‐3.1% FXRIX‐beta Portfolios β t(β) Adj. R2 5.61 1.334 61.6% 4.22 0.859 46.9% 5.46 1.111 60.3% 4.34 1.230 48.4% 0.32 0.103 ‐5.0% BDRIX‐beta Portfolios β t(β) Adj. R2 0.95 0.505 ‐0.4% 1.93 0.664 8.9% 2.87 1.008 20.5% 1.90 1.074 8.6% ‐0.75 ‐0.569 ‐1.6% CMRIX‐beta Portfolios β t(β) Adj. R2 3.78 0.544 34.7% 3.32 0.506 28.6% 4.06 0.771 38.3% 2.74 0.565 20.7% ‐0.08 ‐0.021 ‐4.1% Panel B: quarterly portfolio formation EQRIX‐beta Portfolios β t(β) Adj. R2 Low RIX‐beta 4.42 1.304 45.8% 7.28 2 1.521 70.3% 10.33 3 1.541 82.8% High RIX‐beta 4.46 1.209 46.2% 0.26 Low ‐ High 0.095 ‐4.4% FXRIX‐beta Portfolios β t(β) Adj. R2 5.31 1.143 58.9% 3.90 0.928 42.8% 5.46 1.222 60.2% 4.54 1.248 50.8% ‐0.35 ‐0.105 ‐4.8% BDRIX‐beta Portfolios β t(β) Adj. R2 1.06 0.546 0.4% 1.99 0.769 9.6% 3.20 1.168 24.8% 1.62 0.881 5.5% ‐0.45 ‐0.336 ‐3.0% CMRIX‐beta Portfolios β t(β) Adj. R2 4.85 0.820 47.4% 3.44 0.582 30.2% 2.64 0.456 19.3% 3.22 0.584 27.2% 0.84 0.236 ‐1.2% Panel C: semi‐annual portfolio formation EQRIX‐beta Portfolios β t(β) Adj. R2 Low RIX‐beta 5.27 1.431 54.9% 6.20 2 1.348 63.0% 11.25 3 1.498 85.1% High RIX‐beta 4.76 1.284 49.7% 0.46 Low ‐ High 0.148 ‐3.7% FXRIX‐beta Portfolios β t(β) Adj. R2 4.31 1.274 48.1% 3.32 0.829 34.5% 4.89 1.305 54.7% 4.04 1.092 44.6% 0.52 0.183 ‐4.0% BDRIX‐beta Portfolios β t(β) Adj. R2 2.34 1.372 13.8% 1.43 0.475 3.6% 2.87 0.859 20.6% 1.52 0.823 4.5% 0.70 0.548 ‐1.9% CMRIX‐beta Portfolios β t(β) Adj. R2 2.63 0.536 19.1% 5.40 0.676 53.0% 3.75 0.661 34.3% 3.54 0.545 31.6% ‐0.04 ‐0.009 ‐4.2% Panel D: annual portfolio formation EQRIX‐beta Portfolios β t(β) Adj. R2 Low RIX‐beta 5.57 1.655 57.8% 7.56 2 1.526 71.8% 9.37 3 1.273 79.8% High RIX‐beta 4.44 1.098 45.9% 1.75 Low ‐ High 0.558 8.5% FXRIX‐beta Portfolios β t(β) Adj. R2 4.12 1.468 45.6% 2.93 0.733 28.5% 5.98 1.415 64.7% 3.36 0.885 35.2% 1.24 0.582 2.8% BDRIX‐beta Portfolios β t(β) Adj. R2 2.62 2.206 17.3% 1.66 0.615 5.9% 2.66 0.775 17.8% 0.36 0.177 ‐3.2% 2.01 2.028 9.8% CMRIX‐beta Portfolios β t(β) Adj. R2 2.33 0.573 15.1% 2.61 0.417 18.9% 5.53 0.844 54.2% 4.35 0.569 41.7% 0.01 0.004 ‐4.2% Table IA‐10: Kelly‐Jiang tail risk betas of asset‐class RIX‐beta portfolios To estimate each portfolio's market tail risk beta, we regress its monthly excess returns on the (asset‐class‐specific) market excess returns and the market tail risk in Kelly and Jiang (2014). For brevity, we only report tail risk beta estimates, t ‐statistics, and adjusted R‐squared. Panel A: monthly portfolio formation EQRIX‐beta Portfolios β t(β) Adj. R2 Low RIX‐beta 1.70 0.153 67.7% ‐1.30 2 ‐0.101 74.4% 1.21 3 0.066 85.5% High RIX‐beta 1.18 0.086 75.4% 0.67 Low ‐ High 0.068 ‐0.8% FXRIX‐beta Portfolios β t(β) Adj. R2 2.11 0.100 58.7% 0.21 0.006 73.8% 0.22 0.005 78.6% 0.52 0.015 74.6% 1.52 0.085 1.2% BDRIX‐beta Portfolios β t(β) Adj. R2 ‐0.18 ‐0.004 54.2% 1.18 0.017 52.3% 1.64 0.021 52.0% ‐0.11 ‐0.002 50.5% ‐0.08 ‐0.002 6.2% CMRIX‐beta Portfolios β t(β) Adj. R2 ‐0.95 ‐0.078 46.2% 0.54 0.044 45.2% 1.27 0.108 40.8% 0.72 0.065 26.2% ‐1.18 ‐0.142 2.9% Panel B: quarterly portfolio formation EQRIX‐beta Portfolios β t(β) Adj. R2 Low RIX‐beta 1.37 0.122 69.4% ‐0.10 2 ‐0.006 82.6% 0.84 3 0.047 85.9% High RIX‐beta 0.73 0.051 78.6% 0.67 Low ‐ High 0.070 ‐0.9% FXRIX‐beta Portfolios β t(β) Adj. R2 2.08 0.093 63.0% ‐0.13 ‐0.004 71.9% ‐0.18 ‐0.004 81.5% 1.26 0.037 74.2% 1.08 0.056 2.1% BDRIX‐beta Portfolios β t(β) Adj. R2 ‐0.16 ‐0.003 56.8% 0.88 0.013 53.7% 1.37 0.019 47.6% 0.22 0.004 52.6% ‐0.30 ‐0.007 2.5% CMRIX‐beta Portfolios β t(β) Adj. R2 0.69 0.065 50.3% ‐0.68 ‐0.059 32.2% 1.50 0.134 29.4% 0.66 0.063 19.3% 0.01 0.002 9.7% Panel C: semi‐annual portfolio formation EQRIX‐beta Portfolios β t(β) Adj. R2 Low RIX‐beta 0.46 0.042 67.5% 1.44 2 0.091 82.3% 0.28 3 0.015 87.4% High RIX‐beta 0.82 0.057 78.5% ‐0.14 Low ‐ High ‐0.015 ‐1.2% FXRIX‐beta Portfolios β t(β) Adj. R2 1.99 0.090 61.4% ‐0.20 ‐0.005 76.7% ‐0.10 ‐0.002 76.9% 0.89 0.026 74.9% 1.20 0.063 0.8% BDRIX‐beta Portfolios β t(β) Adj. R2 0.10 0.002 53.8% 0.86 0.011 53.8% 0.71 0.009 48.5% 0.61 0.011 54.2% ‐0.35 ‐0.008 2.9% CMRIX‐beta Portfolios β t(β) Adj. R2 ‐0.56 ‐0.053 44.0% 1.02 0.080 44.5% 0.13 0.012 29.1% 1.32 0.122 22.2% ‐1.36 ‐0.174 6.7% Panel D: annual portfolio formation EQRIX‐beta Portfolios β t(β) Adj. R2 Low RIX‐beta 0.49 0.043 70.9% 1.46 2 0.094 81.2% ‐0.59 3 ‐0.029 88.3% High RIX‐beta 1.52 0.098 81.1% ‐0.58 Low ‐ High ‐0.054 ‐0.6% FXRIX‐beta Portfolios β t(β) Adj. R2 1.39 0.066 57.8% 0.62 0.016 77.7% ‐0.63 ‐0.016 76.8% 1.18 0.036 71.2% 0.55 0.030 1.3% BDRIX‐beta Portfolios β t(β) Adj. R2 0.00 0.000 51.5% 0.68 0.009 51.6% ‐0.34 ‐0.004 49.6% 1.40 0.024 54.3% ‐0.91 ‐0.024 5.0% CMRIX‐beta Portfolios β t(β) Adj. R2 ‐0.28 ‐0.027 39.2% 0.64 0.059 32.5% ‐0.31 ‐0.027 34.3% 1.89 0.161 31.3% ‐1.50 ‐0.188 2.9% Table IA‐11: Additional robustness checks on return specifications and GRIX construction This table presents portfolio mean excess returns at various formation frequencies. For currency class (Panel A), we use log returns in estimating currencies' FXRIX beta and calculating portfolio returns. For bond class (Panel B), we use interpolated futures returns of 30‐day constant maturity in estimating bonds' BDRIX beta and calculating portfolio returns. For commodity class (Panel C), we use far/back futures contract returns in estimating commodities' CMRIX beta and calculating portfolio returns. In Panel D, we use a simple average of four asset‐class RIX to construct GRIX and estimate each asset's GRIX beta (the return specifications are the same as those of the baseline analysis in the paper). Panel A: Currency log returns FXRIX‐beta Monthly Portfolio Portfolios Formation Low RIX‐beta 0.734 (3.06) 0.074 2 (0.42) 0.319 3 (1.94) High RIX‐beta 0.374 (1.93) 0.360 Low ‐ High (2.00) Quarterly Portfolio Formation 0.795 (3.26) 0.163 (0.96) 0.276 (1.71) 0.296 (1.56) 0.499 (2.86) Semi‐Annual Portfolio Formation 0.802 (3.41) 0.061 (0.35) 0.301 (1.84) 0.342 (1.76) 0.46 (2.72) Annual Portfolio Formation 0.723 (2.97) 0.093 (0.51) 0.318 (1.88) 0.366 (1.97) 0.357 (1.92) Panel B: Bond futures interpolated returns of 30‐day constant maturity BDRIX‐beta Monthly Portfolio Quarterly Portfolio Semi‐Annual Portfolios Formation Formation Portfolio Formation Low RIX‐beta 0.320 0.252 0.353 (2.82) (2.37) (3.17) 0.149 0.153 0.125 2 (2.10) (2.17) (1.91) 0.116 0.097 0.085 3 (1.83) (1.52) (1.33) High RIX‐beta 0.102 0.155 0.124 (1.38) (2.07) (1.58) 0.219 0.097 0.229 Low ‐ High (2.38) (1.17) (2.62) Annual Portfolio Formation 0.325 (2.65) 0.095 (1.34) 0.070 (1.06) 0.158 (2.16) 0.167 (1.72) Panel C: Commodity futures returns of far/back contracts CMRIX‐beta Monthly Portfolio Quarterly Portfolio Portfolios Formation Formation Low RIX‐beta 0.431 0.652 (1.05) (1.42) 0.085 0.113 2 (0.23) (0.29) 0.433 0.203 3 (1.20) (0.54) High RIX‐beta ‐0.291 ‐0.409 (‐1.18) (‐0.80) 0.722 1.061 Low ‐ High (1.66) (2.22) Annual Portfolio Formation 0.645 (1.49) 0.001 (0.00) 0.561 (1.44) ‐0.553 (‐1.51) 1.198 (2.75) Semi‐Annual Portfolio Formation 0.841 (1.94) ‐0.107 (‐0.28) 0.514 (1.35) ‐0.562 (‐1.59) 1.402 (3.20) Panel D: All assets (GRIX estimated as the simple average of four asset‐class RIXs) GRIX‐beta Monthly Portfolio Quarterly Portfolio Semi‐Annual Portfolios Formation Formation Portfolio Formation Low RIX‐beta 0.844 0.750 0.670 (2.68) (2.40) (2.02) 0.612 0.507 0.512 2 (2.51) (2.08) (2.17) 0.368 0.368 0.258 3 (1.91) (1.93) (1.13) ‐0.029 ‐0.031 0.100 4 (‐0.09) (‐0.10) (0.35) High RIX‐beta 0.189 0.401 0.391 (0.51) (1.04) (1.02) 0.655 0.349 0.279 Low ‐ High (2.36) (1.12) (0.79) Annual Portfolio Formation 0.589 (1.49) 0.345 (1.24) 0.335 (1.53) 0.040 (0.15) 0.735 (2.03) ‐0.146 (‐0.39) Table IA‐12: Alternative measures of rare disaster concerns (within asset classes) This table presents mean excess returns and five‐factor alphas of monthly formed portfolios within each asset class. We estimate each asset's beta with respect to asset‐class implied volatility (Panel A) and volatility skew (Panel B) in a similar manner to the asset's RIX beta. Panel A: option‐based implied volatility within each asset class (asset‐class VIX) Equity Indices Currencies Govt. Bonds Excess Excess Excess Alpha Alpha Alpha Return Return Return Low beta 0.971 0.596 0.611 0.305 0.323 0.232 (1.60) (2.14) (2.37) (2.28) (2.56) (2.88) 2 0.401 0.076 0.222 ‐0.009 0.205 0.174 (0.70) (0.32) (1.07) (‐0.09) (2.81) (3.91) 3 0.496 0.161 0.284 ‐0.016 0.140 0.146 (0.97) (0.87) (1.48) (‐0.19) (2.40) (3.94) High beta 0.289 ‐0.040 0.607 0.289 0.157 0.195 (0.55) (‐0.22) (2.93) (2.65) (2.26) (3.96) Low ‐ High 0.682 0.635 0.005 0.016 0.165 0.037 (2.03) (1.80) (0.02) (0.09) (1.75) (0.44) Commodities Excess Alpha Return 0.512 0.322 (1.25) (1.11) 0.839 0.505 (2.18) (1.85) 0.709 0.336 (1.77) (1.48) ‐0.192 ‐0.560 (‐0.50) (‐1.95) 0.705 0.883 (1.64) (2.06) Panel B: option‐based implied volatility skew within each asset class Equity Indices Currencies Govt. Bonds Excess Excess Excess Alpha Alpha Alpha Return Return Return Low beta 0.715 0.403 0.766 0.420 0.297 0.252 (1.29) (2.05) (2.63) (2.68) (2.59) (3.45) 2 0.187 ‐0.204 0.257 0.044 0.143 0.145 (0.35) (‐1.17) (1.33) (0.56) (2.08) (3.03) 3 0.825 0.525 0.337 0.102 0.163 0.133 (1.61) (2.65) (1.90) (1.34) (2.29) (3.32) High beta 0.446 0.063 0.380 0.025 0.202 0.207 (0.76) (0.29) (1.79) (0.22) (2.66) (3.58) Low ‐ High 0.269 0.339 0.386 0.395 0.096 0.045 (1.04) (1.22) (1.73) (2.09) (0.98) (0.46) Commodities Excess Alpha Return 0.439 0.221 (1.13) (0.83) 0.502 0.243 (1.32) (1.07) 0.662 0.205 (1.69) (0.83) 0.247 ‐0.075 (0.65) (‐0.31) 0.192 0.296 (0.52) (0.85) Table IA‐13: Alternative positions of average investors (within asset classes) This table presents mean excess returns and five‐factor alphas of monthly formed asset‐class RIX‐ beta portfolios. In estimating an asset's RIX beta, we consider alternative long/short positions of average investors to construct BDRIX, FXRIX, and CMRIX. Bond (Short) Low RIX‐beta 2 3 High RIX‐beta Low ‐ High Excess Return 0.337 (2.65) 0.151 (2.26) 0.191 (3.12) 0.155 (2.23) 0.182 (1.95) Alpha 0.267 (3.71) 0.111 (2.64) 0.193 (5.05) 0.190 (3.77) 0.077 (0.97) Foreign Currency (Long or Short) Excess Alpha Return 0.892 0.545 (2.83) (2.94) 0.241 ‐0.005 (1.07) (‐0.06) 0.280 0.046 (1.63) (0.53) 0.356 0.030 (1.68) (0.29) 0.536 0.515 (2.31) (2.48) Commodity (Long or Short) Excess Alpha Return 0.746 0.442 (1.80) (1.40) 0.869 0.569 (2.17) (2.35) 0.325 ‐0.028 (0.78) (‐0.12) ‐0.087 ‐0.371 (‐0.24) (‐1.24) 0.833 0.813 (1.84) (1.79) Table IA‐14: Prediction of GRIX on future economic fundamentals We report coefficient estimates and Newey‐West t ‐statistics (in parentheses) of time‐ series predictive regressions. The dependent variable (y ) is one of the following macroeconomic measures: global real GDP growth, recession indicator, inflation, default risk, MSCI world equity market return, and aggregated funding liquidity (see Table IA‐8 for details of constructing these variables). The predictor is the global rare disaster concern index (GRIX) based on the first principal component of the correlation matrix of four asset‐class rare disaster concern indices (see Figure 1 in detail). a b Adj. R‐Square a b Adj. R‐Square Real GDP Default Market Recession Inflation Growth Risk Return 3‐month prediction: y(t+3) = a + b × GRIX(t) + e(t) ‐0.018 0.287 1.443 0.051 0.003 (‐0.13) (5.00) (24.12) (0.51) (0.79) 0.004 0.062 ‐0.067 ‐0.195 0.003 (0.03) (2.66) (‐2.99) (‐4.55) (1.00) ‐0.01 0.10 0.10 0.08 0.00 6‐month prediction ‐0.028 0.284 1.435 0.047 0.003 (‐0.21) (4.59) (25.78) (0.55) (0.80) 0.178 0.015 ‐0.074 ‐0.143 0.005 (2.01) (0.58) (‐3.30) (‐2.50) (2.32) 0.13 0.00 0.12 0.04 0.02 Funding Liquidity 0.026 (0.35) ‐0.236 (‐5.58) 0.06 0.022 (0.30) ‐0.144 (‐4.01) 0.02 Table IA‐15: Disaster concern innovation and returns of portfolios within and across asset classes Within an asset class, we estimate an asset's beta with respect to the innovation of its asset‐class RIX, and then form four ΔRIX‐beta portfolios. Across all global assets from four asset classes, we estimate such beta with respect to the innovation of the GRIX, and then form four ΔGRIX‐beta portfolios. Both within and across asset classes, we also form hedge portfolios by going long in low beta assets and short in high beta assets. The rolling‐window regression setup is similar to that in Table 3. We form portfolios monthly and calculate equal‐ weighted portfolio returns. This table presents monthly mean excess returns (in percent) and alphas benchmarked on the five‐factor global asset pricing model. Newey‐West t ‐statistics are reported in parentheses. Beta estimated using ΔRIX (or ΔGRIX) Low ‐ beta 2 3 High ‐ beta Low ‐ High Equity Indices Excess Alpha Return 0.759 0.404 (1.19) (1.15) 0.402 0.100 (0.78) (0.42) 0.316 0.006 (0.66) (0.04) 0.679 0.356 (1.31) (1.71) 0.080 0.048 (0.25) (0.16) Currencies Excess Alpha Return 0.549 0.248 (1.91) (1.47) 0.385 0.111 (1.86) (1.25) 0.355 0.115 (1.87) (1.30) 0.448 0.174 (2.09) (1.60) 0.101 0.074 (0.53) (0.38) Sovereign Bonds Excess Alpha Return 0.254 0.263 (2.11) (3.44) 0.174 0.179 (2.54) (4.56) 0.198 0.202 (3.25) (4.76) 0.172 0.176 (2.34) (3.36) 0.082 0.087 (0.83) (0.96) Commodities Excess Alpha Return 0.508 0.251 (1.13) (0.77) 0.564 0.339 (1.65) (1.34) 0.381 0.148 (0.98) (0.57) 0.353 0.129 (0.91) (0.50) 0.155 0.122 (0.39) (0.31) All Assets Excess Alpha Return 0.633 0.090 (1.65) (0.27) 0.385 ‐0.081 (1.71) (‐0.46) 0.188 ‐0.090 (0.78) (‐0.52) 0.449 ‐0.157 (1.44) (‐0.82) 0.184 0.247 (0.72) (0.71) Table IA‐16: Kelly‐Jiang tail risk and returns of portfolios within and across asset classes Within an asset class, we estimate an asset's return beta with respect to the Kelly‐Jiang (2014) tail risk factor, and then form four tail‐risk‐β portfolios (the 18‐24 month rolling‐window regression specifications are the same to those of our baseline RIX‐beta analysis as reported in Table 3). We also estimate tail risk β and form portfolios across all global assets from four asset classes. Both within and across asset classes, we also form hedge portfolios by going long in low‐β assets and short in high‐β assets. We form portfolios monthly and calculate equal‐weighted portfolio returns. This table presents monthly mean excess returns (in percent) and alphas benchmarked on the five‐factor global asset pricing model. Newey‐West t ‐statistics are reported in parentheses. β Estimated using Kelly‐Jiang (2014) tail risk factor Low ‐ beta 2 3 High ‐ beta Low ‐ High Equity Indices Excess Alpha Return 0.787 0.303 (1.40) (1.09) 0.648 0.313 (1.33) (1.62) 0.739 0.293 (1.27) (1.28) 0.559 0.168 (0.93) (0.83) 0.228 0.135 (0.61) (0.40) Currencies Excess Alpha Return 0.502 0.170 (2.62) (1.65) 0.467 0.147 (2.67) (1.75) 0.375 0.149 (2.00) (1.48) 0.406 0.131 (1.89) (1.20) 0.096 0.039 (0.59) (0.24) Sovereign Bonds Excess Alpha Return 0.155 0.137 (1.80) (1.93) 0.171 0.160 (2.63) (3.28) 0.174 0.159 (2.61) (3.67) 0.259 0.243 (2.67) (4.64) ‐0.104 ‐0.106 (‐1.23) (‐1.19) Commodities Excess Alpha Return ‐0.108 ‐0.407 (‐0.32) (‐1.69) 0.406 0.135 (1.06) (0.68) 0.798 0.519 (1.80) (1.67) 0.329 ‐0.002 (0.88) (‐0.01) ‐0.437 ‐0.405 (‐1.11) (‐1.04) All Assets Excess Alpha Return 0.329 ‐0.098 (1.28) (‐0.51) 0.303 ‐0.006 (2.00) (‐0.05) 0.399 ‐0.176 (1.16) (‐0.87) 0.749 0.371 (1.41) (1.36) ‐0.420 ‐0.469 (‐0.91) (‐1.40) Table IA‐17: US exchange trade funds (ETFs) This table presents ETFs that have available monthly returns in CRSP. We use these 28 ETFs to track our sample of international equity indices in the main analysis. The two ETFs ("iShares MSCI Denmark Cppd Investable Mkt" and "iShares MSCI Finland Capped Inv Mkt") have no available CRSP returns, and hence we exclude them in tracking market index returns of Denmark and Finland. ETF Full Name Ticker Inception Date CUSIP SPDR S&P 500 iShares MSCI Australia Index iShares MSCI Austria Capped Invstbl Mkt iShares MSCI Belgium Capped Invstbl Mkt iShares MSCI Canada Index iShares MSCI France Index iShares MSCI Germany Index iShares MSCI Hong Kong Index iShares MSCI Italy Capped Index iShares MSCI Japan Index iShares MSCI Mexico Capped Invstbl Mkt iShares MSCI Netherlands Invstbl Mkt Idx iShares MSCI Singapore Index iShares MSCI Spain Capped Index iShares MSCI Sweden Index iShares MSCI Switzerland Capped Index iShares MSCI United Kingdom Index iShares MSCI South Korea Capped Index iShares MSCI Taiwan Index Vanguard FTSE Europe ETF iShares MSCI Israel Cap Invest Mkt Index iShares MSCI Thailand Capped Invstbl Mkt Global X FTSE Nordic Region ETF iShares S&P India Nifty 50 Index iShares MSCI Poland Capped Invstbl Mkt Global X FTSE Norway 30 ETF iShares MSCI Russia Capped Index Global X FTSE Greece 20 ETF SPY EWA EWO EWK EWC EWQ EWG EWH EWI EWJ EWW EWN EWS EWP EWD EWL EWU EWY EWT VGK EIS THD GXF INDY EPOL NORW ERUS GREK 22-Jan-1993 12-Mar-1996 12-Mar-1996 12-Mar-1996 12-Mar-1996 12-Mar-1996 12-Mar-1996 12-Mar-1996 12-Mar-1996 12-Mar-1996 12-Mar-1996 12-Mar-1996 12-Mar-1996 12-Mar-1996 12-Mar-1996 12-Mar-1996 12-Mar-1996 9-May-2000 20-Jun-2000 4-Mar-2005 26-Mar-2008 26-Mar-2008 17-Aug-2009 18-Nov-2009 25-May-2010 9-Nov-2010 9-Nov-2010 7-Dec-2011 78462F103 464286103 464286202 464286301 464286509 464286707 464286806 464286871 464286855 464286848 464286822 464286814 464286673 464286764 464286756 464286749 464286699 464286772 464286731 922042874 464286632 464286624 37950E101 464289529 46429B606 37950E747 46429B705 37950E366
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