FLORIDA ORNITHOLOGICAL SOCIETY SPRING MEETING TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA APRIL10-12, 2015 Hosted by Tall Timbers Research Station & Land Conservancy and Apalachee Audubon. HOTEL: Quality Inn & Suites, 2020 Apalachee Parkway, Tallahassee, FL. Tel: (850) 877-4437 Toll-free: 1-800-230-4134 Special rate for FOS: room (double or queen-size beds) and free hot breakfast and high-speed Internet $79/night plus tax. MUST MENTION Florida Ornithological Society when making reservations. Rooms also must be booked by Friday, March 27, 2015 to obtain the special rate. INITIAL FLOCKING LOCATION: Jubilee Cottage, Goodwood Plantation, 1600 Miccosukee Rd Tallahassee, FL 32308 (<3 miles from motel) SCIENTIFIC PAPER SESSION/BANQUET LOCATION: Tall Timbers Research Station and Land Conservancy -13093 Henry Beadel Dr., Tallahassee, FL 32312 Tel. (850) 893-4153 Friday, Apr. 10 2:00-6:30 PM – Registration at the Quality Inn & Suites (address above) 2:00-5:00 PM – Board of Directors Meeting at the Quality Inn & Suites (address above) 5:00-6:30 PM – Dinner on your own 6:30-9:00 PM – Jubilee Cottage, Goodwood Plantation (address above) - Reception, Initial Flocking, and Field Trip announcements. We encourage FOS members to bring digital images of their recent natural history adventures (~5 slides per person). We will have a laptop with LCD projector. Light refreshments and beverages provided. Special Presentation -- TBA Saturday, Apr. 11 6:00 AM – Complimentary hot breakfast served in lobby from 6:00-8:00 6:00-12:30 noon – Field Trips (see list below). We encourage all FOS members to attend the annual business meeting and the afternoon paper session beginning at 2:00 PM. Please plan your field trips accordingly. 12:30-2:00 PM – Lunch on your own 1:00-2:00 PM – Registration at Tall Timbers Research Station 2:00-6:00 PM – Skin Quiz, provided by the Florida Museum of Natural History. 2:00-2:15 PM – FOS Business Meeting 2:30-5:00 PM – Afternoon Paper Session. The session will feature student presentations with a focus on cooperative breeding, fire effects, and conservation. Light refreshments provided. 5:15-6:30 PM – Saturday Social. Follows paper session at Tall Timbers and overlooking Lake Iamonia 6:30-8:30 PM – Banquet, Tall Timbers Research Station. Sex in the Sitta – the Secret Life of the Brown-headed Nuthatch. Jim Cox, Tall Timbers Research Station & Land Conservancy Sunday, Apr. 12 6:00 AM – Complimentary continental breakfast served in lobby from 6:00 AM to 8:00 AM 7:00 AM – Field Trips – check-out prior to leaving on your field trip 11:00 AM – Hotel checkout REGISTRATION FORM FOS SPRING MEETING 2015 APR 10-12 Please register in advance. Return this form with your payment to FOS by Friday, March 20, 2015. After this date please add $5 to the registration fee. Make check(s) payable to Florida Ornithological Society and mail to: Jim Cox at 13093 Henry Beadel Dr., Tallahassee, FL 32312. NAME(S) (for badges):______________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP: _________________________________________________________________ PHONE: ___________________________ E-MAIL: _______________________________ Meeting registration @ $25/person; $10/student x ____ person(s) ____________ Meeting registration @ $30/person (non-member or late) x ____ person(s) ____________ ONLY Saturday paper session and evening social ($5/person) x ____ person(s) Banquet @ $15.00 per person1 1 Banquet price for students making presentations is $10.00 x ____ person(s) ____________ ____________ 1 Mexican Lasagna -- a vegetarian lasagna with beans, cheddar, tomatoes, flour tortillas and salsa/sour cream, topped with crushed tortilla chips and prepared by TasteBudz, one of Tallahassee’s best caterers. Also includes House Salad with mixed greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, and carrots. ____________ TOTAL *Student Housing Students presenting at the paper session have the option of staying on Tall Timbers Research Station on Friday and Saturday evening. Housing is provided free for all student presenters. Other students may stay in the Walter Lodge at a rate of $15.00 per night. Students will need to bring linens. Contact Lisa Baggett (lisa@ttrs.org; [850) 893-4153 ext. 241]) to reserve a place A view of Lake Iamonia from Tall Timbers Research Station FIELD TRIP -- FOS SPRING 2015 Unless otherwise indicated, ALL TRIPS LEAVE AT 7:00 AM from the Quality Inn & Suites --2020 Apalachee Parkway, Tallahassee, FL 32301 Friday, April 10: LEAVES AT 2:30 PM (for members not attending board meeting) Tallahassee Hotspots: join local birders on a quick tour of places such as Maclay State Gardens and the Tallahassee spray fields, and other local parks where migrants are likely to be found. Sites will be selected just prior to the meeting based on reports of unusual migrants. Saturday, April 11: St. George Island/Alligator Point: John Murphy leads this trip to some migration spots in north Florida. Numerous migratory songbirds and hawks often concentrate amid the coastal hammocks and flatwoods, and numerous shorebirds and wadingbirds can be seen along coastal strands and tidal marshes. The trip will leave at 6:00 AM and will return just in time for the paper session, so bring snacks and a lunch to eat on the road. St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge: Don Morrow heads up this trip to one of Florida’s premier wildlife refuges. Morning trips to St. Marks typically provide species total near 100 as well as remarkable views of wadingbirds, ducks, and shorebirds. Tall Timbers Research Station: Jim Cox leads this trip through the oldfield pinelands on Tall Timbers. A number of pineland specialists (both species of nuthatches, Red-cockaded Woodpeckers, Bachman’s Sparrows, etc.) can be guaranteed along with chances of seeing several migrants in an oldgrowth beech-magnolia forest. Trip includes brief information on various research projects underway and a chance to see the world’s oldest known Brown-headed Nuthatch (at 11 years of age). Wakulla Springs State Park : join Dana Bryan for a special behind-the-gate romp looking for migrant warblers and thrushes amid the swamps and hammocks of this stellar state park. There is an entrance fee of $6.00 per car (up to 8 people) associated with this trip. If time allows, the group may take the world famous river cruise (additional $8) to see nightherons and Wood Ducks and other aquatic species up close. Sunday, April 12: St. Marks NWR: heading home to central Florida? This trip led by Todd Engstrom will visit St. Marks, Wakulla Beach, and other coastal locations SE of Tallahassee. Participants heading down the peninsula may continue toward the remote marshes and coastal hammocks at Hickory Mound between Tallahassee and Perry (along U.S. 98). Tall Timbers Research Station: join a guide TBA on a tour of the oldfield pinelands on Tall Timbers. See Saturday description for details.
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