FOTIS Invitational Golf Tournament Maison Blanche Golf Club July

FOTIS Invitational Golf Tournament
Maison Blanche Golf Club
July 10, 2015 at 2 p.m.
Cocktails and dinner at 7 p.m.
Name: ____________________________________________________
Member of Maison Blanche Golf Club? ______yes ______no
Company (optional):____________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________
email: _____________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________________
Please indicate number of people participating:
_____ Golfers would like to participate in the Golf Tournament
CHF 190/person (includes golf fee, cocktails and dinner)
List names and the Handicap(s) if available ________________________
_____ Guest(s) for cocktails and dinner 110 CHF/person
Changing rooms are available to all golfers
**Please submit your registration and payment by June 1. First come, first served**
FOTIS is a non-profit volunteer organization, a tax exempt charity under Swiss law. Payments for the event or donation can
be made to: UBS SA, 1211 Geneva 2, IBAN: CH68 0024 0240 8298 2000A BIC: UBSWCHZH 80A
Sponsored in part by