Magnetic Dry Wipe and Chalk Board care instructions.cdr

Foundation Furniture Ltd
Please keep for future reference
Failure to follow these guidelines will invalidate your warranty
Whiteboard Maintenance
Use good pens
Always use good quality dry marker pens with a soft tip and allow the ink to dry
before it is erased.
Clean the board regularly
Always erase writing with a dry marker eraser or a soft cloth which should be
cleaned or replaced regularly to avoid build up of pigments. This will crystalise and
form an abrasive surface which could damage the writing surface of your board.
Do not leave written work on the board over a holiday or for more than one week.
Build up of pigment
Over a period of time, a build up of pigment may cause a slight discolouration of the
surface. This can be removed by using a white board cleaning solution & then
buffing with a dry cloth.
Chalk Board Maintenance
Pre chalk the board before use
We recommend that you pre-chalk all new boards. This can be done by using the
side of a piece of chalk (if possible do not use anti dust chalk). Work plenty of chalk
into the entire surface and then rub over the surface with a felt board eraser.
Clean your duster
After a period of use, any felt eraser will become clogged with a build up of chalk
dust. Regular cleaning, either by beating out the excess dust, or by removing the
dust using the nozzle of a vacuum cleaner can prevent this build up. The frequency
of cleaning depends on the amount of usage.
Ormskirk Business Park, 87, New Court Way, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 5AB.
Tel: 01695 577899/420494 Fax: 01695 420727
Company No. 4646422 - VAT: 797 6327 68