Saturday, April 25th, 2015 We look forward to seeing you there!!!

Thank You for your help last year at the Perry Co. Grace Race! Saturday, April 25th, 2015 The race will start at 8:00a.m. in the Fourche River Days Festival in Perryville AR. Online registration is open at To find the event search “72126” and race date! The proceeds this year will be given to Rachel Bull & Janie Clark both are battling cancer. The goal of this event is to bring together an amazing community and show our support to these ladies and their families. Each walker/runner will receive a goodie bag, a PCGR 2015 shirt, and a great time with friends and family. Medals will be awarded to each finisher of the 5K. Finish Line refreshments will be available, and a silent auction after the race. If you or someone you know would like to make a donation or give an item to the silent auction, please feel free to contact me at also you can find us on Facebook @ “Perry Co. Grace Race” We look forward to seeing you there!!!