CARPENTER’S Kids Schedule SERVING IN JUNE Summer 2015 NEW DAY! Wednesdays COMMUNION SERVERS WORSHIP 1. Lois Basenfelder 2. Bob Marcotte 3. Kathy Burdett USHER CAPTAINS MONEY COUNTERS Janice Haverland (S) Ulonda Rogers (S) Dave Lyons Cyrille Defeu NEW MEMBER CALLER Mike Downey 4. Marlee Criaco 5. Debe Shafer 6. Scott Shafer USHERS AND GREETERS • SANCTUARY USHERS June 14 June 21 June 28 Dave Haverland Glenn Mathews Karon Mathews Julie Wattenbarger Glenn Mathews Karon Mathews Karen Sanders Mary Arnold Bill Watson Ruth Watson Rick Avery Shelly Espinoza Adam Espinoza Dave Haverland Larry Wilding Gladys Wilding Mary Arnold GREETERS Don Spencer Rick Avery Frank Edmiston Shirley Edmiston Rusleen Maurice Billie Housman ------------------------------------------ SUNDAYS, MAY 24 thru JULY 26 If you would like your child (or know a child) who would to participate in this program, please complete Registration and Medical Release forms available at the church and online at June 10 (6:00pm to 8:00pm) July 1 (TBA) ALL FAMILIES AND CHILDREN ARE INVITED! Splash pad, games, and more! Wear a swim suit and bring a towel. Bring a side or a dessert. (Hotdogs, condiments, and drinks provided.) TBA: Movie Title, Location Summer Kick-Off Family Picnic at Tiffany Park Afternoon at the Movies June 17 (10:00am to Noon) Blue Baker Tour 201 Dominik Drive, College Station Children tour the bakery, then, work and shape dough. Blue Baker will let the dough rise and then bake the dough. Parents can pick up their child’s dough later in the day. Meet at Blue Baker at 10:00am; Parents pick up at Noon. (Lunch is optional for parents and children.) June 24 (1:00pm to 3:00pm) Engineering Imagination (Mystery Project) & Crafts Children explore their engineering abilities and creativity. June 7 Melissa Gathings Imogene Vetters A summer program for children who have completed K-6th Grade. FPC will meet in the sanctuary for all worship services. During this time, worship “mode” will vary with traditional, contemporary, and blended components. July 8 (1:00pm to 5:00pm) Miniature Train Display in Navasota Mr. Chuck Lind is a Master Model Railroader. He builds miniature structures, scenery and towns around his model trains. Children tour his miniature train museum. (Snacks & drinks provided.) July 15 (9:00am to 3:00pm) Washington on the Brazos: Tour & Picnic Museum, Independence Hall, Barrington Living History Tour Meet at FPC at 8:45am. Bring a sack lunch. (Drinks provided.) July 22 (1:00pm to 3:00pm) Pool Party TBA: Pool Location and Time Wear a swim suit and bring a towel. (Snacks will be provided.) VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL “God Is Always with You!” (God has A Plan for Joseph) (for children from two years old thru 6th Grade) SATURDAY JUNE 13 9:00AM to 1:00PM Registration forms will be available soon! All parents and grandparents are invited at Noon to join the children for lunch. We hope to see all of you there! ___________________________________________________________________ First Presbyterian Church 1100 Carter Creek Parkway Bryan Texas 77802 Phone: 979.823.8073 Fax: 979.822.7063 | Website: Email:
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