RESS P RESBYTERIAN M A R C Newsletter Vol 32, Issue3 Fpc 2 0 15 IN THIS ISSUE H PASTOR TIM 2 PNC REPORT /GIVING 3 EVENTS & UPDATES 4 KIDS NEWS 5 YOUTH NEWS 6 WHAT’S NEW 7 CLOTHES DRIVE 8 OGHS 9 MARCH CALENDAR THANK YOU GOD! 10 PASTOR TIM A WORD FROM PASTOR TIM In case you were not aware, the daffodils bordered by the frame of a cross next to the basketball court were already blooming as early as the third week of February! In case you were not aware, Ash Wednesday (February 18th) has come and gone. As you read this we are into the second full week of what is called the season of Lent. “Lent” refers to the habit of Christians to observe a season of fasting in spiritual preparation for Easter. Lent begins with Ash Wednesday as a fast day, and then continues for 46 days – 40 fast days plus 6 Sundays (on which you don’t fast) – culminating in the Easter Sunday celebration and feast! According to the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, Jesus spent 40 days fasting in the desert and was tempted by Satan. Many believe Lent originated as a mirror of this for the building up of Christian men, women and children in their faith. He fasted, so we fast in some form or fashion. Protestant Reformers were not of one mind and had mixed feelings about the season and various practices associated with it. This conversation continues to the present day. For the last two years we have not had an Ash Wednesday service at 1st Pres Downey. Perhaps next year you will! One thing we did do on Ash Wednesday, which coincided with our weekly FPC youth gathering, was talk with the youth about the meaning of these traditions and study Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness. We talked about how coming face to face with death actually helps you get clear about life, its meaning, and what Jesus is calling you to do with the life he’s given you! (Ashes on the forehead, is a reminder of our limits and a call to follow Jesus in his way of life.) Resurrection Sunday (a.k.a. “Easter”) is coming (April 5th)! Easter and all the events of Holy Week are all about God giving everything out of love for you, and then calling on you to give everything to him as a response. Ash Wednesday and Lent gets us thinking about that as some of us fast or “give up” something for the season. With the youth that night, we gave them the opportunity to give up something for Lent as a spiritual reminder of the call to give up (surrender and place under his control) everything. We “imposed” ashes on their foreheads in the sign of a cross, if they wished, and said “Repent, and believe in the Gospel.” So the daffodils are up and have come to life in the same way Jesus is “up” and come to life in his Resurrection. It didn’t and doesn’t happen outside the frame of the cross and all that dies with it. The same goes for our youth and for you. Ash Wednesday and Lent remind us of all that and get us ready for Easter and resurrections. Every blessing, Pastor Tim PROGRESS REPORTS By Jerry Scott, PNC Moderator PNC REPORT The PNC is in the process of reviewing additional PIFs (resumes). Over 30 new PIFs have been submitted. After going thru the process of review on previously submitted PIFs, the final candidates became unavailable. Please continue to hold the PNC and the selection process in your prayers. We know God has the right Pastor already selected for us. We need to discern who that is through our review process. Jerry Scott PNC Moderator GIVING FINANCES MONTH INCOME EXPENSES NET INC/ (EXP) Y-T-D INCOME Y-T-D EXPENSES Y-T-D NET INC/(EXP) JAN 28,967 29,967 (1,000) 28,967 29,967 (1,000) Events Updates & DOWNEY PRES YOUNG SINGERS!!! PHILIPPIANS 4:6 MARGIE KALIE Hacienda Grande, Long Beach MIYO YOKOTA Sunrise, Hermosa Beach ROBERT QUILLIN LARC, Norwalk 2ND MONDAY OF THE MONTH @ 2 P.M. IN THE CHURCH LIBRARY JOIN US FOR OUR NEXT MEETING MARCH 9TH THE LESSON “FIVE VISIONS ” (PART 2) IS FROM AMOS 9 LED BY LOIS DELINE BIBLE STUDY CIRCLE 1 FOR MORE INFO. PLEASE CALL LOIS DELINE, 562-869-8215 Welcome & CONGRATS Come and lift your spirit & your voice in praises to God! We WELCOME ALL YOUTH to join!!! No age barriers! PRAY FOR SHUT-INS YOUTH|CHOIR verything PRAY ABOUT E New Members! Let’s WELCOME the following as members of FPC Downey: Hugo Coronado, Andrea Coronado, Alfredo Coronado, Hugo (Jr) Coronado, Norma Galvan, Dorian Aquino-Galvan, Gayle Parks and Angela Salguero! BAPTISMS!!! Dorian Aquino-Galvan & Kaiden Angel Chacon BIG T H A N K YOU… In Loving Memory of Ed Todd Prayers for Donna Huff and extended family in the death of her loving brother, Ed Todd. If you would like to send a card please send to: 8432 Dacosta Street Downey, CA 90240 THANK YOU to ALL volunteers and FPC ministry leaders. Thank you to our volunteers Anna Marie Brislin and Ruth Ruckman for all you do day in and day out as volunteers at the office! To all departments and leaders who dedicate their time and effort towards the ministry at FPC Downey, THANK YOU!!! You are all very much appreciated. We are part of a much larger picture for God’s glory! “U N I T Y IS STRENGTH… WHEN THERE IS TEAMWORK AND COLLABORATION, WONDERFUL THINGS CAN BE ACHIEVED.” FRIDAY, MARCH 6 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm 3RD - 5TH GRADERS CUMBERLAND HALL (FPC) ST. PATRICK’S DAY FOOD, FUN & FUN GAMES! WEAR GREEN TO ADD TO OUR ST. PATRICK'S DAY THEME!!! QUESTIONS? Call Donna Huff at 562-923-1797 PARENTS WILLING TO VOLUNTEER? CONTACT DONNA by phone or email at Education Hour SUNDAYS 9 AM Children’s Worship SUNDAYS 10 AM Nursery Available for 0-4 yrs (DURING SUNDAY WORSHIP) JOIN US!!! Youth B ble Wednesdays i Study *ACTIVITIES *LEARNING ON JESUS & ISSUES FACING YOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL SESSION *HANGOUT 9-9:50 a.m. RECEIVE A NEW TESTAMENT BIBLE!!! MAKE NEW FRIENDS! EVERY NIGHT LET’S MAKE TIME TO PRAY FOR OUR YOUTH!!! THERE’S POWER IN PRAYER EASTER Lilies We will be selling lilies to comprise the Easter Sunday cross at the front of the sanctuary for the next five Sundays (March 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29) in Cumberland Hall following the worship service. Each lily may be purchased for $15, either in honor of living loved ones and friends, or in memory of those who have touched our lives and have already passed on. The names of those who purchase lilies and the people they honor and remember will be listed in an insert in the Easter Sunday bulletin. E A S T E R week HOLY WEEK WORSHIP SCHEDULE MARCH 29- Palm Sunday 10:00am APRIL 3- Good Friday Service 7:30pm APRIL 4- Easter Egg Stuffing 10-11am APRIL 5- Easter Sunday -9am Egg-stravaganza Activities -10am Worship Service Imagine the joy when your gift positively affects someone’s life—both the joy someone feels as their burdens ease and the joy you feel when you realize your gift has helped. As Christians, we speak of God providing us with blessings in abundance, but there are many in the world who live without the basic necessities of life. Surely God calls us to share. By giving to One Great Hour of Sharing, you make a conscious decision to bring the joy and love of Christ to some of the most vulnerable and desperate places and people around the world. With your generous gift to ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING, you can be a channel through whom God satisfies the hungry, comforts the distressed, and Brings hope to the poor and oppressed. Learn more about this annual offering each Sunday! Be blessed as you give!!! SUN MON 1 2 TUES 3 HOLY COMMUNION 7:30pm BAND 10am Worship 8 9 10am Worship 15 10 Circle 1 Bible Study 16 10 am Worship 7pm ALL TEAMS 7:30pm BAND 17 7pm DEACONS 7:30pm BAND 22 23 24 7pm SESSION 10 am Worship 29 7:30pm BAND 30 WED 4 THURS 5 6 CHOIR 7:30pm YOUTH 7-8:30 PM 11 12 YOUTH 7-8:30 PM 25 YOUTH 7-8:30 PM OFFICE CLOSED 13 19 OFFICE CLOSED 20 CHOIR 7:30pm 7 9AM PRAYER 14 9AM PRAYER 7:30pm Spanish Bible Study CHOIR 7:30pm 26 SAT KIDS Fun Night @6pm CHOIR 7:30pm YOUTH 7-8:30 PM 18 FRI OFFICE CLOSED 21 9AM PRAYER 7:30pm Spanish Bible Study 27 OFFICE CLOSED 28 9AM PRAYER 7:30 pm Spanish Bible Study 31 7:30pm BAND 10 am Worship PALM SUNDAY 1 3 4 4 5 10 11 12 16 17 18 19 22 Lilian Alfaro Agnes Eyong Tabot Damaris Chacon Eric Stender Gary McCaughan Brandon Garcia Rick Trejo Laura Terasaki Judi Harper Owen Diaz Paul Ivison Norman Evangelista Bonnie Symonds 24 26 29 30 31 Kathy Johnson Andrew Gasdia Paula Montoya Laura Dayhoff Samantha Duron Office hours MON-THUR: 9-4pm FRI: Closed Fpc First Presbyterian Church of Downey PO Box 5069, 10544 Downey Avenue Downey, CA 90241 (562) 861-6752
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