Journey off the Map/Greenville Trusting and Serving God Vacation Bible School Registration for – 3 ½ yrs. old through 5th grade June 14 – June 18, 2015 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. - First Presbyterian Church Registration Deadline June 05, 2015 VBS will begin Sunday night, June 14th with activities, music, smores and a scavenger hunt for the whole family beginning at 6:30 to 8:00. Child’s Name ________________________________Date of Birth_______________________ Age as of June 14_______Grade child will be for 2015-2016 school year____________________ Child’s Name ________________________________Date of Birth_______________________ Age as of June 14_______Grade child will be for 2015-2016 school year____________________ (Preschool children must be 3 ½ by June 14th and potty trained.) Class limit is 24 children. Parent’s Name(s)__________________________________ Home phone_________________ Cell phone_______________ Work phone________________ Email_______________________ Address_______________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact other than parent and phone number_______________________________________________________________________ Allergies/ Medical conditions or Special needs: ______________________________________________________________________ People allowed to pick up your child and phone numbers______________________________ Is it okay to have your child’s picture taken? Yes/no Church Member? Yes/No - T-Shirt size S M L XL - $5.00 fee This year our mission project will be an outreach to East Carolina Food Bank. Plan to bring a canned item each day. Check our website for details at: This year our 4th & 5th graders will be serving our community at local mission sites. Parents must complete the 2015 VBS Medical Release form in order to participate (no exceptions). Forms can be downloaded from our website. ____ I can help decorate beforehand ____call me ____email me Questions? Kathleen Williams, Director of Christian Education 252-758-1901 x204 Please email (, , deliver (1400 South Elm Street), or fax (758-1365) form to church office.
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