Seeley& Blackmarr Selective Invewtments W e can save you money on the f o l l o w i n g Securities:— Frontier Mortgage Corp. I,. R. Steel. Inc. V. S. Metal Cap A Seal RoeaeKter I'owertown Cord I.oew*s Buffalo T h e a t r e s I l i n n e c l l u p OH Buffalo Truck A. Tractor Parentl Motor* If you w i s h to buy, sell or receive information on a n y Security, mail the coupon below to our Buffalo Office TODAY. Clip Here—MAIL, TO-DAY SKKI.KV & BLACKMARR No. 619 Mala Street Buffalo, N. Y. Gentlemen: — I w i s h to sell I w i s h to buy Send m e information on Name - Address , _ COFFEE Our Special for this week 33 ct. Coffee per lb. 25 4 pounds for $1 Parcels Poet Prepaid Y o u will t h a n k us m a n y t i m e s for t h i s w o n d e r f u l b r a n d of COFFEE William Adams 110 ¥.. Genesee Street Buffalo. N. V. ! Dollar Saved a Dollar Earned Will mean more than a mere phrase if you select your clothing needs from my fine v a r i e t y of s l i g h t l y - u s e d articles, a s y o u w i l l be o b t a i n i n g c l o h t i n g of durable, h a r d - w e a r i n g materials for a small fraction of the original cost. My stock comprisesMen't* Suit*. Overcoats, Single Coatu, 1'aiif*. VeMtN. Shoe*, Ktc, w i t h a limited number of Women's \\ inter < oat*. SIIKM and Drenwea. Many of these articles are almost unworn and the prices at which I sell will reserve your finances for less practical Christ m a s presents. C l o t h i n g in ail s i z e s and colors, and I w i l l be glad if you will drop in the next time you are in Buffalo and inspect my stock. Kxtending to all very cordial w i s h e s for a Prosperous and Happy New Year, remember ine O'DONJiKIL, THM T E X T I L E I. pMtuirw Flat 107 E. Genesee St., Buffalo, N. Y. SYRIAN CITY OF BEIRUT OBJECTS TO REGULATIONS its name. There is the Preparatory Cove for young students, t h e College Cove, and t h e Faculty cove where the young American teachers swim. The cliffs are pierced in places by NEAR MT. LEBANON deep caves and it is a wonderful adventure for a seasoned swimmer to It W a s H e r e t h a t St. George Killed h r e a s t t h e beating waves and wait t h e Dragon According t o Tradition outside t h e narrow m o u t h of one of these til t h e beating waves lower a and Threw t h e Body I n t o a Well, little and then e n t e r t h r o u g h t h e W h e r e One May Still See Its Eyes | n a r r o w m o u t h whioh promptly close Shining on a D a r k Xnight. behind, illuminating t h e interior with a lovely hlue light like t h a t a t t h e more famous Capri. Beirut, the ancient Syrian city fea" F r o m t h e harbor t h e r e rises a cog tured in recent dispatches because o£ wheel railway whioh connects the Moslem opposition to changes in ancient city of Damascus to t h e seastreet n a m i n g and police (innova| coast. It w a s this French railway tions, is described in a bulletin of and t h e French h a r b o r which gave the National Geographic Society by Beirut its prominence as a port and a former resident of t h e city as folfew indeed a r e the Palestinian tourlows: ists who have not passed over this " P i c t u r e , nestling at t h e base of road while leaving the world's oldest t h e Lebanon, a many tinted city city, a green oasis in t h e midst of t h e pushed out into the s e t t i n g s u n by tawny desert, and t h e Cyclopean t h e pressure of a famous mountain ruins of Baalbek, t o r e t u r n to the range, which, j u s t east of t h e city ship for home. and Vobbing it of t h e early morning " T h e mountains offer various sum light, towers t o 8,500 feet in a beaumer resorts for the city of Beirut and tiful mountain whose snowy heights the green masses of the foothills are form t h e crystal screen upon which not only dotted with pretty Lebanon is projected t h e rose glow of t h e villages from which thousands of Syworld's most colorful sunsets. rians have set out across t h e sea as " T h e backbone of t h e city stret- did t h e Phoenicians from t h e same ches to t h e west from a low alluvial port, but t h e land in America instead plain which almost makes Bei- of beside the chalk cliffs of Albion, rut an island. T h e wharves are to where tin was obtained in ancient t h e north, looking away from t h e times. m o r e famous b u t inferior ports of " T h e natives say t h a t the Lebanon Tyre and Sidon to the south and t o has summer in its lap, spring on its ward the o t h e r Phoenician ports of bosom and winter on its head and by Tripoli and Alexandretta and Selemoving t h e slopes one can find t h e ucia, all of which have old Phoenitemperature desired. Rich Egypcian n a m e s long since forgotten .by tians come this way in summer and t h e inhabitants. Berytus was the there a r e gaming places on Lebanon name of Beirut. I that rival Monte Carlo. Recently Curves Like Bay of Xaples : t h e automobile has come to t h e Le" T h e waterfront is commonplace banon and up t h e winding roads enough most of the year, even ; there now climb motor cars of all though j u s t outside the disfiguring | shapes and sizes. T h e r e are many breakwater t h e r e lies t h e bluest, commuters in summer time and each most nearly perfect curve of bay east night the tired business man leaves of Xaples. It bears the n a m e of St. the h o t coast and takes the business George and although it is the French man's special to the cool r e t r e a t of t h a t have improved it, the British 'Aleih or Suk-el-Charb. have made it notable on their beau" N o r t h from Beirut there r u n s a tiful golden coins, now extinct, which once showed St. George killing a ' famous road and a t Dog River t h e dragon or r a t h e r THE dragon. My- | cliffs are carved with the proud inthology will tell you who St. George scriptions of conquerors who have was and why he killed t h e dragon passed this way since history was and why the British put it on their holding a rattle. Strong Moslem Opposition to Changing Names of the the City's Streets coins and his cross of their Union Jack. But e r e St. George slew the dragon and t h r e w him down a well nothing h a r m s an Oriental well— and if you don't believe it, t h e well is still there and if you go t h e r e on a dark night and gaze down into the inky waters, you will see t h e dragon's eyes! Headaches Neuralgia Women's Pains Mental Strain Colds SAY MILLER'S IMPROVED ACPIPJM i T A B L E T S O R AOlltVltN J CAPSULES IMPROVED AND PROVED Work 3 Times Faster At All DoBRtuta E. I. .MILLER, Ph. G. BIS K. Vtlca Street Bl'PFALO, N. Y. Trade Mark FURS—5S5 New Lot of ltenutiful Fur ( n a n I'wed la MO>IDR Pictures Gaaraateed never worn In street Hudson Seal, Raccoon. Muskrat. B a y Seal. Northern Seal Coats Trimmed with skunk, Squirrel and Beaver. In all l e n g t h s and sizes. Call early. B i g Bargains. BRISBANE BUILDING Mala Street Room 820 B U F F A L O , N. T. Open Evenings—Come TJp! How Keep it Quiet If you do want a thing known, don't put it t h e little old country weekly, is th advice of H. A. Sturges, publishei af The Republic of Ber esford, S. Dakota. Not long ago he printed an efljtorial squib commending t h e Stan ard Oil Company for taking i t s messages to the people of t h e country means of paid advertising. H e bbed his eyes a few weeks later p e n he saw his squib in papers all iver that section. The alert advert! ng department of the oil company bad picked it up and made good u of it. Your Dpportunity TOUR FACE CANNOT CORRECT ITSELF If you are troubled with superflous hair, moles, warts, red veins, etc., they will be a constant detriment to your personal appearance until you secure the necessary professional service. So why not Investigate our methods for their permanent and painless removal? Consultation invited. All w o r k guaranteed. A. J WHITTLETON. E. D. M. T. Tupper 4398 722 Main St. Buffalo, N.Y mosques are generally small. Long famous for its learning, it is today a city of colleges and schools. One of t h e great institutions in Beirut is the American press which publishes most of the Bibles and Gospels "'The streets a r e narrow and full that are issued in Arabic. Its proof life. The buildings a r e kalsomin- duct reaches the whole of the world. ed in various hues, ugly near at hand "During the w a r whole sections but t r u l y Turneresque from a dist- of the city were razed to make way ance. On one of the highest points for new roads and thoroughfares and at t h e eastern end of t h e high rib the center of the city is becoming which the city straddles there is, or ; less and less picturesque as t h e days was, a military barracks. Beirut has go by. The seller of sweetmeats, tram lines which run along the back j carrying h i s swaying tray on his bone, and near the center of the city ; head and his rude tripod on his arm, there is a small park embroidered no longer has to look up like a dywith bootblacks with small shoe- ing Gaul while balancing his load in blacking boxes, around which the i the midst of buildings whose awn t r a m s turn. Here there in another line of trams which runs to the south to a beautiful grove of pines which were planted to save t h e city from the drifting sands. "The western end of the limestone ridge is called Ras Beirut or t h e i point of Beirut, and near the extremity of this section there is one of the loveliest college campuses on earth, with more than a score of principal :3 buildings. Possibly nowhere else on earth has America's name been more •revered and so lovely is the scene of t h e deep blue bay and t h e snowy mountain range t h a t there has long been a standing a r g u m e n t metween this college and the Robert College, at Roumeli Hissar, outside Constantinople on the Bosphorus, as to which has t h e lovelier view. APIA TOHS TANKS ICI'AIHKI) F E N D E R S and E-CORED BODIES Made or repaired EIH.ILT Out-of-town work given prompt attention. 12 Perry St., near foot of Main Phone Seneca 3627 Buffalo, N. V. R Y.W.C.A. HOTEL EXCLUSIVELY FOR WOMEN CAFETERIA LAUNDRYETTE R a t e s from 50c t o $2.50 Convenient to t h e shopping and T h e a t r e District. WHEN IN BUFFALO VISIT THE MORGAN TURKISH BATHS Niagara and Pearl Streets BATH AND BED ALL NIGHT $1.00 1 Investors Pocket Manual for Month of January Our manual contains the latest statistical information, also high and low prices for several years on all issues listed on the Exchanges in New York Chicago and other leading exchanges throughout the United States. This manual gives a complete price range covering all securities for the first six months of this year. It also contains a brief resume of the various companies such as capitalization, financial statements, dividends, etc. Copy mailed on request W. H. H. DAVENPORT Listed Stocks and Bonds 217-219 Ellicott Square, BUFFALO, N. T. 1 USED CARS S| JH |H H| = = = =H | BUICKS, FORDS, REOS, PAIGES, DODGES, COLES, DORT8, STUTZ, MERCER, MAXWELLS, BUDSONS, GRANTS, OAKLANDS, ESSEX, CADILLACS, MOONS, JORDONS WESTCOTTS, SCRLPPS-BOOTBS And other makes in Touring, Roadsters, Sedans and Coupes. 100 cars on h a n d a t all times from $100 on u p . LARGEST USED CAR DEALERS IN NEW YORK STATE. Open a t all times. YORK MOTOR SALES CO, 671-673 Main Street BUFFALO, N. Y. Tupper 0 7 8 5 "E%ry Picture Tells a Story"} Feathers - Nature Provides Swimming Pools " I n from the west and north sweep t h e waves which are eating away at the limestone cliffs and each year t h e shoreline recedes before the fierce battle with the waters upon which the Phoenician argosies set out in search of fame and commerce. At one place the dashing waves have cut entirely around two towering masse? of rock and bored a huge . hole through the side of one of them so that when the storms come Pigeon Rocks reveal a spirited picture of angry waves and steady stone. Xar-. row coves extend in from the sea and in these one finds some of the finest natural swimming pools anywhere for the bottom is deep and the water clear and the sides rise gradually so t h a t one can dive from vary ing heights from the w a t e r ' s edge to This Marie Louise hat is a lovely thirty feet. combination of white ostrich and ermine. Feathers on hat, gown "These coves form t h e playground ! and fan are exceedingly good this of the college students and each has i season. MANDT AUTO GEAK CO. 480 Gene«ee St., Buffalo, N. Y. N E W fiEAKS, SHAFTS, SPRINGS and BEARINGS, a l s o FI,Y W H E E L STARTER, GEAR RINGS for all m a k e s of earn. Mall Orders Filled P r o m p t l y Telephone Jefferson 4033 19 Court St., BUFFALO THE AUTO RADIATOR SHOP To fret a She< Bkin Coat, moleskin top 36 inches Ion four pockets, leather trimmed s.s.!i.->, value $15.00. New Yort Underselling Store People Mixed; Holidays Many |H j Main St. B BE;alo. N. Y. " T h e population of Beirut is mixMail orders f i f t d the same day we ro- = ed and t h e holidays many. Some of oeive them. !V il your size and w e i g h t A s nl' " Wanted. the churches are wealthy though the *fc.:1 Dull Aching alconies strove to rob ings and him of his lj elihood. Dur soul desires' he " 'What shouts as he tries to work up appetites to t h e buying point and t h e seller of cool ng drinks with a great ball of Lebanon snow stuck above his highly ciBored bottle clinks two brass bowls ogether in a way t h a t is more near y related t o the sound e in a cocktail mixer of clinking nt for sickish t h a n an syrups has a y right to be. City of 1 pture Book Houses " T h r o u g h h i s close packed city of picture b k houses there go t h e Christian wc nen, bare of face and none too bes itiful, and the Moslem women whose religion mercifully Unless one h e a r s t h e supplies a v e shout of t h e rbaji driving his spirited steeds b e re a shiny victoria he ive his shoulder grazed is likely to by t h e passa B of a Levantine beauface and redolent of ty, eloquet perfume accompameed by some pale faced official with waxed mustache and a blazinj tarbuche. " T h e Syrris loves t h e sunsets and ttles down, t h e r e is a as evening general exod s to t h e heights of Ras Beirut where th e waves pile up from the west and the sun goes down in a Then t h e line of earradiant sea riages is all bst unbroken and t h e barren slope; a r e dotted with small groups of M slems with their 'harems' which pclude all t h e female relatives froi child to g r a n d m a . As t h o u g h so much beauty could not exist uncchallei [ed there are wretches who com to their loving tryst l sun with talking with the se t iing whose agonized machines, a; inst screams in A abic melodies the roar of t h e waves Is all in vain." Feel Stiff and Achy After Every Cold? Do Yc|i Have Constant Backache? Feel Old and Lame and Suffer Sharp Rheumatic Pains? Then Look to Your Kidneys! D " OES every cold, chill or attack of grip lea \ you wornrout and utterly miserable? Do vo u feel old and lame, stiff and rheumatic? ^>es your back ache with a dull, unceasing thro until it seems you just can't stand it a n y l o n g r? T h e n pok to your kidneys! Grip, colds and c h i l l s are mighty hard on the kidneys. They fill t h e bloo( with poisons and impurities that the k i d n e y s i bst fiLter off. The kidneys weaken untier t h i s ush of new work; become congested and inif la ed. It's little wonder, then, t h a t every cold leaves you with torturing backache, rheumatic pains, headaches, dizziness and annoying bladder irregularities. But don't worry! Simply realize that your kidneys are overworked at such times and need assistance. Get a box of Doan's Kidney Pills and give your weakened kidneys the help they heed. Assist them, also, by drinking pure water freely, eating lightly and getting plenty of fresh air and rest. Doan's Kidney Fills have helped thousands and should help you. Ask your neighbor! "Use Doan's^ Say These Good Folks W.-H. St., Lyo settled i When I; pain con ches. I| often aa other ki was told, A coupli regulatei KKl'SMARK, carpenter, 31 Spencer i, X. Y., says: "I caught cold and it my kidneys causing a lame back. tooped to pick up a timber a sharp ht me and I had to raise up by inad to pass the kidney secretions too they were highly colored. After ney remedies failed to help me I o try Doan's Kidney Pills, so I did. boxes cured me of backache and the action ot my kidneys." MRS. ANNA DELAHQYDE, 3 South Ave., Bath, N. Y„ says: " I had an attack of t h e grip which left my kidneys in a weakened state. Many times when I stooped over I could hardly straighten up. I had dizzy spells and pains shot through my back and shoulder blades. My ankles swelled and there was a steady ache in the small of my back. A friend advised me to use Doan's Kidney. Pills. Four boxes gave me a permanent cure and I have not had a sign of the trouble since." Down's Kidney Pills At all dealers, 60c a box. Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 Foster-Milburn Co., Mfg. Chemists, Buffalo, N.Y.
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