FPPA 18th Annual Conference REGISTER NOW! April 27-29, 2015 ~ Naples Grande Beach Resort ~ Naples, Florida Please read these instructions carefully before filling out the registration form on the reverse side. “How to Be Creative, Faster, AND Profitable! Register Early & Save Money! Early Bird Registration must be made by April 10, 2015 Cancellation Policy All cancelled registrations submitted in writing prior to April 10, 2015 will be refunded after May 1, 2015 minus a $75 processing fee for each delegate. There is no refund for cancellations after April 17, 2015 All registrations must be postmarked or time-stamped by April 10, 2015 in order to avoid the $50 late charge. � Disability: If you have a disability or dietary need and require special accommodation in order to fully participate in this event, please check the box above and attach a written description of needs. We can only provide access if we have prior knowledge. Important! Please neatly print or type all information. Your badge will be printed using the supplied information. All conference materials can be picked up at the registration desk upon your arrival. Keep a copy of both sides for your records. Completed registration forms may be mailed, faxed, or emailed to FPPA headquarters at any time. All conference costs must be paid in full prior to the meeting. Delegate and Non-member Registration Fee includes: • All Business Sessions • Supplier Presentations • Keynote Sessions • Printed Program and All Conference Materials • Monday Welcome Reception • Tuesday Breakfast, Lunch, and Refreshment Breaks • Tuesday Evening President’s Banquet • Wednesday Breakfast Guest/Spouse Registration Fee includes: • Conference Materials • Monday Welcome Reception • Tuesday Breakfast • Tuesday Evening President’s Banquet • Wednesday Breakfast New this year! FPPA’s 18th Annual Conference will be held in conjunction with the AICC 2015 Spring Meeting! This event will also celebrate AICC’s 40th Anniversary. FPPA attendees will be offered a special rate to participate in the AICC Opening Night Reception on Wednesday, April 29, 2015. Please note your interest in attending on the form on the reverse side. FPPA members interested in attending the entire AICC Spring Meeting may be eligible for discounted registration. Contact FPPA Headquarters for more information! Hotel Reservations: The planners at FPPA have secured a group rate of $279.00 single/double occupancy. You are responsible for making your own hotel reservations. To receive the discount rate, call the Naples Grande Beach Resort, +1 (855) 923-7436 and reference FPPA. Make your reservations early since the deadline to receive the group discounted rate is April 3, 2015. FPPA 18th Annual Conference REGISTER NOW! April 27-29, 2015 ~ Naples Grande Beach Resort ~ Naples, Florida Please carefully read instructions on reverse side before filling out this form. Company _________________________________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip (Country) ____________________________________________________________________ Phone ________________________________________ Email (for receipt) __________________________ Name Email Cell (emergency use only) First Time? Yes or No Delegate 1 Guest 1 Emergency Contact Delegate 2 Guest 2 Emergency Contact Delegate 3 Guest 3 Emergency Contact REGISTRATION FEES: FPPA Member Registration (first 2 attendees) $795 FPPA Member Registration (3rd+ attendees) $595 Non-member Spouse Table AICC Late Fee Registration Registration Top Dinner (after $995 $200 Display $150 4/10/15) $300 $50 Total Fees Delegate Spouse/Guest Total Due PAYMENT INFORMATION: Check (payable to FPPA) Card # VISA/MasterCard American Express Expiration Date: Billing Address: Name on Card Return payment & completed form to FPPA at: 9 Newport Drive, Ste 200, Forest Hill, MD 21050 Signature: Fax: 443-640-1031 or e-mail: kristin@stringfellowgoup.net
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