TEN REASONS WHY WE ARE PROUD TO BE FRANCHE! cont. Easter 2015 THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF FRANCHE COMMUNITY PRIMARY SCHOOL Enjoy, Progress & Achieve Success! Franche Flyer is edited by Jane Haynes with contributions from the teachers and pupils of Franche Community Primary School. Designed by Pixel Design & Print Ltd. We’d love to hear what you think about the Flyer and what you’d like to see in future editions. Contact us by emailing office@francheprimary.worcs.sch.uk or leave a note at the school office. Franche Community Primary School, Chestnut Grove, Franche, Kidderminster DY11 5QB T: 01562 751788 W: www.francheprimary.org.uk E: office@francheprimary.worcs.sch.uk 4 1 TEN REASONS WHY WE ARE PROUD TO BE FRANCHE! #1 THIS IS A GREAT SCHOOL! Your child is assured a fantastic start to their school life. Our school is rated “Good with Outstanding Features” by Ofsted, while the wraparound and early years 726 provision we offer on site is rated “Outstanding”. Housed in updated and very spacious classrooms, with performance and sports halls, our pupils thrive in a caring, stimulating environment, with acres of outdoor play space. Throughout the school our pupils receive a high quality requiring additional support from our Special Educational Needs team. For example, our most able mathematicians take part in a community Maths Challenge (and win!); our most able potential engineers are invited to a special afterschool club; and our talented creative writers are encouraged to enter competitions. language, from chess to Manga drawing and archery to drama. We also organise one to one and small group support for children to help them reach their learning goals; and provide specialist opportunities, sometimes using Pupil Premium funding, to build self esteem and confidence, including a Riding Club. Every child is supported to strive to reach their potential, enabling them to head into the next stage of their school journey with confidence. pupils get the chance to show their peers what they have #4 SPECIALIST TEACHERS board games. More than 20 activities take place every week… education delivered by experienced, qualified specialist staff, giving them many opportunities to excel. From the time they start at Franche, our pupils learn they #3 AN UNRIVALLED REPUTATION LOCALLY FOR INCLUSIVITY are part of a popular, inclusive, community-orientated school family. We are proud of the partnership we have developed with our parents, who we seek to keep fully informed and part of their child’s education through regular letters home, weekly newsletters, Franche Flyer magazine, parents’ evenings and regular invites into school. Parents, grandparents and carers join us for stay-and-play sessions and parent information evenings, help us as volunteer readers and support our fund raising events and activities organised by our Parent Teacher Association (PTA). Our active PTA supports the school in all sorts of ways – last year their fundraising paid for the purchase of dozens of iPads for pupils. We also have an experienced and enthusiastic governing body who support our school in its mission to help every child achieve their potential. Whatever your child’s gift or talent, or whatever challenges they face, we will work with them to provide a truly individualised education. Our staff work exceptionally hard to provide a secure, happy and creative environment where all children can thrive, irrespective of their starting point and ambitions. All are encouraged to take responsibility and become independent learners. We celebrate all our children’s achievements, from the children with special gifts and talents who we help to reach their personal goals, including those who win academic and music scholarships to nearby schools, to the children identified as One of the benefits of being a larger school is that we have the capacity to employ specialist subject teachers, who not only bring their expertise to the classroom but also support the training and development of all staff. These include specialist practitioners in Maths, English, PE, Music & Languages. Our Science provision is award winning. These specialists help and support learning across the school, ensuring lessons are creative, exciting and in line with best practice nationally. For example, our specialist maths practitioner uses her extensive knowledge to ensure maths across the school is fun, energised and effective. She also has a professional accreditation recognising her extensive experience and skill in developing maths teaching. We were recently awarded a Silver Science Award, recognising the high quality of science teaching and opportunities available to pupils, including our astronomy evenings and Imagineering science club. The aim is to give youngsters the chance to learn new skills which will raise their self esteem and confidence, encourage them to challenge themselves and push them out of their comfort zone, and reward achievement and endeavour. Every enrichment afternoon ends with a celebration assembly, when accomplished. The usual buzz and liveliness that epitomises life at Franche goes up another notch on Friday afternoons! But the opportunities are not restricted to school hours. We offer after school clubs every night in another round of activities, from ballet and cheerleading to football to traditional with every one of them offered free. #6 AT THE HEART OF THE COMMUNITY, WITH COMMUNITY AT ITS HEART Franche is a true community school. We host a regular lunch club for older people, who come in and eat with our children; we run large scale community events, including a very popular bonfire and fireworks, a summer fair, and festive activities, together attended by thousands of people every year. We regularly fundraise for community charities and distribute harvest and Christmas hampers, all to help instil in our children that they are part of a wider community. We also host a wide range of clubs on our premises outside school hours, including martial arts, fitness, slimming and activity clubs. Our children learn a Modern Foreign Language from the age of three, including French, German and Spanish. #2 INSPIRING LEADERSHIP #5 EXCEPTIONAL ENRICHMENT OPPORTUNITIES Our head teacher, Val Weddell-Hall, was awarded an OBE for her outstanding contribution to education. She demonstrates daily an incredible level of energy, enthusiasm, knowledge and love for her school and the children, staff and parents who make up the family of Franche. She’s supported by an excellent Senior Leadership Team and strong teaching and non-teaching teams who bring consistency and creativity in equal measure. 2 A truly breathtaking array of opportunities are provided for our children to ensure that their lives are enriched in the classroom, in play, on the sports field and in the music room. Friday afternoons are dedicated to enrichment activities, with every pupil offered the chance to take part in brilliant expertled sessions in everything from magic to learning the Maori 3 TEN REASONS WHY WE ARE PROUD TO BE FRANCHE! #1 THIS IS A GREAT SCHOOL! Your child is assured a fantastic start to their school life. Our school is rated “Good with Outstanding Features” by Ofsted, while the wraparound and early years 726 provision we offer on site is rated “Outstanding”. Housed in updated and very spacious classrooms, with performance and sports halls, our pupils thrive in a caring, stimulating environment, with acres of outdoor play space. Throughout the school our pupils receive a high quality requiring additional support from our Special Educational Needs team. For example, our most able mathematicians take part in a community Maths Challenge (and win!); our most able potential engineers are invited to a special afterschool club; and our talented creative writers are encouraged to enter competitions. language, from chess to Manga drawing and archery to drama. We also organise one to one and small group support for children to help them reach their learning goals; and provide specialist opportunities, sometimes using Pupil Premium funding, to build self esteem and confidence, including a Riding Club. Every child is supported to strive to reach their potential, enabling them to head into the next stage of their school journey with confidence. pupils get the chance to show their peers what they have #4 SPECIALIST TEACHERS board games. More than 20 activities take place every week… education delivered by experienced, qualified specialist staff, giving them many opportunities to excel. From the time they start at Franche, our pupils learn they #3 AN UNRIVALLED REPUTATION LOCALLY FOR INCLUSIVITY are part of a popular, inclusive, community-orientated school family. We are proud of the partnership we have developed with our parents, who we seek to keep fully informed and part of their child’s education through regular letters home, weekly newsletters, Franche Flyer magazine, parents’ evenings and regular invites into school. Parents, grandparents and carers join us for stay-and-play sessions and parent information evenings, help us as volunteer readers and support our fund raising events and activities organised by our Parent Teacher Association (PTA). Our active PTA supports the school in all sorts of ways – last year their fundraising paid for the purchase of dozens of iPads for pupils. We also have an experienced and enthusiastic governing body who support our school in its mission to help every child achieve their potential. Whatever your child’s gift or talent, or whatever challenges they face, we will work with them to provide a truly individualised education. Our staff work exceptionally hard to provide a secure, happy and creative environment where all children can thrive, irrespective of their starting point and ambitions. All are encouraged to take responsibility and become independent learners. We celebrate all our children’s achievements, from the children with special gifts and talents who we help to reach their personal goals, including those who win academic and music scholarships to nearby schools, to the children identified as One of the benefits of being a larger school is that we have the capacity to employ specialist subject teachers, who not only bring their expertise to the classroom but also support the training and development of all staff. These include specialist practitioners in Maths, English, PE, Music & Languages. Our Science provision is award winning. These specialists help and support learning across the school, ensuring lessons are creative, exciting and in line with best practice nationally. For example, our specialist maths practitioner uses her extensive knowledge to ensure maths across the school is fun, energised and effective. She also has a professional accreditation recognising her extensive experience and skill in developing maths teaching. We were recently awarded a Silver Science Award, recognising the high quality of science teaching and opportunities available to pupils, including our astronomy evenings and Imagineering science club. The aim is to give youngsters the chance to learn new skills which will raise their self esteem and confidence, encourage them to challenge themselves and push them out of their comfort zone, and reward achievement and endeavour. Every enrichment afternoon ends with a celebration assembly, when accomplished. The usual buzz and liveliness that epitomises life at Franche goes up another notch on Friday afternoons! But the opportunities are not restricted to school hours. We offer after school clubs every night in another round of activities, from ballet and cheerleading to football to traditional with every one of them offered free. #6 AT THE HEART OF THE COMMUNITY, WITH COMMUNITY AT ITS HEART Franche is a true community school. We host a regular lunch club for older people, who come in and eat with our children; we run large scale community events, including a very popular bonfire and fireworks, a summer fair, and festive activities, together attended by thousands of people every year. We regularly fundraise for community charities and distribute harvest and Christmas hampers, all to help instil in our children that they are part of a wider community. We also host a wide range of clubs on our premises outside school hours, including martial arts, fitness, slimming and activity clubs. Our children learn a Modern Foreign Language from the age of three, including French, German and Spanish. #2 INSPIRING LEADERSHIP #5 EXCEPTIONAL ENRICHMENT OPPORTUNITIES Our head teacher, Val Weddell-Hall, was awarded an OBE for her outstanding contribution to education. She demonstrates daily an incredible level of energy, enthusiasm, knowledge and love for her school and the children, staff and parents who make up the family of Franche. She’s supported by an excellent Senior Leadership Team and strong teaching and non-teaching teams who bring consistency and creativity in equal measure. 2 A truly breathtaking array of opportunities are provided for our children to ensure that their lives are enriched in the classroom, in play, on the sports field and in the music room. Friday afternoons are dedicated to enrichment activities, with every pupil offered the chance to take part in brilliant expertled sessions in everything from magic to learning the Maori 3 TEN REASONS WHY WE ARE PROUD TO BE FRANCHE! cont. Easter 2015 THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF FRANCHE COMMUNITY PRIMARY SCHOOL Enjoy, Progress & Achieve Success! Franche Flyer is edited by Jane Haynes with contributions from the teachers and pupils of Franche Community Primary School. Designed by Pixel Design & Print Ltd. We’d love to hear what you think about the Flyer and what you’d like to see in future editions. Contact us by emailing office@francheprimary.worcs.sch.uk or leave a note at the school office. Franche Community Primary School, Chestnut Grove, Franche, Kidderminster DY11 5QB T: 01562 751788 W: www.francheprimary.org.uk E: office@francheprimary.worcs.sch.uk 4 1
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