1 MAY 2015 SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINES April updates: SAEOP (Educational Office Professionals) Scholarship. This $500 was available last year to all interested and qualified male or female students graduating from a Seattle Public senior high school who wish to continue their education at a 2 year, 4 year or vocational school. Any Seattle Schools male or female senior who wishes to attend a 2-year, 4-year or vocational school. This is merit-based; NOT need-based. See: www.saeop.org and: http://www.saeop.org/index.php/wea-scholarships/saeop-scholarship DEADLINE: April 29, 2015 Seattle’s Edmund Maxwell Foundation Scholarships Expected combined GPA’s will probably need to be 1200. http://www.maxwell.org/ and see: http://www.maxwell.org/guidelines.aspx DEADLINE: April 30, 2015 CAN’s May scholarship deadlines: JUNIORS: U.S. Air Force ROTC Scholarship. More than 1000 colleges and universities have an Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps and scholarship eligibility beginning with high-school juniors. Scholarships are for three and four year college programs. See: http://afrotc.com/scholarships/ Amount: Full scholarships or tax-free stipends during the junior and senior year of college. DEADLINE: May is the month for high school juniors to begin application process. Nordstrom Scholarship Program for JUNIORS. Five $2,500 awards, renewed annually. Current high school juniors in Washington and Alaska w/ GPA of 2.7 or higher, community volunteer activities, financial need for college, be eligible to attend a four-year college in the U.S. See: http://www.act.org/nordstrom/ and see https://nordstrom.scholarsapply.org/FAQ DEADLINE: May 1, 2015 at 5:00 pm CENTRAL TIME. Seniors: Gates Foundation/First Robotics Program Scholarships See: http://www.gates.com/FIRST/scholarship.html DEADLINE: May 1, 2015 Hillel (Berol-Shindell) Foundation for Jewish Life at the UW Scholarship Offered to undergraduate Jewish students in financial need who plan to attend the UW. See: http://www.hilleluw.org/?site=undergrad&page=page&name=Scholarships DEADLINE: May 1, 2015 2 Washington State Business and Professional Women Scholarships https://www.bpwwa.org/#!scholarship-types https://www.bpwwa.org/#!scholarship-applications DEADLINE: May 1, 2015 Gates Foundation/First Robotics Program Scholarships First Robotics participants! See: http://ww2.gates.com/first/scholarship.html DEADLINE: May 1, 2015 SE Chapter Blacks in Government Two $1,000 scholarships for local, graduating seniors. Past contact: Pat West (206) 723-3234. http://www.bignet.org/regional/southeast/index.htm Website needs to be updated to 2015. Click on scholarships and WAIT for download (often at bottom left of screen). DEADLINE: Last year, May 1, 2014 (but was extended to July deadline). Emerald City BPW Foundation Scholarship Two scholarships for female high school seniors, $1,500 and $2,000. http://www.ecbpwfoundation.org/content/scholarship/scholarship.asp DEADLINE: Last year’s deadline was: May 2, 2014. Enquire for 2015. BCC Priority Scholarships Deadline for priority consideration for scholarships at Bellevue Community College. Apply to BCC and then be sure to submit application for scholarships by May 3, 2013. Priority deadline! Go to: http://bellevuecollege.edu/fa/ (scroll to the bottom of the page.). See: http://fa.bellevuecollege.edu/apply/deadlines DEADLINE: Friday, May 8, 2015 Seafair Foundation Scholarship Program for Women. Inquire in Career Center Counseling office. See also, Seafair website for scholarship contest information: http://www.seafair.com/foundation/subcontent.aspx?SecID=938 DEADLINE: May 8, 2015 Silme Domingo Scholarship for Labor Studies at UW http://depts.washington.edu/pcls/resources-domingo-viernes.html DEADLINE: May 18, 2015 Seattle Housing Residents’ Scholarship listing http://www.seattlehousing.org/residents/education/scholarships/ Scroll down to: National Affordable Housing Management Association (NAHMA) Scholarships DEADLINE: 7:00 pm PST May 29, 2015 North Seattle Community College Education Fund Scholarships for Female Students All C.A.N. students applying to this community college should apply for this and meet these deadlines. See: https://northseattle.edu and for another outside listing of scholarship options to apply to consider this list https://northseattle.edu/scholarships and see also: 3 https://northseattle.edu/scholarships/current-scholarships and see also https://northseattle.edu/scholarships#1 and see https://northseattle.edu/edfund/apply-scholarships DEADLINE: Varying March through May deadlines- research and call to inquire. Check on These Scholarships Available in Past Years: I’m First Scholarship for first generation students. http://www.imfirst.org/scholarship/ DEADLINE: Website says scholarship will appear online the first week of April Prior years: Alumni Association Class of 1935 Scholarships for Franklin High Students. Four scholarships awarded to FHS seniors with financial need, academic achievement and outside activities, who plan to continue their formal education after graduation. Amounts: 4 - $1000.00 Deadline: prior years’ deadline was early May. Inquire with counselors. Prior years: The Royal Esquire Club’s Scholarship Program. Intended for African American students from Washington State enrolling in a university or junior college. Prior year’s contact: Mr. Clifford Donley at: Cdonley347@aol.com or (206) 325-7776 (Or inquire at Franklin High and Garfield High counseling office for more listing information.) Prior years’ deadline was in May. Prior Years: Graham & Dunn Memorial Scholarship. Graham & Dunn is a Seattle law firm established in 1890. Each year, the scholarship committee awards up to $2500 to one Seattle high school senior who will apply and attend a 2 or 4 year college or university. This scholarship may be renewed for a second year. The most important qualification is the student's ability to overcome adversity and to succeed in the face of obstacles. The application includes an essay, list of activities & awards, references, and transcript. The committee may conduct interviews and will contact the applicant if an interview is necessary. In prior years, information said to “please contact Matt Hansen at mhansen@grahamdunn.com or 206.340.9595 if you would like an application”. This year, consult website at www.grahamdunn.com . Deadline was early May. Prior Years: Society for Marketing Professionals Scholarship. SMPS offered a $500 to students who would be Freshmen, Sophomores or Juniors at any Washington State accredited University, Community or Private College. This scholarship supports individuals who are pursuing the career in marketing or project management in the architecture, engineering and construction industry. Application includes information on grades, essay, work experience and related information of career in marketing and management. In prior years, applicants were asked to please contact Brett Stark for more information at brett.stark@hdrinc.com or 425.450.6302. Application was available in the Center. Website: www.smpsseattle.org/. Deadline was early May. Prior years: UW PanHellenic Scholarships. Two scholarships were awarded to women who would be (1) attending the University of Washington and planning on going Greek and (2) for a woman attending another Washington State school and planning on going Greek. Applicants must have a 3.5 GPA, demonstrate leadership and involvement in high school and the community, include a letter of recommendation, a transcript and complete an essay. In prior years, applicants were told that applications were in their high school career centers, or applicants were told to contact Cori Hammock at corihammock@gmail.com or 206.543.1810. Prior years’ deadline: May. 4 Prior years: Paul Wineman/Phi Kapp Psi Scholarship. Prior years’ information said applicants must be a freshman male student at the University of Washington in the fall of 2010. By applying for this scholarship, you are not committing yourself to membership in Phi Kappa Psi or any other organization. Selection will be based on the merits of the criteria requested. One $1,000 scholarship and four $250 scholarships in Career Center, or (in prior years) e-mail Ken Katzaroff at jkenkat1@aol.com. (Past listing - Garfield Counseling office.). Prior years’ deadline was early May. June 2012 Scholarship Preview: AIChE Minority Scholarship Award for Incoming College Freshmen. This need-based national scholarship is not updated yet. It has a different deadline than AIChE’s earlier, local scholarship program. Ten $1,000 awards for African-American, Hispanic, Native American or Alaskan Native students planning for a science/engineering degree. Email kathylee30@comcast.net or Emmanuel.dada@ymail.com to attempt to acquire information as to possible June deadlines. Questbridge Application process opens in August. http://www.questbridge.org/for-students/ncm-how-to-apply DEADLINE: Be sure to plan to begin application in August, 2014! North Seattle List in Date Order https://northseattle.edu/scholarships/current-scholarships?page=1 DEADLINE: multiple deadlines CIRI Foundation Scholarships and Grants (Variable) The CIRI Foundation is to maintain pride in culture and heritage among Alaska Natives who are original enrollees of Cook Inlet region and their descendants. http://www.thecirifoundation.org and see http://thecirifoundation.org/scholarships/ DEADLINE: June 1, 2015 and variable other deadlines. Athnet Scholarship for Athletes http://www.athleticscholarships.net/scholarship-contest.htm However, be wary of ever giving ANY organization like this your money. You should NOT EVER give them any money, ever, for a scholarship search. There are many fraudulent organizations out there! Be wary! This may be an organization which preys on people’s desire to succeed as athletes. Report to CAN if you have any negative experience with this or any scholarship. DEADLINE: June 15, 2015 Ongoing Scholarships: TheWashBoard.org Deadlines: ongoing This free scholarship search and application tool matches Washington State scholarships with students who plan to attend college in the state, or who are Washington residents planning to go elsewhere. 50+ scholarship providers are now listed on the site. Students complete an online profile and are then provided a 5 list of appropriate scholarships. Many of the scholarship applications can be done directly on the site. Scholarships administered by the Seattle Foundation are now accessible only on this site. To get started go to: www.thewashboard.org Hispanic Scholarship Fund Deadlines: ongoing This site manages multiple scholarships for minorities and should be consulted regularly for ongoing deadlines. A few deadlines are still open. See http://www.hsf.net/Scholarships . (See also: www.LatinoCollegeDollars.org for many more minority scholarship listings – often applicable to students OTHER than Latino students, exclusively, so be sure to check.) Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Scholarships. Deadlines: ongoing Another site where multiple scholarship resources are listed on the HACU website at http://www.hacu.net/hacu/Scholarship_Resource_List.asp KING COUNTY: YMCA Transitions Scholarships. Deadline: ongoing Must be enrolled in the YMCA Transition Program. YMCA Transitions provides housing, independent living skills development, career development and educational supports to young adults who have been in foster care. To learn more about the YMCA Transitions program contact (206) 749-7450. Participants are eligible to receive up to $4000 per year based on the participant’s financial need. See: http://www.ymcayas.org/get/education.aspx Assistance League of Seattle Financial Aid for Education Deadline: ongoing For Greater Seattle area community colleges. The goal of these scholarships is to help students in need who seek an education but may not qualify for traditional scholarships in various fields: Accounting, Business Administration, Computer Science, Nursing, Dental Assistant, Culinary Arts, Graphic Arts, and more. Applicants must have a B average, and must plan to enroll for at least 10 cc credits. See: www.seattle.assistanceleague.org/ps.projects.cfm?ID=977 and in the Career Center. For more information contact: Financial Aid for Education Chairman, 1415 North 45th Street, Seattle, WA 98103, (206) 547-4680. College Prowler & Wachovia Monthly Scholarship Monthly Essay Contest Applicant must submit his/her college essay using the online entry form on the College Prowler website. The essay must be 1,000 words or less. Each entry must include a valid email address, the applicant’s contact and high school information. Eligibility: This undergraduate award is for both international and US students who reside in and attend school in the US, and are planning to attend college in the next 12 months. Applicant must be in high school or older to apply. April 30th is DEADLINE! http://collegeprowler.com/scholarship/apply.aspx 6 Kids’ Chance of Washington No Deadline This scholarship program is need-based for dependent children and spouses of workers killed or seriously disabled in a workplace accident in Washington. It is a non-profit organization funded through donations from industry and individuals. The application includes personal finances. http://www.kidschancewa.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Revised-App-Attached-LI-Auth-Form052710.pdf . Note; this is an old listing. It would be wise to write to the address provided in the link and ask for updated information BEFORE applying to this scholarship. RESOURCES: http://www.hecb.wa.gov/paying/waaidprgm/waaidprgmindex.asp NEW: www.TheWashboard.org specific to students from the State of Washington www.bellevuecollege.edu/scholarships www.seattlefoundation.org link on “Applying for a Grant” and then on “Scholarship Search” www.collegeplan.org/cpnow/pnwguide/pnwguide.htm for Pacific Northwest - online www.collegesuccessfoundation.org www.hsf.net/Scholarships.aspx?id=426 - Hispanic Scholarship Fund www.collegeboard.com/parents/pay/ www.collegenet.com/elect/app/app www.blackexcel.org/200-Scholarships.html www.finaid.org/scholarships/ www.ftc.gov/bcp/conline/edcams/scholarship/index.shtml www.admit.washington.edu/Paying/Freshman/Scholarships www.scholarships4students.com Questbridge: http://www.questbridge.org For engineering students: see www.students.sae.org/awdscholar/scholarships From the Accounting Career Awareness Program: www.acapseattle.org/id63.html www.latinocollegedollars.org www.fastweb.com , www.wiredscholar.com , http://www.nl.edu/library/scholarships.cfm http://lideres.nclr.org/resources/high_school_student_resources/ -- website for high school students from Chicana/o Latina/o community. http://www.hsf.net http://www.maldef.org/pdf/Scholarships.pdf - Even w/o immigration status http://uncf.org United Negro College Fund www.MeritAid.com : free resource to find merit aid scholarships from colleges before application.
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