Freedom Preparatory Academy BYLAWS OF THE FPA HONOR SOCIETY CHAPTER FREEDOM PREPARATORY ACADEMY BY LAWS All provisions of these bylaws shall be considered a part of the Constitution of the National Honor Society ARTICLE I NAME Section 1. The name of this chapter shall be FPA Honor Society Chapter of the National Honor Society of Secondary Schools (NHS), which appears on the National Honor Society of Secondary Schools Charter granted by authority of the National Council. ARTICLE II GOALS Section 1. The goals of this chapter are to preserve the ideals of American democracy through recognition, affirmation, experience, and commitment. ARTICLE III PURPOSES Section 1. The purposes of this chapter shall be to create enthusiasm for scholarship; to render service; to develop leadership; to develop character; and to focus quality citizenship. ARTICLE IV POWERS Section 1. Actions of the FPA Honor Society Chapter shall be in accordance with policies established by the Director, faculty council, and adviser 1 Section 2. The director of Freedom Preparatory Academy reserves the right to approve all activities and decisions of the chapter. Section 3. The chapter adviser shall be responsible for the direct, daytoday supervision of the chapter and act as liaison between faculty, administration, students, and community. Section 4. The faculty council shall select members and consider nonselections, dismissal, other disciplinary actions and warning cases. ARTICLE V MEMBERSHIP Section 1. Membership is an honor bestowed upon a select group of students by the faculty council on behalf of the school faculty and administration. Students may not apply for membership. Section 2. Candidates eligible for membership shall be members of the junior or senior class. Invitations will be made to sophomore and junior students in the third quarter, based on their second quarter grade, for the following school year. Section 3. Candidates must have a cumulative scholastic grade point average of at least 3.50. Candidates shall then be evaluated on the basis of leadership, service, and character. Once selected, members have the responsibility to continue to demonstrate these qualities. LEADERSHIP: The student who exercises leadership: Is resourceful in proposing new problems, applying principles, and making suggestions Demonstrates initiative in promoting school activities Exercises influence on peers in upholding school ideals Contributes ideas that improve the civic life of the school Is able to delegate responsibilities Exemplifies positive attitudes Inspires positive behavior in others Demonstrates academic initiative Successfully holds school offices or positions of responsibility, conducting business effectively and efficiently, and without prodding, demonstrates reliability and dependability. SERVICE: The student who serves: Is willing to uphold scholarship and maintain a loyal school attitude 2 Participates in some outside activity: Girl Scouts; Boy Scouts; church groups; volunteer services for the aged, poor, or disadvantaged; family duties Volunteers provide dependable and wellorganized assistance, is gladly available, and is willing to sacrifice to offer assistance Works well with others and is willing to take on difficult or inconspicuous responsibilities Cheerfully and enthusiastically renders any requested service to the school Is willing to represent the class or school in interclass and interscholastic competition Does committee and staff work without complaint Shows courtesy by assisting visitors, teachers, and students. CHARACTER: The student of character: Takes criticism willingly and accepts recommendations graciously Consistently exemplifies desirable qualities of behavior (cheerfulness, friendliness, poise, stability) Upholds principles of morality and ethics Cooperates by complying with school regulations concerning property, programs, office, halls, etc. Demonstrates the highest standards of honesty and reliability Shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others Observes instructions and rules, punctuality, and faithfulness both inside and outside the classroom Has powers of concentration and sustained attention as shown by perseverance and application to studies Manifests truthfulness in acknowledging obedience to rules, avoiding cheating in written work, and showing unwillingness to profit by the mistakes of others Actively helps rid the school of bad influences or environment. Section 4. Candidates must have been in attendance at the school the equivalent of one semester in compliance with the regulation of the National Honor Society. Section 5. Candidates become members when inducted at a special ceremony held in February. Section 6. Membership shall be known as active, graduate and honorary. Active members shall become graduate members upon graduation. Graduate members shall have no voice or vote in chapter affairs. Each active, graduate, or honorary member shall be entitled to wear the official emblem. Section 7. Eligible candidates and active members must refrain from using alcoholic beverages and tobacco. He/She must not take any drug or medicine that has not been prescribed or approved by a licensed medical professional or that in not in accordance with the instructions on the label of the medicine bottle. Section 8. There is no specific quota or percentage of members per class. 3 ARTICLE VI SELECTION OF MEMBERS Section 1. Annually the director appoints a faculty council, which consists of five voting members. No director or assistant director may be included on the faculty council. The chapter adviser is an exofficio, nonvoting, sixth member of the faculty council. Section 2. Qualified students are selected for National Honors Society membership by a majority vote of the faculty council on the basis of scholarship, leadership, service and character. Section 3. To fulfill the scholarship requirement, students must have a cumulative scholastic average of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale. Section 4. The adviser shall meet with the high school counselor after the first semester to determine scholastic eligibility of students who will be in grades 11 and 12 the next year. Section 5. The adviser shall give a survey candidate form to all academically eligible students to obtain information regarding service and leadership activities. This form indicates a student’s interest in becoming a member of National Honors Society. It is not an application for membership and the review of information gathered does not guarantee selection. If a student does not return the survey form by the specified date and time, he/she will not be considered for membership. Section 6. The adviser shall submit the survey candidate form and a rating sheet for each interested candidate to each member of the faculty council for review. Section 7. Candidates receiving a majority vote of the faculty council shall be inducted into the chapter. Section 8. The National Council and NASSP shall not review the judgment of the faculty council regarding the selection of individual members to the local chapter. Section 9. Students who question the fact that they were not selected do not have a legal right to a hearing where they and their parents may present their complaints to the director or chapter adviser. The director may reconvene the faculty council if warranted by a procedural error (a name being inadvertently left off a list, a mistake in averaging, etc.). 4 Section 10. A description of the selection procedure shall be announced in the school newsletter prior to inductions. ARTICLE VII DISMISSAL OF MEMBERS Section 1. A written description of the dismissal procedure shall be available to interested parties. Section 2. Members who fall below the standards, which were the basis for their selection, shall be promptly warned in writing by the chapter adviser and given a reasonable amount of time to correct the deficiency. Only one warning shall be given for infractions. For flagrant violations of civil law or school rules, no warning is necessary. Section 3. If an academic violation occurs, the members shall be given two terms to raise his/her cumulative grade point average to 3.5. Section 4. The faculty council will determine disciplinary measures for minor infractions. Section 5. The faculty council shall consider all flagrant violations of school rules or civic laws. A majority vote of the council is needed for dismissal. Section 6. In all cases of impending dismissal, a member shall have a right to a hearing before the faculty council. A hearing will have the following basic elements of fairness: notice of the reasons for the proposed action by the faculty council, time to prepare an explanation of any mitigating circumstances, and an opportunity to present this explanation to the council. Section 7. If a member is dismissed, written notification shall be given to the student, parents, and administration. Section 8. The member must surrender any NHS emblem or membership card and document to the adviser. Section 9. A member who has been dismissed may appeal the decision of the faculty council under the same rules for disciplinary appeals at Freedom Preparatory Academy. Section 10. Members who are dismissed are never again eligible for membership or benefits. 5 Section 11. The National Council and NASSP shall hear no appeals in dismissal cases. ARTICLE VIII CHAPTER OFFICERS SECTION 1. The annual election of officers shall be held at the regular meeting in April. SECTION 2. The election of each officer shall be by a majority vote. A quorum consisting of a twothirds majority of the members must be present to conduct an election. SECTION 3. The officers of this chapter shall be a president, vicepresident, secretarytreasurer, and historian. SECTION 4. It shall be the duty of the president to preside at all chapter and executive meetings, provide direction, appoint committees, and be a member of all standing and special committees. SECTION 5. The vicepresident shall serve in the absence of the president, preside as parliamentarian, and perform other duties designated to him by the president. SECTION 6. The secretarytreasurer shall record attendance and proceedings, attend to clerical duties, and keep a record of all financial matters. SECTION 7. The historian shall keep a scrapbook and photographic record of the chapter’s activities and projects. SECTION 8. In case of a vacancy in the office of president, the respective vicepresident shall move up. The NHS President shall appoint a successor to the other executive offices. SECTION 9. The appointment of the person to fill a vacancy of an executive office shall be ratified by a twothirds majority of the membership. ARTICLE IX STANDING COMMITTEES AND DUTIES 6 Section 1. The Executive Committee consisting of the chapter adviser and the chapter officers shall meet the second Tuesday of each month before, after, or during school as determined by the advisor, to discuss chapter business and plan the meetings and other activities. They shall administer activities within the chapter and set specific goals annually. All officers shall know the Society goals, work hard, provide leadership, and seek fairness for everyone. To ensure that meetings will be effective, officers shall do the following: Before the meetings: Choose meeting goals, plan the agenda and deliver copies to members, check the meeting place for chairs and equipment, arrive on time, and be ready to help in whatever capacity that is needed. During the meetings: Help to ensure the meetings start on time, follow the agenda, assist the discussion by participating, encourage members, make positive suggestions, listen to each person, help summarize progress, keep on track, and use the last few minutes to review important decisions. After the meetings: Put the room back in order, evaluate the meeting, and send the minutes to those involved. Before the next meeting: List jobs to do by the next meeting, check the minutes and reports, check committee work and reports, followup on recommendations and actions, investigate and get ready to report back on items of interest. ARTICLE X MEETINGS SECTION 1. Regular meetings shall be held the second Thursday of each month at 7:15 a.m. Meeting times may be adjusted to coincide with the school calendar. SECTION 2. Chapter meetings shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised. SECTION 3. An agenda will be developed and used at each meeting. The Order of Business shall be as follows: Call to Order by presiding officer Roll Call Reading and Approval of Minutes Reports of Officers and Standing Committees Reports of Special Committees Unfinished Business New Business Adjournment 7 Section 4. Special meetings shall be called by the president at his/her request, at the request of the principal or adviser, or at such time as the chapter as a whole feels it is necessary to call a meeting. Section 5. All meetings shall be open meetings and shall be held under sponsorship of the chapter advisor. Section 6. Attendance at meetings is mandatory for all members. To be excused from a meeting, members must notify the chapter adviser prior to the meeting. Section 7. Three unexcused absences will be grounds for dismissal if the advisor was not notified before hand. ARTICLE XI CHAPTER DUES Section 1. The chapter dues for new members of ten dollars shall be paid by the second Wednesday in May. ARTICLE XII ACTVITIES Section 1. Service projects shall have the following characteristics; fulfill a need within the school or community; have the support of the administration and the faculty; be appropriate, educationally defensible, and be well planned, organized and executed. They may be combined with other on going projects within the school. Section 2. An annual community service project will be chosen at the October meeting. Section 3. Each member will choose and commit to an individual service project, which reflects his or her particular talents and interests at the October meeting. Section 4. A February Sweetheart Social will be an annual school project/fundraiser. Section 5. The director, adviser and all members shall participate at a special Salt Lake City activity annually in the spring. Section 6. Tapping of new members and the Candlelight Induction shall be scheduled in January. Section 7. The Candlelight Induction Ceremony will be held in February. 8 ARTICLE XII RATIFICATION These Bylaws shall be presented by the author to the chapter for suggestions and approval, and then to the chapter to be passed by a twothirds majority vote of chapter members before it can take force. ARTICLE XIII AMENDMENTS Section 1. These Bylaws may be amended by a twothirds vote of the chapter, provided that the executive committee of the chapter has approved the proposed amendment and that notice to the members has been given at least two weeks prior to the meeting at which it is to be voted upon. Section 2. After the amendment has passed the council, it shall go to the director for approval whereupon it will take force and be in effect. 9
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