Aspiring and achieving together Newsletter 11 8 May 2015 01993 881707 Dear all Where is the time going? With only 2 weeks left of this term and then 7 weeks of term 6, the Summer holidays will soon be here and another school year will have flashed by! However, we still have 9 weeks and we will be as busy as usual. Next week the Year 6 children have their end of primary school SATs tests (good luck to everyone involved) and we are all very excited about our new hall projector which is being installed in a couple of weeks; there’s class photos; sharing assemblies; end of school assemblies….how will we fit it all in? An update on this week’s work: Our first Parental Group meeting took place – see below for a report from the Governors Governing Body meeting (Performance & Standards) – looking at draft Self Evaluation and Raising Achievement Plans (to be sent to parents next week) Lesson observations undertaken in some classes Staff training on learning objectives (Part Two) Governors have also undertaken a Health & Safety tour of the school, helping us to identify areas for improvement. They also looked at the general condition of fixture and fittings to help us form a long-term plan for improvements to the school REPORT FROM THE GOVERNORS The first Freeland School Parental Group Meeting was held this week with 12 parents attending. Sarah Kerswell, Julian Soanes, the Chair of Governors and James Bird, the EPA School Improvement Officer welcomed everyone. Sarah began the meeting explaining what the aims of the meetings would be, then moved on to ask for direct feedback from parents on what they felt was going right and what was not. The parents commented on a number of positives including the new weekly newsletter, it was also stated that the parents meetings were a way of regaining the trust of the parents. It was also felt that seeing the leadership team in particular Sarah in the playground regularly engaging with parents and children was also very positive. Sarah continued to explain all the things that had been actioned since the beginning of term, all of which were detailed in the newsletters and Julian explained that the governing body had expanded and the new governors joining were bringing specific skills that were required. The whole group then took part in an exercise to critically review the current school communications; this exercise was a great success and brought a number of new ideas to the forefront (see below). Unfortunately, the group ran out of time to complete the final element of the agenda which was a formal open forum on school improvement so this has been deferred to the next meeting due in in early June. The Governors would like to thank the parents for their continued support and their positive contributions. Julian Soanes (Chair of Governors) SHARING ASSEMBLIES (in case you missed it last week) We would very much like to invite you to our “Sharing Assemblies” taking place in Term 6. These are an opportunity for all parents/carers to come along and hear about the work the children have been doing in class. The dates are: Tuesday 2 June FS (Mrs Keeber) Tuesday 9 June Y5/6 (Mr Hill) Tuesday 16 June Y4/5 (Ms Ward) Tuesday 23 June Y3/4 (Mrs Tacon) Tuesday 30 June Y1 (Mrs Hatt) Tuesday 7 July Y2 (Mrs Lewis) Each assembly lasts approximately 30 minutes and begins at 9:10am. Please join us. SAINSBURY’S VOUCHERS Thank you to everyone who donated their Sainsbury’s vouchers. We’ll let you know how many we have received and what we can then buy as soon as we can. Sarah Kerswell CHESS REPORT At Chess Club challenge this year we had lots of fun playing against our friends over seven rounds. We were paired against an opponent depending on how many points we had; you got 3 points for a win, 2 for a draw and 1 for a loss. Overall around 22 people part in the Chess Challenge, I ended up winning after a very tough battle with 4 other challengers. The top Chess Challenge boy(s) and girl(s) in our school qualified for the Oxfordshire Mega Final at Oxford Spires School. We were playing against the other top players in our age group from different schools.. Some of the chess players were playing for the county so it was very hard, you got 1 point for a win, 0.5 for a draw and 0 if you lost. No one made it to the next round but some of us came close. By George Walker Last Saturday people from our school who qualified for the County Mega Final went to Oxford Spires for 6 tense matches. I got two and a half points and they were some of the hardest games I’ve ever played. There were schools from all over Oxfordshire and some people played for themselves. There were about two hundred people participating. In between matches we were allowed to go outside to play football, this let you get to know different people with the same interests as you. By Gabriel Brown-Higgins Dates for the Diary 2015 May 11-15 SATs week nd 22 Jupiter Class EPA sports festival at Bartholomew School 9-11am nd 22 Y5&6 Cycle training begins nd 22 End of Term 5 June st 1 Term 6 nd 2 Mercury sharing assembly 9.10am th 9 Neptune sharing assembly 9.10am th 11 Class photos th 16 Saturn sharing assembly 9.10am th 16 Festival of Voices th 17 Sports day 1.30pm th 19 Mars Class EPA sports festival at Bartholomew School 9-11am nd 22 Yr6 IMPs visit rd 23 Jupiter sharing assembly 9.10am th 24 Sports day (reserve date) June th 25 th 29 th 29 th 30 July st 1 rd 3 Y6 Transition visit to Bartholomew & rest of school transition morning Arts Week Cycle training Test Venus sharing assembly 9.10am EPA Concert Y5 Neptune Class EPA sports festival at Bartholomew School 9-11am th 7 Neptune & Saturn Concert 2.15pm & 6.30pm th 7 Mars sharing assembly 9.10am th 8 Neptune & Saturn Concert 6.30pm th 11 *School Fair – 4.00-6.00pm th 16 Service at St Mary’s Church 10.00am. th 17 End of Term 6. School closes 1.30pm 20th INSET School closed for training * Please note change of date for the school fair Communication Parent Mail Letters home in school bags Newsletter Parent evenings What is good about it? Much improved communication More engaging Dates are good Instant access Only good for slips needing signing (is there another way) Great it is more regular More meaty information Friendly and welcoming Older children interested in reading it We like the bit of comedy in them Good opportunity for feedback and see pupils work Website Calendar Lunch menus Class newsletters Notice board (in play ground) Nothing Other ideas for communication School information and news in local Grapevine Boards outside classrooms Pupil led newsletter What is not so good about it? What could be improved or is missing? Concern over everyone having access Ensuring both parents are getting access Filtering mails per class Could we move to email Could we use a standard permission slip They get, wet, forgotten, torn If child is absent they do not always get the letter Inconsistent letters in style and message It’s all good Potential to add PTA input Could have input from pupils (maybe as part of ICT) Levels & grades not always available Not long enough appointment Actions not always followed up Targets not always discussed Too early in term (October) Inconsistent approach across classes General awareness Difficult to navigate Old fashioned Not always up to date Not consistent for all classes Do not think anyone looks at it Not used enough Where is it? Could they be done over more nights – to allow more time Could the dates be adjusted More pupil input Password for latest news section More class updates Scrolling announcements Better if it was located near the gate Class boards for each day for KS1 Add basic information Lunch info Dates of parents meeting
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