‘VETTE GAZETTE The Newsletter of the Free State Corvette Club June 2015 General Announcements Founded in 1968 www.freestatecorvette.com • Updated OC planning meeting schedule has been posted on the web site and new dates are listed in the Gazette. • Sign up to join an OC Committee at the General Meeting. • Updated Flyers for OC weekend are available on the web site as well as printed in the Gazette. Take a bunch with you when you go to car shows. • FSCC Activities are in full swing. Sign up on the web site. • WANTED: FSCC Web master. Contact Kate or Steve if interested. Founded in 1959 www.corvettesnccc.org Pictures of the Month 2015 Officers Kate Daley President Steve Predenkoski Vice President Sandra Kource Secretary Norman Elkins Treasurer Marty Rockenstire Membership Director Barbara Faulkner Activities Director Jeff Weiner NCCC Governor Chuck Sanders Sergeant-at-Arms Pets ‘N ‘Vettes www.winkelly.com Thought I’d highlight some of our members furry family members with their Vettes FSCC VETTE GAZETTE Page 2 From Our President Kate Daley, FSCC President Hi Everyone, Well the saying goes April showers bring May flowers, but it seemed as though the rain has made itself comfortable for too many days. It did allow a break for the Shrimp Run, which had a great group participate for another fun year of shrimp, burgers, and fun with friends. Save the Wave! What’s Inside VP Report General Meeting Minutes 3 3-5 Birthdays/Anniversaries 5 Governors Report 5 OC Corner Activities Report 6 7-15 Some members have been attending car shows both local and far. Joe led a group to Myrtle Beach this past weekend. I was able to fly down and meet them. It was a fantastic weekend. No trophies, but we did have one lucky lady win a great prize. Congrats to Sharon Harbauger on winning a beautiful diamond ring. It was beautiful weather to relax with friends. Thanks for a great time. Lastly, please make sure you talk to the committee chairs for the OC event to lend a helping hand. Charity News 16 Shop Night 16 Corvette Racing 17 Win Kelly Sponsor Plan 18 Corvette Weekend flyer 19 Contact info 19 Editor’s Note Win Kelly Technology Bar 19 Mary Predenkoski, FSCC Gazette Editor General Information Sheet 20 FSCC Yellow Pages 21 FSCC 2014 Meeting Schedule 21 There are more great events to come, so check the calendar and let's cruise. - Kate WOW what an edition. Thank you all so much for the great pictures and stories from the month. This shows just what a great club we are! Keep them coming. I know the folks are back from the Myrtle Beach trip but we decided to give Joe time to put together an awesome, photo packed article, so I couldn’t get it into this edition. Never fear, we’ll have another Gazette in 3 weeks. Look for it. Meanwhile, lets give a great big shout out to Jeff and Elaine Weiner who won best in their class at the show! Way to represent. With all the cruising stuff, I didn’t have room to reprint the thank you notes from our charities. I’ll either try and fit then in next month or just post them to the FSCC web page. Remember, June is a short month for the Gazette, so if you go to a car show, indulge in a Sunday cruise or just are out and about and run into some other Corvette friends, take some pictures and drop them to me (with some text of course). This is what makes for a great publication. Corvette Racing is in France this week for the 24 hour race. Looks to be a great race! If you’ve not done so, register for Corvette Weekend. Don’t forget to then make your reservations at the Clarion. Several committees still need members and you can sign up at the general meeting. FSCC VETTE GAZETTE Page 3 VP Report Charity News Steve Predenkoski, FSCC Vice President I can’t believe it’s almost the middle of June already. Where has the year gone? Remember the ugly snow storm in March, and whether we would ever see the day when we’d get the ‘vettes out of our garages again? Now, the official start to meteorological summer is right around the corner!!! Car shows seem to be the interest this year. It’s great to see so many of us participating in the Corvette Community, supporting other clubs, be it Hunt Valley Horsepower, BCCC, or CCA. FSCC is well represented. We’re cruising to wineries, distilleries (is that a bad habit), crab feasts and ice cream runs. For those of you who have not had the time to get out with the club this year, I suggest just participating in one event, one cruise. You won’t regret it. Check the club calendar out. There are so many chance to come out and hang out with your FSCC family and friends. - Steve FSCC General Meeting Minutes May 1, 2015 Sandra Kource, FSCC Secretary The meeting was called to order at 7:34 PM. Cathy Pass led the Pledge of Allegiance. President - Kate Daley Call for new prospective visitors: • First Visit: Al Haines, a former member, who has a Black 1976 • Second Visit: Ryan Elliott who has a a Blue 2004 Commemorative Edition Call for new Corvettes: • John Henry who got a Night Race Blue 2015 Coupe In Memoriam • Prospective member, “Wild Bill” Phelps announced that a BIG truck backed into his Blue 2015 at 4:52PM on Tuesday, April 28th. The membership commiserated with Bill in his grief. • Kate presented the “big” check for Change, Inc. to Cathy Pass. Cathy thanked the membership and spoke briefly about the loss of Steven Palich, part of the FSCC Spina Bifida family. • Kate read thank you letters from Great and Small, the USO at BWI and Change, Inc. Vice President – Steve Predenkoski • Steve announced that we are still looking for a Web Master FSCC • Rock and Steve are WEBMASTER posting Corvette pictures on Facebook, one per month. • Steve and Mary saw the FSCC banner at REWARD: the National Corvette UNDYING GRATITUDE OF FSCC Museum. It is in a very prominent position. • Steve Levin added that the FSCC brick is almost worn out. He had a picture to make the point. • Steve is still working on the website in preparation for the Ocean City weekend. WANTED! Governor – Jeff Weiner • NCCC is holding a car show on Saturday, May 16th, see him or read Blue Bars for details. Secretary – Sandra Kource • The minutes from the April General Meeting were approved as submitted. Treasurer – Norm Elkins • Norm presented the current balances for the club and Foundation. He explained that the plaques and pins had to be ordered now even though there isn’t any income from registration yet. Activities – Barbara Faulkner Barb invited ODs to speak about their events. FSCC VETTE GAZETTE • Sean discussed plans to meet to travel to the Apple Blossom Festival, May 2nd. • Rock spoke about the Old Dominion Corvette Club Hampstead Car Show at the LaGrange Winery on May 23rd. • Wayne stated that a group will meet and leave Long Gate at 1200 to go to the Shrimp Run on May 24th. • Joe Daley spoke about the Vettes at the Beach, at Myrtle Beach on June 4th through 7th. If you want to go, need to make hotel reservations. So far there are eight cars going. • Chuck Sanders is participating in two bike rides for Diabetes, one on May 2nd in Maryland and the other in Virginia. His goal is to raise $2000. One ride will be 32 miles and the other for 35 miles. • Steve reminded the membership about Shop Night at Win Kelly on May 20th. • Steve announced that Jeff Givens won a trophy at the VFW Car Show. • Wyatt announced the Concert in the Park in Westminster on July 5th. • Joe Lardeo spoke about the Royal Caribbean cruise on November 7th through 14th. He also announced the Flower Power Cruise on the Celebrity Constellation taking place February 29th through March 5th in 2016. Details are available at FlowerPowerCruise.com. Use code TVGUIDE for special rates. Membership – Marty Rockenstire • May Member birthdays and anniversaries were announced. • Marty is updating the FSCC Contact List. Please respond to email from her to verify that she has the correct address. Editors note: Member list has been posted to the Club’s web site. Gazette – Mary Predenkoski • Need a short “blurb” and pictures from FSCC events or member participation in other events. Picnic – Hanna Blair • The date is Sunday August 9th. • The venue is the Lake Heritage Community Clubhouse. The Browns have just moved to this gated community, is located off PA Route 15 across from the Outlet mall in Gettysburg. Page 4 • The Board unanimously supported the choice of Mission Barbecue to cater the food. • Hanna is still working on the numbers before announcing member cost. Ocean City – Paul Chlan • We need volunteers for the Ocean City committees. There is an online volunteer registration form at the Members Only page of the FSCC website. • Paul is holding Ocean City planning meetings separately from the Board meetings to allow more time for collaboration and discussion between the committees. • Apparel Committee - Joe Daley • The committee picks a logo, catch phrase and color that set the theme for the entire event. • Need volunteers to work on Friday and Saturday so that volunteers work shorter shifts. • Displayed the shirts and sweatshirts with the printed and embroidered designs. • Car Show Committee - Sandra Kource • Need volunteers at the Inlet to help with parking by the classes. • Really need help with tallying the votes and preparing the trophies for the Awards Ceremony. • OC Weekend 2016 Planning Committee Dennis Kritzmacher • Dennis has agreed to lead a committee to plan the 30th anniversary of FSCC Ocean City Corvette Weekend in 2016. • Will host a meeting on May 17th to start planning • Looking at every aspect of the weekend event and how to make it better. • OC Publicity - Mary Predenkoski (for Jerry Appicela) • Email updates will change over the summer • She displayed the printed flyers to distribute wherever we go this summer 50/50: Barbara Faulkner drew the ticket held by Steve Predenkoski who won $110. Steve Predenkoski drew a ticket, held by Sandra Kource, to win a “Parking for Cor- FSCC VETTE GAZETTE Page 5 vettes Only” sign donated by Rock Rockenstire. Sandra doesn’t have a garage, so she donated the sign to the Ocean City Fund Raising Committee. Meeting adjourned Birthdays Marty Rockenstire, FSCC Membership Director Anniversaries Bob & Annie Freeman Paul & Ellie Chlan Carl & Leslie Blazek Rich & Kitty Dietrich Don & Caroline Bellusci Virgil & Dawn Bowser Gabe & Kathy Fontana Wyatt & Paulette Greenwalt Gary & Sue Dunaway John & Lori Roarty Jeff & Vicky Givens Andy & Cathi Seymour Keith & Barb Faulkner Hi Everyone, If you have suggestions, please drop me a note: membership@freestatecorvette.com June - Birthdays Peaceful and harmonious, you seek the gentle side of life. Your warmth and consideration touches many. Your soul reflects: Friendship, love, and beauty • Gemstone: Pearl • Flower: Rose • Colors: Light blue, white, and cream Lee Arndt Sean O'Sullivan Don Bellusci John Roarty Todd Brown Madeline Schumacher Bob Eubank Cathi Seymour Tafi Grant Janet Van Cleave Linda Grumbine Kevin Harbarger Lynn Kisic Harvey Wetzler Tony Motsco Governors Report Jeff Weiner Subject: Free C-5, C-6 and C-7 Exhaust Systems Once again I have made contact regarding having free exhaust systems installed on C-5, C-6 and C-7 Corvettes at Corvettes at Carlisle. At this time I do not have complete details but have been told there will be between eight and ten systems installed. The deal is this: You would need to take your Corvette to Corvettes at Carlisle on Thursday, August 27, 2015 to have the system installed. Then on Friday and Saturday you would need to have the vehicle at Carlisle from 8:30 AM until 5:00 PM and on Sunday from 8:30 AM until approximately 3:30 PM. You can either drive back and forth each day or just leave it at Carlisle, which would be my recommendation, as it will be parked under a large tent. Your vehicle will not be driven but will be started so prospective customers can hear the exhaust sound. Systems to be installed, I have been told, will be from Billy Boat, Borla, Corsa, and Magnaflow. I will not have complete details until early August on the model mix, number of vehicles, or the number of systems from each manufacturer. FSCC VETTE GAZETTE Page 6 Who ever gets a system will be on a first come, first served basis. So if you are interested you let me know ASAP. This is a great deal as you be receiving an exhaust system installed that will have a value in excess of $1,000.00 at no cost to you. If you have any questions, or to put your name on the list send me the year and model of your Corvette along with you home and cell numbers plus you e-mail address to me at governor@lcccpa.com or just give me a call at 717371-8964. how Ocean City Weekend began, and how it changed and evolved over the years. This really gives our current efforts perspective, and I hope to arrange for all members to hear his presentation. Don’t forget to register for our exciting 2015 Ocean City Weekend! - Paul Clyde Clyde and Sue Mooney 101 Pinnacle Point Drive Lancaster, PA 17601 Phone: 717-898-2766 Cell: 717-371-8964 mooneyvette1966@aol.com O.C. CORNER Paul Chlan, 2015 OC Chairman ANCHORS AWEIGH! EXTRA, EXTRA, READ ALL ABOUT IT… On-Line Registration opened a day early! This is exciting, not only because the entire Registration committee is new this year, but a lot of effort has been required to put it together. CONGRATULATIONS! We had an issue when, for a few days, or registration web site was down. Our Internet Site provider did some upgrades that effected our site. Now that this has been resolved we’re seeing a steady stream of registrations. At our last O.C. Committee get-together, I was once again impressed with the enthusiastic and critical thinking the chairmen/chairwomen exhibited. It’s this kind involvement that makes our event successful year after year. A sign-up sheet will be available at the next General meeting to make it easy for each and every member to be part of the fun. This month I’d like to make a “call out” to Dennis Kritzmacher for his insightful presentation at his last committee meeting to tell the story of 30th Anniversary FSCC Ocean City Weekend 2016 Event Update Dennis Kritzmacher Fifteen Club members (which include one phone in member) met May 17th and started putting together FSCC’s 30th Ocean City event. • We discussed how our event has changed over the last fifteen years or so. We have moved the Host hotel from the Comfort Inn to the Grand Hotel to the Holiday Inn Convention Center to where we presently are the Clarion. • We have moved the Car Show and Rallye starting location from Northside Park, to the Convention Center to where it is now, the Inlet. • We talked about how we used to mail our registration forms to all past participants and Clubs up and down the East Coast. All preparation and registration was done using paper and pencil. FSCC has always tried to stay up with technology and, because of that, our Web Site has helped our OC Event tremendously. Only as far back as 2000, if we were able to give our Charities $5000 in total then we had FSCC VETTE GAZETTE Page 7 a good event. Once FSCC put together a working web site and developed our on line registration program our Event exploded and we now donate an average of $45,000. th We want our 30 Anniversary to be a “special” event; that’s why we’re getting an early start. Our next date to continue our discussion is @ 11 am Saturday June 20th. Our plan is to have a couple hour brainstorming session then head out for an early afternoon cruise and lunch. If you have an interest in becoming part of FSCC 30th Anniversary Ocean City Corvette Weekend history please let me know if you can attend the meeting. June 20th 11:00 am 3896 View Top Road Ellicott City, 20142 Dennis K 410-440-8406 macher2@aol.com sit and have the time to talk with the families. This will be on July 18th, details are on the calendar. Then it's on to the FSCC Annual Picnic. This is for you! So worth going to. So much cruising. So much fun. So much laughter. So much food. So how can you not go? This is what it's all about for our club! Cruising, fun, food and laughter. As far as upcoming events a little further out on the calendar are two events OD'd by Joe Lardeo, is The Kegs and Corks event on August 15th and The Chesapeake Bay Wine Festival at the Bay Bridge Marina. More information to come, keep these dates in mind. If you want to OD an event and have it on the calendar, the event form is a must! If I don't get the info, it can't go to Steve for the calendar. You may not think it's a big deal, but it can be. So if I hound you for the info, I am doing it on behalf of the members who want to know all the details. Keep the ideas coming!!!!! Thanks so much. Activities Report 2015 Upcoming Events! Barbara Faulkner, FSCC June 13, 10 am - 4 pm “Corvettes on the Bay” Annapolis City Dock Activities Director Wheels Up FreeStaters! Cruising has begun and is in full force at FSCC!!!! Recent cruising was the Apple Blossom Festival OD's by Sean & Cathy, the Shrimp Run to Holland Point OD'd by Wayne & Cathy, an impromptu Annapolis Memorial Day parade, Keith & Barbara and the Myrtle Beach Corvette Show OD'd by Joe & Kate. FUN. FUN. FUN. Upcoming cruises with guaranteed FUN, first up is the Catonsville 4th of July Parade! This will be a FULL DAY OF FUN for everybody! First the parade then on to the Rockenstire's for a picnic and swimming. Thanks to Bill & Faith for organizing this crazy crew to get us to the parade event and to Marty & Rock for allowing this crazy crew at their home. More events coming up is the Spina Bifida Picnic. This event is put on by our charity's families as an additional thanks for helping their awesome people. This is nice way to be able to just Jul 4, 2pm - 4pm “Catonsville 4th of July Parade” OD Bill & Faith Zei. Party at the Rockenstires after. Jul 5 “Summer Concert in Westminster” OD Wyatt Greenwald. Aug 9 “FSCC Picnic” OD Hanna Blair August 15 “Kegs and Corks” OD Joe Lardeo August 22-27 “NCCC Convention” Split Rock Resort, Lake Harmony, PA. OD TBD. August 28-30 “Corvettes at Carlisle” OD Jerry Appicela. October 3 “The Chesapeake Bay Wine Festival” at the Bay Bridge Marina. OD Joe Lardeo October 16-17 “FSCC OC Weekend” OD Paul Chlan. Nov 7-14 “Oasis of the Seas Cruise” OD Joe Lardeo. Let's get ready. Barbara FSCC VETTE GAZETTE Page 8 A few reminders: Clipboards with sign-up sheets for upcoming events will be placed at the welcome table in the K of C hall at each meeting. We meet every Sunday at 1pm for an impromptu cruise at the Long Gate Shopping Center near the McDonald’s Restaurant. Bring your ideas and suggestions for destinations. If you would like to “Captain” an event, in lieu of the Sunday Cruise please let me know and we will get it on the calendar. Celebrate the Fourth of July If you have an event to be added to the activities calendar, please fill out the event information form and provide it to the Activities With your fellow FreeStaters at Director. Hard copies are available at the Rock and Marty's House!!! FSCC General meeting; soft copies can be downloaded from the documents section of 9409 Diamondback Drive the FSCC web page. Send completed forms Columbia, MD and a flyer (if you have one) to activities@freestatecorvette.com. Arrive any time after 2:30pm To get your event information out to the club, please contact the Activities Director at: activities@freestatecorvette.com or 410-626 8099. Relax in the pool, play badminton, volleyball, or bocce ball. OD’ing FSCC events: Dinner’s after the Catonsville Parade Participants arrive - 5:30ish. Dinner will be roast pig, hamburgAnyone who wants to OD an event can find ers and hot dogs, provided by Marty and Rock. the FSCC Activities Information Form online or Bring your favorite dish, salad, dessert. contact me at 410-626 8099. We now have the capability to sign up for events on-line (see directions below for Sunday Cruise) as well as on the general meeting signup sheets. If you are an OD for an event please check the on-line calendar for club members who have signed up for your event. This will ensure you have a complete list of attendees. To sign up for a Sunday Cruise: Soda and water will be available. Everything else is BYOB. NO GLASS - unless you will pour in a plastic cup (Got to save the toes from broken glass) Please email martyrock81@verizon.net to let her know what you will be bringing or if you have any questions. ** For those participating in the parade, please Log into our web site and go to the calendar meet at Marty and Rock's house at 12:30pm to on our FSCC Members Only page, select the drop off your food and beverage. event (in this case a Sunday Cruise). You will see a link saying “Enroll for this Event?” You will be prompted with “Are You Sure You Want to Enroll?” Click OK. You will then return to the calendar entry and see your name listed. FSCC VETTE GAZETTE For those who are going to drive in the Catonsville Parade, we will meet you at the Mc'Donalds on Rt 40 in Baltimore County. The Mc’d’s is located on the east bound side of Rt 40 shortly after crossing over into Baltimore County coming from Howard County. WHEELS UP at 1:30. Please sign up at June Meeting, FSCC Website, or email to faithmzei@aol.com. If necessary, the day of or the day prior call Bill's Cell. 410-984-4451 or Faith's Cell 410-952-2667. For those dropping off their food, etc at Marty and Rock's House at 12:30, we will be waiting for you at the McDonalds for wheels up at 1:30 to proceed to the parade. FSCC Picnic Sunday, August 9, 2015 Noon to 6pm Be part of the Fantastic Event, Relax & Have Fun - Rain or Shine. Cost: $20.00 Member / $24.00 Non-Member Payments needed to confirm you are coming. Pay at the June meeting or send a check to Hanna Blair 10507 Rolling Green Ct., Clarksburg, MD 20871 Please call Hanna with questions 301.831.3300 or 301.252.2662 cell. MISSION BBQ will cater the delicious food. We will have ice tea, lemonade & water. Please bring other drinks along if you wish. Anyone is welcome to bring a dessert of their choice. OurFSCCpicnicwillbeheldattheLAKE HERITAGECOMMUNITYCENTER locatedat1000HeritageDr, Gettysburg,PA17325. Page 9 The Community Center is the hub of Lake Heritage’s indoor/outdoor events and activities. It overlooks the lake and there is a deck to enhance its charm. It is a spacious, well-appointed, comfortable room. We also have use of the outdoor space & The Pool. Music, Games, Good Friends - a festive time!! When you sign up please let us know if you will be swimming. To use the Swimming pool there will be a $3.00 charge per person. We need to know approximately how many members & guests will use the pool as they require a sufficient number of life guards for the group. DIRECTIONS From Frederick: Route 15 N, (approx 40 miles), Take a right turn on Route 97, left on Heritage Dr into Lake Heritage. (At Gettysburg Outlet) From Westminster: Route 97: Take MD-97 N, Littlestown Pike and PA-97N, to Heritage Dr, Take right on Heritage Dr into Lake Heritage (Across from Gettysburg Outlets) AFTER checking in at gate house, turn right & stay on Heritage Dr for 1.5 miles. The Community Center is just past the Marina. PLEASE watch the speed limit in the community!!! Tour de Cure Chuck Sanders I would like to thank everybody that donated to my Tour de Cure bike rides. With your help I was able to reach my goal of $2,000 and pass it. I raised $2,847 to help find FSCC VETTE GAZETTE a cure for Diabetes!!! That is the most amount of money that I have ever raised! The first bike ride, in Cooksville Md., had a lot of hills. Besides being a little windy, it was a great day to ride 32 miles on a bike. I had finished that ride in just under 2 1/2 hrs. (2 hrs. 29 min. 55 sec.). After that ride was over my knees hurt for a little while, but it wasn't too bad. Two weeks later I rode in another Tour de Cure bike ride in Easton, Md. This ride was a little bit longer at 35 miles compared to the one a few weeks earlier. It isn't a race, but I consider the first 15 miles of the ride a race. I always try to get to the first rest stop as fast as possible because you take the Oxford fairy boat to Saint Michaels. If you are not on the first group to go over, there is about a 45 min. wait to get to the other side. I didn't want to wait, so I pedaled my little... well, you know... off and was able to be in the first group over on the boat. YEAH ME! Once I was on the other side, I tried to keep pace with some of the other riders but they were better than me or had better equipment. I will let you decide. They were riding at a pretty constant 20 mph. I am more of a 15-16 mph kind of guy right now. So after about 9-10 miles of trying to keep pace, I said the hell with it and went at my own speed but the damage had been done. Those last 10 miles were slow. I finished that ride in 2 hrs. 18 min. and 24 sec. Last year I did the same ride in 2 hrs. 11 min. and 10 sec. I was hoping to improve on my time. Oh well... better luck next year. Thanks again for your support! It makes me feel good to help raise money, to find a cure for Diabetes, while doing something I love to do. I feel blessed to have friends like you to help me succeed with my goals. Page 10 Apple Blossom Cruise Sean O’Sullivan The apple blossom cruise was great. It was a perfect 75 degrees so all tops were off. The first group of cars left Longate, picking up a few more cars in Finksburg, then a large group in Westminster, and the final 3 cars in Gettysburg for a total of 24 cars enjoying the ride! We arrived at the fairgrounds and parked in the reserved “Corvette” parking area Then everyone dispersed for something good to eat, listen to some live music, and check out the artisans wares. The hot apple crisp with Hershey's vanilla ice cream was a favorite. Then everyone loaded up and went for an hour long cruise through the apple orchards and along the mountain tops. The apple FSCC VETTE GAZETTE trees were in peak bloom for this year's cruise and were just beautiful! Page 11 south to enjoy the day at the LaGrange Winery. Then we cruised on to the Appalachian Brewing Company for an early dinner (with a few cars hitting triple digits along the way). The food was as good as the camaraderie. Annapolis Cars and Coffee Then the cars split into smaller groups to make their way back home, with a few stopping for ice cream again (not going to mention any names but they were mostly yellow cars). Joe Lardeo & Sean O'Sullivan with their American exotics at the Annapolis cars and coffee on a Sunday morning. CCA Sport Chevrolet Car Show Old Dominion Corvette Club Car Show at LaGrange Winery While a group of FSCC’ers traveled north to the Apple Blossom Festival, a few of us ventured A few FSCC members went to the CCA car show on June 7th in Silver Spring. While no one came home with a win, Rock walked away with a door prize. FSCC VETTE GAZETTE Page 12 mings, a short walk to spend time by the bay we left for our return trip home, but of course not before we stopped for a bit of, what else, ice cream. Annual Chesapeake Bay Shrimp Run Wayne Dunaway The annual trip to Holland Point Community Center in southern Anne Arundel County was once again, a huge success! Under the direction of Wayne Dunaway, a.k.a “The Commodore” (asst. OD Cathy Pass) and of course with much appreciated assistance from Dennis & Nancy Kritzmacher and Gary & Sue Dunaway (his trusty first mates), set out for a day of cruising and eating, two of our favorite activities! After a quick meeting the group suggested a new stop this year, Cindy's Soft Serve. As luck would have it, the owner of Cindy's was talking with one of our new members and shared that, he too, had a corvette. So, after he made sure we all had our ice cream, he took Bill out back and joined us in the parking lot with his car, a Monterey Red with a tan top and 19,000 miles young. We also received a heartfelt thanks from Woody and Kathy Young, two of the event planners at the Holland Point Community Center, thanking us for once again supporting their humble community center. Thank you to all who joined us this year and we hope to do it all again next spring! Jetty Dock Bar The day just about perfect: sunny and low to mid 80's and of course spending time with 50 of our friends (many who have joined us in the past and a few first timers!). After a few hours of “all you can eat” steamed shrimp, hamburgers, hot dogs and all the trim- On Saturday May 9th, a group of Free Stater’s got together and went on an impromptu day cruise over to the Eastern Shore, our intent was to end up at the Jetty Dock Bar at Kent Narrows to listen to Red Dirt Revolution, a country-rock band One of Kate’s teachers is the lead guitarist and singer. FSCC VETTE GAZETTE Our day started with Marty & Rock Rockenstire and Joan McCleary meeting the Daley’s at our usual meeting spot at Long Gate Shopping Center. We enjoyed a nice ride over to the Eastern Shore, picking up John Elliott and Nancy Lehnhoff. Keith and Barbara Faulkner met us in Stevensville, as we visited Blackwater Distilling, Maryland’s first craft distiller of spirits since 1972. We participated in a tour of their facility and learned about the distilling of both vodka and rum. Leaving our tour of Blackwater Distilling, we noticed that traffic was backed up and sitting on the ramps, waiting to get onto Rt. 50 West to go back across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. We later found out that a tractor-trailer had jackknifed and completely closed the Westbound span of the bridge. That meant that the only way for traffic to get across the bay was 1 lane in each direction of Page 13 the older, two lane Eastbound span of the bridge. Since traffic was backing up going West, we went on a nice ride over to Denton, Maryland. Along this route we unexpectedly picked up Rich Mars who was out running the highways and just happened to see us cruising and joined us. We looped from Denton, back and eventually got back to Kent Narrows and the Jetty Dock Bar. Jeff and Elaine Weiner met us there. We arrived and the band was rocking!!! We settled in, having a few refreshments, listened to the music and eventually settled in for the afternoon and enjoying each other’s company. FSCC VETTE GAZETTE Page 14 hung in until about 8:30PM and headed towards home. As with most Free State outing, food wasn’t far behind and we had a great afternoon together. Seeing the traffic that was still backed up and barely moving, we decided to follow the “Great Northern Route”. Rich Mars, needing to get to Northern Virginia, stuck with Rt. 50 and over the Bay Bridge. Joan got us up above Chestertown and Joe got us from there up through Chesapeake City to Elkton, MD. Everyone arrived home safely, some later than others, but we had a really nice adventure that we will not soon forget. Kevin Farrell, who had thought about joining us earlier in the day, but heard about the crash and traffic jam, kept us abreast of the clean-up efforts on the bridge and posting us up on the “view from his boat!!! Around 7:00PM, a few, (Rock & Marty Rockenstire and Keith and Barbara Faulkner), decided to venture out and try to get towards home. We had heard reports that the bridge would finally be cleared in “about an hour”, so another part of our group decided to wait it out and listen to some more music. Those brave souls that struck out earlier kept those of us at the Jetty posted with their slow progress getting across the bridge. Around 8:00PM, John and Nancy decided to test out the “Northern” route home. The rest of us, (Jeff & Elaine Weiner, Joan McCleary & Joe & Kate Daley) Note: Bob & Judy Mathias were on their way to join us for the day when they ran into traffic that was quickly backing up onto Rt. 50 before the Bay Bridge. They heard the report of the accident and turned around. Unfortunately, Bob’s car lost all power and they ended up having to get it towed back home. Charity News Spina Bifida Picnic Dan Palich, Spina Bifida of Maryland ** Please RSVP No-Later-Than July 5th so we can plan the food ** No cost to FSCC members – FSCC are invited guests Show up and have a good time Sigh up via the sign up sheet at the FSCC Club Meeting, the FSCC On-line Calendar Or RSVP directly to rceubank@verizon.net or 410-702-7182 FSCC VETTE GAZETTE Page 15 Picnic Details What Spina Bidida Summer Picnic of 2015 When July 18, 2015 1 pm - 7 pm (Picnic) Where Same location as last year: Holbrook Farm 4800 Cliff Sullivan Road Reisterstown, Maryland 21136 Our guests We have invited our excellent friends from the Free State Corvette Club. As a special bonus, we asked the Corvette Club members to bring their grandchildren. That should make it a lot of fun. We might have record-splashing in the pool. And, of course, a lot of oohs & ahhs for the cute grandchildren. Cost Free. We will provide all the food, soda and water. Shelter Yes. Sheltered picnic area - - clean, large and newly renovated. Bathhouse Yes. We have separate bathhouse for men and women, each with several showers. Swimming Yes. Beautiful pool - - large and very clean. Bring your suit and towel. Fishing Yes. Bring your own pole. Boating Yes. We have canoes and a fair number of life jackets. If you have your own jacket, bring it. Rain date Rain or shine, we will hold the picnic on July 18. It's almost always shining, but we have the shelter to keep us dry if it sprinkles. But we can guarantee no rain on July 18, 2015. Rules The family that owns the pool and picnic area lets us use it for free. All they ask is that we not park on their grass, smoke or bring alcohol. There's a paved lot for parking. 1 pm - 6 pm (Swimming) Win Kelly News Jeannette Shalaby Win Kelly Shop Night Some of you might not know what exactly our “Win Kelly Shop Night” is, so the Board has asked that this informative be published in the Gazette. What is Shop Night? Our club Sponsor is Win Kelly. As part of our relationship with them, they allow club members to attend Shop Night held once a month typically on the third Wednesday of the month. What can I do at Shop Night? Win Kelly allows members to bring their Corvette to the service bay area and work on our own cars. We are able to do pretty much anything we need to do to the car that can be done in a two-hour window. There are lifts available so you can work under your car. They have a laptop linked to GM for bulletin searches, a battery tester, and the Tech 2 scan tool. Other tools would be available at the technician’s discretion and assistance. Members have done work anywhere from changing their own oil to replacing an exhaust. Do I need my own tools? Yes, you should bring your own tools, however the lifts are available and if you have pneumatic tools we have been known to use their compressed air. If I have any questions is there anyone to help? Yes! Win Kelly schedules one or more of their certified Corvette technicians to be available for consultation and assistance. When is Shop Night? The Win Kelly Shop Night is held the third Wednesday of each month from 6:00 PM until 8:00 PM. You can find the specific dates on the club calendar. Is there any cost to attend Shop Night? No, attending is absolutely free and one of the many benefits of belonging to the Free State Corvette Club. We are encouraged to attend this free monthly event, even if it is to just hoist our Corvette up and inspect the undercarriage. How do I sign up for Shop Night? Win Kelly asks that we register in advance for Shop Night so they can ensure they have a Corvette technician on site. To register, simply log into the Free State Corvette Club web and site (www.freestatecorvette.com) access the Members Only page. Locate the calendar entry for the date you wish to attend and select the registration link. The cut off for Shop Night registration is the Sunday night preceding Shop Night. This is to give us time to notify Win Kelly and for them to make arrangements. FSCC VETTE GAZETTE Page 16 Corvette Racing Jordan Taylor Photo Breakdown: Here's a crazy story. In 1990 my Dad was hired by Jim Miller (of Pratt & Miller) to come and race in America. He drove the #64 Chevy Intrepid the following year. 25 years later, I'll be competing in my fourth Le Mans 24 Hour with Corvette Racing (Pratt & Miller) in the #64 Chevrolet Corvette C7.R. As I was on stage, telling stories about cleaning Fonzie's poop, we have many different emotions to break down. Let's go left to right. Doug Fehan, “Man, this guy is back for his fourth Le Mans with us. His stories have gotten weirder and weirder every year.” Jan Magnussen, “Haha...Holy S*** (bad word for poop), I'm glad this freak is out of our car this year.” Ryan Briscoe, “Man, Jordan really does have beautiful eyes.” Antonio Garcia, “See Jan, I told you three years was enough with him.” Oliver Gavin, “Geeze man...what goes on in that head.” Jordan Taylor, “Man, that was awesome that I just got to tell that story on stage.” Tommy Milner, “Is he still talking?” 24 Houres Le Mans Jordan Taylor, #64 Here are some pics from one of the drivers, Jordan Taylor as we head into race week. FSCC VETTE GAZETTE Page 17 They will be value priced for Free State Corvette Club Members. Sponsor Plan Win Kelly Chevrolet Buick GMC is very pleased to be expanding our relationship with the FSCC. This is a great opportunity for us to contribute to the clubs extraordinary charitable efforts and social gatherings. We want to support the club members with benefits in their association with Win Kelly Chevrolet Buick GMC. As such, I would like to take this opportunity to outline the benefits for Free State members and to establish points of contact in the dealership. Sales: Please contact Charlie Seaboch, Kevin Bell or Jeannette Shalaby with any initial inquiry for new or used vehicles. We will get product specialists assistance for vehicle demonstration and features. In this way we can insure that the FSCC members are provided with the information they request and enjoy a pleasant purchase experience. It is very difficult given the complexity of incentives and distribution of product to create a rigid outline. Win Kelly Chevrolet will provide the best prices and research all applicable factory incentives and insure a very competitive if not best price in the market. The price will be presented in a straightforward, transparent manner. The pricing is available to friends and family. The following general pricing guidelines will be followed: • Most products will be priced at invoice or under and then less applicable factory incentives. • Certain low volume and or specialty vehicles are excluded such as the ZL1 Camaro and other limited availability vehicles. These vehicles will be priced at the low end of the current market. • Trade in values are based on a compilation of Mannheim auction reports and V Auto which gathers data from a variety of wholesale and retail information sources, including current vehicles on the market and recently sold vehicles. • Used Vehicles will be discounted on a case by case basis from our Internet sales prices. As all used vehicles are unique a formula is difficult. Service: We have reached over 300% of GM training standards and are very fortunate to have highly trained and exceptional technicians. Jeff Beaver and Scott Beebe focus on Corvettes. We encourage you to drop off your vehicles and take advantage of courtesy alternate transportation. An appointment arranged thru Mike Ziegler is required. For all routine matters, please contact Mike Ziegler for appointments and information. Mike will insure a great service experience, keep you informed and answer all concerns. Mike will insure a priority service for your vehicles. The following are for FSCC Members (and immediate family only): • 20% discount off of posted labor rate on all non-special or menu items. Loss leader specials excluded. • 15% parts discount on all parts (non –special or menu items) installed thru the shop. • 10% labor discount and parts discount on all standard menu and special items. Some loss leader specials such as our wiper blade specials and rotation specials are excluded. • 18% discount from all parts ordered over the counter. • Accessories: 18% over cost. • Major components such as transmissions will be priced on an individual basis. • Collision Work will require estimates. Tires: Win Kelly Chevrolet Buick GMC guarantees the best installed tire prices. We sell the tires and include standard mounting and balancing. Mike has all the tire information and prices at his desk for convenience. It is very seldom that there is a better installed price and if there is we match it. Our tires are fresh stock thru the GM program. Shop Night: Every Third Wednesday Win Kelly Chevrolet Buick GMC will provide bay space for Club member’s vehicles to inspect and perform light work on your cars. We will provide Jeff Beaver, Scott Beebe or another of our trained technicians to assist and answer questions. 6$9(7+('$7( FSCC VETTE GAZETTE Page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age 19 2015 FSCC Board of Directors PRESIDENT: PAST PRESIDENT: VICE PRESIDENT: SECRETARY: TREASURER: NCCC GOVERNOR: ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR: MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR: SERGEANT AT ARMS: Kate Daley, president@freestatecorvette.com Paul Chlan pastpresident@freestatecorvette.com Steve Predenkoski vicepresident@freestatecorvette.com Sandra Kource secretary@freestatecorvette.com Norman Elkins Treasurer@freestatecorvette.com Jeff Weiner governor@freestatecorvette.com Barbara Faulkner activities@freestatecorvette.com Marty Rockenstire membership@freestatecorvette.com Chuck Sanders sergeantatarms@freestatecorvette.com FSCC Board Appointed Officials HISTORIAN: TJ Humphreys historian@freestatecorvette.com VETTE GAZETTE EDITOR: Mary Predenkoski gazette@freestatecorvette.com PUBLIC RELATIONS (PR) CHAIRMAN Jerry Apicella jerry.a@verizon.net IT CHAIRMAN TBD webmaster@freestatecorvette.com Win Kelly Points of Contact Dealer: General Manager: Marketing and Events: Service Director: Service Advisor: Collision Center: Controller: Parts: Kevin Bell, 443-535-8215 kbell@winkelly.com Charlie Seaboch,443-535-8258 cseaboch@winkelly.com Jeannette Shalaby, 443-535-8208 jshalaby@winkelly.com Lyle Etzwiler, 443-535-8254 cadibi@winkelly.com Mike Ziegler, 443-535-8248 mziegler@winkelly.com Darrin Stratford, 443-535-8287 dstratford@winkelly.com Heather Stutzman, 443-535-8213 hstutzman@winkelly.com Jason Young, 443-535-8221 jyoung@winkelly.com FSCC Meeting Status Check the website if you're unsure if a meeting is “on.” when the green “Normal Operations” sign is displayed, meetings will take place as scheduled. If a meeting is being canceled or postponed, you’ll see a yellow “Modified Operations” notice on the FSCC web site. Win Kelly Technology Bar When you need hands-on technical support for your vehicle, you can get friendly, expert help from Win Kelly’s Certified Technology Experts by visiting our one-of-a-kind Technology Bar. Our Certified Technology Experts conduct live demonstrations on all the features your vehicle has to offer – everything from Streaming Pandora through your stereo to utilizing all GM’s mobile applications. You can even learn how easy it is to start, locate or lock your vehicle from any location – just by using your mobile phone. A visit to our Technology Bar will also help you get the most out of your Chevrolet MyLink, or Buick and GMC IntelliLink infotainment systems. Gazette Deadlines Articles and pictures will be accepted all month long. publication deadlines are: • For board submissions, 5pm on the Sunday prior to publication • For articles or pictures of trips, etc, 5pm on the Saturday prior to publication Send text in either body of email or word document. Send graphics and pictures in separate file. FSCC VETTE GAZETTE Page 20 For sale by Skip Blair 301-831-3300 BORLA Exhaust System - Style S - Code 140039 for C 5 Corvette. Stainless, all parts included. Usage was less than 500 miles. $1000.00. Location: Urbana MD area By-laws are located on our website www.freestatecorvette.com on the 'Members Only' tab under 'Documents & Newsletters'. Category: Club Documents. Title: Free State Corvette Club Bylaws & Constitution If you want a FSCC license plate: Contact Carl Blazek at: 410-9871865 or carlblazek@yahoo.com If you need a Free State Corvette website login or you are not able to obtain access with your current login, please contact the FSCC Webmaster at webmaster@freestatecorvette.com If you need a FSCC window decal or a FSCC windshield banner they are available for $5.00 each. If you need an additional FSCC Club pin $5.00 or a FSCC Black Club Hat $10.00. Please contact Marty Rockenstire at our club meetings or email a note to membership@freestatecorvette.com. Also Club Membership and Phone Rosters are now available on the Free State Members Only Web Page under Documents and Gazettes, second line from the bottom. If you are interested in Free State Logo Apparel – Contact Joe Daley at 410-375-0492 or coachdaley@verizon.net. He will assist you in getting custom FSCC Apparel. If you would like to place a Commercial or Classified ad in the Gazette: Contact the Gazette Editor, Mary Predenkoski at gazette@freestatecorvette.com. A business card size ad costs $60 per year for club members or $120 per year for non-members. Classified ads are free to FSCC members. When you order from Eckler’s: For every dollar spent with them, NCCC will receive a cash rebate for use at club events and functions. Full details are available at www.Ecklers.com. When ordering, tell them you are a member of FSCC. If you would like to order a FSCC Flag & Caddie, contact the following: • Club Flags: Contact Jake at: 1-815-234-8057 or jake@stitchesand-things.com • Flag Caddies: contact Doug at 1-815-979-459, sales@flagcaddie.com, www.flagcaddie.com Our club sponsor is: Win Kelly Chevrolet. They will give discounts on parts and services to FSCC members. If you want to go to Win Kelly Chevrolet for Shop Night: It’s always the 3rd Wednesday of the month. Just remember to bring your own tools! Want to meet with a Certified Technology Expert? Win Kelly hosts an open house every Wednesday 6:30-7:30 pm, however you can also make a reservation ahead of time to guarantee your spot. FSCC VETTE GAZETTE Page 21 FSCC Members Yellow Pages Auto Appraisal Carl Blazek (410) 987-1865 Auto Repair Chuck Sanders (410) 744-4328 Kitchen and Bath Design/Sales George Schmitz (301) 384-9642 Landscape Keith Faulkner (443) 758-5952 Durable Medical Equipment (i.e. oxygen, beds, wheelchairs, etc.) Barry Kuhne (410) 977-0568 Power Quality Solutions/ UPS Systems/Precision A/C Systems Cal Miller (410) 552-1234 Realtors Pat and Jim Citro (410) 409-1498 (410) 458-1742 Residential Lending/Mortgages Jerry Apicella (443) 865-7674 TV Repair Jeff Weiner (301) 593-7676 FSCC 2015 Meeting Schedule Board of Directors Ocean City Planning Win Kelly 7:00 PM Location varies 7 - 9 PM January 8 (BOD only) General Membership K of C 7:30 PM January 9 January 29 February 6 February 26 March 6 March 26 April 10 April 23 May 1 May 26 May 21 June 12 July 2 June 18 (Win Kelly) July 10 July 30 July 23 (Win Kelly) August 7 September 3 August 20 (K of C) September 11 September 24 September 17 (Win Kelly) October 2 October 29 October 8 (K of C) November 19 Comments Happy New Year Happy Independence Day! November 6 December 4 Note: FSCC follows the FSSC Meeting Cancellation Policy CALL 443-203-8980 for status RPI Designs Discount We manufacturer hundreds of Corvette Parts for the C5, C6 and C7 Stingray. We make many unique parts and accessories that you might have seen in other vendors catalogs, or even on club members cars. We are a 20 person team that works full time to make quality Corvette Parts - made in the USA. We like to offer clubs discounts on our products. Use the following code, CLUB10, and get 10% off any product on our website. This coupon code is always valid and does not have a limit to the number of times it can be used. If you have any questions, you can reach us toll free, 888.257.8515 or www.rpidesigns.com If you'd like to see us “Behind the scenes”, check out our Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/rpidesigns FSCC VETTE GAZETTE Page 22 Support Our Fantastic Sponsor Kevin Bell and the WIN KELLY AUTOMOTIVE SUPERSTORES 12421 Auto Drive Clarksville, MD www.winkelly.com Contact: Charlie Seaboch 443-535-8258 cseaboch@winkelly.com
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