2013 Membership Information Used Truck Association The Mission of the Used Truck Association

Used Truck Association
Membership Information
The Mission of the Used Truck Association
The used truck association is an impartial organization
comprised of used truck professionals and associated
businesses committed to strengthening the used truck
industry. We are dedicated to providing a source of
direction in the areas of professionalism and ethics,
while promoting the highest standards of service
and conduct. We provide a platform to foster the
sharing of knowledge and supply resources
to support the efforts of those involved
in the used truck industry.
The UTA Membership
Directory is currently on www.uta.org
for members only. It is also available in a
spreadsheet form on the same website page.
Members in good standing of the Used Truck
Association subscribe to the following:
Honesty above reproach in the products and
services we represent.
We treat all customers, associates, and
employees with dignity, respect, and integrity.
We are committed to developing and
maintaining knowledgeable, well-trained sales
We endeavor to provide and represent
the best-valued products and services.
We are dedicated to excellence in all that we
do, all the time.
Continuous Improvement
We constantly re-evaluate our procedures
to ensure they are efficient and responsive
to customers’ needs and wants.
Keeping Promises
Membership Categories
Corporate Member: ($350)
Voting membership assigned to one company representative
of any business engaged in the used-truck industry.
Truck Dealers
• Independent truck dealers
• Franchised truck dealers
• Truck rental & leasing companies
•Truck fleets
Vehicle Auctions
Products & Services Vendors
• Suppliers
• Insurance companies
• Publishing/Marketing/Advertising
• Finance companies
• Warranty companies
Professional Member: ($100)
This non-voting membership offers the same benefits of the
Corporate Membership, except the ability to vote. All employees
of a Corporate member are eligible.
We do what we say we are going to do,
and we do it right the first time.
Complete Satisfaction
Our number one priority is to always provide
the best in customer service and satisfaction.
We work not to make sales, but to build
beneficial relations and long-term customers.
UTA Headquarters
325 Country Club Drive, Suite A
Stockbridge, GA 30281
877.438.7882 (877-Gets-UTA)
UTA Communications:
Rick Clark, 800.950.3377
The History of the UTA
Where Jerry Nerman and Marvin F. Gordon were when they
conceived the idea for an organization designed solely to
benefit and promote the used truck industry has been lost
in the mists of time. They may have been sitting in their
respective offices. They may have been having lunch with
one another. They may have woken in the middle of the
night with one of those “aha!” moments. We may never know
where the spark happened that united with the idea. But
what we do know is that it happened. Jerry Nerman’s idea of
an organization designed solely to benefit the used truck
industry was joined with Marvin Gordon’s belief that MacLean
Hunter, publishers of the Truck Blue Book, would support him
in this endeavor and create a publication for the used truck
industry. How fortunate are the members of the used truck
industry that Jerry and Marvin not only believed in their idea
but also were determined to implement it and act upon a
dream. The UTA begins.
In 1987, the initial organizational meeting was
scheduled in Chicago with the sitting Blue Book Advisory
Board consisting of Curt Collins, Jim Fowler, Bruce Jodarski,
Jerry Nerman and Jerry Sharpe. The Founding Fathers, as
they are known later, were committed to start a new chapter
in the used truck industry. After several organizational
meetings, the Used Truck Sales Network (UTSN) was
chartered on May 16, 1988 and Jim Sundy joined the group.
Annual meetings were scheduled in Chicago, Illinois. Marvin
F. Gordon continued to work tirelessly to advance the UTSN
cause until his retirement in 1997. The direction and support of
these pillars of industry are the foundation of the UTA today.
In 1993 the name of the organization was
changed to NUTA, National Used Truck Association, in order
to more accurately reflect its scope. Jerry Nerman was
elected President of NUTA; Jim Sundy, Vice President; and
Fred Steinbach became director. Curt Collins, Jim Fowler,
Bruce Jodarski, George Stanton, Paul Spokas, and Lee Whitman
served on the Board of Directors. During his 1993 tenure as
Director, Mr. Steinbach focused on the issue of the excise tax.
In 1994 the organization’s name was changed
— shortened, in point of fact — to Used Truck Association
(UTA) as it is known today. This name more accurately reflects
the international scope. Steinbach resigned as director in
1994 and David Kolman took his place with Lee Whitman
serving as the assistant director.
Between 1996 and 2000 the UTA experienced
a revitalization program with renewed focus on expanding
membership and member benefits. To accomplish these
goals, the following committees were formed: Ethics,
Membership, Training, Convention, Website, and Public
Relations. By 1997, there were 53 members growing to 114
members in 1998.
As a suitable tribute to the UTA’s founder, the
Marvin F. Gordon Lifetime Achievement Award was established
in 1999 and is presented annually at the UTA convention. The
organization is served well by Board members Steve Nadolson,
President; H. E. Eddie Walker, Vice President; and Jim Sundy,
Chairman; Justina Faulkner, Secretary; Vince Anselmo,
Treasurer; and David A. Kolman, Director.
The Board of Directors elected to serve for one-year terms
during the inaugural convention were: Al Hess, John
Whitnell, and Terry Williams. Re-elected as Directors were
Lee Chapin, Marty Crawford, Doug Dressen, Mike Jackson,
Bruce Jodarski, and Paul Spokas. Membership grew to 141.
The UTA always viewed itself as a
conduit through which information would pass that was
beneficial to the industry. In 2000 the first white paper was
published. “What is a Low-Mileage Truck?” “Succeeding as
an Owner/Operator” is also written to walk the prospective
owner/operator through the basic process of starting a small
trucking business.
Another exciting First event happened in 2000 with the first
UTA Convention held October 26-28, 2000 in Howie-In-TheHills, Florida. “Turning Problems into Profits: Managing Your
Way Through An Oversupplied Used Truck Market” was the
theme. Convention topics included Managers: Sales
Obstruction Device or Solution; Horsepower Sells Trucks:
Myth or Reality; High Risk Financing: Risks vs. Rewards;
Easing the Glut Through Financing: Will it Happen? Changes
in Financing; Financing Owner-Operators: Here are the Terms;
Remarketing Repos: Impact on the Market; and Finance
Companies as a Controlling Factor of Used Truck Sales.
Membership rose to 189.
The 1995 Board was comprised of Jerry Nerman,
Chairman; Jim Sundy, President; Louis Nerman, Vice President;
Paul Spokas, Secretary/Treasurer; with Terry Williams, Eddie
Walker and George Stanton as Board members. Selected as
Advisory Board Members were: Chuck Bailey, John Chastain,
Jim Fowler, and Bruce Jodarski.
Chairman; Steve Nadolson, President; Eddie Walker, Vice
President; Justina Faulkner, Secretary; Vince Anselmo,
Treasurer; and David A. Kolman serving as Director. Board
members were Lee Chapin, Marty Crawford, Doug Dressen,
Mike Jackson, Bruce Jodarski, Louis Nerman, and Paul Spokas.
The 1996’s board consisted of Jim Sundy,
On September 11, 2001, the World Trade
Centers in New York were attacked. Most organizations
canceled convention plans. But the Board met and decided
to support the President of the United States’ request for
America to continue doing business as normally as is
possible. The members responded patriotically and the
convention had overwhelming attendance, proving the
Board’s decision was correct. The second annual UTA
convention was held November 8-10, 2001, in Rio Rico,
Arizona. “Where Opportunity and Experience Converge.”
Convention topics included Martin Labbe presenting the
State of the Industry Update and UTA Updates on training,
trade terms, and other business. Open Forum Q&A was also
well attended and informed.
“401 in 2001” membership drive kicks off rising membership
to 220. Eddie Walker, President, called for continuing and
renewed efforts to increase communication, add benefits
and build the UTA membership. In response to those
requests, the following new committees were initiated
following the 2001 convention: Budget, Education,
Endowment, and Finance. Remaining active were the
following committees: Membership, Convention, Training,
Public Relations, Website, Regulation/By-Laws and Lifetime
“Trade Terms and Conditions” was published by the UTA. A
growing and active membership ensures that the interest of
all those involved in the used truck industry will continue to
be served. The organization is led at this time by Steve
Nadolson, President; H. E. Eddie Walker, Vice President; and
Jim Sundy, Chairman; Justina Faulkner, Secretary; Vince
Anselmo, Treasurer; and David A. Kolman, Director. Directors
included Al Hess, John Whitnell, Terry Williams, Lee Chapin,
Marty Crawford, Doug Dressen, Mike Jackson, Bruce
Jodarski, and Paul Spokas.
The UTA went digital with a presence on
the web in 2002 when a website was created, www.UTA.org.
The monthly newsletter, UTA Industry Watch, got a new look
and the redesign proved popular. While the Board changed
somewhat, the members remained committed to the
organization. Serving were Steve Nadolson, Chairman; H.E.
Eddie Walker, President; Doug Dressen, Vice President;
Justina Faulkner, Secretary; Vince Anselmo, Treasurer; and
David A. Kolman, Director. Directors were Lee Chapin, Marty
Crawford, Al Hess, Mike Jackson, Bruce Jodarski, Paul
Spokas, Jim Sundy, and Terry Williams.
The convention is held November 9, 2002, in Hot Springs,
Arkansas. The theme was “Revisiting the Fundamentals of
the Used Truck Industry.” The year ended with 232 members
and the UTA set up a toll free number. (877) GETS-UTA
(1-800-438-7882). Convention topics included: Tom Kontos
presenting State of the Industry Update; Dan Baker is
Keynote Speaker; Inventory Procurement; and Fundamentals
of Warranty and Trade Terms.
2003 saw the need for additional training
and the UTA stepped up to the plate creating in-house
training programs in conjunction with Heavy Duty Marketing
Associates (HDMA). A Medium-Duty Committee was formed.
Jerry Nerman joined with the UTA to announce the creation
of the UTA Jerome Nerman Family Foundation. This entity is
created allowing tax-deductible contributions toward the
educational fund and again adds excitement and commitment
to the endeavor of the Association to serve its industry.
UTA Directors included Vince Anselmo; Lee Chapin; Bruce
Jodarski; David A. Kolman; Ethan Nadolson; Paul Spokas;
Jim Sundy; Terry Williams and Mike Jackson. The dedication
of the officers continues to move forward the goals of the
UTA: Eddie Walker, President; Al Hess, Vice President;
Justina Falkner, Secretary; Marty Crawford, Treasurer; and
Steve Nadolson, Chairman.
“Come Meet the Used Truck Industry” was the theme of the
November 6-8, 2003, convention held in Palm Coast, Florida.
Frank Candy was Keynote speaker. State of the Industry
Update was delivered by Ken Vieth. Growth of affiliate
companies was substantial allowing, if all discounts are
used, a UTA member to save thousands of dollars.
Membership rose to 305.
In 2004, the first Board business planning
retreat was held wherein a formal business plan was crafted
and the UTA mission statement was updated to reflect the
increasing and changing presence of the UTA.
Again, the board membership changes but their unswerving
purpose of serving remains. Serving is Steve Nadolson,
Chairman; H.E. Eddie Walker, President; Al Hess, Vice President;
Justina Faulkner, Secretary; Marty Crawford, Treasurer. Lee
Chapin, Wafik Elsanadi, Tom Horne, Craig Kendall, Ethan
Nadolson, Paul Spokas, Jim Sundy, and Terry Williams.
The 2004 convention theme of “Information, Knowledge &
Networking Equals POWER” continued to highlight the
purpose of the UTA in serving this industry. The convention
is held on November 3-6, 2004, in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Convention topics included Chris Brady delivering the State
of the Industry Update address and Vince Lombardi Jr., as
the Keynote speaker. Membership rose to 342.
The UTA Senior Advisory Council is
established in 2005 honoring Jerry Nerman and Jim Sundy.
Steve Nadolson, Chairman; Eddie Walker, President; Al Hess,
Vice President; Terry Williams, Secretary; Marty Crawford,
Treasurer. Keith Allen; Joy Boyle; Rick Clark; Hal Dickson;
Wafik Elsanadi; Ronnie Jordon; Ethan Nadolson; and Rick
The November 2-5, 2005, convention is held in Savannah,
Georgia. Summing up both the organization and the industry
and “It Keeps Getting Better” proves to be an accurate
convention theme. Membership rose to 525. The “Help
Spread the Word, an advertising campaign begins in 2006.
“Let’s Talk Used Trucks” began in order to brand and market
the membership to retail customers. The First UTA / Jerome
Nerman Family Scholarship awards are made to 2 deserving
young people. The Board continued to guide the organization.
Steve Nadolson, Chairman; Eddie Walker, President; Al Hess,
Vice President; Terry Williams, Secretary; Marty Crawford,
Treasurer. Keith Allen; Joy Boyle; Wafik Elsanadi; Hal
Dickson; Ronnie Jordon; Rick Schmitgen; Ethan Nadolson.
in a darkened theater, members were treated to a music
and light show as the 1987 Peterbilt #39 of the 359 Classic
Series rose from below stage to reveal itself in its restored
glory. The next evening this truck was auctioned for charity
with Kenny and Susie Doonan, Doonan Truck & Equipment
from Wichita, Kansas, as high bidders.
Members and guests at the 2008 Convention numbered
over 470. Meetings at the convention included changes in
officers and board members. Eddie Walker, the current
President resigned and accepted the position of Senior
Advisor. Marty Crawford, Arrow Truck Sales, became the
President and Rick Clark, NTP, filled the Vice President slot.
Tom Pfeiler, Daimler Trucks Remarketing, agreed to be the
Treasurer and Bryan Haupt, MHC Kenworth, was named
Secretary of the UTA for the next year.
The convention of November 1-4, 2006,
was held in Galveston, Texas. “Information, Knowledge, and
Networking Equals POWER” continued to ring out the reason
for the organization’s existence. Membership rose to 650
reflecting the interest and need for this organization.
In 2007 the UTA’s Free Training Initiative
was implemented benefiting quite a few members. The Jerry
Nerman family’s donations and a number of fundraising
activities add to the UTA Jerome Nerman Family Foundation
which is able to award 3 scholarships worth $5,000.00 each.
The Board carrys on serving, including Eddie Walker,
President; Al Hess, Vice President; Rick Clark, Secretary;
Marty Crawford, Treasurer; Steve Nadolson, Chairman.
Directors are Keith Allen; Joy Boyle; Bryan Haupt; Tom Pfeiler;
Hal Dickson; Ronnie Jordon; Rob Slavin; Rick Schmitgen;
and Randy Marshall.
The weather proved perfect for the November 7-10, 2007,
convention in Orlando, Florida. The theme of “Ultimate
Networking + Take-Charge Information + Adding Friends =
The 2007 UTA Annual Convention” well-described the
organization by 2007.
Membership rose to 744.
In 2008 the UTA Industry Watch Pipeline
series of articles began with industry experts, both
members and non-members, writing articles in a frank
manner on subjects important to the industry. The UTA
Jerome Nerman Family Foundation awards 4 scholarships
totalling $20,000, and a 5th winner was added at the last
minute funded by an impromptu auction led by Kenny
Doonan and Tim Ronan.
The Board is comprised of Marty Crawford, President; Rick
Clark, Vice President; Bryan Haupt, Secretary; Tom Pfeiler,
Treasurer; and Eddie Walker, President Emeritus. Directors
are Tim Ormsby; Randy Marshall; Jon Tepper; Lara Haag;
Pete Pilittere; Bobby Williams; Tim Ronan; Jason Rush; and
serving as alternate, George Barnett. Membership rose to 821.
Earlier was mentioned the Lifetime Achievement Award in
honor of those who, by their actions, support the industry
and advance the goals of the UTA. We chose to name the
recipients to be listed together instead of scattered
throughout this historical document. In order of
presentation, starting in the year 1999, the winners are:
Marvin F. Gordon (1999); Jerome Nerman (2000); Jim Sundy
(2001); C.B. Crook (2002); Steve Nadolson (2003); Richard
Vulgamore (2004); Paul Spokas (2005); Ron Corley (2006);
Justina Nadolson (2007); John Gresley, (2008); Al Hess
(2009); Eddie Walker (2010); Michael McColgan (2011) and
Tom Horne (2012).
The 2008 UTA Annual Convention was held in Reno, Nevada
on November 9-12, 2008. Attendance was still robust and
featured a record number of sponsors. The title of the
convention was “The Big Show” and featured an opening
night ceremony worthy of a Hollywood production. Waiting
The focus of the new board beginning
2009 was to supply the UTA members with as much current
and updated material about the used truck industry as
possible using the UTA newsletter as the pipeline for this
information. 2009 began with the budget and planning
meeting in January. Each year the first important meeting is
held at the place of the year’s next convention as San
Antonio is selected for the 2009 convention with the Crown
Plaza Hotel on the River walk as its location.
There were major changes in the market place during 2009.
Some of these were as follows: Navistar and Caterpillar
announced a joint venture, Arrow Trucks opened new stores
in Denver and Minneapolis, Mack opened new world
headquarters in Greensboro, North Carolina, the Industry
Watch newsletter introduces its members to opportunities in
marketplaces in India.
The UTA made an additional commitment to a training
program with the Brooks Group. Daimler Trucks Remarketing
named Rich Simons, Director of Used Truck Sales and UTA
member, to lead the corporation as President. Bobby
Williams developed a new look for the UTA website.
The 4th annual UTA Jerome Nerman Family Foundation Golf
Tournament is held in Kansas City and successful in adding
large amounts to the Scholarship Fund. The attainment of
their goals invigorated the members to commit to the basics
of training and calling on old customers in 2009.
The passing of Jim Sundy, known as the true Southern
Gentleman of the Industry, of Nally Motor Lines, Atlanta, GA,
and Beloved of his wife Jenny left a void in the hearts of the
members of the UTA. His service to the UTA is immeasurable
and his contributions to the Industry countless.
The work of the Brooks Group proved to be a valuable asset
to the training of its members. Fuel economy continued to
drive used truck sales and even though sales were up the
first quarter of 2009, the remaining quarters showed declines.
San Antonio hosted the 10th annual “Family Reunion” Convention
in 2009 with Craig Kendall our master of ceremonies and
Dan Baker the Keynote Speaker. A Fender guitar signed by
George Strait and Reba McEntire was auctioned as the UTA
proudly presented $5000 scholarships each to four (4)
deserving recipients.
The UTA opened a promotional retail store online for its
members. Every gift idea imaginable is offered from one the
many affiliates that add benefits to membership.
The Board members for the new year were elected: Marty
Crawford, President; Rick Clark, Vice President; Tom Pfeiler,
Treasurer; Bryan Haupt, Secretary. Along with other
members Eddie Walker, Bryan Boyd, Tim Ormsby, Tim Ronan,
Jon Tepper, Bobby Williams, the Board selected the new
convention site Jacksonville, Florida for 2010.
The annual Kansas City Open in June under the leadership
of Tim Ronan secured the way for a 5th winner of the
educational scholarship from the revenue taken in at the
golf outing which had 90 members attending.
Communication remained the focus and
goal for the UTA as it found its presence on LinkedIn, Twitter
and Facebook. The “UTA Awareness” program continued in
print media and the UTA Industry Watch newsletter hired
new editors to expand its information and news to members.
Named the Kansas City Open, the golf tournament created
to add funds to the UTA Jerome Nerman Family Foundation
Educational Fund, under the leadership of Tim Ronan, again
is successful and guarantees 5 scholarships to be
presented at the annual convention.
Kicking off at the Hyatt Regency Riverfront in Jacksonville,
Florida, the convention’s theme was “Boot Camp 2010”. Tim
Ormsby, convention chairman, designed a celebration of our
industry, our history and our patriotism. Special flags that
had flown over the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. and
personally autographed photos of former President George
Bush were auctioned for the scholarship fund. Kenny and
Sue Doonan were the fortunate winners and bidders. Close
to 580 attendees made this the largest convention in our 10
year history.
“Go All In” was the theme for the convention. Interactive
meetings added to the agenda and impressive tours and
activities provided great entertainment to the attendees.
Five educational scholarships were presented followed by a
challenge led by Kenny Doonan bringing the total available
next year to 10 scholarships.
Pat Spokas suggested a new program for the spouses of
members attending the conventions. Married to Paul Spokas,
winner of the Lifetime Achievement Award in 2005 and a
board member since 1993, she had the idea of a Spouse
Breakfast and having older members meet and greet new
members encouraging spouses to attend the conventions.
The UTA Dealer Group led by Mike Thurston announced new
dealer awards program to be a part of the convention each
year given to 6 dealer members who work for a dealership
and are UTA members. Each year there will be 3 OEM and 3
non OEM awards presented in 3 regions: East, Central and
West. Also, there will be one vendor member award
presented after the Vendor Fair.
Eddie Walker was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award
for his years of service and contribution to the used truck
industry. Randy Pennington stepped into the board position
vacated by Eddie Walker after his resignation.
The first year award winners were Terry Williams, Truck Blue
Book; Tom Cullison, Rush Enterprises; Joe Galowitch, Inland
Kenworth; Andy Holloway, Truck Central; Joey Lojek, Premier
Truck Sales; Victor Manilla, American Motors; Jim
Zimmerman, Kenworth of Pennsylvania.
The new officers elected are Rick Clark, President; Bobby
Williams, Vice President, Tom Pfeiler, Treasurer and Sheri
Aaberg, Secretary with Marty Crawford, President Emeritus.
Other board members serving are Randy Pennington, Tim
Ronan, Mike Thurston, Tim Ormsby, Bryan Haupt, Ken Kosic,
Bryan Boyd, Lara Haag, John Cosgrove and George Barnett
with a new incoming member Kenny Doonan, the first new
truck dealer to be represented on the board.
The UTA board announced that Mike Thurston will chair a
committee for a Dealer Group.
2011 brought the board together for their yearly
face-to-face meeting at the Talking Stick Resort in
Scottsdale, Arizona, where the 12th annual convention would
take place. The board sets the budget for the year and
refines the business plan.
With the majority of people having “smart” phones, the UTA
gave the go ahead to Bobby Williams to put together a plan
for an online appraisal form for UTA members to use in the
field. The form is available online and can be emailed to
customers or other dealers.
Scottsdale, Arizona was chosen for the 2011 convention site
and the board reported that the UTA had 782 members with
107 of them new this year.
January 2012 has the board members
annual meeting at the convention site at the Hilton in New
Orleans. Before the close of 2011, there were a total of 816
members, John Cosgrove and Kenny Doonan, membership
committee members were selected to be in charge of
expanding membership.
As the “newer” used trucks with Diesel Particular filtration
(DPF) the training committee produced a new video on the
DPF system along with a new “Used Truck Appraisal” video
which are currently on the UTA website.
The 2011 convention ended with over 600 attendees. The
2012 new board will be Rick Clark, Bobby Williams, Sheri
Aaberg, Tom Pfeiler, Tim Ormsby, Kenny Doonan, John
Cosgrove, Ken Kosic, Lara Haag, George Barnett, Mike
Thurston, Bryan Haupt, Tim Ronan and Bryan Boyd as the
alternate. The new board elected Rick Clark as President,
Bobby Williams as VP, Sheri Aaberg as Secretary and Tom
Pfieler as Treasurer.
The UTA started off with a strong financial position showing
$299,285.75 in our operating account and $212,288.77 in our
scholarship fund account. We reported 793 paid members
and 119 unpaid members. The convention brought in 627
registered attendees – the largest ever. The annual
business meeting was set for January 25-27, 2013 at the
Walt Disney Swan & Dolphin Resort in Lake Buena Vista,
Florida. The committees are again set in place and assigned
to individuals to get started by Rick Clark.
Over the last few years our UTA Industry Watch publication
has changed dramatically. It has lived up to and exceeded
its name. Check out the table of contents:
The convention and the 2012 year for the UTA is deemed
very successful and fruitful for all the efforts made by
everyone involved.
◗◗New Board Members and Those Who Left
◗◗Board News and Views
◗◗Training Update
◗◗Face to Face
◗◗New Members
◗◗The Brooks Group/Sales Tip Of The Month
◗◗Moving on Down the Road (Catching up with members changes)
◗◗2012 Convention Wrap UP (Awards being given out)
◗◗NADA Reports
◗◗Industry News Briefs
◗◗Industry Events Calendar
◗◗From Where We Sit (Outside view from our editors)
Our little newsletter has grown up to become the #1
publication within our industry right before our eyes. Rick,
David, Laura and everyone along the way that has had a
hand in making it what is today should be proud of what has
been accomplished. If one wants to know about the used
truck industry, read the UTA Industry Watch —one of our most
notable accomplishments.
The used truck market shows signs of leveling out so the
UTA sets its sights on training based on new educational
technology with Ken Kosic at the helm. Great strides are
made in our UTA website. Check out the training opportunities.
2011 proved to be a record year for our Volvo OEM dealers
while Hino again is on top of the JD Powers rankings. Tom
Pfieler heads up the UTA medium duty committee and
proves, properly managed, that department can be a
successful revenue producing asset to a truck store. Used
truck warrantees continue to be an important ingredient in
selling used trucks.
UTA Affiliates continue to grow while reaping the benefits of
being a UTA member. 2011 also starts with the OEM’s
producing more Natural Gas powered trucks which opens
new and different avenues for sales and service and the
need for education and information.
Mike Thurston and his UTA Dealer Group take giant steps in
promoting the importance of being a UTA member as the
membership grows accordingly.
“Let the Good Times Roll” is the convention
theme for 2012 and that is what 637 attendees did for three
days. The Hyatt, New Orleans, Louisiana, did an excellent
job of taking care of all of us. The food was great, the
content of the meeting was unmatched and the service was
second to none. It will be hard to top it in the future!
Tom Horne was the recipient of the 2012 Marvin F. Gordon
Life Time Achievement Award. His wife Amy and family were
at the convention to accept the award as Tom died suddenly
earlier in the year. Even as Tom’s time of service to the
industry and contributions to his way of life was cut short, he
truly exemplified his Faith and belief in the UTA Code of
Ethics. His stature equals the level of professionalism of the
honorees that preceded him. We are all blessed to have had
him in the used truck industry working with us.
The UTA Dealer Group awards are Dick Bennett, Kevin
Hollaway, Ronnie Jordan, Craig Kendall, Paul Muldering and
Benji Pavelka. The UTA top Vendor award is Lee Chapin, the
Truck Paper.
The new board for 2013: Rick Clark, John
Cosgrove, Kenny Doonan, George Barnett, Jay Burgess, Tom
Pfieler, Sheri Aaberg, Bryan Boyd, Bobby Williams, Ken
Kosic, Tim Ronan, Mike Thurston, Amy Shahan and Brock
Frederick. The new Officers will be Rick Clark President, Ken
Kosic VP, Tom Pfieler Treasurer and Sheri Aaberg Secretary.
Rick leads the group with the attention for 2013 focusing on
training, membership growth and stabilizing the strength of
the overall association.
2012 closed with 824 total members.
If you have any corrections or additions to this historical
document, please send these to:
Eddie Walker
Or you may mail to:
Eddie Walker
Best Used Trucks
9401 North Freeway
Fort Worth, TX 76177
The Kansas City Golf outing again proves to be a first class
fund raiser for the UTA Jerome Nerman Family Foundation
Educational Fund. Tim Ronan is doing a splendid job of
increasing our revenue income for our education fund. We
have consistently been able to award more scholarships—
ten this year!
Industry Leadership
The Used Truck Association has taken a position of
positive leadership in the commercial truck industry,
providing valuable information to used truck dealers,
suppliers and purchasers. In February 2005, the
UTA was recognized as one of the top 40 “important
players in transportation policy in general and
trucking in particular,” in a list compiled for the
first time by Transport Topics.
UTA Affiliates
Please note that Affiliates
do not constitute an endorsement by the UTA. Affiliates are constantly
updated. For a current list of affiliates go to www.uta.org.
4 State Trucks Inc.
◗◗Save 5%, up to 15% on ALL new regularly priced items
◗◗Bumpers: factory bumpers, Texas bumpers, custom
◗◗Exhaust: 5"- 8" chrome stacks, exhaust elbows, chrome
muffler tips
With its published Code of Ethics that members
comply with and utilize in their business practices,
buyers have come to recognize UTA membership
as a “Seal of Approval.” Adhering to the Code of
Ethics results in professional values and sound
business practices adding credence to the used
truck dealer’s professionalism.
◗◗Seats: Bostrom Seats, National Seats, Sears Seats, cloth
The association’s newsletter, white papers,
brochures, and websites allow the UTA to be the
leader in disseminating information on issues
affecting the used truck industry.
◗◗888-875-7787 or www.4statetrucks.com
and leather
◗◗Fenders: stainless steel, fiberglass, aluminum, plastic,
1/4 - 1/2 and full fenders
◗◗Visors: stainless factory and drop visors
◗◗Over 1,000 other truck accessories
◗◗Special savings/concessions on shipping cost for bulk
Chrome Shop Mafia
◗◗Located in Joplin, MO. 4 State Trucks ‘custom’ division
◗◗Specializes in all types of cool truck modifications and
Industry Watch monthly newsletter
◗◗Truck restoration or creation of a ‘flagship’ rig!
◗◗Go to www.chromeshopmafia.com to see all types of
issues and events
articles to educate and inform
of new members
articles on industry veterans
White Papers / Brochures
Is a Low Mileage Truck?
Terms Agreement
with Confidence
as an Owner/Operator
2002 marked the beginning of the UTA Jerome
Nerman Family Foundation, created to award an
educational scholarship to students in their pursuit
of higher education. Substantial growth in the fund
during 2005 allowed the UTA to award its first
scholarship at the 2006 UTA Convention.
The UTA affiliates program of product and service
discounts gained significant momentum in 2005
with several new companies seeing the benefit of
working with UTA dealer members. Today your
membership dues are paid back many times over
when using UTA affiliates.
show trucks, logo merchandise, truck event calendar,
editorial, ‘How-to’ features and more!
Halo Branded Solutions
◗◗Global leader in client promotional solutions, specializing
in brand development
◗◗5% of all UTA member purchases applied to the UTA
scholarship fund
◗◗FREE UTA LOGO. Order items with your company logo,
and Halo will add the UTA logo for FREE.
◗◗Create private label apparel and custom employee
incentive programs to immediately add value to your brand.
◗◗Ensure your promotion features the perfect product, at
the lowest price, with the greatest impact.
◗◗Call Julie Genovese at 816-809-6858 to build your brand!
◗◗10% discount to all UTA members off our regular monthly
fee. Htaew.com has been helping dealers buy and sell
equipment among themselves for over a decade and is
still going strong.
Manheim Heavy Duty Truck and Equipment
◗◗$25 refund on posted buy and/or sale fees for corporate
UTA members and additional savings during UTA
membership drives.
My Little Salesman
(These rates include their online services)
◗◗Full-Page $1,375 per month
◗◗Half-Page $775 per month
◗◗Quarter-Page $575 per month
National Truck Protection
◗◗Eligible corporate members receive up to $100/month
rebate when using the NTP and UTA logos in your approved
advertisement in American Trucker or Truck Paper.
SOARR.com (Interstate Online Software)
◗◗Advertise for 3 months and get 4th month FREE!
◗◗Up to $500 in free options at time of sale on software
◗◗5 featured items per month
◗◗Additional discounts on other products and services
◗◗10% off banner ads
◗◗Rates include unlimited online inventory, toll-free tracking
number and monthly reporting on NextTruckOnline.com.
◗◗sales@nexttruckonline.com or 866-783-5137
Premium 2000+ Medium and Heavy Duty
Warranty Programs
◗◗$100 UTA Discount off every full component warranty sold!
The Truck Blue Book
◗◗$20 discount on annual subscription to the electronic
Commercial Blue Book
◗◗$10 discount on annual subscription to the print version
Commercial Blue Book
◗◗UTA members will receive a $50 discount on the Truck
Blue Book, Used Truck Seminar
◗◗$50 additional Co-op Advertising Discount per warranty
sale available when you use our logo in your print ads
and/or internet advertising.
◗◗Additional Premier Dealer Discount for steady sales volume
and acceptable (loss) claims experience, updated monthly.
◗◗Please call Lindsey for details at (888) 261-7581.
Tired Iron
◗◗Global Auction Exchange—bringing together buyers and
sellers from around the globe
◗◗24 hours/day, 7 days/week — our auction platform runs
continuously, so bidding takes place in real-time
◗◗Independent third-party inspections on every piece of
equipment provides peace of mind for seller and buyer
R. L. Polk
◗◗UTA members get $49.00 off listing fee per unit listed
◗◗$100 discount off the first order of any service
◗◗For more information or to learn more about upcoming
auctions go to www.tiredironauctions.com
Ramsey MediaWorks LLC
◗◗Free hosting for one year on any new website
Truck Marketing Institute
◗◗Free shipping on any print collateral purchase
◗◗Cost-effective distance education courses in truck
◗◗Free logo setup on apparel orders over $500
selection and application
◗◗$100 donation to the Jerome Nerman Family Foundation
Education Fund for every new website or trade show
exhibit over $1000 sold to a UTA member
◗◗Students can be enrolled at any time.
◗◗UTA members receive the optional CD version of each
Revolution Payment Systems
◗◗Free cost savings analysis to make sure your business is
processing as efficiently as possible
◗◗Free online reporting
◗◗Automatically save up to 60% for every commercial,
business, purchasing and government card
◗◗Guaranteed Saving Plan: We guarantee to save your
company on some or all of your processing rates and
fees or we’ll send $100 to the UTA Jerome Nerman Family
Foundation Education Fund in your name.
◗◗Save 10% on check guarantee services
◗◗Personal account manager
◗◗Contact Sean Jones at 888-790-3450
Rig Dig
◗◗Comprehensive programs for medium and heavy duty
course at no charge ($35 value). CD not available for all
◗◗Contact Rob Godfrey 805-684-4558 ext. 20 for more
Trucker to Trucker
◗◗UTA members get a homepage banner.
◗◗Call Jim McCormack, toll free @ 1-866-430-7474
Vehicle Inspection Pros
◗◗UTA Members take $50 off the $199 truck inspection fee.
◗◗Truck, car inspections
◗◗Fast, economical, nationwide
Truck History Reports
◗◗Get 10 Free RigDig reports now
◗◗Get 10% off Subscription plans for RigDig reports
The UTA offers expert training customized for the used truck
industry. We have sales training scheduled for the first half of
2013 in Atlanta, March 11th /12th, Dallas April 22nd /23rd and
Chicago June 10th/11th. The UTA will also provide a used truck
manager’s class in the fall of 2013. The UTA is also affiliated
with The Brooks Group and TMI Product Training. Please see
our Training details on our website.
Member Benefits
Used Truck Industry Communications
Personal Growth Opportunities
Membership Directory (members only)
◗◗Industry Issues & White Papers
• What Is A Low Mileage Truck?
• Trade Terms and Conditions
• Exporting with Confidence
• Succeeding as an Owner/Operator
◗◗Creating and Promoting of Industry Standards
◗◗Promotion of Industry Ethics
Classes Forming (TBA)
Specific Video Training
◗◗Leadership Development Opportunities
◗◗Professional Network Growth
◗◗Additional Credibility for Businesses in the
Used Truck Industry
◗◗Educational Endowment Fund
Ongoing Discounts
◗◗UTA Convention
◗◗UTA Affiliates Products and Services
Annual UTA Convention
and Motivational Seminars
◗◗Industry Updates
◗◗Economic Forecasts
◗◗Achievement and Other Awards
◗◗Affordable Spouse Program
UTA Jerome Nerman
Family Foundation
We are pleased to award this scholarship on behalf of
Jerry Nerman and the membership of the UTA.
For 2013 the UTA is proud to be able to offer TEN (10)
$5000 scholarships to UTA members in good standing
or someone sponsored by a UTA member in good
Application Procedure:
This is a one-time award to further education at an
accredited degree granting institution. Successful
candidates are NOT eligible to reapply.
Each applicant is responsible for gathering and
submitting all information to the UTA on or before
September 4, 2013.
Qualification Criteria Include:
◗◗Community Activities
◗◗Work Accomplishments
◗◗Academic Success
◗◗School Activities
Conditions of Scholarship:
The award winner must be a full time student and
pursuing a degree in an accredited program. The
scholarship will be awarded directly to the academic
institution. A copy of the students’ transcript may be
requested once the school year begins. The scholarship is a one-time award. Unsuccessful candidates
must reapply for future consideration.
◗◗Complete the application
◗◗Provide digital (medium- to high-resolution jpeg format)
picture and a biography of applicant (submit this
information via email to: contact@uta.org)
◗◗High school and college (if applicable) transcripts
◗◗Two letters of recommendation from teachers
◗◗One letter of recommendation from a non-relative in the
community (business people, community leaders,
coaches, etc).
The deadline for applying for the 2013 Scholarships is
September 4, 2013. If the application is late or
incomplete it will NOT be considered. The recipients
will be determined by October 1st, 2013. The winners
will be announced in the UTA Industry Watch and at the
14th Annual UTA Convention in Orlando, FL, in
November, 2013.
Each year at the UTA Convention an individual who has
made significant contributions to the used truck industry
is presented with the. This prestigious award commemorates
Marvin F. Gordon’s extraordinary 30-year career of
accomplishments and leadership in the used truck
industry. Among his numerous achievements:
father of UTA’s predecessor, the Used Truck
Sales Network
and publisher of The Truck Blue Book
the Truck Blue Book Seminar.
To qualify for the UTA Marvin F. Gordon Lifetime
Achievement Award a candidate must have:
proven career record of accomplishments within the
used truck industry
a capacity for maintaining the highest
business practices and standards
the goals and objectives promoted by the UTA
Nominations for this award may be submitted by anyone,
including the nominee. Nomination forms, qualification
details and further information may be obtained at www.
uta.org or by contacting any member of the board.
Tom Horne
Mike McColgan
leadership and GOVERNANCE
Rick Clark
National Truck
Cranford, NJ
Vice President
Ken Kosic
Arrow Truck Sales
Kansas City, MO
Sheri Aaberg
Select Trucks of
Nashville, CO
Tom Pfeiler
Daimler Trucks
Peosta, IA
President Emeritus
Marty Crawford
Volvo American Trucks
Fort Worth, TX
Board of Directors
George Barnett
Brookfield, CT
Bryan Boyd
Boyd Truck Center
Tulsa, OK
Jay Burgess
IAA, Inc.
Atlanta, GA
John Cosgrove
CAG Truck Capital
Chadds Ford, PA
Kenny Doonan
Doonan Truck Sales
Wichita, KS
Brock Frederick
Lisle, IL
Tim Ronan
Fort Wayne, IN
Amy Shahan
Bayshore Ford
New Castle, DE
Mike Thurston
The Larson Group
Strafford, MO
Bobby Williams
East Texas Mack
Longview, TX
UTA committees are chaired by a current board member and
assisted by any member interested in contributing their time.
Affiliates & Benefits
Chairman, Bryan Boyd
◗◗Organize and manage specific companies to give UTA members
special discounts and benefits
◗◗See membership brochure and www.uta.org for a detailed listing of
the most current list of UTA Affiliates and their specific offers
Chairmen, Sheri Aaberg , Rick Clark, Hal Dickson
◗◗Organize, manage and conduct an annual convention that is the
highlight of the UTA year
◗◗Provide a nonpartisan and professional platform to foster the
sharing of knowledge, offer networking, and supply resources to
support the efforts of those involved in the used truck industry
Trade Terms & Conditions
Revised 11/4/2010
Engine must be original engine produced in truck.
Engine must operate at a minimum of 80% of the original
manufacturer’s rated horsepower after allowing for driveline
losses and as verified by a chassis dynamometer test.
Engine must be mechanically sound and within the manufacturer’s
specifications with regard to oil pressure, coolant temperature and
pressure, and fuel and rail pressures. There must be no compression
in the cooling system.
Engine must have no oil or coolant leaks and fluids must be free
from contamination.
EMC must retain mileage information and be cleared of all passwords.
All emissions, including but not limited to, Diesel Particulate Filters,
EGR valves, EGR coolers, must function properly and pass industry
test and inspection.
When equipped, all 2008 and newer trucks must have a fully functional
particulate filter capable of regeneration at normal factory internals.
Engine crankcase blow-by must not exceed: (Measured in inches
of water column)
◆ Caterpillar . . . . . . . . 4 inches (Except ACCERT)
◆ Cummins . . . . . . . . . 11.5 inches
◆ Detroit . . . . . . . . . . . 4 inches
◆ IHC MaxxForce. . . . . 4.9 inches
◆ Mack. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 inches
◆ Mercedes . . . . . . . . 4 inches
◆ Volvo . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 inches
Air to Air must be free of damage and leaks.
The engine air compressor must not exceed the manufacturer’s
maximum tolerances for oil blow-by (oil blown into the air system).
Batteries, starter, alternator and other ignition system components must
be in sound condition. Batteries must be original CCA rating, cases
intact with no dead cells and capable of starting the truck unassisted.
Air conditioning compressor must be operational. System must be
free from defect, and blow cold air.
Frame rails, crossmembers, fifth wheel, cab mounts/supports,
spring/air suspension hangers and other structural systems must
be free from cracks, improper welds and defects, and excessive rust.
All pins and bushings must be free of play and within DOT
published tolerances.
Frames that have been stretched, improperly repaired, welded or
otherwise altered are not acceptable.
Clutch, transmission and front and rear axles must be roadworthy
and free from defects with no visible bends, cracks or fluid leaks.
The clutch and clutch brake must be in adjustment or must be
replaced if it cannot be adjusted to within acceptable tolerances.
The driveline must be free of noise, vibration and excessive
free-play in u-joints.
No wheel or pinion seals are to be leaking.
Brakes linings are to be no less than 1/2 inch on front and rear
axles and pass DOT standards.
Brake drums must be free from breaks or cracks and cannot be
worn in excess of a 1/16 inch groove.
Steer: Matched original casings. Minimum 12/32-inch tread depth
(measured at the lowest point).
Drive: Identically matched block/lug type tread on all drive tires.
Trailer tires are not allowed on any position, front or rear axles.
Minimum 12/32-inch tread depth (measured at the lowest point).
Recaps are acceptable for the drive tires but they must be
first-time caps (multi-run casings are not allowed, casings must
not be over 7 years old).
Tires must have sound casings free of cuts, bulges or gouges and
there must be no irregular tread wear (dishing, cupping, edging,
feathered, etc.).
Paint and/or body damage must not exceed $250.00 total per unit
including, but not limited to, the bumper, grill, fuel tanks, fairings,
dents, rust damage, etc.
All decals, permits, unit numbers and other customer ID must be
removed (including truck bodies) and done so in such a manner as
to not damage the paint. Scratches to the paint as a result of the
de-ID process will be considered paint damage as defined above.
All standard and optional equipment such as the radio and power
accessories must be intact and fully operational. Auxiliary equipment
(such as APU’s and Smartstarts) must be mechanically sound and
function as designed. If they have been removed, all alterations
must be repaired to original equipment standards.
Upholstery must have no tears or open seams. Holes (burns, punctures,
etc.) through the fabric (padding exposed) must be repaired or replaced.
There must be no scratched, broken, chipped, or cracked glass
(windshield, windows or mirrors), and no “bull's-eyes”. Glass may
be repaired ILO replaced if the repair is not visible to the naked eye.
Dash panels and interior trim pieces must not be missing and must
be free from holes, cracks and breaks.
All instruments, gauges and control panels must be in operating
condition with no missing knobs or switches and no broken glass.
All attached body equipment with hydraulic components must be
in good working order and free of fluid leaks. (cylinder, fittings, etc.)
Glider Kits and reconstructed unit(s) must be identified on the
appraisal form and will be valued accordingly.
Any unit that has been wrecked must be declared at the onset of
the return process and any wreck damage is subject to reappraisal.
Units must pass Federal DOT inspection and be able to go into
service without repair.
All units will be turned in as appraised.
We reserve the right to reject any unit(s) that has/have not been
repaired in accordance with acceptable standards of workmanship.
Van and truck bodies that are not the same year model as their
chassis must be specifically identified.
Refrigerated units need to be identified by manufacturer, year,
model and hours of usage.
Vehicles must have a minimum of thirty (30) gallons of fuel at the
time they are surrendered to the designated turn-in location.
Transferor (owner) must certify that to the best of their knowledge,
the odometer readings on the vehicles accurately reflect the actual
miles for each unit unless otherwise noted and properly documented.
Payment for the vehicles will not be made until clear titles/ownerships,
free and clear of all liens and encumbrances are received.
A current Federal Annual Inspection sticker must be on each unit
at time of trade.
A current State Inspection sticker (if applicable) must be on the
unit at time of trade.
DISCLAIMER: This information is compiled for reference use only. The UTA does not imply that all trucks should or will meet these terms.
The UTA is not responsible for any errors, omissions or damages arising out of the use of this information.
Chairman, George Barnett
◗◗Manage and process orderly elections as outlined in our bylaws
◗◗Oversee the Lifetime Achievement Award nomination and selection
Chairman, Rick Clark
◗◗Continue to create continuity in the image of the UTA
◗◗Demonstrate the benefits of UTA membership
◗◗Highlight the UTA as an industry resource
◗◗Explore ways to broaden the reach of the UTA within the industry
◗◗Support UTA committees with promotional and collateral material
Chairmen, John Cosgrove, Kenny Doonan, Bryan Boyd,
Brock Frederick
◗◗Provide value to the UTA membership and the used truck industry
as a whole
◗◗Generally grow the membership to as large a level as possible
◗◗Provide as many value-added UTA programs and services as
possible to the membership
Scholarship & Fundraising
Chairman, Tim Ronan, Jay Burgess, Brock Frederick
◗◗Formulate ways and means to contribute to the growth of the fund
◗◗Establish guidelines whereby scholarships can be awarded to
deserving recipients on a yearly basis
June 17 & 18th, 2010
Chairman, Ken Kosic
◗◗Provide products and services custom designed for used truck
sales personnel and used truck sales managers
◗◗Comprehensive classroom training, educational seminars and
online webinars to educate on specific sales needs
UTA Dealer Group
Chairmen, Mike Thurston and Amy Shahan
◗◗Provide dealers a forum for open communication and learning
◗◗Establish regional meetings for members to share information and
UTA.org Website
Chairman, Bobby Williams
◗◗ Provide information to the UTA membership and the used truck industry
◗◗Support the members via the website with news, photos and
information on UTA activities
The annual UTA convention is the highlight of the calendar year for the
association. The UTA will host its 13th Annual Convention in Orlando, Florida,
November 6-9, 2013
The idea for a stand-alone convention was conceived and presented in
1999. Though a daunting task, the Board, after months of discussion and
research, knew such a convention was plausible and would have grass roots
support. That first convention was held October 26-28, 2000, in Howey-inthe-Hills, Florida, with just over 100 individuals attending. Since then conventions have grown larger each year reaching more than 600 attendees.
In the heart of the Walt Disney World® Resort, the
award-winning Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin
Resort is your gateway to Central Florida’s greatest
theme parks and attractions. The resort is located
in between Epcot® and Disney’s Hollywood Studios™,
and nearby Disney’s Animal Kingdom® Theme Park
and Magic Kingdom® Park. Discover the 17 worldclass restaurants and lounges, sophisticated guest
rooms with Westin Heavenly Beds® and the luxurious
Mandara Spa. Enjoy five pools, two health clubs,
tennis, nearby golf, and many special Disney benefits,
including complimentary transportation to Walt
Disney World Theme Parks and Attractions, and the
Extra Magic Hours benefit.
Highlights for the 2013 Convention
Planning is well underway for the 14th Annual Convention at Walt Disney World
Swan and Dolphin Resort. The program will be the best to date and with an
anticipated increase in attendance it is likely the hotel will again sell out. We
recommend registering early to avoid any room issues.
Programs and Events to Foster Networking
of the Industry & Economic Forecast
◗◗Keynote Speakers
◗◗Industry Leadership Forum Panels
◗◗Used Truck Laboratory and Workshops
◗◗Annual John Gresley Charity Golf Tournament
◗◗Special Tours and Activities
◗◗Awards Dinner
◗◗Vendor Exhibits
◗◗Spouse Activities
We invite you and your spouse to join
us at the 14th Annual Convention and
suggest registering early. Anyone
may attend, but UTA members
receive a discount.
Membership Application
Join the Used Truck Association
Expand your sales networking!
Check type of
membership that
__ Corporate Member: $350
Only one person from the
company is assigned to a
Corporate Membership.
Any business or company involved
in used truck sales including:
truck dealers
truck dealers
renting and leasing companies
vehicle auction
and suppliers of
trucks and trailers, truck bodies,
truck equipment, accessories,
engines and components, and
associated products and services
insurance businesses
For branches, locations or additional memberships, please complete a separate application for each one or attach a sheet with the appropriate
information. Foreign members must remit dues in U.S. funds only. Full payment
is required. Do not send cash. Fees are payable by Credit Card, Money Order
or Check made payable to Used Truck Association.
Send to:UTA Membership
325 Country Club Drive, Suite A
Stockbridge GA 30281
Name __________________________________________
To become a member of the UTA, go to www.uta.org and click on “Join the UTA”
to register for membership. If you do not have access to the internet,
complete this form and return it along with the appropriate dues payment.
financing businesses
This is a voting membership,
one vote per corporate member.
Company _ ______________________________________
Mailing Address_ ___________________________________
City__________________ State_ ____Zip/Postal Code_ ______
Telephone _ ______________________ Fax_ _____________
Mobile Phone______________________________________
E-Mail_ _________________________________________
Website URL______________________________________
__Professional Member: $100
An individual membership for a
satellite location, a salesperson or
individual whose company is a
Corporate Member.
This membership enjoys all the
privileges and benefits of UTA
member except the ability to vote.
Referred by______________________________________
I do not want my company listed on the UTA website.
Credit Card Type___________________________________
Card Number_ _______________________ Exp. Date________
Billing Address_____________________________________
Name as it appears on card_ ___________________________
Signature_ ______________________________________