TENANT HANDBOOK 2014 -15 CHAMBERS 51 Contents Page 1 Welcome to Chambers 51 Page 2 Location & Contact Details Page 3 Moving In Page 6 Security Page 7 What to do in an Emergency Page 8 Your Tenancy Page 9 House Rules Page 10 Room & Flat Inspections Page 11 Repairs & Maintenance Page 12 Customer Feedback Page 13 Moving Out Page 14 Summary of Re-Charges Welcome to Chambers 51 Thank you for booking your accommodation with us this year – we’ll do our very best to ensure that you have a fantastic stay here. There’s not long now until you arrive, so we’ve put together this handbook so you can find out more about your upcoming stay at Chambers 51. It contains lots of information that we hope you’ll find useful including: • Our contact details and facilities • Key points about your tenancy • What to bring with you • What to do in an emergency If we’ve missed anything out then please give us a call or send an email. We also recommend that you follow us on Facebook and Twitter, as we’ll often use these to fill you in on the latest information. You can find us at: www.facebook.com/Chambers51Wolverhampton @Chambers_51 Please remember that you’ll also need to complete the online induction checklist before you arrive. So if you’ve not done so already, log in to the Fresh Student Portal using your reference number and email address and it will guide you through the short process. If you’ve any other questions just let us know, otherwise we look forward to meeting you very soon! Ryan Frost Accommodation Manager Page 1 Location & Contact Details Below you’ll find your new address. We’ll confirm your room number once you check in, then you can let all your friends and family know where to send goodies to! Flat Number…. Chambers 51 Student Accommodation Lichfield street Wolverhampton WV1 1DE Here’s a map of our location, which should help you find us if you’ve not been here already. Contact Details Accommodation Team • Accommodation Manager – Ryan Frost • The Accommodation Team is available Monday to Friday from 8.30am until 5pm. If for any reason the office is unmanned during these hours, please use the Emergency Mobile Number below to contact staff. Telephone • The Accommodation Team can be contacted on 0190 242 5618 or by emailing chambers51@freshstudentliving.co.uk Out of Office Hours Emergency Number • You can contact someone outside of office hours on 07789 693 940. Page 2 Moving In If you’ve not done so already, you should book your move in slot on the Student Portal. That way we’ll know when to expect you and we can make sure your room is ready and waiting for your arrival! What to bring with you Your room is fully furnished but you will need to bring your own: • Bedding (i.e sheets, pillows, pillow cases, duvet, duvet cover) • Computer or laptop •Towels • Coat hangers •Toiletries • Toilet paper • Studios only: Basic kitchen pieces (plates, cutlery, kettle, pans, microwaveable dishes) • Ethernet Cable (Network Cable) to connect your PC/Laptop to the Internet If you’re living in a shared flat, we recommend that you wait until you arrive to buy some items. That way you can spread the cost with your flat mates. This includes items such as: • Kitchen items – e.g pots & pans, plates, glasses, cutlery • Food and drink Please do not bring: • Fridges (including mini-fridges) • Candles • Shisha/Hookha Pipes • Portable Heaters Kit Yourself Out! Don’t forget you can order a range of kitchen and bedding packs online at www.unikitout.com/collections/fresh-student-living before you arrive – and there’s 10% off if you use the code FRESH14 at the checkout! When you arrive When you first arrive, come to Reception. Please remember to bring with you proof of being a student (e.g. a confirmation letter from your university). You will also need to complete the “Condition and Inventory Form”, which you will find on the Student Portal. You need to do this within 48 hours of your arrival otherwise any damaged or missing items will be deemed to be your responsibility. Page 3 Your Room So, you’ve got your key and found your new room. If you’re in a shared flat, please take some time to introduce yourself to your new flatmates if they’re around. Remember, everyone is in the same boat, so don’t be shy! You can then set about making your room your own, but please don’t use sticky tape, ‘blu-tack’ or similar adhesive, stick pins, nails or screws into the walls. TV Remember if you bring a TV with you (and if you watch it through 4TV) you’ll need to have a valid TV Licence too. Please visit www.tvlicensing.co.uk for details and pricing. Internet ASK4 provide the internet connection to your room via the network socket. You can find out more about this service before you arrive online at: http://onlinelifestyle.ask4.com/fresh-quebec-house Their market leading broadband gives you access to the UK’s fastest speeds and is backed up by a support team if you need any help. You get 12Mb of Broadband included in your rent which should be great for most of you. You can upgrade to a higher connection though – please contact Ask4 directly about this. In addition to Broadband, ASK4 supply the following services: 4TV 4TV enables you to watch up to 30 Freeview TV channels including popular national and international channels. 4TV is viewed in a web browser meaning there is no need for a TV or any additional cabling. Remember that you do still need a TV licence though! 4Gaming 4Gaming enables ASK4 customers to access the leading game servers for free, giving them the opportunity to play against other gamers both on and off the ASK4 network. 4Gaming also prioritises gaming data to ensure an exceptional online gaming experience. 4Record 4Record is ASK4’s ‘plus’ style recording service that compliments 4TV perfectly. It allows you to record and save up to 50 hours of TV. You can also set up series link recording to ensure you never miss an episode of your favourite programme. A charge applies for this service. 4Backup ASK4’s 4Backup solution enables you to ensure all your important documents, and personal files are backed up in a remote secure location. Easily retrievable from any location and with real-time updating of changed files that happens in the background ensures that you do not have to worry about your files any more. Should the unthinkable happen to your PC 4Backup ensures you’re protected. A charge applies for this service. Page 4 4Connect X-Box, PS3 or Wii? Connect a phone or a 2nd PC? Connect up to 4 additional devices to your ASK4 account with 4Connect. A charge applies for this service. To contact ASK4 directly please call the support team on 0845 123 8710 or email support@ask4.com where we will be able to answer any questions you have. Post Letter boxes are located at the rear of the building on the lower ground floor. If you’ve been sent a parcel that doesn’t fit in the letter box we’ll put a slip in there to let you know. You can then come and sign for the delivery at Reception during office hours. Please bring your ID with you when collecting parcels. If you lose your letter box key there is a charge of £25 for a replacement. Laundry There is a coin laundry located on the lower ground floor. Car Parking There are no car parking facilities at Chambers 51. Bicycle Store The bike store is located inside the building on the lower ground floor. Social Space We have a Social Space available with TV, pool table and table football which is located on the lower ground floor. Page 5 Security Your Front Door Key Your safety and security is of utmost importance to us. You will be given a key/fob which will give you access into the building, your shared flat, your own bedroom or studio. You will also have access to the social spaces with the same fob. If you get locked out of your flat or room, there is a £10 charge. If you lose your key/fob there is a £10 charge for a replacement. Intercom Anyone wanting to visit you can use the intercom at the main entrance to alert you of their presence. You will need to go down to the front door of the building to let your visitor into the building. CCTV The building is covered by CCTV for your safety and peace of mind. Police/Fire/Ambulance Please see the “In an Emergency” section for details of who to contact. Keep Yourself Safe • Always lock your door • Be vigilant with items such as laptops, mobile phones, game devices and other high value goods • Do not let strangers into the building • Do not let strangers tailgate into the building • If you lose your fob or key, report to reception immediately • When you have visitors, please escort them in and out of the building • Never lend others your fob as this is unique to you and will incur charges if mislaid Crime Stoppers To report a crime anonymously (and in situations which are not an emergency) call Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111. Contents Insurance Contents Insurance with Endsleigh Insurance is provided for all students. Find out more at www.endsleigh.co.uk. Your Insurance Certificate will be available to view when you have completed the online induction on the Student Portal. Page 6 What To Do In An Emergency Hopefully you’ll never need it but below is a quick guide on what you should do in an emergency. Some of the below information may be particularly useful to our international students, but everyone should take a look and familiarises themselves with the info. Fire Service If you discover a Fire, call 999 and ask for the Fire Service. Our building has been designed for your safety in the event of a fire. If a fire is detected on your floor, the fire alarm will activate. On hearing the alarm you must leave the building and go straight to the assembly point. Do not run or stop to collect your belongings. Any person found to deliberately set off alarms or to tamper with fire equipment, may face financial re-charges that are levied by the Fire Service. Assembly Point The assembly point in the event of a fire alarm is outside the ‘Moon under the water’ bar onLichfield Street. Fire Alarm Tests We test the fire alarms every Wednesday between 12pm and 2pm. Ambulance If someone has had a serious accident, call 999 and ask for an Ambulance. Ensure that someone is designated to meet the ambulance at the entrance of the building and to escort them to the injured person. Situations when an ambulance should be called include: • If someone is unconscious or has slipped in and out of consciousness • If someone is bleeding heavily • If you suspect broken bones • If someone has a deep wound • If someone has difficulty breathing • If someone has severe burns • If someone has a severe allergic reaction NHS 111 The NHS 111 service is available 24 hours a day. You can call 111 when you need medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergency. You can call them on 111. Page 7 Your Tenancy Your tenancy agreement is an Assured Short-hold Tenancy. This means you have a right to stay in your room/studio until the end of the agreed tenancy period. We cannot evict you without a court order. When you signed your tenancy agreement you made a legally binding agreement with Fresh Student Living to keep to the terms and have accepted the responsibilities of the agreement. We expect you to: • Pay your rent at the agreed time • Look after your accommodation and keep all areas clean • Behave appropriately within the building and surrounding areas • Be respectful to other residents We will: • Carry out repairs within the stated timescales • Keep the communal areas clean • Carry out regular health and safety checks Page 8 House Rules We think we’re pretty easy going, but there are a few rules that we’d ask you to stick to for your own safety and the comfort of others. Window Restrictors Window restrictors are installed in the accommodation for your protection. You are not permitted to tamper with or remove restrictors at any time. If we have to re-instate window restrictors there will be a recharge to you. Smoking The building is a smoke free zone, this includes your bedroom, en suite bathroom and kitchen, as well as all communal areas, and outside underneath windows, or on the roads, paths or pavements immediately outside the building. Illegal Substances The use of illegal substances is not permitted within the building. If we have reason to believe that you are using or passing illegal substances to others, we will take the following action: • Report you to the Police • Report you to the University • Serve you with a warning notice • Support any police action/prosecution This could result in your tenancy being terminated and losing the right to your tenancy with us. Pets Fresh Student Living operate a strict no pet policy. With the exception of guide dogs, you are not permitted to keep pets or allow any pets of any kind into the building. Overnight guests You may have occasional overnight guests. Please do not invite someone to stay for more than three consecutive nights and out of courtesy always consult with your flatmates first. Termination of Your Tenancy As a tenant on a fixed term assured short hold tenancy you do not have the right to end your tenancy early even if you later are no longer a student. Fresh Student Living can seek repossession of your tenancy if you fail to pay your rent or breach the terms of your Tenancy Agreement. Page 9 Room & Flat Inspections You are responsible for cleaning your room, bathroom, kitchen and flat corridor. We will carry out full room and flat inspections at least three times during your tenancy period where we will check for cleanliness, damage and for missing items. At each inspection you will be told if there is to be a charge for repairs and cosmetic restoration works. You will be invoiced for recharges for the first two inspections and on the final inspection a deduction will be made from your deposit. The recharges for cleaning, damages and missing items can be found at the end of this handbook. At the end of your tenancy you will be expected to leave your accommodation clean, remove all rubbish and leave all fixtures and fittings as you originally found them. You will be charged for the following types of damage: Repaint of Walls • If the plaster has been damaged due to tenant fixings • If the plaster has been damaged due to misuse • Any food or grease stains Clean or Replacing Flooring • If the flooring has burns or scold marks • Any other stains • Debris left on the floor Replacing a bed/mattress • If the mattress fabric has split or is stained • If the bed structure needs repairing before a new tenant can use it These are just a small sample of examples of when we will recharge for damages or for cleaning. Page 10 Page Repairs & Maintenance Repairs and maintenance reporting couldn’t be easier. Just log onto the Student Portal and report any issues you may have on the maintenance log. This can be done from the comfort of your room or even on the go 24hrs a day. We aim to complete repairs within the following timescales: Urgency Timescale Emergency Repairs Within 24 hours of being reported. An emergency repair is any repair required to avoid danger to the health and safety of residents. E.g. No power supply, overflow of sewage. Urgent Repairs Within 5 working days of being reported An urgent repair is any repair which materially affects the comfort or convenience of the residents. E.g. Broken handrails, faulty electrical fittings such as the microwave. Within 28 days of being reported A non-urgent repair is any repair not falling into the two above categories. E.g. Single electric light or power point failure within room, sticking doors or windows. Non Urgent Repairs Includes We normally provide you with a minimum of 24 hours’ notice if we require access to your accommodation to carry out a repair. Please note that in the case of emergency we may require immediate access to your accommodation. Water Leaks or Floods Water leaks can be extremely damaging to your home and inconvenient for tenants in surrounding flats. If water is leaking into electrical fittings, this can be very dangerous. If you spot a leak: • Call the Accommodation Team immediately • Try and catch the water in a container to avoid further damage • Do not touch electrical sockets or devices If the water to your flat or building has been turned off, please check that you have closed all taps and ensure that the plug is not left in the sink in the kitchen or your en suite. Electrical Failure If you have an electrical failure, check to see who else has the same problem – is it other flats, the entire building or the whole street? If the entire street is in blackout this means that this situation is out of our control. Power cuts of this nature usually last a maximum of 2 hours. If you are the only one who is experiencing power failure please let Reception or the Out of Hours security team know and they will investigate. All other power failures should be reported to the Accommodation Team or to the Out of Hours emergency telephone number. Page 11 Customer Feedback We always want to hear feedback from our customers as we believe it’s the only way we can continue to improve our service. Our commitment to you: • We endeavour to provide a good service at all times, however we accept that occasionally we do not always get things right first time. • We have a positive approach to complaints and regard them as an opportunity to receive feedback on our services. • We will strive to resolve complaints at the earliest point. • We will respond to all complaints in a professional and courteous manner All complaints will be resolved promptly and we will endeavour to reach a satisfactory conclusion for both parties. • We will review how we deliver a service as a result of complaints that are received and will make changes and improvements where necessary. • We will carry out an annual Customer Satisfaction Survey via a third party provider to establish satisfaction levels among tenants. The Complaints Process We would strongly encourage you to raise your complaint initially in person, either by telephone or at Reception. We’ll try our best to resolve your complaint at this initial point of contact. If this is not possible then your complaint should be submitted in writing and will be dealt with in accordance with the stages set out below. Any complaints that are sent to Central Services will be re-directed to the relevant Accommodation Team for them to investigate in the first instance We operate a three stage approach to dealing with complaints: Stage 1 All new complaints will be dealt with at Stage 1. If we cannot resolve the complaint immediately, we may need to investigate further and we will then endeavour to respond within 10 working days. If you do not feel that your complaint has been treated fairly and correctly you can escalate your complaint to Stage 2. Stage 2 At Stage 2 your complaint will be investigated by a Regional Manager. The Regional Manager will review your complaint and will respond with their findings within 10 working days. Stage 3 Stage 3 is the final stage of the complaints procedure. At Stage 3 your complaint will be heard by a complaints panel. The Panel will notify you of their decision in writing, normally within 10 working days of receiving your request to escalate the complaint. Page 12 Moving Out Your tenancy length is outlined on your Tenancy Agreement. We hope that you don’t need, or want to leave us before that date, but if your circumstances change please speak to the Accommodation Team first who will try to help you. Check Out You will need to book a Check Out Inspection with the Accommodation Team. They will inspect the room fixtures and fittings against the initial inventory. Tenancy Deposit Scheme Provided you have agreed to any charges your Deposit will be returned (minus any charges for damages) within 10 days of your tenancy end date. Please note that even if you move out before this date, your deposit will not be returned until 10 days after the official end date. Moving Rooms If you want to swap rooms please speak to the Accommodation Team. They will do their best to accommodate any requests but please note that a £75 administration fee will apply. Moving Out Early If you want to move out before the end of your Tenancy Agreement you will need to find a replacement student to take over your room. A £75 administration fee will apply. Page 13 Summary of Re-charges Item Replacement Repair Clean 2 seater sofa £305 ~ £10 3 seater sofa £400 ~ £10 American fridge freezer £850 £160 £20 Bed frame £275 £45 ~ Bedside table £100 ~ ~ Blinds £160 ~ ~ Book case / shelves £65 £25 £5 Breakfast bar £300 £100 ~ Carpet £300 £100 £50 Ceiling £150 £50 £25 Closer £40 ~ ~ Coat hooks £15 ~ ~ Coffee table £75 ~ ~ Combination microwave £145 ~ £10 Cupboard door (site use only) £120 ~ ~ Curtains sets £120 ~ £30 Desk lights £40 ~ ~ Dining chairs £50 ~ ~ Dining table £100 ~ ~ Door £250 ~ ~ Door stop £10 ~ ~ Door surround £70 £30 ~ Drain cover (shower) £5 ~ ~ Drawers £65 £20 ~ Electric heater £115 £30 ~ Electrical ports/switches £20 ~ ~ Ensuite Door £120 ~ ~ Extractor fan £115 ~ ~ Extractor hood £200 ~ £15 Fire action signage £15 ~ ~ Fire alarm £40 ~ ~ Fire blanket £25 ~ ~ Fire door £250 ~ ~ Fire extinguisher £190 ~ ~ Fire sensor £40 ~ ~ Page 14 Floor £150 £80 £25 Folding shower door £120 £25 £5 Fridge £200 £100 £15 Fridge/freezer £300 £130 £20 Front door £400 ~ ~ Fuse box £90 ~ ~ Handle £25 ~ ~ Headboard £140 ~ ~ Hob £265 ~ £20 Intercom £200 ~ ~ Kitchen Spot lights £60 ~ ~ Kitchen work surface £375 ~ £10 Light fixture £100 £50 ~ Lock £200 £30 ~ Mattress £120 ~ £20 Microwave £55 ~ £10 Mirror £45 ~ £5 Notice board £50 ~ ~ Oven £300 £130 £35 Oven shelves £20 ~ ~ Oven tray £30 ~ £10 Peep hole £10 ~ ~ Pin board £40 ~ ~ Plug £10 ~ ~ Premium shower door £260 £25 £5 Radiator £115 ~ ~ Rails in wardrobe £20 ~ ~ Robe hook £5 ~ ~ Room door £220 £45 £5 ~ ~ £5 Shaver light £30 ~ ~ Shelf £30 ~ ~ Shower bar (holds head) £45 ~ ~ Shower head £25 ~ ~ Single storage cupboards £150 £25 ~ Sink £150 ~ £5 Sink plug £15 ~ ~ Rubbish bag removal per bag PagePage 1515 Skirting £60 £30 £15 Soap dish £5 ~ ~ Splash back £120 ~ £10 Stool £55 ~ ~ Study chair £80 ~ £25 Taps £60 ~ ~ Toilet basin £60 ~ ~ Toilet roll holder £10 ~ ~ Toilet seat £20 ~ ~ Towel rail £25 ~ ~ Tub chair £175 ~ £5 TV £300 ~ ~ TV remote £50 ~ ~ Underbed storage £60 ~ ~ Vinyl £350 £80 £25 Walls £60 £50 £25 Wardrobe £200 £50 £5 Wardrobe mirror £45 ~ £5 Window £695 £120 £5 ~ £60 ~ £180 £25 £5 Window reveal Work station desk Please note that these prices are a guide. Should replacement, repair or cleaning costs differ from the above, Fresh Student Living will invoice the tenant accordingly. PagePage 1617
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