FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH JUNE, 2015 GRADUATIONS & PROMOTIONS We will recognize students with special accomplishments on Sunday, June 7th. CAMP FUNDRAISERS Huge garage sale at the church on June 6th, and Father’s Day Pancake Feed on June 21st. VOLUME 9, ISSUE 6 SUMMER CAMPS See the list of camps for the different age groups on page 2. FAMILY CAMP Friday-Sunday, June 12-14, at the Helena Lions’ Sunshine Camp in Elliston. What Can We Know About the Future? Mankind’s interest in future events is legendary. Having a built-in curiosity, our hunger for prophetic knowledge is notorious. As a result, many so called prophets have tried to satisfy that hu- man hunger. And as can be expected, this has grown into a multi-million dollar business! Even though many are charlatans who know the tricks of the trade, they still remain in great demand. We are planning a Prophecy Summit for August 30th-September 2nd. I feel led of the Lord to preface this conference with our own timely Summer Prophecy Series which will begin Sunday, June 7th. In contrast to much prophetic teaching today, our study will be different because it will be Bible based. The information we share will be reliable because it is divinely inspired! As we will discover, one of the many proofs of the accuracy of Scriptural predictions is the large number of irrefutable fulfillments that are recorded within the pages of God’s Word. This gives us confidence that those yet unfulfilled will come to pass exactly as promised. Here is a Series Preview (not a complete list of messages): Subject: “Prophecy—What Can We Know About End Time Events?” Textbook: the Word of God (this will be a textual approach, and each subject study will be directly linked to specific Bible passages). Topics: The Rapture—The Next Great Event on God’s End Time Timetable The Judgment Seat of Christ The Rise and Fall of the Antichrist The Great Tribulation The Millennium, Paradise Found The Great White Throne Judgment Heaven—Our Eternal Home The Last page in the Bible Approach: Accuracy Clarity Balance (we will approach the topics in a calm, careful, discerning matter) Practicality Goals: 1. To gain a new appreciation for prophetic truth 2. To give comfort and hope in these perilous days 3. To help change our priorities and the way we live. *After all, this is what God’s Word is designed to do! “Looking for that blessed hope,” Pastor Klass Lions’ Sunshine Camp, Elliston: STUDENT SUMMER CAMPS | 2015 For those who plan vacations accordingly, here are the dates and costs for this summer’s camps: Kids’ Camp (for students entering grades 3-6 this fall), June 912, C-N Camp, Augusta, $130. Junior High Camp (for students entering grades 6-9 this fall), June 15-19, C-N Camp, Augusta, $130. Senior High Camp (for students entering grades 7-12 this fall), July 20-24, Quaker Hill, McCall, Idaho, $205. All campers must turn in a parent-signed release waiver for FBC no later than the day of departure. Forms for each camp are located at the Visitor Center. Registration and payment for Kids’ and Junior High camps are available online at See Karson Klass or Kolter Klass regarding registration for Senior High Camp. GRADUATION & PROMOTION SUNDAY On Sunday, June 7th, we will be recognizing the following graduates and students who are promoting within our Sunday School classes: College graduates—Erin Rolan (New Mexico University) and Zane Rohr (Dallas Baptist University) High school graduates—Kaitlyn Rushing (Capital) and Adam Jorgenson (Helena) Eighth grade graduates—Abby Rosenbaum and Kaela Rosenbaum Promoting to the Youth Group—Boyd Pegram and Derek Rasch Promoting to the 5th/6th Grade Class—Ethan Smith Promoting to the 3rd/4th Grade Class—Cody Andersen, Cole Kostelecky, Tiffany Liggett, Matthew Zelenka, and Chloe Zimmerman Friday-Sunday, June 12-14 Cost per night: $7/adults, $5/kids 16 and under Arrive anytime after 1:00 p.m. Friday You can tent, bring a trailer, or use one of the cabins Saturday dinner and Sunday lunch will be provided by the church; all other meals are on your own RSVP on the sign-up sheet at the Visitor Center There will be no Father’s Day Weekend Campout this year. The Sunday morning service on June 14th will be at camp, NOT at Friendship in Montana City. HELP OUR KIDS With various summer camps coming up, we have lots of students who are looking to earn a little extra money. Here a couple ways in which you can help them earn the necessary camp fee… Garage Sale—It’s time to clean out your closets, basement, and garage! And to save you the time and effort of selling your unwanted stuff, we encourage you to donate it to FBC for a camp fundraising sale on Saturday, June 6th. See Heather Pegram if you have any questions. Pancake Feed—On Father’s Day (Sunday, June 21st), we will cancel Sunday School and begin our annual pancake feed at 9:30 a.m. All proceeds from both events go to the students, so we ask that you donate generously. HELPING THOSE LESS FORTUNATE At least once a year, Friendship donates benevolence funds to the God’s Love Shelter downtown. We thought we’d share the latest letter from the director, Ann Miller. It will give you some insight about a great need in our community. FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT On Saturday, June 20th, we invite you to join us at 6:00 p.m., at the church, for some Father’s Day Weekend fun. We’re planning a family movie night complete with theater snacks. Bring the whole family and enjoy time together watching the movie “Courageous.” FAITH PROMISE UPDATE We’re happy to announce that our 201516 FAITH PROMISE COMMITMENTS total $72,337.60! We’re thankful for the families who have partnered with FBC to see the Gospel go around the globe. On Sunday, May 17th, we held our annual missions business meeting and look forward to another year of partnering with our missionaries. SANCTUARY CHAIRS UPDATE Due to the strike of longshore workers and the shutdown of a textile mill, our chairs have been delayed by two months. While frustrating, it could turn out to be a blessing through a discount offered on the finished product. Thank you for your patience in waiting for the final step to finishing our new sanctuary. AWANA TRAINING There will be training for AWANA workers during the month of August on Wednesday nights from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. not a fan. The definition of a fan is an enthusiastic admirer. Is that how you define your relationship with Christ? An “enthusiastic admirer?" He was looking for followers. Completely. Committed. Followers. Maybe you’re ready to join those who’ve stepped across a line and said: I‘m not a fan. Join us at 7:00 p.m., on Wednesday nights through June 17th, as this adult study looks at the difference between being a fan and a completely committed disciple of Christ. “Dearest Friends: “The time is going so fast, I can hardly believe it is May already. I will be 73 next month, so I am happy to still be doing what I love, which is having the privilege of serving the poor and homeless and having four of my 17- and 18year-old granddaughters staying with us for the summer. Three are graduating in June and one is in college. What fun! “My life is very busy from January through April, as annual reports are due on our five programs, and grants for the county, United Way and HUD must be written. We are very grateful or the help from these sources, but they involve time and attention. I feel very free right now! “From time to time we see some of the Vietnam veterans and the old train tramps coming to visit us. They really were self-sufficient for the most part, but they suffered from PTSD, and, as all of us, they needed to be loved. They are old friends. Many have passed away or settled down into apartments, but one came by last week in a big white truck and he has a 5th wheel. He still travels around, but now he does it in style! “We are still seeing many homeless men and women. We are insisting that they try to find employment, job training or social security. Many just seem lost, and they are all ages—from 18 to 80. the job market actually seems a lot better, so many are having success in that area. If they are fortunate enough to get a job, we help with transportation, clothing and encouragement, and they may stay longer to save money. “Please continue to help us with prayers and financial contributions. Every month you are helping about 89 men and 20 women with 3 meals a day, shelter, laundry, and clothing. May God bless you and may you have the best summer ever. Please remember: Jesus paid the price to be your best friend. Trust Him. “Ann Miller, Director” June 2015 SUN 7 MON TUE 1 2 8 9 WED 3 THU FRI 4 5 SAT 6 CAMP GARAGE SALE 10 11 12 13 FAMILY CAMP, LION’S SUNSHINE CAMP KIDS’ CAMP, C-N CAMP IN AUGUSTA, Cost: $130, register at 14 15 16 17 18 19 FAMILY CAMP, ELLISTON JUNIOR HIGH CAMP, C-N CAMP IN AUGUSTA, Cost: $130, register at 21 FATHER’S DAY Pancake Feed 22 23 28 29 30 24 25 26 20 27 July 2015 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 Independence Day 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 SENIOR HIGH CAMP, McCALL, IDAHO, Cost: $205, to register contact Karson or Kolter Klass 26 27 28 MAY STATS (partial numbers only) Average Sunday Morning Attendance: 101 General Fund to date: $ 63,515 Budgeted: $ 53,817 Faith Promise Missions to date: $ 10,327 Budgeted: $ 8,333 Building Fund to date: $193,513 29 30 31 HOUSEKEEPING ITEMS PRAYER REQUESTS should be emailed or called in to Julie Bury by Thursday of each week for our church-wide prayer list. Contact Julie at or 495-9878. If you’ve had a CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR PHONE, please contact the church office so we can update our records. If you aren’t getting the Friendship PRAYER LIST via email, please let Pastor or the church office know. We will not spam you with worthless emails; we just want you to receive pertinent info to the ministry of FBC. FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH 5 Friendship Lane, Clancy, MT 59634 ♦ 442-8080 ♦ Email: Facebook: ♦ Website: Pastor: David Klass Youth: Karson Klass Prayer Ministry/Requests: Julie Bury Secretary/Newsletter: Jennifer Katherman WHO TO & HOW TO CONTACT Klass Home: 933-5378 Cell: 459-6734 Bury Home: 495-9878 Church office: 442-8080 Email: Email: Email: Email:
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