F r i e n d s o f U n i v e r s i t y A c a d e m y { a n n u a l r e p o rt 2 0 1 4 } THE MISSION OF FRIENDS OF UNIVERSITY ACADEMY IS TO FACILITATE our mission UNIQUE EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES AND PROGRAMS FOR UNIVERSITY ACADEMY STUDENTS AND ALUMNI. FRIENDS OF UA ASPIRES TO FUND AND MANAGE EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE our vision PROGRAMS TO HELP UNIVERSITY ACADEMY STUDENTS AND ALUMNI SUCCEED IN COLLEGE AND LIFE. 2014 board of directors Mary Bloch Bush Helzberg Vicki Reisler Dear Friends of Friends, Thank you! Your support is making a huge difference in the lives of the 1000 students at University Academy, our 350 alumni, and their families. Your support makes special educational programs and opportunities possible for University Academy (UA) students and alumni. The special programs and opportunities along with a rigorous college-preparatory academic program make UA a high-performing school. On the State of Missouri’s Annual Performance Report (APR) for the 2013-2014 academic year, UA scored a 90.7% which equates to Accredited with Distinction. Additionally, UA’s high school has earned bronze medals from U.S. News & World Report for the past three academic years. Your support matters! In addition to supporting special programs and opportunities for UA students, Friends of UA operates an innovative and one-of-a-kind Alumni Support Program which supports our alumni in their pursuit of a college degree and a successful career. The Alumni Support Program runs the College Incentive Program which provides unrestricted scholarship awards for graduates who stay in college. All UA alumni are eligible to participate. Awards are based on meeting GPA benchmarks ($500 for 2.5, $750 for 3.0, and $1000 for 3.5 for up to eight semesters.) The College Incentive Program helps students pay for a variety of college expenses not covered by traditional scholarships including books, food, rent, and computers. bush and jamie I deeply appreciate your support. I strongly believe that the work Friends of UA and UA are doing is incredibly important, not just for our students and alumni, but also for Kansas City. I am pleased to share this annual report with you which provides more information on Friends of UA’s work. Sincerely, Bush Helzberg President 1 friends 2014 K-12 Programs } the annual gala Each year, Friends of University Academy hosts an annual gala. The funds from the gala provide special educational programs and opportunities for UA students and alumni, which helps make UA a high performing school. Scholastic Book Fair UCM Summer Bridge Summer Book program National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS) KC Public Library Reading Program (partnership with Reading Reptile) Student Diplomacy Corps Kansas City Symphony Experiment in International Living (EIL) KC Chalk & Walk Junior League-Healthy U/ Harvesters Food Network Kansas City Young Audiences Exchange City National Junior Honor Society Middle School Summer Camps Advanced Studies Program National Honor Society Annual Trip Dual Credit Program (Rockhurst and UMKC) Alumni Programs } Children’s Mercy Clinic Senior Trip MINDDRIVE Mattie Rhodes Day of the Dead Trip Missouri Boys’/Girls’ State Kaplan ACT Prep College Incentive Program (CIP) Internships Top 15 Scholarship illustrator visit 2 friends 2014 Grad School Entrance Testing/ Application Assistance Care Packages Special Alumni Events ALUMNI SUPPORT { PURPOSE } The mission of the Alumni Support Program is to connect UA Alumni to the resources they need to complete college and build successful careers. In addition, the Program aims to increase the probability of success in an institution of higher education and level the playing field for UA graduates by providing support, information and connections in the following ways: • Frequent and consistent interaction with UA upper school students and staff • Tracking contact information and updates on all alumni • Community-building among alumni via college campus visits, care packages, reunions, etc. • 24-hour access to Alumni Support staff for career and life skill coaching • The College Incentive Program (CIP), which rewards unrestricted scholarships to qualifying alumni between $500-$1000/semester, helps students pay for a variety of college expenses not covered by traditional scholarships including books, food, rent, and computers. • Transition support for all alumni from the first year of college to graduate school and into careers • Career acceleration services such as internships, networking and job search support 3 friends 2014 SPOTLIGHT { UMKC Dental Partnership } Onsite Dental Services: Our partnership with the UMKC School of Dentistry provides dental services for UA students. Opening in September 2012, the two chair dental clinic serves to improve oral health among the students and introduce oral health information to students who might have an interest in future careers as a dentist or dental hygienist. “To hear the laughter from them in the hallways just melts my heart. To hear them be so thankful for the services we provide makes everything worthwhile!” Pola Wood, Children’s Mercy Hospital { Childrens’ Mercy Partnership } 4 friends 2014 The Children’s Mercy Clinic at UA: Our partnership with Children’s Mercy Hospital along with generous funding from Baptist-Trinity Lutheran Legacy Foundation, Arvin Gottlieb Charitable Foundation and an anonymous donor allows for a conveniently located and free Wellness Center for students’ use located within UA. The Wellness Center’s nurse practitioner can evaluate, diagnose, treat and prescribe medications, as necessary. { Junior League Partnership } Healthy U Program “Teen Eats” Program: 7th graders (totaling 120 students) learned hands-on cooking skills in Teen Eats – a class that opens up a whole new world of healthy and delicious food choices and empowers youth to choose wisely. Adopt-a-Classroom: 255 Kindergarten and 1st Grade students received a lesson focused on fitness or nutrition. Lessons included the importance of drinking water, some fun basic yoga movements and how to make a healthy snack mix. BackSnack Program: A portion of the K-5th graders (totaling 150 students) were supported with this program, which provides children who face food insecurity with backpacks filled with nutritious, child-friendly food to take home each weekend. The Schoolyard Garden: Consisting of eight raised beds on the University Academy campus, the garden grew a variety of produce, in addition to providing a hands-on learning opportunity for students in plant life cycles. Family Dinners: This cooking and nutrition education program for families was offered. The classes were designed to allow children to learn basic cooking skills to become comfortable in the kitchen. Each week, parents also fostered a conversation with their kids around healthy eating or fitness with the help of a scripted lesson, and families worked together to create goals related to a healthy lifestyle. “In just one year’s time, we have helped this school lower obesity rates by 24%.” Gina Stingley, Junior League of KCMO 5 friends 2014 testimonials “Friends of University Academy, in partnership with Kansas City Young Audiences has made possible the enhancement of our educational process at UA. The endeavors put forth by Friends enables participation in enriching programs throughout our lower, middle and upper schools. Susan Clymer’s Literacy Workshop, ‘One Dark and Stormy Night,’ is the experience which brought our 5th graders to a new level of expressive writing. We were privileged to spend two weeks with this experienced author who brought a new ‘toolbox’ of resources for our students to implement. The level of improvement in their expressive writing now allows us as educators to go a step further with our instruction. Thank you, Friends of University Academy, for all you do to support the success of our student community.” Tammie Lay, 5th Grade Teacher volunteer Alesia McFadden, lower school Arsema Berhane, middle school Joshua Woods, upper school “(What) I like about my school is that there are teachers that keep on pushing us to go harder…..they just are wonderful.” “University Academy is a hard school but they will teach you what you need to know.” “One of the best preparations they’ve done is always keeping the idea of going to college in the back of my mind because I can’t remember a time when college wasn’t on my agenda.” 6 friends 2014 “This is my third year as a volunteer tutor at UA. The first day I walked in, I caught the positive ‘vibe’ — teachers treated students with respect, and students treated each other the same way. Several times I’ve seen older students walking with an arm around a younger child, asking how their day was going, or offering encouragement for some challenge they were facing. The building is beautiful and the resources abundant, but mutual respect like that can’t be bought. It’s built, day by day and student by student.” Chris Purcell, UA volunteer letters of appreciation Dear Friends of UA, I would like to take time out and say thank you. Your love and support is what keeps me going on a daily basis. This CIP (College Incentive Program) reward will help me more than you will ever know. It helps to take some financial burden off of my mother. This semester so far is going great; I’m taking on 13 credit hours and on the track and field team – traveling every weekend to compete. While having a full plate, I still manage to keep my grades decent. I have a lot more work to do but knowing that you are in my corner helps me to keep pushing towards my goals. Thank you again! A’Yonna Friends of UA, I wish to express my gratitude for the continuous support throughout my matriculation at Jackson State University. I really appreciate all the support whether it be resumé help or assistance with internship placement. Good works never go unnoticed and I cannot wait to be able to give back to such an amazing support system. Thank yous just are not enough! Blessed everyday, Jamila 7 friends 2014 k-12 : by the numbers in 2014 2,520 1,050 SUMMERCAMP 11 MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS K-12 STUDENTS PARTICIPATED IN FINE ARTS PROGRAMS NOLS 3 8 friends 2014 BOOKS DONATED TO THE HOME LIBRARIES OF LOWER SCHOOL STUDENTS WITH FUNDS FROM FRIENDS OF UA ANNUAL GALA. NATIONAL OUTDOOR LEADERSHIP SCHOOL 17 UA HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS STUDIED ABROAD HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS 150 K-5 STUDENTS SUPPORTED BY THE WEEKEND BACKSNACK PROGRAM alumni : by the numbers in 2014 “While there are many obstacles that deter students from going to college, finances by no means should be the deciding factor.” Bobby Scott 100 % of UA alumni with a 2.9 GPA or higher graduated from college 54 82 % of UA alumni with a 2.4 GPA or higher graduated from college % Bachelor’s Degree of UA alumni earn a within 6 years of graduation. This is 44% higher than the college completion rate for students from the lowest income quartile! 7 UA ALUM RECEIVED COLLEGE STUDENT INTERNSHIPS IN 2014 185 Awards COLLEGE INCENTIVE PROGRAM Total awards given December 2013-December 2014 { $130,000 } 9 friends 2014 2014 financial overview DONATIONS RECEIVED Friends of University Academy Spending Trailing 12 Months through 12/31/14 Program Expenses - K - 12 $593,899 Program Expenses for K - 12 Students Program Expenses - Alumni Summer Educational Opportunities $160,354 Special Programs & Opportunities $112,970 Total Program Expenses for K-12 Students $273,324 40.5 % Program Expenses for Alumni 40.5% 40.4% Alumni Support Program $122,023 College Incentive Program $123,000 Summer Internship Support Total Program Expenses for Alumni $26,060 $273,083 40.4% Non-Program Expenses 19.1% 10 friends 2014 Non-Program Expenses Fundraising Events $64,403 General & Administrative $64,303 Total Non-Program Expenses $128,706 TOTAL EXPENSES $675,113 DEFICIT ($81,214) ASSETS Cash balance on 12/31/14 $125,269 19.1% “Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.” - George Washington Carver 11 friends 2014 2014 BLUE BAYOU Friends of University Academy’s Annual Gala was held on April 26, 2014. The gala raised net proceeds of $235,000 and is a main source of income for the programs Friends of UA provides. We thank the following benefactors and volunteers for their generous support of Friends of University Academy’s 2014 gala. Event Chairs: Molly Maxwell & Megan Thornberry $25,000 MARDI GRAS Mr. and Mrs. Barnett C. Helzberg, Jr. $10,000 BOURBON STREET Ewing Kauffman FoundationMichael and Cathy Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Baum Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bloch Mr. Robert Epsten and Mrs. Robert Epsten* Mr. and Mrs. Barnett C. Helzberg III Mr. and Mrs. Bush Helzberg Helzberg Diamonds Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kelly Mr. and Mrs. John Sherman $5,000 VOO DOO $1,500 NOLA $1,500 NOLA continued $500 BEIGNET continued Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Angrist The Blitt Family Mrs. Ann Dickinson Mr. Tony Gleason Mrs. James T. Lacy Mr. and Mrs. Tom McDonnell Mr. Edward Milbank Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Myers, Jr. Neuberger Berman Mr. and Mrs. James Nutter, Jr. James B. Nutter & Co. Ten-Ten Foundation-Children of Beth and Ed Smith Jay and Beverly Wolfe Charitable Lead Annuity Trust American World Forwarders, Inc.Megan and Steve Thornberry Mr. and Mrs. Richard Atlas Atterbury Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Berg Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City Mr. and Mrs. Herb Buchbinder Mr. Stanley J. Bushman and Ms. Ann Canfield Children’s Mercy Hospital The DeBruce Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William Dunn, Sr. Ellis Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Frank Friedman Mr. and Mrs. John Goodman Greenbaum Family Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grossman Mr. Donald Hall Mr. Charles Helzberg and Ms. Sandra Baer Hoopla-Molly Maxwell and Megan Thornberry Kansas City Zoo Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kipp Dr. Jan-Marie and Mr. Brad Kroh Lacy & Company Mr. and Mrs. R. Alexander Masson Metropolitan Community College Mr. and Mrs. Phil Miller Mr. Fred Pryor Mr. Ryan Sprott and Ms. Molly Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. James Stowers III Sunflower Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James Threatt Mr. and Mrs. Don Trigg UMB Financial Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wolff Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Goza Mr. Charles Hoffman J.E. Dunn Construction Co. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Kline Mr. and Mrs. Brian Landers Mr. Thomas Martin* and Mrs. Thomas Martin Mrs. Harry McCray McQuaid Brothers Remodeling Company Mr. Jim Miller and Ms. Urula Terrasi Dr. and Mrs. Allen Parmet Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pearson Mr. Nicholas Powell Nicholas Kuehn Powell Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shapiro Mr. Ed Stevens and Ms. Jennifer Atterbury Ms. Patricia Werthan Uhlmann Mr. and Mrs. Josh Wilson Dr. and Mrs. Chad Wollard $2,500 FRENCH QUARTER 12 friends 2014 Honorary Chairs: Carla & Danny O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brown Commerce Bank Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Fiola Lathrop & Gage, LLP Muriel McBrien Kauffman Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William Reisler $500 BEIGNET The Andrews Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barnett Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bash Mr. and Mrs. William Coughlin Mr. Gregg Davidson and Ms. Sirenna Beyer Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Funk * of blessed memory contact us How can you help our students succeed? Mentoring An excellent opportunity to share your knowledge and resources. Annual Gala Friends of University Academy hosts a themed, annual gala each Spring. The theme for 2015 is “College Graduation Gala” which will celebrate the success of University Academy alumni. We encourage guests to come ready to celebrate their alma mater by dressing in their school colors or in their favorite college gear. The gala is held at the school and is our only fundraising event of the year. Funds raised at the gala are used for special educational opportunities and programs for University Academy students and alumni. Please mark your calendar for April 25, 2015. For sponsorship information or to buy tickets, please contact Maria Dickson at 816-561-7602 or maria@friendsofua.org. Outright Donations Internship Opportunities Internships provide our alums with real world experience that is critical for attaining future job and graduate school opportunities. Please contact Maria Dickson with any questions or if you are interested in a tour of University Academy. Maria can be reached at 816-561-7602 or maria@friendsofua.org. “Anyone who wants to invest in the young people of tomorrow, please consider the University Academy internship program – it pays dividends over and over again.” Ron Smith, Executive Director, Second Chance Program Cash or pledges of cash Marketable securities Corporate matching contributions Underwrite a Program Alumni Support Program College Incentive Program Summer Educational Opportunities Arts Partnerships ACT / SAT Prep courses Friends of UA respectfully accepts donations in any amount, as well as partial and full sponsorships for programs and events. Our organization is a 501(c)(3) and all donations will be tax-deductible. 2010 gala 13 friends 2014 ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT { bachelor’s degree } Kenneth Herron, UA Class of 2009 College: University of Nebraska-Lincoln (2009-2013) Degree: B.A. in English Advanced Degree: Enrolled at Colorado State University; Earning a Master’s in Student Affairs in Higher Education kenneth herron I am a first-generation college student with younger siblings who perceive me as a role model and mentor. My siblings and family were the driving force to my success at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Navigating my way through college was challenging but rewarding. I learned through my undergrad experience the power of perseverance, something that University Academy instilled in me. Today I hold a degree in English as a result of my hard work and persistence. Currently, I am the Assistant Resident Director at Colorado State University as well as working towards a Master’s degree in Student Affairs in Higher Education. I love working with students and have found my passion through the work of student development and student learning. I would someday like to be a dean of students for a college or university to motivate and encourage other individuals to see the power within themselves. 14 friends 2014 ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT { master’s degree } jade hicks Jade Hicks, UA Class of 2006 College: Truman State University (2006-2010) Degree: Speech Language Pathology Advanced Degree: Georgia State University Master of Education in Communication Disorders Profession: Speech-Language Pathologist My first day as a speech pathologist symbolized the end of my graduate career and the beginning of my dream career. Earning my undergraduate and graduate degrees required discipline and sacrifice – skills I developed in elementary school and refined as I progressed through academia. Signing my paperwork and opening the door to my first classroom was proof that the sleepless nights, homesickness, tears, successes and failures were not in vain. As I sat at my desk at the end of the day, I realized that I was greater than the “Murder Factory” where I was raised - that my success could one day inspire and influence the people living in my community and possibly outshine the poverty and death that the Kansas City Star wrote about my zip code in 2011. I am currently a Speech-Language Pathologist with the Early Childhood Special Education Program for the St. Joseph School District in St. Joseph, Missouri. I want to transition to working as a speech therapist in a medical setting in either a skilled nursing facility or neonatal intensive care unit. 15 friends 2014 “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” - Nelson Mandela 16 friends 2014 graduate degrees A NUMBER OF OUR ALUMNI HAVE COMPLETED FOUR YEAR DEGREES AND ARE NOW ENROLLED IN OR HAVE COMPLETED GRADUATE STUDIES. WE RECOGNIZE THEIR ACHIEVEMENT enrolled graduated Brittany Hill-Dixon, 2009 Rockhurst University enrolled Avila University Master’s of Psychology Byron White, 2004 Carleton College graduated University of Michigan Master’s of Business Administration D’Angela Sims, 2009 Rockhurst University enrolled Avila University Master’s of Management Ashley Kearney, 2007 Rockhurst University graduated Rockhurst University Doctor of Physical Therapy Arianna Jackson, 2009 The Ohio State University enrolled University of Missouri-Kansas City Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) Jade Hicks, 2006 Truman State University graduated Georgia State Master’s of Education Brandon Jackson, 2009 University of Missouri - Kansas City enrolled University of Missouri-Kansas City Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) Jasmine Thompson, 2006 University of Central Missouri graduated University of Central Missouri Master’s of Arts Benjamin Mahala, 2006 University of Missouri - Science and Technology enrolled Georgia Institute of Technology Master’s of Theoretical Chemistry Cara Crumley, 2004 University of Missouri - Columbia graduated Stephens College Master’s of Eduction - Counseling Kenneth Herron, 2009 University of Nebraska - Lincoln enrolled Colorado State University Master’s of Higher Education Orielle Pauley, 2004 University of Kansas graduated Webster University Master’s of Health Administration Leroy Ford 2009 University of Nebraska - Lincoln enrolled Colorado State University Master’s of Higher Education Phyllis Chase, Director, UMKC Charter School Center “University Academy is our shining star. UA has the compendium of best practices that we are all trying to replicate and I predict that in the future this country will look toward UA for replication of its model. An investment in UA is an investment in this city, in this state and in this country that will pay great dividends.” 17 friends 2014 NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID KANSAS CITY MO PERMIT NO. 2344 4049 Pennsylvania, Suite 400 Kansas City, MO 64111 816-561-7602 Friendsof UA.org
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