Maths Hub Newsletter Summer 2015

Maths Hub
London Central and NW
Bulletin edition 2. May 2015
Bulletin quick links and index for this newsletter:
Area we cover with this Maths Hub
Courses booking for next term
Maths report
How you can get involved
Courses booking now
Maths Hub Launch and London Maths Conference 9 th July
Shanghai how you get involved
Text Book project
Maths Mastery
| Post 16 – Core Maths | Post 16 Increasing
Participation | Maths/Numeracy SLE Bursaries | Resources | Maths organisations | Maths Hub FAQs
| Add your name to our contact list | Contact us |
Subject Enhancement
Secondary Subject Enhancement
1. Maths Hub overview
Who are we?
Maths Hub London Central and NW, one of 34 Maths Hubs in England
London Central and North West Maths Hub is led by The St Marylebone CE School.
Area covered by this Maths Hub London Central and NW:
The geographical area we cover comprises of the London Boroughs of Westminster, Camden, Islington,
Harrow, Barnet, Brent (Shared with Fox Primary: Central & West London Maths Hub), and Ealing (Shared with
Fox Primary: Central & West London Maths Hub)
Who are we working with to deliver Maths CPD: NCETM | MEI – Mathematics in Education and Industry |
Core Maths Support Programme | IoE UCL | The five other London Maths Hubs | St Vincent’s Catholic
Primary | St. Dominic’s Sixth Form, Harrow | Swiss Cottage TSA | West London TSA | Ealing
TSA | Compton TSA | Camden Primary Partnership TSA
A short three minute jazzy video produced by NCETM giving a national overview. It includes a section from
our Maths Hub.
Click here to play
2. How you can get involved
Sign up for courses we are running. Many of them are FREE. For details of courses running this term
click here.
 Many courses have run already this year and will run again next year. More details here for
courses we have done already this year and will run again
Attend our launch event. Save the date July 9 th 2015. Working with the other five London Maths Hubs
we are organising a FREE Maths conference for all Primary and Secondary and College teachers. 600+
will attend from all over London. Key note speakers and numerous workshops. More details here.
Nominate a Numeracy Coordinator or Maths Teacher to become a Maths SLE so that you can work
on projects across the Hub on funded projects. More details here.
Investigate Shanghai Maths teaching – everyone’s talking about it! Attend our ‘Shanghai – the way
forward session’ Teacher Research Group on Wednesday 3rd June 2:00-4:00pm. More details here.
If you have Maths CPD projects that you would like to set up and help run. Maths Hub funds are
available for such projects. Contact us here.
Sign your school up for the Post 16 projects. More details here.
Email us to get your name and school on our Maths Hub database, contact details here.
Spread the Maths Hub word: please forward this newsletter or email to your colleagues in school and
beyond. Thank you.
3. Courses booking this term
1. FREE Maths A2 MEI subject enhancement 6 session course, starts May 2015
Deepening Understanding of the Concepts in A2 Core Mathematics Support with subject knowledge and
pedagogy for those preparing to teach Core 3 and 4 Mathematics. This free course is designed to support
teachers who are confident with teaching AS Core Mathematics but with little or no experience of teaching A2
Core Mathematics. Course dates: Days 1 and 2: Friday 15 and Saturday 16 May | Days 3 and 4: Friday 12 and
Saturday 13 June | Days 5 and 6: Tuesday 7 and Wednesday 8 July. More details and booking information here
2. FREE ‘Primary Shanghai – the way forward session’ Investigate Shanghai Maths teaching – everyone’s
talking about it!
Course: ‘Shanghai – the way forward session’ Teacher Research Group
When: Wednesday 3rd June 2:00-4:00pm
Where: St Marylebone School Blandford Street (site B) Location map of both school sites here
Book: email Emma Curties to booking your free place:
3. The MEI FRESH family of courses are aimed at experienced teachers of mathematics looking for inspiration
and new ideas.
Course: FRESH ideas for getting students using GeoGebra - Promoting students’ use of software to engage in
Mathematical thinking. Course flyer click here
When: Thursday 11th June 9am-3pm
Where: St Marylebone School Blandford Street (site B) Location map of both school sites here
Book: For more information:
Book email:
Flyer: course flyer click here
3b. Courses that we are promoting:
1. FRESH engagement with big data sets - Promoting secondary students’ curiosity and understanding of
statistics. More details: May 15th - London
Further information can be found at Alternatively, please feel free to contact with any questions.
2. FREE Introductory Workshops: the Primary School Singapore Approach to Teaching Mathematics click
3c. Courses that we will have completed
and will repeat next year:
Subject enhancement courses and flyer samples: GCSE Maths | AS Maths | A2 Maths
Subject enhancement 2015-16. Dates available soon email Emma Curties to receive the dates when set:
4. Courses planned for next term
London Central and NW Maths Hub in Partnership with Eleanor
Palmer Primary School (Camden Primary Partnership TSA)
A five day primary Mathematics subject knowledge course flyer
A chance to spend sustained time developing personal confidence and understanding of key elements of
primary mathematics. We will cover all key areas developmentally with a focus on teaching for conceptual
understanding and enjoyment.
A five day primary Mathematics subject knowledge course
Who is it for?
This course is aimed at experienced teachers across the primary age group,
who may lack confidence and subject knowledge, particularly with the new
curriculum. Based in a school, the course will include a chance to observe teaching and to work alongside
The course will be at Eleanor Palmer School, led by Headteacher, Kate Frood OBE and Deputy Natalie
Stevenson, a MaST and Specialist Leader of Education, both experienced leaders of Mathematics CPD.
All the sessions will be hands on and lively and participants will leave with a wealth of ideas and renewed
enthusiasm, as well as much improved subject knowledge!
Dates are all Fridays: 11th September, 18th September, 25th September, 2nd October, 9th October.
Timing: All days 9am – 3pm. Lunch and all refreshments included. Course flyer click here
Where: Lupton St. London NW5 2JA Phone 020 7485 2155 Location map here
Booking: For more information and/or to book a place please contact Sarah on or visit and follow link to our
Teaching School.
Cost - £250 per teacher for full 5 day course. Subsided by Maths Hub London Central & NW
5. Maths London Conference
9th July 2015 – save the day
All the London Maths Hubs – The London 6 - have organised a FREE conference on 9th July
2015 at Chobham Academy in Stratford London
Aimed at: Key Stage 1-5. 600+ top attend. For Heads, Numeracy Coordinators, Maths HODs,
SLT and Maths Teachers
Cost: FREE event.
Booking: Eventbrite will be sent around very soon
Content : Key notes and numerous workshops
including Jonny Ball!
6. China ~ England project
What we’ve done: Lots and lots!
NCETM’s own China – England web site click here
Two short videos about the Shanghai Teachers teaching in English Primary schools this year
Click here to play
(external page)
Staff from St Vincent’s Catholic Primary School, Westminster travelled to Shanghai in Sepetmber 2014.
Read their Powerpoint summary here
Two Shanghai Maths teachers taught at St Vincent’s Catholic Primary School, Westminster for two weeks in
November 2014. Many teachers came to observe the lesson and many pupils came from local schools to be
Kris and Chen
intregarted very
well at St Vincent’s
What teachers said about the experience:
It was a great opportunity to learn how another culture teaches mathematics. It was also an
opportunity to observe mathematics lessons in Year 2 & Year 5 led by the Shanghai teachers. What
was really beneficial was having the opportunity after each lesson to ask the teachers questions (and
give feedback) and to have this opportunity for professional dialogue. It was also very insightful
unpicking the Shanghai text book and thinking of the many ways we can “build” it into our own
mathematics curriculum. It was also a good opportunity to meet (network) with other teachers
working within Westminster.
The CPD opportunity was fantastic. It enabled me to look at how Maths is taught in my school and
gave me ideas of how to deliver similar strategies. It has been an incredible opportunity and I gained so
much from it. The main benefits were being able to look at Maths teaching from a different approach.
I have changed some of my planning to include a ‘story’ at the beginning of my Maths concepts,
putting the abstract calculations into a real life context.
I have gained some good teaching ideas but have really realised the importance of striving for a deeper
understanding within Maths rather than aiming to move children on to the next thing too soon.
Thank you for hosting this event each week. It has been great. I look forward to the hub organising
more Maths events for local coordinators. We need to keep up to date with new pedagogy.
 China Daily news report on the placement: click here
 Full evaluation here of the St Vincent’s Catholic Primary School,
Westminster Shanghai placement, with thanks to all at St Vincent’s.
St Vincent’s Catholic Primary School, Westminster
PowerPoint resources linked to the Shanghai placement. With thanks to all at St Vincent’s
2. LONDON CENTRAL & NW MATHS HUB SHANGHAI RESEARCH RESOURCE Calculation Guidance - Calculation within 10 Grade 1
3. LONDON CENTRAL & NW MATHS HUB SHANGHAI RESEARCH RESOURCE Calculation Guidance - Calculation within 20 Grade 1
4. LONDON CENTRAL & NW MATHS HUB SHANGHAI RESEARCH RESOURCE Calculation Guidance - Calculation within 100
5. LONDON CENTRAL & NW MATHS HUB SHANGHAI RESEARCH RESOURCE Calculation Guidance - Finding Patterns and Review
7. LONDON CENTRAL & NW MATHS HUB SHANGHAI RESEARCH RESOURCE Calculation Guidance - Within 100 2nd resource
Other useful Shanghai links:
 NCETM national overview of China - England project December 2014 click here
 NCETM Mid placement Shanghai report here
 Mastery approaches to Mathematics and the new National Curriculum October 2014
NCETM report here
The next step:
FREE ‘Primary Shanghai – the way forward session’ Investigate Shanghai Maths teaching – everyone’s talking
about it!
Course: ‘Shanghai – the way forward session’ Teacher Research Group
When: Wednesday 3rd June 2:00-4:00pm
Where: St Marylebone School Blandford Street (site B) Location map of both school sites here
Book: email Emma Curties to booking your free place:
7. Text book project
Use of high quality textbooks
to support teacher
professional development
Edward Wilson Primary School and St Mary's Bryanston Square are working on this project. Both schools will
be trained in the use of the Inspire Maths text books and will report back in future Maths Hub bulletins.
In this project, two schools from each Maths Hub area are, in Year 1 classes only, trialling the use of adapted
versions of textbooks currently used in Singapore. The schools have chosen between two texts: Inspire Maths,
adapted by Oxford University Press; and Maths – No Problem, adapted by the publishers Maths No Problem!
Both texts have been adapted in line with the new National Curriculum.
Teachers engaged in the project will participate in five workshop days to support them in introducing the
books to pupils, in using the books in the course of lesson planning and design, and in their own professional
The aim of the project, as in the England – China project, is to help participating teachers and schools develop
and embed a mastery approach to maths teaching.
FREE Introductory Workshops: the Singapore Approach to Teaching Mathematics click here
8. Maths Mastery Conference
report Feb 2015
The Teaching Primary Maths for Mastery Forum in Birmingham in February 2015 came as the second wave
of Shanghai teachers completed their work in English schools. It was a good moment to hear the experiences
and early lessons learned by those schools, and by the NCETM. In the audience were teachers from the host
schools and from other schools interested in learning about mastery approaches to teaching maths.
Broad Themes: The NCETM’s Director for Primary, Debbie Morgan, steered the audience through the main
session of the day. Based on observing scores of Shanghai lessons in English classrooms, and in-depth followup discussions with the Shanghai teachers and their English counterparts plus her own research over the last
year, she outlined the broad characteristics of teaching for mastery. When combined, these maximise the
chances of pupils developing deep and sustainable understanding. They include:
Pursuing procedural fluency (rapid recall and application of facts and techniques) and conceptual
understanding at the same time
Teachers communicating their expectation that all pupils (except those with extreme special needs)
will achieve
China – England Maths project
moves into the secondary section
from September 2015 – watch
this space!”
Keeping the whole class together on the same material
Intelligent practice
Frequent homework (in small amounts)
Spending longer amounts of time (and going deeper) on key topics
Rapid intervention for those not making sufficient progress in a lesson
Using a high quality textbook, both to aid pupils’ learning and to support teachers’ planning and
professional development
Many of these themes, and how schools had successfully changed their approach to embed them, were
illuminated by Headteachers from schools that have hosted Shanghai teachers.
8b. New Maths Hubs programme magazine
focuses on teaching for mastery
Bespoke Newsletter link here
The NCETM has published the first issue of what will be a regular magazine giving information and news
about the Maths Hubs programme. The magazine, called Bespoke, is published on the Maths Hubs
programme website, and has also been emailed to all 180 000 NCETM registered users.
April 2015 articles: Teaching for mastery takes root | Early changes - Copley Primary School | Early
changes - St Thomas of Canterbury School | Early changes - Elmhurst Primary School | Intelligent Practice
| Reassurance from Ofsted | Future Challenges | England – China: Key Facts
8c. New programme to develop 140 primary
Mathematics specialist teachers to drive
forward teaching for mastery
Details have been announced of a new programme to train 140 primary teachers to become specialists in
mastery approaches to teaching Maths.
The programme, run by the NCETM in conjunction with Maths Hubs, significantly builds on the work already
underway to spread and embed teaching for mastery approaches in maths lessons in English primary schools.
Once fully trained, each one of these new specialist teachers will lead the professional development of
further groups of teachers in schools within their Maths Hub area. Over time, this will spread the
understanding of, and expertise in, teaching maths for mastery widely across the primary school system. Four
participant teachers will be recruited in each Maths Hub area, so ensuring an even spread of new teaching
and leadership capacity across the country.
The programme is aimed at existing teachers who have already demonstrated a passion and talent for
teaching mathematics, and have the potential to both develop their own teaching skills in line with mastery
approaches and pass those on to others.
Participation in the programme will require a substantial time commitment: around 12 days’ release from
existing school responsibilities in the first year, and around 30 days in the second year.
A full description of the programme and application form can be found on the NCETM website.
9. Post 16 ~Core Maths
Core Maths in this Maths Hub
St Marylebone CE School is an Early Adopter of Core Maths and Nick McIvor SLE Maths at St Marylebone is a
Core Maths Lead.
Core Maths Support Programme (CMSP)
CfBT, in collaboration with the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) and
the Department for Education, is pleased to announce the launch of our new Core Maths Support
Funded by the Department for Education, Core Maths is a new level 3 course for students in post-16
education, with UCAS points, which forms a major part of the government's plan to increase participation and
raise standards in mathematics education. The aim is that by 2020, the vast majority of all students in post16 education continue to study some form of mathematics, whether it is GCSE, A Level or the new Core
Maths qualifications introduced this year.
Core Maths is aimed at students who have passed GCSE mathematics at grade C or above but who are not
taking A Level mathematics. The course aims to help students retain, deepen and extend their mathematical
skills and understanding through the use of meaningful and relevant problems, better preparing these young
people for university, employment and life. The CMSP is strongly committed to a problem solving approach to
maths teaching and learning and provides professional development to improve pedagogy in this area and
increase the capacity of non-specialist teachers to teach mathematics.
The CfBT programme runs for two years and will be delivered through a sector-led delivery model with
regional networks providing peer-to-peer support from high-achieving partner schools and colleges. Core
Maths lead teachers and tutors are experienced maths teachers based in our partner institutions who provide
support to the schools and colleges where the new Core Maths qualifications are being taught.
The CMSP provides training and support for the Core Maths lead teachers through workshops, collaborative
working with consultants, the CMSP website and a range of other activities to assist them in their role.
Additionally, the programme benefits from a global maths network of world-leading experts in mathematics
and mathematics education as well as close collaboration with the (NCETM). This support ensures that the
Core Maths leads can provide local, contextually relevant professional development to those teaching the
new qualifications. Examples of best practice will be identified throughout the programme to be available to
all institutions implementing Core Maths from 2015.
In the first year of the programme there are more than 150 schools and colleges involved with an anticipated
total of around 5,000 students doing Core Maths. More are expected in the second year as the number of
schools and colleges implementing Core Maths expands towards a target figure of potentially more
than 200,000 students for 2020.
For information please visit (opens in a new window)
On line resources to teach Core Maths here
10. Post 16 ~increase uptake
As part of a National NCETUM Maths Hub project we are working to increase the uptake of Maths post 16
Do you want free consultancy help to increase your A level numbers post 16?
Headline: As part of a National NCETUM Maths Hub project we are working to increase the uptake of Maths
post 16. This national project has the broad aim of increasing participation levels of post-16 students in A
Level Mathematics and Further Mathematics courses, and other level 3 courses, such as Core Maths.
Opportunity: London & NW Maths Hub offers a free opportunity for consultancy support to increase your
uptake of Maths post 16.
Overview: You may be aware that from 2017 the Government will be publishing a “Level 3 Maths Measure”
(the percentage of students with GCSE mathematics at A*-C at the end of Key Stage 4 that have gone on to
take an approved level 3 maths qualification). Because the participation rate in post-16 maths across the UK is
very low in comparison to other developed countries there is a national project to increase participation in
post-16 mathematics. As part of this national project your local Maths Hub (London & NW Maths Hub St
Marylebone) is developing a tool for schools and colleges that can help them identify and implement actions
that they can take to increase participation in Maths post-16.
Wanted: We are looking for schools and colleges that would be willing to pilot the tool and help in its further
If you agree to take part in this project we would like to visit your school/college and, working with your Head
of Maths, identify the strategies you already use to encourage participation in Mathematics post-16 and help
you draw up an action plan for the implementation of additional strategies that would have a positive effect
on take-up.
In addition to this, we will be holding a half-day seminar where your Head of Maths can meet other Maths
Hub partners who could help with implementing any actions you identify, as well as giving you the
opportunity to hear about the strategies other schools are using. Details here of Seminar.
ACTION: If you would like to join this national project or have any other questions please contact Maths
Consultant Jane Annets by email or phone 07896 327 675. Please cc
Seminar Post 16: Increasing post-16 participation in Mathematics
Increasing post-16 participation in Mathematics
click here
17th June click here 2015
Elmhurst Primary School, Elmhurst Road, Forest Gate, London E7 9PG
Location map: click here
by emailing Yasmin at
We would like to invite you to a seminar at 1pm on 17th June at Elmhurst Primary School, East London that
explores ways in which we can increase participation in Mathematics post-16
We have been collaborating with three London Maths Hubs in a project to explore what we can do to
increase participation in Mathematics post-16. We have been working with a number of schools and have
produced a 'self-assessment tool' that enables schools to assess how they are doing against a set of
questions. The outcome is an action plan of suggestions for strategies that are known to have been
successful in other schools.
The experience of the schools that have tried it so far has been very positive indeed - although of course the
real test is whether participation is actually increased - which might take a little longer.
Representatives of the participating schools will be present at the seminar and you will also be given a copy of
the self assessment tool.
Book: by emailing Yasmin at
11. Maths or Numeracy SLEs
Specialist Leaders of Education (SLEs) wanted!
Maths Hub - London Central and NW are looking for Maths SLEs to undertake Maths CPD work. Funds are
available to mentor and coach potential Maths SLEs. Funds are then available to enable new SLEs to be
deployed on Maths Hub projects.
What is an SLE? | Why become an SLE? | How to become an SLE? |
Potential candidates should contact SLE Coordinator contact Steve Price:
12. Resources
NCETM online Magazines
Don’t forget to stay up to date with our Primary and Secondary magazines, both of which have been
refreshed over the last few months. We’ve created a new area of the Primary Magazine Archive, where the
features are sorted by category, taking you straight to the articles you’re looking for – New National
Curriculum in Focus, Where’s the Maths in That? Maths in the Staff Room.
13. Maths Organisations
At the national level, the Maths Hubs programme, led by the NCETM, is developing partnership working
arrangements with organisations that can support across the Maths Hubs network. A t the moment, these
The Further Mathematics Support Programme | The Core Maths Support Programme | NRICH |
Mathematics Mastery
Please use the links below to navigate to relevant pages on external websites:
United Kingdom Mathematics Trust (UKMT) | The Royal Institution of Great Britain | STEM Clubs
(STEMNET) | Millennium Mathematics Project Events | Maths Inspiration | RSS Education Projects and
Activities | Maths in the City | IMA News and Events | London Mathematical Society Events
Other groups c/o MEI web site:
 Academically More Able Find out more about the area of academically more able
 ACME The Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education is an independent committee which acts as
a single voice for the mathematical community
 Careers in Mathematics Detailed information and advice on the wealth of careers opportunities
involving Mathematics
 Careers in Statistics: Royal Statistical Society Many useful links with detailed information and advice
 London Mathematical Society See especially the Education Committee page - useful enrichment
resources listing
 Making Sense of Maths A Manchester Metropolitan University project to produce new teaching
materials for Foundation Tier GCSE and Functional Mathematics
 More Maths Grads more maths grads is a programme designed to increase and widen participation
within the mathematical sciences
 National STEM Centre Up-to-date information, support and advice to schools about quality science
technology engineering and mathematics activities that enhance and enrich the curriculum
 NCETM The National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics
 Postgraduate (Mathematics) courses
 The Association of Teachers of Mathematics Resources, news and discussion of current issues in
Maths education from the ATM
 The Further Mathematics Support Programme Supports the teaching and learning of Further Maths
 The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Professional body that has Chartered status
 The Mathematical Association Resources, news and discussion of current issues in Maths education
from the MA
 The Mathematical Association of America Interesting resources, articles, reviews etc
 Universities Links to UK university Maths dept web sites
14. Maths Hubs FAQs
What are they?
The Maths Hubs programme for the first time brings together all Mathematics education professionals
in a national network of hubs, each locally led by an outstanding school or college, and in partnership
with neighbouring schools, colleges, universities, CPD providers, maths experts and employers. This is
a new way of harnessing all Maths teaching expertise within an area, to spread excellent practice even
more widely, for the benefit of all pupils and students.
How many Maths Hubs are there?
Thirty-four Maths Hubs were started in autumn 2014
Who do the hubs serve?
Each hub serves all schools and colleges, from nursery age to 19-year-olds in the broad geographical
area it covers.
What does the hub itself consist of?
The hub consists of much more than just the lead school or college. It consists of the broad group of
partner schools, colleges, and other institutions with a mathematics role or interest that the lead
school assembles in a strategic leadership group. These institutions are likely to be spread
geographically throughout the hub’s area.
How do teachers and schools get involved?
Individual teachers can register with the Maths Hubs programme and associate themselves with their
‘local’ hub, thereby gaining access to the online areas where they can contribute to projects and
communicate with other teachers in their area. In a similar fashion, schools can connect to the local
hub and both contribute to formulating and running activities of maths education improvement, and,
where a school needs support, benefiting from those activities as well. Get your name and school on
our Maths Hub database, email us
How does the Maths Hubs programme have a national dimension?
The leadership individuals in each hub communicate with each other to share experience and ideas in
a national network. This group also meets once a term at the National Maths Hubs Forum. This is the
forum for the development of policies with national significance. We hope the Maths Hubs Forum will
become a respected and authoritative voice of leadership in the field of Mathematics education.
15. Contact us
HOW TO CONTACT US? Maths Hub London Central and NW
Contact us all in one go
Hub Maths Lead
Dan Chandrakumar
Hub Senior Lead
Peter Jordan
Additional Maths and Senior Lead
from June 2015
Maths Hub Administrator
Jenny Laurie
Emma Curties
We are working with:
Science Learning Partnership Summer bumper
newsletter for London Central & NW click here
Also at Science Learning Partnership for Central & NW London
Primary one day courses open to all.
Ref # and
hyperlink to
booking site
Title of course and
hyperlink to flyer
Cost £63 with Impact Award.
FREE Leading effective
professional development in
Friday 19th June 2015
William Perkin High
School, Greenford
location here
Bob Cooper
Working scientifically in the
new Primary curriculum
Assessment in the new
Primary Science
curriculum...a world without
levels. 1 day course.
Thursday 2nd July 2015.
1 day.
Friday 3rd July 2015.
St Marylebone CE School
Site B location here
Bob Cooper
Swiss Cottage Teaching
School, Camden
location here
Naomi Hiscock
Thursday 9th July 2015.
Preston Park Primary,
Brent location here
Bob Cooper
Friday 10th July 2015.
Grafton School, Islington
location here
Naomi Hiscock
Working scientifically
outside the classroom
The Role of the Science
Subject Leader
These courses carry a DfE Impact Award Bursary worth 50% of the course fee for maintained schools. Find out more
Secondary 1 day courses open to all. Cost £105 with Impact Award.
Ref # and
hyperlink to
booking site
Title of course and
hyperlink to flyer
Physics for non specialists
(up to GCSE level). Two day
courses are £210 with
Impact Award
Leading effective
professional development in
Tracking and improving
progress in Science
8th and 9th
June 2015. 9.304.00pm
St Marylebone CE
School Site B location
Alan Denton
Friday 19th June
William Perkin High
School, Greenford
location here
Bob Cooper
Tuesday 23rd June
2015. 9.30-4.00pm
Alan Denton
Planning linear courses so
students do their best in
terminal exams
Wednesday 24th
June 2015. 9.304.00pm
St Marylebone CE
School Site B location
Sacred Heart High
School (West London
TSA) location here
Martin Reece
Instructions to book: To make a booking please click on the unique course link above which will take you to our booking
system. You will need to log in to make your booking, if you don’t have an account you can create one at this time. You are
also able to apply for a place on behalf of others, please note that this requires you to use an organisation school email
address and it may take up to two working days for your registration to be approved. If you have any difficulties in making
your booking please contact us on 01904 328140. (SLP York). St Marylebone can book for you if you are having problems –
please mail