Wine, Women and What to Wear at David Burke Fromagerie Margaret Morgan, Shore Region Restaurant Examiner @ober 22, 2011 - Like this? Subscribe to get instant updates Add a comment On Wednesday, October 26, jump start llour holiday shopping early in an evening ol Wne, Women aN What to Wearlrom 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at David Burke Fromagerie, Rumson. Begin with a blush Ros6 Champagne and passed hors d'oeuwes lollowed by a 3-course lasting menu created by Executirte Chef Larry Baldwin and Pastry Chef Stuart Marx. The tasting menu dishes will be paired with Australian and Tuscan wines selected by Somrnelier David Mensch. Lobster Larry in a bucket is an impressive presentiation on Lobster Night Gredits: Full Circle Communications During the evening, mix and mingle as you shop the holiday collection and meet Fashion Designer Apha Saeed who will share her translormational story: From Wall Steet to Seventh Avenue to Sundan@, the Stylish Story of a Successful Entrepteneur. With your purchase, ),r)u will be entered to win an invitation to a privale viewing party {or "On the Line with Joe Zee" to be held at a luxurious Trump lnternational penthouse, with Joe Zee and guests from Elle Magazine, the Sundance Channel, HBO and more. Slideshow: Wine, Women and What to Wear at David Burke Fromagerie Shop the Poor Cat Designs@ collection ol hand+rafted .l8k gold and s{erling charms brged from equal parts creativity, crafl, and curiosity. Poor Cat's collectbn captures the richness and innate energy of precious metals. The pounr of imnography lies in its subjectivity. Symbols denole what we desire them to be. Anything and everything can be infused u,ith meaning. Poor Cai@ ftnds its following in this belief. Having akeady captivated rock stars, celebrities, trendsetters, and players in lhe design, architeciure, and fashion vrorld, Poor Cat Designs@ is ready to inspire a larger audience. Where humility graces luxury, Poor Cat Designs@ perches. Christine Zlinski, owner of Salon Concrete and artistic visionary lor the ltalian product line Davines, will provide complimentary color and style consultatbns. Since opening Salon Concrete in 20@, Christine has sought to create a differenl kind ol guest experience. ir'lore than just a beauliful head of hair, Christine's approach includes conducting business in an innovative way and creating a grealer consciousness of our impact on the environment and our overall well being. The evening's event is$4.0 per person, excluding tax and gratuities. Gift bags are limited to 125 guests. Seating is limited so reserve early. RSVP (732) 842 - 8088 David Burke Fromagerie is located at 26 Ridge Road, Rumson, NJ 0Z160. For further informatbn, visit the website at www.f romagerierestau rant. com. * Enjoy this arlicle. Please click on the "Subscribe" bulton afuve to rcceive e-mail alerts on all restaurant news along ille Jersey Shore. Fot other stoies coveing foad news, ooking and recipes, please visit my Shore Region Food Examiner page or on my Website
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