2015-Spring Newsletter.pages - the Frontier Improvement Association

Proposed Sign
Guardian (Snow) Angels
A big thanks goes out to Bob
Macyko for giving of his time
and resources to keep many
of the sidewalks and streets of
Frontier free of snow during
the winter. Also, we would
like to thank those of you who
cleared snow away from fire
hydrants in the neighborhood.
The FIA board will look further
into getting the city to place
pennants or flags on them to
make them easier to find in
high snowfall years like this
Association Dues
Association dues are now past
due. If you haven’t sent in your
dues, please send them in
ASAP or pay them online.
Thanks to all who have already
paid their dues.
At some point in the future it’s bound to stop snowing (I’m an optimist), the
temperature will start to rise, and green will once again be a part of the
Frontier landscape. In preparation for that time, the board has been busy
working on the planning aspects of a number of spring projects. In addition to
the normal annual activities including our annual day of caring, spraying for
weeds on the boulevards, and tree trimming, we are also preparing for
boulevard tree replacement and placement of new signage at the main entry
points to Frontier.
The winter has been harsh again this year, and it is likely that we will lose a few
more trees in addition to those that we lost last year. We have estimated that
between the trees that need to be replaced and those that are simply missing,
we will need to plant some 20 trees in total this spring. We will also need to
remove several large trees that are blocking street lights and street signs in the
boulevards. There is a lot of planning that needs to be done in preparation for
these activities including: verifying number and placement of trees, filing forms
with the city arborist, updating the boulevard plans with tree types for each of
the streets, and actual planting of the trees. We are in the process of forming a
committee now and ideally would like to have a point person from each street
to coordinate and assist with the overall activities of that street. If you are
interested, please send an email to info@frontierassociation.com.
The sign that has marked the east entry point of Frontier has seen better days
and has lost all of the flowers that used to surround its base. We are in the
process of planning for new signs to replace the one at the east entry point
and to add additional signs at the west and south entry points to Frontier. In
conjunction with the new sign placement, the board is in the process of
establishing some standard branding for Frontier. We started down this path a
few years ago when we designed the new street signs. More recently, we
asked for input on appropriate symbols for branding at the Winter Dance, and
the overwhelming majority feel that a tree is the most appropriate symbol for
Frontier. This is good news as it is consistent with the design of our current
street signs, and we have incorporated it into a draft design for the new signs
(see picture in the side bar). Look to Nextdoor in the upcoming weeks for
voting on a final design.
Finally, we will be applying for grant money from the County that has been
earmarked for greenway, conservation, and community projects. Ideally we
would like to get many of the curbs on the boulevards replaced and
potentially enhance the delta on Seminole and 6th street which is largely
unused. If you have any ideas, please send them in. The deadline for applying
for the grants is April 6, 2015.
- Jeff Stempora - FIA Board President
Sleigh Ride & Santa
Safety and Community
The 2014 Frontier winter sleigh ride and visit
from Santa was a fun time for all. As part of
the festivities, we asked that neighbors place
luminaries in front of their homes to
showcase the Frontier neighborhood. It was
a wonderful sight to see and made the sleigh
rides and visit with Santa that night all the
more magical.
The Christmas spirit award definitely went to
Frontier Street this year as almost the entire
street was aglow. Kudos to Bonnie Clark and
Dave Glennon who were instrumental in
making that happen.
Winter Dance a Success!
This year's Winter Dinner was another
success! Thank you to the 76 neighbors that
attended! We enjoyed live music by Julio &
Miguel, and the dance floor stayed occupied
all evening- we have some pretty polished
dancers in t!he ‘hood'. This year the Street
Competition was HOT! Mohawk and
Seminole Drive tied for most households
attending the event.
This was my fourth year as Chair of this
event, with any event, new leadership brings
fresh ideas and new energy! So, it is with
some sadness that I ask for a volunteer (or
volunteers) to Chair the 2016 Winter Dinner.
If you are interested in learning more, please
contact me. The event requires about 3-4
total hours of your time.
-Christina Katen - FIA Board - Social Events
For feedback about the event or to
volunteer - c.katen@yahoo.com or
Upcoming Events
Days of Caring - Apr 25 & 26
Neighborhood Sale – Saturday, May 16
Summer Picnic – Saturday, June 6
Our street light petition was approved by the city,
and Penelec has installed all 4 of the lights requested
already. Three of them going across 4th street and one
!on South Shore Drive between Mohawk and Lincoln.
Going forward this year, our plan is to petition the city
for additional lighting along the north side of South
Shore Drive from Mohawk to Monaca. This represents a
greater challenge due to the need to install lamp posts
and run electric lines along this path. The new petition
will require signatures from those houses most affected
by the requested lights. As the weather gets better, we
will begin the process of collecting the necessary
signatures. However, any concerned neighbor can sign
the petition to help show support.
From a security perspective, the colder weather and
high snow has slowed the unwanted activity in the
neighborhood. That being said, leaving lights on at
night is still the #1 crime deterrent. People have been
asking me what else they can do to try to prevent crime.
Security systems and dogs are an obvious answer.
However, a more subtle approach may be to simply
leave a TV on, visible from the street, or other window.
This should make someone walking by think there is
someone home.
As always, be vigilant and call the Erie Police nonemergency line if you see suspicious activity in the
neighborhood at 814-870-1125.
- Dave Glennon - FIA Board - Crime Watch
New By-Laws in Effect
As a result of the special meeting the Board conducted
on November 20, 2014, the Frontier Improvement
Association now has an updated set of by-laws that took
effect on January 1, 2015. We would like to thank the
members that braved the winter storm that night to
review the updates and vote on acceptance. The
majority of the updates were definition and process
changes to bring the by-laws in line with current
operating conditions.
A copy of the new by-laws is available on the FIA
website (frontierassociation.com). Of particular note is
the establishment of March 1 as the due date for annual
association dues allowing the board to develop a timely
budget for the year and to plan and execute capital
projects such as the planting of trees.