W.i'jpjIM.^ipPWLIi'lJ. •IIW" J'.»W«|<7^ -Tuesday, Jan. 26, 1926 • -SYRACUSE JOURNAL- P*g*20- 2-2371-USED CAR BARGAINS FOR EVERYONE. DRIVE A USED CAR NOW-2-2371 Automobile Automobile Ditplay Waft* Display Automobile ' y o s r w a a t a d — t - t * 7 l. As—8-8871 ***• »••* Waal Display Automobile As*—S-SSM P h a s e yoar want ANNOUNCEMENTS Display ad—t-WH^ AUTOMOBILES Phone year want ad—8-2811. Phon*. Y e a r Lost and Found. ICOMPLETE RADIO SETS FREE! ^_-_-__*-_—-- FOR 30 DAYS ONLY ! WITH EVERY USED CAR . . . '. I. . TO USED CAR USE 36 JKWETT. FINANCIAL SERVICE _ P t m a ^ J N g g J g J B ! Ad—8-8871 g0~ Monsy to Loan nil—8-88)1 Stoves and Rsosirs. LOST—PockeUjook. with g»« bill •f'l ™°"?* JEWETT— lirmistMm. Drtmi 3 months: P w S s l «E LOAN ON ****&J&aJ2SP!tH& Finder plf_e* return to 129 W. Curatag *» Irake*. balloon lire*, rrscticslly brsmi-ncw. Fhpwe Warren B075-M. B*w«rd. Run 2.S00 luilrt Fully e<iulpp«l Must h» NTEBK^T ON $5« 5 S 5 "NE MuNTB 81 » sacrificed at one* for $5<I0 Irss thai, cost. J»m« PAIR OF EYEGLASSES— Found." CslI »t 207 0^!»2-J. 102 Ashwortfa piacc. Will take car In ONONDAOA PBOVII.EN1 U»AN ASMS, IV. Borden sv. Warren 9720-M. trade and glte trrms to reliable party. _ | itVilN IXIUNTY *AV SANK. OVERLAND. U N L I M I T E D FUNDS FOR i , i > OVERLAND—Sedan. 1924; 1350, Will take car Phone Yoar Want A d — 8 - U 7 1 in trade and fire term*. Call James 0292-J, or 102 Ashworth place. DURAN'T PAIGE. i 1823 TOURING. NEWJ Kurt be sacrificed *t PAINT. MOTOB JUST , PAIQE Sedaa. light all. r once for t350. Will take car In trade and givt | Building Operatloal FI*«*o«< COMPLETELY OVERHAULED. RUMS AND terra*. CaU James 0292-J or 102 Ashwcrtb Prtm.»t Aetita Tsxidsrmlst 39 LOOKS LIKE A NEW CAR. PRICE $250. place. - I TERMS. REVOIR MOTORS. INC.. 617 W. SYRACUSE CAPITAL CORP. DEER UEADS-AnlmaU bird* flab REO GENESEE ST. PHONE 2-4134. Mounted by expert Parry I 6414 715716 CITY BANK SUDS. LATE MODEL. THIS > Salina at Warren Cnos-J BUICK. iF'Mi^sHrLTTFENCE V A N D U S E N »IT pHmIS A REAL BARGAIN. SPORT fOL'RIWB, 1013. roRe a*., will call at the bualnem office of Th* 852.50. REVOIR MOTOR8. INC.. 617 W. Hemstitching journai ahe will be pri-woted with a tiekri good R E F I N I 8 H S D IN GENESEE ST. PHONE 2-4131. for two admlselotu to aea "A Son of Hi* BEAUTrrUL RED. HAS RXD SPANISH TJPHSADl A COMPANY Father" at the HI roll. , HOLSTXRY. FULLY EQUIPPED. DONT MAXWELL40i IKFFKaSON RI'IUMNO OVKRLOOK THI8 ONE FOK SS50. TKUM8. PIJtATjNO MEMSTtTfHINg RITTONS ~LATErT924. HAS TWO Mortgagaa tor Sal* 51 REVOIR MOTORS. INC.. 817 W. GENESEE BUMPERS. T R U N K R E A L E8TATK MOKTOAOE8 ST. PHONE 2-4134. P'rturss. AND MANY EXTRAS, NEWLY PAINTED. $4,000— $5.WW and 15.300 to loan on flrit Brart* TIME PAYMENTS; WILL TAKE A CAR IN gase* on city real estate Liberal tppralial* OLDSMOBrLE. picture framing, twlr* TRADE. PATES CAR EXCHANGE. 500 E. PICTURES—Mirror*, and quick action. Thomai W. DUaon, 626 rraine* for photoe. enlarging, factory prtraa. i SPORT TOURING. 1924. WATER ST. PHONE 2-7848. Great Eatlern Art A Prat** Co. TIP N Salina. j Ourncy Bldg.. Syracty*. K. T. Phon* 2-8115. HERE IS A REAL d Auto Parts. 8FOBTY CAR. EQUIPPED WITH BUMPERS. BUILDING LOANS DISC WHEELS. TRUNK AND 81DS WIND- —BoTTT Pal SfosAoT roR o t o CABS" nnd BHH3-D WTNOa PRICE 8325. TERMS. Uealer* la uawi and una 'wra Part* for all Phoaa fSSf w s s t ad—1-8871. P E R M A N E N T MORTGAGES REVOIR MOTORS. INC.. 617 W. GENESEE make* COMBINED Kslp WsntatJ—Fsmsls 41 SYRACUSE AUTO WRECKING CO. ST. PHONE 2-4134. LOWEST RATES all S Townaend Phone SJSJ8 or Warren **» GIRL for general houiework and help ear* for QUICKEST ACTION CASE KASSEL'8 AUTO COMPANY " small child: no cooking; family of 8; $10 «*ekSECOND MOBTGAOES USED AUTOMOBILES AND PARTS VSB—Special sedan. Fully equipped. Thla car room *nd board. Call Jam** 1800-R. 304-506 HARRISON ST WARREN 4w5T P R I M E 6% FIRST 1* just like new: 0 balloon Ures, hnmpnra front Stenographer far" offiea mir., 883; cUaearapaer fer •nd rear: ooat 83.200. Will aacrlflce tor 8850. MORTGAGES i ' O R SALE Harts for All Makes of < are Adv. *ffl*a, 820: ttenegrapher far Mf|. *fflce, Wilt take car In trad* and give teraae. 102 SYRACUSE INVESTMENT Aahworth place. Jamea 0292-J. 820. Syrarai* Plaaaaeat Sarrl*a, 401-403 S*IU <rr*^l«e ante Parts lite l«n* * itenesM * CORPORATION Bulldlnf. 4 0 0 C l t r B a n k Bldg-., S y r a c a a e , N . T . -iFORD. 10 Auto Painting, 1 upa. Etc. enrelop** during anare rtime at *EDAN. 1924. PERFECT tUTO TOPS—We are headQuariera for auto ton*. App-^stya,^^^.^ j-gLZm\r~J " want G S 8 aHM>.«*Jia mmm-m;^mn building loan, city property, c a l MECHANICAL CONDIfor sincere, honeat paraona. Yarha Sale* Co.. aea' oorara bood oover* and painting Jonaa A BanMey Real Eatate. 313 Wtetlng Blfc., 8-6802. Rootn 1106, 1446 Broadway. N. T. Pimm Co 422 W Onnndag* at Warren 9560 TION. NEW PAINT JOB. 8375: TERMS. DAVEY MOTOR CO.. 1000 WOLF ST. flBfB TOPS- High claaa trimming and paintWE CAN SELL YOUR SECOND MORTGAGES Hslp Wanted—Mais Jig Whit* auto Top On. 856 W Onondaga 42 QUICK ACTION 1924 FORD C O U P S . at Warren (1841 UEN M E N T0 RAYMOND • PORTER 80S MONTGOMFnT M A N Y EXT-US. IN PERFECT MECHANICAL CONDITIOM. $850; LEARN AUTOMOBILE Rtsi Eststs Mortgsgss LIBERAL TERM& DAVEY MOTOR CO., REPAIRING AND QUAUFY FOR GOOD 1000 WOLF ST. POSITIONS—BE ABLE TO EARN $56 A FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGE—Money AS Building—Constructing. WEEK AND MORS OR A BUSINESS OF tmprored city real eatate; alto building loans. THIS CAR 18 19 YOUR OWN—IT'S EAST TRADS TO LEARN Liberal appralaals. U I_ SUtana-a. 7tl I M . EQUIPPED WITH BALSYRACUSE SEWER CLEANING CO. BY OUR METHOD OF ACTUAL PRACTICErarslty Bldg. LOON TIRES. MTRROR, WINDSHIELD We clean all kind* of aewera by new lyitem; WRITE FOR INFORMATION. WIPER AND MOTOMETER. A B-SAL BUY no digging or breaking up of concrete or dirt. A M E R I C A N T B A D E SCHOOL, FOR $875. TERMS. REYOIR MOTORS, lam** 2468-W. DEFT. 3. BUFFALO. NEW YORK INC. 617 W, GENESEE ST. PHONB 2-4184. LADIES' AND GENTS' hair cutting, any atyle. uilding Materials. 20 P h o n o Tnnr W a a t A a — 8 - I 8 T I . 85c. a C 8. Bank Barber Shop, ma E. 1924 SEDAN. IN FINE -firmaiffrnaT "*rvvi«m. DOORS, FRAMES, uab, ate. for sale. Inquire Oeneaee aj Chart** Yack«lL manager MEOHANILAX. uowui , 0 . B r , e B C o n l t r u c t l < m c , , , 3 0 7 McCarthy BulldDogs. CstS, P s t s IF MRS. ANNA M. WIGHT. 161 Parkrlew ar., 67 TION. PAINT AND TIRES GOOD. A BARIng. will aall at the builnea* offlc* of Th* Journal WINTER dog furnishings. Including blanket*, GAIN FOR $350. TERMS. REVOIR MOTORS, ahe will ha pretested with a ticket food for iwratera, hameaaei. collar* »len-lng baakets. Jp Cleaning—Oysing, Rsnovating. INC, 817 W. GENESEE ST. PHONE 8-4134. two admlntlon* to •** "A Son of Hia Father" kanaels. foods, remedies tad aonaisorlsa. f. H. Eoellng. 217 8. Wsrran. CARPET CLEANING—Compressed air carpet and | at tha Rlroll. HATNBA rug cleaning and scouring. Ruga woren from PHARMACIST wanted; good Job for right party; SERVICE — HUDSON old carpets. 8-4514. Syraeus* Rug Work*. 110 i O U i t ^ a ^ . N o o ^ , , ^^ w l j t 9ox M 9 7 < FOR SALE—A-l rabbit hound. Cheap. Inqetra J. Wagner, 206 Beaeher St. OUsco at. ' VALVES REOROUND • S - S S - ESP „_. OO YOU WANT A JOB?—Ton c*n bars the poalTERM—Brown S rnorn w* cissn a w s n AND CARBON REMOVED, $10. ESSEX $8. tU) _ ^ w m n t __ d § M | f T _ u ^ -^u air* you BOSTON BULL PUPPIES tor sale. Brlndla wtth <rarrthtnf. steam pluan oluah ionats alter and repair -terrthlng ataam OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 8 O'CLOCK. and your family the home, the comfort* and th* i white markings. Pedigreed. Call Jamea S6S6 Main office 113-114 Cadar at. Phone 8-8814 luxurla* yon would Ilka them to ha?a. Yas. you or 317 Wolf s t PHONE JAMES S26S. 606 OAK 8T. iOKH'XN can I No matter what your sge, your education, 59 • Poultry snd Supplies 23 Dressmaking. or your present luck—yon can do It I Writ* us JORDAN—5-pa*sen_er touring. Straight Bna "8." DRESSMAKING REMODELING today and let ui tell yon how you can win suc- MORS! PROFITABLE HENS ar* assured . Just like brand new: 4 wheel brake*: balloon PRICES REASONABLE tire*. Will sell for lea* than half It ooat. WiU cess In an hour a day. International Correspond- Pratts' Laying Mash Is fed. Result* will eon115 BURNET AV. PHONE 2-3485 Tince you. Guaranteed by Ward. Ebrtlng, take oar In trade, and giro terms. Jamas 029--J. ence Schools, University Bldg., Syracuse. N. Y. Bnnuroe. Brans. Ingeraon. Andrews-Scott Co. 102 Aahworth place. Locksmiths. 27 THREE MEN—With or without autos to sell _s—;KX our special line of household goods on aasy LOCKSMITHING—AH kinds, and asfT^-pcrt payments. Big romrnlaatrn; steady work. C. 1824. IN WONDERFUL , work. Skates sharpened and tools ground at F. Adams, 185 W. Jafferaon at. MECHANICAL CONDIBueU'a. 817 E. Washington s t Warren 1720-J. Fhsss yeae waat soV»t-tSTt. t TION. GOOD TIRES AND SPLENDID PAINT M E N U N D E R Luggage Repair. JOB. ALL OVERHAULED. PRICE CUT TO 28 61 Miscallaneous For 8sle $535 FOB QUICK SALE. TERMS AR- WE REPAIR—Your luggage and makt It Ilka 35 Y E A R S O F A G E OLD COINS RANGED. REVOIR MOTORS. 617 W. GENEnew; price* reasonable. Call Walaman Luggage. Who think they can sell cars, who PAY $2.85 FOR 8 2 * GOLD PIECES PRIOR SEE ST. PHONE 2-4131. repair dept.. 827 W. Fsyatt* at Warren 0458. know they can work, who are will- TO 1988. LARGE PREMIUMS PAID ON CHEVROLET. ing to make money, see Mr. Dunn GOLD COINS BEFORE 1884. CALL WARWAR' g Movi d 8, 624 REV 0324 BARNEY BLUE8TONB, DB LVXE TOURLNQ.! "fl « " Trucking between hours 4 to 6 p. m. MADISON ST NINE MONTHS OLD. | LARGE Insured vans for local and tent dlstanee Bresee-Chevrolet Co. IF MISS MARGUERITE TAN HORN, 817 teed. Call Salt City Express and Trucking On LIKE NEW. ALL EXTRAS^ INCLUDING ST., will eall at the business office 3-1473. FIVE BALLOON TIRES AND DISC WHEEL8. ACTIVE MAN WANTED—Aa personal factory Journal ah* will be presented with a ticket WILL BELL ON TIME. PRICE $400. PATES lepreaeotavtlTa In Syracuse. We offer to the good tor two admissions to sea A Son of His b. EL VAN EPPS CAR EXCHANGE. 800 E. WATER ST. right man sn unusual opportunity to make big Father" s t the RirolL fURNlTURB PACKED AND SHIPPED. PHONB 2-7848. money. No experience or capital required. Estimates glrao. 116 Gertrude at Jamea 8887-t* ANYTHING TOU ABB LOOKING BOB, Write Immediately. Synero Motors) Co., BatLATE 1925 S E D A N . TO BUT OR SELL. CALL J-4676. ,PADDED INSURED tle Greek, Mlchlgsn. THIS CAR IS JUST "WHERE TO FIND IT" BUREAU. ,'VANS. OA B• F OI LIRE NEW. FULLT EQUIPPED WITH ALL Tssohars Wanted DRIVERS ANYWHERE. ANY TIME. RE- 45 EXTRAS. INCLUDING FIVE BALLOON 64 Business snd Office Equipment TURN LOADS FROM ALL SECTIONS. TIRES AND DISC WHEELS. PRICE ONLY FIRST GRADE, also 4th and 5th. near Syra- SAFES— Fire sad burglar $650. PATES CAR EXCHANGE, 500 E. JAMES L. RYAN cuse, $1,200 to $1,800; begin Immediately. Office bought, sold WATER ST. PHONE 2-7848. Phone* Warren 8658-W—Jamas 4691-J. Empire Teachers* Agency. 681 Unlrersity BIk. Bonlpment Co f If 8. CllstoS at Warrao 076*. 1923 TOUBINO. THIS Situation . Wanted—Fsmsls 46 536 i S U U O HAZEL ajflMSj-*- MAY J > t A l WIGGINS, IF»VIUt»lW W«U Teall I C f t l l ar. *JS)T*e ' i • «. n HI " TYPEWRITER STORE. INC. CAR IS IN MIGHTY IF MISS ALL MAKES OF TYPEWRITERS will call at th© business office of The Journal MIDDLE AGED LLADY deiim DOfition tu faoOMshe will be presented with s ticket good for FINE SHAPE THROUGHOUT INCLUDING SOLD, RENTED. BEPAIBED. widower If •K-. m i l l »•*__ ««*>--a-w«*A-4 _*.**h aa *tA_r_a4 **#««• - ^ fkeeper * ' * ' * - * " for _«n^-_w_r a a w a v « or , w *bachelor. _«v« s n i v s t HReference* N a • • *nf_asr*r two admissions to *f "A Son of Hisas_w_«« Father" VERY GOOD RUBBER. PRICE $165. TERMS. price* for ousHty i necessary. Inquire 781 Montgomery a t . upstairs. at the Rlroll. CALL RXVOm MOTORS, INC. 617 W. GENm TYPEWRITER SA ESEE 8T. PHONE 2-11S4. will call at th* business offioe of The Journal MOVING. PACKING. STORAGE BALLOON FURNITURE •he will be presented with a ticket good for two NEW AND USED DESKS—Tshlss. ehslrs, filing SYRACUSE FURNITURE FORWARDING admissions to as* "A Son of His Father" at cabinets, rags. aafe*. typewriters, sold and MANY EXCO.. INC the Rlroli. rented. Lars* stock. Vollmar Bros., SSI B. TRAS. IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. $380; 278 JAMES ST PHONB 2-6196. Oanasaa at. K SELECT TOUR WAREHOUSE TERMS. DAVEY MOTOR CO., 1000 WOLF 8T^ INSURED PADDED VANS FOB LOCAL" CHEVROLET—4-paasenger coupe; 1924; 8350. in MOVING BOARD OF CONTRACT AND SUPPLY. excellent condition. Jamea 0292-J. 102 AshPbana Tsss Wsst AS—S-887I WHITEHOUSB TRUCKING CO. < Syracuse. N. T., Jan. 88, 1888. worth place. Warren 8980 711 B West S t Bat. J-8161 46 Sealed proposals will S s raoelred at Us* ofT.ea Business Opportunltiss of the Board of Contract and Supply sjaafl HUDSON MOVING AND TRUCKING—Local and long dta- FOR SALE—Cafe and restaurant on W. Fsyett* Monday, Fab. 1. 1936, at 1:86 o'clock p. m., Unca: rata* raaflbsblt. Or In J Bslstead. 814 at.; must aall; owner i l l Reasonable prioa. 11 II 11 Q Hll LATE 1928 S t DAN. for furnishing one bolt each.' about 40 yards af Elk at Warren 8466-M Call Warren 7171. • 16 ounce cloth and 30 ounce cloth; and am* bolts n UUOU N USED VERT LTTTLB. TRUCKING—A speeialty. parcel deUrery VARIETY STORE—Located on husy street, doing shout 40 yard* each af SO ounce doth, for us* PERFECT MECHANICAL CONDITION. LOOKS IGHT Also moTing Bxperienead balp. obeao rate* • good business; owner has other business and io PoHo* and Fir* Departments, in acoordsac* EXTRA GOOD. MANY EXTRAS. CAN BE Call H N Bonn Warren 7818 will sail at a sacrlilea. Call 2-6028 or J. 1683-W. with th* pfona aSd speoeflcaUoo* on flls In th* BOUGHT RIGHT. EASY TERMS. DAVEY offle* of the Board of Contract and Supply. MOTOB CO.. 1000 WOLF ST. N. HEATED 6-room flat la Leonard apartm*nU, W. . A esctlfied chock Cor S per cent, at the to-4 30 Psintinq. Pspsrhsnqinq 1921. S E D A N . NEW. Onondaga s t , 880; possession Fab. L WO amount of aaofa proposal, payaMa to th* order PAINT. MOTOB MB- < 81RST-CLA88 PAPER HANGER 8-6141. of Chastoa A. Lattenaor, OUy Treasurer, —Will work PAINTER reasonable AND during alack time. CHANICALLY PERFECT. IF TOO ARE Mr. Arthur, phon* Warren 8818. •am* to b* LOOKING FOR A GOOD SEDAN HERE'S TOUR CHANCE. PRICE $305. TERMS. srlitnn fire days after DoUea af award rooms, aU fiUed. Apply Box 8898. Printing, Engraving REVOIR MOTORS. INC., 617 W. GENESEE 32 the Secreury of this Board. \ ST. PHONE 8-4184. A. SMINGLBS JB. WBBBB ENGRAVING CO - N o w located la GROCERY 8TORB AND MEAT MARKET— Secretary. Oood hsslBass center. Sailing out on account JantOdSt their nrn bulldmg, 887-889 B. Washington at 1925 JV8T unncnii PflADii AS GOOD Phon* Warren 8168 of sickness, 809 Cogswell Are., comer Second CITY CLERK'S OFFICE. S t Prospect 418-J. / Syracuse. N. Y., January 86, 1S88L nilUoUll UUMUrl AS NEW. ENGINE IN 36 Roofing. Notice Is hereby glren that the Cammoa Council FIRST CLASS SHAPE. TIRES IN SPLENLONG ESTABLISHED of the City of Syracuse, N. Y., nag heretoDID CONDITION AND FINE PAINT JOB. ROOFS LAID ALL WINTEH-Keep th* hons* fore adopted ordinances determining and dePRICED ONLY 8895 FOR SALE THIS WEEK. D R Y GOODS STORE warmer. Bare coal Terms. Elaborated Roofclaring it* intention of making the following TERMS IF YOU DESIRE. REVOIR MOTORS, ing. 876 B. Genesee S t Phone Warren 8867. described improremenU in th* City of Syramas. A BARGAIN. WARREN 8611-J. 617 W. GENESEE ST. PHONB 2-4134. N. T., the expense of which is to bs assesssd locally; For paring Chatham toad from Durston atenue to Hampton road; the grading af Fordham road from Teall aterm* to Alrord aseoue. Alrord arenue from the south Una of Fordham road to the north line of Jay street and Jay streat from Alrord arenue to Durston avenue. Objection* to suoh propoasd improremant moat be mad* In writing pursuant to Chaptsr 884 OUGHTA of th* Law* of 1905, and th* laws *r*sndatoy thereof and supplemenUry thereto, sad b* dallrered to the city dark an or hafor* the 15tfe day of Fsbruary. 1886. but sot later on that day than the tun* at which any regular Ing of the Common Council that may I s on that day shall bs had, cad If any _ objections b* filed, s hearing tharaaa will be held at th* regular meeting of said ~ Council, to bs held at th* ~ Chambsr In tht CIB Hall. B/racuas, N. Y.. on the 15th day of February. 1924. at 8 o'clock P. M., and any proof that it offered will then bs received. In case no objection Is mad* within the time herein specified, ail parsons will bs deemed to have acquiesced la 8n* prow improrement. By ardor af the Comm Jan26d5t THOMAS E. KENNEDY. NOTICE la hereby given that the * nans I gaaating of th* stockholders of rhr Ner-a-Car fbrporation wiU be held at UM offtos of th* <8s_psny at 196 South Oeddaa straat, Syracuse, New York. February 8, 1326. at 18 e'etoek M. for th* election of nine directors and for the traasaotlan of *uch ether bstlnam at may bs brought before said msertnt Jan26d2wTu J. F. EMILTCSSBN, NOTIOB. To Members of th* Betray ItaUan Cirela, ins. A special masting of th* msmbarg or this corporation will be held at Verdi Hall to th* Village of Solvay. N. T.. on to* 2nd day of Fabroary. 1936, at 7S8 P. M., for th* panes* af electing directors tor the ensuing year; for th* purpose of enacting by-laws aad for the conducting of such other business as may property come before said meeting JanlfoBwTu LOUIS VALLETTA. President .NOTICE TO CREDITORS—Pursuant a* as i af Boa John 87 Ssdlsr, Surrogau of County tl Onondaga. New York, not ic* S) siren according to law, to sll parsons elslms ar demands against Georgln* Teas, ht* af Use City of Syracuse, in said County, deceased, that they are raqolrad to pressnt UM same, with th* vouchers therefor, to the subaortbar. William N Voas. executor, ate., af Us* estate af "" tamased. at bis plscs tot < JKfp, business as ancb axarator. at H i t draft Syracuse, Is UM County st ._ K Y., as or bafora the 15th say st 886. Dated, October SO. 1815 WILLIAM N. HOWARD W Attornay far Bxae-tor. 841 O C 8 S-rsn.ss. N Y Oct! SUPREME COURT—Onondaga County Investment Corporation. Plaintiff. Michael 3. Oregon and others. Defendants. Pursuant to lodgment for forectosur* and sua i raodated haraln on UM 12th day of January. 1926, and duly entered la the Onondaga County Hovl % CAM ^APPROACH"* Clark's Offlc* an UM mm* day. L UM undersigned th* referee duly appointed for such purpoaa by said lodgment will sell St publl* , auction to UM highest Udder on th* 6th day of February, 1988, at tea o'clock In UM tor*nooa of that day at UM front dew s t th* •s* • a Court Beau* at Syracuse, H. Y., toe real estate directed by said lodgmenttofa*sold, sad tharala X described aa follow*: All that tract or parcel of land, attsmto hi I th* dry of Syraeaa*. County of Onondaga and I Stat* of New York, briefly described aa follows: j Rains tot towaty-nla* (89). la Black "V st I th* Kline Tract as shown oa a map of mid I traat mad* by A. Meeker. C. B . nied I s UM Onoodsga County Clerk s Office. May 85. tSSa. { •aid tot being tttirty-thrce (38) feat, front os Mlldrad aroaaa. th* same to rear aad aa* hundred forty-ftta fact deep. Dated. January | 13. 1988. HOWABD N. FRANOS. '4 REBUILT RANGES MORTGAGES KiellVr Bros. REO COUPE BUICK Maxwell Sedan OLDSMOBILE EMPLOYMENT PRICES FOR EVERYBODY .....f847.50 924 T o u r i n g 165.00 1923 T o u r i n g 550.00 Coach 400.00 Sedan Coupe, 4-pass. .... 875.00 .... 310.00 Coupe ..... 885.00 Coupe Fords at All Prices— We Sell Them for Less FORD TUDOR BRESEECHEVROLET CO. BARGAIN 8USINESS SERVICE AUTO SCHOOL, S _ _ " FORD C O U P i r batteries, loud speaker and tubes, free t o every buyer of a used oar involving $300 or more during the next 30 days. Look a t our cars, compare our prices FORD TUDOR BE READY Spring Will Soon B e Here H A V E A C A B SO YOU CAN ENJOY THIS 8 1 M M E B . T A K E THOSE TBIP8. FISHING, PIC NICS. O B D R I V E TO WOBK. YOU C A N D O I T B Y MAKING A SMALL DEPOSIT ON A GOOD USED CAB NOW. SMALL PAYMENTS WEEKLY UNTIL T H E NICE WEATHER IS H E B E . N O C H A B G E FOR STOBAGB UNTIL YOU TAKE DELIYEBY I N SPRING. and see the radio set i n our showrooms. Hudson & Essex (ilARAMUD You are going t o have a car i n t h e B u y i t n o w from Syra- cuse 's pioneer dealer and enjoy this high- CHAS.fi.HANNA. Inc. grade radio receiver all winter. NO UTOREASE I N P R I C E S - T H E S E T I S ABSOLUTELY F R E E NOTHING E L S E TO B U Y CHEVROLET New paint, ISO worth nf axtrat. Buna like a new one. Prioe 8335. Stay terms. SYRACUSE MOTOR CAR CO 312 WEST GENESEE ST. DAT M0T0Rt Inc. 1 ( "JPSSs W?2L£*^J?8ASJ& 1922 ROADSTER I ••%i illVZZS8EL **W3 V^alnW CHEVROLET S S T . FINANCIAL D A Y MOTOR, Inc. BOO N. STATE ST. Moving-Trucking-! CHEVROLET PHONE 2-6148 WlBi delivery box. A tend little delivery car for little money. 8120. Term* to wit. SYRACUSE, IT. T . 53 CHEVROLET 1924 FORDOR MO N. STATE ST. MERCHANDISE ESSEX COACH US«d 408-84 E . J E I T E B S O N S T . P h o n a 8-884« PHONE 2-8148 1 U 0 SON AUCTIONS Phone Automobiles Ton Will Bo Proud to 0 MB Clktrw. I r l r t * • t i n , 4.000 tally 1925 O v e a i a a s Da Laxs, •astratar, a • w amy g r a a r a S t r a . . 1088 O v e r l u d C t i p e , aft Iff 888 ditto* 1085 Oaktaad Caseh. fatly equipped . 1085 Ford Fordor Sedan, like s a w . 1M4 Maxwell Conch. new palat, good tires Wlllya-Knlfht Sedan, new palat, good tires fnTIM Oewa 045 878 471 *»• m 858 70« 880 Prat l i f t Hudson B'ham t a l l y equipped .11,195 Wlllys-Knl»ht Coup* Sednn, new ear jnarnntee, balloon tires . . . . 905 Ctaav. 8 a d a a, new palat. good tires 44f Ford O a a p a , new. ballooa tiros . . 895 88 Overland-Knight Dtws 9480 Wast Ad—8-3871 AUCTIONEER AND APPRAISER PHONE 2-4030 AUCTION S A L E THE TERRIBLE TEMPERED HOUSEHOLD GOODS 400 ITS 160 2-7266 «t My Rssldeas* jpj-i snoot foR THAT 703 East Fayette Street at 2 P. M. Wednesday, January 27th ANNOUNCEMENTS 1923 S E D A N Phone yoar want ad—2-2371. New paint, neesanlcalty O. K. Tire* food. Price $235. 87$ down. Balance monthly. BUnQHMDBS SINOI_B RIG FOB HIRE D__a«-v_-_r . AND ^ FAIRBANK8 D A Y MOTOR, I n c . S8S N. STATE ST. PHONE 2-4148 Parsons l a \ 188 MBADOW AV. WARBXN 5ZS9-J SLEIGSBIDES SLE1GHR1DE3 CAU. WARREN 4228 8LEIGHRIDE3 PHONE WARREN 9921 AMD THBtds TrMAT By Fontaine Fox 6 £ A «Sooo oHs^ fHAX 0At IsS RltTsHf OP AGAlr(sr <T •^Vr^/*^* *v4©T ^ ooMf oKoiCK^rAMo i5 Untitled Document _ii_a____e___y____i At*oTH£R ?SACt\ gloves, ties, shoes, scarfs, etc., given, I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for any bllli by merchants Interested In boys* j 1926 F O R D TOURING mad* by my wlf*. Mr*. Agnei Phinip*. physical development. Boys * who Jan. 26. 1928. ANDREW A. PHILLIPS Ran 80 day*. Look* and run* ilk* new. come up to certain physical stand$375. 8100 down. Balance aaty Most Physically Fit Boyards will be rewarded by a Large Prte* _i*«v N o w , b o y s , a c a r Is a l l r i g h t , monthly payment*. M" J y o u ' d w o r k d a y a n d n i g h t to diploma signifying they have measr Will Be Chosen MP V keep it shining a n d right; D A Y MOTOR, Inc. ured up to requirements. Every lad * BnS-J b u t look, y o u ' v e neglected 808 N. STATE ST. PHONE 2-8148 who registers will be a guest of the t Feb. 6. »^^^, your hair, a n d t h a t needs m y Strand Theater at a special showcare. I positively c a n stop falling ing Saturday, Feb. 8. Six hundred hair, promote increase a n d restore * The Syracuse Boys' Club and Journal and Sunday American ty of outdoor exercise, proper foods the hair o n early balds. t . M. C A. report that ttoay have newsboys will accompany them. MRS. BARNEY 185 Madlaon St. S-7609 received many registrationa for the From its advance stages, this and good living habits. Soundness Open E v e n i n g s contest to find the "moat physically contest appears to be the biggest of body is the result of the care stunt ever put on here. With taken during one's youth. THIS IS TO CERTIFY—That I will not be ref t hoy" m this city. Syracuse boy the recent "Keep Fit" week fresh Physically fit boy* make good sponsible for any bill* contracted by anyone •Joys evidently are keenly Interested In miod, hundreds of boys are prim- American other than myaelf. John A. Frailer. citizens. "SLEIGHRIDE PARTIES" ID the recent Keep F i t movment ing themselves for the examinaO. U. Walter Scouts Interested. Never before have boys Id IB thla city. This campaign tions. 8181 Jame* S t * • _ • S32_\i taken such a keen lnterst in a Every boy in Syracuse should Superfluous Hair Removed ^ oojrht about the suggestion of movement of this kind. The com- register Immediately at the Y. M. 1-A "SUPERFLOUS HAIR REMOVED txsating the "most physically fit" mittee of Judges says the best of C. A. or the Syracuse Boys' Club. Orar 5,000 ladkn In thla rteiuky hat* bad Syracuse's boyhood is registered Boy Scouts who spend a great deal every ba_r on their face fowrer removed by boy here. ! Mr. Belmer, physical director at and close competition is expected. of their time in the outdoors and ro*. I h*»» th* proof. Ton are missing a opportunity if you don't. Fully guaranIhe "T." and Mr. Zerbe. Boys* Club Every boy who Is over 14 and have training along the line of life teed or no chars*. P. John Peckbam. 508 bead, have opened their clubs for under 17 years of age can register. physical development, are taking a 8.. A. A K. Bid!. examinations. These inspections Only the boys who register will be particular interst in the contest. 1 Start Saturday, Jan. SO, and c o n -examined. In fairness to all e n - Such boys should make a good 3 Lost and Found. tinue for one week. Popular phy- f trants, every boy will be given close showing when examined. LOST— Enallih setter dog, whit* with orange Steal directors and local physicians examination and survey. The de- Step to it, boys! Throw out your apota. Name "Frost." Reward. W. N. Henact s s judges. The winning cision will be given Friday, Feb. 6. chest and take a long, deep breath. d«r*on. 80« Lodi at. Phon* Jame* 2618-R. will be chosen by comparison The gymnasiums around the city Then say to yourself that you areIF MISS ALICE O. M'NEILL. 1046 Montgomr than by c o n t e s t are scenes of real earnest training. Just a s physically competent a s the ery a t . will call at the businei* office of The ahe will be presented with a ticket Although it Isn't necessary that a next boy and go to the Y or Boys' Journal AM t e Ost Prise*. go«>4 for two ailml»»lon* to aea "A Son at Hi* boy belong to any club. Those that Club and prove I t Father" at the Hiroll. * One of the features of this c o n - do are taking advantage of the f a LOST—On Saturday between Walnut pi. and Warlast Is that every participant will cilities at hand to get themselves in The finest collection of British ren st.. on street car, band tooled purs* containfee rewa.dcd in some way. The s h a p e f o r t h e e x a m i n a t i o n s . T h a t Empire stamps in the world is kept ing small check. Notify Warren 8452-J. Reward. boy chosen a s winner will be given a bo; keep himself in good physical in an upper room In Buckingham POUND—Auto crank. Sea Gears* Connolly, the grand prise together with shape requires sufficient rest, plen- Palace, I PanaaaU station. 838 W. Ganissi a t E MR. BANG Lime TRZ£ I Consisting *f thro* atom, dining room suite". parlor furniture, on* upright piano, chairs, rockers, carpet*, rug*, dishes, on* imali aafe. on* antique maholaaj doc- and many othtr sftMoa E D W A R D TRACY 703 East Fayette St. WILLIAM A. MALONEY Auctioneer OPEN EVENINGS—SUNDAYS SYRACUSE'S LARGEST USED CAR DEALERS MY YOUTHS INTER CONTEST FOR CITY'S REST four F. E. LIBERMAN Inc. CLINTON ft TAYLOR STS. l LIVESTOCK This 3-tube receiving set, complete with spring anyway. Ad—8-8871 DURANT If y o u u s e d t o d o u b t a u s e d car's use, You should read this a d today ; For folks w h o are used t o a used car's u s e Those backed by B R E S E E CHEVROLET. 1925 1924 1924 1924 1923 Phone year want AUTOMOBILES 300 W . Willow St. 2-6108 OVER $300 Ware Ncutrodyne Receiving Set $65.00 3UV199Tube«....$7.50 3 - 4 4 Dry CeH "A" Batteries $1.20 1—"C" Battery 60c 5 - 2 2 i Dry Cell <'B" . u o i i c i i c e . . . . . . . . $8.50 1-Halwell . .$10.00 Total , . . •$9*2*00 GETUSED Waal BUSINESS Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com **tlK£ THIS Kov4 A l \ 0 f H ^ fi^T o u t £>l£Ri $P*iMC AMD ^3C ill 9 ? COSTBIXO, COONKY A FEABON. (Coprrifht, 1828* by The Bail Syndkat*. l a c ) s I * tor Puintm. ornos s
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