Spring 2015 Scripts and Instructions for Administering

Spring 2015
Scripts and Instructions
for Administering
Paper-Based Assessments
Grades 5–10 ELA Reading,
Grades 5–8 Mathematics,
& FSA EOC Assessments
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based FSA ELA Reading
Grade 5 ELA Reading Session 1
Grade 5 ELA Reading Session 2
Grade 6 ELA Reading Session 1
Grade 6 ELA Reading Session 2
Grade 7 ELA Reading Session 1
Grade 7 ELA Reading Session 2
Grade 8 ELA Reading Session 1
Grade 8 ELA Reading Session 2
Grade 9 ELA Reading Session 1
Grade 9 ELA Reading Session 2
Grade 10 ELA Reading Session 1
Grade 10 ELA Reading Session 2
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based FSA Mathematics
Grade 5 Mathematics Session 1
Grade 5 Mathematics Session 2
Grade 6 Mathematics Session 1
Grade 6 Mathematics Session 2
Grade 6 Mathematics Session 3
Grade 7 Mathematics Session 1
Grade 7 Mathematics Session 2
Grade 7 Mathematics Session 3
Grade 8 Mathematics Session 1
Grade 8 Mathematics Session 2
Grade 8 Mathematics Session 3
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based FSA EOC Assessments
Algebra 1 EOC Session 1
Algebra 1 EOC Session 2
Geometry EOC Session 1
Geometry EOC Session 2
Algebra 2 EOC Session 1
Algebra 2 EOC Session 2
Script for Gridding a Non-Preidentified Student Grid Sheet
Script for Verifying a Preidentified Label
Large Print Test Administrator Instructions
Braille Test Administrator Instructions
One-Item-Per-Page Test Administrator Instructions
This document includes scripts and instructions for administering the Spring 2015 Grades 5–10
FSA ELA Reading, Grades 5–8 FSA Mathematics, and FSA EOC Assessments to students who
require regular print, large print, braille, or one-item-per-page paper-based accommodations.
Test administrators are also responsible for reading appropriate sections of the Spring 2015 FSA
Computer-Based Test Administration Manual (Spring 2015 FSA CBT Manual), including the
General Information sections, the Test Administrator Responsibilities sections, and the
appropriate appendices.
Test administrators who are administering assessments to students using large print, braille, or
one-item-per-page accommodations must refer to the appropriate Test Administrator Instructions
for each special document type. Braille scripts are posted separately in the FSA Portal.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based FSA ELA Reading
Scripts for Administering
Paper-Based FSA ELA Reading
Refer to the table below for script locations and session lengths. All FSA ELA Reading tests are
administered in two sessions over two days. Students must complete Session 1 before Session 2.
Administration Script
Grade 5 ELA Reading Session 1
Grade 5 ELA Reading Session 2
Grade 6 ELA Reading Session 1
Grade 6 ELA Reading Session 2
Grade 7 ELA Reading Session 1
Grade 7 ELA Reading Session 2
Grade 8 ELA Reading Session 1
Grade 8 ELA Reading Session 2
Grade 9 ELA Reading Session 1
Grade 9 ELA Reading Session 2
Grade 10 ELA Reading Session 1
Grade 10 ELA Reading Session 2
Page Numbers
Session Length
80 minutes
85 minutes
90 minutes
Test Materials Needed
No. 2 Pencils
Test and Answer Books
Your school assessment coordinator will provide you with the materials needed to administer
each ELA Reading test session. Secure materials should be delivered or picked up immediately
before the beginning of each test session. Verify that you have all necessary materials before
testing begins. Refer to the Large Print Test Administrator Instructions, Braille Test
Administrator Instructions, and/or One-Item-Per-Page Test Administrator Instructions section(s)
for materials needed to administer tests to students using large print, braille, and one-item-perpage documents.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 5 ELA Reading Session 1
Script for Administering
Grade 5 ELA Reading
(Paper-Based Accommodations Only)
Session 1
80 Minutes
This script should be used to administer the Grade 5 FSA ELA Reading to students using a
regular print, large print, or one-item-per-page paper-based accommodation. For the large print
accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 219–222. For the one-item-perpage accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 227–230.
A modified script for students using braille versions of the test is provided with the braille test
materials and is also available in the FSA portal. If you are administering the computer-based
Grade 5 ELA Reading, you must use the administration script in the Spring 2015 FSA CBT
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended
time), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students are to follow. It is
important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
During this test session, remember the following:
Ensure that you have a Security Log, a seating chart, and a form to collect required
administration information (e.g., Administration Record/Security Checklist) for your
room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
If a student starts a session and leaves campus without finishing (due to an appointment,
illness, etc.), he or she will NOT be allowed to complete that session. No exceptions will
be made once the student leaves the school’s campus. If you have concerns about a
student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact your school
assessment coordinator for instructions.
Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the
test during breaks. The student should close his or her test and answer book and should
not discuss the test or exchange information about the test with anyone during breaks.
Only one student may leave the testing room at a time. Students should not be given
access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones, tablets) during breaks. If
a student accesses his or her electronic device(s) during a break, that student’s test
must be invalidated.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 5 ELA Reading Session 1
Before Testing
1. Display the district name, school name, and four-digit test group code assigned by your
school assessment coordinator.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign is posted where it is visible to all students and that
the Do Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Signs are provided in
the portal.)
3. Ensure that each student has a No. 2 pencil.
4. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., word lists,
dictionaries) and that any visual aids have been removed or covered.
SAY Today, you are going to take Session 1 of the Florida Standards Assessments Grade 5
ELA Reading test. Remove all materials from your desk except a No. 2 pencil.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices at your desk, in your pockets, or
anywhere you can reach them at any time during this test session, even if they are turned
off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording devices include but are not limited to
cell phones, smartphones, tablets, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of
recording, storing, viewing, or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found
with any electronic or recording devices at any time during this test session,
including breaks, your test will not be scored. If you have any devices with you right
now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices.
At this time, silence your own electronic devices.
Distribute the Grade 5 ELA Reading test and answer books.
Follow the instructions in Option A or Option B, depending on whether test and answer
books have been preidentified.
Option A
If you are distributing test and answer books with the labels already affixed, or if the
student grid sheets have already been gridded, ensure that each student receives the
preidentified book with his or her name on it.
Make sure that you have the test and answer book with your name on it.
Option B
If you are distributing test and answer books that are not preidentified, distribute them in
the order in which they are packaged.
Contact your school assessment coordinator if you have preidentified books that do not belong to
students testing in your room or if you need extra test and answer books. Update your record of
required administration information, as necessary.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 5 ELA Reading Session 1
After distributing books according to Option A OR Option B,
SAY Your No. 2 pencil and your FSA Grade 5 ELA Reading test and answer book should be
the only things on your desk. Do not open your book.
Look at the front cover of your test and answer book. Locate the box for student name,
school name, and district name. Print your first and last names next to Student Name.
Print ______ (name of the school) next to School Name.
Print ______ (name of the district) next to District Name.
Turn your test and answer book over. Write the Session 1 test group code _____ in the
boxes and grid the corresponding bubbles. (Pause.) Now turn your book back over to the
front cover.
Make sure all students have turned back to the front cover of their test and answer books.
The box in the upper right corner of the student grid sheet must be completed by each
student, even when a student PreID label is affixed or student demographic information
has already been gridded by school personnel.
If school personnel have not already verified student information prior to testing, read the Script
for Gridding a Non-Preidentified Student Grid Sheet on pages 215–216 or the Script for
Verifying a Preidentified Label on pages 217–218 before reading the remainder of this script.
After reading the Script for Gridding a Non-Preidentified Student Grid Sheet or the Script for
Verifying a Preidentified Label, OR if school personnel have already verified student
SAY Your test and answer book has two plastic pull tabs. Find the first plastic pull tab on the
right side of your book. Carefully pull the tab OUT and DOWN. Do not try to remove
any remaining pieces of the tab. Do not break the second plastic tab.
Make sure that all students pull the correct tab. If a student tears his or her book or removes the
second plastic tab, obtain a replacement book from your school assessment coordinator and
record the new security number with your required administration information.
SAY Next, open your test and answer book to page 2. Check each page through page 32 to see
that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any missing or upside-down pages.
Do not read any of the questions or passages before the test begins. If you see any
problems, raise your hand. If not, close the book and sit quietly.
Wait until all students finish. If no defective books are found, continue to the next SAY
box. If a defective book is found, contact your school assessment coordinator to obtain a
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 5 ELA Reading Session 1
replacement, and add the new security number to your record of required administration
Do not remove the student PreID label from a torn or defective book. Direct the student to write
his or her name, school name, and district name in the box on the front cover of the replacement
book, and notify your school assessment coordinator. Set the defective book aside and return it
with all other NOT TO BE SCORED materials.
SAY Now, open your book to page 2 again and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment.
Please listen as I read the testing rules. During this test, you must not
go on to Session 2
talk to other students or make any disturbance
look at another student’s test and answer book
allow another student to look at your test and answer book
ask for help answering test questions
give help to another student in answering test questions
have notes or scratch paper
have any electronic or recording devices in your possession at any time, including
breaks, even if you do not use them
fail to follow any other instructions given
After the test, you may not reveal details about the test items or passages to anyone. This
includes any type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting
online, for example, on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you are found
sharing information about test items or passages, your test will be invalidated.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.
SAY Now, read silently as I read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment out loud.
I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these
rules, my test score may be invalidated.
Now, sign your name on the line next to Signature to indicate that you understand the
testing rules.
Pause while students sign their names. If a student does not sign his or her name, contact your
school assessment coordinator.
SAY You’ll have 80 minutes to complete Session 1 of the ELA Reading test. Now, look at
Session 1 on page 3 in your test and answer book. The session number is at the top of
each page. You may work only in Session 1.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 5 ELA Reading Session 1
SAY On page 3 you’ll see a Table of Contents with page numbers to help you find the articles,
stories, or poems in Session 1. Now close your test and answer book.
This test includes reading passages and several types of items. Listen carefully as I
explain how to complete the different types of items on this test.
1) For multiple-choice items, choose the best answer from the answer choices, and fill
in one bubble for the correct answer.
2) For multiselect items, choose more than one correct answer from the answer
choices, and fill in the bubbles for more than one correct answer. Be sure to read the
item carefully to know how many correct answers to choose.
3) For editing tasks, choose the correct word or phrase to fill in each blank in a
passage. For each blank, fill in the bubble before the correct word or phrase. If you
write your answer in the blank but do not fill in the bubble, your answer will not be
4) For two-part items, enter your responses to two related questions. The two parts of
the item may be either multiple-choice (one correct answer) or multiselect (more than
one correct answer), so be sure to read the item carefully to know how many correct
answers to choose.
Are there any questions about how to complete the items?
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember the following:
Do not go on to Session 2.
Mark your answers directly in your test and answer book.
Read each item carefully so you’ll understand how to respond correctly.
Only mark the bubbles you want to count as correct answers. If you draw a line or
an X through an answer that you think is wrong and the mark goes into a bubble,
that bubble might be counted as your answer.
Do not circle answers. If you circle the answers instead of filling in the bubbles,
your answers will NOT be scored.
Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, skip it and
keep going. After you have answered all the other questions, go back and answer any
questions you skipped.
You may not have scratch paper, but you may underline or circle words, phrases, and
sentences in the passages or test items.
Now, turn to page 32 and look at the STOP sign. When you come to this STOP sign on
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 5 ELA Reading Session 1
SAY page 32, you have finished Session 1. It is very important that you do not go on to
Session 2. If you complete Session 1 before time is called, go back and check your work.
Now close your book.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended. You may read, but you may not write.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember, you have 80 minutes to complete Session 1, and we will take a short stretch
break after 40 minutes of testing.
Turn to page 4 in your test and answer book and begin working.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 5 ELA Reading Session 1
Complete the following:
Add 40 minutes:
+ 40 minutes
Time to call a break:
Add 30 minutes:
+ 30 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder:
Add 10 minutes:
+ 10 minutes
Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.
During testing, do not use cell phones, classroom phones, or computers (except to contact your
school assessment coordinator in an emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your
full attention should be on students AT ALL TIMES. Although it is your responsibility to ensure
that students are working independently and in the correct session, you are prohibited from
reading the contents of the test and answer books before, during, and after the test.
After 40 minutes from the STARTING time,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book. You may stand and
stretch, but do not talk.
After a short break,
SAY Now be seated. You still have 40 minutes to complete Session 1, and I’ll let you know
when you have 10 minutes left.
Open your test and answer book and find the place where you left off. You may now
continue working.
After 30 minutes,
SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 1. Remember, do not go on to Session 2.
After 10 more minutes,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book.
Collect all test materials.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 5 ELA Reading Session 1
Complete the following steps:
1. Make sure that each student returns his or her test and answer book, and indicate on your
record of required administration information that each book is returned.
2. Report any missing test materials and/or test security irregularities to your school assessment
coordinator immediately.
3. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator until the beginning of Session 2.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 5 ELA Reading Session 2
Script for Administering
Grade 5 ELA Reading
(Paper-Based Accommodations Only)
Session 2
80 Minutes
This script should be used to administer the Grade 5 ELA Reading test to students using a
regular print, large print, or one-item-per-page paper-based accommodation. For the large print
accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 219–222. For the one-item-perpage accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 227–230.
A modified script for students using braille versions of the test is provided with the braille test
materials and is also available in the FSA portal. If you are administering the computer-based
Grade 5 ELA Reading, you must use the administration script in the Spring 2015 FSA CBT
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended
time), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students are to follow. It is
important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Remember the following:
Ensure that you have a Security Log, a seating chart, and a form to collect required
administration information (e.g., Administration Record/Security Checklist) for your
room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
If a student starts a session and leaves campus without finishing (due to an appointment,
illness, etc.), he or she will NOT be allowed to complete that session. No exceptions will
be made once the student leaves the school’s campus. If you have concerns about a
student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact your school
assessment coordinator for instructions.
Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the
test during breaks. The student should close his or her test and answer book and should
not discuss the test or exchange information about the test with anyone during breaks.
Only one student may leave the testing room at a time. Students should not be given
access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones, tablets) during breaks. If
a student accesses his or her electronic device(s) during a break, that student’s test
must be invalidated.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 5 ELA Reading Session 2
Before Testing
1. Collect all test materials from your school assessment coordinator. Verify that you have all
materials you were assigned, as well as the Session 2 test group code.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign is posted where it is visible to all students and that
the Do Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Signs are provided in
the portal.)
3. Ensure that each student has a No. 2 pencil.
4. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., word lists,
dictionaries) and that any visual aids have been removed or covered.
SAY Today, you are going to take Session 2 of the Florida Standards Assessments Grade 5
ELA Reading test. If you have not taken Session 1 of the Grade 5 ELA Reading test,
please raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, contact your school assessment coordinator.
SAY Remove all materials from your desk except a No. 2 pencil.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices at your desk, in your pockets, or
anywhere you can reach them at any time during this test session, even if they are turned
off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording devices include but are not limited to
cell phones, smartphones, tablets, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of
recording, storing, viewing, or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found
with any electronic or recording devices at any time during this test session,
including breaks, your test will not be scored. If you have any devices with you right
now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices.
At this time, silence your own electronic devices.
Distribute the Grade 5 ELA Reading test and answer books. Each student should receive the test
and answer book with his or her name on it.
Contact your school assessment coordinator if you have books that do not belong to students
testing in your room or if any books are missing.
SAY Your No. 2 pencil and your FSA Grade 5 ELA Reading test and answer book should be
the only things on your desk. Make sure you have the test and answer book with your
name on it. You may not return to or change any answers from Session 1.
Now, turn your test and answer book over. Write the Session 2 test group code _____ in
the boxes and grid the corresponding bubbles. (Pause.) Now turn your book back over to
the front cover.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 5 ELA Reading Session 2
SAY Find the remaining plastic pull tab sealing Session 2 of your book. Carefully pull the tab
OUT and DOWN. Do not try to remove any remaining pieces of the pull tab.
Make sure that all students pull the tabs correctly. If a student tears his or her book, obtain a
replacement book from your school assessment coordinator and record the new security number
with your required administration information. Notify your school assessment coordinator after
testing. The student's responses from Session 1 will need to be transcribed into the new test and
answer book.
SAY Next, open your test and answer book to page 33. Check each page through the end of the
book to see that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any missing or upsidedown pages. Do not read any of the questions or passages before the test begins. If you
see any problems, raise your hand. If not, close the book and sit quietly.
Wait until all students finish. If no defective books are found, continue to the next SAY
box. If a defective book is found, contact your school assessment coordinator to obtain a
replacement, and add the new security number to your record of required administration
Do not remove the student PreID label from a torn or defective book. Direct the student to write
his or her name, school name, and district name in the box on the front cover of the replacement
book. Set the defective book aside and notify your school assessment coordinator after testing.
The student's responses from Session 1 will need to be transcribed into the new test and answer
SAY You’ll have 80 minutes to complete Session 2 of the ELA Reading test. Now, look at
Session 2 on page 33 in your test and answer book. The session number is at the top of
each page. You may work only in Session 2.
On page 33 you’ll see a Table of Contents with page numbers to help you find the
articles, stories, or poems in Session 2. Now close your test and answer book.
Remember, this test includes reading passages and several types of items. Listen carefully
as I explain how to complete the different types of items on this test.
1) For multiple-choice items, choose the best answer from the answer choices, and fill
in one bubble for the correct answer.
2) For multiselect items, choose more than one correct answer from the answer
choices, and fill in the bubbles for more than one correct answer. Be sure to read the
item carefully to know how many correct answers to choose.
3) For editing tasks, choose the correct word or phrase to fill in each blank in a
passage. For each blank, fill in the bubble before the correct word or phrase. If you
write your answer in the blank but do not fill in the bubble, your answer will not be
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 5 ELA Reading Session 2
4) For two-part items, enter your responses to two related questions. The two parts of
the item may be either multiple-choice (one correct answer) or multiselect (more than
one correct answer), so be sure to read the item carefully to know how many correct
answers to choose.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember the following:
Mark your answers directly in your test and answer book.
Read each item carefully so you’ll understand how to respond correctly.
Only mark the bubbles you want to count as correct answers. If you draw a line or
an X through an answer that you think is wrong and the mark goes into a bubble,
that bubble might be counted as your answer.
Do not circle answers. If you circle the answers instead of filling in the bubbles,
your answers will NOT be scored.
Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, skip it and
keep going. After you have answered all the other questions, go back and answer any
questions you skipped.
You may not have scratch paper, but you may underline or circle words, phrases, and
sentences in the passages or test items.
Now, turn to page 67 and look at the STOP sign. When you come to this STOP sign, you
have finished Session 2. If you complete Session 2 before time is called, go back and
check your work. Do not go back and work in Session 1. Now close your book.
Before taking Session 1 of this test, you signed below the Testing Rules
Acknowledgment on page 2 of your test and answer book to indicate that you understand
the testing rules. These testing rules are also in place for Session 2 of the test. Please
remember that during this test you must not
work in Session 1
talk to other students or make any disturbance
look at another student’s test and answer book
allow another student to look at your test and answer book
ask for help answering test questions
give help to another student in answering test questions
have notes or scratch paper
have any electronic or recording devices in your possession at any time, including
breaks, even if you do not use them
fail to follow any other instructions given
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 5 ELA Reading Session 2
SAY After the test, you may not reveal details about the test items or passages to anyone.
Remember, this includes any type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing,
or posting online, for example, on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you
are found sharing information about test items or passages, your test will be invalidated.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended. You may read, but you may not write.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 5 ELA Reading Session 2
SAY Remember, you have 80 minutes to complete Session 2, and we will take a short stretch
break after 40 minutes of testing.
Turn to page 34 in your test and answer book and begin working.
Complete the following:
Add 40 minutes:
+ 40 minutes
Time to call a break:
Add 30 minutes:
+ 30 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder:
Add 10 minutes:
+ 10 minutes
Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.
During testing, do not use cell phones, classroom phones, or computers (except to contact your
school assessment coordinator in an emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your
full attention should be on students AT ALL TIMES. Although it is your responsibility to ensure
that students are working independently and in the correct session, you are prohibited from
reading the contents of the test and answer books before, during, and after the test.
After 40 minutes from the STARTING time,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book. You may stand and
stretch, but do not talk.
After a short break,
SAY Now be seated. You still have 40 minutes to complete Session 2, and I’ll let you know
when you have 10 minutes left.
Open your test and answer book and find the place where you left off. You may now
continue working.
After 30 minutes,
SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 2. Remember, do not go back to Session 1.
After 10 more minutes,
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 5 ELA Reading Session 2
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book.
Collect all test materials.
Complete the following steps:
1. Make sure that each student returns his or her test and answer book, and indicate on your
record of required administration information that each book is returned.
2. Report any missing test materials and/or test security irregularities to your school assessment
coordinator immediately.
3. Ensure that the box at the upper right corner of the student grid sheet has been completed by
each student and that the gridded or preidentified information is accurate and complete.
4. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students
on your record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations
codes to record this information:
For ESE/504 students:
1-FP = Flexible Presentation
1-FR = Flexible Responding
1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
1-FSE = Flexible Setting
1-AD = Assistive Devices
For ELL students:
2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
2-FSE = Flexible Setting
2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
2-ADI = Approved Dictionary
5. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 6 ELA Reading Session 1
Script for Administering
Grade 6 ELA Reading
(Paper-Based Accommodations Only)
Session 1
85 Minutes
This script should be used to administer the Grade 6 FSA ELA Reading to students using a
regular print, large print, or one-item-per-page paper-based accommodation. For the large print
accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 219–222. For the one-item-perpage accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 227–230.
A modified script for students using braille versions of the test is provided with the braille test
materials and is also available in the FSA portal. If you are administering the computer-based
Grade 6 ELA Reading, you must use the administration script in the Spring 2015 FSA CBT
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended
time), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students are to follow. It is
important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
During this test session, remember the following:
Ensure that you have a Security Log, a seating chart, and a form to collect required
administration information (e.g., Administration Record/Security Checklist) for your
room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
If a student starts a session and leaves campus without finishing (due to an appointment,
illness, etc.), he or she will NOT be allowed to complete that session. No exceptions will
be made once the student leaves the school’s campus. If you have concerns about a
student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact your school
assessment coordinator for instructions.
Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the
test during breaks. The student should close his or her test and answer book and should
not discuss the test or exchange information about the test with anyone during breaks.
Only one student may leave the testing room at a time. Students should not be given
access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones, tablets) during breaks. If
a student accesses his or her electronic device(s) during a break, that student’s test
must be invalidated.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 6 ELA Reading Session 1
Before Testing
1. Display the district name, school name, and four-digit test group code assigned by your
school assessment coordinator.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign is posted where it is visible to all students and that
the Do Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Signs are provided in
the portal.)
3. Ensure that each student has a No. 2 pencil.
4. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., word lists,
dictionaries) and that any visual aids have been removed or covered.
SAY Today, you are going to take Session 1 of the Florida Standards Assessments Grade 6
ELA Reading test. Remove all materials from your desk except a No. 2 pencil.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices at your desk, in your pockets, or
anywhere you can reach them at any time during this test session, even if they are turned
off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording devices include but are not limited to
cell phones, smartphones, tablets, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of
recording, storing, viewing, or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found
with any electronic or recording devices at any time during this test session,
including breaks, your test will not be scored. If you have any devices with you right
now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices.
At this time, silence your own electronic devices.
Distribute the Grade 6 ELA Reading test and answer books.
Follow the instructions in Option A or Option B, depending on whether test and answer
books have been preidentified.
Option A
If you are distributing test and answer books with the labels already affixed, or if the
student grid sheets have already been gridded, ensure that each student receives the
preidentified book with his or her name on it.
Make sure that you have the test and answer book with your name on it.
Option B
If you are distributing test and answer books that are not preidentified, distribute them in
the order in which they are packaged.
Contact your school assessment coordinator if you have preidentified books that do not belong to
students testing in your room or if you need extra test and answer books. Update your record of
required administration information, as necessary.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 6 ELA Reading Session 1
After distributing books according to Option A OR Option B,
SAY Your No. 2 pencil and your FSA Grade 6 ELA Reading test and answer book should be
the only things on your desk. Do not open your book.
Look at the front cover of your test and answer book. Locate the box for student name,
school name, and district name. Print your first and last names next to Student Name.
Print ______ (name of the school) next to School Name.
Print ______ (name of the district) next to District Name.
Turn your test and answer book over. Write the Session 1 test group code _____ in the
boxes and grid the corresponding bubbles. (Pause.) Now turn your book back over to the
front cover.
Make sure all students have turned back to the front cover of their test and answer books.
The box in the upper right corner of the student grid sheet must be completed by each
student, even when a student PreID label is affixed or student demographic information
has already been gridded by school personnel.
If school personnel have not already verified student information prior to testing, read the Script
for Gridding a Non-Preidentified Student Grid Sheet on pages 215–216 or the Script for
Verifying a Preidentified Label on pages 217–218 before reading the remainder of this script.
After reading the Script for Gridding a Non-Preidentified Student Grid Sheet or the Script for
Verifying a Preidentified Label, OR if school personnel have already verified student
SAY Your test and answer book has two plastic pull tabs. Find the first plastic pull tab on the
right side of your book. Carefully pull the tab OUT and DOWN. Do not try to remove
any remaining pieces of the tab. Do not break the second plastic tab.
Make sure that all students pull the correct tab. If a student tears his or her book or removes the
second plastic tab, obtain a replacement book from your school assessment coordinator and
record the new security number with your required administration information.
SAY Next, open your test and answer book to page 2. Check each page through page 35 to see
that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any missing or
upside-down pages. Do not read any of the questions or passages before the test begins.
If you see any problems, raise your hand. If not, close the book and sit quietly.
Wait until all students finish. If no defective books are found, continue to the next SAY
box. If a defective book is found, contact your school assessment coordinator to obtain a
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 6 ELA Reading Session 1
replacement, and add the new security number to your record of required administration
Do not remove the student PreID label from a torn or defective book. Direct the student to write
his or her name, school name, and district name in the box on the front cover of the replacement
book, and notify your school assessment coordinator. Set the defective book aside and return it
with all other NOT TO BE SCORED materials.
SAY Now, open your book to page 2 again and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment.
Please listen as I read the testing rules. During this test, you must not
go on to Session 2
talk to other students or make any disturbance
look at another student’s test and answer book
allow another student to look at your test and answer book
ask for help answering test questions
give help to another student in answering test questions
have notes or scratch paper
have any electronic or recording devices in your possession at any time, including
breaks, even if you do not use them
fail to follow any other instructions given
After the test, you may not reveal details about the test items or passages to anyone. This
includes any type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting
online, for example, on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you are found
sharing information about test items or passages, your test will be invalidated.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.
SAY Now, read silently as I read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment out loud.
I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these
rules, my test score may be invalidated.
Now, sign your name on the line next to Signature to indicate that you understand the
testing rules.
Pause while students sign their names. If a student does not sign his or her name, contact your
school assessment coordinator.
SAY You’ll have 85 minutes to complete Session 1 of the ELA Reading test. Now, look at
Session 1 on page 3 in your test and answer book. The session number is at the top of
each page. You may work only in Session 1.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 6 ELA Reading Session 1
SAY On page 3 you’ll see a Table of Contents with page numbers to help you find the articles,
stories, or poems in Session 1. Now close your test and answer book.
This test includes reading passages and several types of items. Listen carefully as I
explain how to complete the different types of items on this test.
1) For multiple-choice items, choose the best answer from the answer choices, and fill
in one bubble for the correct answer.
2) For multiselect items, choose more than one correct answer from the answer
choices, and fill in the bubbles for more than one correct answer. Be sure to read the
item carefully to know how many correct answers to choose.
3) For editing tasks, choose the correct word or phrase to fill in each blank in a
passage. For each blank, fill in the bubble before the correct word or phrase. If you
write your answer in the blank but do not fill in the bubble, your answer will not be
4) For two-part items, enter your responses to two related questions. The two parts of
the item may be either multiple-choice (one correct answer) or multiselect (more than
one correct answer), so be sure to read the item carefully to know how many correct
answers to choose.
Are there any questions about how to complete the items?
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember the following:
 Do not go on to Session 2.
 Mark your answers directly in your test and answer book.
 Read each item carefully so you’ll understand how to respond correctly.
 Only mark the bubbles you want to count as correct answers. If you draw a line or
an X through an answer that you think is wrong and the mark goes into a bubble,
that bubble might be counted as your answer.
 Do not circle answers. If you circle the answers instead of filling in the bubbles,
your answers will NOT be scored.
Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, skip it and
keep going. After you have answered all the other questions, go back and answer any
questions you skipped.
You may not have scratch paper, but you may underline or circle words, phrases, and
sentences in the passages or test items.
Now, turn to page 35 and look at the STOP sign. When you come to this STOP sign on
page 35, you have finished Session 1. It is very important that you do not go on to
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 6 ELA Reading Session 1
SAY Session 2. If you complete Session 1 before time is called, go back and check your work.
Now close your book.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended. You may read, but you may not write.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember, you have 85 minutes to complete Session 1, and we will take a short stretch
break after 40 minutes of testing.
Turn to page 4 in your test and answer book and begin working.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 6 ELA Reading Session 1
Complete the following:
Add 40 minutes:
+ 40 minutes
Time to call a break:
Add 35 minutes:
+ 35 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder:
Add 10 minutes:
+ 10 minutes
Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.
During testing, do not use cell phones, classroom phones, or computers (except to contact your
school assessment coordinator in an emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your
full attention should be on students AT ALL TIMES. Although it is your responsibility to ensure
that students are working independently and in the correct session, you are prohibited from
reading the contents of the test and answer books before, during, and after the test.
After 40 minutes from the STARTING time,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book. You may stand and
stretch, but do not talk.
After a short break,
SAY Now be seated. You still have 45 minutes to complete Session 1, and I’ll let you know
when you have 10 minutes left.
Open your test and answer book and find the place where you left off. You may now
continue working.
After 35 minutes,
SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 1. Remember, do not go on to Session 2.
After 10 more minutes,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book.
Collect all test materials.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 6 ELA Reading Session 1
Complete the following steps:
1. Make sure that each student returns his or her test and answer book, and indicate on your
record of required administration information that each book is returned.
2. Report any missing test materials and/or test security irregularities to your school assessment
coordinator immediately.
3. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator until the beginning of Session 2.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 6 ELA Reading Session 2
Script for Administering
Grade 6 ELA Reading
(Paper-Based Accommodations Only)
Session 2
85 Minutes
This script should be used to administer the Grade 6 ELA Reading test to students using a
regular print, large print, or one-item-per-page paper-based accommodation. For the large print
accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 219–222. For the one-item-perpage accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 227–230.
A modified script for students using braille versions of the test is provided with the braille test
materials and is also available in the FSA portal. If you are administering the computer-based
Grade 6 ELA Reading, you must use the administration script in the Spring 2015 FSA CBT
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended
time), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students are to follow. It is
important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Remember the following:
Ensure that you have a Security Log, a seating chart, and a form to collect required
administration information (e.g., Administration Record/Security Checklist) for your
room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
If a student starts a session and leaves campus without finishing (due to an appointment,
illness, etc.), he or she will NOT be allowed to complete that session. No exceptions will
be made once the student leaves the school’s campus. If you have concerns about a
student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact your school
assessment coordinator for instructions.
Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the
test during breaks. The student should close his or her test and answer book and should
not discuss the test or exchange information about the test with anyone during breaks.
Only one student may leave the testing room at a time. Students should not be given
access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones, tablets) during breaks. If
a student accesses his or her electronic device(s) during a break, that student’s test
must be invalidated.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 6 ELA Reading Session 2
Before Testing
1. Collect all test materials from your school assessment coordinator. Verify that you have all
materials you were assigned, as well as the Session 2 test group code.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign is posted where it is visible to all students and that
the Do Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Signs are provided in
the portal.)
3. Ensure that each student has a No. 2 pencil.
4. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., word lists,
dictionaries) and that any visual aids have been removed or covered.
SAY Today, you are going to take Session 2 of the Florida Standards Assessments Grade 6
ELA Reading test. If you have not taken Session 1 of the Grade 6 ELA Reading test,
please raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, contact your school assessment coordinator.
SAY Remove all materials from your desk except a No. 2 pencil.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices at your desk, in your pockets, or
anywhere you can reach them at any time during this test session, even if they are turned
off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording devices include but are not limited to
cell phones, smartphones, tablets, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of
recording, storing, viewing, or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found
with any electronic or recording devices at any time during this test session,
including breaks, your test will not be scored. If you have any devices with you right
now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices.
At this time, silence your own electronic devices.
Distribute the Grade 6 ELA Reading test and answer books. Each student should receive the test
and answer book with his or her name on it.
Contact your school assessment coordinator if you have books that do not belong to students
testing in your room or if any books are missing.
SAY Your No. 2 pencil and your FSA Grade 6 ELA Reading test and answer book should be
the only things on your desk. Make sure you have the test and answer book with your
name on it. You may not return to or change any answers from Session 1.
Now, turn your test and answer book over. Write the Session 2 test group code _____ in
the boxes and grid the corresponding bubbles. (Pause.) Now turn your book back over to
the front cover.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 6 ELA Reading Session 2
SAY Find the remaining plastic pull tab sealing Session 2 of your book. Carefully pull the tab
OUT and DOWN. Do not try to remove any remaining pieces of the pull tab.
Make sure that all students pull the tabs correctly. If a student tears his or her book, obtain a
replacement book from your school assessment coordinator and record the new security number
with your required administration information. Notify your school assessment coordinator after
testing. The student's responses from Session 1 will need to be transcribed into the new test and
answer book.
SAY Next, open your test and answer book to page 37. Check each page through the end of the
book to see that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any missing or upsidedown pages. Do not read any of the questions or passages before the test begins. If you
see any problems, raise your hand. If not, close the book and sit quietly.
Wait until all students finish. If no defective books are found, continue to the next SAY
box. If a defective book is found, contact your school assessment coordinator to obtain a
replacement, and add the new security number to your record of required administration
Do not remove the student PreID label from a torn or defective book. Direct the student to write
his or her name, school name, and district name in the box on the front cover of the replacement
book. Set the defective book aside and notify your school assessment coordinator after testing.
The student's responses from Session 1 will need to be transcribed into the new test and answer
SAY You’ll have 85 minutes to complete Session 2 of the ELA Reading test. Now, look at
Session 2 on page 37 in your test and answer book. The session number is at the top of
each page. You may work only in Session 2.
On page 37 you’ll see a Table of Contents with page numbers to help you find the
articles, stories, or poems in Session 2. Now close your test and answer book.
Remember, this test includes reading passages and several types of items. Listen carefully
as I explain how to complete the different types of items on this test.
1) For multiple-choice items, choose the best answer from the answer choices, and fill
in one bubble for the correct answer.
2) For multiselect items, choose more than one correct answer from the answer
choices, and fill in the bubbles for more than one correct answer. Be sure to read the
item carefully to know how many correct answers to choose.
3) For editing tasks, choose the correct word or phrase to fill in each blank in a
passage. For each blank, fill in the bubble before the correct word or phrase. If you
write your answer in the blank but do not fill in the bubble, your answer will not be
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 6 ELA Reading Session 2
4) For two-part items, enter your responses to two related questions. The two parts of
the item may be either multiple-choice (one correct answer) or multiselect (more than
one correct answer), so be sure to read the item carefully to know how many correct
answers to choose.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember the following:
Mark your answers directly in your test and answer book.
Read each item carefully so you’ll understand how to respond correctly.
Only mark the bubbles you want to count as correct answers. If you draw a line or
an X through an answer that you think is wrong and the mark goes into a bubble,
that bubble might be counted as your answer.
Do not circle answers. If you circle the answers instead of filling in the bubbles,
your answers will NOT be scored.
Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, skip it and
keep going. After you have answered all the other questions, go back and answer any
questions you skipped.
You may not have scratch paper, but you may underline or circle words, phrases, and
sentences in the passages or test items.
Now, turn to page 78 and look at the STOP sign. When you come to this STOP sign, you
have finished Session 2. If you complete Session 2 before time is called, go back and
check your work. Do not go back and work in Session 1. Now close your book.
Before taking Session 1 of this test, you signed below the Testing Rules
Acknowledgment on page 2 of your test and answer book to indicate that you understand
the testing rules. These testing rules are also in place for Session 2 of the test. Please
remember that during this test you must not
work in Session 1
talk to other students or make any disturbance
look at another student’s test and answer book
allow another student to look at your test and answer book
ask for help answering test questions
give help to another student in answering test questions
have notes or scratch paper
have any electronic or recording devices in your possession at any time, including
breaks, even if you do not use them
fail to follow any other instructions given
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 6 ELA Reading Session 2
SAY After the test, you may not reveal details about the test items or passages to anyone.
Remember, this includes any type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing,
or posting online, for example, on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you
are found sharing information about test items or passages, your test will be invalidated.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended. You may read, but you may not write.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 6 ELA Reading Session 2
SAY Remember, you have 85 minutes to complete Session 2, and we will take a short stretch
break after 40 minutes of testing.
Turn to page 38 in your test and answer book and begin working.
Complete the following:
Add 40 minutes:
+ 40 minutes
Time to call a break:
Add 35 minutes:
+ 35 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder:
Add 10 minutes:
+ 10 minutes
Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.
During testing, do not use cell phones, classroom phones, or computers (except to contact your
school assessment coordinator in an emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your
full attention should be on students AT ALL TIMES. Although it is your responsibility to ensure
that students are working independently and in the correct session, you are prohibited from
reading the contents of the test and answer books before, during, and after the test.
After 40 minutes from the STARTING time,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book. You may stand and
stretch, but do not talk.
After a short break,
SAY Now be seated. You still have 45 minutes to complete Session 2, and I’ll let you know
when you have 10 minutes left.
Open your test and answer book and find the place where you left off. You may now
continue working.
After 35 minutes,
SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 2. Remember, do not go back to Session 1.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 6 ELA Reading Session 2
After 10 more minutes,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book.
Collect all test materials.
Complete the following steps:
1. Make sure that each student returns his or her test and answer book, and indicate on your
record of required administration information that each book is returned.
2. Report any missing test materials and/or test security irregularities to your school assessment
coordinator immediately.
3. Ensure that the box at the upper right corner of the student grid sheet has been completed by
each student and that the gridded or preidentified information is accurate and complete.
4. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students
on your record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations
codes to record this information:
For ESE/504 students:
1-FP = Flexible Presentation
1-FR = Flexible Responding
1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
1-FSE = Flexible Setting
1-AD = Assistive Devices
For ELL students:
2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
2-FSE = Flexible Setting
2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
2-ADI = Approved Dictionary
5. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 7 ELA Reading Session 1
Script for Administering
Grade 7 ELA Reading
(Paper-Based Accommodations Only)
Session 1
85 Minutes
This script should be used to administer the Grade 7 FSA ELA Reading to students using a
regular print, large print, or one-item-per-page paper-based accommodation. For the large print
accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 219–222. For the one-item-perpage accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 227–230.
A modified script for students using braille versions of the test is provided with the braille test
materials and is also available in the FSA portal. If you are administering the computer-based
Grade 7 ELA Reading, you must use the administration script in the Spring 2015 FSA CBT
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended
time), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students are to follow. It is
important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
During this test session, remember the following:
Ensure that you have a Security Log, a seating chart, and a form to collect required
administration information (e.g., Administration Record/Security Checklist) for your
room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
If a student starts a session and leaves campus without finishing (due to an appointment,
illness, etc.), he or she will NOT be allowed to complete that session. No exceptions will
be made once the student leaves the school’s campus. If you have concerns about a
student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact your school
assessment coordinator for instructions.
Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the
test during breaks. The student should close his or her test and answer book and should
not discuss the test or exchange information about the test with anyone during breaks.
Only one student may leave the testing room at a time. Students should not be given
access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones, tablets) during breaks. If
a student accesses his or her electronic device(s) during a break, that student’s test
must be invalidated.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 7 ELA Reading Session 1
Before Testing
1. Display the district name, school name, and four-digit test group code assigned by your
school assessment coordinator.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign is posted where it is visible to all students and that
the Do Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Signs are provided in
the portal.)
3. Ensure that each student has a No. 2 pencil.
4. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., word lists,
dictionaries) and that any visual aids have been removed or covered.
SAY Today, you are going to take Session 1 of the Florida Standards Assessments Grade 7
ELA Reading test. Remove all materials from your desk except a No. 2 pencil.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices at your desk, in your pockets, or
anywhere you can reach them at any time during this test session, even if they are turned
off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording devices include but are not limited to
cell phones, smartphones, tablets, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of
recording, storing, viewing, or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found
with any electronic or recording devices at any time during this test session,
including breaks, your test will not be scored. If you have any devices with you right
now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices.
At this time, silence your own electronic devices.
Distribute the Grade 7 ELA Reading test and answer books.
Follow the instructions in Option A or Option B, depending on whether test and answer
books have been preidentified.
Option A
If you are distributing test and answer books with the labels already affixed, or if the
student grid sheets have already been gridded, ensure that each student receives the
preidentified book with his or her name on it.
Make sure that you have the test and answer book with your name on it.
Option B
If you are distributing test and answer books that are not preidentified, distribute them in
the order in which they are packaged.
Contact your school assessment coordinator if you have preidentified books that do not belong to
students testing in your room or if you need extra test and answer books. Update your record of
required administration information, as necessary.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 7 ELA Reading Session 1
After distributing books according to Option A OR Option B,
SAY Your No. 2 pencil and your FSA Grade 7 ELA Reading test and answer book should be
the only things on your desk. Do not open your book.
Look at the front cover of your test and answer book. Locate the box for student name,
school name, and district name. Print your first and last names next to Student Name.
Print ______ (name of the school) next to School Name.
Print ______ (name of the district) next to District Name.
Turn your test and answer book over. Write the Session 1 test group code _____ in the
boxes and grid the corresponding bubbles. (Pause.) Now turn your book back over to the
front cover.
Make sure all students have turned back to the front cover of their test and answer books.
The box in the upper right corner of the student grid sheet must be completed by each
student, even when a student PreID label is affixed or student demographic information
has already been gridded by school personnel.
If school personnel have not already verified student information prior to testing, read the Script
for Gridding a Non-Preidentified Student Grid Sheet on pages 215–216 or the Script for
Verifying a Preidentified Label on pages 217–218 before reading the remainder of this script.
After reading the Script for Gridding a Non-Preidentified Student Grid Sheet or the Script for
Verifying a Preidentified Label, OR if school personnel have already verified student
SAY Your test and answer book has two plastic pull tabs. Find the first plastic pull tab on the
right side of your book. Carefully pull the tab OUT and DOWN. Do not try to remove
any remaining pieces of the tab. Do not break the second plastic tab.
Make sure that all students pull the correct tab. If a student tears his or her book or removes the
second plastic tab, obtain a replacement book from your school assessment coordinator and
record the new security number with your required administration information.
SAY Next, open your test and answer book to page 2. Check each page through page 35 to see
that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any missing or
upside-down pages. Do not read any of the questions or passages before the test begins.
If you see any problems, raise your hand. If not, close the book and sit quietly.
Wait until all students finish. If no defective books are found, continue to the next SAY
box. If a defective book is found, contact your school assessment coordinator to obtain a
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 7 ELA Reading Session 1
replacement, and add the new security number to your record of required administration
Do not remove the student PreID label from a torn or defective book. Direct the student to write
his or her name, school name, and district name in the box on the front cover of the replacement
book, and notify your school assessment coordinator. Set the defective book aside and return it
with all other NOT TO BE SCORED materials.
SAY Now, open your book to page 2 again and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment.
Please listen as I read the testing rules. During this test, you must not
go on to Session 2
talk to other students or make any disturbance
look at another student’s test and answer book
allow another student to look at your test and answer book
ask for help answering test questions
give help to another student in answering test questions
have notes or scratch paper
have any electronic or recording devices in your possession at any time, including
breaks, even if you do not use them
fail to follow any other instructions given
After the test, you may not reveal details about the test items or passages to anyone. This
includes any type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting
online, for example, on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you are found
sharing information about test items or passages, your test will be invalidated.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.
SAY Now, read silently as I read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment out loud.
I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these
rules, my test score may be invalidated.
Now, sign your name on the line next to Signature to indicate that you understand the
testing rules.
Pause while students sign their names. If a student does not sign his or her name, contact your
school assessment coordinator.
SAY You’ll have 85 minutes to complete Session 1 of the ELA Reading test. Now, look at
Session 1 on page 3 in your test and answer book. The session number is at the top of
each page. You may work only in Session 1.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 7 ELA Reading Session 1
SAY On page 3 you’ll see a Table of Contents with page numbers to help you find the articles,
stories, or poems in Session 1. Now close your test and answer book.
This test includes reading passages and several types of items. Listen carefully as I
explain how to complete the different types of items on this test.
1) For multiple-choice items, choose the best answer from the answer choices, and fill
in one bubble for the correct answer.
2) For multiselect items, choose more than one correct answer from the answer
choices, and fill in the bubbles for more than one correct answer. Be sure to read the
item carefully to know how many correct answers to choose.
3) For editing tasks, choose the correct word or phrase to fill in each blank in a
passage. For each blank, fill in the bubble before the correct word or phrase. If you
write your answer in the blank but do not fill in the bubble, your answer will not be
4) For two-part items, enter your responses to two related questions. The two parts of
the item may be either multiple-choice (one correct answer) or multiselect (more than
one correct answer), so be sure to read the item carefully to know how many correct
answers to choose.
Are there any questions about how to complete the items?
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember the following:
Do not go on to Session 2.
Mark your answers directly in your test and answer book.
Read each item carefully so you’ll understand how to respond correctly.
Only mark the bubbles you want to count as correct answers. If you draw a line or
an X through an answer that you think is wrong and the mark goes into a bubble,
that bubble might be counted as your answer.
Do not circle answers. If you circle the answers instead of filling in the bubbles,
your answers will NOT be scored.
Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, skip it and
keep going. After you have answered all the other questions, go back and answer any
questions you skipped.
You may not have scratch paper, but you may underline or circle words, phrases, and
sentences in the passages or test items.
Now, turn to page 35 and look at the STOP sign. When you come to this STOP sign on
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 7 ELA Reading Session 1
SAY page 35, you have finished Session 1. It is very important that you do not go on to
Session 2. If you complete Session 1 before time is called, go back and check your work.
Now close your book.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended. You may read, but you may not write.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember, you have 85 minutes to complete Session 1, and we will take a short stretch
break after 40 minutes of testing. Turn to page 4 in your test and answer book and begin
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 7 ELA Reading Session 1
Complete the following:
Add 40 minutes:
+ 40 minutes
Time to call a break:
Add 35 minutes:
+ 35 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder:
Add 10 minutes:
+ 10 minutes
Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.
During testing, do not use cell phones, classroom phones, or computers (except to contact your
school assessment coordinator in an emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your
full attention should be on students AT ALL TIMES. Although it is your responsibility to ensure
that students are working independently and in the correct session, you are prohibited from
reading the contents of the test and answer books before, during, and after the test.
After 40 minutes from the STARTING time,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book. You may stand and
stretch, but do not talk.
After a short break,
SAY Now be seated. You still have 45 minutes to complete Session 1, and I’ll let you know
when you have 10 minutes left.
Open your test and answer book and find the place where you left off. You may now
continue working.
After 35 minutes,
SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 1. Remember, do not go on to Session 2.
After 10 more minutes,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book.
Collect all test materials.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 7 ELA Reading Session 1
Complete the following steps:
1. Make sure that each student returns his or her test and answer book, and indicate on your
record of required administration information that each book is returned.
2. Report any missing test materials and/or test security irregularities to your school assessment
coordinator immediately.
3. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator until the beginning of Session 2.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 7 ELA Reading Session 2
Script for Administering
Grade 7 ELA Reading
(Paper-Based Accommodations Only)
Session 2
85 Minutes
This script should be used to administer the Grade 7 ELA Reading test to students using a
regular print, large print, or one-item-per-page paper-based accommodation. For the large print
accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 219–222. For the one-item-perpage accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 227–230.
A modified script for students using braille versions of the test is provided with the braille test
materials and is also available in the FSA portal. If you are administering the computer-based
Grade 7 ELA Reading, you must use the administration script in the Spring 2015 FSA CBT
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended
time), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students are to follow. It is
important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Remember the following:
Ensure that you have a Security Log, a seating chart, and a form to collect required
administration information (e.g., Administration Record/Security Checklist) for your
room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
If a student starts a session and leaves campus without finishing (due to an appointment,
illness, etc.), he or she will NOT be allowed to complete that session. No exceptions will
be made once the student leaves the school’s campus. If you have concerns about a
student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact your school
assessment coordinator for instructions.
Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the
test during breaks. The student should close his or her test and answer book and should
not discuss the test or exchange information about the test with anyone during breaks.
Only one student may leave the testing room at a time. Students should not be given
access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones, tablets) during breaks. If
a student accesses his or her electronic device(s) during a break, that student’s test
must be invalidated.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 7 ELA Reading Session 2
Before Testing
1. Collect all test materials from your school assessment coordinator. Verify that you have all
materials you were assigned, as well as the Session 2 test group code.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign is posted where it is visible to all students and that
the Do Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Signs are provided in
the portal.)
3. Ensure that each student has a No. 2 pencil.
4. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., word lists,
dictionaries) and that any visual aids have been removed or covered.
SAY Today, you are going to take Session 2 of the Florida Standards Assessments Grade 7
ELA Reading test. If you have not taken Session 1 of the Grade 7 ELA Reading test,
please raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, contact your school assessment coordinator.
SAY Remove all materials from your desk except a No. 2 pencil.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices at your desk, in your pockets, or
anywhere you can reach them at any time during this test session, even if they are turned
off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording devices include but are not limited to
cell phones, smartphones, tablets, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of
recording, storing, viewing, or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found
with any electronic or recording devices at any time during this test session,
including breaks, your test will not be scored. If you have any devices with you right
now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices.
At this time, silence your own electronic devices.
Distribute the Grade 7 ELA Reading test and answer books. Each student should receive the test
and answer book with his or her name on it.
Contact your school assessment coordinator if you have books that do not belong to students
testing in your room or if any books are missing.
SAY Your No. 2 pencil and your FSA Grade 7 ELA Reading test and answer book should be
the only things on your desk. Make sure you have the test and answer book with your
name on it. You may not return to or change any answers from Session 1.
Now, turn your test and answer book over. Write the Session 2 test group code _____ in
the boxes and grid the corresponding bubbles. (Pause.) Now turn your book back over to
the front cover.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 7 ELA Reading Session 2
SAY Find the remaining plastic pull tab sealing Session 2 of your book. Carefully pull the tab
OUT and DOWN. Do not try to remove any remaining pieces of the pull tab.
Make sure that all students pull the tabs correctly. If a student tears his or her book, obtain a
replacement book from your school assessment coordinator and record the new security number
with your required administration information. Notify your school assessment coordinator after
testing. The student's responses from Session 1 will need to be transcribed into the new test and
answer book.
SAY Next, open your test and answer book to page 37. Check each page through the end of the
book to see that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any missing or upsidedown pages. Do not read any of the questions or passages before the test begins. If you
see any problems, raise your hand. If not, close the book and sit quietly.
Wait until all students finish. If no defective books are found, continue to the next SAY
box. If a defective book is found, contact your school assessment coordinator to obtain a
replacement, and add the new security number to your record of required administration
Do not remove the student PreID label from a torn or defective book. Direct the student to write
his or her name, school name, and district name in the box on the front cover of the replacement
book. Set the defective book aside and notify your school assessment coordinator after testing.
The student's responses from Session 1 will need to be transcribed into the new test and answer
SAY You’ll have 85 minutes to complete Session 2 of the ELA Reading test. Now, look at
Session 2 on page 37 in your test and answer book. The session number is at the top of
each page. You may work only in Session 2.
On page 37 you’ll see a Table of Contents with page numbers to help you find the
articles, stories, or poems in Session 2. Now close your test and answer book.
Remember, this test includes reading passages and several types of items. Listen carefully
as I explain how to complete the different types of items on this test.
1) For multiple-choice items, choose the best answer from the answer choices, and fill
in one bubble for the correct answer.
2) For multiselect items, choose more than one correct answer from the answer
choices, and fill in the bubbles for more than one correct answer. Be sure to read the
item carefully to know how many correct answers to choose.
3) For editing tasks, choose the correct word or phrase to fill in each blank in a
passage. For each blank, fill in the bubble before the correct word or phrase. If you
write your answer in the blank but do not fill in the bubble, your answer will not be
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 7 ELA Reading Session 2
4) For two-part items, enter your responses to two related questions. The two parts of
the item may be either multiple-choice (one correct answer) or multiselect (more than
one correct answer), so be sure to read the item carefully to know how many correct
answers to choose.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember the following:
Mark your answers directly in your test and answer book.
Read each item carefully so you’ll understand how to respond correctly.
Only mark the bubbles you want to count as correct answers. If you draw a line or
an X through an answer that you think is wrong and the mark goes into a bubble,
that bubble might be counted as your answer.
Do not circle answers. If you circle the answers instead of filling in the bubbles,
your answers will NOT be scored.
Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, skip it and
keep going. After you have answered all the other questions, go back and answer any
questions you skipped.
You may not have scratch paper, but you may underline or circle words, phrases, and
sentences in the passages or test items.
Now, turn to page 78 and look at the STOP sign. When you come to this STOP sign, you
have finished Session 2. If you complete Session 2 before time is called, go back and
check your work. Do not go back and work in Session 1. Now close your book.
Before taking Session 1 of this test, you signed below the Testing Rules
Acknowledgment on page 2 of your test and answer book to indicate that you understand
the testing rules. These testing rules are also in place for Session 2 of the test. Please
remember that during this test you must not
work in Session 1
talk to other students or make any disturbance
look at another student’s test and answer book
allow another student to look at your test and answer book
ask for help answering test questions
give help to another student in answering test questions
have notes or scratch paper
have any electronic or recording devices in your possession at any time, including
breaks, even if you do not use them
fail to follow any other instructions given
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 7 ELA Reading Session 2
SAY After the test, you may not reveal details about the test items or passages to anyone.
Remember, this includes any type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing,
or posting online, for example, on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you
are found sharing information about test items or passages, your test will be invalidated.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended. You may read, but you may not write.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 7 ELA Reading Session 2
SAY Remember, you have 85 minutes to complete Session 2, and we will take a short stretch
break after 40 minutes of testing.
Turn to page 38 in your test and answer book and begin working.
Complete the following:
Add 40 minutes:
+ 40 minutes
Time to call a break:
Add 35 minutes:
+ 35 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder:
Add 10 minutes:
+ 10 minutes
Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.
During testing, do not use cell phones, classroom phones, or computers (except to contact your
school assessment coordinator in an emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your
full attention should be on students AT ALL TIMES. Although it is your responsibility to ensure
that students are working independently and in the correct session, you are prohibited from
reading the contents of the test and answer books before, during, and after the test.
After 40 minutes from the STARTING time,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book. You may stand and
stretch, but do not talk.
After a short break,
SAY Now be seated. You still have 45 minutes to complete Session 2, and I’ll let you know
when you have 10 minutes left.
Open your test and answer book and find the place where you left off. You may now
continue working.
After 35 minutes,
SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 2. Remember, do not go back to Session 1.
After 10 more minutes,
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 7 ELA Reading Session 2
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book.
Collect all test materials.
Complete the following steps:
1. Make sure that each student returns his or her test and answer book, and indicate on your
record of required administration information that each book is returned.
2. Report any missing test materials and/or test security irregularities to your school assessment
coordinator immediately.
3. Ensure that the box at the upper right corner of the student grid sheet has been completed by
each student and that the gridded or preidentified information is accurate and complete.
4. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students
on your record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations
codes to record this information:
For ESE/504 students:
1-FP = Flexible Presentation
1-FR = Flexible Responding
1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
1-FSE = Flexible Setting
1-AD = Assistive Devices
For ELL students:
2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
2-FSE = Flexible Setting
2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
2-ADI = Approved Dictionary
5. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 8 ELA Reading Session 1
Script for Administering
Grade 8 ELA Reading
(Paper-Based Accommodations Only)
Session 1
85 Minutes
This script should be used to administer the Grade 8 FSA ELA Reading to students using a
regular print, large print, or one-item-per-page paper-based accommodation. For the large print
accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 219–222. For the one-item-perpage accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 227–230.
A modified script for students using braille versions of the test is provided with the braille test
materials and is also available in the FSA portal. If you are administering the computer-based
Grade 8 ELA Reading, you must use the administration script in the Spring 2015 FSA CBT
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended
time), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students are to follow. It is
important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
During this test session, remember the following:
Ensure that you have a Security Log, a seating chart, and a form to collect required
administration information (e.g., Administration Record/Security Checklist) for your
room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
If a student starts a session and leaves campus without finishing (due to an appointment,
illness, etc.), he or she will NOT be allowed to complete that session. No exceptions will
be made once the student leaves the school’s campus. If you have concerns about a
student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact your school
assessment coordinator for instructions.
Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the
test during breaks. The student should close his or her test and answer book and should
not discuss the test or exchange information about the test with anyone during breaks.
Only one student may leave the testing room at a time. Students should not be given
access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones, tablets) during breaks. If
a student accesses his or her electronic device(s) during a break, that student’s test
must be invalidated.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 8 ELA Reading Session 1
Before Testing
1. Display the district name, school name, and four-digit test group code assigned by your
school assessment coordinator.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign is posted where it is visible to all students and that
the Do Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Signs are provided in
the portal.)
3. Ensure that each student has a No. 2 pencil.
4. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., word lists,
dictionaries) and that any visual aids have been removed or covered.
SAY Today, you are going to take Session 1 of the Florida Standards Assessments Grade 8
ELA Reading test. Remove all materials from your desk except a No. 2 pencil.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices at your desk, in your pockets, or
anywhere you can reach them at any time during this test session, even if they are turned
off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording devices include but are not limited to
cell phones, smartphones, tablets, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of
recording, storing, viewing, or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found
with any electronic or recording devices at any time during this test session,
including breaks, your test will not be scored. If you have any devices with you right
now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices.
At this time, silence your own electronic devices.
Distribute the Grade 8 ELA Reading test and answer books.
Follow the instructions in Option A or Option B, depending on whether test and answer
books have been preidentified.
Option A
If you are distributing test and answer books with the labels already affixed, or if the
student grid sheets have already been gridded, ensure that each student receives the
preidentified book with his or her name on it.
Make sure that you have the test and answer book with your name on it.
Option B
If you are distributing test and answer books that are not preidentified, distribute them in
the order in which they are packaged.
Contact your school assessment coordinator if you have preidentified books that do not belong to
students testing in your room or if you need extra test and answer books. Update your record of
required administration information, as necessary.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 8 ELA Reading Session 1
After distributing books according to Option A OR Option B,
SAY Your No. 2 pencil and your FSA Grade 8 ELA Reading test and answer book should be
the only things on your desk. Do not open your book.
Look at the front cover of your test and answer book. Locate the box for student name,
school name, and district name. Print your first and last names next to Student Name.
Print ______ (name of the school) next to School Name.
Print ______ (name of the district) next to District Name.
Turn your test and answer book over. Write the Session 1 test group code _____ in the
boxes and grid the corresponding bubbles. (Pause.) Now turn your book back over to the
front cover.
Make sure all students have turned back to the front cover of their test and answer books.
The box in the upper right corner of the student grid sheet must be completed by each
student, even when a student PreID label is affixed or student demographic information
has already been gridded by school personnel.
If school personnel have not already verified student information prior to testing, read the Script
for Gridding a Non-Preidentified Student Grid Sheet on pages 215–216 or the Script for
Verifying a Preidentified Label on pages 217–218 before reading the remainder of this script.
After reading the Script for Gridding a Non-Preidentified Student Grid Sheet or the Script for
Verifying a Preidentified Label, OR if school personnel have already verified student
SAY Your test and answer book has two plastic pull tabs. Find the first plastic pull tab on the
right side of your book. Carefully pull the tab OUT and DOWN. Do not try to remove
any remaining pieces of the tab. Do not break the second plastic tab.
Make sure that all students pull the correct tab. If a student tears his or her book or removes the
second plastic tab, obtain a replacement book from your school assessment coordinator and
record the new security number with your required administration information.
SAY Next, open your test and answer book to page 2. Check each page through page 42 to see
that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any missing or upside-down pages.
Do not read any of the questions or passages before the test begins. If you see any
problems, raise your hand. If not, close the book and sit quietly.
Wait until all students finish. If no defective books are found, continue to the next SAY
box. If a defective book is found, contact your school assessment coordinator to obtain a
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 8 ELA Reading Session 1
replacement, and add the new security number to your record of required administration
Do not remove the student PreID label from a torn or defective book. Direct the student to write
his or her name, school name, and district name in the box on the front cover of the replacement
book, and notify your school assessment coordinator. Set the defective book aside and return it
with all other NOT TO BE SCORED materials.
SAY Now, open your book to page 2 again and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment.
Please listen as I read the testing rules. During this test, you must not
go on to Session 2
talk to other students or make any disturbance
look at another student’s test and answer book
allow another student to look at your test and answer book
ask for help answering test questions
give help to another student in answering test questions
have notes or scratch paper
have any electronic or recording devices in your possession at any time, including
breaks, even if you do not use them
fail to follow any other instructions given
After the test, you may not reveal details about the test items or passages to anyone. This
includes any type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting
online, for example, on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you are found
sharing information about test items or passages, your test will be invalidated.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.
SAY Now, read silently as I read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment out loud.
I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these
rules, my test score may be invalidated.
Now, sign your name on the line next to Signature to indicate that you understand the
testing rules.
Pause while students sign their names. If a student does not sign his or her name, contact your
school assessment coordinator.
SAY You’ll have 85 minutes to complete Session 1 of the ELA Reading test. Now, look at
Session 1 on page 3 in your test and answer book. The session number is at the top of
each page. You may work only in Session 1.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 8 ELA Reading Session 1
SAY On page 3 you’ll see a Table of Contents with page numbers to help you find the articles,
stories, or poems in Session 1. Now close your test and answer book.
This test includes reading passages and several types of items. Listen carefully as I
explain how to complete the different types of items on this test.
1) For multiple-choice items, choose the best answer from the answer choices, and fill
in one bubble for the correct answer.
2) For multiselect items, choose more than one correct answer from the answer
choices, and fill in the bubbles for more than one correct answer. Be sure to read the
item carefully to know how many correct answers to choose.
3) For editing tasks, choose the correct word or phrase to fill in each blank in a
passage. For each blank, fill in the bubble before the correct word or phrase. If you
write your answer in the blank but do not fill in the bubble, your answer will not be
4) For two-part items, enter your responses to two related questions. The two parts of
the item may be either multiple-choice (one correct answer) or multiselect (more than
one correct answer), so be sure to read the item carefully to know how many correct
answers to choose.
Are there any questions about how to complete the items?
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember the following:
Do not go on to Session 2.
Mark your answers directly in your test and answer book.
Read each item carefully so you’ll understand how to respond correctly.
Only mark the bubbles you want to count as correct answers. If you draw a line or
an X through an answer that you think is wrong and the mark goes into a bubble,
that bubble might be counted as your answer.
Do not circle answers. If you circle the answers instead of filling in the bubbles,
your answers will NOT be scored.
Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, skip it and
keep going. After you have answered all the other questions, go back and answer any
questions you skipped.
You may not have scratch paper, but you may underline or circle words, phrases, and
sentences in the passages or test items.
Now, turn to page 42 and look at the STOP sign. When you come to this STOP sign on
page 42, you have finished Session 1. It is very important that you do not go on to
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 8 ELA Reading Session 1
SAY Session 2. If you complete Session 1 before time is called, go back and check your work.
Now close your book.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended. You may read, but you may not write.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember, you have 85 minutes to complete Session 1, and we will take a short stretch
break after 40 minutes of testing. Turn to page 3 in your test and answer book and begin
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 8 ELA Reading Session 1
Complete the following:
Add 40 minutes:
+ 40 minutes
Time to call a break:
Add 35 minutes:
+ 35 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder:
Add 10 minutes:
+ 10 minutes
Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.
During testing, do not use cell phones, classroom phones, or computers (except to contact your
school assessment coordinator in an emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your
full attention should be on students AT ALL TIMES. Although it is your responsibility to ensure
that students are working independently and in the correct session, you are prohibited from
reading the contents of the test and answer books before, during, and after the test.
After 40 minutes from the STARTING time,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book. You may stand and
stretch, but do not talk.
After a short break,
SAY Now be seated. You still have 45 minutes to complete Session 1, and I’ll let you know
when you have 10 minutes left.
Open your test and answer book and find the place where you left off. You may now
continue working.
After 35 minutes,
SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 1. Remember, do not go on to Session 2.
After 10 more minutes,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book.
Collect all test materials.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 8 ELA Reading Session 1
Complete the following steps:
1. Make sure that each student returns his or her test and answer book, and indicate on your
record of required administration information that each book is returned.
2. Report any missing test materials and/or test security irregularities to your school assessment
coordinator immediately.
3. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator until the beginning of Session 2.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 8 ELA Reading Session 2
Script for Administering
Grade 8 ELA Reading
(Paper-Based Accommodations Only)
Session 2
85 Minutes
This script should be used to administer the Grade 8 ELA Reading test to students using a
regular print, large print, or one-item-per-page paper-based accommodation. For the large print
accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 219–222. For the one-item-perpage accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 227–230.
A modified script for students using braille versions of the test is provided with the braille test
materials and is also available in the FSA portal. If you are administering the computer-based
Grade 8 ELA Reading, you must use the administration script in the Spring 2015 FSA CBT
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended
time), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students are to follow. It is
important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Remember the following:
Ensure that you have a Security Log, a seating chart, and a form to collect required
administration information (e.g., Administration Record/Security Checklist) for your
room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
If a student starts a session and leaves campus without finishing (due to an appointment,
illness, etc.), he or she will NOT be allowed to complete that session. No exceptions will
be made once the student leaves the school’s campus. If you have concerns about a
student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact your school
assessment coordinator for instructions.
Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the
test during breaks. The student should close his or her test and answer book and should
not discuss the test or exchange information about the test with anyone during breaks.
Only one student may leave the testing room at a time. Students should not be given
access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones, tablets) during breaks. If
a student accesses his or her electronic device(s) during a break, that student’s test
must be invalidated.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 8 ELA Reading Session 2
Before Testing
1. Collect all test materials from your school assessment coordinator. Verify that you have all
materials you were assigned, as well as the Session 2 test group code.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign is posted where it is visible to all students and that
the Do Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Signs are provided in
the portal.)
3. Ensure that each student has a No. 2 pencil.
4. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., word lists,
dictionaries) and that any visual aids have been removed or covered.
SAY Today, you are going to take Session 2 of the Florida Standards Assessments Grade 8
ELA Reading test. If you have not taken Session 1 of the Grade 8 ELA Reading test,
please raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, contact your school assessment coordinator.
SAY Remove all materials from your desk except a No. 2 pencil.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices at your desk, in your pockets, or
anywhere you can reach them at any time during this test session, even if they are turned
off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording devices include but are not limited to
cell phones, smartphones, tablets, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of
recording, storing, viewing, or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found
with any electronic or recording devices at any time during this test session,
including breaks, your test will not be scored. If you have any devices with you right
now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices.
At this time, silence your own electronic devices.
Distribute the Grade 8 ELA Reading test and answer books. Each student should receive the test
and answer book with his or her name on it.
Contact your school assessment coordinator if you have books that do not belong to students
testing in your room or if any books are missing.
SAY Your No. 2 pencil and your FSA Grade 8 ELA Reading test and answer book should be
the only things on your desk. Make sure you have the test and answer book with your
name on it. You may not return to or change any answers from Session 1.
Now, turn your test and answer book over. Write the Session 2 test group code _____ in
the boxes and grid the corresponding bubbles. (Pause.) Now turn your book back over to
the front cover.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 8 ELA Reading Session 2
SAY Find the remaining plastic pull tab sealing Session 2 of your book. Carefully pull the tab
OUT and DOWN. Do not try to remove any remaining pieces of the pull tab.
Make sure that all students pull the tabs correctly. If a student tears his or her book, obtain a
replacement book from your school assessment coordinator and record the new security number
with your required administration information. Notify your school assessment coordinator after
testing. The student's responses from Session 1 will need to be transcribed into the new test and
answer book.
SAY Next, open your test and answer book to page 43. Check each page through the end of the
book to see that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any missing or upsidedown pages. Do not read any of the questions or passages before the test begins. If you
see any problems, raise your hand. If not, close the book and sit quietly.
Wait until all students finish. If no defective books are found, continue to the next SAY
box. If a defective book is found, contact your school assessment coordinator to obtain a
replacement, and add the new security number to your record of required administration
Do not remove the student PreID label from a torn or defective book. Direct the student to write
his or her name, school name, and district name in the box on the front cover of the replacement
book. Set the defective book aside and notify your school assessment coordinator after testing.
The student's responses from Session 1 will need to be transcribed into the new test and answer
SAY You’ll have 85 minutes to complete Session 2 of the ELA Reading test. Now, look at
Session 2 on page 43 in your test and answer book. The session number is at the top of
each page. You may work only in Session 2.
On page 43 you’ll see a Table of Contents with page numbers to help you find the
articles, stories, or poems in Session 2. Now close your test and answer book.
Remember, this test includes reading passages and several types of items. Listen carefully
as I explain how to complete the different types of items on this test.
1) For multiple-choice items, choose the best answer from the answer choices, and fill
in one bubble for the correct answer.
2) For multiselect items, choose more than one correct answer from the answer
choices, and fill in the bubbles for more than one correct answer. Be sure to read the
item carefully to know how many correct answers to choose.
3) For editing tasks, choose the correct word or phrase to fill in each blank in a
passage. For each blank, fill in the bubble before the correct word or phrase. If you
write your answer in the blank but do not fill in the bubble, your answer will not be
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 8 ELA Reading Session 2
4) For two-part items, enter your responses to two related questions. The two parts of
the item may be either multiple-choice (one correct answer) or multiselect (more than
one correct answer), so be sure to read the item carefully to know how many correct
answers to choose.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember the following:
Mark your answers directly in your test and answer book.
Read each item carefully so you’ll understand how to respond correctly.
Only mark the bubbles you want to count as correct answers. If you draw a line or
an X through an answer that you think is wrong and the mark goes into a bubble,
that bubble might be counted as your answer.
Do not circle answers. If you circle the answers instead of filling in the bubbles,
your answers will NOT be scored.
Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, skip it and
keep going. After you have answered all the other questions, go back and answer any
questions you skipped.
You may not have scratch paper, but you may underline or circle words, phrases, and
sentences in the passages or test items.
Now, turn to page 73 and look at the STOP sign. When you come to this STOP sign, you
have finished Session 2. If you complete Session 2 before time is called, go back and
check your work. Do not go back and work in Session 1. Now close your book.
Before taking Session 1 of this test, you signed below the Testing Rules
Acknowledgment on page 2 of your test and answer book to indicate that you understand
the testing rules. These testing rules are also in place for Session 2 of the test. Please
remember that during this test you must not
work in Session 1
talk to other students or make any disturbance
look at another student’s test and answer book
allow another student to look at your test and answer book
ask for help answering test questions
give help to another student in answering test questions
have notes or scratch paper
have any electronic or recording devices in your possession at any time, including
breaks, even if you do not use them
fail to follow any other instructions given
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 8 ELA Reading Session 2
SAY After the test, you may not reveal details about the test items or passages to anyone.
Remember, this includes any type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing,
or posting online, for example, on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you
are found sharing information about test items or passages, your test will be invalidated.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended. You may read, but you may not write.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 8 ELA Reading Session 2
SAY Remember, you have 85 minutes to complete Session 2, and we will take a short stretch
break after 40 minutes of testing.
Turn to page 44 in your test and answer book and begin working.
Complete the following:
Add 40 minutes:
+ 40 minutes
Time to call a break:
Add 35 minutes:
+ 35 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder:
Add 10 minutes:
+ 10 minutes
Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.
During testing, do not use cell phones, classroom phones, or computers (except to contact your
school assessment coordinator in an emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your
full attention should be on students AT ALL TIMES. Although it is your responsibility to ensure
that students are working independently and in the correct session, you are prohibited from
reading the contents of the test and answer books before, during, and after the test.
After 40 minutes from the STARTING time,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book. You may stand and
stretch, but do not talk.
After a short break,
SAY Now be seated. You still have 45 minutes to complete Session 2, and I’ll let you know
when you have 10 minutes left.
Open your test and answer book and find the place where you left off. You may now
continue working.
After 35 minutes,
SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 2. Remember, do not go back to Session 1.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 8 ELA Reading Session 2
After 10 more minutes,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book.
Collect all test materials.
Complete the following steps:
1. Make sure that each student returns his or her test and answer book, and indicate on your
record of required administration information that each book is returned.
2. Report any missing test materials and/or test security irregularities to your school assessment
coordinator immediately.
3. Ensure that the box at the upper right corner of the student grid sheet has been completed by
each student and that the gridded or preidentified information is accurate and complete.
4. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students
on your record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations
codes to record this information:
For ESE/504 students:
1-FP = Flexible Presentation
1-FR = Flexible Responding
1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
1-FSE = Flexible Setting
1-AD = Assistive Devices
For ELL students:
2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
2-FSE = Flexible Setting
2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
2-ADI = Approved Dictionary
5. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 9 ELA Reading Session 1
Script for Administering
Grade 9 ELA Reading
(Paper-Based Accommodations Only)
Session 1
90 Minutes
This script should be used to administer the Grade 9 FSA ELA Reading to students using a
regular print, large print, or one-item-per-page paper-based accommodation. For the large print
accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 219–222. For the one-item-perpage accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 227–230.
A modified script for students using braille versions of the test is provided with the braille test
materials and is also available in the FSA portal. If you are administering the computer-based
Grade 9 ELA Reading, you must use the administration script in the Spring 2015 FSA CBT
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended
time), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students are to follow. It is
important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
During this test session, remember the following:
Ensure that you have a Security Log, a seating chart, and a form to collect required
administration information (e.g., Administration Record/Security Checklist) for your
room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
If a student starts a session and leaves campus without finishing (due to an appointment,
illness, etc.), he or she will NOT be allowed to complete that session. No exceptions will
be made once the student leaves the school’s campus. If you have concerns about a
student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact your school
assessment coordinator for instructions.
Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the
test during breaks. The student should close his or her test and answer book and should
not discuss the test or exchange information about the test with anyone during breaks.
Only one student may leave the testing room at a time. Students should not be given
access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones, tablets) during breaks. If
a student accesses his or her electronic device(s) during a break, that student’s test
must be invalidated.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 9 ELA Reading Session 1
Before Testing
1. Display the district name, school name, and four-digit test group code assigned by your
school assessment coordinator.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign is posted where it is visible to all students and that
the Do Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Signs are provided in
the portal.)
3. Ensure that each student has a No. 2 pencil.
4. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., word lists,
dictionaries) and that any visual aids have been removed or covered.
SAY Today, you are going to take Session 1 of the Florida Standards Assessments Grade 9
ELA Reading test. Remove all materials from your desk except a No. 2 pencil.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices at your desk, in your pockets, or
anywhere you can reach them at any time during this test session, even if they are turned
off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording devices include but are not limited to
cell phones, smartphones, tablets, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of
recording, storing, viewing, or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found
with any electronic or recording devices at any time during this test session,
including breaks, your test will not be scored. If you have any devices with you right
now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices.
At this time, silence your own electronic devices.
Distribute the Grade 9 ELA Reading test and answer books.
Follow the instructions in Option A or Option B, depending on whether test and answer
books have been preidentified.
Option A
If you are distributing test and answer books with the labels already affixed, or if the
student grid sheets have already been gridded, ensure that each student receives the
preidentified book with his or her name on it.
Make sure that you have the test and answer book with your name on it.
Option B
If you are distributing test and answer books that are not preidentified, distribute them in
the order in which they are packaged.
Contact your school assessment coordinator if you have preidentified books that do not belong to
students testing in your room or if you need extra test and answer books. Update your record of
required administration information, as necessary.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 9 ELA Reading Session 1
After distributing books according to Option A OR Option B,
SAY Your No. 2 pencil and your FSA Grade 9 ELA Reading test and answer book should be
the only things on your desk. Do not open your book.
Look at the front cover of your test and answer book. Locate the box for student name,
school name, and district name. Print your first and last names next to Student Name.
Print ______ (name of the school) next to School Name.
Print ______ (name of the district) next to District Name.
Turn your test and answer book over. Write the Session 1 test group code _____ in the
boxes and grid the corresponding bubbles. (Pause.) Now turn your book back over to the
front cover.
Make sure all students have turned back to the front cover of their test and answer books.
The box in the upper right corner of the student grid sheet must be completed by each
student, even when a student PreID label is affixed or student demographic information
has already been gridded by school personnel.
If school personnel have not already verified student information prior to testing, read the Script
for Gridding a Non-Preidentified Student Grid Sheet on pages 215–216 or the Script for
Verifying a Preidentified Label on pages 217–218 before reading the remainder of this script.
After reading the Script for Gridding a Non-Preidentified Student Grid Sheet or the Script for
Verifying a Preidentified Label, OR if school personnel have already verified student
SAY Your test and answer book has two plastic pull tabs. Find the first plastic pull tab on the
right side of your book. Carefully pull the tab OUT and DOWN. Do not try to remove
any remaining pieces of the tab. Do not break the second plastic tab.
Make sure that all students pull the correct tab. If a student tears his or her book or removes the
second plastic tab, obtain a replacement book from your school assessment coordinator and
record the new security number with your required administration information.
SAY Next, open your test and answer book to page 2. Check each page through page 44 to see
that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any missing or upside-down pages.
Do not read any of the questions or passages before the test begins. If you see any
problems, raise your hand. If not, close the book and sit quietly.
Wait until all students finish. If no defective books are found, continue to the next SAY
box. If a defective book is found, contact your school assessment coordinator to obtain a
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 9 ELA Reading Session 1
replacement, and add the new security number to your record of required administration
Do not remove the student PreID label from a torn or defective book. Direct the student to write
his or her name, school name, and district name in the box on the front cover of the replacement
book, and notify your school assessment coordinator. Set the defective book aside and return it
with all other NOT TO BE SCORED materials.
SAY Now, open your book to page 2 again and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment.
Please listen as I read the testing rules. During this test, you must not
go on to Session 2
talk to other students or make any disturbance
look at another student’s test and answer book
allow another student to look at your test and answer book
ask for help answering test questions
give help to another student in answering test questions
have notes or scratch paper
have any electronic or recording devices in your possession at any time, including
breaks, even if you do not use them
fail to follow any other instructions given
After the test, you may not reveal details about the test items or passages to anyone. This
includes any type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting
online, for example, on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you are found
sharing information about test items or passages, your test will be invalidated.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.
SAY Now, read silently as I read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment out loud.
I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these
rules, my test score may be invalidated.
Now, sign your name on the line next to Signature to indicate that you understand the
testing rules.
Pause while students sign their names. If a student does not sign his or her name, contact your
school assessment coordinator.
SAY You’ll have 90 minutes to complete Session 1 of the ELA Reading test. Now, look at
Session 1 on page 3 in your test and answer book. The session number is at the top of
each page. You may work only in Session 1.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 9 ELA Reading Session 1
SAY On page 3 you’ll see a Table of Contents with page numbers to help you find the articles,
stories, or poems in Session 1. Now close your test and answer book.
This test includes reading passages and several types of items. Listen carefully as I
explain how to complete the different types of items on this test.
1) For multiple-choice items, choose the best answer from the answer choices, and fill
in one bubble for the correct answer.
2) For multiselect items, choose more than one correct answer from the answer
choices, and fill in the bubbles for more than one correct answer. Be sure to read the
item carefully to know how many correct answers to choose.
3) For editing tasks, choose the correct word or phrase to fill in each blank in a
passage. For each blank, fill in the bubble before the correct word or phrase. If you
write your answer in the blank but do not fill in the bubble, your answer will not be
4) For two-part items, enter your responses to two related questions. The two parts of
the item may be either multiple-choice (one correct answer) or multiselect (more than
one correct answer), so be sure to read the item carefully to know how many correct
answers to choose.
Are there any questions about how to complete the items?
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember the following:
Do not go on to Session 2.
Mark your answers directly in your test and answer book.
Read each item carefully so you’ll understand how to respond correctly.
Only mark the bubbles you want to count as correct answers. If you draw a line or
an X through an answer that you think is wrong and the mark goes into a bubble,
that bubble might be counted as your answer.
Do not circle answers. If you circle the answers instead of filling in the bubbles,
your answers will NOT be scored.
Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, skip it and
keep going. After you have answered all the other questions, go back and answer any
questions you skipped.
You may not have scratch paper, but you may underline or circle words, phrases, and
sentences in the passages or test items.
Now, turn to page 44 and look at the STOP sign. When you come to this STOP sign on
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 9 ELA Reading Session 1
SAY page 44, you have finished Session 1. It is very important that you do not go on to
Session 2. If you complete Session 1 before time is called, go back and check your work.
Now close your book.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended. You may read, but you may not write.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember, you have 90 minutes to complete Session 1, and we will take a short stretch
break after 45 minutes of testing.
Turn to page 4 in your test and answer book and begin working.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 9 ELA Reading Session 1
Complete the following:
Add 45 minutes:
+ 45 minutes
Time to call a break:
Add 35 minutes:
+ 35 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder:
Add 10 minutes:
+ 10 minutes
Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.
During testing, do not use cell phones, classroom phones, or computers (except to contact your
school assessment coordinator in an emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your
full attention should be on students AT ALL TIMES. Although it is your responsibility to ensure
that students are working independently and in the correct session, you are prohibited from
reading the contents of the test and answer books before, during, and after the test.
After 45 minutes from the STARTING time,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book. You may stand and
stretch, but do not talk.
After a short break,
SAY Now be seated. You still have 45 minutes to complete Session 1, and I’ll let you know
when you have 10 minutes left.
Open your test and answer book and find the place where you left off. You may now
continue working.
After 35 minutes,
SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 1. Remember, do not go on to Session 2.
After 10 more minutes,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book.
Collect all test materials.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 9 ELA Reading Session 1
Complete the following steps:
1. Make sure that each student returns his or her test and answer book, and indicate on your
record of required administration information that each book is returned.
2. Report any missing test materials and/or test security irregularities to your school assessment
coordinator immediately.
3. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator until the beginning of Session 2.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 9 ELA Reading Session 2
Script for Administering
Grade 9 ELA Reading
(Paper-Based Accommodations Only)
Session 2
90 Minutes
This script should be used to administer the Grade 9 ELA Reading test to students using a
regular print, large print, or one-item-per-page paper-based accommodation. For the large print
accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 219–222. For the one-item-perpage accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 227–230.
A modified script for students using braille versions of the test is provided with the braille test
materials and is also available in the FSA portal. If you are administering the computer-based
Grade 9 ELA Reading, you must use the administration script in the Spring 2015 FSA CBT
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended
time), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students are to follow. It is
important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Remember the following:
Ensure that you have a Security Log, a seating chart, and a form to collect required
administration information (e.g., Administration Record/Security Checklist) for your
room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
If a student starts a session and leaves campus without finishing (due to an appointment,
illness, etc.), he or she will NOT be allowed to complete that session. No exceptions will
be made once the student leaves the school’s campus. If you have concerns about a
student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact your school
assessment coordinator for instructions.
Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the
test during breaks. The student should close his or her test and answer book and should
not discuss the test or exchange information about the test with anyone during breaks.
Only one student may leave the testing room at a time. Students should not be given
access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones, tablets) during breaks. If
a student accesses his or her electronic device(s) during a break, that student’s test
must be invalidated.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 9 ELA Reading Session 2
Before Testing
1. Collect all test materials from your school assessment coordinator. Verify that you have all
materials you were assigned, as well as the Session 2 test group code.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign is posted where it is visible to all students and that
the Do Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Signs are provided in
the portal.)
3. Ensure that each student has a No. 2 pencil.
4. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., word lists,
dictionaries) and that any visual aids have been removed or covered.
SAY Today, you are going to take Session 2 of the Florida Standards Assessments Grade 9
ELA Reading test. If you have not taken Session 1 of the Grade 9 ELA Reading test,
please raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, contact your school assessment coordinator.
SAY Remove all materials from your desk except a No. 2 pencil.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices at your desk, in your pockets, or
anywhere you can reach them at any time during this test session, even if they are turned
off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording devices include but are not limited to
cell phones, smartphones, tablets, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of
recording, storing, viewing, or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found
with any electronic or recording devices at any time during this test session,
including breaks, your test will not be scored. If you have any devices with you right
now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices.
At this time, silence your own electronic devices.
Distribute the Grade 9 ELA Reading test and answer books. Each student should receive the test
and answer book with his or her name on it.
Contact your school assessment coordinator if you have books that do not belong to students
testing in your room or if any books are missing.
SAY Your No. 2 pencil and your FSA Grade 9 ELA Reading test and answer book should be
the only things on your desk. Make sure you have the test and answer book with your
name on it. You may not return to or change any answers from Session 1.
Now, turn your test and answer book over. Write the Session 2 test group code _____ in
the boxes and grid the corresponding bubbles. (Pause.) Now turn your book back over to
the front cover.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 9 ELA Reading Session 2
SAY Find the remaining plastic pull tab sealing Session 2 of your book. Carefully pull the tab
OUT and DOWN. Do not try to remove any remaining pieces of the pull tab.
Make sure that all students pull the tabs correctly. If a student tears his or her book, obtain a
replacement book from your school assessment coordinator and record the new security number
with your required administration information. Notify your school assessment coordinator after
testing. The student's responses from Session 1 will need to be transcribed into the new test and
answer book.
SAY Next, open your test and answer book to page 45. Check each page through the end of the
book to see that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any missing or upsidedown pages. Do not read any of the questions or passages before the test begins. If you
see any problems, raise your hand. If not, close the book and sit quietly.
Wait until all students finish. If no defective books are found, continue to the next SAY
box. If a defective book is found, contact your school assessment coordinator to obtain a
replacement, and add the new security number to your record of required administration
Do not remove the student PreID label from a torn or defective book. Direct the student to write
his or her name, school name, and district name in the box on the front cover of the replacement
book. Set the defective book aside and notify your school assessment coordinator after testing.
The student's responses from Session 1 will need to be transcribed into the new test and answer
SAY You’ll have 90 minutes to complete Session 2 of the ELA Reading test. Now, look at
Session 2 on page 45 in your test and answer book. The session number is at the top of
each page. You may work only in Session 2.
On page 45 you’ll see a Table of Contents with page numbers to help you find the
articles, stories, or poems in Session 2. Now close your test and answer book.
Remember, this test includes reading passages and several types of items. Listen carefully
as I explain how to complete the different types of items on this test.
1) For multiple-choice items, choose the best answer from the answer choices, and fill
in one bubble for the correct answer.
2) For multiselect items, choose more than one correct answer from the answer
choices, and fill in the bubbles for more than one correct answer. Be sure to read the
item carefully to know how many correct answers to choose.
3) For editing tasks, choose the correct word or phrase to fill in each blank in a
passage. For each blank, fill in the bubble before the correct word or phrase. If you
write your answer in the blank but do not fill in the bubble, your answer will not be
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 9 ELA Reading Session 2
4) For two-part items, enter your responses to two related questions. The two parts of
the item may be either multiple-choice (one correct answer) or multiselect (more than
one correct answer), so be sure to read the item carefully to know how many correct
answers to choose.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember the following:
Mark your answers directly in your test and answer book.
Read each item carefully so you’ll understand how to respond correctly.
Only mark the bubbles you want to count as correct answers. If you draw a line or
an X through an answer that you think is wrong and the mark goes into a bubble,
that bubble might be counted as your answer.
Do not circle answers. If you circle the answers instead of filling in the bubbles,
your answers will NOT be scored.
Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, skip it and
keep going. After you have answered all the other questions, go back and answer any
questions you skipped.
You may not have scratch paper, but you may underline or circle words, phrases, and
sentences in the passages or test items.
Now, turn to page 78 and look at the STOP sign. When you come to this STOP sign, you
have finished Session 2. If you complete Session 2 before time is called, go back and
check your work. Do not go back and work in Session 1. Now close your book.
Before taking Session 1 of this test, you signed below the Testing Rules
Acknowledgment on page 2 of your test and answer book to indicate that you understand
the testing rules. These testing rules are also in place for Session 2 of the test. Please
remember that during this test you must not
work in Session 1
talk to other students or make any disturbance
look at another student’s test and answer book
allow another student to look at your test and answer book
ask for help answering test questions
give help to another student in answering test questions
have notes or scratch paper
have any electronic or recording devices in your possession at any time, including
breaks, even if you do not use them
fail to follow any other instructions given
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 9 ELA Reading Session 2
SAY After the test, you may not reveal details about the test items or passages to anyone.
Remember, this includes any type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing,
or posting online, for example, on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you
are found sharing information about test items or passages, your test will be invalidated.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended. You may read, but you may not write.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 9 ELA Reading Session 2
SAY Remember, you have 90 minutes to complete Session 2, and we will take a short stretch
break after 45 minutes of testing.
Turn to page 46 in your test and answer book and begin working.
Complete the following:
Add 45 minutes:
+ 45 minutes
Time to call a break:
Add 35 minutes:
+ 35 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder:
Add 10 minutes:
+ 10 minutes
Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.
During testing, do not use cell phones, classroom phones, or computers (except to contact your
school assessment coordinator in an emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your
full attention should be on students AT ALL TIMES. Although it is your responsibility to ensure
that students are working independently and in the correct session, you are prohibited from
reading the contents of the test and answer books before, during, and after the test.
After 45 minutes from the STARTING time,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book. You may stand and
stretch, but do not talk.
After a short break,
SAY Now be seated. You still have 45 minutes to complete Session 2, and I’ll let you know
when you have 10 minutes left.
Open your test and answer book and find the place where you left off. You may now
continue working.
After 35 minutes,
SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 2. Remember, do not go back to Session 1.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 9 ELA Reading Session 2
After 10 more minutes,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book.
Collect all test materials.
Complete the following steps:
1. Make sure that each student returns his or her test and answer book, and indicate on your
record of required administration information that each book is returned.
2. Report any missing test materials and/or test security irregularities to your school assessment
coordinator immediately.
3. Ensure that the box at the upper right corner of the student grid sheet has been completed by
each student and that the gridded or preidentified information is accurate and complete.
4. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students
on your record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations
codes to record this information:
For ESE/504 students:
1-FP = Flexible Presentation
1-FR = Flexible Responding
1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
1-FSE = Flexible Setting
1-AD = Assistive Devices
For ELL students:
2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
2-FSE = Flexible Setting
2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
2-ADI = Approved Dictionary
5. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 10 ELA Reading Session 1
Script for Administering
Grade 10 ELA Reading
(Paper-Based Accommodations Only)
Session 1
90 Minutes
This script should be used to administer the Grade 10 FSA ELA Reading to students using a
regular print, large print, or one-item-per-page paper-based accommodation. For the large print
accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 219–222. For the one-item-perpage accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 227–230.
A modified script for students using braille versions of the test is provided with the braille test
materials and is also available in the FSA portal. If you are administering the computer-based
Grade 10 ELA Reading, you must use the administration script in the Spring 2015 FSA CBT
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended
time), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students are to follow. It is
important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
During this test session, remember the following:
Ensure that you have a Security Log, a seating chart, and a form to collect required
administration information (e.g., Administration Record/Security Checklist) for your
room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
If a student starts a session and leaves campus without finishing (due to an appointment,
illness, etc.), he or she will NOT be allowed to complete that session. No exceptions will
be made once the student leaves the school’s campus. If you have concerns about a
student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact your school
assessment coordinator for instructions.
Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the
test during breaks. The student should close his or her test and answer book and should
not discuss the test or exchange information about the test with anyone during breaks.
Only one student may leave the testing room at a time. Students should not be given
access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones, tablets) during breaks. If
a student accesses his or her electronic device(s) during a break, that student’s test
must be invalidated.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 10 ELA Reading Session 1
Before Testing
1. Display the district name, school name, and four-digit test group code assigned by your
school assessment coordinator.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign is posted where it is visible to all students and that
the Do Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Signs are provided in
the portal.)
3. Ensure that each student has a No. 2 pencil.
4. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., word lists,
dictionaries) and that any visual aids have been removed or covered.
SAY Today, you are going to take Session 1 of the Florida Standards Assessments Grade 10
ELA Reading test. Remove all materials from your desk except a No. 2 pencil.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices at your desk, in your pockets, or
anywhere you can reach them at any time during this test session, even if they are turned
off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording devices include but are not limited to
cell phones, smartphones, tablets, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of
recording, storing, viewing, or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found
with any electronic or recording devices at any time during this test session,
including breaks, your test will not be scored. If you have any devices with you right
now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices.
At this time, silence your own electronic devices.
Distribute the Grade 10 ELA Reading test and answer books.
Follow the instructions in Option A or Option B, depending on whether test and answer
books have been preidentified.
Option A
If you are distributing test and answer books with the labels already affixed, or if the
student grid sheets have already been gridded, ensure that each student receives the
preidentified book with his or her name on it.
Make sure that you have the test and answer book with your name on it.
Option B
If you are distributing test and answer books that are not preidentified, distribute them in
the order in which they are packaged.
Contact your school assessment coordinator if you have preidentified books that do not belong to
students testing in your room or if you need extra test and answer books. Update your record of
required administration information, as necessary.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 10 ELA Reading Session 1
After distributing books according to Option A OR Option B,
SAY Your No. 2 pencil and your FSA Grade 10 ELA Reading test and answer book should be
the only things on your desk. Do not open your book.
Look at the front cover of your test and answer book. Locate the box for student name,
school name, and district name. Print your first and last names next to Student Name.
Print ______ (name of the school) next to School Name.
Print ______ (name of the district) next to District Name.
Turn your test and answer book over. Write the Session 1 test group code _____ in the
boxes and grid the corresponding bubbles. (Pause.) Now turn your book back over to the
front cover.
Make sure all students have turned back to the front cover of their test and answer books.
The box in the upper right corner of the student grid sheet must be completed by each
student, even when a student PreID label is affixed or student demographic information
has already been gridded by school personnel.
If school personnel have not already verified student information prior to testing, read the Script
for Gridding a Non-Preidentified Student Grid Sheet on pages 215–216 or the Script for
Verifying a Preidentified Label on pages 217–218 before reading the remainder of this script.
After reading the Script for Gridding a Non-Preidentified Student Grid Sheet or the Script for
Verifying a Preidentified Label, OR if school personnel have already verified student
SAY Your test and answer book has two plastic pull tabs. Find the first plastic pull tab on the
right side of your book. Carefully pull the tab OUT and DOWN. Do not try to remove
any remaining pieces of the tab. Do not break the second plastic tab.
Make sure that all students pull the correct tab. If a student tears his or her book or removes the
second plastic tab, obtain a replacement book from your school assessment coordinator and
record the new security number with your required administration information.
SAY Next, open your test and answer book to page 2. Check each page through page 40 to see
that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any missing or upside-down pages.
Do not read any of the questions or passages before the test begins. If you see any
problems, raise your hand. If not, close the book and sit quietly.
Wait until all students finish. If no defective books are found, continue to the next SAY
box. If a defective book is found, contact your school assessment coordinator to obtain a
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 10 ELA Reading Session 1
replacement, and add the new security number to your record of required administration
Do not remove the student PreID label from a torn or defective book. Direct the student to write
his or her name, school name, and district name in the box on the front cover of the replacement
book, and notify your school assessment coordinator. Set the defective book aside and return it
with all other NOT TO BE SCORED materials.
SAY Now, open your book to page 2 again and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment.
Please listen as I read the testing rules. During this test, you must not
go on to Session 2
talk to other students or make any disturbance
look at another student’s test and answer book
allow another student to look at your test and answer book
ask for help answering test questions
give help to another student in answering test questions
have notes or scratch paper
have any electronic or recording devices in your possession at any time, including
breaks, even if you do not use them
fail to follow any other instructions given
After the test, you may not reveal details about the test items or passages to anyone. This
includes any type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting
online, for example, on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you are found
sharing information about test items or passages, your test will be invalidated.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.
SAY Now, read silently as I read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment out loud.
I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these
rules, my test score may be invalidated.
Now, sign your name on the line next to Signature to indicate that you understand the
testing rules.
Pause while students sign their names. If a student does not sign his or her name, contact your
school assessment coordinator.
SAY You’ll have 90 minutes to complete Session 1 of the ELA Reading test. Now, look at
Session 1 on page 3 in your test and answer book. The session number is at the top of
each page. You may work only in Session 1.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 10 ELA Reading Session 1
SAY On page 3 you’ll see a Table of Contents with page numbers to help you find the articles,
stories, or poems in Session 1. Now close your test and answer book.
This test includes reading passages and several types of items. Listen carefully as I
explain how to complete the different types of items on this test.
1) For multiple-choice items, choose the best answer from the answer choices, and fill
in one bubble for the correct answer.
2) For multiselect items, choose more than one correct answer from the answer
choices, and fill in the bubbles for more than one correct answer. Be sure to read the
item carefully to know how many correct answers to choose.
3) For editing tasks, choose the correct word or phrase to fill in each blank in a
passage. For each blank, fill in the bubble before the correct word or phrase. If you
write your answer in the blank but do not fill in the bubble, your answer will not be
4) For two-part items, enter your responses to two related questions. The two parts of
the item may be either multiple-choice (one correct answer) or multiselect (more than
one correct answer), so be sure to read the item carefully to know how many correct
answers to choose.
Are there any questions about how to complete the items?
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember the following:
Do not go on to Session 2.
Mark your answers directly in your test and answer book.
Read each item carefully so you’ll understand how to respond correctly.
Only mark the bubbles you want to count as correct answers. If you draw a line or
an X through an answer that you think is wrong and the mark goes into a bubble,
that bubble might be counted as your answer.
Do not circle answers. If you circle the answers instead of filling in the bubbles,
your answers will NOT be scored.
Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, skip it and
keep going. After you have answered all the other questions, go back and answer any
questions you skipped.
You may not have scratch paper, but you may underline or circle words, phrases, and
sentences in the passages or test items.
Now, turn to page 40 and look at the STOP sign. When you come to this STOP sign on
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 10 ELA Reading Session 1
SAY page 40, you have finished Session 1. It is very important that you do not go on to
Session 2. If you complete Session 1 before time is called, go back and check your work.
Now close your book.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended. You may read, but you may not write.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember, you have 90 minutes to complete Session 1, and we will take a short stretch
break after 45 minutes of testing.
Turn to page 4 in your test and answer book and begin working.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 10 ELA Reading Session 1
Complete the following:
Add 45 minutes:
+ 45 minutes
Time to call a break:
Add 35 minutes:
+ 35 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder:
Add 10 minutes:
+ 10 minutes
Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.
During testing, do not use cell phones, classroom phones, or computers (except to contact your
school assessment coordinator in an emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your
full attention should be on students AT ALL TIMES. Although it is your responsibility to ensure
that students are working independently and in the correct session, you are prohibited from
reading the contents of the test and answer books before, during, and after the test.
After 45 minutes from the STARTING time,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book. You may stand and
stretch, but do not talk.
After a short break,
SAY Now be seated. You still have 45 minutes to complete Session 1, and I’ll let you know
when you have 10 minutes left.
Open your test and answer book and find the place where you left off. You may now
continue working.
After 35 minutes,
SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 1. Remember, do not go on to Session 2.
After 10 more minutes,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book.
Collect all test materials.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 10 ELA Reading Session 1
Complete the following steps:
1. Make sure that each student returns his or her test and answer book, and indicate on your
record of required administration information that each book is returned.
2. Report any missing test materials and/or test security irregularities to your school assessment
coordinator immediately.
3. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator until the beginning of Session 2.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 10 ELA Reading Session 2
Script for Administering
Grade 10 ELA Reading
(Paper-Based Accommodations Only)
Session 2
90 Minutes
This script should be used to administer the Grade 10 ELA Reading test to students using a
regular print, large print, or one-item-per-page paper-based accommodation. For the large print
accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 219–222. For the one-item-perpage accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 227–230.
A modified script for students using braille versions of the test is provided with the braille test
materials and is also available in the FSA portal. If you are administering the computer-based
Grade 10 ELA Reading, you must use the administration script in the Spring 2015 FSA CBT
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended
time), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students are to follow. It is
important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Remember the following:
Ensure that you have a Security Log, a seating chart, and a form to collect required
administration information (e.g., Administration Record/Security Checklist) for your
room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
If a student starts a session and leaves campus without finishing (due to an appointment,
illness, etc.), he or she will NOT be allowed to complete that session. No exceptions will
be made once the student leaves the school’s campus. If you have concerns about a
student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact your school
assessment coordinator for instructions.
Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the
test during breaks. The student should close his or her test and answer book and should
not discuss the test or exchange information about the test with anyone during breaks.
Only one student may leave the testing room at a time. Students should not be given
access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones, tablets) during breaks. If
a student accesses his or her electronic device(s) during a break, that student’s test
must be invalidated.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 10 ELA Reading Session 2
Before Testing
1. Collect all test materials from your school assessment coordinator. Verify that you have all
materials you were assigned, as well as the Session 2 test group code.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign is posted where it is visible to all students and that
the Do Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Signs are provided in
the portal.)
3. Ensure that each student has a No. 2 pencil.
4. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., word lists,
dictionaries) and that any visual aids have been removed or covered.
SAY Today, you are going to take Session 2 of the Florida Standards Assessments Grade 10
ELA Reading test. If you have not taken Session 1 of the Grade 10 ELA Reading test,
please raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, contact your school assessment coordinator.
SAY Remove all materials from your desk except a No. 2 pencil.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices at your desk, in your pockets, or
anywhere you can reach them at any time during this test session, even if they are turned
off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording devices include but are not limited to
cell phones, smartphones, tablets, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of
recording, storing, viewing, or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found
with any electronic or recording devices at any time during this test session,
including breaks, your test will not be scored. If you have any devices with you right
now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices.
At this time, silence your own electronic devices.
Distribute the Grade 10 ELA Reading test and answer books. Each student should receive the
test and answer book with his or her name on it.
Contact your school assessment coordinator if you have books that do not belong to students
testing in your room or if any books are missing.
SAY Your No. 2 pencil and your FSA Grade 10 ELA Reading test and answer book should be
the only things on your desk. Make sure you have the test and answer book with your
name on it. You may not return to or change any answers from Session 1.
Now, turn your test and answer book over. Write the Session 2 test group code _____ in
the boxes and grid the corresponding bubbles. (Pause.) Now turn your book back over to
the front cover.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 10 ELA Reading Session 2
SAY Find the remaining plastic pull tab sealing Session 2 of your book. Carefully pull the tab
OUT and DOWN. Do not try to remove any remaining pieces of the pull tab.
Make sure that all students pull the tabs correctly. If a student tears his or her book, obtain a
replacement book from your school assessment coordinator and record the new security number
with your required administration information. Notify your school assessment coordinator after
testing. The student's responses from Session 1 will need to be transcribed into the new test and
answer book.
SAY Next, open your test and answer book to page 41. Check each page through the end of the
book to see that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any missing or upsidedown pages. Do not read any of the questions or passages before the test begins. If you
see any problems, raise your hand. If not, close the book and sit quietly.
Wait until all students finish. If no defective books are found, continue to the next SAY
box. If a defective book is found, contact your school assessment coordinator to obtain a
replacement, and add the new security number to your record of required administration
Do not remove the student PreID label from a torn or defective book. Direct the student to write
his or her name, school name, and district name in the box on the front cover of the replacement
book. Set the defective book aside and notify your school assessment coordinator after testing.
The student's responses from Session 1 will need to be transcribed into the new test and answer
SAY You’ll have 90 minutes to complete Session 2 of the ELA Reading test. Now, look at
Session 2 on page 41 in your test and answer book. The session number is at the top of
each page. You may work only in Session 2.
On page 41 you’ll see a Table of Contents with page numbers to help you find the
articles, stories, or poems in Session 2. Now close your test and answer book.
Remember, this test includes reading passages and several types of items. Listen carefully
as I explain how to complete the different types of items on this test.
1) For multiple-choice items, choose the best answer from the answer choices, and fill
in one bubble for the correct answer.
2) For multiselect items, choose more than one correct answer from the answer
choices, and fill in the bubbles for more than one correct answer. Be sure to read the
item carefully to know how many correct answers to choose.
3) For editing tasks, choose the correct word or phrase to fill in each blank in a
passage. For each blank, fill in the bubble before the correct word or phrase. If you
write your answer in the blank but do not fill in the bubble, your answer will not be
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 10 ELA Reading Session 2
4) For two-part items, enter your responses to two related questions. The two parts of
the item may be either multiple-choice (one correct answer) or multiselect (more than
one correct answer), so be sure to read the item carefully to know how many correct
answers to choose.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember the following:
Mark your answers directly in your test and answer book.
Read each item carefully so you’ll understand how to respond correctly.
Only mark the bubbles you want to count as correct answers. If you draw a line or
an X through an answer that you think is wrong and the mark goes into a bubble,
that bubble might be counted as your answer.
Do not circle answers. If you circle the answers instead of filling in the bubbles,
your answers will NOT be scored.
Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, skip it and
keep going. After you have answered all the other questions, go back and answer any
questions you skipped.
You may not have scratch paper, but you may underline or circle words, phrases, and
sentences in the passages or test items.
Now, turn to page 75 and look at the STOP sign. When you come to this STOP sign, you
have finished Session 2. If you complete Session 2 before time is called, go back and
check your work. Do not go back and work in Session 1. Now close your book.
Before taking Session 1 of this test, you signed below the Testing Rules
Acknowledgment on page 2 of your test and answer book to indicate that you understand
the testing rules. These testing rules are also in place for Session 2 of the test. Please
remember that during this test you must not
work in Session 1
talk to other students or make any disturbance
look at another student’s test and answer book
allow another student to look at your test and answer book
ask for help answering test questions
give help to another student in answering test questions
have notes or scratch paper
have any electronic or recording devices in your possession at any time, including
breaks, even if you do not use them
fail to follow any other instructions given
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 10 ELA Reading Session 2
SAY After the test, you may not reveal details about the test items or passages to anyone.
Remember, this includes any type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing,
or posting online, for example, on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you
are found sharing information about test items or passages, your test will be invalidated.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended. You may read, but you may not write.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 10 ELA Reading Session 2
SAY Remember, you have 90 minutes to complete Session 2, and we will take a short stretch
break after 45 minutes of testing.
Turn to page 42 in your test and answer book and begin working.
Complete the following:
Add 45 minutes:
+ 45 minutes
Time to call a break:
Add 35 minutes:
+ 35 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder:
Add 10 minutes:
+ 10 minutes
Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.
During testing, do not use cell phones, classroom phones, or computers (except to contact your
school assessment coordinator in an emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your
full attention should be on students AT ALL TIMES. Although it is your responsibility to ensure
that students are working independently and in the correct session, you are prohibited from
reading the contents of the test and answer books before, during, and after the test.
After 45 minutes from the STARTING time,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book. You may stand and
stretch, but do not talk.
After a short break,
SAY Now be seated. You still have 45 minutes to complete Session 2, and I’ll let you know
when you have 10 minutes left.
Open your test and answer book and find the place where you left off. You may now
continue working.
After 35 minutes,
SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 2. Remember, do not go back to Session 1.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 10 ELA Reading Session 2
After 10 more minutes,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book.
Collect all test materials.
Complete the following steps:
1. Make sure that each student returns his or her test and answer book, and indicate on your
record of required administration information that each book is returned.
2. Report any missing test materials and/or test security irregularities to your school assessment
coordinator immediately.
3. Ensure that the box at the upper right corner of the student grid sheet has been completed by
each student and that the gridded or preidentified information is accurate and complete.
4. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students
on your record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations
codes to record this information:
For ESE/504 students:
1-FP = Flexible Presentation
1-FR = Flexible Responding
1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
1-FSE = Flexible Setting
1-AD = Assistive Devices
For ELL students:
2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
2-FSE = Flexible Setting
2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
2-ADI = Approved Dictionary
5. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based FSA Mathematics
Scripts for Administering
Paper-Based FSA Mathematics
Refer to the table below for script locations and session lengths. All FSA Mathematics tests are
administered over two days. For Grades 6–8, the three sessions may be administered as
determined by the district: Sessions 1 and 2 on Day 1 and Session 3 on Day 2, OR Session 1 on
Day 1 and Sessions 2 and 3 on Day 2.
Administration Script
Grade 5 Mathematics Session 1
Grade 5 Mathematics Session 2
Grade 6 Mathematics Session 1
Grade 6 Mathematics Session 2
Grade 6 Mathematics Session 3
Grade 7 Mathematics Session 1
Grade 7 Mathematics Session 2
Grade 7 Mathematics Session 3
Grade 8 Mathematics Session 1
Grade 8 Mathematics Session 2
Grade 8 Mathematics Session 3
Session Length
80 Minutes
60 Minutes
Test Materials Needed
No. 2 Pencils
Test and Answer Books
Scientific calculators (Sessions 2 and 3 of Grades 7 and 8 Mathematics ONLY)
Your school assessment coordinator will provide you with the materials needed to administer
each Mathematics test session. Secure materials should be delivered or picked up immediately
before the beginning of each test session. Verify that you have all necessary materials before
testing begins. Refer to the Large Print Test Administrator Instructions, Braille Test
Administrator Instructions, and/or One-Item-Per-Page Test Administrator Instructions section(s)
for materials needed to administer tests to students using large print, braille, and one-item-perpage documents.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 5 Mathematics Session 1
Script for Administering
Grade 5 Mathematics
(Paper-Based Accommodations Only)
Session 1
80 Minutes
This script should be used to administer the Grade 5 FSA Mathematics test to students using a
regular print, large print, or one-item-per-page paper-based accommodation. For the large print
accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 219–222. For the one-item-perpage accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 227–230.
A modified script for students using braille versions of the test is provided with the braille test
materials and is also available in the FSA portal. If you are administering the computer-based
Grade 5 Mathematics, you must use the administration script in the Spring 2015 FSA CBT
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended
time), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students are to follow. It is
important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Remember the following:
Ensure that you have a Security Log, a seating chart, and a form to collect required
administration information (e.g., Administration Record/Security Checklist) for your
room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
If a student starts a session and leaves campus without finishing (due to an appointment,
illness, etc.), he or she will NOT be allowed to complete that session. No exceptions will
be made once the student leaves the school’s campus. If you have concerns about a
student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact your school
assessment coordinator for instructions.
Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the
test during breaks. The student should close his or her test and answer book and should
not discuss or exchange information with anyone during breaks. Students should not be
given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones, tablets) during
breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s) during a break, that
student’s test must be invalidated.
Before Testing
1. Display the district name, school name, and four-digit Session 1 test group code for students.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign is visible to all students and that a Do Not Disturb
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 5 Mathematics Session 1
sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Signs are provided in the portal.)
3. Ensure that each student has a No. 2 pencil.
4. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., charts displaying
mathematical concepts) and that any visual aids have been removed or covered.
SAY Today, you are going to take Session 1 of the Florida Standards Assessments Grade 5
Mathematics test. Remove all materials from your desk except a No. 2 pencil.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices at your desk, in your pockets, or
anywhere you can reach them at any time during this test session, even if they are turned
off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording devices include but are not limited to
cell phones, smartphones, tablets, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of
recording, storing, viewing, or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found
with any electronic or recording devices at any time during this test session,
including breaks, your test will not be scored. If you have any devices with you right
now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices.
At this time, silence your own electronic devices.
Distribute the Grade 5 Mathematics test and answer books.
Follow the instructions in Option A or Option B, depending on whether test and answer
books have been preidentified.
Option A
If you are distributing test and answer books with the labels already affixed, or if the
student grid sheets have already been gridded, ensure that each student receives the
preidentified book with his or her name on it.
Make sure that you have the test and answer book with your name on it.
Option B
If you are distributing test and answer books that are not preidentified, distribute them in
the order in which they are packaged.
Contact your school assessment coordinator if you have preidentified books that do not belong to
students testing in your room or if you need extra test and answer books. Update your record of
required administration information, as necessary.
After distributing books according to Option A OR Option B,
SAY Your No. 2 pencil and your FSA Grade 5 Mathematics test and answer book should be
the only things on your desk. Do not open your book.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 5 Mathematics Session 1
SAY Look at the front cover of your test and answer book. Locate the box for student name,
school name, and district name. Print your first and last names next to Student Name.
Print ______ (name of the school) next to School Name.
Print ______ (name of the district) next to District Name.
Turn your test and answer book over. Write the Session 1 test group code _____ in the
boxes and grid the corresponding bubbles. (Pause.) Now turn your book back over to the
front cover.
Make sure all students have turned back to the front cover of their test and answer books.
The box in the upper right corner of the student grid sheet must be completed by each
student, even when a student PreID label is affixed or student demographic information
has already been gridded by school personnel.
If school personnel have not already verified student information prior to testing, read the Script
for Gridding a Non-Preidentified Student Grid Sheet on pages 215–216 or the Script for
Verifying a Preidentified Label on pages 217–218 before reading the remainder of this script.
After reading the Script for Gridding a Non-Preidentified Student Grid Sheet or the Script for
Verifying a Preidentified Label, OR if school personnel have already verified student
SAY Your test and answer book has two plastic pull tabs. Find the first plastic pull tab on the
right side of your book. Carefully pull the tab OUT and DOWN. Do not try to remove
any remaining pieces of the tab. Do not break the second plastic tab.
Make sure that all students pull the correct tab. If a student tears his or her book or removes the
second plastic tab, obtain a replacement book from your school assessment coordinator and
record the new security number with your required administration information.
SAY Next, open your test and answer book to page 2. Check each page through page 28 to see
that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any missing or upside-down pages.
Do not read any of the items before the test begins. If you see any problems, raise your
hand. If not, close the book and sit quietly.
Wait until all students finish. If no defective books are found, continue to the next SAY
box. If a defective book is found, contact your school assessment coordinator to obtain a
replacement, and add the new security number to your record of required administration
Do not remove the student PreID label from a torn or defective book. Direct the student to write
his or her name, school name, and district name in the box on the front cover of the replacement
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 5 Mathematics Session 1
book, and notify your school assessment coordinator. Set the torn or defective book aside and
return it with all other NOT TO BE SCORED materials.
SAY Now, open your book to page 2 again and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment.
Please listen as I read the testing rules. During this test, you must not
go on to Session 2
talk to other students or make any disturbance
look at another student’s test and answer book
allow another student to look at your test and answer book
ask for help answering test questions
give help to another student in answering test questions
have notes or scratch paper
have any electronic or recording devices in your possession at any time, including
breaks, even if you do not use them
fail to follow any other instructions given
After the test, you may not reveal details about the test items to anyone. This includes any
type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting online, for
example, on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you are found sharing
information about test items, your test will be invalidated.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.
SAY Now, read silently as I read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment out loud.
I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these
rules, my test score may be invalidated.
Now, sign your name on the line next to Signature to indicate that you understand the
testing rules.
Pause while students sign their names. If a student does not sign his or her name, contact your
school assessment coordinator.
SAY Now, look at the Grade 5 FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet on page 3 of your test and
answer book. The reference sheet contains formulas and conversions you may need to
answer the mathematics questions. You may refer to this page at any time during the
Mathematics test.
You’ll have 80 minutes to complete Session 1 of the Mathematics test. Now, turn to
Session 1 on page 5 in your test and answer book. The session number is at the top of
each page that follows. You may work only in Session 1.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 5 Mathematics Session 1
SAY Now turn to page 6 and look at the directions at the top of the page. Read silently as I
read the directions aloud:
Use the space in this Test Book to do your work. Then completely fill in the bubble
beside the answer you choose. If you change your answer, be sure to erase
Now close your test and answer book. Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember the following:
Do not go on to Session 2.
Mark your answers directly in your test and answer book.
Read each item carefully so you’ll understand how to respond correctly.
Only mark the bubbles you want to count as correct answers. If you draw a line or
an X through an answer that you think is wrong and the mark goes into a bubble,
that bubble might be counted as your answer.
Do not circle answers. If you circle the answers instead of filling in the bubbles,
your answers will NOT be scored.
Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, skip it and
keep going. After you have answered all the other questions, go back and answer any
questions you skipped.
You may not have scratch paper, but you may use the blank space in your test and answer
book as work space.
Now, turn to page 28 and look at the STOP sign. When you come to this STOP sign on
page 28, you have finished Session 1. It is very important that you do not go on to
Session 2. If you complete Session 1 before time is called, go back and check your work.
Now close your book.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 5 Mathematics Session 1
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended. You may read, but you may not write.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember, you have 80 minutes to complete Session 1, and we will take a short stretch
break after 40 minutes of testing.
Turn to page 6 in your test and answer book and begin working.
Complete the following:
Add 40 minutes:
+ 40 minutes
Time to call a break:
Add 30 minutes:
+ 30 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder:
Add 10 minutes:
+ 10 minutes
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 5 Mathematics Session 1
Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.
During testing, do not use cell phones, classroom phones, or computers (except to contact your
school assessment coordinator in an emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your
full attention should be on students AT ALL TIMES. Although it is your responsibility to ensure
that students are working independently and in the correct session, you are prohibited from
reading the contents of the test and answer books before, during, and after the test.
After 40 minutes from the STARTING time,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book. You may stand and
stretch, but do not talk.
After a short break,
SAY Now be seated. You still have 40 minutes to complete Session 1, and I’ll let you know
when you have 10 minutes left.
Open your test and answer book and find the place where you left off. You may now
continue working.
After 30 minutes,
SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 1. Remember, do not go on to Session 2.
After 10 more minutes,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book.
Collect all test materials.
Complete the following steps:
1. Make sure that each student returns his or her test and answer book, and indicate on your
record of required administration information that each book is returned.
2. Report any missing test materials and/or test security irregularities to your school assessment
coordinator immediately.
3. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator until the beginning of Session 2.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 5 Mathematics Session 2
Script for Administering
Grade 5 Mathematics
(Paper-Based Accommodations Only)
Session 2
80 Minutes
This script should be used to administer the Grade 5 Mathematics test to students using a regular
print, large print, or one-item-per-page paper-based accommodation. For the large print
accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 219–222. For the one-item-perpage accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 227–230.
A modified script for students using braille versions of the test is provided with the braille test
materials and is also available in the FSA portal. If you are administering the computer-based
Grade 5 Mathematics, you must use the administration script in the Spring 2015 FSA CBT
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended
time), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students are to follow. It is
important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Remember the following:
Ensure that you have a Security Log, a seating chart, and a form to collect required
administration information (e.g., Administration Record/Security Checklist) for your
room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
If a student starts a session and leaves campus without finishing (due to an appointment,
illness, etc.), he or she will NOT be allowed to complete that session. No exceptions will
be made once the student leaves the school’s campus. If you have concerns about a
student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact your school
assessment coordinator for instructions.
Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the
test during breaks. The student should close his or her test and answer book and should
not discuss or exchange information with anyone during breaks. Students should not be
given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones, tablets) during
breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s) during a break, that
student’s test must be invalidated.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 5 Mathematics Session 2
Before Testing
1. Collect all test materials from your school assessment coordinator. Verify that you have all
materials you were assigned, as well as the Session 2 test group code.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign is posted where it is visible to all students and that a
Do Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Signs are provided in the
3. Ensure that each student has a No. 2 pencil.
4. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., charts displaying
mathematical concepts) and that any visual aids have been removed or covered.
SAY Today, you are going to take Session 2 of the Florida Standards Assessments Grade 5
Mathematics test. If you have not taken Session 1 of the Grade 5 Mathematics test, please
raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, contact your school assessment coordinator.
SAY Remove all materials from your desk except a No. 2 pencil.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices at your desk, in your pockets, or
anywhere you can reach them at any time during this test session, even if they are turned
off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording devices include but are not limited to
cell phones, smartphones, tablets, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of
recording, storing, viewing, or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found
with any electronic or recording devices at any time during this test session,
including breaks, your test will not be scored. If you have any devices with you right
now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices.
At this time, silence your own electronic devices.
Distribute the Grade 5 Mathematics test and answer books. Each student should receive the test
and answer book with his or her name on it.
Contact your school assessment coordinator if you have books that do not belong to students
testing in your room or if any books are missing.
SAY Your No. 2 pencil and your FSA Grade 5 Mathematics test and answer book should be
the only things on your desk. Make sure you have the test and answer with your name on
it. You may not return to or change any answers from Session 1.
Now, turn your test and answer book over. Write the Session 2 test group code _____ in
the boxes and grid the corresponding bubbles. (Pause.) Now turn your book back over to
the front cover.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 5 Mathematics Session 2
SAY Find the remaining plastic pull tab sealing Session 2 of your book. Carefully pull the tab
OUT and DOWN. Do not try to remove any remaining pieces of the pull tab.
Make sure that all students pull the tabs correctly. If a student tears his or her book, obtain a
replacement book from your school assessment coordinator and record the new security number
with your required administration information. Notify your school assessment coordinator after
testing. The student's responses from Session 1 will need to be transcribed into the new test and
answer book.
SAY Next, open your test and answer book to page 29. Check each page through the end of the
book to see that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any missing or upsidedown pages. Do not read any of the items before the test begins.
If you see any problems, raise your hand. If not, close the book and sit quietly.
Wait until all students finish. If no defective books are found, continue to the next SAY
box. If a defective book is found, contact your school assessment coordinator to obtain a
replacement, and add the new security number to your record of required administration
Do not remove the student PreID label from a torn or defective book. Direct the student to write
his or her name, school name, and district name in the box on the front cover of the replacement
book. Set the torn or defective book aside and notify your school assessment coordinator after
testing. The student's responses from Session 1 will need to be transcribed into the new test and
answer book.
SAY You’ll have 80 minutes to complete Session 2 of the Mathematics test. Now, look at
Session 2 on page 29 in your test and answer book. The session number is at the top of
each page that follows. You may work only in Session 2. Now close your test and answer
Remember, use the space in this test book to do your work. Then completely fill
in the bubble beside the answer you choose. If you change your answer, be sure to erase
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember the following:
Mark your answers directly in your test and answer book.
Read each item carefully so you’ll understand how to respond correctly.
Only mark the bubbles you want to count as correct answers. If you draw a line or
an X through an answer that you think is wrong and the mark goes into a bubble,
that bubble might be counted as your answer.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 5 Mathematics Session 2
Do not circle answers. If you circle the answers instead of filling in the bubbles,
your answers will NOT be scored.
Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, skip it and
keep going. After you have answered all the other questions, go back and answer any
questions you skipped.
You may not have scratch paper, but you may use the blank space in your test and answer
book as workspace. Remember, you may refer to the Grade 5 FSA Mathematics
Reference Sheet on page 3 of your test and answer book at any time.
Now, turn to the STOP sign on page 51 of your test and answer book. When you come to
this STOP sign, you have finished Session 2. If you complete Session 2 before time is
called, go back and check your work. Do not go back and work in Session 1. Now close
your book.
Before taking Session 1 of this test, you signed below the Testing Rules
Acknowledgment on page 2 of your test and answer book to indicate that you understand
the testing rules. These testing rules are also in place for Session 2 of the test. Please
remember that during this test you must not
work in Session 1
talk to other students or make any disturbance
look at another student’s test and answer book
allow another student to look at your test and answer book
ask for help answering test questions
give help to another student in answering test questions
have notes or scratch paper
have any electronic or recording devices in your possession at any time, including
breaks, even if you do not use them
fail to follow any other instructions given
After the test, you may not reveal details about the test items to anyone. Remember, this
includes any type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting
online, for example, on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you are found
sharing information about test items, your test will be invalidated.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 5 Mathematics Session 2
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended. You may read, but you may not write.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember, you have 80 minutes to complete Session 2, and we will take a short stretch
break after 40 minutes of testing.
Turn to page 30 in your test and answer book and begin working.
Complete the following:
Add 40 minutes:
+ 40 minutes
Time to call a break:
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 5 Mathematics Session 2
Add 30 minutes:
+ 30 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder:
Add 10 minutes:
+ 10 minutes
Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.
During testing, do not use cell phones, classroom phones, or computers (except to contact your
school assessment coordinator in an emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your
full attention should be on students AT ALL TIMES. Although it is your responsibility to ensure
that students are working independently and in the correct session, you are prohibited from
reading the contents of the test and answer books before, during, and after the test.
After 40 minutes from the STARTING time,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book. You may stand and
stretch, but do not talk.
After a short break,
SAY Now be seated. You still have 40 minutes to complete Session 2, and I’ll let you know
when you have 10 minutes left.
Open your test and answer book and find the place where you left off. You may now
continue working.
After 30 minutes,
SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 2. Remember, do not go back to Session 1.
After 10 more minutes,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book.
Collect all test materials.
Complete the following steps:
1. Make sure that each student returns his or her test and answer book, and indicate on your
record of required administration information that each book is returned.
2. Report any missing test materials and/or test security irregularities to your school assessment
coordinator immediately.
3. Ensure that the box at the upper right corner of the student grid sheet has been completed by
each student and that the gridded or preidentified information is accurate and complete.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 5 Mathematics Session 2
4. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students
on your record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations
codes to record this information:
For ESE/504 students:
1-FP = Flexible Presentation
1-FR = Flexible Responding
1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
1-FSE = Flexible Setting
1-AD = Assistive Devices
For ELL students:
2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
2-FSE = Flexible Setting
2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
2-ADI = Approved Dictionary
5. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 6 Mathematics Session 1
Script for Administering
Grade 6 Mathematics
(Paper-Based Accommodations Only)
Session 1
60 Minutes
This script should be used to administer the Grade 6 FSA Mathematics test to students using a
regular print, large print, or one-item-per-page paper-based accommodation. For the large print
accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 219–222. For the one-item-perpage accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 227–230.
A modified script for students using braille versions of the test is provided with the braille test
materials and is also available in the FSA portal. If you are administering the computer-based
Grade 6 Mathematics, you must use the administration script in the Spring 2015 FSA CBT
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended
time), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students are to follow. It is
important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Remember the following:
Ensure that you have a Security Log, a seating chart, and a form to collect required
administration information (e.g., Administration Record/Security Checklist) for your
room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
If a student starts a session and leaves campus without finishing (due to an appointment,
illness, etc.), he or she will NOT be allowed to complete that session. No exceptions will
be made once the student leaves the school’s campus. If you have concerns about a
student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact your school
assessment coordinator for instructions.
Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the
test during breaks. The student should close his or her test and answer book and should
not discuss or exchange information with anyone during breaks. Students should not be
given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones, tablets) during
breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s) during a break, that
student’s test must be invalidated.
Before Testing
1. Display the district name, school name, and four-digit Session 1 test group code for students.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign is visible to all students and that a Do Not Disturb
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 6 Mathematics Session 1
sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Signs are provided in the portal.)
3. Ensure that each student has a No. 2 pencil.
4. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., charts displaying
mathematical concepts) and that any visual aids have been removed or covered.
SAY Today, you are going to take Session 1 of the Florida Standards Assessments Grade 6
Mathematics test. Remove all materials from your desk except a No. 2 pencil.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices at your desk, in your pockets, or
anywhere you can reach them at any time during this test session, even if they are turned
off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording devices include but are not limited to
cell phones, smartphones, tablets, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of
recording, storing, viewing, or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found
with any electronic or recording devices at any time during this test session,
including breaks, your test will not be scored. If you have any devices with you right
now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices.
At this time, silence your own electronic devices.
Distribute the Grade 6 Mathematics test and answer books.
Follow the instructions in Option A or Option B, depending on whether test and answer
books have been preidentified.
Option A
If you are distributing test and answer books with the labels already affixed, or if the
student grid sheets have already been gridded, ensure that each student receives the
preidentified book with his or her name on it.
Make sure that you have the test and answer book with your name on it.
Option B
If you are distributing test and answer books that are not preidentified, distribute them in
the order in which they are packaged.
Contact your school assessment coordinator if you have preidentified books that do not belong to
students testing in your room or if you need extra test and answer books. Update your record of
required administration information, as necessary.
After distributing books according to Option A OR Option B,
SAY Your No. 2 pencil and your FSA Grade 6 Mathematics test and answer book should be
the only things on your desk. Do not open your book.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 6 Mathematics Session 1
SAY Look at the front cover of your test and answer book. Locate the box for student name,
school name, and district name. Print your first and last names next to Student Name.
Print ______ (name of the school) next to School Name.
Print ______ (name of the district) next to District Name.
Turn your test and answer book over. Write the Session 1 test group code _____ in the
boxes and grid the corresponding bubbles. (Pause.) Now turn your book back over to the
front cover.
Make sure all students have turned back to the front cover of their test and answer books.
The box in the upper right corner of the student grid sheet must be completed by each
student, even when a student PreID label is affixed or student demographic information
has already been gridded by school personnel.
If school personnel have not already verified student information prior to testing, read the Script
for Gridding a Non-Preidentified Student Grid Sheet on pages 215–216 or the Script for
Verifying a Preidentified Label on pages 217–218 before reading the remainder of this script.
After reading the Script for Gridding a Non-Preidentified Student Grid Sheet or the Script for
Verifying a Preidentified Label, OR if school personnel have already verified student
SAY Your test and answer book has three plastic pull tabs. Find the first plastic pull tab on the
right side of your book. Carefully pull the tab OUT and DOWN. Do not try to remove
any remaining pieces of the tab. Do not remove the plastic tabs sealing Sessions 2 and 3.
Make sure that all students pull the correct tab. If a student tears his or her book or removes the
incorrect tab, obtain a replacement book from your school assessment coordinator and record the
new security number with your required administration information.
SAY Next, open your test and answer book to page 2. Check each page through page 22 to see
that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any missing or upside-down pages.
Do not read any of the items before the test begins.
If you see any problems, raise your hand. If not, close the book and sit quietly.
Wait until all students finish. If no defective books are found, continue to the next SAY
box. If a defective book is found, contact your school assessment coordinator to obtain a
replacement, and add the new security number to your record of required administration
Do not remove the student PreID label from a torn or defective book. Direct the student to write
his or her name, school name, and district name in the box on the front cover of the replacement
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 6 Mathematics Session 1
book, and notify your school assessment coordinator. Set the torn or defective book aside and
return it with all other NOT TO BE SCORED materials.
SAY Now, open your book to page 2 again and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment.
Please listen as I read the testing rules. During this test, you must not
work in any other Session
talk to other students or make any disturbance
look at another student’s test and answer book
allow another student to look at your test and answer book
ask for help answering test questions
give help to another student in answering test questions
have notes or scratch paper
have any electronic or recording devices in your possession at any time, including
breaks, even if you do not use them
fail to follow any other instructions given
After the test, you may not reveal details about the test items to anyone. This includes any
type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting online, for
example, on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you are found sharing
information about test items, your test will be invalidated.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.
SAY Now, read silently as I read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment out loud.
I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these
rules, my test score may be invalidated.
Now, sign your name on the line next to Signature to indicate that you understand the
testing rules.
Pause while students sign their names. If a student does not sign his or her name, contact your
school assessment coordinator.
SAY Now, look at the Grade 6 FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet on page 3 of your test and
answer book. The reference sheet contains formulas and conversions you may need to
answer the mathematics questions. You may refer to this page at any time during the
Mathematics test.
You’ll have 60 minutes to complete Session 1 of the Mathematics test. Now, turn to
Session 1 on page 5 in your test and answer book. The session number is at the top of
each page that follows. You may work only in Session 1. Now close your test and answer
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 6 Mathematics Session 1
SAY Now, listen carefully as I explain how to complete the different types of items on this
For multiple-choice items, choose the best answer from the answer choices, and fill in
one bubble for the correct answer.
For multiselect items, choose all of the correct answers from the answer choices, and fill
in the bubbles for all of the correct answers.
Be sure to read the items carefully to know how many correct answers to choose.
Are there any questions about how to complete the items?
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember the following:
Do not go on to Sessions 2 or 3.
Mark your answers directly in your test and answer book.
Read each item carefully so you’ll understand how to respond correctly.
Only mark the bubbles you want to count as correct answers. If you draw a line or
an X through an answer that you think is wrong and the mark goes into a bubble,
that bubble might be counted as your answer.
Do not circle answers. If you circle the answers instead of filling in the bubbles,
your answers will NOT be scored.
Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, skip it and
keep going. After you have answered all the other questions, go back and answer any
questions you skipped.
You may not have scratch paper, but you may use the blank space in your test and answer
book as work space.
Now, turn to page 22 and look at the STOP sign. When you come to this STOP sign on
page 22, you have finished Session 1. It is very important that you do not go on to
Sessions 2 or 3. If you complete Session 1 before time is called, go back and check your
work. Now close your book.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 6 Mathematics Session 1
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended. You may read, but you may not write.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember, you have 60 minutes to complete Session 1, and I’ll let you know when you
have 10 minutes left.
Turn to page 6 in your test and answer book and begin working.
Complete the following:
Add 50 minutes:
+ 50 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder:
Add 10 minutes:
+ 10 minutes
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 6 Mathematics Session 1
Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.
During testing, do not use cell phones, classroom phones, or computers (except to contact your
school assessment coordinator in an emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your
full attention should be on students AT ALL TIMES. Although it is your responsibility to ensure
that students are working independently and in the correct session, you are prohibited from
reading the contents of the test and answer books before, during, and after the test.
After 50 minutes from the STARTING time,
SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 1. Remember, do not go on to Sessions 2 or 3.
After 10 more minutes,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book.
Collect all test materials.
Complete the following steps:
1. Make sure that each student returns his or her test and answer book, and indicate on your
record of required administration information that each book is returned.
2. Report any missing test materials and/or test security irregularities to your school assessment
coordinator immediately.
3. If you are administering Session 2 on the same day, ensure all materials remain secure
between test sessions. If you are administering Session 2 on the next testing day, return all
materials to your school assessment coordinator until the beginning of Session 2.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 6 Mathematics Session 2
Script for Administering
Grade 6 Mathematics
(Paper-Based Accommodations Only)
Session 2
60 Minutes
This script should be used to administer the Grade 6 Mathematics test to students using a regular
print, large print, or one-item-per-page paper-based accommodation. For the large print
accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 219–222. For the one-item-perpage accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 227–230.
A modified script for students using braille versions of the test is provided with the braille test
materials and is also available in the FSA portal. If you are administering the computer-based
Grade 6 Mathematics, you must use the administration script in the Spring 2015 FSA CBT
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended
time), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students are to follow. It is
important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Remember the following:
Ensure that you have a Security Log, a seating chart, and a form to collect required
administration information (e.g., Administration Record/Security Checklist) for your
room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
If a student starts a session and leaves campus without finishing (due to an appointment,
illness, etc.), he or she will NOT be allowed to complete that session. No exceptions will
be made once the student leaves the school’s campus. If you have concerns about a
student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact your school
assessment coordinator for instructions.
Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the
test during breaks. The student should close his or her test and answer book and should
not discuss or exchange information with anyone during breaks. Students should not be
given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones, tablets) during
breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s) during a break, that
student’s test must be invalidated.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 6 Mathematics Session 2
Before Testing
1. Collect all test materials from your school assessment coordinator. Verify that you have all
materials you were assigned, as well as the Session 2 test group code.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign is posted where it is visible to all students and that a
Do Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Signs are provided in the
3. Ensure that each student has a No. 2 pencil.
4. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., charts displaying
mathematical concepts) and that any visual aids have been removed or covered.
SAY Today, you are going to take Session 2 of the Florida Standards Assessments Grade 6
Mathematics test. If you have not taken Session 1 of the Grade 6 Mathematics test, please
raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, contact your school assessment coordinator.
SAY Remove all materials from your desk except a No. 2 pencil.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices at your desk, in your pockets, or
anywhere you can reach them at any time during this test session, even if they are turned
off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording devices include but are not limited to
cell phones, smartphones, tablets, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of
recording, storing, viewing, or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found
with any electronic or recording devices at any time during this test session,
including breaks, your test will not be scored. If you have any devices with you right
now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices.
At this time, silence your own electronic devices.
Distribute the Grade 6 Mathematics test and answer books. Each student should receive the test
and answer book with his or her name on it.
Contact your school assessment coordinator if you have books that do not belong to students
testing in your room or if any books are missing.
SAY Your No. 2 pencil and your FSA Grade 6 Mathematics test and answer book should be
the only things on your desk. Make sure you have the test and answer book with your
name on it. You may not return to or change any answers from Session 1.
Now, turn your test and answer book over. Write the Session 2 test group code _____ in
the boxes and grid the corresponding bubbles. (Pause.) Now turn your book back over to
the front cover.
Find the plastic pull tab sealing Session 2 of your book. Carefully pull the tab OUT and
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 6 Mathematics Session 2
SAY DOWN. Do not try to remove any remaining pieces of the pull tab. Do not remove the
plastic pull tab for Session 3.
Make sure that all students pull the tabs correctly. If a student pulls the incorrect tab or tears his
or her book, obtain a replacement book from your school assessment coordinator and record the
new security number with your required administration information. Notify your school
assessment coordinator after testing. The student's responses from Session 1 will need to be
transcribed into the new test and answer book.
SAY Next, open your test and answer book to page 23. Check each page through page 40 to
see that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any missing or upside-down
pages. Do not read any of the items before the test begins. If you see any problems, raise
your hand. If not, close the book and sit quietly.
Wait until all students finish. If no defective books are found, continue to the next SAY
box. If a defective book is found, contact your school assessment coordinator to obtain a
replacement, and add the new security number to your record of required administration
Do not remove the student PreID label from a torn or defective book. Direct the student to write
his or her name, school name, and district name in the box on the front cover of the replacement
book. Set the torn or defective book aside and notify your school assessment coordinator after
testing. The student's responses from Session 1 will need to be transcribed into the new test and
answer book.
SAY You’ll have 60 minutes to complete Session 2 of the Mathematics test. Now, look at
Session 2 on page 23 in your test and answer book. The session number is at the top of
each page in this session that follows. You may work only in Session 2. Now close your
test and answer book.
Remember the following:
Do not work in Sessions 1 or 3.
Mark your answers directly in your test and answer book.
Read each item carefully so you’ll understand how to respond correctly.
Only mark the bubbles you want to count as correct answers. If you draw a line or
an X through an answer that you think is wrong and the mark goes into a bubble,
that bubble might be counted as your answer.
Do not circle answers. If you circle the answers instead of filling in the bubbles,
your answers will NOT be scored.
Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, skip it and
keep going. After you have answered all the other questions, go back and answer any
questions you skipped.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 6 Mathematics Session 2
SAY You may not have scratch paper, but you may use the blank space in your test and answer
book as workspace. Remember, you may refer to the Grade 6 FSA Mathematics
Reference Sheet on page 3 of your test and answer book at any time.
Now, turn to the STOP sign on page 40 of your test and answer book. When you come to
this STOP sign, you have finished Session 2. If you complete Session 2 before time is
called, go back and check your work. Do not go back and work in Session 1. Do not go
on to Session 3. Now close your book.
Before taking Session 1 of this test, you signed below the Testing Rules
Acknowledgment on page 2 of your test and answer book to indicate that you understand
the testing rules. These testing rules are also in place for this test session. Please
remember that during this test you must not
work in any other session
talk to other students or make any disturbance
look at another student’s test and answer book
allow another student to look at your test and answer book
ask for help answering test questions
give help to another student in answering test questions
have notes or scratch paper
have any electronic or recording devices in your possession at any time, including
breaks, even if you do not use them
fail to follow any other instructions given
After the test, you may not reveal details about the test items to anyone. Remember, this
includes any type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting
online, for example, on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you are found
sharing information about test items, your test will be invalidated.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 6 Mathematics Session 2
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended. You may read, but you may not write.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember, you have 60 minutes to complete Session 2, and I’ll let you know when you
have 10 minutes left.
Turn to page 24 in your test and answer book and begin working.
Complete the following:
Add 50 minutes:
+ 50 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder:
Add 10 minutes:
+ 10 minutes
Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.
During testing, do not use cell phones, classroom phones, or computers (except to contact your
school assessment coordinator in an emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your
full attention should be on students AT ALL TIMES. Although it is your responsibility to ensure
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 6 Mathematics Session 2
that students are working independently and in the correct session, you are prohibited from
reading the contents of the test and answer books before, during, and after the test.
After 50 minutes from the STARTING time,
SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 2. Remember, do not work in any other
After 10 more minutes,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book.
Collect all test materials.
Complete the following steps:
1. Make sure that each student returns his or her test and answer book, and indicate on your
record of required administration information that each book is returned.
2. Report any missing test materials and/or test security irregularities to your school assessment
coordinator immediately.
3. If you are administering Session 3 on the same day, ensure all materials remain secure
between test sessions. If you are administering Session 3 on the next testing day, return all
materials to your school assessment coordinator until the beginning of Session 3.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 6 Mathematics Session 3
Script for Administering
Grade 6 Mathematics
(Paper-Based Accommodations Only)
Session 3
60 Minutes
This script should be used to administer the Grade 6 Mathematics test to students using a regular
print, large print, or one-item-per-page paper-based accommodation. For the large print
accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 219–222. For the one-item-perpage accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 227–230.
A modified script for students using braille versions of the test is provided with the braille test
materials and is also available in the FSA portal. If you are administering the computer-based
Grade 6 Mathematics, you must use the administration script in the Spring 2015 FSA CBT
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended
time), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students are to follow. It is
important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Remember the following:
Ensure that you have a Security Log, a seating chart, and a form to collect required
administration information (e.g., Administration Record/Security Checklist) for your
room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
If a student starts a session and leaves campus without finishing (due to an appointment,
illness, etc.), he or she will NOT be allowed to complete that session. No exceptions will
be made once the student leaves the school’s campus. If you have concerns about a
student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact your school
assessment coordinator for instructions.
Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the
test during breaks. The student should close his or her test and answer book and should
not discuss or exchange information with anyone during breaks. Students should not be
given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones, tablets) during
breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s) during a break, that
student’s test must be invalidated.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 6 Mathematics Session 3
Before Testing
1. Collect all test materials from your school assessment coordinator. Verify that you have all
materials you were assigned, as well as the Session 3 test group code.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign is posted where it is visible to all students and that a
Do Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Signs are provided in the
3. Ensure that each student has a No. 2 pencil.
4. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., charts displaying
mathematical concepts) and that any visual aids have been removed or covered.
SAY Today, you are going to take Session 3 of the Florida Standards Assessments Grade 6
Mathematics test. If you have not taken Sessions 1 and 2 of the Grade 6 Mathematics test,
please raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, contact your school assessment coordinator.
SAY Remove all materials from your desk except a No. 2 pencil.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices at your desk, in your pockets, or
anywhere you can reach them at any time during this test session, even if they are turned
off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording devices include but are not limited to
cell phones, smartphones, tablets, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of
recording, storing, viewing, or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found
with any electronic or recording devices at any time during this test session,
including breaks, your test will not be scored. If you have any devices with you right
now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices.
At this time, silence your own electronic devices.
Distribute the Grade 6 Mathematics test and answer books. Each student should receive the test
and answer book with his or her name on it.
Contact your school assessment coordinator if you have books that do not belong to students
testing in your room or if any books are missing.
SAY Your No. 2 pencil and your FSA Grade 6 Mathematics test and answer book should be
the only things on your desk. Make sure you have the test and answer with your name on
it. You may not return to or change any answers from Sessions 1 or 2.
Now, turn your test and answer book over. Write the Session 3 test group code _____ in
the boxes and grid the corresponding bubbles. (Pause.) Now turn your book back over to
the front cover.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 6 Mathematics Session 3
SAY Find the remaining plastic pull tab sealing Session 3 of your book. Carefully pull the tab
OUT and DOWN. Do not try to remove any remaining pieces of the pull tab.
Make sure that all students pull the tabs correctly. If a student tears his or her book, obtain a
replacement book from your school assessment coordinator and record the new security number
with your required administration information. Notify your school assessment coordinator after
testing. The student's responses from Sessions 1 and 2 will need to be transcribed into the new
test and answer book.
SAY Next, open your test and answer book to page 41. Check each page through the end of the
book to see that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any missing or upsidedown pages. Do not read any of the items before the test begins.
If you see any problems, raise your hand. If not, close the book and sit quietly.
Wait until all students finish. If no defective books are found, continue to the next SAY
box. If a defective book is found, contact your school assessment coordinator to obtain a
replacement, and add the new security number to your record of required administration
Do not remove the student PreID label from a torn or defective book. Direct the student to write
his or her name, school name, and district name in the box on the front cover of the replacement
book. Set the torn or defective book aside and notify your school assessment coordinator after
testing. The student's responses from Sessions 1 and 2 will need to be transcribed into the new
test and answer book.
SAY You’ll have 60 minutes to complete Session 3 of the Mathematics test. Now, look at
Session 3 on page 41 in your test and answer book. The session number is at the top of
each page in this session that follows. You may work only in Session 3. Now close your
test and answer book.
Remember the following:
Do not work in Sessions 1 or 2.
Mark your answers directly in your test and answer book.
Read each item carefully so you’ll understand how to respond correctly.
Only mark the bubbles you want to count as correct answers. If you draw a line or
an X through an answer that you think is wrong and the mark goes into a bubble,
that bubble might be counted as your answer.
Do not circle answers. If you circle the answers instead of filling in the bubbles,
your answers will NOT be scored.
Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, skip it and
keep going. After you have answered all the other questions, go back and answer any
questions you skipped.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 6 Mathematics Session 3
SAY You may not have scratch paper, but you may use the blank space in your test and answer
book as workspace. Remember, you may refer to the Grade 6 FSA Mathematics
Reference Sheet on page 3 of your test and answer book at any time.
Now, turn to the STOP sign on page 58 of your test and answer book. When you come to
this STOP sign, you have finished Session 3. If you complete Session 3 before time is
called, go back and check your work. Do not go back and work in Sessions 1 or 2. Now
close your book.
Before taking Session 1 of this test, you signed below the Testing Rules
Acknowledgment on page 2 of your test and answer book to indicate that you understand
the testing rules. These testing rules are also in place for this test session. Please
remember that during this test you must not
work in Sessions 1 or 2
talk to other students or make any disturbance
look at another student’s test and answer book
allow another student to look at your test and answer book
ask for help answering test questions
give help to another student in answering test questions
have notes or scratch paper
have any electronic or recording devices in your possession at any time, including
breaks, even if you do not use them
fail to follow any other instructions given
After the test, you may not reveal details about the test items to anyone. Remember, this
includes any type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting
online, for example, on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you are found
sharing information about test items, your test will be invalidated.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 6 Mathematics Session 3
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended. You may read, but you may not write.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember, you have 60 minutes to complete Session 3, and I’ll let you know when you
have 10 minutes left.
Turn to page 42 in your test and answer book and begin working.
Complete the following:
Add 50 minutes:
+ 50 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder:
Add 10 minutes:
+ 10 minutes
Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.
During testing, do not use cell phones, classroom phones, or computers (except to contact your
school assessment coordinator in an emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your
full attention should be on students AT ALL TIMES. Although it is your responsibility to ensure
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 6 Mathematics Session 3
that students are working independently and in the correct session, you are prohibited from
reading the contents of the test and answer books before, during, and after the test.
After 50 minutes from the STARTING time,
SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 3. Remember, do not go back to Sessions 1
or 2.
After 10 more minutes,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book.
Collect all test materials.
Complete the following steps:
1. Make sure that each student returns his or her test and answer book, and indicate on your
record of required administration information that each book is returned.
2. Report any missing test materials and/or test security irregularities to your school assessment
coordinator immediately.
3. Ensure that the box at the upper right corner of the student grid sheet has been completed by
each student and that the gridded or preidentified information is accurate and complete.
4. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students
on your record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations
codes to record this information:
For ESE/504 students:
1-FP = Flexible Presentation
1-FR = Flexible Responding
1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
1-FSE = Flexible Setting
1-AD = Assistive Devices
For ELL students:
2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
2-FSE = Flexible Setting
2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
2-ADI = Approved Dictionary
5. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 7 Mathematics Session 1
Script for Administering
Grade 7 Mathematics
(Paper-Based Accommodations Only)
Session 1
60 Minutes
Calculators are NOT permitted for this test session. Students must have calculators for
Sessions 2 and 3 of the Grade 7 Mathematics.
This script should be used to administer the Grade 7 FSA Mathematics test to students using a
regular print, large print, or one-item-per-page paper-based accommodation. For the large print
accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 219–222. For the one-item-perpage accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 227–230.
A modified script for students using braille versions of the test is provided with the braille test
materials and is also available in the FSA portal. If you are administering the computer-based
Grade 7 Mathematics, you must use the administration script in the Spring 2015 FSA CBT
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended
time), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students are to follow. It is
important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Remember the following:
Ensure that you have a Security Log, a seating chart, and a form to collect required
administration information (e.g., Administration Record/Security Checklist) for your
room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
If a student starts a session and leaves campus without finishing (due to an appointment,
illness, etc.), he or she will NOT be allowed to complete that session. No exceptions will
be made once the student leaves the school’s campus. If you have concerns about a
student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact your school
assessment coordinator for instructions.
Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the
test during breaks. The student should close his or her test and answer book and should
not discuss or exchange information with anyone during breaks. Students should not be
given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones, tablets) during
breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s) during a break, that
student’s test must be invalidated.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 7 Mathematics Session 1
Before Testing
1. Display the district name, school name, and four-digit Session 1 test group code for students.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign is visible to all students and that a Do Not Disturb
sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Signs are provided in the portal.)
3. Ensure that each student has a No. 2 pencil.
4. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., charts displaying
mathematical concepts) and that any visual aids have been removed or covered.
SAY Today, you are going to take Session 1 of the Florida Standards Assessments Grade 7
Mathematics test. Remove all materials from your desk except a No. 2 pencil.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices at your desk, in your pockets, or
anywhere you can reach them at any time during this test session, even if they are turned
off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording devices include but are not limited to
cell phones, smartphones, tablets, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of
recording, storing, viewing, or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found
with any electronic or recording devices at any time during this test session,
including breaks, your test will not be scored. If you have any devices with you right
now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices.
At this time, silence your own electronic devices.
Distribute the Grade 7 Mathematics test and answer books.
Follow the instructions in Option A or Option B, depending on whether test and answer
books have been preidentified.
Option A
If you are distributing test and answer books with the labels already affixed, or if the
student grid sheets have already been gridded, ensure that each student receives the
preidentified book with his or her name on it.
Make sure that you have the test and answer book with your name on it.
Option B
If you are distributing test and answer books that are not preidentified, distribute them in
the order in which they are packaged.
Contact your school assessment coordinator if you have preidentified books that do not belong to
students testing in your room or if you need extra test and answer books. Update your record of
required administration information, as necessary.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 7 Mathematics Session 1
After distributing books according to Option A OR Option B,
SAY Your No. 2 pencil and your FSA Grade 7 Mathematics test and answer book should be
the only things on your desk. Do not open your book.
Look at the front cover of your test and answer book. Locate the box for student name,
school name, and district name. Print your first and last names next to Student Name.
Print ______ (name of the school) next to School Name.
Print ______ (name of the district) next to District Name.
Turn your test and answer book over. Write the Session 1 test group code _____ in the
boxes and grid the corresponding bubbles. (Pause.) Now turn your book back over to the
front cover.
Make sure all students have turned back to the front cover of their test and answer books.
The box in the upper right corner of the student grid sheet must be completed by each
student, even when a student PreID label is affixed or student demographic information
has already been gridded by school personnel.
If school personnel have not already verified student information prior to testing, read the Script
for Gridding a Non-Preidentified Student Grid Sheet on pages 215–216 or the Script for
Verifying a Preidentified Label on pages 217–218 before reading the remainder of this script.
After reading the Script for Gridding a Non-Preidentified Student Grid Sheet or the Script for
Verifying a Preidentified Label, OR if school personnel have already verified student
SAY Your test and answer book has three plastic pull tabs. Find the first plastic pull tab on the
right side of your book. Carefully pull the tab OUT and DOWN. Do not try to remove
any remaining pieces of the tab. Do not remove the plastic tabs sealing Sessions 2 and 3.
Make sure that all students pull the correct tab. If a student tears his or her book or removes the
incorrect plastic tab, obtain a replacement book from your school assessment coordinator and
record the new security number with your required administration information.
SAY Next, open your test and answer book to page 2. Check each page through page 18 to see
that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any missing or upside-down pages.
Do not read any of the items before the test begins. If you see any problems, raise your
hand. If not, close the book and sit quietly.
Wait until all students finish. If no defective books are found, continue to the next SAY
box. If a defective book is found, contact your school assessment coordinator to obtain a
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 7 Mathematics Session 1
replacement, and add the new security number to your record of required administration
Do not remove the student PreID label from a torn or defective book. Direct the student to write
his or her name, school name, and district name in the box on the front cover of the replacement
book, and notify your school assessment coordinator. Set the torn or defective book aside and
return it with all other NOT TO BE SCORED materials.
SAY Now, open your book to page 2 again and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment.
Please listen as I read the testing rules. During this test, you must not
go on to Sessions 2 or 3
talk to other students or make any disturbance
look at another student’s test and answer book
allow another student to look at your test and answer book
ask for help answering test questions
give help to another student in answering test questions
have notes or scratch paper
have any electronic or recording devices in your possession at any time, including
breaks, even if you do not use them
fail to follow any other instructions given
After the test, you may not reveal details about the test items to anyone. This includes any
type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting online, for
example, on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you are found sharing
information about test items, your test will be invalidated.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.
SAY Now, read silently as I read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment out loud.
I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these
rules, my test score may be invalidated.
Now, sign your name on the line next to Signature to indicate that you understand the
testing rules.
Pause while students sign their names. If a student does not sign his or her name, contact your
school assessment coordinator.
SAY Now, look at the Grade 7 FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet on page 3 of your test and
answer book. The reference sheet contains formulas and conversions you may need to
answer the mathematics questions. You may refer to this page at any time during the
Mathematics test.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 7 Mathematics Session 1
SAY You’ll have 60 minutes to complete Session 1 of the Mathematics test. Now, look at
Session 1 on page 5 in your test and answer book. The session number is at the top of
each page that follows. You may work only in Session 1. Now close your test and answer
Now, listen carefully as I explain how to complete the different types of items on this
For multiple-choice items, choose the best answer from the answer choices, and fill in
one bubble for the correct answer.
For multiselect items, choose all of the correct answers from the answer choices, and fill
in the bubbles for all of the correct answers.
Be sure to read the items carefully to know how many correct answers to choose.
Are there any questions about how to complete the items?
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember the following:
Do not go on to Sessions 2 or 3.
Mark your answers directly in your test and answer book.
Read each item carefully so you’ll understand how to respond correctly.
Only mark the bubbles you want to count as correct answers. If you draw a line or
an X through an answer that you think is wrong and the mark goes into a bubble,
that bubble might be counted as your answer.
Do not circle answers. If you circle the answers instead of filling in the bubbles,
your answers will NOT be scored.
Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, skip it and
keep going. After you have answered all the other questions, go back and answer any
questions you skipped.
You may not have scratch paper, but you may use the blank space in your test and answer
book as work space. Remember, you may refer to the Grade 7 FSA Mathematics
Reference Sheet on page 3 of your test and answer book at any time.
Now, turn to page 18 and look at the STOP sign. When you come to this STOP sign on
page 18, you have finished Session 1. It is very important that you do not go on to
Sessions 2 or 3. If you complete Session 1 before time is called, go back and check your
work. Now close your book.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 7 Mathematics Session 1
Answer all questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended. You may read, but you may not write.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember, you have 60 minutes to complete Session 1, and I’ll let you know when you
have 10 minutes left.
Turn to page 6 in your test and answer book and begin working.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 7 Mathematics Session 1
Complete the following:
Add 50 minutes:
+ 50 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder:
Add 10 minutes:
+ 10 minutes
Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.
During testing, do not use cell phones, classroom phones, or computers (except to contact your
school assessment coordinator in an emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your
full attention should be on students AT ALL TIMES. Although it is your responsibility to ensure
that students are working independently and in the correct session, you are prohibited from
reading the contents of the test and answer books before, during, and after the test.
After 50 minutes from the STARTING time,
SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 1. Remember, do not go on to Sessions 2 or 3.
After 10 more minutes,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book.
Collect all test materials.
Complete the following steps:
1. Make sure that each student returns his or her test and answer book, and indicate on your
record of required administration information that each book is returned.
2. Report any missing test materials and/or test security irregularities to your school assessment
coordinator immediately.
3. If you are administering Session 2 in the same day, ensure all materials remain secure
between test sessions. If you are administering Session 2 on the next testing day, return all
materials to your school assessment coordinator until the beginning of Session 2.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 7 Mathematics Session 2
Script for Administering
Grade 7 Mathematics
(Paper-Based Accommodations Only)
Session 2
60 Minutes
Students MUST have scientific calculators for this test session. Ensure that scientific
calculators are available for all students in your testing room.
This script should be used to administer the Grade 7 Mathematics test to students using a regular
print, large print, or one-item-per-page paper-based accommodation. For the large print
accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 219–222. For the one-item-perpage accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 227–230..
A modified script for students using braille versions of the test is provided with the braille test
materials and is also available in the FSA portal. If you are administering the computer-based
Grade 7 Mathematics, you must use the administration script in the Spring 2015 FSA CBT
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended
time), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students are to follow. It is
important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Remember the following:
Ensure that you have a Security Log, a seating chart, and a form to collect required
administration information (e.g., Administration Record/Security Checklist) for your
room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
If a student starts a session and leaves campus without finishing (due to an appointment,
illness, etc.), he or she will NOT be allowed to complete that session. No exceptions will
be made once the student leaves the school’s campus. If you have concerns about a
student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact your school
assessment coordinator for instructions.
Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the
test during breaks. The student should close his or her test and answer book and should
not discuss or exchange information with anyone during breaks. Students should not be
given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones, tablets) during
breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s) during a break, that
student’s test must be invalidated.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 7 Mathematics Session 2
Before Testing
1. Collect all test materials from your school assessment coordinator. Verify that you have all
materials you were assigned, as well as the Session 2 test group code.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign is posted where it is visible to all students and that a
Do Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Signs are provided in the
3. Ensure that each student has a No. 2 pencil and a scientific calculator.
4. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., charts displaying
mathematical concepts) and that any visual aids have been removed or covered.
SAY Today, you are going to take Session 2 of the Florida Standards Assessments Grade 7
Mathematics test. If you have not taken Session 1 of the Grade 7 Mathematics test, please
raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, contact your school assessment coordinator.
SAY Remove all materials from your desk except a No. 2 pencil and your calculator.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices, other than your calculator, at your
desk, in your pockets, or anywhere you can reach them at any time during this test
session, even if they are turned off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording
devices include but are not limited to cell phones, smartphones, tablets, MP3 players,
cameras, and any device capable of recording, storing, viewing, or playing back audio or
visual content. If you are found with any electronic or recording devices at any time
during this test session, including breaks, your test will not be scored. If you have any
devices with you right now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices.
At this time, silence your own electronic devices.
Distribute the Grade 7 Mathematics test and answer books. Each student should receive the test
and answer book with his or her name on it.
Contact your school assessment coordinator if you have books that do not belong to students
testing in your room or if any books are missing.
SAY Your No. 2 pencil, your calculator, and your FSA Grade 7 Mathematics test and answer
book should be the only things on your desk. Make sure you have the test and answer
book with your name on it. You may not return to or change any answers from Session 1.
Now, turn your test and answer book over. Write the Session 2 test group code _____ in
the boxes and grid the corresponding bubbles. (Pause.) Now turn your book back over to
the front cover.
Your test and answer book has two remaining seals. Find the plastic pull tab sealing
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 7 Mathematics Session 2
SAY Session 2 of your book. Carefully pull the tab OUT and DOWN. Do not try to remove
any remaining pieces of the pull tab. Do not remove the last plastic pull tab, which seals
Session 3.
Make sure that all students pull the tabs correctly. If a student tears his or her book, obtain a
replacement book from your school assessment coordinator and record the new security number
with your required administration information. Notify your school assessment coordinator after
testing. The student's responses from Session 1 will need to be transcribed into the new test and
answer book.
SAY Next, open your test and answer book to page 19. Check each page through page 34 to
see that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any missing or upside-down
pages. Do not read any of the items before the test begins.
If you see any problems, raise your hand. If not, close the book and sit quietly.
Wait until all students finish. If no defective books are found, continue to the next SAY
box. If a defective book is found, contact your school assessment coordinator to obtain a
replacement, and add the new security number to your record of required administration
Do not remove the student PreID label from a torn or defective book. Direct the student to write
his or her name, school name, and district name in the box on the front cover of the replacement
book. Set the torn or defective book aside and notify your school assessment coordinator after
testing. The student's responses from Session 1 will need to be transcribed into the new test and
answer book.
SAY You’ll have 60 minutes to complete Session 2 of the Mathematics test. Now, look at
Session 2 on page 19 in your test and answer book. The session number is at the top of
each page in this session that follows. You may work only in Session 2. Now close your
test and answer book.
Remember the following:
Do not work in Sessions 1 or 3.
Mark your answers directly in your test and answer book.
Read each item carefully so you’ll understand how to respond correctly.
Only mark the bubbles you want to count as correct answers. If you draw a line or
an X through an answer that you think is wrong and the mark goes into a bubble,
that bubble might be counted as your answer.
Do not circle answers. If you circle the answers instead of filling in the bubbles,
your answers will NOT be scored.
Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, skip it and
keep going. After you have answered all the other questions, go back and answer any
questions you skipped.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 7 Mathematics Session 2
SAY You may not have scratch paper, but you may use the blank space in your test and answer
book as workspace. Remember, you may refer to the Grade 7 FSA Mathematics
Reference Sheet on page 3 of your test and answer book at any time.
Now, turn to the STOP sign on page 34 of your test and answer book. When you come to
this STOP sign, you have finished Session 2. If you complete Session 2 before time is
called, go back and check your work. Do not go back and work in Session 1. Do not go
on to Session 3. Now close your book.
Before taking Session 1 of this test, you signed below the Testing Rules
Acknowledgment on page 2 of your test and answer book to indicate that you understand
the testing rules. These testing rules are also in place for this test session. Please
remember that during this test you must not
work in Sessions 1 or 3
talk to other students or make any disturbance
look at another student’s test and answer book
allow another student to look at your test and answer book
ask for help answering test questions
give help to another student in answering test questions
have notes or scratch paper
have any electronic or recording devices in your possession at any time, including
breaks, even if you do not use them
fail to follow any other instructions given
After the test, you may not reveal details about the test items to anyone. Remember, this
includes any type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting
online, for example, on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you are found
sharing information about test items, your test will be invalidated.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 7 Mathematics Session 2
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended. You may read, but you may not write.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember, you have 60 minutes to complete Session 2, and I’ll let you know when you
have 10 minutes left.
Turn to page 20 in your test and answer book and begin working.
Complete the following:
Add 50 minutes:
+ 50 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder:
Add 10 minutes:
+ 10 minutes
Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.
During testing, do not use cell phones, classroom phones, or computers (except to contact your
school assessment coordinator in an emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your
full attention should be on students AT ALL TIMES. Although it is your responsibility to ensure
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 7 Mathematics Session 2
that students are working independently and in the correct session, you are prohibited from
reading the contents of the test and answer books before, during, and after the test.
After 50 minutes from the STARTING time,
SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 2. Remember, do not work in Sessions 1 or 3.
After 10 more minutes,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book.
Collect all test materials.
Complete the following steps:
1. Make sure that each student returns his or her test and answer book, and indicate on your
record of required administration information that each book is returned.
2. Report any missing test materials and/or test security irregularities to your school assessment
coordinator immediately.
3. If you are administering Session 3 on the same day, ensure all materials remain secure
between test sessions. If you are administering Session 3 on the next testing day, return all
materials to your school assessment coordinator until the beginning of Session 3.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 7 Mathematics Session 3
Script for Administering
Grade 7 Mathematics
(Paper-Based Accommodations Only)
Session 3
60 Minutes
Students MUST have scientific calculators for this test session. Ensure that scientific
calculators are available for all students in your testing room.
This script should be used to administer the Grade 7 Mathematics test to students using a regular
print, large print, or one-item-per-page paper-based accommodation. For the large print
accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 219–222. For the one-item-perpage accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 227–230.
A modified script for students using braille versions of the test is provided with the braille test
materials and is also available in the FSA portal. If you are administering the computer-based
Grade 7 Mathematics, you must use the administration script in the Spring 2015 FSA CBT
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended
time), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students are to follow. It is
important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Remember the following:
Ensure that you have a Security Log, a seating chart, and a form to collect required
administration information (e.g., Administration Record/Security Checklist) for your
room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
If a student starts a session and leaves campus without finishing (due to an appointment,
illness, etc.), he or she will NOT be allowed to complete that session. No exceptions will
be made once the student leaves the school’s campus. If you have concerns about a
student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact your school
assessment coordinator for instructions.
Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the
test during breaks. The student should close his or her test and answer book and should
not discuss or exchange information with anyone during breaks. Students should not be
given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones, tablets) during
breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s) during a break, that
student’s test must be invalidated.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 7 Mathematics Session 3
Before Testing
1. Collect all test materials from your school assessment coordinator. Verify that you have all
materials you were assigned, as well as the Session 3 test group code.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign is posted where it is visible to all students and that a
Do Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Signs are provided in the
3. Ensure that each student has a No. 2 pencil and a scientific calculator.
4. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., charts displaying
mathematical concepts) and that any visual aids have been removed or covered.
SAY Today, you are going to take Session 3 of the Florida Standards Assessments Grade 7
Mathematics test. If you have not taken Sessions 1 and 2 of the Grade 7 Mathematics test,
please raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, contact your school assessment coordinator.
SAY Remove all materials from your desk except a No. 2 pencil and your calculator.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices, other than your calculator, at your
desk, in your pockets, or anywhere you can reach them at any time during this test
session, even if they are turned off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording
devices include but are not limited to cell phones, smartphones, tablets, MP3 players,
cameras, and any device capable of recording, storing, viewing, or playing back audio or
visual content. If you are found with any electronic or recording devices at any time
during this test session, including breaks, your test will not be scored. If you have any
devices with you right now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices.
At this time, silence your own electronic devices.
Distribute the Grade 7 Mathematics test and answer books. Each student should receive the test
and answer book with his or her name on it.
Contact your school assessment coordinator if you have books that do not belong to students
testing in your room or if any books are missing.
SAY Your No. 2 pencil, your calculator, and your FSA Grade 7 Mathematics test and answer
book should be the only things on your desk. Make sure you have the test and answer
book with your name on it. You may not return to or change any answers from Sessions 1
or 2.
Now, turn your test and answer book over. Write the Session 3 test group code _____ in
the boxes and grid the corresponding bubbles. (Pause.) Now turn your book back over to
the front cover.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 7 Mathematics Session 3
SAY Find the remaining plastic pull tab sealing Session 3 of your book. Carefully pull the tab
OUT and DOWN. Do not try to remove any remaining pieces of the pull tab.
Make sure that all students pull the tabs correctly. If a student tears his or her book, obtain a
replacement book from your school assessment coordinator and record the new security number
with your required administration information. Notify your school assessment coordinator after
testing. The student's responses from Sessions 1 and 2 will need to be transcribed into the new
test and answer book.
SAY Next, open your test and answer book to page 35. Check each page through the end of the
book to see that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any missing or upsidedown pages. Do not read any of the items before the test begins. If you see any problems,
raise your hand. If not, close the book and sit quietly.
Wait until all students finish. If no defective books are found, continue to the next SAY
box. If a defective book is found, contact your school assessment coordinator to obtain a
replacement, and add the new security number to your record of required administration
Do not remove the student PreID label from a torn or defective book. Direct the student to write
his or her name, school name, and district name in the box on the front cover of the replacement
book. Set the torn or defective book aside and notify your school assessment coordinator after
testing. The student's responses from Sessions 1 and 2 will need to be transcribed into the new
test and answer book.
SAY You’ll have 60 minutes to complete Session 3 of the Mathematics test. Now, look at
Session 3 on page 35 in your test and answer book. The session number is at the top of
each page in this session that follows. You may work only in Session 3. Now close your
test and answer book.
Remember the following:
Do not work in Sessions 1 or 2.
Mark your answers directly in your test and answer book.
Read each item carefully so you’ll understand how to respond correctly.
Only mark the bubbles you want to count as correct answers. If you draw a line or
an X through an answer that you think is wrong and the mark goes into a bubble,
that bubble might be counted as your answer.
Do not circle answers. If you circle the answers instead of filling in the bubbles,
your answers will NOT be scored.
Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, skip it and
keep going. After you have answered all the other questions, go back and answer any
questions you skipped.
You may not have scratch paper, but you may use the blank space in your test and answer
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 7 Mathematics Session 3
SAY book as workspace. Remember, you may refer to the Grade 7 FSA Mathematics
Reference Sheet on page 3 of your test and answer book at any time.
Now, turn to the STOP sign on page 50 of your test and answer book. When you come to
this STOP sign, you have finished Session 3. If you complete Session 3 before time is
called, go back and check your work. Do not go back and work in Sessions 1 or 2. Now
close your book.
Before taking Session 1 of this test, you signed below the Testing Rules
Acknowledgment on page 2 of your test and answer book to indicate that you understand
the testing rules. These testing rules are also in place for this test session. Please
remember that during this test you must not
work in Sessions 1 or 2
talk to other students or make any disturbance
look at another student’s test and answer book
allow another student to look at your test and answer book
ask for help answering test questions
give help to another student in answering test questions
have notes or scratch paper
have any electronic or recording devices in your possession at any time, including
breaks, even if you do not use them
fail to follow any other instructions given
After the test, you may not reveal details about the test items to anyone. Remember, this
includes any type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting
online, for example, on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you are found
sharing information about test items, your test will be invalidated.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 7 Mathematics Session 3
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended. You may read, but you may not write.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember, you have 60 minutes to complete Session 3, and I’ll let you know when you
have 10 minutes left.
Turn to page 36 in your test and answer book and begin working.
Complete the following:
Add 50 minutes:
+ 50 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder:
Add 10 minutes:
+ 10 minutes
Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.
During testing, do not use cell phones, classroom phones, or computers (except to contact your
school assessment coordinator in an emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your
full attention should be on students AT ALL TIMES. Although it is your responsibility to ensure
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 7 Mathematics Session 3
that students are working independently and in the correct session, you are prohibited from
reading the contents of the test and answer books before, during, and after the test.
After 50 minutes from the STARTING time,
SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 3. Remember, do not work in Sessions 1 or 2.
After 10 more minutes,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down, and close your test and answer book.
Collect all test materials.
Complete the following steps:
1. Make sure that each student returns his or her test and answer book, and indicate on your
record of required administration information that each book is returned.
2. Report any missing test materials and/or test security irregularities to your school assessment
coordinator immediately.
3. Ensure that the box at the upper right corner of the student grid sheet has been completed by
each student and that the gridded or preidentified information is accurate and complete.
4. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students
on your record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations
codes to record this information:
For ESE/504 students:
1-FP = Flexible Presentation
1-FR = Flexible Responding
1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
1-FSE = Flexible Setting
1-AD = Assistive Devices
For ELL students:
2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
2-FSE = Flexible Setting
2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
2-ADI = Approved Dictionary
5. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 8 Mathematics Session 1
Script for Administering
Grade 8 Mathematics
(Paper-Based Accommodations Only)
Session 1
60 Minutes
Calculators are NOT permitted for this test session. Students must have calculators for
Sessions 2 and 3 of the Grade 8 Mathematics.
This script should be used to administer the Grade 8 FSA Mathematics test to students using a
regular print, large print, or one-item-per-page paper-based accommodation. For the large print
accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 219–222. For the one-item-perpage accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 227–230.
A modified script for students using braille versions of the test is provided with the braille test
materials and is also available in the FSA portal. If you are administering the computer-based
Grade 8 Mathematics, you must use the administration script in the Spring 2015 FSA CBT
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended
time), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students are to follow. It is
important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Remember the following:
Ensure that you have a Security Log, a seating chart, and a form to collect required
administration information (e.g., Administration Record/Security Checklist) for your
room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
If a student starts a session and leaves campus without finishing (due to an appointment,
illness, etc.), he or she will NOT be allowed to complete that session. No exceptions will
be made once the student leaves the school’s campus. If you have concerns about a
student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact your school
assessment coordinator for instructions.
Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the
test during breaks. The student should close his or her test and answer book and should
not discuss or exchange information with anyone during breaks. Students should not be
given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones, tablets) during
breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s) during a break, that
student’s test must be invalidated.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 8 Mathematics Session 1
Before Testing
1. Display the district name, school name, and four-digit Session 1 test group code for students.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign is visible to all students and that a Do Not Disturb
sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Signs are provided in the portal.)
3. Ensure that each student has a No. 2 pencil.
4. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., charts displaying
mathematical concepts) and that any visual aids have been removed or covered.
SAY Today, you are going to take Session 1 of the Florida Standards Assessments Grade 8
Mathematics test. Remove all materials from your desk except a No. 2 pencil.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices at your desk, in your pockets, or
anywhere you can reach them at any time during this test session, even if they are turned
off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording devices include but are not limited to
cell phones, smartphones, tablets, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of
recording, storing, viewing, or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found
with any electronic or recording devices at any time during this test session,
including breaks, your test will not be scored. If you have any devices with you right
now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices.
At this time, silence your own electronic devices.
Distribute the Grade 8 Mathematics test and answer books.
Follow the instructions in Option A or Option B, depending on whether test and answer
books have been preidentified.
Option A
If you are distributing test and answer books with the labels already affixed, or if the
student grid sheets have already been gridded, ensure that each student receives the
preidentified book with his or her name on it.
Make sure that you have the test and answer book with your name on it.
Option B
If you are distributing test and answer books that are not preidentified, distribute them in
the order in which they are packaged.
Contact your school assessment coordinator if you have preidentified books that do not belong to
students testing in your room or if you need extra test and answer books. Update your record of
required administration information, as necessary.
After distributing books according to Option A OR Option B,
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 8 Mathematics Session 1
SAY Your No. 2 pencil and your FSA Grade 8 Mathematics test and answer book should be
the only things on your desk. Do not open your book.
Look at the front cover of your test and answer book. Locate the box for student name,
school name, and district name. Print your first and last names next to Student Name.
Print ______ (name of the school) next to School Name.
Print ______ (name of the district) next to District Name.
Turn your test and answer book over. Write the Session 1 test group code _____ in the
boxes and grid the corresponding bubbles. (Pause.) Now turn your book back over to the
front cover.
Make sure all students have turned back to the front cover of their test and answer books.
The box in the upper right corner of the student grid sheet must be completed by each
student, even when a student PreID label is affixed or student demographic information
has already been gridded by school personnel.
If school personnel have not already verified student information prior to testing, read the Script
for Gridding a Non-Preidentified Student Grid Sheet on pages 215–216 or the Script for
Verifying a Preidentified Label on pages 217–218 before reading the remainder of this script.
After reading the Script for Gridding a Non-Preidentified Student Grid Sheet or the Script for
Verifying a Preidentified Label, OR if school personnel have already verified student
SAY Your test and answer book has three plastic pull tabs. Find the first plastic pull tab on the
right side of your book. Carefully pull the tab OUT and DOWN. Do not try to remove
any remaining pieces of the tab. Do not remove the plastic tabs sealing Sessions 2 and 3.
Make sure that all students pull the correct tab. If a student tears his or her book or removes the
incorrect plastic tab, obtain a replacement book from your school assessment coordinator and
record the new security number with your required administration information.
SAY Next, open your test and answer book to page 2. Check each page through page 26 to see
that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any missing or upside-down pages.
Do not read any of the items before the test begins. If you see any problems, raise your
hand. If not, close the book and sit quietly.
Wait until all students finish. If no defective books are found, continue to the next SAY
box. If a defective book is found, contact your school assessment coordinator to obtain a
replacement, and add the new security number to your record of required administration
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 8 Mathematics Session 1
Do not remove the student PreID label from a torn or defective book. Direct the student to write
his or her name, school name, and district name in the box on the front cover of the replacement
book, and notify your school assessment coordinator. Set the torn or defective book aside and
return it with all other NOT TO BE SCORED materials.
SAY Now, open your book to page 2 again and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment.
Please listen as I read the testing rules. During this test, you must not
go on to Sessions 2 or 3
talk to other students or make any disturbance
look at another student’s test and answer book
allow another student to look at your test and answer book
ask for help answering test questions
give help to another student in answering test questions
have notes or scratch paper
have any electronic or recording devices in your possession at any time, including
breaks, even if you do not use them
fail to follow any other instructions given
After the test, you may not reveal details about the test items to anyone. This includes any
type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting online, for
example, on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you are found sharing
information about test items, your test will be invalidated.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.
SAY Now, read silently as I read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment out loud.
I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these
rules, my test score may be invalidated.
Now, sign your name on the line next to Signature to indicate that you understand the
testing rules.
Pause while students sign their names. If a student does not sign his or her name, contact your
school assessment coordinator.
SAY Now, look at the Grade 8 FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet on page 3 of your test and
answer book. The reference sheet contains formulas and conversions you may need to
answer the mathematics questions. You may refer to this page at any time during the
Mathematics test.
You’ll have 60 minutes to complete Session 1 of the Mathematics test. Now, look at
Session 1 on page 5 in your test and answer book. The session number is at the top of
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 8 Mathematics Session 1
SAY each page in this session that follows. You may work only in Session 1. Now close your
test and answer book.
This test includes several types of items. Listen carefully as I explain how to complete the
different types of items on this test.
For multiple-choice items, choose the best answer from the answer choices, and fill in
one bubble for the correct answer.
For multiselect items, choose all of the correct answers from the answer choices, and fill
in the bubbles for all of the correct answers.
For items with response grids, do the following:
1. Work the problem and find an answer.
2. Write your answer in the answer boxes at the top of the grid.
 Print your answer with the first digit in the left answer box OR with the last digit
in the right answer box.
 Print only one digit or symbol in each answer box. Do NOT leave a blank answer
box in the middle of an answer.
 Be sure to write a decimal point, fraction bar, and/or negative sign in the answer
box if it is part of the answer.
 Many answers may be entered as either a decimal or a fraction, unless the test
item requires that the answer be given in a specific form. Students must NOT
place a MIXED NUMBER such as 13 1/4 in the answer boxes. If the answer is a
mixed number, it must be converted to a fraction greater than one, such as 53/4, or
to a decimal number, such as 13.25. If 13 1/4 were entered as is, it would be
scored as 131/4 and would be counted as incorrect.
3. Fill in a bubble under each box in which you wrote your answer.
 Fill in one and ONLY one bubble for each answer box. Do NOT fill in a bubble
under an unused answer box.
 Fill in each bubble by making a solid mark that completely fills the circle.
 You MUST fill in the bubbles accurately to receive credit for your answer.
Are there any questions about how to complete the items?
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember the following:
Do not go on to Sessions 2 or 3.
Mark your answers directly in your test and answer book.
Read each item carefully so you’ll understand how to respond correctly.
Only mark the bubbles you want to count as correct answers. If you draw a line or
an X through an answer that you think is wrong and the mark goes into a bubble,
that bubble might be counted as your answer.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 8 Mathematics Session 1
Do not circle answers. If you circle the answers instead of filling in the bubbles,
your answers will NOT be scored.
Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, skip it and
keep going. After you have answered all the other questions, go back and answer any
questions you skipped.
You may not have scratch paper, but you may use the blank space in your test and answer
book as work space.
Now, turn to page 26 and look at the STOP sign. When you come to this STOP sign on
page 26, you have finished Session 1. It is very important that you do not go on to
Sessions 2 or 3. If you complete Session 1 before time is called, go back and check your
work. Now close your book.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 8 Mathematics Session 1
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended. You may read, but you may not write.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember, you have 60 minutes to complete Session 1, and I’ll let you know when you
have 10 minutes left.
Turn to page 6 in your test and answer book and begin working.
Complete the following:
Add 50 minutes:
+ 50 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder:
Add 10 minutes:
+ 10 minutes
Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.
During testing, do not use cell phones, classroom phones, or computers (except to contact your
school assessment coordinator in an emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your
full attention should be on students AT ALL TIMES. Although it is your responsibility to ensure
that students are working independently and in the correct session, you are prohibited from
reading the contents of the test and answer books before, during, and after the test.
After 50 minutes from the STARTING time,
SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 1. Remember, do not go on to Sessions 2 or 3.
After 10 more minutes,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down, and close your test and answer book.
Collect all test materials.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 8 Mathematics Session 1
Complete the following steps:
1. Make sure that each student returns his or her test and answer book, and indicate on your
record of required administration information that each book is returned.
2. Report any missing test materials and/or test security irregularities to your school assessment
coordinator immediately.
3. If you are administering Session 2 in the same day, ensure all materials remain secure
between test sessions. If you are administering Session 2 on the next testing day, return all
materials to your school assessment coordinator until the beginning of Session 2.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 8 Mathematics Session 2
Script for Administering
Grade 8 Mathematics
(Paper-Based Accommodations Only)
Session 2
60 Minutes
Students MUST have scientific calculators for this test session. Ensure that scientific
calculators are available for all students in your testing room.
This script should be used to administer the Grade 8 Mathematics test to students using a regular
print, large print, or one-item-per-page paper-based accommodation. For the large print
accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 219–222. For the one-item-perpage accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 227–230.
A modified script for students using braille versions of the test is provided with the braille test
materials and is also available in the FSA portal. If you are administering the computer-based
Grade 8 Mathematics, you must use the administration script in the Spring 2015 FSA CBT
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended
time), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students are to follow. It is
important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Remember the following:
Ensure that you have a Security Log, a seating chart, and a form to collect required
administration information (e.g., Administration Record/Security Checklist) for your
room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
If a student starts a session and leaves campus without finishing (due to an appointment,
illness, etc.), he or she will NOT be allowed to complete that session. No exceptions will
be made once the student leaves the school’s campus. If you have concerns about a
student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact your school
assessment coordinator for instructions.
Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the
test during breaks. The student should close his or her test and answer book and should
not discuss or exchange information with anyone during breaks. Students should not be
given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones, tablets) during
breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s) during a break, that
student’s test must be invalidated.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 8 Mathematics Session 2
Before Testing
1. Collect all test materials from your school assessment coordinator. Verify that you have all
materials you were assigned, as well as the Session 2 test group code.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign is posted where it is visible to all students and that a
Do Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Signs are provided in the
3. Ensure that each student has a No. 2 pencil and a scientific calculator.
4. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., charts displaying
mathematical concepts) and that any visual aids have been removed or covered.
SAY Today, you are going to take Session 2 of the Florida Standards Assessments Grade 8
Mathematics test. If you have not taken Session 1 of the Grade 8 Mathematics test, please
raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, contact your school assessment coordinator.
SAY Remove all materials from your desk except a No. 2 pencil and your calculator.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices, other than your calculator, at your
desk, in your pockets, or anywhere you can reach them at any time during this test
session, even if they are turned off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording
devices include but are not limited to cell phones, smartphones, tablets, MP3 players,
cameras, and any device capable of recording, storing, viewing, or playing back audio or
visual content. If you are found with any electronic or recording devices at any time
during this test session, including breaks, your test will not be scored. If you have any
devices with you right now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices.
At this time, silence your own electronic devices.
Distribute the Grade 8 Mathematics test and answer books. Each student should receive the test
and answer book with his or her name on it.
Contact your school assessment coordinator if you have books that do not belong to students
testing in your room or if any books are missing.
SAY Your No. 2 pencil, your calculator, and your FSA Grade 8 Mathematics test and answer
book should be the only things on your desk. Make sure you have the test and answer
book with your name on it. You may not return to or change any answers from Session 1.
Now, turn your test and answer book over. Write the Session 2 test group code _____ in
the boxes and grid the corresponding bubbles. (Pause.) Now turn your book back over to
the front cover.
Your test and answer book has two remaining seals. Find the plastic pull tab sealing
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 8 Mathematics Session 2
SAY Session 2 of your book. Carefully pull the tab OUT and DOWN. Do not try to remove
any remaining pieces of the pull tab. Do not remove the last plastic pull tab, which seals
Session 3.
Make sure that all students pull the tabs correctly. If a student tears his or her book, obtain a
replacement book from your school assessment coordinator and record the new security number
with your required administration information. Notify your school assessment coordinator after
testing. The student's responses from Session 1 will need to be transcribed into the new test and
answer book.
SAY Next, open your test and answer book to page 27. Check each page through page 46 to
see that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any missing or upside-down
pages. Do not read any of the items before the test begins. If you see any problems, raise
your hand. If not, close the book and sit quietly.
Wait until all students finish. If no defective books are found, continue to the next SAY
box. If a defective book is found, contact your school assessment coordinator to obtain a
replacement, and add the new security number to your record of required administration
Do not remove the student PreID label from a torn or defective book. Direct the student to write
his or her name, school name, and district name in the box on the front cover of the replacement
book. Set the torn or defective book aside and notify your school assessment coordinator after
testing. The student's responses from Session 1 will need to be transcribed into the new test and
answer book.
SAY You’ll have 60 minutes to complete Session 2 of the Mathematics test. Now, look at
Session 2 on page 27 in your test and answer book. The session number is at the top of
each page in this session that follows. You may work only in Session 2. Now close your
test and answer book.
Remember the following:
Do not work in Sessions 1 or 3.
Mark your answers directly in your test and answer book.
Read each item carefully so you’ll understand how to respond correctly.
Only mark the bubbles you want to count as correct answers. If you draw a line or
an X through an answer that you think is wrong and the mark goes into a bubble,
that bubble might be counted as your answer.
Do not circle answers. If you circle the answers instead of filling in the bubbles,
your answers will NOT be scored.
Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, skip it and
keep going. After you have answered all the other questions, go back and answer any
questions you skipped.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 8 Mathematics Session 2
SAY You may not have scratch paper, but you may use the blank space in your test and answer
book as workspace. Remember, you may refer to the Grade 8 FSA Mathematics
Reference Sheet on page 3 of your test and answer book at any time.
Now, turn to the STOP sign on page 46 of your test and answer book. When you come to
this STOP sign, you have finished Session 2. If you complete Session 2 before time is
called, go back and check your work. Do not go back and work in Session 1. Do not go
on to Session 3. Now close your book.
Before taking Session 1 of this test, you signed below the Testing Rules
Acknowledgment on page 2 of your test and answer book to indicate that you understand
the testing rules. These testing rules are also in place for this test session. Please
remember that during this test you must not
work in Sessions 1 or 3
talk to other students or make any disturbance
look at another student’s test and answer book
allow another student to look at your test and answer book
ask for help answering test questions
give help to another student in answering test questions
have notes or scratch paper
have any electronic or recording devices in your possession at any time, including
breaks, even if you do not use them
fail to follow any other instructions given
After the test, you may not reveal details about the test items to anyone. Remember, this
includes any type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting
online, for example, on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you are found
sharing information about test items, your test will be invalidated.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 8 Mathematics Session 2
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended. You may read, but you may not write.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember, you have 60 minutes to complete Session 2, and I’ll let you know when you
have 10 minutes left.
Turn to page 28 in your test and answer book and begin working.
Complete the following:
Add 50 minutes:
+ 50 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder:
Add 10 minutes:
+ 10 minutes
Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.
During testing, do not use cell phones, classroom phones, or computers (except to contact your
school assessment coordinator in an emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your
full attention should be on students AT ALL TIMES. Although it is your responsibility to ensure
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 8 Mathematics Session 2
that students are working independently and in the correct session, you are prohibited from
reading the contents of the test and answer books before, during, and after the test.
After 50 minutes from the STARTING time,
SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 2. Remember, do not work in Sessions 1 or 3.
After 10 more minutes,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down, and close your test and answer book.
Collect all test materials.
Complete the following steps:
1. Make sure that each student returns his or her test and answer book, and indicate on your
record of required administration information that each book is returned.
2. Report any missing test materials and/or test security irregularities to your school assessment
coordinator immediately.
3. If you are administering Session 3 on the same day, ensure all materials remain secure
between test sessions. If you are administering Session 3 on the next testing day, return all
materials to your school assessment coordinator until the beginning of Session 3.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 8 Mathematics Session 3
Script for Administering
Grade 8 Mathematics
(Paper-Based Accommodations Only)
Session 3
60 Minutes
Students MUST have scientific calculators for this test session. Ensure that scientific
calculators are available for all students in your testing room.
This script should be used to administer the Grade 8 Mathematics test to students using a regular
print, large print, or one-item-per-page paper-based accommodation. For the large print
accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 219–222. For the one-item-perpage accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 227–230.
A modified script for students using braille versions of the test is provided with the braille test
materials and is also available in the FSA portal. If you are administering the computer-based
Grade 8 Mathematics, you must use the administration script in the Spring 2015 FSA CBT
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended
time), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students are to follow. It is
important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Remember the following:
Ensure that you have a Security Log, a seating chart, and a form to collect required
administration information (e.g., Administration Record/Security Checklist) for your
room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
If a student starts a session and leaves campus without finishing (due to an appointment,
illness, etc.), he or she will NOT be allowed to complete that session. No exceptions will
be made once the student leaves the school’s campus. If you have concerns about a
student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact your school
assessment coordinator for instructions.
Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the
test during breaks. The student should close his or her test and answer book and should
not discuss or exchange information with anyone during breaks. Students should not be
given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones, tablets) during
breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s) during a break, that
student’s test must be invalidated.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 8 Mathematics Session 3
Before Testing
1. Collect all test materials from your school assessment coordinator. Verify that you have all
materials you were assigned, as well as the Session 3 test group code.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign is posted where it is visible to all students and that a
Do Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Signs are provided in the
3. Ensure that each student has a No. 2 pencil and a scientific calculator.
4. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., charts displaying
mathematical concepts) and that any visual aids have been removed or covered.
SAY Today, you are going to take Session 3 of the Florida Standards Assessments Grade 8
Mathematics test. If you have not taken Sessions 1 and 2 of the Grade 8 Mathematics test,
please raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, contact your school assessment coordinator.
SAY Remove all materials from your desk except a No. 2 pencil and your scientific calculator.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices at your desk, in your pockets, or
anywhere you can reach them at any time during this test session, even if they are turned
off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording devices include but are not limited to
cell phones, smartphones, tablets, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of
recording, storing, viewing, or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found
with any electronic or recording devices at any time during this test session,
including breaks, your test will not be scored. If you have any devices with you right
now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices.
At this time, silence your own electronic devices.
Distribute the Grade 8 Mathematics test and answer books. Each student should receive the test
and answer book with his or her name on it.
Contact your school assessment coordinator if you have books that do not belong to students
testing in your room or if any books are missing.
SAY Your No. 2 pencil, your calculator, and your FSA Grade 8 Mathematics test and answer
book should be the only things on your desk. Make sure you have the test and answer
book with your name on it. You may not return to or change any answers from Sessions 1
or 2.
Now, turn your test and answer book over. Write the Session 3 test group code _____ in
the boxes and grid the corresponding bubbles. (Pause.) Now turn your book back over to
the front cover.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 8 Mathematics Session 3
SAY Find the remaining plastic pull tab sealing Session 3 of your book. Carefully pull the tab
OUT and DOWN. Do not try to remove any remaining pieces of the pull tab.
Make sure that all students pull the tabs correctly. If a student tears his or her book, obtain a
replacement book from your school assessment coordinator and record the new security number
with your required administration information. Notify your school assessment coordinator after
testing. The student's responses from Sessions 1 and 2 will need to be transcribed into the new
test and answer book.
SAY Next, open your test and answer book to page 47. Check each page through the end of the
book to see that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any missing or upsidedown pages. Do not read any of the items before the test begins. If you see any problems,
raise your hand. If not, close the book and sit quietly.
Wait until all students finish. If no defective books are found, continue to the next SAY
box. If a defective book is found, contact your school assessment coordinator to obtain a
replacement, and add the new security number to your record of required administration
Do not remove the student PreID label from a torn or defective book. Direct the student to write
his or her name, school name, and district name in the box on the front cover of the replacement
book. Set the torn or defective book aside and notify your school assessment coordinator after
testing. The student's responses from Sessions 1 and 2 will need to be transcribed into the new
test and answer book.
SAY You’ll have 60 minutes to complete Session 3 of the Mathematics test. Now, look at
Session 3 on page 47 in your test and answer book. The session number is at the top of
each page in this session that follows. You may work only in Session 3. Now close your
test and answer book.
Remember the following:
Do not work in Sessions 1 or 2.
Mark your answers directly in your test and answer book.
Read each item carefully so you’ll understand how to respond correctly. Only
mark the bubbles you want to count as correct answers. If you draw a line or an X
through an answer that you think is wrong and the mark goes into a bubble, that
bubble might be counted as your answer.
Do not circle answers. If you circle the answers instead of filling in the bubbles,
your answers will NOT be scored.
Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, skip it and
keep going. After you have answered all the other questions, go back and answer any
questions you skipped.
You may not have scratch paper, but you may use the blank space in your test and answer
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 8 Mathematics Session 3
SAY book as workspace. Remember, you may refer to the Grade 8 FSA Mathematics
Reference Sheet on page 3 of your test and answer book at any time.
Now, turn to the STOP sign on page 66 of your test and answer book. When you come to
this STOP sign, you have finished Session 3. If you complete Session 3 before time is
called, go back and check your work. Do not go back and work in Sessions 1 or 2. Now
close your book.
Before taking Session 1 of this test, you signed below the Testing Rules
Acknowledgment on page 2 of your test and answer book to indicate that you understand
the testing rules. These testing rules are also in place for this test session. Please
remember that during this test you must not
work in Sessions 1 or 2
talk to other students or make any disturbance
look at another student’s test and answer book
allow another student to look at your test and answer book
ask for help answering test questions
give help to another student in answering test questions
have notes or scratch paper
have any electronic or recording devices in your possession at any time, including
breaks, even if you do not use them
fail to follow any other instructions given
After the test, you may not reveal details about the test items to anyone. Remember, this
includes any type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting
online, for example, on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you are found
sharing information about test items, your test will be invalidated.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Grade 8 Mathematics Session 3
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended. You may read, but you may not write.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember, you have 60 minutes to complete Session 3, and I’ll let you know when you
have 10 minutes left.
Turn to page 48 in your test and answer book and begin working.
Complete the following:
Add 50 minutes:
+ 50 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder:
Add 10 minutes:
+ 10 minutes
Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.
During testing, do not use cell phones, classroom phones, or computers (except to contact your
school assessment coordinator in an emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your
full attention should be on students AT ALL TIMES. Although it is your responsibility to ensure
Script for Administering Paper-Based Grade 8 Mathematics Session 3
that students are working independently and in the correct session, you are prohibited from
reading the contents of the test and answer books before, during, and after the test.
After 50 minutes from the STARTING time,
SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 3. Remember, do not go back to Sessions 1
or 2.
After 10 more minutes,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book.
Collect all test materials.
Complete the following steps:
1. Make sure that each student returns his or her test and answer book, and indicate on your
record of required administration information that each book is returned.
2. Report any missing test materials and/or test security irregularities to your school assessment
coordinator immediately.
3. Ensure that the box at the upper right corner of the student grid sheet has been completed by
each student and that the gridded or preidentified information is accurate and complete.
4. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students
on your record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations
codes to record this information:
For ESE/504 students:
1-FP = Flexible Presentation
1-FR = Flexible Responding
1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
1-FSE = Flexible Setting
1-AD = Assistive Devices
For ELL students:
2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
2-FSE = Flexible Setting
2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
2-ADI = Approved Dictionary
5. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based FSA EOC Assessments
Scripts for Administering
Paper-Based FSA EOC Assessments
Refer to the table below for script locations and session lengths. All FSA EOC assessments are
administered in two sessions over two days.
Administration Script
Algebra 1 EOC Session 1
Algebra 1 EOC Session 2
Geometry EOC Session 1
Geometry EOC Session 2
Algebra 2 EOC Session 1
Algebra 2 EOC Session 2
Session Length*
90 minutes
*Any student who has not completed the session by the end of the allotted time may continue
working; however, each session may last no longer than half of a typical school day.
Test Materials Needed
No. 2 Pencils
Test and Answer Books
Scientific calculators (Session 2 ONLY)
Your school assessment coordinator will provide you with the materials needed to administer
each EOC session. Secure materials should be delivered or picked up immediately before the
beginning of each test session. Verify that you have all necessary materials before testing begins.
Refer to the Large Print Test Administrator Instructions, Braille Test Administrator Instructions,
and/or One-Item-Per-Page Test Administrator Instructions section(s) for materials needed to
administer tests to students using large print, braille, and one-item-per-page documents.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Algebra 1 EOC Assessment Session 1
Script for Administering
Algebra 1 EOC Assessment
(Paper-Based Accommodations Only)
Session 1
90 + Minutes
Calculators are NOT permitted for this test session. Do not distribute calculators until the
beginning of Session 2.
This script should be used to administer the FSA Algebra 1 End-of-Course (EOC) Assessment to
students using a regular print, large print, or one-item-per-page paper-based accommodation. For
the large print accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 219–222. For the
one-item-per-page accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 227–230.
A modified script for students using braille versions of the test is provided with the braille test
materials and is also available in the FSA portal. If you are administering the computer-based
Algebra 1 EOC, you must use the administration script in the Spring 2015 FSA CBT Manual.
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended
time), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students are to follow. It is
important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
This test session is 90 minutes, and students may continue working for up to half of a
typical school day. Ensure you have the correct stopping time for students who use
additional time, and display the stopping time as instructed in the script.
Remember the following:
Ensure that you have a Security Log, a seating chart, and a form to collect required
administration information (e.g., Administration Record/Security Checklist) for your
room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
If a student starts a session and leaves campus without finishing (due to an appointment,
illness, etc.), he or she will NOT be allowed to complete that session. No exceptions will
be made once the student leaves the school’s campus. If you have concerns about a
student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact your school
assessment coordinator for instructions.
Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the
test during breaks. The student should close his or her test and answer book and should
not discuss or exchange information with anyone during breaks. Students should not be
given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones, tablets) during
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Algebra 1 EOC Assessment Session 1
breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s) during a break, that
student’s test must be invalidated.
Before Testing
1. Display the district name, school name, and four-digit Session 1 test group code for students.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign is visible to all students and that a Do Not Disturb
sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Signs are provided in the portal.)
3. Ensure that each student has a No. 2 pencil.
4. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., charts displaying
mathematical concepts) and that any visual aids have been removed or covered.
SAY Today, you are going to take Session 1 of the Florida Standards Assessments Algebra 1
End-of-Course Assessment. Remove all materials from your desk except a No. 2 pencil.
You’ll have 90 minutes to complete Session 1 of the Algebra 1 EOC Assessment, and
you will be permitted to continue working if you need additional time.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices at your desk, in your pockets, or
anywhere you can reach them at any time during this test session, even if they are turned
off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording devices include but are not limited to
cell phones, smartphones, tablets, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of
recording, storing, viewing, or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found
with any electronic or recording devices at any time during this test session,
including breaks, your test will not be scored. If you have any devices with you right
now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices.
At this time, silence your own electronic devices.
Distribute the Algebra 1 EOC test and answer books.
Follow the instructions in Option A or Option B, depending on whether test and answer
books have been preidentified.
Option A
If you are distributing test and answer books with the labels already affixed, or if the
student grid sheets have already been gridded, ensure that each student receives the
preidentified book with his or her name on it.
Make sure that you have the test and answer book with your name on it.
Option B
If you are distributing test and answer books that are not preidentified, distribute them
in the order in which they are packaged.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Algebra 1 EOC Assessment Session 1
Contact your school assessment coordinator if you have preidentified books that do not belong to
students testing in your room or if you need extra test and answer books. Update your record of
required administration information, as necessary.
After distributing books according to Option A OR Option B,
SAY Your No. 2 pencil and your FSA Algebra 1 EOC Assessment test and answer book
should be the only things on your desk. Do not open your book.
Look at the front cover of your test and answer book. Locate the box for student name,
school name, and district name. Print your first and last names next to Student Name.
Print ______ (name of the school) next to School Name.
Print ______ (name of the district) next to District Name.
Turn your test and answer book over. Write the Session 1 test group code _____ in the
boxes and grid the corresponding bubbles. (Pause.) Now turn your book back over to the
front cover.
Make sure all students have turned back to the front cover of their test and answer books.
The box in the upper right corner of the student grid sheet must be completed by each
student, even when a student PreID label is affixed or student demographic information
has already been gridded by school personnel.
If school personnel have not already verified student information prior to testing, read the Script
for Gridding a Non-Preidentified Student Grid Sheet on pages 215–216 or the Script for
Verifying a Preidentified Label on pages 217–218 before reading the remainder of this script.
After reading the Script for Gridding a Non-Preidentified Student Grid Sheet or the Script for
Verifying a Preidentified Label, OR if school personnel have already verified student
SAY Your test and answer book has two plastic pull tabs. Find the first plastic pull tab on the
right side of your book. Carefully pull the tab OUT and DOWN. Do not try to remove
any remaining pieces of the tab. Do not remove the plastic tabs sealing Session 2.
Make sure that all students pull the correct tab. If a student tears his or her book or removes the
second plastic tab, obtain a replacement book from your school assessment coordinator and
record the new security number with your required administration information.
SAY Next, open your test and answer book to page 2. Check each page through page 34 to see
that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any missing or upside-down pages.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Algebra 1 EOC Assessment Session 1
SAY Do not read any of the items before the test begins. If you see any problems, raise your
hand. If not, close the book and sit quietly.
Wait until all students finish. If no defective books are found, continue to the next SAY
box. If a defective book is found, contact your school assessment coordinator to obtain a
replacement, and add the new security number to your record of required administration
Do not remove the student PreID label from a torn or defective book. Direct the student to write
his or her name, school name, and district name in the box on the front cover of the replacement
book, and notify your school assessment coordinator. Set the torn or defective book aside and
return it with all other NOT TO BE SCORED materials.
SAY Now, open your book to page 2 again and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment.
Please listen as I read the testing rules. During this test, you must not
go on to Session 2
talk to other students or make any disturbance
look at another student’s test and answer book
allow another student to look at your test and answer book
ask for help answering test questions
give help to another student in answering test questions
have notes or scratch paper
have any electronic or recording devices in your possession at any time, including
breaks, even if you do not use them
fail to follow any other instructions given
After the test, you may not reveal details about the test items to anyone. This includes any
type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting online, for
example, on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you are found sharing
information about test items, your test will be invalidated.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.
SAY Now, read silently as I read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment out loud.
I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these
rules, my test score may be invalidated.
Now, sign your name on the line next to Signature to indicate that you understand the
testing rules.
Pause while students sign their names. If a student does not sign his or her name, contact your
school assessment coordinator.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Algebra 1 EOC Assessment Session 1
SAY Now, look at the Algebra 1 EOC FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet on page 3 of your
test and answer book. The reference sheet contains formulas and conversions you may
need to respond to the test items. You may refer to this page at any time during the test.
Now, look at Session 1 on page 5 in your test and answer book. The session number is at
the top of each page in this session that follows. You may work only in Session 1. Now
close your test and answer book.
This test includes several types of items. Listen carefully as I explain how to complete the
different types of items on this test.
For multiple-choice items, choose the best answer from the answer choices, and fill in
one bubble for the correct answer.
For multiselect items, choose all of the correct answers from the answer choices, and fill
in the bubbles for all of the correct answers.
For items with response grids, do the following:
1. Work the problem and find an answer.
2. Write your answer in the answer boxes at the top of the grid.
 Print your answer with the first digit in the left answer box OR with the last digit
in the right answer box.
 Print only one digit or symbol in each answer box. Do NOT leave a blank answer
box in the middle of an answer.
 Be sure to write a decimal point, fraction bar, and/or negative sign in the answer
box if it is part of the answer.
 Many answers may be entered as either a decimal or a fraction, unless the test
item requires that the answer be given in a specific form. Students must NOT
place a MIXED NUMBER such as 13 1/4 in the answer boxes. If the answer is a
mixed number, it must be converted to a fraction greater than one, such as 53/4, or
to a decimal number, such as 13.25. If 13 1/4 were entered as is, it would be
scored as 131/4 and would be counted as incorrect.
3. Fill in a bubble under each box in which you wrote your answer.
 Fill in one and ONLY one bubble for each answer box. Do NOT fill in a bubble
under an unused answer box.
 Fill in each bubble by making a solid mark that completely fills the circle.
 You MUST fill in the bubbles accurately to receive credit for your answer.
Are there any questions about how to complete the items?
Answer all questions.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Algebra 1 EOC Assessment Session 1
SAY Remember the following:
Do not go on to Session 2.
Mark your answers directly in your test and answer book.
Read each item carefully so you’ll understand how to respond correctly.
Only mark the bubbles you want to count as correct answers. If you draw a line or
an X through an answer that you think is wrong and the mark goes into a bubble,
that bubble might be counted as your answer.
Do not circle answers. If you circle the answers instead of filling in the bubbles,
your answers will NOT be scored.
Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, skip it and
keep going. After you have answered all the other questions, go back and answer any
questions you skipped.
You may not have scratch paper, but you may use the blank space in your test and answer
book as work space.
Now, turn to page 34 and look at the STOP sign. When you come to this STOP sign on
page 34, you have finished Session 1. It is very important that you do not go on to
Session 2. If you complete Session 1 before time is called, go back and check your work.
Now close your book.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions
Answer all questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended. Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Algebra 1 EOC Assessment Session 1
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended. You may read, but you may not write.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember, you have 90 minutes to complete Session 1, and you will be permitted to
continue working if you need additional time. I will remind you when there are 10
minutes left in the 90-minute test session.
Turn to page 6 in your test and answer book and begin working.
Complete the following:
Add 80 minutes:
+ 80 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder:
Add 10 minutes:
+ 10 minutes
Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.
During testing, do not use cell phones, classroom phones, or computers (except to contact your
school assessment coordinator in an emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your
full attention should be on students AT ALL TIMES. Although it is your responsibility to ensure
that students are working independently and in the correct session, you are prohibited from
reading the contents of the test and answer books before, during, and after the test.
After 80 minutes from the STARTING time,
SAY There are 10 minutes left in the 90-minute test session. Remember, do not go on to
Session 2.
After 10 more minutes,
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Algebra 1 EOC Assessment Session 1
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book. Raise your hand if you
would like additional time to work. Please wait patiently and do not continue working at
this time.
If you have finished working, I will collect your test and answer book now.
Collect test materials from students who have finished working.
Based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator, either dismiss students who have
finished, OR move students who require additional time to an alternate testing location. If
students are moved to a new location, create a new seating chart for that location, and ensure that
students who use extra time are allowed the correct amount of time to complete the test.
Students may work for a total of half of a typical school day. Display the new stopping time
for students.
Once students are ready to continue working,
SAY Now we will continue testing. You have until _____ to continue working, and I’ll let you
know when you have 10 minutes left. Now, open your test and answer book and continue
At 10 minutes before the stopping time,
SAY You have 10 minutes left to finish Session 1.
After 10 more minutes,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book.
Collect all test materials.
Complete the following steps:
1. Make sure that each student returns his or her test and answer book, and indicate on your
record of required administration information that each book is returned.
2. Report any missing test materials and/or test security irregularities to your school assessment
coordinator immediately.
3. Return materials to your school assessment coordinator until the beginning of Session 2.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Algebra 1 EOC Assessment Session 2
Script for Administering the
Algebra 1 EOC Assessment
(Paper-Based Accommodations Only)
Session 2
90 + Minutes
Students MUST have scientific calculators for this test session. Ensure that scientific
calculators are available for all students in your testing room.
This script should be used to administer the FSA Algebra 1 EOC Assessment to students using a
regular print, large print, or one-item-per-page paper-based accommodation. For the large print
accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 219–222. For the one-item-perpage accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 227–230.
A modified script for students using braille versions of the test is provided with the braille test
materials and is also available in the FSA portal. If you are administering the computer-based
Algebra 1 EOC, you must use the administration script in the Spring 2015 FSA CBT Manual.
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended
time), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students are to follow. It is
important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
This test session is 90 minutes, and students may continue working for up to half of a
typical school day. Ensure you have the correct stopping time for students who use
additional time, and display the stopping time as instructed in the script.
Remember the following:
Ensure that you have a Security Log, a seating chart, and a form to collect required
administration information (e.g., Administration Record/Security Checklist) for your
room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
If a student starts a session and leaves campus without finishing (due to an appointment,
illness, etc.), he or she will NOT be allowed to complete that session. No exceptions will
be made once the student leaves the school’s campus. If you have concerns about a
student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact your school
assessment coordinator for instructions.
Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the
test during breaks. The student should close his or her test and answer book and should
not discuss or exchange information with anyone during breaks. Students should not be
given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones, tablets) during
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Algebra 1 EOC Assessment Session 2
breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s) during a break, that
student’s test must be invalidated.
Before Testing
1. Collect all test materials from your school assessment coordinator. Verify that you have all
materials you were assigned, as well as the Session 2 test group code.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign is posted where it is visible to all students and that a
Do Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Signs are provided in the
3. Ensure that each student has a No. 2 pencil and a scientific calculator.
4. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., charts displaying
mathematical concepts) and that any visual aids have been removed or covered.
SAY Today, you are going to take Session 2 of the Florida Standards Assessments Algebra 1
End-of-Course Assessment. If you have not taken Session 1 of the Algebra 1 EOC, please
raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, contact your school assessment coordinator.
SAY Remove all materials from your desk except a No. 2 pencil and your scientific calculator.
You’ll have 90 minutes to complete Session 2 of the Algebra 1 EOC Assessment, and
you will be permitted to continue working if you need additional time.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices, other than your calculator, at your
desk, in your pockets, or anywhere you can reach them at any time during this test
session, even if they are turned off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording
devices include but are not limited to cell phones, smartphones, tablets, MP3 players,
cameras, and any device capable of recording, storing, viewing, or playing back audio or
visual content. If you are found with any electronic or recording devices at any time
during this test session, including breaks, your test will not be scored. If you have any
devices with you right now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices.
At this time, silence your own electronic devices.
Distribute the Algebra 1 EOC test and answer books. Each student should receive the test and
answer book with his or her name on it.
Contact your school assessment coordinator if you have books that do not belong to students
testing in your room or if any books are missing.
SAY Your No. 2 pencil, your calculator, and your FSA Algebra 1 EOC Assessment test and
answer book should be the only things on your desk. Make sure you have the test and
Script for Administering Paper-Based Algebra 1 EOC Assessment Session 2
SAY answer book with your name on it. You may not return to or change any answers from
Session 1.
Now, turn your test and answer book over. Write the Session 2 test group code _____ in
the boxes and grid the corresponding bubbles. (Pause.) Now turn your book back over to
the front cover.
Find the remaining plastic pull tab sealing Session 2 of your book. Carefully pull the tab
OUT and DOWN. Do not try to remove any remaining pieces of the pull tab.
Make sure that all students pull the tabs correctly. If a student tears his or her book, obtain a
replacement book from your school assessment coordinator and record the new security number
with your required administration information. Notify your school assessment coordinator after
testing. The student’s responses from Session 1 will need to be transcribed into the new test and
answer book.
SAY Next, open your test and answer book to page 35. Check each page through the end of the
book to see that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any missing or upsidedown pages. Do not read any of the items before the test begins. If you see any problems,
raise your hand. If not, close the book and sit quietly.
Wait until all students finish. If no defective books are found, continue to the next SAY
box. If a defective book is found, contact your school assessment coordinator to obtain a
replacement, and add the new security number to your record of required administration
Do not remove the student PreID label from a torn or defective book. Direct the student to write
his or her name, school name, and district name in the box on the front cover of the replacement
book. Set the torn or defective book aside and notify your school assessment coordinator after
testing. The student's responses from Session 1 will need to be transcribed into the new test and
answer book.
SAY Now, look at Session 2 on page 35 in your test and answer book. The session number is at
the top of each page in this session that follows. You may work only in Session 2. Now
close your test and answer book.
Remember the following:
Do not work in Session 1.
Mark your answers directly in your test and answer book.
Read each item carefully so you’ll understand how to respond correctly. Only
mark the bubbles you want to count as correct answers. If you draw a line or an X
through an answer that you think is wrong and the mark goes into a bubble, that
bubble might be counted as your answer.
Do not circle answers. If you circle the answers instead of filling in the bubbles,
your answers will NOT be scored.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Algebra 1 EOC Assessment Session 2
SAY Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, skip it and
keep going. After you have answered all the other questions, go back and answer any
questions you skipped.
You may not have scratch paper, but you may use the blank space in your test and answer
book as workspace. Remember, you may refer to the Algebra 1 EOC FSA Mathematics
Reference Sheet on page 3 of your test and answer book at any time.
Now, turn to the STOP sign on page 67 of your test and answer book. When you come to
this STOP sign, you have finished Session 2. If you complete Session 2 before time is
called, go back and check your work. Do not go back to Session 1. Now close your book.
Before taking Session 1 of this test, you signed below the Testing Rules
Acknowledgment on page 2 of your test and answer book to indicate that you understand
the testing rules. These testing rules are also in place for this test session. Please
remember that during this test you must not
work in Session 1
talk to other students or make any disturbance
look at another student’s test and answer book
allow another student to look at your test and answer book
ask for help answering test questions
give help to another student in answering test questions
have notes or scratch paper
have any electronic or recording devices in your possession at any time, including
breaks, even if you do not use them
fail to follow any other instructions given
After the test, you may not reveal details about the test items to anyone. Remember, this
includes any type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting
online, for example, on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you are found
sharing information about test items, your test will be invalidated.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Algebra 1 EOC Assessment Session 2
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended. You may read, but you may not write.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember, you have 90 minutes to complete Session 2, and you will be permitted to
continue working if you need additional time. I will remind you when there are 10
minutes left in the 90-minute test session.
Turn to page 36 in your test and answer book and begin working.
Complete the following:
Add 80 minutes:
+ 80 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder:
Add 10 minutes:
+ 10 minutes
Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Algebra 1 EOC Assessment Session 2
During testing, do not use cell phones, classroom phones, or computers (except to contact your
school assessment coordinator in an emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your
full attention should be on students AT ALL TIMES. Although it is your responsibility to ensure
that students are working independently and in the correct session, you are prohibited from
reading the contents of the test and answer books before, during, and after the test.
After 80 minutes from the STARTING time,
SAY There are 10 minutes left in the 90-minute test session. Remember, do not go back to
Session 1.
After 10 more minutes,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book. Raise your hand if you
would like additional time to work. Please wait patiently and do not continue working at
this time.
If you have finished working, I will collect your test and answer book now.
Collect test materials from students who have finished working.
Based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator, either dismiss students who have
finished, OR move students who require additional time to an alternate testing location. If
students are moved to a new location, create a new seating chart for that location, and ensure that
students who use extra time are allowed the correct amount of time to complete the test.
Students may work for a total of half of a typical school day. Display the new stopping time
for students.
Once students are ready to continue working,
SAY Now we will continue testing. You have until _____ to continue working, and I’ll let you
know when you have 10 minutes left. Now, open your test and answer book and continue
At 10 minutes before the stopping time,
SAY You have 10 minutes left to finish Session 2.
After 10 more minutes,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book.
Collect all test materials.
Complete the following steps:
Script for Administering Paper-Based Algebra 1 EOC Assessment Session 2
1. Make sure that each student returns his or her test and answer book, and indicate on your
record of required administration information that each book is returned.
2. Report any missing test materials and/or test security irregularities to your school assessment
coordinator immediately.
3. Ensure that the box at the upper right corner of the student grid sheet has been completed by
each student and that the gridded or preidentified information is accurate and complete.
4. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students
on your record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations
codes to record this information:
For ESE/504 students:
1-FP = Flexible Presentation
1-FR = Flexible Responding
1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
1-FSE = Flexible Setting
1-AD = Assistive Devices
For ELL students:
2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
2-FSE = Flexible Setting
2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
2-ADI = Approved Dictionary
5. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Geometry EOC Assessment Session 1
Script for Administering
Geometry EOC Assessment
(Paper-Based Accommodations Only)
Session 1
90 + Minutes
Calculators are NOT permitted for this test session. Do not distribute calculators until the
beginning of Session 2.
This script should be used to administer the FSA Geometry End-of-Course (EOC) Assessment to
students using a regular print, large print, or one-item-per-page paper-based accommodation. For
the large print accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 219–222. For the
one-item-per-page accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 227–230.
A modified script for students using braille versions of the test is provided with the braille test
materials and is also available in the FSA portal. If you are administering the computer-based
Geometry EOC, you must use the administration script in the Spring 2015 FSA CBT Manual.
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended
time), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students are to follow. It is
important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
This test session is 90 minutes, and students may continue working for up to half of a
typical school day. Ensure you have the correct stopping time for students who use
additional time, and display the stopping time as instructed in the script.
Remember the following:
Ensure that you have a Security Log, a seating chart, and a form to collect required
administration information (e.g., Administration Record/Security Checklist) for your
room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
If a student starts a session and leaves campus without finishing (due to an appointment,
illness, etc.), he or she will NOT be allowed to complete that session. No exceptions will
be made once the student leaves the school’s campus. If you have concerns about a
student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact your school
assessment coordinator for instructions.
Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the
test during breaks. The student should close his or her test and answer book and should
not discuss or exchange information with anyone during breaks. Students should not be
given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones, tablets) during
Script for Administering Paper-Based Geometry EOC Assessment Session 1
breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s) during a break, that
student’s test must be invalidated.
Before Testing
1. Display the district name, school name, and four-digit Session 1 test group code for students.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign is visible to all students and that a Do Not Disturb
sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Signs are provided in the portal.)
3. Ensure that each student has a No. 2 pencil.
4. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., charts displaying
mathematical concepts) and that any visual aids have been removed or covered.
SAY Today, you are going to take Session 1 of the Florida Standards Assessments Geometry
End-of-Course Assessment. Remove all materials from your desk except a No. 2 pencil.
You’ll have 90 minutes to complete Session 1 of the Geometry EOC Assessment, and
you will be permitted to continue working if you need additional time.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices at your desk, in your pockets, or
anywhere you can reach them at any time during this test session, even if they are turned
off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording devices include but are not limited to
cell phones, smartphones, tablets, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of
recording, storing, viewing, or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found
with any electronic or recording devices at any time during this test session,
including breaks, your test will not be scored. If you have any devices with you right
now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices.
At this time, silence your own electronic devices.
Distribute the Geometry EOC test and answer books.
Follow the instructions in Option A or Option B, depending on whether test and answer
books have been preidentified.
Option A
If you are distributing test and answer books with the labels already affixed, or if the
student grid sheets have already been gridded, ensure that each student receives the
preidentified book with his or her name on it.
Make sure that you have the test and answer book with your name on it.
Option B
If you are distributing test and answer books that are not preidentified, distribute them in
the order in which they are packaged.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Geometry EOC Assessment Session 1
Contact your school assessment coordinator if you have preidentified books that do not belong to
students testing in your room or if you need extra test and answer books. Update your record of
required administration information, as necessary.
After distributing books according to Option A OR Option B,
SAY Your No. 2 pencil and your FSA Geometry EOC Assessment test and answer book
should be the only things on your desk. Do not open your book.
Look at the front cover of your test and answer book. Locate the box for student name,
school name, and district name. Print your first and last names next to Student Name.
Print ______ (name of the school) next to School Name.
Print ______ (name of the district) next to District Name.
Turn your test and answer book over. Write the Session 1 test group code _____ in the
boxes and grid the corresponding bubbles. (Pause.) Now turn your book back over to the
front cover.
Make sure all students have turned back to the front cover of their test and answer books.
The box in the upper right corner of the student grid sheet must be completed by each
student, even when a student PreID label is affixed or student demographic information
has already been gridded by school personnel.
If school personnel have not already verified student information prior to testing, read the Script
for Gridding a Non-Preidentified Student Grid Sheet on pages 215–216 or the Script for
Verifying a Preidentified Label on pages 217–218 before reading the remainder of this script.
After reading the Script for Gridding a Non-Preidentified Student Grid Sheet or the Script for
Verifying a Preidentified Label, OR if school personnel have already verified student
SAY Your test and answer book has two plastic pull tabs. Find the first plastic pull tab on the
right side of your book. Carefully pull the tab OUT and DOWN. Do not try to remove
any remaining pieces of the tab. Do not remove the plastic tabs sealing Session 2.
Make sure that all students pull the correct tab. If a student tears his or her book or removes the
second plastic tab, obtain a replacement book from your school assessment coordinator and
record the new security number with your required administration information.
SAY Next, open your test and answer book to page 2. Check each page through page 40 to see
that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any missing or upside-down pages.
Do not read any of the items before the test begins.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Geometry EOC Assessment Session 1
SAY If you see any problems, raise your hand. If not, close the book and sit quietly.
Wait until all students finish. If no defective books are found, continue to the next SAY
box. If a defective book is found, contact your school assessment coordinator to obtain a
replacement, and add the new security number to your record of required administration
Do not remove the student PreID label from a torn or defective book. Direct the student to write
his or her name, school name, and district name in the box on the front cover of the replacement
book, and notify your school assessment coordinator. Set the torn or defective book aside and
return it with all other NOT TO BE SCORED materials.
SAY Now, open your book to page 2 again and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment.
Please listen as I read the testing rules. During this test, you must not
go on to Session 2
talk to other students or make any disturbance
look at another student’s test and answer book
allow another student to look at your test and answer book
ask for help answering test questions
give help to another student in answering test questions
have notes or scratch paper
have any electronic or recording devices in your possession at any time, including
breaks, even if you do not use them
fail to follow any other instructions given
After the test, you may not reveal details about the test items to anyone. This includes any
type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting online, for
example, on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you are found sharing
information about test items, your test will be invalidated.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.
SAY Now, read silently as I read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment out loud.
I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these
rules, my test score may be invalidated.
Now, sign your name on the line next to Signature to indicate that you understand the
testing rules.
Pause while students sign their names. If a student does not sign his or her name, contact your
school assessment coordinator.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Geometry EOC Assessment Session 1
SAY Now, look at the Geometry EOC FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet on pages 3 and 4 of
your test and answer book. The reference sheet contains formulas and conversions you
may need to respond to the test items. You may refer to these pages at any time during the
Now, look at Session 1 on page 5 in your test and answer book. The session number is at
the top of each page in this session that follows. You may work only in Session 1. Now
close your test and answer book.
This test includes several types of items. Listen carefully as I explain how to complete the
different types of items on this test.
For multiple-choice items, choose the best answer from the answer choices, and fill in
one bubble for the correct answer.
For multiselect items, choose all of the correct answers from the answer choices, and fill
in the bubbles for all of the correct answers.
For items with response grids, do the following:
1. Work the problem and find an answer.
2. Write your answer in the answer boxes at the top of the grid.
 Print your answer with the first digit in the left answer box OR with the last digit
in the right answer box.
 Print only one digit or symbol in each answer box. Do NOT leave a blank answer
box in the middle of an answer.
 Be sure to write a decimal point, fraction bar, and/or negative sign in the answer
box if it is part of the answer.
 Many answers may be entered as either a decimal or a fraction, unless the test
item requires that the answer be given in a specific form. Students must NOT
place a MIXED NUMBER such as 13 1/4 in the answer boxes. If the answer is a
mixed number, it must be converted to a fraction greater than one, such as 53/4, or
to a decimal number, such as 13.25. If 13 1/4 were entered as is, it would be
scored as 131/4 and would be counted as incorrect.
3. Fill in a bubble under each box in which you wrote your answer.
 Fill in one and ONLY one bubble for each answer box. Do NOT fill in a bubble
under an unused answer box.
 Fill in each bubble by making a solid mark that completely fills the circle.
 You MUST fill in the bubbles accurately to receive credit for your answer.
Are there any questions about how to complete the items?
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember the following:
 Do not go on to Session 2.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Geometry EOC Assessment Session 1
Mark your answers directly in your test and answer book.
Read each item carefully so you’ll understand how to respond correctly.
Only mark the bubbles you want to count as correct answers. If you draw a line or
an X through an answer that you think is wrong and the mark goes into a bubble,
that bubble might be counted as your answer.
Do not circle answers. If you circle the answers instead of filling in the bubbles,
your answers will NOT be scored.
Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, skip it and
keep going. After you have answered all the other questions, go back and answer any
questions you skipped.
You may not have scratch paper, but you may use the blank space in your test and answer
book as work space.
Now, turn to page 40 and look at the STOP sign. When you come to this STOP sign on
page 40, you have finished Session 1. It is very important that you do not go on to
Session 2. If you complete Session 1 before time is called, go back and check your work.
Now close your book.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Geometry EOC Assessment Session 1
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended. You may read, but you may not write.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember, you have 90 minutes to complete Session 1, and you will be permitted to
continue working if you need additional time. I will remind you when there are 10
minutes left in the 90-minute test session.
Turn to page 6 in your test and answer book and begin working.
Complete the following:
Add 80 minutes:
+ 80 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder:
Add 10 minutes:
+ 10 minutes
Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.
During testing, do not use cell phones, classroom phones, or computers (except to contact your
school assessment coordinator in an emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your
full attention should be on students AT ALL TIMES. Although it is your responsibility to ensure
that students are working independently and in the correct session, you are prohibited from
reading the contents of the test and answer books before, during, and after the test.
After 80 minutes from the STARTING time,
SAY There are 10 minutes left in the 90-minute test session. Remember, do not go on to
Session 2.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Geometry EOC Assessment Session 1
After 10 more minutes,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book. Raise your hand if you
would like additional time to work. Please wait patiently and do not continue working at
this time.
If you have finished working, I will collect your test and answer book now.
Collect test materials from students who have finished working.
Based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator, either dismiss students who have
finished, OR move students who require additional time to an alternate testing location. If
students are moved to a new location, create a new seating chart for that location, and ensure that
students who use extra time are allowed the correct amount of time to complete the test.
Students may work for a total of half of a typical school day. Display the new stopping time
for students.
Once students are ready to continue working,
SAY Now we will continue testing. You have until _____ to continue working, and I’ll let you
know when you have 10 minutes left. Now, open your test and answer book and continue
At 10 minutes before the stopping time,
SAY You have 10 minutes left to finish Session 1.
After 10 more minutes,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book.
Collect all test materials.
Complete the following steps:
1. Make sure that each student returns his or her test and answer book, and indicate on your
record of required administration information that each book is returned.
2. Report any missing test materials and/or test security irregularities to your school assessment
coordinator immediately.
3. Return materials to your school assessment coordinator until the beginning of Session 2.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Geometry EOC Assessment Session 2
Script for Administering
Geometry EOC Assessment
(Paper-Based Accommodations Only)
Session 2
90 + Minutes
Students MUST have scientific calculators for this test session. Ensure that scientific
calculators are available for all students in your testing room.
This script should be used to administer the FSA Geometry EOC Assessment to students using a
regular print, large print, or one-item-per-page paper-based accommodation. For the large print
accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 219–222. For the one-item-perpage accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 227–230.
A modified script for students using braille versions of the test is provided with the braille test
materials and is also available in the FSA portal. If you are administering the computer-based
Geometry EOC, you must use the administration script in the Spring 2015 FSA CBT Manual.
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended
time), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students are to follow. It is
important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
This test session is 90 minutes, and students may continue working for up to half of a
typical school day. Ensure you have the correct stopping time for students who use
additional time, and display the stopping time as instructed in the script.
Remember the following:
Ensure that you have a Security Log, a seating chart, and a form to collect required
administration information (e.g., Administration Record/Security Checklist) for your
room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
If a student starts a session and leaves campus without finishing (due to an appointment,
illness, etc.), he or she will NOT be allowed to complete that session. No exceptions will
be made once the student leaves the school’s campus. If you have concerns about a
student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact your school
assessment coordinator for instructions.
Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the
test during breaks. The student should close his or her test and answer book and should
not discuss or exchange information with anyone during breaks. Students should not be
given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones, tablets) during
Script for Administering Paper-Based Geometry EOC Assessment Session 2
breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s) during a break, that
student’s test must be invalidated.
Before Testing
1. Collect all test materials from your school assessment coordinator. Verify that you have all
materials you were assigned, as well as the Session 2 test group code.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign is posted where it is visible to all students and that a
Do Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Signs are provided in the
3. Ensure that each student has a No. 2 pencil and a scientific calculator.
4. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., charts displaying
mathematical concepts) and that any visual aids have been removed or covered.
SAY Today, you are going to take Session 2 of the Florida Standards Assessments Geometry
End-of-Course Assessment. If you have not taken Session 1 of the Geometry EOC, please
raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, contact your school assessment coordinator.
SAY Remove all materials from your desk except a No. 2 pencil and your scientific calculator.
You’ll have 90 minutes to complete Session 2 of the Geometry EOC Assessment, and
you will be permitted to continue working if you need additional time.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices, other than your calculator, at your
desk, in your pockets, or anywhere you can reach them at any time during this test
session, even if they are turned off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording
devices include but are not limited to cell phones, smartphones, tablets, MP3 players,
cameras, and any device capable of recording, storing, viewing, or playing back audio or
visual content. If you are found with any electronic or recording devices at any time
during this test session, including breaks, your test will not be scored. If you have any
devices with you right now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices.
At this time, silence your own electronic devices.
Distribute the Geometry EOC test and answer books. Each student should receive the test and
answer book with his or her name on it.
Contact your school assessment coordinator if you have books that do not belong to students
testing in your room or if any books are missing.
SAY Your No. 2 pencil, your calculator, and your FSA Geometry EOC Assessment test and
answer book should be the only things on your desk. Make sure you have the test and
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Geometry EOC Assessment Session 2
SAY answer book with your name on it. You may not return to or change any answers from
Session 1.
Now, turn your test and answer book over. Write the Session 2 test group code _____ in
the boxes and grid the corresponding bubbles. (Pause.) Now turn your book back over to
the front cover.
Find the remaining plastic pull tab sealing Session 2 of your book. Carefully pull the tab
OUT and DOWN. Do not try to remove any remaining pieces of the pull tab.
Make sure that all students pull the tabs correctly. If a student tears his or her book, obtain a
replacement book from your school assessment coordinator and record the new security number
with your required administration information. Notify your school assessment coordinator after
testing. The student’s responses from Session 1 will need to be transcribed into the new test and
answer book.
SAY Next, open your test and answer book to page 41. Check each page through the end of the
book to see that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any missing or upsidedown pages. Do not read any of the items before the test begins. If you see any problems,
raise your hand. If not, close the book and sit quietly.
Wait until all students finish. If no defective books are found, continue to the next SAY
box. If a defective book is found, contact your school assessment coordinator to obtain a
replacement, and add the new security number to your record of required administration
Do not remove the student PreID label from a torn or defective book. Direct the student to write
his or her name, school name, and district name in the box on the front cover of the replacement
book. Set the torn or defective book aside and notify your school assessment coordinator after
testing. The student’s responses from Session 1 will need to be transcribed into the new test and
answer book.
SAY Now, look at Session 2 on page 41 in your test and answer book. The session number is at
the top of each page in this session that follows. You may work only in Session 2. Now
close your test and answer book.
Remember the following:
Do not work in Session 1.
Mark your answers directly in your test and answer book.
Read each item carefully so you’ll understand how to respond correctly. Only
mark the bubbles you want to count as correct answers. If you draw a line or an X
through an answer that you think is wrong and the mark goes into a bubble, that
bubble might be counted as your answer.
Do not circle answers. If you circle the answers instead of filling in the bubbles,
your answers will NOT be scored.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Geometry EOC Assessment Session 2
SAY Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, skip it and
keep going. After you have answered all the other questions, go back and answer any
questions you skipped.
You may not have scratch paper, but you may use the blank space in your test and answer
book as workspace. Remember, you may refer to the Geometry EOC FSA Mathematics
Reference Sheet on pages 3 and 4 of your test and answer book at any time.
Now, turn to the STOP sign on page 75 of your test and answer book. When you come to
this STOP sign, you have finished Session 2. If you complete Session 2 before time is
called, go back and check your work. Do not go back to Session 1. Now close your book.
Before taking Session 1 of this test, you signed below the Testing Rules
Acknowledgment on page 2 of your test and answer book to indicate that you understand
the testing rules. These testing rules are also in place for this test session. Please
remember that during this test you must not
work in Session 1
talk to other students or make any disturbance
look at another student’s test and answer book
allow another student to look at your test and answer book
ask for help answering test questions
give help to another student in answering test questions
have notes or scratch paper
have any electronic or recording devices in your possession at any time, including
breaks, even if you do not use them
fail to follow any other instructions given
After the test, you may not reveal details about the test items to anyone. Remember, this
includes any type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting
online, for example, on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you are found
sharing information about test items, your test will be invalidated.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Geometry EOC Assessment Session 2
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended. You may read, but you may not write.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember, you have 90 minutes to complete Session 2, and you will be permitted to
continue working if you need additional time. I will remind you when there are 10
minutes left in the 90-minute test session.
Turn to page 42 in your test and answer book and begin working.
Complete the following:
Add 80 minutes:
+ 80 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder:
Add 10 minutes:
+ 10 minutes
Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Geometry EOC Assessment Session 2
During testing, do not use cell phones, classroom phones, or computers (except to contact your
school assessment coordinator in an emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your
full attention should be on students AT ALL TIMES. Although it is your responsibility to ensure
that students are working independently and in the correct session, you are prohibited from
reading the contents of the test and answer books before, during, and after the test.
After 80 minutes from the STARTING time,
SAY There are 10 minutes left in the 90-minute test session. Remember, do not go back to
Session 1.
After 10 more minutes,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book. Raise your hand if you
would like additional time to work. Please wait patiently and do not continue working at
this time.
If you have finished working, I will collect your test and answer book now.
Collect test materials from students who have finished working.
Based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator, either dismiss students who have
finished, OR move students who require additional time to an alternate testing location. If
students are moved to a new location, create a new seating chart for that location, and ensure that
students who use extra time are allowed the correct amount of time to complete the test.
Students may work for a total of half of a typical school day. Display the new stopping time
for students.
Once students are ready to continue working,
SAY Now we will continue testing. You have until _____ to continue working, and I’ll let you
know when you have 10 minutes left. Now, open your test and answer book and continue
At 10 minutes before the stopping time,
SAY You have 10 minutes left to finish Session 2.
After 10 more minutes,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book.
Collect all test materials.
Complete the following steps:
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Geometry EOC Assessment Session 2
1. Make sure that each student returns his or her test and answer book, and indicate on your
record of required administration information that each book is returned.
2. Report any missing test materials and/or test security irregularities to your school assessment
coordinator immediately.
3. Ensure that the box at the upper right corner of the student grid sheet has been completed by
each student and that the gridded or preidentified information is accurate and complete.
4. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students
on your record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations
codes to record this information:
For ESE/504 students:
1-FP = Flexible Presentation
1-FR = Flexible Responding
1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
1-FSE = Flexible Setting
1-AD = Assistive Devices
For ELL students:
2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
2-FSE = Flexible Setting
2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
2-ADI = Approved Dictionary
5. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Algebra 2 EOC Assessment Session 1
Script for Administering
Algebra 2 EOC Assessment
(Paper-Based Accommodations Only)
Session 1
90 + Minutes
Calculators are NOT permitted for this test session. Do not distribute calculators until the
beginning of Session 2.
This script should be used to administer the FSA Algebra 2 End-of-Course (EOC) Assessment to
students using a regular print, large print, or one-item-per-page paper-based accommodation. For
the large print accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 219–222. For the
one-item-per-page accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 227–230.
A modified script for students using braille versions of the test is provided with the braille test
materials and is also available in the FSA portal. If you are administering the computer-based
Algebra 2 EOC, you must use the administration script in the Spring 2015 FSA CBT Manual.
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended
time), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students are to follow. It is
important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
This test session is 90 minutes, and students may continue working for up to half of a
typical school day. Ensure you have the correct stopping time for students who use
additional time, and display the stopping time as instructed in the script.
Remember the following:
Ensure that you have a Security Log, a seating chart, and a form to collect required
administration information (e.g., Administration Record/Security Checklist) for your
room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
If a student starts a session and leaves campus without finishing (due to an appointment,
illness, etc.), he or she will NOT be allowed to complete that session. No exceptions will
be made once the student leaves the school’s campus. If you have concerns about a
student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact your school
assessment coordinator for instructions.
Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the
test during breaks. The student should close his or her test and answer book and should
not discuss or exchange information with anyone during breaks. Students should not be
given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones, tablets) during
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Algebra 2 EOC Assessment Session 1
breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s) during a break, that
student’s test must be invalidated.
Before Testing
1. Display the district name, school name, and four-digit Session 1 test group code for students.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign is visible to all students and that a Do Not Disturb
sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Signs are provided in the portal.)
3. Ensure that each student has a No. 2 pencil.
4. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., charts displaying
mathematical concepts) and that any visual aids have been removed or covered.
SAY Today, you are going to take Session 1 of the Florida Standards Assessments Algebra 2
End-of-Course Assessment. Remove all materials from your desk except a No. 2 pencil.
You’ll have 90 minutes to complete Session 1 of the Algebra 2 EOC Assessment, and
you will be permitted to continue working if you need additional time.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices at your desk, in your pockets, or
anywhere you can reach them at any time during this test session, even if they are turned
off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording devices include but are not limited to
cell phones, smartphones, tablets, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of
recording, storing, viewing, or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found
with any electronic or recording devices at any time during this test session,
including breaks, your test will not be scored. If you have any devices with you right
now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices.
At this time, silence your own electronic devices.
Distribute the Algebra 2 EOC test and answer books.
Follow the instructions in Option A or Option B, depending on whether test and answer
books have been preidentified.
Option A
If you are distributing test and answer books with the labels already affixed, or if the
student grid sheets have already been gridded, ensure that each student receives the
preidentified book with his or her name on it.
Make sure that you have the test and answer book with your name on it.
Option B
If you are distributing test and answer books that are not preidentified, distribute them in
the order in which they are packaged.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Algebra 2 EOC Assessment Session 1
Contact your school assessment coordinator if you have preidentified books that do not belong to
students testing in your room or if you need extra test and answer books. Update your record of
required administration information, as necessary.
After distributing books according to Option A OR Option B,
SAY Your No. 2 pencil and your FSA Algebra 2 EOC Assessment test and answer book
should be the only things on your desk. Do not open your book.
Look at the front cover of your test and answer book. Locate the box for student name,
school name, and district name. Print your first and last names next to Student Name.
Print ______ (name of the school) next to School Name.
Print ______ (name of the district) next to District Name.
Turn your test and answer book over. Write the Session 1 test group code _____ in the
boxes and grid the corresponding bubbles. (Pause.) Now turn your book back over to the
front cover.
Make sure all students have turned back to the front cover of their test and answer books.
The box in the upper right corner of the student grid sheet must be completed by each
student, even when a student PreID label is affixed or student demographic information
has already been gridded by school personnel.
If school personnel have not already verified student information prior to testing, read the Script
for Gridding a Non-Preidentified Student Grid Sheet on pages 215–216 or the Script for
Verifying a Preidentified Label on pages 217–218 before reading the remainder of this script.
After reading the Script for Gridding a Non-Preidentified Student Grid Sheet or the Script for
Verifying a Preidentified Label, OR if school personnel have already verified student
SAY Your test and answer book has two plastic pull tabs. Find the first plastic pull tab on the
right side of your book. Carefully pull the tab OUT and DOWN. Do not try to remove
any remaining pieces of the tab. Do not remove the plastic tabs sealing Session 2.
Make sure that all students pull the correct tab. If a student tears his or her book or removes the
second plastic tab, obtain a replacement book from your school assessment coordinator and
record the new security number with your required administration information.
SAY Next, open your test and answer book to page 2. Check each page through page 32 to see
that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any missing or upside-down pages.
Do not read any of the items before the test begins.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Algebra 2 EOC Assessment Session 1
SAY If you see any problems, raise your hand. If not, close the book and sit quietly.
Wait until all students finish. If no defective books are found, continue to the next SAY
box. If a defective book is found, contact your school assessment coordinator to obtain a
replacement, and add the new security number to your record of required administration
Do not remove the student PreID label from a torn or defective book. Direct the student to write
his or her name, school name, and district name in the box on the front cover of the replacement
book, and notify your school assessment coordinator. Set the torn or defective book aside and
return it with all other NOT TO BE SCORED materials.
SAY Now, open your book to page 2 again and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment.
Please listen as I read the testing rules. During this test, you must not
go on to Session 2
talk to other students or make any disturbance
look at another student’s test and answer book
allow another student to look at your test and answer book
ask for help answering test questions
give help to another student in answering test questions
have notes or scratch paper
have any electronic or recording devices in your possession at any time, including
breaks, even if you do not use them
fail to follow any other instructions given
After the test, you may not reveal details about the test items to anyone. This includes any
type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting online, for
example, on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you are found sharing
information about test items, your test will be invalidated.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.
SAY Now, read silently as I read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment out loud.
I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these
rules, my test score may be invalidated.
Now, sign your name on the line next to Signature to indicate that you understand the
testing rules.
Pause while students sign their names. If a student does not sign his or her name, contact your
school assessment coordinator.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Algebra 2 EOC Assessment Session 1
SAY Now, look at the Algebra 2 EOC FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet on pages 3 and 4 of
your test and answer book. The reference sheet contains formulas and conversions you
may need to respond to the test items. You may refer to these pages at any time during the
On page 5 of your test and answer book, you will see a Table of Standard Normal
Probabilities for Negative z-scores and a Table of Standard Normal Probabilities for
Positive z-scores. You may refer to these tables at any time during the test.
Now, look at Session 1 on page 7 in your test and answer book. The session number is at
the top of each page in this session that follows. You may work only in Session 1. Now
close your test and answer book.
This test includes several types of items. Listen carefully as I explain how to complete the
different types of items on this test.
For multiple-choice items, choose the best answer from the answer choices, and fill in
one bubble for the correct answer.
For multiselect items, choose all of the correct answers from the answer choices, and fill
in the bubbles for all of the correct answers.
For items with response grids, do the following:
1. Work the problem and find an answer.
2. Write your answer in the answer boxes at the top of the grid.
 Print your answer with the first digit in the left answer box OR with the last digit
in the right answer box.
 Print only one digit or symbol in each answer box. Do NOT leave a blank answer
box in the middle of an answer.
 Be sure to write a decimal point, fraction bar, and/or negative sign in the answer
box if it is part of the answer.
 Many answers may be entered as either a decimal or a fraction, unless the test
item requires that the answer be given in a specific form. Students must NOT
place a MIXED NUMBER such as 13 1/4 in the answer boxes. If the answer is a
mixed number, it must be converted to a fraction greater than one, such as 53/4, or
to a decimal number, such as 13.25. If 13 1/4 were entered as is, it would be
scored as 131/4 and would be counted as incorrect.
3. Fill in a bubble under each box in which you wrote your answer.
 Fill in one and ONLY one bubble for each answer box. Do NOT fill in a bubble
under an unused answer box.
 Fill in each bubble by making a solid mark that completely fills the circle.
 You MUST fill in the bubbles accurately to receive credit for your answer.
Are there any questions about how to complete the items?
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Algebra 2 EOC Assessment Session 1
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember the following:
Do not go on to Session 2.
Mark your answers directly in your test and answer book.
Read each item carefully so you’ll understand how to respond correctly.
Only mark the bubbles you want to count as correct answers. If you draw a line or
an X through an answer that you think is wrong and the mark goes into a bubble,
that bubble might be counted as your answer.
Do not circle answers. If you circle the answers instead of filling in the bubbles,
your answers will NOT be scored.
Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, skip it and
keep going. After you have answered all the other questions, go back and answer any
questions you skipped.
You may not have scratch paper, but you may use the blank space in your test and answer
book as work space.
Now, turn to page 32 and look at the STOP sign. When you come to this STOP sign on
page 32, you have finished Session 1. It is very important that you do not go on to
Session 2. If you complete Session 1 before time is called, go back and check your work.
Now close your book.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Algebra 2 EOC Assessment Session 1
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended. You may read, but you may not write.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember, you have 90 minutes to complete Session 1, and you will be permitted to
continue working if you need additional time. I will remind you when there are 10
minutes left in the 90-minute test session.
Turn to page 8 in your test and answer book and begin working.
Complete the following:
Add 80 minutes:
+ 80 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder:
Add 10 minutes:
+ 10 minutes
Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.
During testing, do not use cell phones, classroom phones, or computers (except to contact your
school assessment coordinator in an emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your
full attention should be on students AT ALL TIMES. Although it is your responsibility to ensure
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Algebra 2 EOC Assessment Session 1
that students are working independently and in the correct session, you are prohibited from
reading the contents of the test and answer books before, during, and after the test.
After 80 minutes from the STARTING time,
SAY There are 10 minutes left in the 90-minute test session. Remember, do not go on to
Session 2.
After 10 more minutes,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book. Raise your hand if you
would like additional time to work. Please wait patiently and do not continue working at
this time.
If you have finished working, I will collect your test and answer book now.
Collect test materials from students who have finished working.
Based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator, either dismiss students who have
finished, OR move students who require additional time to an alternate testing location. If
students are moved to a new location, create a new seating chart for that location, and ensure that
students who use extra time are allowed the correct amount of time to complete the test.
Students may work for a total of half of a typical school day. Display the new stopping time
for students.
Once students are ready to continue working,
SAY Now we will continue testing. You have until _____ to continue working, and I’ll let you
know when you have 10 minutes left. Now, open your test and answer book and continue
At 10 minutes before the stopping time,
SAY You have 10 minutes left to finish Session 1.
After 10 more minutes,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book.
Collect all test materials.
Complete the following steps:
1. Make sure that each student returns his or her test and answer book, and indicate on your
record of required administration information that each book is returned.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Algebra 2 EOC Assessment Session 1
2. Report any missing test materials and/or test security irregularities to your school assessment
coordinator immediately.
3. Return materials to your school assessment coordinator until the beginning of Session 2.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Algebra 2 EOC Assessment Session 2
Script for Administering
Algebra 2 EOC Assessment
(Paper-Based Accommodations Only)
Session 2
90 + Minutes
Students MUST have scientific calculators for this test session. Ensure that scientific
calculators are available for all students in your testing room.
This script should be used to administer the FSA Algebra 2 EOC Assessment to students using a
regular print, large print, or one-item-per-page paper-based accommodation. For the large print
accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 219–222. For the one-item-perpage accommodation, use this script with the instructions on pages 227–230.
A modified script for students using braille versions of the test is provided with the braille test
materials and is also available in the FSA portal. If you are administering the computer-based
Algebra 2 EOC, you must use the administration script in the Spring 2015 FSA CBT Manual.
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended
time), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students are to follow. It is
important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
This test session is 90 minutes, and students may continue working for up to half of a
typical school day. Ensure you have the correct stopping time for students who use
additional time, and display the stopping time as instructed in the script.
Remember the following:
Ensure that you have a Security Log, a seating chart, and a form to collect required
administration information (e.g., Administration Record/Security Checklist) for your
room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
If a student starts a session and leaves campus without finishing (due to an appointment,
illness, etc.), he or she will NOT be allowed to complete that session. No exceptions will
be made once the student leaves the school’s campus. If you have concerns about a
student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact your school
assessment coordinator for instructions.
Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the
test during breaks. The student should close his or her test and answer book and should
not discuss or exchange information with anyone during breaks. Students should not be
given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones, tablets) during
Script for Administering Paper-Based Algebra 2 EOC Assessment Session 2
breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s) during a break, that
student’s test must be invalidated.
Before Testing
1. Collect all test materials from your school assessment coordinator. Verify that you have all
materials you were assigned, as well as the Session 2 test group code.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign is posted where it is visible to all students and that a
Do Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Signs are provided in the
3. Ensure that each student has a No. 2 pencil and a scientific calculator.
4. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., charts displaying
mathematical concepts) and that any visual aids have been removed or covered.
SAY Today, you are going to take Session 2 of the Florida Standards Assessments Algebra 2
End-of-Course Assessment. If you have not taken Session 1 of the Algebra 1 EOC, please
raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, contact your school assessment coordinator.
SAY Remove all materials from your desk except a No. 2 pencil and your scientific calculator.
You’ll have 90 minutes to complete Session 2 of the Algebra 2 EOC Assessment, and
you will be permitted to continue working if you need additional time.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices, other than your calculator, at your
desk, in your pockets, or anywhere you can reach them at any time during this test
session, even if they are turned off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording
devices include but are not limited to cell phones, smartphones, tablets, MP3 players,
cameras, and any device capable of recording, storing, viewing, or playing back audio or
visual content. If you are found with any electronic or recording devices at any time
during this test session, including breaks, your test will not be scored. If you have any
devices with you right now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices.
At this time, silence your own electronic devices.
Distribute the Algebra 2 EOC test and answer books. Each student should receive the test and
answer book with his or her name on it.
Contact your school assessment coordinator if you have books that do not belong to students
testing in your room or if any books are missing.
SAY Your No. 2 pencil, your calculator, and your FSA Algebra 2 EOC Assessment test and
answer book should be the only things on your desk. Make sure you have the test and
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Algebra 2 EOC Assessment Session 2
SAY answer book with your name on it. You may not return to or change any answers from
Session 1.
Now, turn your test and answer book over. Write the Session 2 test group code _____ in
the boxes and grid the corresponding bubbles. (Pause.) Now turn your book back over to
the front cover.
Find the remaining plastic pull tab sealing Session 2 of your book. Carefully pull the tab
OUT and DOWN. Do not try to remove any remaining pieces of the pull tab.
Make sure that all students pull the tabs correctly. If a student tears his or her book, obtain a
replacement book from your school assessment coordinator and record the new security number
with your required administration information. Notify your school assessment coordinator after
testing. The student’s responses from Session 1 will need to be transcribed into the new test and
answer book.
SAY Next, open your test and answer book to page 33. Check each page through the end of the
book to see that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any missing or upsidedown pages. Do not read any of the items before the test begins. If you see any problems,
raise your hand. If not, close the book and sit quietly.
Wait until all students finish. If no defective books are found, continue to the next SAY
box. If a defective book is found, contact your school assessment coordinator to obtain a
replacement, and add the new security number to your record of required administration
Do not remove the student PreID label from a torn or defective book. Direct the student to write
his or her name, school name, and district name in the box on the front cover of the replacement
book. Set the torn or defective book aside and notify your school assessment coordinator after
testing. The student’s responses from Session 1 will need to be transcribed into the new test and
answer book.
SAY Now, look at Session 2 on page 33 in your test and answer book. The session number is at
the top of each page in this session that follows. You may work only in Session 2. Now
close your test and answer book.
Remember the following:
Do not work in Session 1.
Mark your answers directly in your test and answer book.
Read each item carefully so you’ll understand how to respond correctly. Only
mark the bubbles you want to count as correct answers. If you draw a line or an X
through an answer that you think is wrong and the mark goes into a bubble, that
bubble might be counted as your answer.
Do not circle answers. If you circle the answers instead of filling in the bubbles,
your answers will NOT be scored.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Algebra 2 EOC Assessment Session 2
SAY Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, skip it and
keep going. After you have answered all the other questions, go back and answer any
questions you skipped.
You may not have scratch paper, but you may use the blank space in your test and answer
book as workspace. Remember, you may refer to the Algebra 2 EOC FSA Mathematics
Reference Sheet on pages 3 and 4 and the tables of standard normal probabilities for
negative and positive z-scores on page 5 of your test and answer book at any time.
Now, turn to the STOP sign on page 64 of your test and answer book. When you come to
this STOP sign, you have finished Session 2. If you complete Session 2 before time is
called, go back and check your work. Do not go back to Session 1. Now close your book.
Before taking Session 1 of this test, you signed below the Testing Rules
Acknowledgment on page 2 of your test and answer book to indicate that you understand
the testing rules. These testing rules are also in place for this test session. Please
remember that during this test you must not
work in Session 1
talk to other students or make any disturbance
look at another student’s test and answer book
allow another student to look at your test and answer book
ask for help answering test questions
give help to another student in answering test questions
have notes or scratch paper
have any electronic or recording devices in your possession at any time, including
breaks, even if you do not use them
fail to follow any other instructions given
After the test, you may not reveal details about the test items to anyone. Remember, this
includes any type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting
online, for example, on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you are found
sharing information about test items, your test will be invalidated.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Algebra 2 EOC Assessment Session 2
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and
make sure you have answered every question. Then, close your test and
answer book and raise your hand. I’ll come and collect your test and
answer book. Once I have collected your book, I will not be able to
return it to you. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended. You may read, but you may not write.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
SAY Remember, you have 90 minutes to complete Session 2, and you will be permitted to
continue working if you need additional time. I will remind you when there are 10
minutes left in the 90-minute test session.
Turn to page 34 in your test and answer book and begin working.
Complete the following:
Add 80 minutes:
+ 80 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder:
Add 10 minutes:
+ 10 minutes
Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.
Script for Administering Paper-Based Algebra 2 EOC Assessment Session 2
During testing, do not use cell phones, classroom phones, or computers (except to contact your
school assessment coordinator in an emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your
full attention should be on students AT ALL TIMES. Although it is your responsibility to ensure
that students are working independently and in the correct session, you are prohibited from
reading the contents of the test and answer books before, during, and after the test.
After 80 minutes from the STARTING time,
SAY There are 10 minutes left in the 90-minute test session. Remember, do not go back to
Session 1.
After 10 more minutes,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book. Raise your hand if you
would like additional time to work. Please wait patiently and do not continue working at
this time.
If you have finished working, I will collect your test and answer book now.
Collect test materials from students who have finished working.
Based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator, either dismiss students who have
finished, OR move students who require additional time to an alternate testing location. If
students are moved to a new location, create a new seating chart for that location, and ensure that
students who use extra time are allowed the correct amount of time to complete the test.
Students may work for a total of half of a typical school day. Display the new stopping time
for students.
Once students are ready to continue working,
SAY Now we will continue testing. You have until _____ to continue working, and I’ll let you
know when you have 10 minutes left. Now, open your test and answer book and continue
At 10 minutes before the stopping time,
SAY You have 10 minutes left to finish Session 2.
After 10 more minutes,
SAY STOP. Put your pencil down and close your test and answer book.
Collect all test materials.
Complete the following steps:
Scripts for Administering Paper-Based Algebra 2 EOC Assessment Session 2
1. Make sure that each student returns his or her test and answer book, and indicate on your
record of required administration information that each book is returned.
2. Report any missing test materials and/or test security irregularities to your school assessment
coordinator immediately.
3. Ensure that the box at the upper right corner of the student grid sheet has been completed by
each student and that the gridded or preidentified information is accurate and complete.
4. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students
on your record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations
codes to record this information:
For ESE/504 students:
1-FP = Flexible Presentation
1-FR = Flexible Responding
1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
1-FSE = Flexible Setting
1-AD = Assistive Devices
For ELL students:
2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
2-FSE = Flexible Setting
2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
2-ADI = Approved Dictionary
5. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator.
Script for Gridding a Non-Preidentified Student Grid Sheet
Script for Gridding a Non-Preidentified
Student Grid Sheet
Do not read this script if school personnel have already gridded the student information prior
to testing or if an On-Demand PreID Label will be printed and affixed to the test and answer
book after testing. If student information is hand-gridded on test and answer books, the student’s
information must exist in or be added to TIDE, and a District/School Label must be affixed to the
SAY Now, you’ll be completing information on the front of your test and answer book. It is
very important that you record the information correctly. Listen carefully as I read the
instructions and raise your hand if you have any questions. Mark only in the spaces that I
tell you to mark.
In the section labeled LAST NAME, print your last name. Starting at the left, print one
letter of your name in each box. If your last name has more than twelve letters, print only
the first twelve letters. If you don’t need all the boxes, leave the last boxes blank. In the
section labeled FIRST NAME, print each letter of your full, legal first name. Do not use
a nickname. If your full, legal first name has more than eleven letters, print only the first
eleven letters. In the box labeled M, print the first letter of your middle name. If you
don’t have a middle name, leave the box blank.
Now, grid the corresponding bubble in the column below each letter of your full, legal
name. If any box is empty, don’t grid a bubble.
box. If you have a Social Security Number, write the nine-digit number followed by an X
in the boxes. If you don’t have a Social Security Number, write your ten-digit Florida
Student Number in the boxes. Now, grid the corresponding bubble in the column below
each box.
If a student does not know his or her Social Security Number or Florida Student Number,
instruct the student to leave this field blank. After testing, fill in the correct number before
returning materials to your school assessment coordinator.
SAY In the box labeled DATE OF BIRTH, grid the bubble for the month you were born, and
write in the two-digit day and the last two digits of the year you were born. If the day you
were born is a one-digit number, put a zero in the first box and the number in the second
box. Now, grid the corresponding bubble in the column below each box.
In the box labeled GENDER, grid Female if you are a female (girl), or Male if you are a
male (boy).
In the ETHNICITY section, grid Y for Yes if you are Hispanic or Latino; grid N for No
Scripts for Gridding a Non-Preidentified Student Grid Sheet
SAY if you are not.
Now, grid Y for Yes or N for No for each RACE category. You may grid Y for more
than one of these categories:
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
If a student has difficulty determining his or her ethnicity, you may read the following definition
of Hispanic/Latino:
A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish
culture or origin, regardless of race. The term “Spanish origin” can be used in addition to
“Hispanic or Latino.”
If a student has difficulty determining his or her racial category, you may read the
following definitions:
American Indian or Alaska Native
A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North America and South
America (including Central America) and who maintains tribal affiliation or community
A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or
the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea,
Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Black or African American
A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other
Pacific Islands.
A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or
North Africa.
SAY Do not grid any other bubbles on your test and answer book. Please raise your hand if
you have any questions.
After answering all questions, return to the appropriate administration script.
Script for Verifying a Preidentified Label
Script for Verifying a Preidentified Label
Do not read this script if school personnel have already verified the student information prior
to testing.
Display the district number and school number where they are visible to all students.
Because the complete Social Security Number is not printed on student labels, school personnel
must use the student PreID Roster to verify the complete number before testing begins. The
following instructions apply to all other information on preidentified test and answer books.
If students report any incorrect information, record this information and provide it to your
school assessment coordinator after testing. Students should still use the test and answer
Now, you’ll be checking the PreID Label on the front of your test and answer book. It is
very important that you review the information carefully. Listen as I read the instructions
and raise your hand if you have any questions.
If any of the following information is INCORRECT, please let me know; however, you
will still use the test and answer book for this administration.
Turn your book so the label is in the upper right corner of the grid sheet.
Your name must be spelled correctly on the label.
Your ID is the last four digits of your nine-digit Social Security Number followed by an
X OR your ten-digit Florida Student Number. Your Social Security Number has already
been verified by school personnel. If your Florida Student Number is printed on the label,
verify this information.
Your district and school (DIST/SCH) numbers must match the information I have
displayed for you.
Your current grade level should appear next to the letters GRD.
For your gender (GEN), F is used if you’re a female (girl), and M is used if you’re a
male (boy).
DOB stands for date of birth. Verify that the correct month, day, and year are printed here.
The next information we will check is ETHNICITY. If you are Hispanic or Latino, there is
a Y for Yes next to Hisp/Latino on the label. If you are not, there is an N for No.
Now, we will check the information printed for RACE. Next to Race on the label, one or
more of the following letters are printed to reflect your racial category or categories:
Script for Verifying a Preidentified Label
I is for American Indian or Alaska Native
A is for Asian
B is for Black or African American
P is for Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
W is for White
Verify the information printed next to Hisp/Latino and Race. If any information is
incorrect or if you have any questions, please raise your hand.
If a student has difficulty determining his or her ethnicity, you may read the following definition
of Hispanic/Latino:
A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish
culture or origin, regardless of race. The term “Spanish origin” can be used in addition to
“Hispanic or Latino.”
If a student has difficulty determining his or her racial category, you may read the
following definitions:
American Indian or Alaska Native
A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North America and South
America (including Central America) and who maintains tribal affiliation or community
A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or
the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea,
Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Black or African American
A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other
Pacific Islands.
A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or
North Africa.
After answering all questions, return to the appropriate administration script. If any incorrect
information is reported, provide this information to your school assessment coordinator
after testing.
Large Print Test Administrator Instructions
Large Print
Test Administrator Instructions
These instructions serve as a guideline for administering paper-based FSA ELA Reading,
Mathematics, and EOC assessments to students who use large print materials. These
instructions should be used along with the paper-based test administration scripts on pages 4–
214 of this document.
Assemble Large Print Materials
Your school assessment coordinator will provide the materials needed to administer tests to
students using large print materials. Read the chart on the next page to ensure that you have all
appropriate materials. If you are missing any materials or have questions about their use, contact
your school assessment coordinator. See the additional information for administering paperbased FSA ELA Reading tests on page 4. See the additional information for administering
paper-based FSA Mathematics tests on page 95. See the additional information for
administering paper-based FSA EOC assessments on page 168.
Students using large print materials record their responses directly in the large print test and
answer books. A regular print test and answer book is also included in each large print test
materials kit. School/district personnel are responsible for preparing the grid sheet of the
student’s regular print test and answer book so that the student’s responses can be transcribed
into the regular print document by the contractor. School/district personnel should not
transcribe student responses from the large print test and answer books into the regular
print test and answer books, except when indicated for an accommodation.
Large Print Test Administrator Instructions
Large Print Test Materials
Grades 5-10
FSA ELA Reading
Grades 5-6
FSA Mathematics
Grades 7-8
FSA Mathematics
Test Administrator
 Required
 Regular Print FSA
ELA Reading Test
and Answer Book
 Special Document
Return Envelope
Test Administrator
Test Administrator
 Required
 Required
 Regular Print FSA
 Regular Print FSA
Mathematics Test and
Mathematic Test and
Answer Book
Answer Book
 Special Document
 Special Document
Return Envelope
Return Envelope
 Approved Regular
Scientific Calculator
(Sessions 2 and 3)
Test Administrator
 Required
 Regular Print FSA
EOC Test and
Answer Book
 Special Document
Return Envelope
 Approved Regular
Scientific Calculator
(Session 2)
 Large Print FSA ELA
Reading Test and
Answer Book
 Large Print FSA
 Large Print FSA
EOC Test and
Mathematics Test and
Answer Book
Answer Book
 Approved Large
 Approved Large
Key/Large Display or
Key/Large Display or
Talking Scientific
Talking Scientific
Calculator (Sessions
Calculator (Session 2)
2 and 3)
Large Print Scripts
You will use the paper-based test administration scripts on pages 4–214 of this document to
administer FSA ELA Reading, Mathematics, and EOC assessments to students using large print
materials. No modifications to the paper-based test administration scripts are necessary to
administer large print tests.
Prepare Student Large Print Documents
To ensure that each student’s test documents are processed correctly, ensure that the student
name, school name, and district name are written on the front cover of the large print test and
answer book.
The grid sheet on the front cover of each student’s regular print test and answer book must also
be completed. See the Script for Gridding a Non-Preidentified Student Grid Sheet on pages
215–216 or the Script for Verifying a Preidentified Label on pages 217–218.
Large Print Test Administrator Instructions
Distribute Large Print Materials
To ensure that you have all necessary materials, refer to the chart on the previous page and to the
additional information on page 4 for FSA ELA Reading, page 95 for FSA Mathematics, and page
168 for FSA EOC assessments.
Large Print Student Responses
Students using large print materials will record their responses directly in the large print test and
answer book. The contractor will transcribe the student’s responses from the large print test and
answer book into the regular print test and answer book included in the student’s return envelope.
School/district personnel are responsible for preparing the grid sheet of the student’s regular print
test and answer book before placing it in the student’s Special Document Return Envelope.
Flexible responding accommodations should be provided as necessary to eligible students using
large print materials to ensure that student responses are recorded clearly. For a student who
cannot write legibly, you should record or transcribe the student’s responses into the regular print
test and answer book provided for the student. If a student using large print materials provides
verbal or signed responses, you will record the student’s responses in the student’s regular print
test and answer book. Student responses are recorded or transcribed into regular print test and
answer books for provision of these accommodations only. In these cases, include the student’s
large print test materials and the regular print test and answer book containing his or her responses
in the student’s Special Document Return Envelope(s).
If a student is using multiple learning media (e.g., a student uses braille materials and records his
or her responses in a large print test and answer book), make sure that the student’s responses are
in ONE document type. Place the TO BE SCORED document containing the student’s responses
in the student’s Special Document Return Envelope(s) according to the return instructions for that
document type.
See Appendix A in the Spring 2015 FSA CBT Manual for additional information on flexible
responding accommodations.
Return Large Print Materials
Complete the following steps after testing:
1. Verify that you have collected all required administration information. Make a copy for your
files. Notify the school assessment coordinator immediately if any secure test materials are
2. Ensure that the accommodations provided to each student and the accommodations used by
each student have been recorded with other required administration information. For each
student who tested using large print materials, ensure that flexible presentation, flexible
responding, and any other category of accommodations used during the test are recorded.
3. Verify that your Security Log and seating chart have been completed correctly. Make copies for
your files.
Large Print Test Administrator Instructions
4. Ensure that the student name, school name, and district name are written in the box on the front
cover of each student’s large print test and answer book.
5. Ensure that the gridded or preidentified information on the front of each student’s regular print
test and answer book is accurate and complete.
6. If a test is TO BE SCORED, verify that the DNS bubble has not been gridded. If a DNS bubble
is gridded by mistake, erase it completely and grid the UNDO bubble.
7. Ensure that student responses are written legibly. If student responses are not recorded clearly,
they may not be scored.
8. Place each student’s test materials in the Special Document Return Envelope according to the
chart below. Do not place materials for more than one student in the same envelope. Do
NOT seal the envelope(s).
Return Large Print Test Materials
Large Print Test and Answer Book
Regular Print Test and Answer Book
9. Complete the Special Document Return Envelope for each student according to the
instructions on the envelope.
10. Return the completed Special Document Return Envelopes and all other materials to your
school assessment coordinator.
11. Go to the FSA Portal and complete the appropriate comment form. Information from this
form will be summarized by the test contractor for FDOE use. Please provide feedback that
will be meaningful to FDOE and the test contractor. If you have comments pertaining to
school/district procedures, please contact your school or district assessment coordinator.
Braille Test Administrator Instructions
Test Administrator Instructions
These instructions serve as a guideline for administering paper-based FSA ELA Reading,
Mathematics, and EOC assessments to students who use braille materials. These instructions
should be used along with the braille scripts that are provided with the braille test materials.
Braille scripts are also available in the FSA Portal.
Assemble Braille Materials
Your school assessment coordinator will provide the materials needed to administer tests to
students using braille materials. Read the chart on the next page to ensure that you have all
appropriate materials. If you are missing any materials or have questions about their use, contact
your school assessment coordinator.
Students using braille materials record their responses on braille paper. A regular print test and
answer book is also included in each braille test materials kit. School/district personnel are
responsible for preparing the grid sheet of the student’s regular print test and answer book so that
the student’s responses can be transcribed into the regular print document by the contractor.
School/district personnel should not transcribe student responses from the braille documents
into the regular print test and answer books, except when indicated for an accommodation.
Braille Test Administrator Instructions
Braille Test Materials
Grades 5-10
FSA ELA Reading
Grade 5
FSA Mathematics
Grade 6
FSA Mathematics
Grades 7-8
FSA Mathematics
Test Administrator Test Administrator Test Administrator Test Administrator Test Administrator
 Required
 Required
 Required
 Required
 Required
 Braille Script
 Braille Script
 Braille Script
 Braille Script
 Braille Script
 Braille Notes
 Braille Notes
 Braille Notes
 Braille Notes
 Braille Notes
 Regular Print FSA  Regular Print FSA  Regular Print FSA  Regular Print FSA  Regular Print FSA
ELA Reading Test
Mathematics Test
Mathematics Test
Mathematics Test
EOC Test and
and Answer Book
and Answer Book
and Answer Book
and Answer Book
Answer Book
 Special Document  Special Document  Special Document  Special Document  Special Document
Return Envelope
Return Envelope
Return Envelope
Return Envelope
Return Envelope
 Approved Regular  Approved Regular
(Sessions 2 and 3)
(Session 2)
 Braille FSA
 Braille FSA EOC
 Braille FSA ELA
 Braille FSA
 Braille FSA
Session 1 Test
Reading Session 1
Session 1 Test
Test Book
Session 1 Test
Session 1 Test
Braille FSA EOC
 Braille FSA ELA
Session 2 Test
 Braille FSA
Reading Session 2  Braille FSA
Test Book
Session 2 Test
 Braille Testing
Session 2 Test
 Braille Testing
 Braille Testing
Braille Paper (for
 Braille Paper (for
student responses)
student responses)
 Braille Testing
 Approved Talking
 Braille Paper (for
student responses)
(Session 2)
 Braille Paper (for
student responses)
student responses)
 Approved Talking
(Sessions 2 and 3)
Braille Scripts and Braille Notes
You will use the braille script provided with the braille test materials to administer tests to
students using braille materials. Braille scripts are also available in the FSA Portal. It is
important that you review the braille scripts BEFORE testing begins.
Braille Test Administrator Instructions
Braille notes are also included with the braille test materials and provide a page-by-page detailed
list of the differences between the braille version and the regular print version of the test
documents. It is very important that you read the braille notes carefully before
administering the test and that you use them, as appropriate, during the test
Prepare Student Braille Documents
To ensure that each student’s test documents are processed correctly, ensure the student’s first and
last names, district name, and school name are included on the front cover of each braille test
book. Make sure the student’s first and last names, district name, school name, and grade level are
included on each braille answer sheet and on the Testing Rules Acknowledgment Sheet.
The grid sheet on the front cover of each student’s regular print test and answer book must also
be completed. See the Script for Gridding a Non-Preidentified Student Grid Sheet on pages
215–216 or the Script for Verifying a Preidentified Label on pages 217–218.
Distribute Braille Materials
Refer to the chart on the previous page to ensure that you have all necessary materials.
Braille Student Responses
Students who use braille materials will record their responses on braille paper. The contractor
will transcribe the student’s responses from the braille paper into the regular print test and answer
book included in the student’s return envelope. School/district personnel are responsible for
preparing the grid sheet of the student’s regular print test and answer book before placing it in the
student’s Special Document Return Envelope.
If a student using braille materials provides verbal or signed responses, you will record the
student’s responses in the regular print test and answer book provided for the student. Include the
student’s braille test materials and the regular print test and answer book containing his or her
responses in the student’s Special Document Return Envelope(s).
If a student is using multiple learning media (e.g., a student uses braille materials and records his
or her responses in a large print test and answer book), make sure that the student’s responses are
in ONE answer document type. Place the TO BE SCORED document containing the student’s
responses in the student’s Special Document Return Envelope(s) according to the return
instructions for that document type.
See Appendix A in the Spring 2015 FSA CBT Manual for additional information on flexible
responding accommodations.
Braille Test Administrator Instructions
Return Braille Materials
Complete the following steps after testing:
1. Verify that you have collected all required administration information. Make a copy for your
files. Notify the school assessment coordinator immediately if any secure test materials are missing.
2. Ensure that the accommodations provided to each student and the accommodations used by each
student have been recorded with other required administration information. For each student who
tested using braille materials, ensure that flexible presentation, flexible responding, and any
other category of accommodations used during the test are recorded.
3. Verify that your Security Log and seating chart have been completed correctly. Make copies for
your files.
4. Ensure that the student name, school name, and district name are included on the front cover of
each braille test book. Make sure that the student name, school name, district name, and grade
level are included on each braille answer sheet and on the Testing Rules Acknowledgment
5. Ensure that the gridded or preidentified information on the front of each student’s regular
print test and answer book is accurate and complete.
6. If a test is TO BE SCORED, verify that the DNS bubble has not been gridded. If a DNS bubble
is gridded by mistake, erase it completely and grid the UNDO bubble.
7. Ensure that student responses are entered in the correct document type (i.e., on braille paper
or, if recorded for the student, in a regular print test and answer book).
8. Place each student’s test materials in the Special Document Return Envelope according to the
chart below. Do not place materials for more than one student in the same envelope. Do
NOT seal the envelope(s).
Return Braille Test Materials
Braille Answer Sheets (containing student responses)
Braille Testing Rules Acknowledgment Sheet
Braille Test Books (Session 1, Session 2, Session 3)
Regular Print Test and Answer Book
9. Complete the Special Document Return Envelope for each student according to the
instructions on the envelope.
10. Return the completed Special Document Return Envelopes and all other materials (e.g.,
unused braille paper) to your school assessment coordinator.
11. Go to the FSA Portal and complete the appropriate comment form. Information from this
form will be summarized by the test contractor for FDOE use. Please provide feedback that
will be meaningful to FDOE and the test contractor. If you have comments pertaining to
school/district procedures, please contact your school or district assessment coordinator.
One-Item-Per-Page Test Administrator Instructions
Test Administrator Instructions
These instructions serve as a guideline for administering paper-based FSA ELA Reading,
Mathematics, and EOC assessments to students who use one-item-per-page materials. These
instructions should be used along with the paper-based test administration scripts on pages
4–214 of this document.
Assemble One-Item-Per-Page Materials
Your school assessment coordinator will provide the materials needed to administer tests to
students using one-item-per-page materials. Read the chart on the next page to ensure that you
have all appropriate materials. If you are missing any materials or have questions about their
use, contact your school assessment coordinator. See the additional information for
administering paper-based FSA ELA Reading tests on page 4. See the additional information
for administering paper-based FSA Mathematics tests on page 95. See the additional
information for administering paper-based FSA EOC assessments on page 168.
Students using one-item-per-page materials record their responses directly in the one-itemper- page test and answer books. A regular print test and answer book is also included in each
one- item-per-page test materials kit. School/district personnel are responsible for preparing
the grid sheet of the student’s regular print test and answer book and for transcribing the
student’s responses into the regular print document. Student responses must be transcribed
from the one-item-per-page test and answer book into the regular print test and answer
book in order to be scored.
One-Item-Per-Page Test Administrator Instructions
One-Item-Per-Page Test Materials
Grades 5-10
FSA ELA Reading
Grades 5-6
FSA Mathematics
Grades 7-8
FSA Mathematics
Test Administrator
 Required
 Regular Print FSA
ELA Reading Test
and Answer Book
 Special Document
Return Envelope
Test Administrator
 Required
 Regular Print FSA
Mathematics Test and
Answer Book
 Special Document
Return Envelope
Test Administrator
 Required
 Regular Print FSA
Mathematic Test and
Answer Book
 Special Document
Return Envelope
 Approved Regular
Scientific Calculator
(Sessions 2 and 3)
Test Administrator
 Required
 Regular Print FSA
EOC Test and
Answer Book
 Special Document
Return Envelope
 Approved Regular
Scientific Calculator
(Session 2)
 One-Item-Per-Page
FSA ELA Reading
Test and Answer
 One-Item-Per-Page
FSA Mathematics
Test and Answer
 One-Item-Per-Page
FSA Mathematics
Test and Answer
 Approved Regular,
Large Key/Large
Display, or Talking
Scientific Calculator
(Sessions 2 and 3)
 One-Item-Per-Page
FSA EOC Test and
Answer Book
 Approved Regular,
Large Key/Large
Display, or Talking
Scientific Calculator
(Session 2)
One-Item-Per-Page Scripts
You will use the paper-based test administration scripts on pages 4–214 of this document to
administer FSA ELA Reading, Mathematics, and EOC assessments to students using one-itemper-page materials. Modifications to the paper-based test administration scripts should be
made as specified below and on the following page. It is important that you review the
scripts and modifications BEFORE testing begins.
 Instruct students to print their name, school name, and district name in the box on the title
page of the one-item-per-page test and answer book. The box in the upper right corner of
the title page must be completed by each student, and school/district staff will be
responsible for completing the grid sheet on the front cover of each student’s regular print
test and answer book.
 Omit instructions to grid the test group code. School staff should grid the appropriate test
group code on the back of each student’s regular print test and answer book.
 Omit instructions to remove the seal. The one-item-per-page test and answer books do not
contain seals.
One-Item-Per-Page Test Administrator Instructions
 Omit instructions to check pages in the one-item-per-page test and answer book (if all
pages of the test and answer book were checked prior to the test administration).
 Refer to or distribute the appropriate test and answer book page(s) to students as the
remaining directions in the scripts are read aloud.
Prepare Student One-Item-Per-Page Documents
To ensure that each student’s test documents are processed correctly, ensure that the student
name, school name, and district name are written on the title page of the one-item-per-page
test and answer book.
The grid sheet on the front cover of each student’s regular print test and answer book must
also be completed. See the Script for Gridding a Non-Preidentified Student Grid Sheet on
pages 215–216 or the Script for Verifying a Preidentified Label on pages 217–218.
Distribute One-Item-Per-Page Materials
To ensure that you have all necessary materials, refer to the chart on the previous page and to the
additional information on page 4 for FSA ELA Reading, page 95 for FSA Mathematics, and
page 168 for FSA EOC assessments.
One-Item-Per-Page Student Responses
Students using one-item-per-page materials will record their responses directly in the one-itemper-page test and answer book. School/district personnel are responsible for preparing the grid
sheet of the student’s regular print test and answer book and for transcribing the student’s
responses into the regular print document before placing it in the student’s Special Document
Return Envelope.
Flexible responding accommodations should be provided as necessary to eligible students using
one-item-per-page materials to ensure that student responses are recorded clearly. For a student
who cannot write legibly, you should record or transcribe the student’s responses into the regular
print test and answer book provided for the student. If a student using one-item-per-page
materials provides verbal or signed responses, you will record the student’s responses in the
student’s regular print test and answer book. In these cases, include the student’s one-item-perpage test materials and the regular print test and answer book containing his or her responses in
the student’s Special Document Return Envelope(s).
If a student is using multiple learning media (e.g., a student uses braille materials and records his
or her responses in a one-item-per-page test and answer book), make sure that the student’s
responses are in ONE document type. Place the TO BE SCORED document containing the
student’s responses in the student’s Special Document Return Envelope(s) according to the
return instructions for that document type.
One-Item-Per-Page Test Administrator Instructions
See Appendix A in the Spring 2015 FSA CBT Manual for additional information on flexible
responding accommodations.
Return One-Item-Per-Page Materials
Complete the following steps after testing:
1. Verify that you have collected all required administration information. Make a copy for
your files. Notify the school assessment coordinator immediately if any secure test
materials are missing.
2. Ensure that the accommodations provided to each student and the accommodations used by
each student have been recorded with other required administration information. For each
student who tested using one-item-per-page materials, ensure that flexible presentation,
flexible responding, and any other category of accommodations used during the test are
3. Verify that your Security Log and seating chart have been completed correctly. Make copies
for your files.
4. Ensure that the student name, school name, and district name are written in the box on the
title page of each student’s one-item-per-page test and answer book.
5. Ensure that the gridded or preidentified information on the front of each student’s regular
print test and answer book is accurate and complete.
6. If a test is TO BE SCORED, verify that the DNS bubble has not been gridded. If a DNS
bubble is gridded by mistake, erase it completely and grid the UNDO bubble.
7. Ensure that student responses have been transcribed from the one-item-per-page test and
answer book into the student’s regular print test and answer book.
8. Place each student’s test materials in the Special Document Return Envelope according to
the chart on the next page. Do not place materials for more than one student in the same
envelope. Do NOT seal the envelope(s).
Return One-Item-Per-Page Test Materials
One-Item-Per-Page Test and Answer Book
Regular Print Test and Answer Book
9. Complete the Special Document Return Envelope for each student according to the
instructions on the envelope.
10. Return the completed Special Document Return Envelopes and all other materials to your
school assessment coordinator.
11. Go to the FSA Portal and complete the appropriate comment form. Information from this
form will be summarized by the test contractor for FDOE use. Please provide feedback
that will be meaningful to FDOE and the test contractor. If you have comments pertaining
to school/district procedures, please contact your school or district assessment coordinator.
Copyright Statement for This Office of Assessment Publication
Authorization for reproduction of this document is hereby granted to persons acting in an official capacity within the
Uniform System of Public K–12 Schools as defined in Section 1000.01(4), Florida Statutes. The copyright notice
at the bottom of this page must be included in all copies.
All trademarks and trade names found in this publication are the property of their respective owners and are not
associated with the publishers of this publication.
This publication is provided by the Florida Department of Education to Florida public schools free of charge and is
not intended for resale.
Permission is NOT granted for distribution or reproduction outside of the Uniform System of Public K–12 Schools
or for commercial distribution of the copyrighted materials without written authorization from the Florida
Department of Education. Questions regarding use of these copyrighted materials should be sent to the following:
The Administrator
Office of Assessment
Florida Department of Education
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400
Copyright © 2015
State of Florida
Department of State