Announcement for Congregational Meeting The Search Committee for Minister of Worship and Congregational Life at FSA, consisting of Glenda Robinson, Alan Salmoni, Laurel Kenney, Michael Feeney, Jordan Baldwin and me, Barrie Evans, is pleased to present to you the candidate whom we have selected. In considering the profile generated by this congregation, we looked for a match in terms of worship, discipleship, justice and social outreach, pastoral care, leadership, stewardship and Ministry partnerships. We were looking for a person who would have a genuine appreciation of the history of FSA, a sensitivity to our present situation and importantly, an exciting vision for the future. We were searching for someone we believed could help us build a vibrant, loving, forward looking church. We considered candidates who had applied to the London Conference as well as potential candidates who were suggested by the congregation. We interviewed and contacted Ministers all the way from British Columbia to Nova Scotia. We went through an extensive discernment process which included two interviews, listening to recorded sermons and services, a visit to the candidate’s current congregation and contacting references (including Chair of Council and others). The person whom we unanimously agreed upon as the outstanding candidate impressed us with her well-rounded ability and experience. Also, as it happened, we did not have to look too far from home. The Rev. Michelle Down is currently the Interim Minister at St. John’s United Church in Stratford and previously occupied a similar position at Dundas Street United Church. Michelle’s experience prior to those two positions included chaplaincy at the University of Western Ontario. Michelle has also taught at Fanshawe College, Durham College and the Toronto School of Theology, University of Toronto. Michelle first studied business administration at college and university and was certified in personnel management. She received a Master of Divinity from Emmanuel College in 1995 and was ordained by the Bay of Quinte conference. She has since received further qualifications in Pastoral Care and in Intentional Interim Ministry, which focuses on leading congregations through transitions and conflict resolution. Michelle has been elected as a Commissioner for the London Conference to attend the United Church General Council meeting in Newfoundland this August. In addition to these qualifications, Rev. Michelle is described by others as someone who is warm and engaging and someone who draws people to her, both young and old. She is a consensus builder who has a positive attitude and is an inspiring leader. Rev. Michelle’s partner is Joyce Payne. Joyce is a committed lay member of the United Church. She is now retired from employment at 3-M. Joyce has also been elected as a Commissioner to General Council from London Conference and is the former chair of Pastoral Relations, the position that Dr. Jo Ann Silcox currently holds. We have chosen a Minister and her partner who will enrich the life of this church, we are also pleased and honoured that as a lesbian couple, they have chosen this affirming congregation to be their church home. In Michelle’s own words in her personal faith statement, “I believe in the central foundation of a family of faith coming together to praise God, to discern our way, and to give thanks for our Blessings. I believe that we are called both by God and our neighbours to reach out and connect with one another in an honest, life giving and loving way. We are called not to be in the church but instead to be the church- alive in the world. To be that voice of solace, that hand which serves, that heart which loves.” It has been a privilege for all on the Committee to serve the FSA congregation and all of its constituents in this search process. Now I will ask you to open your hearts and minds to the opportunities we have before us in our call to Rev. Michelle Down to become our Minister of Worship and Congregational Life on July 1, 2015. On behalf of the Search Committee, I would now like to move acceptance and approval of this report. Respectfully submitted, May 3, 2015 Barrie Evans
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