Analysis and Design of Sustainable Agricultural Systems: Concepts, Methods and Applications Dates and place 7-11 September 2015 Montpellier (France) Organized by Montpellier SupAgro (J. Wery) CIHEAM-IAM.M (H. Belhouchette) In collaboration with INRA (France) Wageningen University (Netherlands) University of Queensland (Australia) Contact Dr. E.S. Gritti Sponsored by Labex Agro (Montpellier, France) The FSD Course 2015 Course objectives 1. Present and discuss, concepts and methods for analysis and design of agricultural systems, in a multi-scale (filed, farm, landscape) and multi-domain (socio-economic and biophysical) integrated approach. 2. Gain theoretical and practical understanding of the protocols, models and tools that can be used in such integrated approaches. 3. Illustrate and practice these methods with examples of sustainable intensification of Agricultural Systems. 4. Discuss how they can be used in the research project of the trainees. Course structure (more details to come) Monday September 7: Part 1 (generic; lectures by scientific leaders of the FSD community): from concepts to methods for the analysis and design of agricultural systems at various scales from field to landscape. On Tuesday 8 and Wednesday 9, trainees have the opportunity to attend the FSD5 conference to gain more insight in specific aspects introduced in the Monday lectures. Thursday 10 and Friday 11 morning: Part 2 (application on examples of Agricultural Systems): lectures on protocols and methods followed by practical group work to apply them on examples of projects of sustainable intensification at regional levels. Thursday 11 afternoon: Part 3: seminar given by trainees to reflect on the potential and limits of the methods and tools in their research project. How to apply Number of participants limited to 25. Send a CV and a letter of intend describing what you expect from the course in the context of your current and/or projected research activities ( Priority will be given to participants registered to FSD5/Agro2015 conference and among them to those having a 2-pages paper accepted. The cost of the course is €150 (including lunches) in addition to the congress registration fees. Participants registered for the course will have the opportunity to have accommodation in IAM.M for a price of 38€/night.
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