2015 AUGUST 20TH-23RD OFFICIAL RULES 2015 FSH 2015 Official rules 20th March, 2015 Version: v.1.0 updates at fshungary.hu CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Formula Student Hungary Objective and Regulations 1.2 Competition Dates & Place 5 5 5 2. GENERAL INFORMATION 2.1 Formula Student Hungary 2015 Rules 2.2. Rules Questions 2.3 Official Language 2.4 Independent teams 2.5 Society Membership 2.6 Student Status 2.7 Faculty Advisor 2.8 Event Handbook 2.9 Testing and Work Safety 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 3. DOCUMENT UPLOAD AND DEADLINE SYSTEM 3.1. Late submission, no submission, and bad quality penalties 3.2. File upload, submit periods and important dates 3.3. Specific addition on deadlines 3.3.1. Team Member Designation 3.3.2. Health Insurance Certificate 3.3.3. Fuel type order 3.4. Specific addition on documentation 3.4.1. Specific addition on documentation combustion engined and electric vehicles Project Status Report (PSR) Structural Equivalency and Structural Equivalency Spreadsheet Impact Attenuator Data (IAD) Electronic Throttle Control - Notice of intent Electronic Throttle Control - FMEA (ETC FMEA) 3.4.3. Specific addition on documentation electric vehicles Electrical Systems Form (ESF) Electric System Advisor Confirmation (ESAC) 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 4. VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS 4.1. Vehicle requirements and restrictions 4.1.1 Frame Rules Alternative Frame Rules Drivers Cell (Specific clarification of Formula SAE® 2015 Rule T3.5.5) Chassis Ventilation of Enclosed Structures 4.1.2 Impact Attenuator Impact Attenuator Design Impact Attenuator Testing 4.1.3 Steering System 4.1.4 Driver Egress 4.1.5 Vehicle Identification School Name Technical Inspection Sticker Space Transponders 4.1.6 Driver’s Underclothing 4.1.7. Quick Jack 4.1.8. Grounded Low Voltage System (<60 VDC) 4.2. Vehicle requirements and restrictions combustion engined vehicles 4.2.1 Engine Lubrication System 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 2 4.2.2 Fuel System - Fuel Rails 4.2.3.Electronic Throttle Control - ETC Notice of intent ETC FMEA OEM Throttle Control Systems 4.3. Vehicle requirements and restrictions electric vehicles 4.3.1 Maximum Voltage 4.3.2 Energy meter Energy meter Energy Meter LV Supply 4.3.3 Electrical power during pushing 4.3.4 Clarification on Accumulator Monitoring Systems 4.3.5 Torque Encoder Torque Encoder (throttle pedal position sensor) Torque Encoder (throttle pedal position sensor) 4.3.6 Torque Encoder / Brake Pedal Plausibility Check 4.3.7 Tractive System Accumulator Container 4.3.8 Tractive System Measuring Points (TSMP) 4.3.9 Insulation Monitoring Device (IMD) 4.3.10 Accumulator Management System (AMS) 4.3.11 Separation of Traction System and Ground Low Voltage System 4.3.12 Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 5. TECHNICAL INSPECTION 5.1 Inspection & Testing Requirement 5.2 Inspection Holes 5.3 Car weighing 5.4 Brake test 5.5 Inspection of EV 5.5.1. Equipment for EV inspection 5.5.2 Rain test 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 6. STATIC EVENTS 6.1 Presentation Event 6.1.1 Business Plan Executive Summary 6.1.2 Judging Sequence 6.1.3 Data Projection Equipment 6.1.4 Scoring Formula 6.2 Engineering Design 6.2.1 Engineering Design Report and Design Spec Sheet 6.2.2 Judging Sequence 6.2.3 Engineering Design Report 6.2.4 Engineering Design Spec Sheet File Format and Units 6.2.6 Scoring Formula 6.3 Cost Analysis 6.3.1 Four Parts of the Cost Analysis 6.3.2 Cost Report Electronic Copy Written Copy EBOM formatting Cost Tables Cost Report - Addendum 6.3.3 Cost Analysis 6.3.4 Cost Report Penalties Process 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 3 7. DYNAMIC EVENTS 7.1 Pit Rules 7.1.1 Engine running in the pits (IC) 7.1.2 Static events before passing electrical scrutineering (EV) 7.1.3 Removing the Tractive System Accumulator (EV) 7.1.4 Working on Tractive System Components in the Pits (EV) 7.1.5 Activating the tractive system (EV) 7.1.6 Electric vehicle fires (EV) 7.2 Charging area (EV) 7.2.1 Working on Tractive System Accumulator Containers 7.2.2 Charging Type and Connector 7.3. Complaints concerning to Cones Down or Out (DOO) 7.4 Scoring 7.4.1 Dynamic Events and Maximum score 7.4.2 Skid Pad 7.4.3 Autocross Scoring 7.4.4 Endurance Objective 7.4.5 Fuel Economy / CO2 Emissions 7.4.6 Endurance Fuel Fill 7.4.7 Endurance Scoring 7.4.8 Fuel Economy / CO2 emissions 7.4.9 Fuel Economy / CO2 Emissions Scoring Formula Document history 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 4 1. INTRODUCTION Formula Student Hungary is part of the Formula SAE Competition Series and open to entries with both conventional and electric powertrains. This document contains the event specific rules for the Formula Student Hungary Competition. 1.1 Formula Student Hungary Objective and Regulations The Formula Student Hungary competition embodies the same objectives as The Formula SAE ® Series (see 2015 FSAE Rules A1.1) but it also allows the development of alternatively fuelled vehicles. Formula Student Hungary will allow vehicles built to the FSAE rules to compete directly against those built to what were previously called the Formula Student Class 1A rules (for alternatively fuelled vehicles), with the exception, that Formula Student Hungary will only accept electric powered alternative vehicles. Any vehicle which is solely powered by Petrol (Gasoline) or E-85 must be manufactured to comply exactly with the FSAE regulations. Vehicles built using electric powertrains (not solely Petrol or E-85) must also comply exactly with the FSAE rules except for the specific regulations as identified in this document. NOTE: there are some regulations in this rulebook that will be applied to all vehicles, eg. sustainability and fuel economy/ CO2 production. An overview of the main regulation differences for those vehicles using electric powertrains is as follows: FOR ELECTRIC POWERTRAIN VEHICLES WILL COMPETE DIRECTLY AGAINST ALL CONVENTIONAL COMBUSTION ENGINE VEHICLES. a. During the endurance event the fuel economy of all vehicles will be measured in terms of the production of CO2 measured in kg. The quantity of CO2 released to the atmosphere by the consumption of each allowable fuel will be specified in the rules and is intended to represent the EU average number for the type of fuel under consideration. b. In addition to the Cost Analysis, a Sustainability section will be added. c. Any combustion engine must use a 4 stroke cycle engine with a maximum capacity of 610cc. d. Allowable Power Sources - The allowable forms of power are specified as Petrol, E85, or Electric and no combinations of these to form a hybrid. e. There are significant additional regulations describing and relating to the powertrain including the requirements for drive-by-wire systems and HV electrical systems. For those teams that choose an electric vehicle solution, the regulations will wherever possible enable them to compete in Formula Student UK and Formula Student Electric. 1.2 Competition Dates & Place Date: August 20, 2015 to August 23, 2015 Place: 9181 Győr-Károlyháza, Kikötő I. (Győr-Gönyü Harbor) GPS coordinates: +47° 43’57.07” +17°46’16.83” 5 2. GENERAL INFORMATION 2.1 Formula Student Hungary 2015 Rules The Formula Student Hungary (FSH) competition will comply with the Formula SAE®2015 rules. The FSH rules include some specific rule changes and additions. These changes and additions are located within this document, and supersede the respective sections of the published Formula SAE® rules for 2015. In case of any contradiction between the FSH and Formula SAE® rules, the FSH rules are to be considered valid. 2.2. Rules Questions Any questions or ambiguities concerning the rules for Formula Student Hungary will be resolved by the Formula Student Hungary Rules Committee LÁGLER Gergely - gergely.lagler@fshungary.hu Any question must use following format in the subject line: UNINAME_RULESNUMBER Each Request must give following informations in the end Name / Surname / University Do not ask about more than one rule per mail. Divide your questions in several mails, if you have questions with respect to more than one rule. Attachments must be in * .jpg or Adobe ® *.pdf format. Any other file format will not be accepted. 2.3 Official Language The Formula Student Hungary official language is English. 2.4 Independent teams In case a university takes part in FSH 2015 with two cars, one combustion and one electric , then these teams may not share team members or faculty advisors at the event. This means that no team member can be part of both teams, work on both cars or take part in any static or dynamic event for both teams. 2.5 Society Membership Every participating team member must be a member of one of the FISITA (www.fisita.com) engineering societies. 2.6 Student Status Students seeking a PhD degree/PhD Students or equal are not allowed to participate at FSH. 6 2.7 Faculty Advisor FSH recommends that all participating teams have a Faculty Advisor present with them at the competition. In the event that no Faculty Advisor is present during the competition, the Team Captain will take over all responsibilities of the Faculty Advisor. 2.8 Event Handbook The event handbook may contain special event procedures and restrictions for example regarding working on the car etc. It has to be read and understood by all event participants. 2.9 Testing and Work Safety All teams are advised to always follow common practices and common sense when working on the vehicle and when operating the vehicle, also before and after the event. Participating in events not suitable for Formula Student vehicles like hill climbs, drag races, etc. is strongly not recommended, and maybe against the law! 7 3. DOCUMENT UPLOAD AND DEADLINE SYSTEM 3.1. Late submission, no submission, and bad quality penalties Formula Student Hungary will apply the following penalty system. LATE SUBMISSION MAXIMUM PENALTY LIMIT DEDUCTED FROM STRUCTURAL EQUIVALENCY SPREADSHEET (SES) DOCUMENT NO OVERALL SCORE (1000) IMPACT ATTENUATOR DATA - (IAD) NO OVERALL SCORE (1000) ELECTRONIC THROTTLE CONTROL - FMEA (ETC FMEA) NO OVERALL SCORE (1000) ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS FORM - (ESF) NO OVERALL SCORE (1000) ELECTRIC SYSTEM ADVISOR CONFIRMATION NO OVERALL SCORE (1000) ENGINEERING DESIGN REPORT & DESIGN SPEC SHEET -100 ENGINEERING DESIGN SCORE (150) COST REPORT - ELECTRONIC COPY -80 COST ANALYSIS SCORE (100) BUSINESS PLAN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY -50 PRESENTATION EVENT SCORE (75) Late submissions will be penalized with -10 (minus ten) points per document type and per each commenced day, which will be deducted from the team’s score. If a document will be rejected by the FSH Rules Committee, the team will have 3 days (including weekend) from the request of correction to upload a reworked document. Late submissions will be penalized with -5 (minus five) points per document type and per each commenced day, which will be deducted from the team’s score. If a document will be rejected 5 times, and there is no penalty limit for the given document, it will be penalized with additional -200 (minus two hundred) points per document type. Without accepted documents a team will not be allowed to take part in the corresponding events. No report submitted will result in a score of 0 (zero) for the Engineering Design. No report submitted will result in a score of 0 (zero) for the Cost Analysis. No report submitted will result in a score of 0 (zero) for the Presentation Event. NOTE: NOTE: FSH Rules Committee will accept or reject a document on the same time for those teams, which uploaded it before deadline. Regarding late submission of documentation 1 day exactly equals 24h. 8 3.2. File upload, submit periods and important dates Formula Student Hungary will apply the following dates. START OF UPLOAD PERIOD END OF UPLOAD /SUBMIT PERIOD OR DEADLINE: REQUIRED FOR STRUCTURAL EQUIVALENCY SPREADSHEET (SES) / STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS CERTIFICATION FORM (SRCF) MAY 29TH, 2015, 12:00 CEST JUNE 5TH, 2015, 12:00 CEST DYNAMIC EVENTS IMPACT ATTENUATOR DATA (IAD) MAY 29TH, 2015, 12:00 CEST JUNE 5TH, 2015, 12:00 CEST DYNAMIC EVENTS ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS FORM (ESF) MAY 29TH, 2015, 12:00 CEST JUNE 5TH, 2015, 12:00 CEST ALL EVENTS ELECTRONIC THROTTLE CONTROL - FMEA (ETC FMEA) MAY 29TH, 2015, 12:00 CEST JUNE 5TH, 2015, 12:00 CEST DYNAMIC EVENTS DOCUMENT / APPLICATION ELECTRIC SYSTEM ADVISOR CONFIRMATION JUNE 19TH, 2015, 12:00 CEST JUNE 26TH, 2015, 12:00 CEST DYNAMIC EVENTS ENGINEERING DESIGN REPORT AND DESIGN SPEC SHEET JUNE 19TH, 2015, 12:00 CEST JUNE 26TH, 2015, 12:00 CEST ENGINEERING DESIGN COST REPORT - ELECTRONIC COPY JUNE 19TH, 2015, 12:00 CEST JUNE 26TH, 2015, 12:00 CEST COST ANALYSIS BUSINESS PLAN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - ELECTRONIC COPY JUNE 19TH, 2015, 12:00 CEST JUNE 26TH, 2015, 12:00 CEST PRESENTATION EVENT BUSINESS PLAN PRESENTATION - WRITTEN COPY - ON-SITE AFTER PRESENTATION PRESENTATION EVENT COST REPORT - WRITTEN COPY - AUGUST 20TH, 2015 18:00 CEST COST ANALYSIS COST REPORT ADDENDUM - AUGUST 20TH, 2015 18:00 CEST COST ANALYSIS PROJECT STATUS REPORT (PSR) MAY 29TH, 2015, 12:00 CEST JUNE 5TH, 2015, 12:00 CEST ALL EVENTS ELECTRONIC THROTTLE CONTROL - NOTICE OF INTENT - APRIL 5TH, 2015, 12:00 CEST USAGE OF ETC ALTERNATIVE FRAME RULES - NOTICE OF INTENT - APRIL 5TH, 2015, 12:00 CEST USAGE OF ALTERNATIVE FRAME TEAM MEMBER DESIGNATION - JULY 10TH, 2015, 1200 CEST ALL EVENTS HEALTH INSURANCE CERTIFICATE - JULY 24TH, 2015, 1200 CEST ALL EVENTS FUEL TYPE ORDER - JULY 24TH, 2015, 12:00 CEST DYNAMIC EVENTS 3.3. SPECIFIC ADDITIONS ON DEADLINES 3.3.1. TEAM MEMBER DESIGNATION Participating team members must be designated prior to the event. Only the team captains can designate the team members on the FSH homepage. 3.3.2. HEALTH INSURANCE CERTIFICATE Health Insurance Certificate must be uploaded to the team account on the FSH website no later than the given deadline. 3.3.3. FUEL TYPE ORDER A fuel type order will be required via the team account at the FSH website. You must inform FSH which type of fuel you will use no later than the given deadline. 9 3.4. SPECIFIC ADDITIONS ON DOCUMENTATION 3.4.1. SPECIFIC ADDITIONS ON DOCUMENTATION COMBUSTION ENGINED AND ELECTRIC VEHICLES PROJECT STATUS REPORT (PSR) IMPORTANT: ALL TEAMS MUST SUBMIT A PROJECT STATUS REPORT A 10-slide presentation has to be uploaded to the FSH website about the state of manufacturing, which will be examined by the FSH judge Committee. It has to contain photos of the manufactured items (including 1 CAD graphic at most) and a detailed schedule about finishing, testing and race preparation. The expert group will issue written evaluation and give a warning if necessary. In case the presented material shows an unsatisfactory progress or raises concerns about the design or manufacturing, the team in question may be disqualified. NOTE: It is elemental, to give FS teams an opportunity to present their work at competitions. In case a team misses to upload a reworked document in the above given time, or a “fake” document has been uploaded, or it is no longer plausible, that the team will manage to send in the corrected document by time before the event, the judges may disqualify the team on their own discretion. STRUCTURAL EQUIVALENCY AND STRUCTURAL EQUIVALENCY SPREADSHEET IMPORTANT: ALL TEAMS MUST SUBMIT A STRUCTURAL EQUIVALENCY SPREADSHEET. The FSH Structural Equivalency Spreadsheet corresponds with FSAE Structural Equivalency Spreadsheet. The FSAE Structural Equivalency Spreadsheet template can be found at www.fsaeonline.com. Additionally all teams must submit a 3 dimensional model of the frame / monocoque in “IGES” file format. The Structural Equivalency Spreadsheet and 3 dimensional model must be uploaded to the FSH website no later than the given deadline. The use of alternative materials or tubing sizes to those specified in Formula SAE® 2015 Rule T3.4.1 “Baseline Steel Material” is allowed, provided they have been judged by a technical review to have equal or superior properties to those specified in Formula SAE® 2015 Rule T3.4.1 “Baseline Steel Material”. IMPACT ATTENUATOR DATA (IAD) IMPORTANT: ALL TEAMS MUST SUBMIT AN IMPACT ATTENUATOR DATA FORM. The FSH Impact Attenuator Data form corresponds with FSAE Impact Attenuator Data form. The FSAE Impact Attenuator Data form template can be found at www.fsaeonline.com Impact Attenuator Data must be uploaded to the FSH website no later than the given deadline. The uploaded document must contain the description of the test setup, the used test equipment and photo documentation of the IAD before and after the test showing the deformations. 10 3.4.2. SPECIFIC ADDITIONS ON DOCUMENTATION COMBUSTION ENGINED VEHICLES ELECTRONIC THROTTLE CONTROL - NOTICE OF INTENT (SPECIFIC FSH ADDITION TO FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULE IC1.17) Teams must submit their Request to the following Email address: zoltan.balindt@fshungary.hu no later than the given deadline. Use required form located at www.fsaeonline.com ELECTRONIC THROTTLE CONTROL FMEA (ETC FMEA) (SPECIFIC FSH ADDITION TO FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULE IC1.18) The Failure Modes and Effects Analysis must be uploaded to the FSH website no later than the given deadline. Use required form located at www.fsaeonline.com 3.4.3. SPECIFIC ADDITIONS ON DOCUMENTATION ELECTRIC VEHICLES ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS FORM (ESF) IMPORTANT: ALL ELECTRIC TEAMS MUST SUBMIT AN ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS FORM. Use required form located at www.fsaeonline.com The Electrical Systems Form must be uploaded to the FSH website no later than the given deadline. Teams must present datasheets with rated specifications and show that none of these ratings are exceeded. At least the following datasheets must be included: Emergency buttons Used wires (both LV and HV) PCDC circuit resistors, relays HVD (if not self-made) AIRs HV fuses Cell fuses Torque encoder (if not self-made) Battery cell Motors Motor controller Charger ELECTRIC SYSTEM ADVISOR CONFIRMATION (ESAC) IMPORTANT: ALL TEAMS MUST SUBMIT AN ELECTRIC SYSTEM ADVISOR CONFIRMATION. The ESAC must contain a SIGNED confirmation of your ESA that the vehicle has in principle been designed using good engineering practice. The ESAC also has to contain a short CV or other form of documentation which proves that your ESA has the necessary experience and education to assess the design of a battery powered electric vehicle with respect to safety. 11 4. VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS 4.1. VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS COMBUSTION ENGINED AND ELECTRIC VEHICLES 4.1.1 FRAME RULES ALTERNATIVE FRAME RULES Alternative Frame Rules are allowed for FSH 2015. Teams must submit their Request to the following Email address: zoltan.balindt@fshungary.hu no later than the given deadline. Teams must follow the Formula SAE® AF Rules. DRIVERS CELL (SPECIFIC CLARIFICATION OF FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULE T3.5.5) Formula SAE® 2015 Rule T3.5.5 is valid for the primary structure (defined in Formula SAE® 2015 Rule T3.3) in general, as long as the drivers cell is constructed following the Minimum Material Requirements (defined in Formula SAE® 2015 Rule T3.4) rules or the Alternative Tubing and Material rules (defined in Formula SAE® 2015 Rule T3.5). CHASSIS The used chassis has to comply to the FSAE 2015 rules. An old chassis design, which was not entered in an FSH event before, may be used only if it complies to the FSAE 2015 rules. In this case the chassis has to be rebuild. The requirements for the IAD and the Anti- Intrusion Plate are not affected by using an old chassis. Therefore both have to comply to the FSAE Rules 2015 and the FSH additions. VENTILATION OF ENCLOSED STRUCTURES (SPECIFIC FSH CHANGE OF FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULE IC2.8.1 AND FSH RULE FOR ELECTRIC VEHICLES) Belly pans and enclosed monocoque structures must be vented to prevent accumulation of fuel. At least 2 holes, each of a minimum diameter of 25 mm, must be provided in the lowest part of the structure in such a way as to prevent accumulation of volatile liquids and/or vapours. IMPORTANT: THIS RULE IS ALSO APPLIED FOR ANY CONDUCTIVE LIQUIDS IN CASE OF ELECTRIC VEHICLES. 4.1.2 IMPACT ATTENUATOR IMPACT ATTENUATOR DESIGN (SPECIFIC FSH CHANGE OF FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULE T3.21.1) Additional to the Formula SAE® 2015 Rule T3.21.1 requirements Impact Attenuators must have a closed front section. IMPACT ATTENUATOR TESTING (SPECIFIC FSH CHANGE OF FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULE T3.22.2) Quasi-static testing is not allowed. Only dynamic tests (drop down, sledge or pendulum test) are allowed. 12 4.1.3 STEERING SYSTEM (SPECIFIC FSH CHANGE OF FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULE T6.5.8) Steering systems using cables or belts for actuation are prohibited. 4.1.4 DRIVER EGRESS (SPECIFIC FSH CHANGE OF FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULE T4.8) The driver egress, required by Formula SAE® 2015 Rule T4.8 must be possible in all steering wheel positions. 4.1.5 VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION SCHOOL NAME (SPECIFIC FSH ADDITION TO FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULE T13.2) Following school type abbreviations are accepted. The city name must be written fully. Technical University - TU + City University of Applied Sciences – UAS + City University - Uni + City Berufsakademie - BA + City If the university uses a shortcut in their proper name, this shortcut is acceptable + city. Examples: real name: Czech Technical University Prague proper name: CTU Prague real name: Rochester Institute of Technology proper name: Rochester IT TECHNICAL INSPECTION STICKER SPACE (SPECIFIC FSH CHANGE OF FORMULA SAE® 2015 T13.4) Technical inspection stickers will be placed on the upper nose of the vehicle. Cars must have a clear and unobstructed area at least 12.5 x 10cm, which will be used to record the car weight and identify the sections of scrutineering that have been completed. TRANSPONDERS (SPECIFIC FSH CHANGE OF FORMULA SAE® 2015 T12.2 AND T12.3) Transponders will be provided by FSH. Only provided transponders will be accepted. The allowed mounting position and orientation will be published in the event handbook. 4.1.6 DRIVER’S UNDERCLOTHING (SPECIFIC FSH CHANGE OF FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULE T14.6) All drivers have to wear underwear (long pants and long sleeve t-shirt) certified to SFI 3.3 or FIA 8856-2000 13 4.1.7. QUICK JACK Each team must present a quick jack to lift up the car by using the jacking point during Technical Inspection. The quick jack must be able to lift up the car, so that the driven wheels are at least 10.2 cm (4 in) off the ground and the car stands on it secure and stable. 4.1.8. GROUNDED LOW VOLTAGE SYSTEM (<60 VDC) (SPECIFIC FSH ADDITION TO FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULE EV3.7.1 AND IC4.4.1) All batteries, i.e. on-board power supplies, must be attached securely to the frame. If the battery can be found outside of the frame, it must be shielded from any collisions. 4.2. VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS COMBUSTION ENGINED VEHICLES 4.2.1 ENGINE LUBRICATION SYSTEM The lowest point of the engine lubrication system must be no lower as the line between the lowest point of the main roll hoop and the lowest frame rail behind the engine and/or lubrication system. If the engine oil sump or any other part of the lubrication system is lower than this line (Figure 1), it must be protected by a sufficient skid plate, or frame tubes installed longitudinally under affected part of the engine lubrication system. The engine lubrication system must be protected from surface contact in any situation while in operation on track, especially in the event of a suspension failure. The skid plate itself can not be mounted to parts of the engine. Main Hoop LINE BETWEEN LOWEST POINT OF THE MAIN ROLL HOOP AND LOWEST FRAME MEMBER BEHIND THE ENGINE OR ENGINE LUBRICATION SYSTEM Lowest Frame Member Figure 1. 4.2.2 FUEL SYSTEM - FUEL RAILS (SPECIFIC FSH CHANGE OF FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULE IC1.9) The use of fuel rails made from plastic, carbon fibre or rapid prototyping flammable materials is prohibited. The use of OEM Fuel Rails is acceptable. 14 4.2.3.ELECTRONIC THROTTLE CONTROL - ETC NOTICE OF INTENT (SPECIFIC FSH CHANGE OF FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULE IC1.17.1) Teams must submit their Request to the following Email address: zoltan.balindt@fshungary.hu no later than the given deadline. ETC FMEA (SPECIFIC FSH CHANGE OF FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULE IC1.18) Teams using ETC systems must submit proper FMEA no later than the given deadline. OEM THROTTLE CONTROL SYSTEMS (SPECIFIC FSH CHANGE OF FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULE IC1.11.3) In case of using a not modified OEM Throttle Control System, a second spring is not necessary. The requirement is that the part is not modified in any way and is used in the condition as “provided by the manufacturer”. 4.3. VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS ELECTRIC VEHICLES 4.3.1 MAXIMUM VOLTAGE (SPECIFIC FSH ADDITION TO FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULE EV1.1.2) Maximum permitted voltage at Formula Student Hungary is 600 VDC in 2015. 4.3.2 ENERGY METER ENERGY METER (SPECIFIC FSH ADDITION TO FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULE EV4.9) In year 2015 FSH uses the the same energy metering tools as Formula Student Electric Germany. The energy meter mounting instructions of FSE Germany are also valid at FSH. ENERGY METER LV SUPPLY The Energy Meter must be directly supplied from the GLV master switch. 4.3.3 ELECTRICAL POWER DURING PUSHING It must be possible to push the car around with all electrical systems deactivated. It is not allowed to push a car, if the HV system is switched on. 15 4.3.4 CLARIFICATION ON ACCUMULATOR MONITORING SYSTEMS (SPECIFIC FSH ADDITION TO FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULE EV3.6) The AMS must keep the accumulator cells within their safe operation limits with respect to charge and discharge currents, voltages and temperatures according to the cell manufacturer’s data sheet. Failure to obey the given limits may result in a penalty ranging from point deductions up to disqualification. 4.3.5 TORQUE ENCODER TORQUE ENCODER (THROTTLE PEDAL POSITION SENSOR) (SPECIFIC FSH ADDITION TO FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULE EV2.3.4) Teams must use always the lowest measured torque sensor value as valid torque signal. TORQUE ENCODER (THROTTLE PEDAL POSITION SENSOR) (SPECIFIC FSH ADDITION TO FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULE EV2.3.7) If three sensors are used, then in the case of a sensor failure the wrong sensor must be dedicated as “wrong/incorrect” and it is not allowed to use it later in the solution. (EV2.3.5 is valid for the remaining two faultless sensors.) 4.3.6 TORQUE ENCODER / BRAKE PEDAL PLAUSIBILITY CHECK (MODIFICATION OF FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULE EV2.5) The power to the motors must be immediately shut down completely, if the brake pedal position is more than 25% of the brake pedal travel (if the position is measured), or the force applied to the brake pedal is more than 100 N (if the brake pressure is measured) (in any position of the brake balance bar) and the torque encoder signals more than 25% pedal travel at the same time. 4.3.7 TRACTIVE SYSTEM ACCUMULATOR CONTAINER Teams should be able to certify their solutions used inside the Tractive System Accumulator Container (e.g. connection of the cells/stacks, temperature sensors location etc.), based on photos in case the team can not present it directly. The scrutineering team reserves the right to ask for these photos at any point in the competition even in the ESF documentation. 4.3.8 TRACTIVE SYSTEM MEASURING POINTS (TSMP) Commercially available realizations are preferred. In case of self-made solutions, detailed descriptions are needed about the implementation in the ESF related chapter (i.e. used materials, assembly, mounting), in particular for water protection (a rating of at least IP65 is recommended for the rain test). 4.3.9 INSULATION MONITORING DEVICE (IMD) (CLARIFICATION TO FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULE EV5.5.5) The indicator light must light up, if the IMD detects an insulation failure or if the IMD detects a failure in its own operation and needs to shine as long as the fault is latched. 16 4.3.10 ACCUMULATOR MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (AMS) (CLARIFICATION TO FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULE EV3.6.7) The indicator light must light up, if the AMS does perform a shutdown and needs to shine as long as the fault is latched. 4.3.11 SEPARATION OF TRACTION SYSTEM AND GROUND LOW VOLTAGE SYSTEM (CLARIFICATION TO FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULE EV4.1.4) This rule does not require any additional isolation, it emphasizes the rule EV1.2.7. 4.3.12 FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS (FMEA) (MODIFICATION OF FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULE EV9.2) The Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) per EV9.2 does not need to be submitted. References to the FMEA in rules A5.3.6, EV2.3.11, EV2.4.6, T7.1.10, and S2.4 may be ignored. 17 5. TECHNICAL INSPECTION 5.1 Inspection & Testing Requirement Technical Inspectors will mark or seal various different approved parts (i.e. insulation monitoring device, accumulator containers, energy meter, tires, rims, restrictor, exhaust etc.). The car can be disqualified from any dynamic event for using unmarked parts or substituting marked parts. Parts with broken seals are equivalent to being unmarked. Broken seals can only be replaced by a scrutineer. This requires the rescrutineering of those points which the Chief Scrutineer or Chief Electrical Scrutineer deems necessary. 5.2 Inspection Holes The Technical Inspectors may check the compliance of all tubes and all monocoque laminates. To allow the verification of tubing wall thickness, 4.5 mm (0.18 inch) inspection holes must be drilled in a non-critical location of both the Main Hoop and the Front Hoop. In addition, the Technical Inspectors may check the compliance of other tubes that have minimum dimensions specified. Inspection holes must be located so that the outside dimension can be measured ACROSS the inspection hole with a vernier caliper, i.e. there must be access for the vernier caliper to the inspection hole and to the outside of the tube one hundred eighty degrees (180°) from the inspection hole. In case of monocoque the inspector may check the laminate thicknesses. This may be done by drilling of inspection holes at the inspector’s request. During designing of the monocoque please consider this rule. The team are only allowed to take part in the dynamic events, if the chassis meet the submitted SES documentation. 5.3 Car weighing All cars will be weighed prior to Engineering Design Judging. All cars are to be weighed in ready to race condition. All fluids and coolant must be in the car. This weight will be the car’s Official Technical Inspection weight. There will be a penalty if the car weight changes during Dynamic Competition. The allowable weight tolerance is ± 5.0 kg. In the case of overweight or underweight in comparison to the Technical Inspection weight, the team will be penalized -20 (twenty) points for each kg (or portion of a kg) of additional or missing weight. This point penalty will be deducted from the Engineering Design score. (Each 0.1 to 1.0 kg = -20 points) Example: If the car is 5.3 kg underweight: 5.3 kg minus the 5.0 kg tolerance = 0.3 kg equals -20 Points If the car is 7.8 kg overweight: 7.8 kg minus the 5.0 kg tolerance = 2.8 kg equals -60 Points If the car weight changes due to replacement of broken parts, the car must be presented for tech inspection and then re-weighed. It is the team’s responsibility to have the car re-weighed before entering a dynamic event after changing parts. 5.4 Brake test (SPECIFIC FSH ADDITION TO FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULE T7.2) The brake system will be dynamically tested and must demonstrate the capability of locking all four (4) wheels at the same time and stopping the vehicle in a straight line at the end of an acceleration run specified by the brake inspectors. 18 5.5 Inspection of EV The technical inspection of electrical vehicles will be divided in an electrical inspection part 1, an electrical inspection part 2 and a mechanical inspection. The electrical inspection part 1 must be the first inspection, and will be held in the pits. The electrical inspection part 2 must be the second inspection. This will be held at the motor test area and will declare the car as electrically safe. Before the car is declared as electrically safe, the car may only be moved around on the event site, if both detachable keys of the master switches have been removed. After passing both parts of the electrical scrutineering the car can be presented for the normal mechanical scrutineering. Also see FSH rule 7.1.2 about presenting your car at the static events. 5.5.1. EQUIPMENT FOR EV INSPECTION For the electric part of the technical inspection each team must present the following equipment: accumulator charger to be used during the event all accumulator containers to be used during the event data sheets for all used parts in the electrical system copy of the ESF Electric System Advisor Confirmation accumulator container hand cart tools as listed in Formula SAE® 2015 Rule EV8.5 5.5.2 RAIN TEST (CLARIFICATION TO FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULE EV7.3) After a successful rain test, the cars will be sent to the rain test again in case any of the TS seals are broken, or the covers are modified or removed. 19 6. STATIC EVENTS 6.1 Presentation Event (75 POINTS) 6.1.1 BUSINESS PLAN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY IMPORTANT: ALL TEAMS MUST SUBMIT A BUSINESS PLAN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. The Business Plan Executive Summary must be uploaded in Adobe Acrobat® format (*.pdf file) to the team account on the FSH website no later than the given deadline. Judging will begin with the inspection and analysis of the priorly submitted Executive Summary, which is the principal document of the Presentation Event. The Executive Summary must not exceed one (1) page. For exact team identification team name and car number must be written in it. The Executive Summary must contain a brief description of the team’s Business Plan. In the Summary the two most outstanding technical features and the anticipated production costs of the car have to be listed. The Executive Summary must relate to the specific prototype car entered in the FSH competition. Even though the Executive Summary is only judged by the Presentation judges, all Engineering Design and Cost judges will have access to the file and may refer to it. Penalties: Up to five (5) penalty points can be deducted from your final Presentation Event Score: Team name and/or Car number missing: -1 or -2 points One or both technical highlights missing: -1 or -2 points Vehicle costs missing: -1 point NOTE: The Business Plan Executive Summary is not a Business Logic Case! Consider your Executive Summary to be the first impression of your Business Plan to the Executive Board of a major car manufacturing company. 6.1.2 JUDGING SEQUENCE At Formula Student Hungary the Business Plan Presentation Judging will consist of two parts: I. Initial judging of all teams II. Final judging of the top teams IMPORTANT: ALL TEAMS MUST HAND IN A WRITTEN COPY OF THEIR PRESENTATION. At the end of the teams Presentation Event please submit the written copy of the presentation to the Judges. The written copy of the presentations will be used in case a tight ranking is emerging before the Final judging. 6.1.3 DATA PROJECTION EQUIPMENT Poster size LCD/Plasma displays will be provided by the organisers, but teams should bring their own laptop computers. The organizers will not provide any other presentation equipment needed. Teams planning to use other presentation equipment, as a part of their presentation, are responsible for bringing, or otherwise arranging for their own equipment. Teams are responsible for the compatibility of their computer equipment and setting up of the screens. Non-Hungarian teams must ensure they have HUN compatible power leads/adaptors. 20 6.1.4 SCORING FORMULA The scoring of the event is based on the average of the two or three presentation judging forms. There is a maximum of seventy-five (75) points from the FSH Presentation Judging Form. Non finalist: PRESENTATION SCORE = (75-n)x(Pyour/Pmax) Where: “Pmax” is the highest score awarded to any team not participating in the finals “Pyour” is the score awarded to your team “n” is the number of finalists Finalists: 1st Place 75 points 2nd Place 74 points 3rd Place 73 points “n” th Place ... points 6.2 Engineering Design (150 POINTS) 6.2.1 ENGINEERING DESIGN REPORT AND DESIGN SPEC SHEET IMPORTANT: ALL TEAMS MUST SUBMIT AN ENGINEERING DESIGN REPORT AND AN ENGINEERING DESIGN SPEC SHEET. The FSH Engineering Design Report and FSH Engineering Design Spec Sheet must be uploaded to the team account on the FSH website no later than the given deadline. The FSH Engineering Design Spec Sheet corresponds with FSAE Design Spec Sheet. The FSAE Design Spec Sheet template can be found at www.fsaeonline.com Failure to submit one or both documents will automatically result in 0 (zero) points for the Engineering Design and may not participate in Engineering Design. 6.2.2 JUDGING SEQUENCE At Formula Student Hungary Engineering Design Judging will consist of two parts: I. Initial judging of all vehicles II. Final judging of the top teams 6.2.3 ENGINEERING DESIGN REPORT The FSH Engineering Design Report must be submitted in Adobe Acrobat® format (*.pdf file) online, no later than the given deadline. Please ensure that photos within the Acrobat file are of an appropriate resolution. As written in the FSAE rules (S6.2), the Design Report must not exceed eight (8) pages, consisting of not more than four (4) pages of text, three (3) pages of drawings and one (1) optional page containing content to be defined by the team (photo’s, graphs, etc...). If a team does not follow this instructions, penalty can be applied. Penalties for formatting errors (FP) (capped at 5 point) will be applied to the Engineering Design points after the Engineering Design Final. 21 6.2.4 ENGINEERING DESIGN SPEC SHEET FILE FORMAT AND UNITS The FSH Engineering Design Spec Sheet must be uploaded to the team account on the FSH website no later than the given deadline. The FSH Engineering Design Spec Sheet corresponds with FSAE Design Spec Sheet. The FSAE Design Spec Sheet template can be found at www.fsaeonline.com. Do not alter or re-format the template prior to submission. If a team does not use the template formatting penalties (FP) can be applied (capped at 5 points). The form is for metric units only. 6.2.6 SCORING FORMULA The scoring of the event is based on the points of the Engineering Design judges. There is a maximum of one hundred-and-fifty (150) points. Non finalist: ENGINEERING DESIGN SCORE = (150-n*5)x(Pyour/Pmax) - FP Where: “Pmax” is the highest score awarded to any team not participating in the finals “Pyour” is the score awarded to your team “n” is the number of finalists FP: Formatting Penalties from the Engineering Design Report and from the Engineering Design Spec Sheet. Capped at maximum 10 points. Finalists: 1st Place 150 points - FP 2nd Place 145 points - FP 3rd Place 140 points - FP “n” th Place ... points - FP 6.3 Cost Analysis (100 POINTS) 6.3.1 FOUR PARTS OF THE COST ANALYSIS (SPECIFIC FSH CHANGE OF FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULE S4.3) The Cost Analysis of FSH is comprised of 4 (four) parts. Part 1 “Cost Report” - as per Formula SAE® 2015 Rules Part 2 “Discussion” - as per Formula SAE® 2015 Rules Part 3 “Real Case” task - as per Formula SAE® 2015 Rules Part 4 “Sustainability Presentation” - see FSH 2015 Rule 9.3.1. 6.3.2 COST REPORT IMPORTANT: ALL TEAMS MUST SUBMIT A COST REPORT. The Cost Report consists of two parts, a written report and an electronic report. The electronic Report must be uploaded to the team account on the FSH website no later than the given deadline. 22 The electronic report has to consist of a full vehicle BOM with cost data derived from the Cost Tables and supporting documentation (e.g. calculations, drawing or photos). The written report must be present at the competition during the Cost Analysis. No report submitted will result in a score of 0 (zero) for the Cost Analysis. (details in NOTE: The Sustainability Presentation is one part of the Cost Analysis. The teams have NOT to submit or upload any report or presentation prior to the Event. PAY ATTENTION TO the Sustainability Presentation, because it will be judged during the Cost Analysis. ELECTRONIC COPY The electronic copy must be the whole report. This includes the full vehicle BOM, all parts & assemblies and supporting documentation, not just the EBOM. The supporting material must be a separate document from the cost report tables, e.g. in one or more PDFs containing only drawings, schematics etc. You must refer to available supporting material within the appropriate cost tables (e.g. “see drawings.pdf, p.17”). The cost calculations have to be done with help of the cost tables. For submission pack everything (excel - xls, xlsx - cost report, supporting docs) in ONE ZIP file. Filename nomenclature: CAR#_CR.zip (e.g. 01_CR.zip) for the zip archive. CAR#_BOM.xls (e.g. 01_BOM.xls) for the actual cost report inside the zip. CAR#_xxx.pdf (e.g. 01_drawings_frame.pdf) for supporting material. No report submitted will result in a score of 0 (zero) for the Cost Analysis. NOTE: Incomplete submissions (e.g. only the EBOM) will be counted as not submitted. Only with all two parts accomplished the submission of the Cost Report is complete WRITTEN COPY The written Cost Report must be in a ring binder with A4 pages, and no more than 1 folder. The binder must be clearly labelled with the University Name, Team Name and FSH assigned car Number. Do not send cost report via Mail/Post, it must be submitted in the Event Control immediately after the Registration, no later than the given deadline. No report submitted will result in a score of 0 (zero) for the Cost Analysis. EBOM FORMATTING The EBOM template available from fsaeonline.com has to be used. Especially important are Correctness of the eight sections team name, car#, and event name Sums and formulae used are correct BOM complete (Material, Process, etc. filled out and correctly multiplied) Detail Page numbers present Incorrect entries and non-adherence to the template may result in points deducted from the “written report” score in the cost event. 23 COST TABLES The latest version of the Cost Tables on June 26th, 2015, 12:00 CEST available from fsaeonline.com will be used during the Event. COST REPORT - ADDENDUM (SPECIFIC FSH CHANGE OF FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULE S4.17) For changes in your corrections made after the submission of the cost report please use the FSAE cost addendum form given in the Formula SAE Rules® 2015 Appendix S-5. For all new parts, which are manufactured, a drawing must be attached to the addendum form. No other format will be accepted. It must be submitted in the Event Control no later than the given deadline. 6.3.3 COST ANALYSIS (SPECIFIC FSH CHANGE OF FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULE S4.8) The points for the Cost Analysis will be broken down as follows: 20X(PmaxPyour-1) X (PmaxPmin-1) 20 POINTS LOWEST COST EACH OF THE PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS WILL BE RANKED BY TOTAL ADJUSTED COST FROM THE BOM AND GIVEN 0-20 POINTS BASED ON THE FORMULA ON THE LEFT. 40 POINTS ACCURACY, CLARITY & EVENT DAY / VISUAL INSPECTION THE CARS WILL BE REVIEWED FOR PART CONTENT, MANUFACTURING FEASIBILITY AND ACCURACY OF THE COST INFORMATION. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION WILL BE ASSESSED BASED ON ITS QUALITY, ACCURACY AND THOROUGHNESS. THE RANGE FOR THE SCORE IS 0-40 POINTS. 20 POINTS EVENT DAY / MANUFACTURING PROCESSES THE TEAMS MUST BE PREPARED TO DISCUSS IN DETAIL THE “REAL CASE” SCENARIO DISTRIBUTED PRIOR TO THE COMPETITION. THE MATERIALS WILL INCLUDE MORE SPECIFICS ABOUT THE GOAL AND SCORING OF THE SCENARIO. THE RANGE FOR THE SCORE IS 0-20 POINTS. 20 POINTS SUSTAINABILITY PRESENTATION THE TEAMS ARE EXPECTED TO GIVE A 10 MINUTE PRESENTATION ON A SUSTAINABILITY ISSUE, WHICH IS DISTRIBUTED PRIOR TO COMPETITION. THE MATERIALS WILL INCLUDE MORE SPECIFICS ABOUT THE GOAL AND SCORING OF THE ASSIGNMENT. THE RANGE FOR THE SCORE IS 0-20 POINTS. 100 POINTS Where: Pyour is the adjusted cost of your car (with penalties) in dollars. Pmin is the adjusted cost of the lowest cost car in dollars. Pmax is the cost of the highest cost car in dollars. 6.3.4 COST REPORT PENALTIES PROCESS (SPECIFIC FSH CHANGE OF FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULE S4.18) Only penalty method A will be used for FSH, described in Rule S4.19 “Penalty Method A-Fixed Point Deductions” of the Formula SAE® 2015 Rules. The Formula SAE® 2015 Rule S4.20 “Penalty Method B – Adjusted Cost Deductions” is not valid for the FSH competition. 24 7 DYNAMIC EVENTS 7.1 Pit Rules 7.1.1 ENGINE RUNNING IN THE PITS (IC) Running of engines is not allowed in the pits or the garage areas. There is a designated, supervised, engine running area for this purpose. All engine running is to be conducted in the designated engine running area only. Engine running is allowed only during the active hours of competition. 7.1.2 STATIC EVENTS BEFORE PASSING ELECTRICAL SCRUTINEERING (EV) If the vehicle has not completed all of the electrical scrutineering, then the electrical safety responsible (ESR) person must be present at all static events to ensure that the vehicle is safe and only demonstrated to the extent allowed by the scrutineering that has been passed. 7.1.3 REMOVING THE TRACTIVE SYSTEM ACCUMULATOR (EV) Before removing the TS accumulator the electric safety responsible (ESR) must keep to the following procedure: 1. Separate the car with a black-yellow barrier tape. Only members of your team and scrutineers are allowed to stay 2. behind the barrier tape. This is to protect your car from the visitors, and the visitors from your car. 3. Make sure that the tractive system is switched off, the master switches are removed. 4. Check for 0 V between the TS measuring points. 5. Open HV disconnect. 7.1.4 WORKING ON TRACTIVE SYSTEM COMPONENTS IN THE PITS (EV) Opening the housing of tractive system components or working on tractive system wiring is allowed only in the pits, and only if the TS accumulator is disconnected and removed from the car. 7.1.5 ACTIVATING THE TRACTIVE SYSTEM (EV) Activating the tractive system in the pits is only allowed if the car is in ready to race condition, meaning every enclosure is closed and nobody is working on the car. Even in the above conditions the driven wheels must be removed and it is not allowed to switch the car into ready to drive mode in the pit. No more than 5 team members are allowed to be present, and at least one of them must be an Electrical Safety Responsible person (ESR). Outside the pits the tractive system can be activated only in the dynamic area. 7.1.6 ELECTRIC VEHICLE FIRES (EV) At least one team member must stay in the pit with the entrance of the pit being full-time wide opened and unobstructed for a minimum of one hour after the HV accumulator was charged, in order to keep electrical fires under control. 25 7.2 Charging area (EV) 7.2.1 WORKING ON TRACTIVE SYSTEM ACCUMULATOR CONTAINERS (CLARIFICATION TO FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULE EV8.1.1) Opening of, or working on tractive system accumulators is only allowed in the charging area. In the charging area max. 3 competent team members are allowed to work on the accumulator at the same time and one of them need to be an Electric Safety Responsible (ESR) person. An ESR team member needs to support the transportation of the accumulator container between the pits and the charging area. 7.2.2 CHARGING TYPE AND CONNECTOR 16 A single phase and 32 A three phase (5 pin) sockets will be available in the charging area. 7.3. Complaints concerning to Cones Down or Out (DOO) (SPECIFIC FSH ADDITION TO DOO) On every dynamic event, where Cones Down or Out (DOO) is penalized, claims can be only accepted regarding wrongful penalties, if the team can submit unambiguous (photo or video) evidence. NOTE: Please respect the Marshalls and their work! They are working for you, for your safety, for a fair competition and they are doing their best. 7.4 Scoring 7.4.1 DYNAMIC EVENTS AND MAXIMUM SCORE AS FORMULA SAE® 2015 PART D ARTICLE 1 Skid Pad Acceleration Autocross Efficiency Endurance Total 50 75 150 100 300 675 7.4.2 SKID PAD AS PER FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULES 7.4.3 AUTOCROSS SCORING AS PER FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULES 26 7.4.4 ENDURANCE OBJECTIVE 300 POINTS The Endurance Event is designed to evaluate the overall performance of the car and to test the car’s durability and reliability. 7.4.5 FUEL ECONOMY / CO2 EMISSIONS 100 POINTS For all vehicles, the fuel consumption of the cars during the endurance event will be measured and this number will be converted to a figure representing CO2 released to the atmosphere. The winner of the fuel economy / CO2 emissions event will be the car that released the least CO2. 7.4.6 ENDURANCE FUEL FILL For liquid filled vehicles, before entering the event each vehicle’s fuel tank must be filled to the fuel level line at the fuelling station. During fuelling, once filled to the scribe line, no shaking or tilting of the tank or fuel system (incl. entire vehicle) is allowed. 7.4.7 ENDURANCE SCORING AS PER FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULES 7.4.8 FUEL ECONOMY / CO2 EMISSIONS AS PER FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULES 7.4.9 FUEL ECONOMY / CO2 EMISSIONS SCORING FORMULA AS PER FORMULA SAE® 2015 RULES MAR 31ST APR 1ST ROUELLE CLARKE BARETZKY GATZKA SPIEGEL AL-HASAN ONE PLACE | TWO DAYS | BIG NAMES FORMULA STUDENT SYMPOSIUM FS SYMPOSIUM IS AN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE WHERE LEADING PROFESSIONALS OF THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY – ESPECIALLY FROM THE FIELD OF RACECAR ENGINE ENGINEERING – SHARE THEIR KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCES WITH THE NEW GENERATION OF ENGINEERS DURING VARIOUS PRESENTATIONS AND WORKSHOPS WORKSHOPS. WE BELIEVE THESE PROGRAMS ARE ABLE TO GIVE GUIDANCE FOR STUDENTS, TEAMS AND EVEN UNIVERSITIES TO IMPROVE AND TAKE A STEP FORWARD WARD TO ACHIEVE THEIR GOALS. BESIDES FSS OFFERS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR STUDENTS AND PROFESSIONALS TO MEET AT THE FSS CLUB IN AN INFORMAL ENVIRONMENT MENT TO DEVELOP DEVELOP AND AND MAINTAIN MAINTAIN PERSONAL PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS. RELATIONSHIPS. TO MORE INFO AT FSSYMPOSIUM.COM ORIGINAL PHOTO FROM UNI MARIBOR TEAM 27 DOCUMENT HISTORY VERSION DATE 1.0 20 / 03/ 2015 MODIFICATION PAGE
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