Leader-follower Cart Using Bluetooth and Infrared Technology with Collision Detection by Ronnel Angelo M. Bajon Billy Fernand P. Macatangay Darwin Christopher R. Tantuco John Eldrin M. Tolentino Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Mapúa Institute of Technology, 2013 A Thesis Report Submitted to the School of EECE in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering i APPROVAL SHEET This is to certify that we have supervised the preparation of and read the thesis paper prepared by Ronnel Angelo M. Bajon, Billy Fernand P. Macatangay, Darwin Christopher R. Tantuco, and John Eldrin M. Tolentino entitled Leader- Follower Cart Using Bluetooth and Infrared Technology with Collision Detection and that the said paper has been submitted for final examination by the Oral Examination Committee. Voltaire B. De Leon Academe Adviser Analyn N. Yumang Thesis Adviser As members of the Oral Examination Committee, we certify that we have examined this paper and hereby recommend that it be accepted as fulfillment of the thesis requirement for the Degree Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (major). Joshua B. Cuesta Panel Member 1 Jose B. Lazaro Panel Member 2 Dionis A. Padilla Committee Chair This thesis is hereby approved and accepted by the School of Graduate Studies as fulfillment of the thesis requirement for the Degree Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (major). Dr. Felicito S. Caluyo Dean, School of EECE ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We are very thankful to all the people that motivated and helped us in accomplishing our thesis. We would like to thank our adviser, Analyn M. Yumang, for her assistance, support, patience, and advices. We are also grateful to our course professor, Voltaire De Leon, for being a dependable professor that guided us through the prototype and document stage of our thesis. We would also like to thank Lord God for his continuous guidance and help. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE i APPROVAL PAGE ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv LIST OF TABLES vi LIST OF FIGURES vii ABSTRACT ix Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION 1 Chapter 2: REVIEW OF LITERATURE 3 Human-follower Device Device positioning technique Radio Frequency Identification System RFID Tags RFID Reader RFID Antennas and Radio Bluetooth Comparison between Bluetooth, Zigbee, and Wi-Fi Infrared LED and Infrared Detector Sensor Collision Avoidance Infrared Proximity Sensors Weight Reading Load Cell Lead Acid Battery 3 Chapter 3: 4 7 11 14 16 17 LEADER-FOLLOWER CART USING BLUETOOTH AND INFRAREDTECHNOLOGY WITH COLLISION DETECTION 18 Abstract Introduction Methodology Block Diagram System Flowchart Results and Discussion 18 18 20 22 26 31 iv Chapter 4: References Conclusion 44 45 Chapter 5: Recommendation 46 APPENDICES 47 Appendix A. Statistical Computation Appendix B. Schematic Diagram v 47 56 LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1: Test for Reliability of RFID 31 Table 3.2: Cart’s Movement following the User’s Movement 34 Table 3.3: Summary of Table 3.2 35 Table 3.4: Tally of the Test for Collision Detection 38 Table 3.5: Data of Theoretical and Actual Weight Reading 41 vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1: A Bluetooth scatternet with two types of relay nodes 9 Figure 2.2: IR sensor and its schematic diagram 12 Figure 2.3: Sample control pulses of an IR LED 13 Figure 2.4: IR Detector Sensor 14 Figure 2.5: Proximity Sensor Response Curves 16 Figure 3.1: System Overall Block Diagram 22 Figure 3.2: Cart’s Components – Top View 24 Figure 3.3: Cart’s Components – Side View 24 Figure 3.4: User Wearable Belt 25 Figure 3.4: User Wearable Belt 25 Figure 3.6: Flowchart of Enabling the Cart 26 Figure 3.7: Flowchart of the Weight Reading and Collision Detection 27 Figure 3.8: Flowchart of the Cart’s Movement 28 Figure 3.9: Sample Screenshot for Unknown Tag 32 Figure 3.10: Sample Screenshot for User Tag 32 vii Figure 3.11: Sample Screenshot of the Cart following the User 35 Figure 3.12: Testing Collision Detection at the Right 39 Figure 3.13: Testing Collision Detection at the Left 39 Figure 3.14: Testing Collision Detection at the Bumper 40 Figure 3.15: Sample Screenshot for the Obtained Weight using the Cart 42 Figure 3.16: Sample Screenshot for the Theoretical Weight using Weight Balance 43 viii ABSTRACT TRANSPORTING OBJECTS USING VEHICLES ARE USED BY EITHER PUSHING OR DRAGGING. THIS WAY OF TRANSPORTING THINGS REQUIRES A LOT OF EFFORT AND COULD BE DANGEROUS TO THE PEOPLE USING THEM. ACCORDING TO THE HEALTH & SAFETY EXECUTIVE (HSE) MORE THAN ONE THIRD OF ALL ACCIDENT INJURIES WARRANTING MORE THAN 3 DAYS ABSENCE FROM WORK, INVOLVE LIFTING OR MANUAL HANDLING. WITH AN INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT VEHICLE, MOVING AN OBJECT FROM ONE PLACE TO ANOTHER CAN BE DONE WITH LESS EFFORT. THIS VEHICLE IS CAPABLE OF FOLLOWING A USER WHILE IN MOTION WITH CONSTANT SPEED. IT AUTOMATICALLY MOVES ITSELF IN DIFFERENT DIRECTION GUIDED SENSORS DETECTING A DEVICE CARRIED OR ATTACHED TO A PERSON IT “FOLLOWS”. MOREOVER, IT CAN DETECT NEARBY OBJECTS THAT COULD CAUSE COLLISIONS TO THE DEVICE AND IT COULD ALSO MEASURE THE WEIGHT OF THE OBJECT/S IT CARRIES. THIS DEVICE IS APPLICABLE TO OFFICES, LIBRARIES, HOSPITALS, AIRPORTS AND IN CERTAIN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS. Keywords: leader-follower, transport, objects ix Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Manual handling is any transporting or supporting of a load by one or more workers. It includes the following activities: lifting, holding, putting down, pushing, pulling, carrying or moving of a load parts (European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 2007). Manual transportation of objects is indeed a part of humans’ lives. Although technology exponentially arises and innovates overtime, manual handling is still practiced in workplaces: in factories and building sites, shopping malls, offices, airports and hospitals, from the very beginning until now. As a result, manual handling injuries are consistently and apparently evident. Based on the research, more than a third of all over-three-day injuries reported each year are caused by manual handling - the transporting or supporting of loads by hand or by bodily force (Op De Beeck, R. and Hermans, V., 2000). Furthermore, about a fourth of European workers suffer from back pain, which tops the list of all reported work-related disorders. Loads that are too heavy, too large, difficult to grasp, unbalanced and unstable and difficult to reach and tasks that are too strenuous and involves awkward postures and movements are the factors that make manual handling hazardous. As a result, manual handling can lead to negative health effects such as fatigue, injuries of the back, neck, shoulders, arms or other body parts (European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 2007). Because of all these negative health effects due to manual handling, prevention measures were offered such as: having a general risk assessment guidelines and conduct 1 risk assessment of manual handling activities, conduct trainings and learn good handling techniques for lifting, pushing and pulling (Health and Safety Executive, 2008) (European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 2007). However, those accidents are still inevitable and the present methods of prevention will not guarantee the full safety of the people. With this in mind, the researchers proposed a study that aims to develop a system of a cart capable of following a single person. Specifically, the cart is able to identify the user and when successfully identified, the cart is able to follow that person in any direction this user will go. And to complete its functionality, the cart is able to detect collisions along the way and can determine the weight of the things that it can carry. This proposed device is used to eliminate the risks of manual handling. Especially for the accidents that may occur when manually transporting objects from one location to another (Health and Safety Executive, 2008). Aside from this, it is also essential to emphasize the huge advantage of automatic transporting of objects over the manual. The techniques used for collision detection and user identification in the cart were derived from the previous researches’ techniques but of different approach. The study covers the development of an automated cart capable of following a single person. The system will include sensors that have certain maximum and minimum detection range. Also, the cart could only travel along flat surfaces and inclined or uneven platforms are outside the scope of this study. The vehicle could carry a maximum weight load of 40 kilograms. The maximum distance from the cart to the person would be 1 meter. 2 Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Human-follower Transporting Device A human-follower transporting device, typically associated with robots, is a vehicle capable of carrying a load and travelling on its own and moving along a direction towards a human, in motion or not. This technology comes from the leader-follower concept where most of the work in this area focuses on control aspects related to steering an unmanned follower vehicle so that it follows a lead vehicle (Borenstein, J., et al, 2010). This type of device is applied on the field of robotics and is used for human assistance and general services such as robotic guides (Kulyukin, V., et al, 2004) and military mules (Borenstein, J., et al, 2010).One important item a leader-follower device needs to have is that it requires the knowledge of the position of itself and the followed human. Researchers and engineers have developed a variety of systems, sensors, and techniques for mobile device positioning including odometry, magnetic compasses, active beacons, global positioning systems and landmark navigation (Borenstein J., et al, 1997). Device positioning techniques There are two basic ways of measuring position: absolute and relative. Absolute positioning, also called reference-based system, uses a fixed referential system (e.g., maps, GPS or ultrasonic beacons placed at known positions in the operating 3 environment) and requires attaching instruments or mapping the environment while relative positioning, most commonly known as dead-reckoning, compares positions expressed in relation to a common reference frame (Fr´ed´eric R., et al, 2008). Previous researches develop follower robots with relative positioning technique and referencing the object being followed since its position relative to the robot is used for the algorithm required for displacing the robot. Relative positioning uses components such as sensors or cameras in determining the leader’s location. An example is the study Ultrasonic Relative Positioning for MultiRobot Systems (Fr´ed´eric R., et al, 2008) where the receivers are mounted on the mobile robot so that the reference frame is the robot itself and the device can determine the position of a transmitter located on another robot based on distance measurements returned by the receivers. One does not simply apply this kind of relative positioning for a situation where multiple robots on a single area are following different leaders for this may cause errors where a certain robot follows a wrong leader. To solve this problem, researchers use leader identification techniques such as cameras which are used for face recognition (Braun T., et al, 2005). Radio Frequency Identification System In recent years, radio frequency identification technology has moved from obscurity into mainstream applications that help speed the handling of manufactured goods and materials. RFID enables identification from a distance, and unlike earlier barcode technology it does so without requiring a line of sight (Roy W., 2006). 4 RFID tags The tag is the basic building block of RFID. Each tag consists of an antenna and a small silicon chip that contains a radio receiver, a radio modulator for sending a response back to the reader, control logic, some amount of memory, and a power system. The power system can be completely powered by the incoming RF signal, in which case the tag is known as a passive tag. Alternatively, the tag’s power system can have a battery, in which case the tag is known as an active tag (Garfinkel, S. and Henry H., 2005). The primary advantages of active tags are their reading range and reliability. With the proper antenna on the reader and the tag, a 915MHz tag can be read from a distance of 100 feet or more. The tags also tend to be more reliable because they do not need a continuous radio signal to power their electronics. Passive tags, on the other hand, can be much smaller and cheaper than active ones because they don’t have batteries. Another advantage is their longer shelf life: Whereas an active tag’s batteries may last only a few years, a passive tag could in principle be read many decades after the chip was manufactured. Between the active and the passive tags are the semi-passive tags. These tags have a battery, like active tags, but still use the reader’s power to transmit a message back to the RFID reader using a technique known as backscatter. These tags thus have the read reliability of an active tag but the read range of a passive tag. They also have a longer shelf life than a tag that is fully active (Garfinkel, S. and Henry H., 2005). Tags come in all shapes and sizes but RFID tags can be promiscuous, in which case they will communicate with any reader. Alternatively, they can be secure, requiring that the reader provide a password or other kind of authentication credential before the 5 tags respond. The simplest RFID chips contain only a serial number—think of this as a 64-bit or 96-bit block of read-only storage. Although the serial number can be burned into the chip by the manufacturer, it is also common for the chips to be programmed in the field by the end user (Garfinkel, S. and Henry H., 2005). RFID reader The RFID reader sends a pulse of radio energy to the tag and listens for the tag’s response. The tag detects this energy and sends back a response that contains the tag’s serial number and possibly other information as well. In simple RFID systems, the reader’s pulse of energy functioned as an on-off switch; in more sophisticated systems, the reader’s RF signal can contain commands to the tag, instructions to read or write memory that the tag contains, and even passwords. Historically, RFID readers were designed to read only a particular kind of tag, but so-called multimode readers that can read many different kinds of tags are becoming increasingly popular. RFID readers are usually on, continually transmitting radio energy and awaiting any tags that enter their field of operation. However, for some applications, this is unnecessary and could be undesirable in battery-powered devices that need to conserve energy (Garfinkel, S. and Henry H., 2005). Like the tags themselves, RFID readers come in many sizes. The largest readers might consist of a desktop personal computer with a special card and multiple antennas connected to the card through shielded cable. Such a reader would typically have a network connection as well so that it could report tags that it reads to other computers. 6 The smallest readers are the size of a postage stamp and are designed to be embedded in mobile telephones (Garfinkel, S. and Henry H., 2005). RFID Antennas and Radio The RFID physical layer consists of the actual radios and antennas used to couple the reader to the tag so that information can be transferred between the two. Radio energy is measured by two fundamental characteristics: the frequencies at which it oscillates and the strength or power of those oscillations. As with most radio systems, the larger the antenna on the reader and the tag, the better an RFID system will work because large antennas are generally more efficient at transmitting and receiving radio power than are small antennas. Thus, a large antenna on the reader means that more power can be sent to the RFID tag and more of the tag’s emitted energy can be collected and analyzed. A large antenna on the tag means that more of the power can be collected and used to power the chip. Likewise, a large antenna on the chip means that more power can be transmitted back to the reader (Garfinkel, S. and Henry H., 2005). Bluetooth Bluetooth is emerging as an important standard for short range, low-power wireless communication. It provides a decentralized communication substrate that standardizes the link-layer medium access (MAC) and physical layer functionalities of the traditional networking protocol stack. It operates in the 2.4 GHz frequency band employing a pseudo-random frequency hopping scheme (Godfrey T., et al, 2001). 7 The Bluetooth MAC protocol is designed to facilitate the construction of ad hoc networks without the need for manual configuration, cables, or wired infrastructure. It is based not on distributed contention resolution, as in traditional wireless LANs, but on a master-slave mechanism. A Bluetooth piconet consists of one master and up to seven slaves. The master allocates transmission slots 1 (and therefore, channel bandwidth) to the slaves in the piconet. The basic idea is for the master and slaves to use alternate transmission slots, with each slave slot (an odd-numbered slot, by convention) being used only by the slave to which the master sent a frame in the previous (even-numbered) transmission slot. This MAC protocol is an example of a time division duplex (TDD) scheme. Frequency hopping allows multiple concurrent Bluetooth communications within radio range of each other,without adverse effects due to interference. This facilitates high densities of communicating devices, making it possible for dozens of piconets to co-exist and independently communicate in close proximity without significant performance degradation. This raises the possibility of internetworking multiple piconets. The Bluetooth specification alludes to this possibility, calling it a scatternet, but does not specify how it is to be done (Godfrey T., et al, 2001). 8 Figure 2.1: A Bluetooth Scatternet with Two Types of Relay Nodes: Node 1 is a “Slave Relay”, Node 2 is a “Master Relay”. An obvious starting point is to judiciously choose nodes, such as nodes 1 and 2 in Figure 1, to participate as relays in multiple piconets, forwarding data between piconets. Since two slave nodes cannot be linked together directly, the path of a packet must alternate between master and slave nodes, until it reaches its final destination. While the basic idea is simple enough, a number of challenging problems need to be solved before this can become a reality (Godfrey T., et al, 2001). The link formation process specified in the Bluetooth baseband specification consists of two processes: inquiry and page. The goal of the inquiry process is for a master node to discover the existence of neighboring devices and to collect enough information about the low-level state of those neighbors (primarily related to their native clocks) to allow it to establish a frequency hopping connection with a subset of those neighbors. The goal of the page process is to use the information gathered during the 9 inquiry process to establish a bi-directional frequency hopping communication channel (Godfrey T., et al, 2001). During the inquiry process, a device enters either the INQUIRY or the INQUIRY SCAN state. A device in the INQUIRY state repeatedly alternates between transmitting short ID packets containing an Inquiry Access Code (IAC) and listening for responses. A device in the INQUIRY SCAN state constantly listens for packets from devices in the INQUIRY state and responds when appropriate. The Bluetooth specification states that a node in the INQUIRY state devotes sufficient amount of time transmitting and listening whereas a node periodically enters the INQUIRY SCAN state to scan continuously over a short window (Godfrey T., et al, 2001). The Bluetooth specification assumes that each node knows whether it is to be a master or a slave. The need for manual configuration of master or slave roles is unattractive when more than a few nodes are attempting to form a connected scatternet in an ad hoc fashion. To deal with this problem, the Bluetooth specification provides a Host Controller Interface (HCI) specification that provides a standardized method of accessing the Bluetooth baseband capabilities. This interface can be used to implement various topology formation schemes (Godfrey T., et al, 2001). Comparison between Bluetooth, ZigBee, and Wi-Fi Bluetooth, also known as the IEEE 802.15.1 standard is based on a wireless radio system designed for short-range and cheap devices to replace cables for computer peripherals, such as mice, keyboards, joysticks, and printers. This range of applications is 10 known as wireless personal area network (WPAN). Two connectivity topologies are defined in Bluetooth: the piconet and scatternet (Jin-Shyan L., et al, 2007). ZigBee over IEEE 802.15.4 defines specifications for lowrate WPAN (LRWPAN) for supporting simple devices that consume minimal power and typically operate in the personal operating space (POS) of 10m. ZigBee provides self-organized, multihop, and reliable mesh networking with long battery lifetime [8-9]. Two different device types can participate in an LR-WPAN network: a full-function device (FFD) and a reduced-function device (RFD) (Jin-Shyan L., et al, 2007). Wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) includes IEEE 802.11a/b/g standards for wireless local area networks (WLAN). It allows users to surf the Internet at broadband speeds when connected to an access point (AP) or in ad hoc mode. The IEEE 802.11 architecture consists of several components that interact to provide a wireless LAN that supports station mobility transparently to upper layers (Jin-Shyan L., et al, 2007). Infrared LED and Infrared Detector Sensor Infrared (IR) sensors are extensively used for measuring distances. Therefore, they can be used in robotics for obstacle detection or avoidance. They are cheaper in cost and faster in response time than ultrasonic (US) sensors. However, they have non-linear characteristics and they depend on the reflectance properties of the object surfaces. So knowledge of the surface properties must be known prior. In other words, the nature in which a surface scatters, reflects, and absorbs infrared energy is needed to interpret the sensor output as distance measure. IR sensors using reflected light intensity to estimate the distance from an object are reported in the bibliography. Their inherently fast 11 response is attractive for enhancing the real-time response of a mobile robot. Some IR sensors described in the bibliography are based on the measurement of the phase shift, and offer medium resolution from 5 cm to 10 m, but these are very expensive (Mohammad T., 2009). Figure 2.2: IR Sensor and Its Schematic Diagram An infrared emitter, or IR emitter, is a source of light energy in the infrared spectrum. It is a light emitting diode (LED) that is used in order to transmit infrared signals from a remote control. In general, the more they are in quantity and the better the emitters are, the stronger and wider the resulting signal is. A remote with strong emitters can often be used without directly pointing at the desired device. Infrared emitters are also partly responsible for limits on the range of frequencies that can be controlled. An IR emitter generates infrared light that transmits information and commands from one device to another. Typically one device receives the signal then passes the infrared (IR) signal through the emitter to another device (Mohammad T., 2009). The IR signal emitted from a remote control caries the information needed to control the appliance. This signal consists of pulses that code 0 and 1 bits, instructing the 12 appliance to do a certain operation. One of the most common protocols used to code the IR signal is Philips - RC5 protocol. The signal consists of two parts, the control pulses and the carrier wave as seen in the image below (Mohammad T., 2009). A common frequency used for the carrier is 38 KHz and control pulses frequency is in the range of 1-3 KHz. The carrier signal is modulated by the control pulses and the resulting signal is emitted by remote in IR band of electromagnetic spectrum. IR band is invisible to human eye. You can see if an IR led is emitting light or not using a camera. Point the camera to the led and you will see that light comes off (Mohammad T., 2009). Figure 2.3: Sample Control Pulses of an IR LED IR detectors are little microchips with a photocell that are tuned to listen to infrared light. They are almost always used for remote control detection. Every TV and DVD player has one of these in the front to listen for the IR signal from the clicker. Inside the remote control is a matching IR LED, which emits IR pulses to tell the TV to turn on, off or change channels. IR light is not visible to the human eye, which means it 13 takes a little more work to test a setup. Infrared detectors are also LEDs. They are wired differently so that they convert incoming infrared light to an electric current. The current is sent to a device that reads the current to determine the strength of incoming light, or to interpret signals meant to control a television, for example. IR detectors can be made more sensitive through electronics. Amplifiers make IR detectors extremely sensitive so that even very faint signals are recorded. Sensitivity can be adjusted so a detector is suitable for its anticipated purpose (Mohammad T., 2009). Figure 2.4: IR Detector Sensor Collision Avoidance Collision avoidance is a technology used for the prevention of any contact from a device to another. Real-time obstacle avoidance presents the problem of navigating around unknown objects in a dynamic environment. The virtual force field (VFF) method described by Borenstein uses an occupancy grid to determine the position of obstacles in 14 the environment. A VFF is then calculated from these obstacles and the robot is ―pushed‖ away from them (Chris G. and Mohan T., 1994). Infrared proximity sensors The infrared proximity sensors used consist of one or more infrared light emitting diodes (emitters) and a single silicon phototransistor (receiver). The electrical signal given by the receiver depends on how much of the incident ray of the emitter(s) is reflected back and detected by the receiver. The signal from the receiver is first preamplified before it is low-pass filtered to eliminate high frequency noise. The sensor's signal output, when no object is near the sensor, is offset to zero. The signal is then amplified to a 0-10 volt full scale range (D.J. Balek, 1985). Based on the research, infrared-proximity sensors were used to determine the approximate range and bearings of nearby objects; while the system was effective for the experiment presented in the work, it would be very susceptible to interference from any other obstacles and not appropriate for general experiments (Jim P., et al, 2008). A typical signal strength response of the proximity sensor as a function of the normal distance from a work piece is shown in Fig. 1. The solid curve is the response of the sensor to a work piece with a smooth surface. The dotted curve corresponds to the response of the same proximity sensor to a work piece with a rougher surface quality. The proximity sensor's response versus the angle of a work piece’s surface normal is also shown in Fig. 1 (D.J. Balek, 1985). 15 Figure 2.5: Proximity Sensor Response Curves Weight Reading This is one additional feature of this device: that it’s able to measure the weight of the objects that it will carry. Load Cell A load cell is a transducer which converts force into a measurable electrical output. Load cells are designed to sense force or weight under a wide range of adverse conditions; they are not only the most essential part of an electronic weighing system, but also the most vulnerable. In order to get the most benefit from the load cell, the user must have a thorough understanding of the technology, construction and operation of this unique device. In addition, it is imperative that the user selects the correct load cell for the application and provide the necessary care for the load cell during its lifetime (Revere Transducers, 2001). 16 Lead Acid Battery This serves as the source of power supply of the device. Lead acid charging uses a voltage-based algorithm that is similar to lithium-ion. The charge time of a sealed lead acid battery is 12–16 hours, up to 36–48 hours for large stationary batteries. With higher charge currents and multi-stage charge methods, the charge time can be reduced to 10 hours or less; however, the topping charge may not be complete. The disadvantage of a lead acid battery is that it is sluggish and cannot be charged as quickly as other battery systems. 17 Chapter 3 LEADER-FOLLOWER CART USING BLUETOOTH AND INFRARED TECHNOLOGY WITH COLLISION DETECTION Abstract Transporting objects using vehicles are used by either pushing or dragging. This way of transporting things requires a lot of effort and could be dangerous to the people using them. According to the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) more than one third of all accident injuries warranting more than 3 days absence from work, involve lifting or manual handling. With an intelligent transport vehicle, moving an object from one place to another can be done with less effort. This vehicle is capable of following a user while in motion with constant speed. It automatically moves itself in different direction guided sensors detecting a device carried or attached to a person it “follows”. Moreover, it can detect nearby objects that could cause collisions to the device and it could also measure the weight of the object/s it carries. This device is applicable to offices, libraries, hospitals, airports and in certain building construction operations. Keywords: automatic, transport, objects Introduction Manual handling is any transporting or supporting of a load by one or more workers. It includes the following activities: lifting, holding, putting down, pushing, pulling, carrying or moving of a load parts (European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 2007). Manual transportation of objects is indeed a part of humans’ lives. Although technology exponentially arises and innovates overtime, manual handling is still practiced in workplaces: in factories and building sites, shopping malls, offices, airports and hospitals, from the very beginning until now. As a result, manual handling injuries are consistently and apparently evident. 18 Based on the research, more than a third of all over-three-day injuries reported each year are caused by manual handling - the transporting or supporting of loads by hand or by bodily force (Op De Beeck, R. and Hermans, V., 2000). Furthermore, about a fourth of European workers suffer from back pain, which tops the list of all reported work-related disorders. Loads that are too heavy, too large, difficult to grasp, unbalanced and unstable and difficult to reach and tasks that are too strenuous and involves awkward postures and movements are the factors that make manual handling hazardous. As a result, manual handling can lead to negative health effects such as fatigue, injuries of the back, neck, shoulders, arms or other body parts (European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 2007). Because of all these negative health effects due to manual handling, prevention measures were offered such as: having a general risk assessment guidelines and conduct risk assessment of manual handling activities, conduct trainings and learn good handling techniques for lifting, pushing and pulling (Health and Safety Executive, 2008) (European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 2007). However, those accidents are still inevitable and the present methods of prevention will not guarantee the full safety of the people. With this in mind, the researchers proposed a study that aims to develop a system of a cart capable of following a single person. Specifically, the cart is able to identify the user and when successfully identified, the cart is able to follow that person in any direction this user will go. And to complete its functionality, the cart is able to detect collisions along the way and can determine the weight of the things that it can carry. 19 This proposed device is used to eliminate the risks of manual handling. Especially for the accidents that may occur when manually transporting objects from one location to another (Health and Safety Executive, 2008). Aside from this, it is also essential to emphasize the huge advantage of automatic transporting of objects over the manual. The techniques used for collision detection and user identification in the cart were derived from the previous researches’ techniques but of different approach. The study covers the development of an automated cart capable of following a single person. The system will include sensors that have certain maximum and minimum detection range. Also, the cart could only travel along flat surfaces and inclined or uneven platforms are outside the scope of this study. The vehicle could carry a maximum weight load of 40 kilograms. The maximum distance from the cart to the person would be 1 meter. Methodology The study started with the observation and acquiring information from the past researches necessary for completing our objective. After reviewing the acquired related literatures, the researchers planned and designed a leader-follower cart equipped with RFID Technology, Bluetooth Device, Infrared Sensors, Infrared LED, Proximity Sensors, and Load Cell. The system components are attached on either a belt, which the user will be wearing, or on the cart itself. The RFID technology is used for the user’s identification. A passive RFID tag is carried by the user to be used for activating the cart by tapping it on the RFID reader on the cart. Several technologies are used such as IR 20 LED, IR sensors and proximity sensors to detect the user’s position, which direction the user is facing and can calculate the distance between them. The IR LED is located in front of the cart and five IR sensors are attached to the belt. Bluetooth technology is responsible for continuous transmission of data between the cart and the belt. The cart’s wheels are to be operated by DC geared motors, and to complete the cart’s functionality, it is integrated with proximity sensors to prevent the cart from collisions while it is moving specially when turning. For additional features, the cart is to be equipped with load cell sensor to measure the weight of objects to be carried by the cart, and to ensure that the weight will not exceed to 40kg. The batteries to be used are two series connected 12volts Rechargeable Lead Acid Batteries. 21 Block Diagram INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT CART Proximity Sensor Microswitch LCD Infrared LED Microcontroller Load Cell Buzzer Wiper Motor RFID Reader Master Bluetooth BELT Slave Bluetooth Left Inrared Sensor Middle Infrared Sensor Microcontroller Right Infrared Sensor Figure 3.1: System Overall Block Diagram 22 LCD The block diagram presented in Figure 3.1 shows the different input, process, and output components for both the belt and the cart. All input devices are being process by the microcontroller unit and each input corresponds to an output. The IR Sensor located in the belt guides the cart on which direction to go. Bluetooth Technology is used for continuous communication between the cart and the belt. Aside from the DC-powered wheels, the output components of the system are used mainly to indicate and show any important information about the current process with text-based display and buzzer. Both the belt and cart have microcontroller that process data from other components. The overall hardware components are shown in Figure 3.2, Figure 3.3 and Figure 3.4. 23 Figure 3.2: Cart’s Components – Top View Figure 3.3: Cart’s Components – Side View 24 Figure 3.4: User Wearable Belt Figure 3.5: The Basic Scheme Figure 3.4 shows the basic scheme of the system; a cart following a human who wears a belt. The IR LED located in front of the cart can be adjusted with respect to the user’s height. For proper functionality, IR LED and IR Sensor must be on the same level 25 with respect to the ground. Proximity sensor prevents collision between the cart and the user. System Flowchart Start Connected to power? No Stop Yes Initialize All Variables Tap RFID No RFID Recognize? Yes Enable Cart A Figure 3.6: Flowchart of Enabling the Cart 26 A Output the weight of load C Check reading of proximity sensor Is there collision? Yes Stop Cart No B Figure 3.7: Flowchart of the Weight Reading and Collision Detection 27 Figure 3.8: Flowchart of the Cart’s Movement When powered on, the cart will initiate the RFID reader and waits for RFID tag to be tapped to start its leader-following function as shown in Figure 3.6. Once the RFID 28 tag is confirmed by the cart, the system will initialize the infrared signal transmission and the Bluetooth master and will search for the Bluetooth slave on the belt to send and receive. Collision detection of the system is done using four components. Two proximity sensors are attached on both sides of the cart to determine any collision that may happen when the cart is turning to a different direction, one proximity sensor is attached at the front side to retain distance from the user and the cart, and a microswitch is attached on the front bumper that is switched on when an object collided on the lower front side of the cart. A separated toggle switch is used for activating the weight reading using load cell. This is necessary since the load cell uses a separate battery when it is used. When the load cell reading is turned on, the cart will show a real time value of the current weight loaded on the cart. Since only one microcontroller is used on the cart, the weight reading and collision detection operations are done sequentially as seen on Figure 3.7. The cart’s DC powered wheels will not rotate until an infrared reader among the five attached on the belt receives the continuously transmitted signal from the infrared transmitter. The pair of wheels rotates in different pattern depending on which IR reader received the signal. 29 Materials Used - RFID Tag and Reader for the user’s identification and powering up of the cart - Bluetooth Master and Slave for continuous transmission of signal from the cart to the belt, and vice versa. - Infrared Sensors that are used as a switch of the Bluetooth’s continuous signal transmission - Proximity Sensors used to avoid collisions when the cart is turning left or right or even moving towards the user that moves forward - Load Cell sensor mainly used for weight reading and LCD for display - 12V Lead Acid Battery served as the power supply of the cart 30 Results and Discussion Problem 1: Can the cart be able to identify the user whom it will follow? Null Hypothesis H0: The cart will not be able to identify the user it will follow The researchers tested the reliability of the RFID embedded on the cart. To obtain valid results, the researchers used different RFID tags and the cart’s role is that it should still be able to identify the user’s RFID tag and reject those tags that are not of the user’s. Hence, we have used 12 different RFID tags and one of them, the Tag # 7, was the user’s. The researchers used the binary numbers to indicate YES (1) if the tag matched the reader on the cart, and the NO (0) if otherwise. Trial Tag 1 Tag 2 Tag 3 Tag 4 Tag 5 Tag 6 Tag 7 Tag 8 Tag 9 Tag 10 Tag 11 Tag 12 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 Table 3.1: Test for Reliability of RFID 31 Using distribution in the Univariate Analysis which analyzes the summary of the frequency of individual values or ranges of values for a variable, the researchers have identified that the RFID tag of the user was the Tag # 7, and the researchers used the formula for the percentage error (see Appendix for computation) which led the test of RFID to have a hundred percent reliability of the data gathered. Hence, the cart was able to identify the user that it will follow: the null hypothesis was rejected. Figure 3.9: Sample Screenshot for Unknown Tag Figure 3.10: Sample Screenshot for User Tag 32 Problem 2: Is there any significant difference on the cart’s movement and the user’s movement? Null Hypothesis H0: There is no significant difference on the cart’s movement and the user’s movement. The second hypothesis stated that there is a significant difference on the cart’s movement and the user’s movement, which means that there is a significant error on the following of the cart. To prove the validity of the hypothesis, the researchers set-up series of tests wherein after the cart had already identified its corresponding user, and then the user moved to his/her directions, combinations of whether going left, going right, going forward or stop, the cart was expected to move to that user’s direction. In Table 3.2, there were 4 columns that indicate the 4 movement directions, and each column was divided into two: the actual column which was the movement of the cart, and the expected column which was the movement of the user. 33 Forward Left Stop Right Trial Actua l Expecte d Actua l Expecte d Actua l Expecte d Actua l Expecte d 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 5 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 5 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 7 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 8 4 4 1 1 1 1 0 2 9 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 10 3 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 Tota l 23 26 18 19 10 10 13 15 Table 3.2: Cart’s Movement following the User’s Movement The data in Table 3.2 shows the combination of movements of the user and the cart’s behavior relating to the user’s movement. The researchers devised this table by counting the number of movements the user did per trial. For example, in trial 1, the user decided to move one forward, one right, one left and one stop, in whatever sequence the user decided to go. The sequence the user decided to make might be: Forward Left Stop Right, etc. However, the researchers did not specify the movement patterns or the sequence of movements, for they are only interested in the magnitude response of the user’s and the cart’s movement and the same went on to the different trials. The expected column shows the tally of the user’s movement while the actual column shows the tally of the cart’s. 34 Forward Left Stop Right Total Success 23 18 10 13 64 Failure 3 1 0 2 6 Total 26 19 10 15 Table 3.3: Summary of Table 3.2 70 Table 3.3 shows the summary of the movement of the cart following the user. It shows the number of successes and failures of the cart, which simply pertains to its performance of following the user which then shows the differences between the cart’s and the user’s movement. To prove the hypothesis whether it is acceptable or not, the researchers used the test called the Chi-Square (X2) as shown in Appendix A. Figure 3.11: Sample Screenshot of the Cart following the User So the researchers obtained the Chi-Square (X2) Value of 1.9209 and the degree of freedom (df3) based on the number of rows and columns at 0.01 level of significance is 35 11.345. To be significant at .01 level with 3 degrees of freedom (df3), the X2should be equal to or greater than 11.345. Hence, there is no significant difference in the movement of the cart and the movement of the user, which indicates consistency of the cart’s performance in any direction it goes as led by the user, and that consistency is proven correct by just analyzing the ratio of the number of successes against the number of failures, the lowest percentage per movement is 86.67% (right) and the highest is 100% (stop), and accumulates the overall performance of 64/70 or 91.43%. Thus the null hypothesis is accepted. Problem 3: Can the cart be able to detect collisions during the following process? Null Hypothesis H0: The cart will not be able to detect collisions during the following process. The third hypothesis states that the cart won’t be able to detect collisions during the following process tested the capability of the cart to observe and detect collisions along the way and when detected, the cart will simply turn to halt, and when the signal between the user and the cart is disconnected (e.g. the user continued to walk while the cart stopped due to detected collision) the user’s belt will create a noise indicating that the cart’s not anymore following the user. So to make the cart be able to follow the user again, it’s the user’s duty to take away the collision from the cart. 36 To prove that the hypothesis is true and can be accepted, the researchers tested the functionality of the three sensors on the cart that detects the collision. The first two sensors tested were located on the two sides of the cart, positioned higher than the back wheels of the cart and were approximately one foot. from the ground. These sensors were used to detect left and right collisions especially when turning left or right. Examples are the street corners that could inflict damages to the cart and to the items inside the cart. The other sensor was called the bumper sensor located on the lower front part of the cart. This was used to detect collisions that were unseen by the user when moving forward. Examples of these obstacles were small objects with the height less than one foot, for they could not be neglected for they too can cause serious damages and delays to the cart and to the items inside the cart. Table 3.4 shows the results of the testing conducted. For the researchers to have a numerical data for this testing, they again used the binary numbers to indicate YES (1) if the cart was able to detect collisions, and the NO (0) if otherwise. 37 Trial Left Side Right Side Bumper 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 Total 10/10 = 100% 10/10 = 100% 10/10 = 100% Table 3.4: Tally of the Test for Collision Detection Based on the results shown in Table 3.4, the cart is 100% able to detect the collisions using the proximity sensors on the left and on the right, and also the bumper sensor on the front. Hence the null hypothesis was proven false. 38 Figure 3.12: Testing Collision Detection at the Right Figure 3.13: Testing Collision Detection at the Left 39 Figure 3.14: Testing Collision Detection at the Bumper Hypothesis Problem 4: Is there any significant difference between the weight reading using the weighing scale from the weight reading using the cart? Null Hypothesis H0: There is no significant difference between the weight reading using the weighing scale from the weight reading using the cart. The hypothesis above states that no significant difference exists between the theoretical weight reading or reading using the weighing scale and the obtained weight from the cart. Again to prove if the hypothesis is valid, the researchers conducted a test called the t-test. First, the researchers gathered the data of theoretical and actual weight reading of 10 different sample items listed in Table 3.5, and from that table we can now apply the t-test, see Appendix A. 40 Item Theoretical Weight using Weighing scale (kg) Obtained Weight from the Cart (kg) Weight Difference % Difference Pair of Shoes 1.56 1.57 0.01 0.64 Bundled Clothes 2.25 2.28 0.03 1.33 Canned Goods 2.82 2.85 0.03 1.06 Rice Grain 3.06 3.10 0.04 1.31 Drinking Water 3.32 3.36 0.04 1.20 Gas Tank 4.29 4.33 0.04 0.93 Medicine Ball 5.01 5.08 0.07 1.39 Plant Pot 5.56 5.64 0.08 1.44 Television 6.64 6.72 0.08 1.20 Books 7.54 7.66 0.08 1.06 Table 3.5: Data of Theoretical and Actual Weight Reading 41 Table 3.5 shows the weight readings of two different variables. It was also observed that the testing was limited to only 10 trials, and the weight testing was limited to maximum weight of 7.66 kgs, for the researchers assumed that the succeeding weights will also yield the same results. So the researchers obtained the T-Test Magnitude Value of 0.058143 and the degree of freedom (df18) that was based on the number of cases of Figure 3.15: Sample Screenshot for the Obtained Weight using the Cart the first and the second variable minus two at 0.01 level of significance. Thus, df18is 2.878, and to be significant at .01 with 18 degrees of freedom (df3), the t should be equal to or greater than 2.878. However the value of t obtained is less than 2.878, so there is no significant difference between the weight reading using the weighing scale and the weight reading using the cart, which also indicates the accuracy of the weight reading using the cart. Thus the null hypothesis is accepted. 42 Figure 3.16: Sample Screenshot for the Theoretical Weight using Weight Balance 43 REFERENCES Bluman, A. (2009). Elementary Statistics: A Step by Step Approach, 7th Edition, McGraw-Hill International Edition, New York, USA. Borenstein J., et al, (1997). 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MIT Laboratory for Computer Science 44 Chapter 4 CONCLUSION A leader-follower cart using Bluetooth and infrared technology with collision detection was designed and developed. The researchers tested the functionality of the cart including its capability to identify the user, follow the leader to any direction and detect collision and the accuracy of its weight reading. After testing and statistical analysis, the researchers conclude that the designed cart was able to satisfy the objectives of this study. Through Univariate analysis, the first test yields a weighted arithmetic mean of 100% proving that the cart is able to identify the user whom it will follow. The card is only able to identify the right user. Using Chi-Square analysis, the second test yields an overall performance of 64/70 or 91.43%. and showed that the cart can be able to consistently follow the identified user. After conducting the third test and yielding a 100% of arithmetic mean, the cart is able to detect collisions during the following process. Possible collisions from the front and both sides of the cart are successfully detected. Lastly, the final test using t-test analysis and T-Test magnitude value of 0.058143 proved that the cart is able to measure the weight of its load and the weight measurement from the load cell is properly displayed in an LCD panel. 45 Chapter 5 Recommendation Although the basic features of a leader-following cart with collision detection are achieved in this study, improvements can be done to enhance the capability of the present system. The usage of additional sensors can make the system detect more colliding object along the cart’s way during travel. user identification and activation can be done wirelessly using different technology such as Wi-Fi or ZigBee. The cart is limited to a maximum weight load of forty kilograms and so designing a similar system with more load capacity is appropriate to more industry application. Also, one of the limitations the researched have identified is placing a buzzer to notify the user that the cart carries weight exceeding to 40kgs. The belt can be improved by using smaller components for the electronic device connected to it; thus eliminating the need for the user to carry the device by hand. Lastly, the future researchers can make the speed of the cart vary according to the speed of the user. 46 APPENDIX A Statistical Computations 47 Hypothesis Problem 1: Can the cart be able to identify the user whom it will follow? Null Hypothesis H0: The cart will not be able to identify the user it will follow. Trial Tag 1 Tag 2 Tag 3 Tag 4 Tag 5 Tag 6 Tag 7 Tag 8 Tag 9 Tag 10 Tag 11 Tag 12 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 Correct = Error = Error= %Error = Hypothesis Problem 2: Is there any significant difference on the cart’s movement and the user’s movement? 48 Null Hypothesis H0: There is a significant difference on the cart’s movement and the user’s movement. Forward Left Stop Right Total Success 23 18 10 13 64 Failure 3 1 0 2 6 Total 26 19 10 15 70 Using the Chi-square Test, ∑ Where: is the Chi-square O is the Observed Frequency E is the Expected Frequency Expected Frequency Computation 49 O E O-E (O-E)2 23 23.7714 -0.7714 0.5951 0.0250 18 17.3714 0.6286 0.3951 0.0227 10 9.1429 0.8571 0.7346 0.0803 13 13.7143 -0.7143 0.5102 0.0372 3 2.2286 0.7714 0.5951 0.2670 1 1.6826 -0.6826 0.3951 0.2348 0 0.8571 -0.8571 0.7346 0.8571 2 1.2857 0.7143 0.5102 0.3968 Total 70 70.0540 0.0000 To find the degree of freedom (df) at level of significance ( ), (refer to figure 1) 50 1.9209 51 Hypothesis Problem 4: Is there any significant difference between the weight reading using the weighing scale from the weight reading using the cart? Null Hypothesis H0: There is no significant difference between the weight reading using the weighing scale from the weight reading using the cart. Item Pair of Shoes Bundled Clothes Canned Goods Rice Grain Drinking Water Gas Tank Medicine Ball Plant Pot Television Books Theoretical Weight using Weighing scale (kg) 1.56 2.25 2.82 3.06 3.32 4.29 5.01 5.56 6.64 7.54 Obtained Weight from the Cart (kg) Weight Difference % Difference 1.57 2.28 2.85 3.10 3.36 4.33 5.08 5.64 6.72 7.66 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.64 1.33 1.06 1.31 1.20 0.93 1.39 1.44 1.20 1.06 Using the t-test, ̅̅̅ √ Where: t = t-test ̅̅̅ = Mean of the First Variable ̅̅̅ = Mean of the Second Variable = Variance of the First Variable = Variance of the Second Variable 52 ̅̅̅ = Number of cases of the First Variable = Number of cases of the Second Variable ∑ ∑ Computation of the Arithmetic Mean ( ̅ ) ̅̅̅ ̅̅̅ ∑ ∑ Theoretical Weight (Weighing Scale) ̅̅̅ Obtained Weight (Cart) ̅̅̅ ̅̅̅ ̅̅̅ 1.56 -2.64 6.996025 1.57 -2.689 7.230721 2.25 -1.955 3.822025 2.28 -1.979 3.916441 2.82 -1.385 1.918225 2.85 -1.409 1.985281 3.06 -1.145 1.311025 3.10 -1.159 1.343281 3.32 -0.885 0.783225 3.36 -0.899 0.808201 4.29 0.085 0.007225 4.33 0.071 0.005041 5.01 0.805 0.648025 5.08 0.821 0.674041 5.56 1.355 1.836025 5.64 1.381 1.907161 6.64 2.435 5.929225 6.72 2.461 6.056521 7.54 3.335 11.122225 7.66 3.401 11.566801 53 Total 42.05 0 Computation of Variance ( ∑ ̅̅̅ ∑ ̅̅̅ 34.37325 42.59 0 35.49349 ) Computation of T-test ̅̅̅ ̅̅̅ √ √ √ ** Computation of the degree of freedom (df) at (refer to figure 2) 54 level of significance ( ), **Sign does not affect the obtained magnitude of t because the test is only focused in the difference between the means 55 APPENDIX B Schematic Diagrams 56 Schematic Diagram of Cart 57 Schematic Diagram of Belt 58
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