The Summer Before It All Counts!

8th Grade Year-End Party
At Fort Settlement Middle School
The Summer Before It All Counts!
Parents, CONGRATULATIONS! Your student has nearly completed middle school!
They are invited to join all of their 8th grade classmates at our year-end party
Friday, May 29th from 4:00 – 8:00p.m.
Please have them turn in all 3 attached forms & monies during lunch on
April 14, 15 or 16.
Form 1:
Chaperone sign-up sheet. We need you! Say YES!
Form 2:
Student permission Slip & Emergency Contact information (must have to participate)
Form 3:
Student sign-up sheet…
Mark if a vegetarian meal is desired.
Mark if you want to purchase the 8th grade t-shirt & which size.
Mark if any adults would also like a t-shirt & the size.
If you are chaperoning a dual-shift, you may request a meal for an additional $10.
Write check to FSMS PTO – memo: 8th grade party
Form 4:
Sponsorship form…there is still the opportunity to sponsor this fun event for our students.
Dress Code: Swimwear – conservative, no midriff showing, girls wear shorts over swimwear, all
students wear a t-shirt. Dance – look nice! Shoes or flip-flops always needed indoors.
swimsuit, flip-flops, towels, bag for wet items, and a change of clothes for dance (labeled)
Do Not Bring: personal electronic devices (gaming, music, camera, phone to be left in backpacks)
Parents pick up at 8:00 p.m. Students will exit through cafeteria.
Questions email: Sally Roden (
1 – Chaperone Form
At Fort Settlement Middle School
The Summer Before It All Counts!
Volunteers Name(s): ________________________________________________
Yes ___ No ____
I have completed the FBISD online criminal history forms at
If you answered NO, do you need assistance to complete this online criminal history form? ______
This needs to be completed no later than Monday, May 4, 2015.
Email: _____________________________Mobile (for day of):______________
Time Choice:
______Both Shifts (3:30 - 8:30) You may order dinner on the student forms for an additional $10
______First Shift (3:30 – 6:30) Please eat dinner at home.
______Second Shift (6:00 – 8:30) Please eat dinner at home.
Would you like to work inside_______ or outside________? (We’ll try to accommodate)
If you have a friend you’d like to work with, please print their name here______________________
Please sign up to help!
100 volunteers are needed to make this party a safe and enjoyable event for all!
We will need volunteers throughout the school – outside inflatable games, inside
games, concessions, game room, locker rooms, dinner, dance, hall monitors & more.
**Parents & friends may order an 8th grade t-shirt for an additional $20 on the student
registration from (#3). *If we don’t receive enough orders, t-shirt money will be reimbursed.
2 – Permission Slip & Emergency information
At Fort Settlement Middle School
The Summer Before It All Counts!
Please fill out this form* and return with other forms
April 14-16 during 8th grade lunches.
Please Print Clearly…
Student Name: Last: _____________________________First:_________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
City, Zip: ____________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name:
Cell Phone: ___________________________Home Phone: __________________________
Physician’s Name & Phone: ____________________________________________________
List any chronic or acute medical problems that we should be aware of:
List any allergies to food, pollen, insect bites, or medicines:
My signature below indicates that I give my child permission to attend the party at
FSMS on Friday, May 29th, 2015. I give my permission that any medications
administered normally at school may be given along with any emergency medical
treatment needed. I also acknowledge I have been informed that Fort Bend
Independent School District has immunity from any liability. I understand all FBISD
and campus regarding student conduct as well as 8th grade party and dress code rules
will be strictly enforced.
Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________ Date: ______________
3 – Registration Form & Payments
At Fort Settlement Middle School
The Summer Before It All Counts!
Please fill out this form* and return with cash or check (payable to FSMS PTO)
April 14-16 during 8th grade lunches.
 Cost per student is $10 and pays for dinner from Demeris Bar-B-Q & the
 Parents & students may order additional t-shirts for $20.
 To keep the dinner lines as short as possible, only chaperones working all
night may order dinner for an additional $10.
Student Name: _________________________________________________
Parent Phone: __________________________________________________
ELA Teacher & Period: __________________________________________
T-shirt size (adult sizes): S______ M______ L______ XL______
Vegetarian Meal Please: Yes_________
Student Cost (includes meal & party)
Optional Cost: T-shirts Adult size S___ M___ L____XL ___
@ $20.00 each x ________
Optional Cost: Chaperone Meal @ $10.00 x _________
(if working 3:30 – 8:30 dual shift and would like a meal) $
Optional Cost: Sponsorship
(checks made payable to FSMS PTO) check #______ or cash_____ $
*Turn in with permission form, chaperone form & monies during lunch
on either April 14, 15, or 16.
Questions: Sally Roden (
4 – Sponsors Donation
At Fort Settlement Middle School
The Summer Before It All Counts!
The students pay for their t-shirts & meals, but to make the party fabulous, we ask for
sponsorship to fund some higher budgeted items. This year we hope to include five
outdoor inflatables (like slides, climbing wall, etc.), a DJ, an ice cream machine, &
games to go with our theme. Many of you purchased memory bricks & t-shirts to help
support our event already…thank you!
If you are able to sponsor, simply fill out this form and return with the registration
papers to be collected on April 14 – 16 during 8th grade lunch.
Your Name: ___________________________ Student Name: ________________________
Company Name: _____________________________________________________________
Contact email: _________________________Contact Phone: ________________________
Please indicate your amount of sponsorship (any amounts are appreciated):
$__________ General Donation ($50, $100, or more)
$__________ Designated Donation (please indicate by checking a box below),
Inflatables ($250)
Photo Booth ($100)
DJ ($100)
Concessions ($50)
The Summer Before It All Counts Decorations ($100)
Would you like your student’s name, or your business to be recognized on signs
during the party?
 No, thank you
 Yes, please use the following_________________________________________
Your student’s name and/or business name will be placed on professionally made
signs. General Donations on one main sign & designated donations next to the item
you designate.
Thank you for your support!!!
*Your Sponsorship is tax deductible
FORT SETTLEMENT MIDDLE SCHOOL: 8th Grade End of Year Celebration
The 8th grade End of Year Celebration is Friday, May 29, 2015 from 4 - 8 pm at Fort Settlement Middle School.
If your child is planning on attending the event, please take the time now to review the expectations below.
Thank you.
8th Grade End of Year Celebration: All students must conduct themselves properly, safely, and with good
manners before, during, and after the event. All school rules are applicable. DRESS CODE applies at the
dance. Cell phones and cameras will not be allowed – they must be kept in backpacks.
4:00 – 4:30 pm
4:30 – 8:00 pm
8:00 – 8:15 pm
Event hours: 4:00 – 8:00 pm
Students are admitted to the celebration
Doors close at 4:30 pm – students must remain at the event until 8:00 pm unless
Arrangements have been made PRIOR to May 29th with a PRINCIPAL.
All students are to be picked up in the lot by the cafeteria by 8:15 pm.
Only students who are enrolled at Fort Settlement Middle School may attend the event. No exceptions.
Students who have received in-school suspension, or home suspension within 30 school
days of the event, may not attend.
In order to attend the dance, students must have attended school the day of the event, not be on the behavioral
no-go list, and must purchase a ticket in advance. The paperwork will be collected during 8th grade lunches on
April 14, 15 and 16. No student may attend without a signed permission slip from a parent. No permission slip,
no ticket. Students may not purchase tickets at the door on the night of the event.
Please remember, attending the 8th grade End of Year Celebration is a privilege, not a right. Unacceptable
behavior may result in the student having to leave the event. Parents will be called for
transportation. Appropriate school consequences will also be enforced.
Student events at FSMS are safe and fun and these rules are in place to keep them that way.