File - The Falcons` Nest

March 9 – 20, 2015
Spring Break Edition
“The National Junior Honor Society is the nation's premier organization
established to recognize outstanding middle level students. More than just an
honor roll, NJHS serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence
in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship and character. These
characteristics have been associated with membership in the organization since its
beginning in 1929." (
We have been busy identifying eligible students to participate next year. Students
must have maintained an average of 93 or above in their core classes (ELA, Math,
Science AND Social Studies) during 6th grade and through the first semester of 7th
grade, and have a clear record of conduct. Last week, letters were hand delivered
to all eligible students. If your child received a letter, please read it carefully and
follow the instructions for application. There are also instructions in case you are
not able to participate. We hope you will consider being part of this great
If students do not qualify for NJHS is middle school – this does NOT disqualify
them for admittance to National Honor Society in high school!
History Day Competition
On Saturday February 21, FSMS had 40 students with 15 projects competing in the
Regional History Day Competition at Sartartia Middle School. Congratulations go
out to Divij B. for his 3rd place website; Kelly C., Annie Z., Jennifer G., and
Catherine D for their 4th place performance; and Sneha S. and Sai C. for their 4th
place exhibit.
State Level Geography Bee
CONGRATULATIONS TO SEAN D. Sean has qualified to compete in the state level
competition of the National Geographic Bee, sponsored by Plum Creek! The
state Bee will be held on Friday, March 27, 2015. GOOD LUCK SEAN!!
ALSO!!!!! Congratulations go out to Kelly C. She was selected as the
Outstanding National History Day Student for the Fort Bend Region. She will be
recognized at the Texas History Day Award Ceremony on May 2, 2015 in Austin,
Texas. Way to go Kelly!!
Speech & Theatre SpringFest Success
The advanced Theatre Arts 7 class competed at the 2015 SpringFest Theatre &
Speech Festival on February 28th. The majority of our students received a
Superior rating, the highest rating achievable. The following students advanced to
the finals!!
- A Nath in Extemporaneous Speaking
- J Goldwait & N Burgardt in Duet Improv
- N Kon & J Ashton in Duet Improv
- V Charthad, A Patel, P Venkat, & Josephine Yau in Design
These students brought home FIRST PLACE MEDALS:
- J Goldwait & N Burgardt in Duet Improv
- V Charthad, A Patel, P Venkat, & J Yau for their set design of "Persephone."
EVERY student deserves a round of applause for their dedication, maturity, and
excellent representation of FSMS! WE ARE PROUD OF YOU!!
All students should have completed their course requests online and turned in
their signed course selection sheets to the counselors' office.
Parents/guardians of 8th graders must not only sign off on their student's
Endorsement on the course selection sheet, but also do an electronic signature in
Skyward Family Access through their PARENT ACCOUNT. We are finding many
parents/guardians have only used their student's account for information.
Knowing your own parent login will become even more important with all of the
House Bill 5 changes. Please let us know in the counselors' office if you need
PLEASE make sure to visit our Counselor’s Corner of the Fort Settlement Weebly~ we
have posted all of the information from Course Selection Night here.
A note from the FSMS clinic….
Parents of current 6th graders…The state of Texas requires all students entering
the 7th grade to show proof of receiving 3 vaccines – Tdap, second varicella, & a
meningitis vaccine – before the start of the new school year. Many 6th grade
students have already received the required vaccines but their updated record
has never been given to the FSMS clinic. If you have not done so, please submit a
copy of their updated record to the clinic prior to June 1st, 2015. Please feel free
to call with any questions or concerns. Thanks!
Jennifer Setera MSN, RN
281-327-6505 (fax)
It is cold and flu season! If possible, our teachers would appreciate Kleenex and
hand sanitizer for their classrooms to help keep everyone healthy! THANK YOU!
2015 STAAR Assessment Information
In the coming months, students across Texas will take various assessments within the
State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) program. Current 6th
graders will take a test for math and reading, 7th graders will test in writing, math, and
reading, and 8th graders will take math, reading, social studies, and science. For
students in Algebra or taking English I or Biology at the high school, an End-of-Course
(EOC) assessment will also be taken.
We have been working hard all year following state and district curriculum and with
targeted tutorial sessions to ensure the success of all FSMS students. The information
below outlines the upcoming testing dates and other essential information. As we get
closer to testing, you will receive more details to consider on these testing days. It is
imperative that your student be at school and on time for the days these exams
are given. Remember, students in 8th grade must pass the reading test in order to
advance to 9th grade. Additionally, EOC scores count towards your student’s
graduation requirements.
Monday, March 30--English I EOC
Monday, March 30--7th Grade Writing--Day 1; Testing will include an Editing & Revising
portion and 1 Writing Sample
Tuesday, March 31--7th Grade Writing--Day 2; Testing will include an Editing &
Revising portion and 1 Writing Sample
Tuesday, March 31--8th Grade Reading
Monday, April 20--8th Grade Math
Tuesday, April 21--6th & 7th Grade Math
Tuesday, April 21--8th Grade Social Studies
Wednesday, April 22--6th & 7th Grade Reading
Wednesday, April 22--8th Grade Science
Tuesday, May 5--Algebra I EOC
Wednesday, May 6--Biology EOC
If you have any questions regarding testing, please contact Susan Bakus, Campus
Improvement Specialist for Fort Settlement Middle School at or 281-634-6544. For additional information, also
visit .
STAAR Test Day Reminders for Students/Parents
In order to meet state testing security requirements, parents will not be allowed to visit
classrooms or drop off lunches on testing days. Please encourage your child to pay
attention in class, complete all of their assignments, and attend school tutorials,
especially if it is a teacher recommendation. In addition, please help make sure that
your child arrives on time each testing day having had sufficient rest and a good
breakfast in order to be successful.
• Avoid scheduling doctor’s appointments on these dates.
• ALL STAAR and EOC tests are timed tests!
• Students are expected to bring a fiction book to read at the conclusion of their
testing (NO iPads, Kindles, or other e-readers are allowed). Textbooks, nonfiction books, or homework will also not be permitted. (State of Texas rules)
• Cell phones, music devices, data storage devices, video games, or cameras
are NOT permitted. Students in violation will receive ‘no credit’ on their state
assessments and are subject to disciplinary action. Students are not allowed to
have a cell phone on their person at any time during state testing.
Other Important Notes for testing:
• Student rosters with testing locations will be posted on Advisory teachers’ doors
several days in advance of ALL testing so that students are aware of their testing
location. We will be discussing this with all students.
• Students involved in testing will need to eat a good breakfast on testing dates.
NO SNACKS are provided or allowed during testing. Students may bring bottled
water to keep under their desk.
• On testing days, students will eat lunch in their classroom. ALL students
need to bring a SACK LUNCH to school on testing days. Only SACK lunches
will be available for students from the cafeteria.
One more important item to be addressed: Every year I receive emails that
from families who state they were not aware of semester exams and have
planned travel and their children will need to miss school.
Please remember that Semester Exams are scheduled for June 1, 2, 3 and 4
this year. June 3rd and 4th are 12:50 pm early dismissal days. Exams are
NOT given early because of travel. Grades must be posted and records
transferred - please schedule trips AFTER the school year has finished.
Next week is spring break for our students and faculty. To me, spring is a time of new
beginnings and spring break is always a much needed rest from the hustle and bustle of every
day. Regardless of how you and your family spend the break—even if it is just hanging around
the house—I hope you and your children have an opportunity to engage in some “spring
cleaning” as we prepare for the home stretch of the school year. We probably all define spring
cleaning in different and personally meaningful ways, such as catching up on some long-delayed
project or chores, or simply taking a few moments to review your goals. For me, personally, I
am refreshed by the privilege of working with a group of people as dedicated and talented as
the faculty, staff, students, who make up our community of Fort Settlement Middle School.
I will be visiting with one of my very best friends and catching up on all our family events for
part of my spring break. It’s always nice to reminisce and catch up with friends. I also plan to do
some reading and there will be a little bit of work for me as we begin preparing for next school
year. However you plan to spend spring break, I hope the time is restful and enjoyable, and an
opportunity to focus on yourself, family and friends. And for those of you planning to travel, my
best wishes for a safe and fun-filled trip.
Spring Picture Day will be Thursday, March 19. Lifetouch will be set up on the
stage during lunches.
Order forms will be given to students on Monday, March 16, 2015. Only students
who bring an order form with payment on March 19 will be photographed.
The FSMS PALS will be hosting a "Tackling Hunger Food Drive" March
16th through March 19th! This is the week after spring break and the week
of Powder Puff. We will be collecting at school all week as well as at the
Powder Puff game! Please bring any non-perishable food items for
Thank you in advance for your support!! #JJWattVisitFSMS
Come out to watch our 7th and 8th grade girls play some flag football
while the rest of us tackle hunger! March 19 at 4:30pm!! See you
Coaches will be offering volleyball open gym to girls on the following Fridays. Students
will be able to come in, play a game, or just hit the volleyball around. We look forward to
seeing! 3/20, 4/10, 4/24
Join the FSMS Tri Team
Join the Fort Settlement Tri team at the Houston Texans Kids Triathlon April 19, 2015
at the University of Houston (Free 7 week training program available)
If your child came home asking you to sign them up for the Houston Texans Kids
triathlon, you will find all the information you need at
There was also a brochure that went home explaining how to register for the race. Click
this link to register for the race:
Don’t forget to list the Fort Settlement team!! The closest FREE YMCA 7 week
training that still has availability is being offered at: T.W. Davis Family YMCA Wednesdays at 5:00 PM starting February 18th Contact: Kathy Szypulski
West Orem Family YMCA - Saturdays at 2:00 PM starting February 21st Contact:
Cleveland Landheart -
There will also be a FREE 3 hour clinic if you aren’t able to participate in the 7 week
training, Saturday April 11 from 1-4pm at the Ft. Bend YMCA. You must register in
advance by contacting Michael McCordic -
You must be registered for the race in order to sign up for any of the free training.
Our school will receive $10 back for each member of the team (as long as we have a
minimum of 10 students on our team). Former students and friends can also sign up for
the Fort Settlement team.
Dream league is a division of First Colony Little League for children with
special needs. Volunteers are needed to help over 100 players in a variety
of ways. Your child does not need to know ANYTHING about baseball –
they just need to want to help others! If you are interested in volunteering
please visit for more information and for the
season schedule. The next games will be on March 21, 2015 with games
at 9:00 am and 10:30 am. Please come out and cheer these kids on!
Use your creative skills to design a t-shirt! Submit you graphic design to be the
inspiration for FSMS fall 2015 spirit wear on an 8 x 11 piece of paper with your name
and contact info on the back.
We are looking for simple designs that can be printed in one or two colors.
ease join Fort Settlement and the Fort Bend community by participating in the
WALK on March 28, 2015
Location: Sugar Land Memorial Park
15300 University Blvd.
Sugar Land, Texas 77479
1 MILE starts 9:00 AM
5K starts 9:30 AM
(Course is USTAF certified and chip-timed)
Register online at This organization and its activities are not related to or
sponsored by Fort Bend ISD.
7th Grade Students! The Deadline has been extended!!
Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush is proud to announce the kick-off of the 2015 Texas
Travels Essay Contest for 7th grade students.
The essay contest encourages students to read and write about cities, towns, and distinct
geographic locales that are significant to the development of this state, as well as the brave
individuals who pioneered vast and uncharted areas of Texas.
One grand prize award winner will receive round trip airline tickets for four to San Antonio from
any Southwest Airlines destination in Texas, hotel accommodations for two nights and
complimentary tickets to attractions provided by the San Antonio Convention & Visitors Bureau,
and an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour of the Alamo.
Entries must be received by March 13!!
Contest rules are available online at:
If you need information about Fort Settlement – check out our weebly site: