Franciscan School of Theology Course Schedule Academic Year 2015/16 Fall 2015 Instructor J. Kiesler Hybrid Format Course Course # ST 501 Units 3 Course Title Theology, Church & World: Intro. to Theology Term Time F 15 M 8-11AM An introductory course in theology which will discuss sources, methodology, relationship to the world, and an understanding of the Catholic Magisterium. This course will consist of lectures, small group discussion, written midterms and finals as well as a short oral class presentation. Intended audience is first year theology students. J. Kiesler ST 602 3 Introduction to Liberation Theology F 15 Th 1-4AM This course will be an introduction to liberation theology, reviewing its historical development, principal concepts, and shifting fortunes. Special importance will be paid to possible relevance in the context of the United States R. Murray ST 606 3 Introduction to Interfaith Dialogue F 15 M 8-11 AM This course will examine the Roman Catholic Church’s involvement in ecumenical and interfaith dialogue. It will include discussion of the historical context of the dialogue, some of the major primary documents related to it, and the theological and ecclesiological issues that have shaped it. The course will take a critical look at both the successes and the challenges that have accompanied the dialogue, from both theological and institutional perspectives. G. Galvin OT 501 3 Introduction to the Old Testament F 15 Tu 6-9PM After introducing the Bible and its study, this course seeks to present an integrated overview of the Old Testament, its main theological traditions and the historical contexts in which they grew. M. Guinan OT 503 3 Wisdom Literature F 15 Fri 8-11 AM A survey of the wisdom material of the OT, seeing it as an attitude, a movement, and a literature. Wisdom theology is looked at within the context of the OT as well as our contemporary theological situation. M. B. Ingham ST 502 3 Bio-Medical Ethics F 15 F 8-11AM This course is designed to provide an historical and analytical review of the substance of Catholic teaching on medical ethics, the style of moral reasoning used in the Catholic tradition and a survey of specific cases as they are debated and decided within the church. The objectives of the course are to provide students with the background and contemporary positions of Catholic teaching on medical ethics, with an understanding of the dynamic of decision and dissent within the tradition and with a review of the public and social positions taken by the Catholic church on biomedical questions. W. ShortSP 503 3 Themes in Franciscan Spirituality F 15 T 1-4PM An examination of fundamental themes of Franciscan Spirituality: Incarnation; creation, image of God (in nature, in human person); Christocentrism; poverty; Mary and church; brother-sister relationships. Figures will include Francis, Clare, Bonaventure with some references to later mystics W. Short SP 602 3 Franciscan Trads. of Reconciliation/Peace F15 Th 8 -11 Francis of Assisi (1182-1226) is a well-known champion of peace-making, encouraging peace among Muslims and Christians during the time of the Crusades, and working to resolve civil conflicts between opposing parties in Italian city-states. This course will examine the Christian tradition of peace-making before Francis, his place within that tradition, and later pacemakers inspired by his example. E. Constantinou NT 504 3 Synoptic Gospels F 15 W 6-9PMF An introduction to the Synoptic Gospels, their historical context, theological message, along with questions of their significance for the development of early Christian communities. J. Sabak LS 501 3 Introduction to Liturgy F 15 F 6-9; S 9-4 An introductory course on fundamental elements of Catholic Liturgy, including historical development of celebration of the Eucharistic liturgy, organization of liturgical space, important Church norms on liturgical practice and theology. (Class meets monthly on 2nd Fri.-Sat. of the month) W. Hellman LS 601 3 Why Sacraments? Bonaventure Responds F 15 T 9-12N This course will investigate St. Bonaventure’s sacramental theology, primarily as found in his Commentary on the Sentences of Peter Lombard, Book Four. A study of this text will include attention to his use of sources found in the earlier tradition. Students will creatively pursue how Bonaventure’s vision might enrich contemporary sacramental theology. T. West PS 501 3 Ministry Seminar I F 15 W 8-11AM This is the first in a series of seminars required for MDiv students. The course consists of lectures on pastoral ministry, field placements, and group theological reflection exercises. R. Murray PS 503 3 Ministry Seminar III F15 W 8-11AM This is a continuation of the seminars required for MDiv students with a special emphasis on multicultural issues. The course consists of lectures, field placements, and group theological reflection exercises. T. West PS 502 1.5 Professional Ethics for Ministry F15 4 Sat. morns Linked to Ministry Seminar I, a series of additional meetings and workshop-format events will provide important formation in Professional Ethics for students preparing for ministry in various sectors of Church and society. J. Burns HS 502 3 Hist. of Poverty in US & RC Church F 15 M 6-9PM Though the United States has always been regarded as a land of plenty, not all Americans have been able to enjoy its bounty. Since the nation's inception, the poverty of some has been a reality. This course will chart the ebb and flow of poverty in the history of the United States, the nation's response and attitudes towards poverty, and the Roman Catholic Church's response to that poverty. D. Pryds SP 603 3 Spirituality of Dying and Death F 15 M 1-4PM This course offers an intermediate overview of the history and practice of dying. Since the subject of this course is universal, there is no pretension of being comprehensive. Instead, this course explores some fundamental issues related to the history and practice of dying and death customs primarily in Christian cultures. Some effort is made to include other religious practices and students will be given ample latitude to explore the subjects and cultures that interest them. W. Hellman ST 605 3 Francis of Assisi and Francis of Rome: F15 Th 6-9PM Perspectives on the Church This course will research and compare a selection of writings of St. Francis and of Pope Francis, in view of understanding their Gospel vision. Their guidelines for ongoing renewal of the ecclesial life of Christians will be critically applied toward Church life today. D. Pryds HS 601 3 History of Women and Religious Leadership F 15 Tu 6-9PM This course is an intermediate course exploring the history of women in leadership roles within Christianity. Methodologically, the course explores the topic of how women have achieved leadership roles throughout Christian history, therefore the lectures will be historical in nature and students will be expected to use historical method in their analyses. There will be ample room for student-generated input based on experience and research. In fact, students must anticipate being active cocreators of this course, since the topic is too broad for any single professor to teach in a comprehensive way. *Course Schedule subject to revision by Office of the Dean. Key: F 15 J 16 S 16 Sm 16 CE HS LS NT OT PS SP ST Fall 2015 January 2016 Spring 2016 Summer 2016 Christian Ethics/Moral Theology Historical Studies Liturgical Studies New Testament Studies Old Testament Studies Pastoral Studies Spirituality Studies Systematic Theology
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