HNG Involvement Advantage
We are excited that you are interested in the Hispanic Network Group! Below are a few key components that will
provide you with a brief overview of who we are as a business resource group and how you can become involved.
We hope you will join us!
Our Mission
The Hispanic Network Group (HNG) is CBRE’s business resource group that supports Hispanic and Latino
professionals across the Americas by promoting diversity and inclusion while providing opportunities for these
professionals to further develop their career, increase their engagement with CBRE, and achieve greater success
for its members and the company.
The HNG’s collaborative and entrepreneurial mindset fosters growth for individual members, for the HNG
organization and for CBRE as a whole. The HNG also seeks opportunities to engage in the Hispanic community
in both business and philanthropic endeavors.
Our Purpose
• Expand our members’ careers and professional success by connecting across business lines and geographies
across the Americas
• Exchange of valuable industry information and education
• Engage in philanthropic efforts that give back to the communities our members serve
Our Benefits
• Collaboration
- Developing a stronger Hispanic and Latino network across the Americas
- Information Exchange among colleagues throughout the Americas
Business Development
- Identification of business develop opportunities that embrace diversity while increasing earning potential
for the company and sales professionals
- Retention, advancement and recruitment of Hispanics and Latinos across the Americas
Career Guidance
- Access to professional development, mentoring and career growth opportunities
- Exclusive professional training and seminars for members
Community Service
- Engagement with Hispanic and Latino communities through community service and outreach
- Deepen civic involvement among Hispanics and Latinos
- Quarterly calls to report committee progress and educate members on various topics
- Quarterly newsletter featuring timely HNG updates, best practices and key wins among our members
- Annual In-person conference featuring engaging speakers and innovative breakout sessions
For more information,
please contact:
Elizabeth Cross
HNG Co-Chair
T +1 305 428 6373
Christian Perez Giese
HNG Co-Chair
T +1 915 313 8801
HNG Involvement Advantage
Name: ____________________________________________________
Title: ______________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________
City / State / Zip:____________________________________________
Community Involvement and
Philanthropy Committee
Christian Perez Giese
Mission: The Community
Involvement and Philanthropy Committee
Serves its HNG Members by Providing
the Opportunity for the HNG Members to
Become Involved in Valuable Philanthropic
Efforts that Give Back to the Community
Email Address:______________________________________________
Phone Number: _____________________________________________
Line of Business: ____________________________________________
Supervisor Name: ___________________________________________
I would like to be engaged in the following:
HNG Member
A member of the HNG group at large who benefits form the
educational and networking opportunities the HNG offers
HNG Committee Participant
A participant of a specific committee that leads a specific topic
in which you have a passion
HNG Committee Chair
Currently there are two Chair positions open for candidates
who are seeking to lead in either of these capacities:
____ Community Involvement and Philanthropy Committee
____ Networking, Information Exchange and Events Committee
HNG Field Delegate Program
This grass roots program is in development and will be launched
in the fourth quarter of this year. It will provide opportunities for
geographic leadership of the HNG where these leaders will
establish a network of Field Delegates that will hold meetings,
seminars and events regionally / locally with the purpose of
recruiting and retaining potential HNG members that would
like to become involved.
Networking, Information
Exchange and Events
Elizabeth Cross
Mission: The Networking, Information
Exchange and Events Committee Serves
its HNG Members by Promoting the
Exchange of Valuable Industry Information
and Education, and Providing Increased
Networking Opportunities through its
signature Hispanic Network Conference.
Professional Development,
Career Opportunities and
Internship Committee
Frank Alvarado
Mission: The Professional Development,
Career Opportunities and Internship
Committee Serves its HNG Members by
promoting the recruitment, and retaining,
development and promotion of Hispanic
Professionals to and within CBRE.
Business Development
Armando Nunez
Mission: To facilitate business opportunities
that allow Hispanic Networking Group
members to successfully grow their business
and increase company revenue.