Call for Papers (as PDF file, 96 KB )
Call for Papers
7th ReCapNet Conference
Real Estate, Financial Stability,
and the Macroeconomy
Mannheim, November 6 – 7, 2015
The Leibniz Network on Real Estate Markets and Capital Markets (ReCapNet) focuses on the interactions
between real estate markets and capital markets. The seventh conference of the network takes place at ZEW
in Mannheim on November 6 and 7, 2015.
The main theme of this year’s conference is “Real Estate, Financial Stability, and the Macroeconomy”.
The conference is supported by the Stiftung Geld und Währung (Frankfurt am Main).
A non-exhaustive list of potential topics:
Real estate “bubbles”: identification and consequences for financial stability
Regulation of real estate financing, such as macroprudential policies
Cyclical and long-run developments in the real estate market and the macroeconomy
Housing, household portfolio choice and asset pricing
Spill overs between real estate markets and capital markets
Submissions on the topics mentioned above or other aspects of the nexus between real estate markets
and capital markets are encouraged. Papers will be selected based on a competitive double-blind peerreview process. Contributions by both, established as well as junior researchers, are welcome.
Keynote Lecture: Kevin Lansing – Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Paper Submission: Please submit full papers to no later than July 15, 2015.
Valid submissions should include:
ͮͮ A PDF version of your paper; please remove any information that allows tracing your identity (e.g. file
metadata, acknowledgements, references to institutions).
ͮͮ Your full contact details in the body of the submission email.
Submission Deadline: July 15, 2015
Notification of Acceptance: August 30, 2015
Scientific Committee: Shaun Bond · Roland Füss · Seow Eng Ong · Felix Schindler · Steffen Sebastian ·
Willi Semmler · Eva Steiner · Bertram Steininger · Peter Westerheide
Organisers: Oliver Lerbs · Dominik Rehse · Michael Schröder
Costs: The registration fee is EUR 150 for academic researchers and EUR 250 for professionals. Speakers
and discussants may apply for financial support from ZEW to cover travel expenses after notification of
acceptance. Accommodation for speakers and discussants will be covered by ZEW. Please do not hesitate
to contact the organisers if you require any further information.
Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) Mannheim
Oliver Lerbs · Dominik Rehse · Michael Schröder
P.O. Box 10 34 43 · 68034 Mannheim · Germany
Phone: +49-621-1235-147/-378/-140, Fax +49-621-1235-223
Internet: · ·