• • • • • • • • Tatsuno meters, proven accuracy and calibration stability Distinctive low-profile design featuring aluminum powdercoated panels New head design, providing excellent illumination of displays and housing all core controls for easy access Large, unobscured panels for clear corporate branding Excellent hose reach Colour coded grade identification on nozzle, holster and price display Nozzle boots anti-kink sleeves and splash guards as standard Preset for automatic delivery in whole dollar increments (max $999) LCD product totes 1 or 4 product versions – modular hydraulics allow later field conversion • • • • • • • Pump or dispenser variants Easily serviced spin-on type filters for cleaner fuel with dispensers Electro-mechanical totalisators for backup of fuel delivery total ZVA ‘Drip-Stop’ nozzles on diesel hoses 25-mm hose and nozzles for higher flow on diesel nozzles Product Identification Badges to fit ZVA nozzles – with customer specific artwork All way nozzle swivels for ease of use M O D ELS Type PUMPS Body Size One Product/Single Hose To Three Product/Six Hose 280 mm 208 mm Products 1.0M = 2 Prod *1.2M = 3 Prod 1.4M = 3 Prod *LPG Not Available DISPENSERS 510 mm 2530 mm • 958 mm • 988 mm OPTIONS M U L T I P E C F E AT U R E S MULTIPEC SPECIFICATION FOR PEC 9000 SE RIES PUMPS AND DIS PENSERS One Product/Single Hose To Four Product/Eight Hose 1.0M = 2 Prod *1.2M = 3 Prod *1.4M = 4 Prod All Standard Petrol/Diesel + LPG + E10 Mix + Bio Diesel 100 mm All Standard Petrol / Diesel + E10 Mix + Bio Diesel Blends 1390 mm HOSE SUSPENSION OPTIONS Flex Extension Flex One Piece Hose Pipe Bend Fixed 2530 mm One Piece Hose Fixed H Y D R AU LICS Duo Hydraulic Modules – field upgradeable convertible Two meters, valves and motor/submersible controlled from on-board AC Control system. Delivery speed Single Hose 40 lpm 16mm Hose Both Hoses 35 lpm Suction Head Pumps Only 4.0 m (Petrol @ 25oC @ sea-level) Metering Tatsuno MP-02515-G Flowmeter Better than 0.05% Air Separation Tatsuno PGS-0257-L Pumping Unit Better than 99.95% se Ba m ls 0m ne 40 Pa mm 0 53 E L ECTR ON ICS ElPEC Intrinsically safe electronics system – Ex 1025x Unsafe components housed in ExD Junction boxes – Ex 969-1 5 Digit, $ 990.00 Transflective, backlit LCDs. Or 6 Digit $9990.00 Display Total Price Display Total Volume 5 Digit, 990.00 litres Transflective, backlit LCDs. Or 6 DIG $9990.00 Display Unit Price 4 Digit, $ 9.999 Transflective, backlit LCDs (Includes second line with 8 digit tote display on configuration) Display Preset 5 Digit, $ 999.00 Transflective, backlit LCDs. Pulser 07434 Intrinsically safe pulser Tote Digital 8 digit totalisator for Total volume per grade. Tote - optional Electro Mechanical 7 digit totalisator for Total Volume per grade Forecourt Communications PEC Two wire current loop – 12v. Gilbarco Aust Two wire parallel – 40v PEC Fuel Pumps Ltd 2 Station Rd Marton New Zealand Tel: +64 6 327 6730 www.pec.co.nz E L ECTR ICAL SYSTEMS Motor 750 w 750 w Exd and IEC certified motor Solenoid Valves Asco PVG 29221 230 vac, Exd two stage solenoid valve + Flanged Option MECH AN ICAL SYSTEMS Hose AS 2683 16 mm AS 2683 compliant Nozzle ZVA 4/4 ZVA 20 mm Automatic Nozzle Dry-break couplings ZVA SSB16 ZVA 16 dry-break at nozzle Dry-break coupling-optional ZVA ES Break ZVA 16 mm dry-break with allway swivel at nozzle CONTACT: Australia email: derek.hjelm@pec.co.nz mobile: +61 424 164814 NZ email: pecsom@pec.co.nz MULTIPEC Pump Range MULTIPEC PEC F U E L PUMPS P RO FILE PEC FUEL PUMPS IS A LEADING SUPPLIER OF INNOVATIVE, FUEL DISPENSING EFTPOS, SECURITY ACCESS CONTROL EQUIPMENT, MOTOR CONTROLLERS AND GPS PRODUCTS TO THE INTERNATIONAL MARKET. FOUNDED IN 1939, PEC IS BASED IN BASED PRODUCTS. MARTON, CENTRALLY LOCATED IN THE LOWER NORTH ISLAND OF NEW ZEALAND. RECENTLY PEC'S CONTRACT MANUFACTURING FACILITIES HAVE HAD A FURTHER MULTI- IN 1999, THE GALLAGHER GROUP OF HAMILTON PURCHASED PEC. MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS, OFFERING FUEL PUMP DESIGNS THAT INCORPORATE MILLION DOLLAR INVESTMENT AND UTILISE A MODERN, COMPUTERISED PRODUCTION SYSTEM BASED ON THE MRP-II MODEL. THE COMPANY IS FULLY CERTIFIED TO THE THE RELIABILITY OF THE TATSUNO FUEL METERING SYSTEM WITH THE INNOVATION ISO 9001:2000 STANDARD. OF CUSTOMISED ELECTRONICS. THIS INNOVATION AND DIVERSIFICATION FUTURE PROOFS PEC AND CONTINUES THE FLEXIBILITY OF PEC’S MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS HAS ALLOWED GROWTH INTO GROWTH PATHS. CONTRACT MANUFACTURING. IN RECENT YEARS PEC HAVE MANUFACTURED HI-TECH PRODUCTS FOR A WIDE VARIETY OF CUSTOMERS - INCLUDING RETAIL POINT OF SALE, PEC MULTIPEC RANGE Featuring classic low profile and simple modular architecture the PEC Display has been enhanced with larger, bolder 32mm characters for Volume MULTIPEC Fuel Dispenser range builds on a strong reputation. and Sale totals. The unit price display also features a second line for product 1 to 8 hoses dispensing a range of products including motor spirit, diesel volume totals. and LPG. Both pressure fed and suction models are available. The modular design offers consistency across the forecourt and to the customer. The MULTIPEC range use approved hydraulic components and intrinsically safe electronics to allow a wide range of configurations. The chassis and housing is consistent throughout the model range, with the number and type of hydraulic modules varying to suit the product mix and hose count. The housing encloses all the hydraulics in the lower area of the pump with nozzle holsters fitted to the front and rear panels. Excellent hose reach is achieved without the need for retractors. Large advertising areas are created by the housing – unobscured by hoses. Attached to the hose column, the display head creates a well-lit panel for displays, and controls. Inside, all the core electronic and electrical components are housed, simplifying servicing access. KEY BENEFITS High Accuracy • Low product give-away through the use of Tatsuno meters. • Tatsuno meters have a deserved reputation for reliability, accuracy and calibration stability. To back this up, PEC offer a 3-year replacement guarantee. Low cost of ownership • Reliable PEC electronic systems, providing control, display and communication functions. • PEC electronics have a strong reputation for reliability and low-cost repair as a result of simple system architecture, sound design and quality manufacturing. • Durable powdercoated panels for long life. No claims have ever been lodged against PEC’s 5year corrosion guarantee.
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