Novated Leasing Driver Guide

Novated Leasing
Driver Guide
Introduction to
Novated Leasing
This pack has been developed by Custom Fleet to provide you with an overview of our Novated Leasing
products and services. One of the main benefits of Novated Leasing is choice. You can choose your preferred
vehicle, lease type and term. Throughout the process Custom Fleet’s dedicated team of Novated specialists
are there to help you select a lease that is right for you.
To make an enquiry, please call 1800 811 922.
What is a Novated Lease?
A Novated Lease is a popular form of finance where you
as an employee (as Lessee) enter into an agreement with
Custom Fleet (as Lessor) to obtain the right to use a
vehicle in exchange for making lease payments.
The principle of a Novated Lease is that you lease a
vehicle as part of your salary package and transfer your
obligations for lease payments to your employer under
the Lease Agreement. Your employer then deducts the
lease payments from your pre-tax salary.
Operating Costs
Vehicle Lease
Three way
A Novated Lease allows you, as an employee, to pay for
your motor vehicle running expenses and lease
repayments out of pre-tax dollars.
Deed of Novation
A Novated Lease is a 3 way agreement between the
employee, the employer and Custom Fleet
What is included?
When you choose a Novated Lease, you will gain access to a full suite of Fleet Management features throughout the entire
lifecycle of the lease. These features are seamlessly managed through our Custom Fleet Novated Leasing specialists,
providing personalised assistance to you.
(Standard on an
Operating Lease)
Lease Rental
& Infringement
Novated Leasing
Fleet Card
& Fuel
& Tyre
Fleet Management Features
• V
ehicle Acquisition – Custom Fleet can manage the
acquisition of your vehicle. This saves you the hassle
of finding the vehicle and you can leverage Custom
Fleet’s buying power to get great discounts.
• N
ovated Lease Rental – Financing of your vehicle
is covered as part of your monthly Novated Lease
payments. You have the option to choose between
an operating or finance lease.
• F leet Card & Fuel Management – Fleet Card is
accepted at over 6,000 participating multi-branded
fuel outlets around the country. Discounts may also
be available when fuel is purchased online.
• M
aintenance & Tyre Management – Choose either
fully maintained or budgeted maintenance options to
cover servicing and repair expenses, so you only pay
for what you need. Through our Repair Authorisation
Centre, our qualified Fleet Service Representatives
ensure only appropriate maintenance and servicing
is performed. It is completed in accordance with
manufacturer or other industry recognised guidelines.
Our package may include a nominated number of
replacement tyres depending on the kilometre limit
of the lease.
• B
reakdown Assistance – Our Driver Helpline is
available 24/7 for drivers requiring roadside assistance.
Please contact us on 1300 139 555 for support.
• A
ccident Management – In the event of vehicle
accidents, this service manages the process for you
while minimising motor vehicle repair costs.
We will provide you with help 24/7, Australia-wide.
Please contact us on 1300 139 555 for support.
• O
nline Reporting – Custom Fleet’s online reporting
system, Key Access, gives you unlimited access to
electronic vehicle reports.
• R
egistration & Infringement Management –
The cost for registration is included in your lease, and
will be paid by Custom Fleet. Fines can be managed
by Custom Fleet and charged back to your account.
• C
omprehensive Insurance – You must take out
comprehensive insurance with a Novated Lease.
We have preferred supplier arrangements with an
insurer to provide comprehensive motor vehicle
insurance at competitive rates.
• V
ehicle Disposals – For an Operating Lease, you
simply hand the vehicle back at the end of the lease
and if there are no excess kilometre charges or
damage (fair wear & tear accepted) you have no
further obligations. For a Finance Lease, if you would
like Custom Fleet to sell your vehicle at the end of the
lease, we can manage this via a tender process for a
disposal fee.
• P
eace of Mind – An early termination plan that allows
you to return the vehicle before the end of the lease
term in the event of redundancy. You will not be
charged lease rentals for the period after the vehicle
is returned. Conditions and fees apply. Your employer
must select this service.
Novated Lease
Custom Fleet offers Novated Leasing customers the option to choose
between a Novated Operating Lease and a Novated Finance Lease.
What is the difference between
a Novated Operating Lease and a
Novated Finance Lease?
Under both lease types you will enjoy the use of the
vehicle for an agreed term in exchange for making
monthly lease payments.
For an Operating Lease, you simply hand the vehicle
back to Custom Fleet at the end of the lease, and
assuming it is in good condition (fair wear & tear
accepted) and within the kilometre tolerance, you have
no further obligations.
For a Finance Lease, you agree upfront with Custom
Fleet to guarantee the Residual Value of the vehicle.
At the end of the lease term, if the GST exclusive sale
price or valuation (less costs) is less than the agreed
Residual Value, then you pay the shortfall to Custom
Fleet. The Residual Value obligation remains with you
and is not novated to your employer.
For a Finance Lease we also offer a choice in the
maintenance program. This flexibility means that you
can choose the maintenance inclusions that best suit
your needs.
What are my Novated Lease options?
There are three choices for taking out a Novated Lease with Custom Fleet:
• Fully Maintained Operating Lease (FMOL)
– This lease may suit you if you like the certainty of having full maintenance coverage, and would like to hand the
vehicle back at the end of the lease.
• Fully Maintained Finance Lease (FMFL)
– This lease may suit you if you like the certainty of having full maintenance coverage, and if you would like to discuss
purchasing the vehicle at the end of the lease, please contact us on 1800 811 922.
• Budgeted Finance Lease (BFL)
– This lease may suit you if you prefer to budget your maintenance expenses, and if you would like to discuss
purchasing the vehicle at the end of the lease, please contact us on 1800 811 922.
The features of these options are summarised in the table below:
With Custom Fleet
With Employee
With Employee
Vehicle Financing Costs
Vehicle Delivery Costs
Maintenance Costs
Replacement Tyres
Breakdown Assistance
Registrations & Renewal#
Accident Management
Online Reporting
Fuel Card (Fleet Card)
Comprehensive Insurance^
Peace of Mind
Cost of Vehicle Disposal / Remarketing
Residual Value Obligation
“ A nominated number of replacement tyres may be included depending on the lease kilometre limit.
#Custom Fleet will administer the registration renewal. You are responsible for satisfying any conditions in relation to registration such as sending us the registration papers
or having the vehicle inspected in States or Territories that require a road safety certificate.
^ Custom Fleet is not an insurer. You can arrange your own insurance or ask us for details about insurance products offered by our preferred suppliers.
+ Selection of Peace of Mind is dependent on your employer’s Novated policy.
* Your employer is responsible for reconciling its fringe benefits tax liability annually.
Benefits of
Novated Leasing
Many people choose a Novated Lease as a cost effective means of financing a vehicle.
Income Tax and Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT)
Under a Novated Lease your employer pays your lease
payment out of your pre-tax salary. This is known as
salary sacrificing. You are effectively not paying income
tax on the amount of your lease payments being paid
out of your pre-tax salary.
However, your employer has to pay FBT on the vehicle
being provided to you under the Novated Lease. The
amount of the FBT is generally charged back to you
through additional pre-tax salary deductions.
The savings achieved by a Novated Lease arise when
there is less FBT payable than income tax that would
have been payable were there no salary sacrifice.
The effect of the recent changes to the vehicle FBT
legislation (following the Federal Budget announcement
on 10 May 2011) will be:
• F avourable for drivers travelling less than 15,000
kilometres per year.
• N
o change for drivers travelling between 15,000 and
25,000 kilometres per year.
• U
nfavourable for drivers travelling more than 25,000
kilometres per year.
The Government has replaced the ‘sliding scale’ with a single flat rate of 20% that applies regardless of the distance
travelled. Transitional arrangements apply with the shift to a 20% regime being phased in over 4 years in accordance
with the table below:
Distance travelled
during the FBT year
(1 April – 31 March)
Statutory rate (multiplied by the cost of the car to
determine a person’s car fringe benefit)
contracts 1
New contracts 2
From 10 May
From 1
April 2012
From 1
April 2013
From 1
April 2014
0 – 14,999 km
15,000 – 24,999 km
25,000 – 40,000 km
More than 40,000 km
1. Existing Novated Leases entered into prior to 7:30pm (AEST) on 10 May 2011.
2. New Novated Leases entered into after 7:30pm (AEST) on 10 May 2011.
It is the employee’s responsibility to provide accurate information throughout the term of the lease for FBT reporting.
For further information regarding FBT, please contact us on 1800 811 922.
Employee Contribution Method (ECM)
You have the potential to reduce the taxable value of a car fringe benefit and hence FBT on a Novated Lease to zero
by making a post tax contribution towards the vehicle operating expenses.
Our online service, Key Access, enables you to quote using the traditional payment of FBT and the Employee Contribution
method. You can then make a comparison and assess which method is most cost effective for you.
The Employee Contribution method is an option Custom Fleet offers to its clients. However, it is ultimately up to your
employer as to whether it is made available for their employees. Please consult your HR or payroll service provider to
confirm whether they can administer an Employee Contribution.
Custom Fleet can provide you with further information regarding the Employee Contribution method should you wish to
consider this option.
Contact us on 1800 811 922.
Novated Leasing can have the added benefit of GST savings. GST is payable on the purchase price of a vehicle as well
as most vehicle related expenses. Custom Fleet is entitled to claim an input tax credit up to the depreciation limit of the
vehicle. Currently that limit is $59,133*, which means the maximum input tax credit claimable is $5,224. Your lease
payments are calculated on the vehicle purchase price less the GST Custom Fleet is entitled to claim as an input tax
credit. In addition, as most employers are entitled to claim input tax credits for the GST paid on the lease payments and
other vehicle related expenses, additional savings can arise.
*Current for the 2012 – 2013 Financial Year
Frequently Asked
What type of lease do most people take?
Custom Fleet’s experience shows that our customers are evenly
balanced between Fully Maintained Operating Leases and
Budgeted Finance Leases. In both cases the most popular term
is three years, however you have the flexibility to choose a
commercially acceptable lease term to suit your circumstances.
Who can apply for a Novated Lease?
We advise you to consult with your employer’s Novated Vehicle
Policy prior to proceeding with a Novated Lease as specific
eligibility criteria may apply.
How long does vehicle delivery take?
Delivery time on vehicles is dependent on several factors,
including availability of stock at dealerships and/or
manufacturers, optional extras and build dates. If a dealership
has your vehicle in stock, they should be able to provide you
with a fairly short delivery time. However, if a vehicle needs to
be ordered and built to specification this can delay delivery.
How will you protect my privacy?
We will ask you to acknowledge a Privacy Consent that outlines
how we use and protect your personal information. This includes
disclosing information to a credit agency for the purposes of a
search of your credit history, and to your employer and/or
dealer to the extent that each needs to know your information.
What if I take delivery of my vehicle part-way through
the FBT year?
If you take delivery of your vehicle during the FBT year, you
need to travel your nominated kilometres on a pro-rata basis.
For example, if you nominate that you will travel 25,000km per
annum for FBT and you receive your lease on 1 October
(half way through the FBT year), you need to have travelled at
least 12,500km by the 31 March to reach your nominated FBT
bracket. Until the end of the transitional FBT rates you should
monitor your kilometres every month to ensure you are within
your nominated FBT kilometre bracket.
What is the Luxury Car Tax Limit and how would it
affect my lease?
The Luxury Car Tax Limit is $59,133# for standard vehicles and
$75,375 for fuel efficient cars*. Vehicles with a purchase price
above this amount are subject to Luxury Car Tax in addition to
the GST. This additional tax is included in the monthly lease
rental. An additional rental component will also be itemised on
your cost to package quote. In relation to the lease of a luxury
vehicle, Custom Fleet recommends that you seek independent
financial, tax and/or legal advice.
Is comprehensive insurance included?
All leased vehicles must be comprehensively insured.
You have two options for including Comprehensive Insurance in
your cost to package:
• C
ustom Fleet can arrange insurance through our preferred
supplier. The preferred supplier arrangements provide
comprehensive motor vehicle insurance at competitive
rates with features designed with Novated Leasing in mind.
Let us know if you would like more information about the
product features.
• S
ource your own insurance and provide the annual
premium and policy details to Custom Fleet so we can
organise a reimbursement and include an amount in your
cost to package.
# Current for the 2012 – 2013 Financial Year.
* A fuel efficient car has a fuel consumption that does not exceed 7
litres per 100 km as a combined rating under the vehicle standards
in force under section 7 of the Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989.
Can tolls and parking infringements be included in
my lease?
No. Tolls and parking infringements are not permitted as part of
a Novated Lease under ATO guidelines.
What does ‘Kilometre Ceiling’ or ‘Km ceiling’ on my
application mean?
The kilometre ceiling represents the total number of kilometres
to be travelled over the term of the lease.
If the vehicle is used, the kilometre ceiling is the number of
kilometres the vehicle has already travelled prior to the start
of the lease plus the number of kilometres travelled over the
term of the lease.
Who can drive my Novated Lease vehicle?
We generally recommend that it’s only you. There may also be
specific restrictions from your insurer or employer on who can
drive the vehicle.
When will I get my fuel card and where can I
purchase fuel?
You will generally receive your Fleet Card within 5 working days
of your new vehicle delivery. Fleet Card is accepted at over
6,000 participating multi-branded service stations nationwide.
You can search for your nearest service station via our
Merchant Locator on our website at
What do I do if I need assistance once my vehicle has
been delivered?
What if I need Reimbursement?
If you ever need to make out of pocket expenses for fuel,
maintenance or other related expenses, Custom Fleet can
reimburse you from your running cost budget ensuring that all
costs are paid from your “pre tax” salary. Simply contact us on
1800 811 922 for a Reimbursement Form and Custom Fleet will
reimburse the money back into your nominated bank account
via EFT.
How is Vehicle Registration managed throughout the
life of the lease?
Custom Fleet will arrange for the vehicle to be registered at our
mailing address. The cost for registration is included in your
lease, and will be paid by Custom Fleet. Where applicable we
will send you the registration label each year, and you are
responsible for ensuring the new label is attached to the vehicle.
What if I spend less money than my budgeted amount?
The difference is returned to you via your payroll at the end of
the lease term.
What if I spend more money than my budgeted
The difference is invoiced to your employer and deducted via
your pre-tax salary.
When is my Cost to Package (actual spend vs.
budgeted amount) reconciled?
In the event of any of the following:
You will receive a Driver’s Assistance Card with your Welcome
Pack. This card details a 24hr Driver Assistance number and other
important numbers you need if you require Driver Assistance in
the case of accident, breakdown or vehicle repairs.
• If you are tracking well ahead or behind on your budget,
the budget may be reconciled periodically;
What do I do if my vehicle is due for a service?
• If you change employer.
Search for a dealer via our Merchant Locator on our website at to organise a service at a time most
convenient to you. Let them know that this vehicle is leased via
Custom Fleet and they will know what to do next.
How do I track what I have spent against the budgets
included in my package?
You will receive a monthly vehicle report by email. This report
details the balance of your package on a life to date basis.
How can I track my actual kilometre usage against my
lease kilometre limits?
You need to provide a kilometre reading each time you
purchase fuel. Your monthly vehicle report will track your
actual kilometres against your kilometre limit. This report also
advises how your kilometres are tracking for fringe benefits tax.
This information is still relevant until 1 April 2014 when the flat
20% FBT rate will apply.
• At the end of the lease term;
• If your employment is terminated; or
What happens if I leave my employer during my
lease term?
If you leave or are planning to leave your employer, you must
notify Custom Fleet in writing as soon as possible. The Novation
Agreement with your employer will be terminated upon
cessation of employment and you become the lessee of the
vehicle. This means that you will become solely responsible for
making all lease payments. You may also contact us on 1800
811 922 to discuss alternative arrangements.
Custom Fleet will provide your employer with a package
reconciliation that includes your estimated FBT liability to assist
them in preparing your final deduction. As some costs may not
be known on the date the novation is terminated, it may take
up to 48 hours to complete the reconciliation to calculate your
final payment or refund.
What happens at the end of my lease?
Four months prior to the end of the lease term, we will contact
you to remind you that your lease term is approaching and
outline the options that are available to you.
Vehicle delivery
The Novated
Leasing Process
Step 1:
Employee obtains a quote, creates order and agrees to the lease online.
Step 2:
Employer is requested to confirm the applicant’s employment details and accepts the
Novated Lease.
Step 3:
Credit assessment takes place (requires a minimum of 48 hours).*
Step 4:
Custom Fleet accepts the Novated Lease and places the order with the dealer.
Both the Employee and Employer receive a copy of the final quote.
Step 5:
Vehicle delivered. Once the details are confirmed with Custom Fleet the fuel card
is ordered.
Step 6:
Employer is notified of delivery in order to start salary deductions and both the
Employer and Employee receive the final vehicle schedule.
Employee receives Monthly Vehicle Report the month following lease activation and
thereafter until end of lease.
For the life of the Novation Agreement, Custom Fleet manages the Novated Lease
on behalf of the Employee.
Note: The Novated Leasing Process differs for used vehicles.
* Terms and conditions apply.
Additional Information
Finding a Car
One of the main benefits of Novated Leasing is that you can choose whichever vehicle you like (subject to some exceptions).
The only conditions are:
• It must be deemed to be a “car” by the ATO, meaning motorcycles, boats and commercial vehicles do not qualify; and
• It must comply with any policies or guidelines your employer may have.
We strongly encourage you to use a Custom Fleet Key Dealer. For a list of current Key Dealers contact us on 1800 811 922.
Advantages in using a Custom Fleet Key Dealer include:
• VIP Service;
• Large range of models;
• Our insistence on the newest stock available;
• A full tank of fuel (to a maximum of 70 litres); and
• Genuine accessories quoted and fitted.
You are advised not to sign any contracts or place any deposits with dealers on vehicles before talking to Custom Fleet.
If you have already found a vehicle, Custom Fleet will expect your dealer to comply with the same standards that Custom
Fleet places on its Key Dealers. Please contact us on 1800 811 922 for a quote request form. Custom Fleet requires your
dealer to complete and return a copy of this form to progress the purchase of the vehicle.
Second Hand Vehicles
You can lease a used vehicle as long as it meets the following criteria:
• It must be an ex-lease vehicle from Custom Fleet or purchased via a franchised motor vehicle dealer
(subject to Custom Fleet’s approval); and
• It must not be greater than 4 years old. The vehicle must also be no greater than 7 years old or 200,000km
at lease end.
Please contact us on 1800 811 922 for a quote request form. Custom Fleet requires your dealer to complete and return a
copy of this form to progress the purchase of a used vehicle.
Completed forms should be emailed to or faxed to 02 8899 5454.
To find out more about ex-lease vehicles available from Custom Fleet, please telephone 1800 811 922.
Company Policy
It is important that you are aware of your employer’s Novated Vehicle Policy prior to proceeding with a Novated Lease.
They may specify particular vehicle makes and models, salary sacrifice limits and other elements that may affect your
Novated Lease.
Tax Advice
Custom Fleet is unable to provide tax advice relating to your own situation and circumstances. Please seek your own
independent tax advice to find out if Novated Leasing is right for you.
Novated Leasing Case Study
The following case study is designed to provide an example of the benefits of
Novated Leasing. You should always consider the benefits of a Novated Lease
in relation to your own personal circumstances.
Jack’s company XYZ Pty. Ltd. has signed up with Custom Fleet to provide employees the option of taking on a Novated
Lease. Jack wants to buy a Holden VEII Berlina for $41,532. He will drive the car to and from work each day and estimates
he will travel around 23,000 kilometres a year, none of which are business related. Jack earns $120,000 per annum and is
taking out a Fully Maintained Finance Lease.
He is looking at three options:
1.Financing the vehicle using a personal loan from his bank;
2.Salary sacrificing via a Traditional Novated Lease; or
3.Salary sacrificing via a Novated Lease with the Full Employee Contribution.
Cost Comparison
The following provides a comparison between Jack financing and paying the vehicle operating expenses from his take
home pay versus a Novated Lease, with and without an Employee Contribution.
The example assumes the expenses remain constant and that Jack can purchase and maintain the vehicle as efficiently
as Custom Fleet. The example also assumes that Jack has held the vehicle for the full FBT year. With Custom Fleet’s
superior buying power, Custom Fleet achieves discounts on purchase prices and maintenance costs.
Salary Components – Annual
Lease with
Full Employee
Gross Taxable Income
• X
YZ Pty. Ltd. is entitled to a full input
tax credit for all payments under the
novated lease;
Vehicle Running Costs (ex GST)
• J ack is an Australian tax resident and
has private health insurance;
GST on Employee Contribution
FBT (Pre Tax)
Net Taxable Salary
Less Pre-tax Deductions
The Case Study assumes:
• T he vehicle cost of $41,532 is made up
of the base value of the car $39,105
plus on road charges of $2,427;
PAYE (inc Medicare levy)
After Tax Salary
• W
hen financing from his Bank,
we assume that Jack can access
the same Interest Rate offered by
Custom Fleet;
• J ack can operate the vehicle for the
same running costs as Custom Fleet;
Tax Payable
Less Post-tax Deductions
Vehicle Costs (inc GST)
Employee Contribution
Cash in hand after tax and vehicle expense
Employee Advantage in Packaging Vehicle
• If Jack operates the vehicle himself,
he pays no fees to Custom Fleet.
Using the above facts:
• J ack’s net income after tax under a Novated Lease is $2,791 higher than Jack financing and paying the vehicle
operating expenses from his take home pay;
• B
y making a $7,821 annual Employee Contribution from his take home pay, Jack’s net income after tax is $3,960
higher than financing and paying the vehicle operating expenses from his take home pay.
ECM (Employee Contribution Method)
Using the facts from the Case Study, additional savings
of $3,591 in GST would arise on the purchase price of the
Holden VEII Berlina, as the lease payments are calculated
on the GST exclusive price of the vehicle.
Using the Case Study, assuming Jack has travelled
23,000 kilometres; the statutory FBT rate is 20%.
Additionally, Jack also saves approximately $1,466 in
GST per annum on vehicle related expenses as his
employer XYZ Pty. Ltd. is entitled to a GST credit that
would ordinarily be payable by Jack had he financed
the vehicle himself.
Holden VEII Berlina Base Value $39,105
Kilometres Travelled 23,000
Jack’s Contribution = 7,821
FBT = [($39,105 x 20% x 365 ) - $7,821 ] x 2.0647 x 46.5%
= $0
By making a $7,821 contribution from his post tax salary,
Jack is able to maximise the benefits of Novated Leasing.
The FBT statutory formula method is as follows:
­– ) - E] × Gross Up Rate × FBT Rate
[(A x B x C
A = The base value of the car
B = The statutory rate
C = The number of days in the FBT year when the
car was used or available for private use
D = The number of days in the FBT year
E = The employee contribution
The Gross Up Rate is 2.0647
The FBT Rate is 46.5% (since 1 April 2006)
On a Traditional Novated Lease, assuming Jack has used
the vehicle for the full FBT year, the calculation for his
annual FBT liability is as follows.
Holden VEII Berlina Base Value $39,105
Kilometres Travelled 23,000
FBT = [ ($39,105 x 20% x 365 ) - 0] x 2.0647 x 46.5%
= $7,509
Until the end of the transitional FBT rates Jack should
monitor his kilometres every month to ensure he reaches
his nominated FBT bracket. Provided Jack discloses his
kilometre reading at every fuel fill, he can track his actual
vs. budgeted kilometres via his Custom Fleet monthly
vehicle report. For more information on the transitional
FBT rates please contact the Novated Help Desk on
1800 811 922.
For more information on Novated Leasing please contact the
Custom Fleet Novated Help Desk on 1800 811 922