First United Methodist Church, Corinth, Mississippi, June 25, 2015 Summer Edition Volume 48, Issue 12 Staff The Corinthian Letter, USPS 563700 is published semi-monthly by First United Methodist Church, located at 901 N. Fillmore St., Corinth, MS 38834. Periodicals Postage Paid at Corinth, MS. Postmaster: Send address changes to First United Methodist Church, 901 N. Fillmore St., Corinth, MS 38834 , Phone: 662-287-3111, Fax: 662-287-6314 Roger Shock—Pastor Ken Lancaster—Dir. of Music Ministries Chris Vandiver—Dir. of TV Ministry Cat Simmons—Daycare Director Janet Wallace—Secretary Chuck Stringer—Financial Manager Ms. Cinnamon Alexander PO Box 736 Corinth, MS 38835 Activities Sunday (28) 9:00 am 10:00 am Tuesday (30) 9:00 am 9:00 am Thursday (2) 10:30 am Friday (3) Little Blessings Chapel Prayer Shawl Ministry Ladies Living Single Bible Study Church Office Closed Sunday (5) 9:00 am 10:00 am 10:20 am Tuesday (7) 9:00 am 9:00 am Wednesday (8) Sunday School Worship Service 12:30 am Sunday School Worship Service Children’s Worship Little Blessings Chapel Prayer Shawl Ministry BEES Committee BEES COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday, July 8th at 12:30 pm Sunday, June 28 Ushers - Hank Leonard, Chuck Stringer & Jerry Beck Head Usher: Greg Tyson Acolytes - Olivia Edmonson, Ethan Chappelle & Anna Claire Chappelle Greeters - Patricia Hussey & Ruth Byrd Prayer Partner - Brenda Childs Sanctuary Prayer Partner - Norma Counce & Angela Avent Children’s Worship - Mary Johns Pittman Evangelism Team - Visitor/Bread Baker: Mona Lisa Grady TV Crew -Chris Vandiver Sanctuary Audio - Ned Grady, John Mercier, Greg Tyson Sunday, July 5 The BEES swarm on the 5th Wednesday in July. Menu and entertainment to be announced. Mark your calendar for July 29th at 11:45 am. Ushers-M/M Brian McCullen, Johnny Ross & Lee Childress Head Usher: Zane Elliott Acolytes - Mary Morgan Gardecki, Katie Beth Fulghum & Ansley Tyson Greeters - Barbara Wayne & Loretta Newton Prayer Partner - Marcia Ann Glisson Sanctuary Prayer Partner - Robin Elliott Children’s Worship - Mary Johns Pittman Evangelism Team - Visitor: Barbara Rogers Bread Baker: Karen Cooley TV Crew - Chris Vandiver Sanctuary Audio - Ned Grady, John Mercier, Greg Tyson MEMORIALS For: George Wyatt (Marge Droke’s father) by Dr. & Mrs. Elbert White by Mr. & Mrs. Bill Odom For: Bill Dennie by Dr. & Mrs. Elbert White by The Bobby Vaughn Family by Mr. & Mrs. Sandy Williams by David M. Palmer by The families of Leslie R. Crawford & Kathryn P. Taylor by Judy McPeters by Jo Ann Joyce by Mr. & Mrs. Abe Rafidi by Mr. & Mrs. Bill Odom by Mr. & Mrs. W.D.Smith by Mr. & Mrs. Danny Dilworth by Mr. & Mrs. Gene McFall by Mr. & Mrs. Richard Collins by Mr. & Mrs. John Andrews by Mr. & Mrs. Harold Smith by Mr. & Mrs. Dean Pearce by Ruth Ann Moore, Sandy Haddad & Emily Smith For: Bill Hussey by Mr. & Mrs. Richard Collins by Mr. & Mrs. John Andrews by Mr. & Mrs. Harold Smith For: Carla Sue McCall (Joe Clark’s sister) by Mr. & Mrs. Richard Collins For: Louise Sain (Ben Avent’s sister) by Mr. & Mrs. Richard Collins For: Donna Stockton by Mr. & Mrs. Richard Collins
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