FUMC Events Calendar - May 2015 Sunday Monday Abbreviations: Symbols: B = Bell Room CR = Choir Room FH = Fellowship Hall K = Kitchen MP = MultiPurpose Room P = Parlor = Circle 1 = Circle 2 = Circle 4 = Circle 5 = Circle6 3 4 Tuesday 5 11 Youth Sunday 8:30am Worship 4-7pm CAN/ LINK - FH 18 8:30am Worship 10:45am Worship 6:30pm UMW General Mtg. FH 24 8:30am Worship 10:45am Worship 6 7 8 25 Church Closed in observance of Memorial Day 12 13 11am at Anderson’s Café 1pm - MP 5pm Finance Mtg. - FH 7pm Council Mtg. - FH 10:00am: - P 5:30pm: Midweek Dinner - FH 5:30pm: LINK Board - MPR 6:00pm: ChapR - BR 19 20 10am - 6pm Blood Drive FH 6:00pm: ChapR - BR Music Notes Saturday Mary and John Garrett, Music Directors 2 Tidewater Decorative Painters 10-2pm: Room 203 5:00pm - Family Life Program & Potluck - FH AA mtg.– MP 9 Please come and support our youth on Sunday, May 10th YOUTH SUNDAY, at both services. (No Chancel Choir) June 7 10:45 All choirs We remember, with sadness, the passing of Dana Atkins. She had been a member of our choirs for many years, and was an original member since 1984 of our Chancel Ringers. Tidewater Decorative Painters mtg. - FH AA mtg.– MP 6:45pm:ChanR- BR 6:30pm: EpwC- CR 7:30pm: ChanC - CR Mother’s Day 17 1 9:30am: Staff Mtg. - FH 12:00pm: UMW Exec. Board Mtg. - MPR 6:00pm: ChapR - BR 10:45am Worship 10:45am Worship Thursday Friday Group Abbreviations: A.A, = Alcoholics Anonymous S.O.S. = Sowers of Seeds TDP = Tidewater Decorative Painters ChapR = Chapel Ringers Cher/WesC = Cherub/Wesley Choir ChanR = Chancel Ringers EpwC = Epworth Choir ChanC = Chancel Choir 8:30am Worship 10 Wednesday YOUTH EVENTS IN MAY 14 15 16 8am - FH UM Men’s Breakfast AA mtg.– MP 6:30pm: Adult Bible Study - FH 6:45pm:ChanR- BR 6:30pm: EpwC- CR 7:30pm: ChanC - CR 21 22 Saturday May 9 – Rehearse Youth Service Sunday, May 10 – Youth Service and Family Lunch Sunday May 17 - Yard Work 23 AA mtg.– MP 6:45pm:ChanR- BR 6:30pm: EpwC- CR 7:30pm: ChanC - CR May 1, 2, 3 – Youth Beach Trip ($25 per youth) (Friday May 1 – Relay for Life for Church Members) Sunday May 24 - Yard Work Note of Appreciation 26 27 29 5:30pm Midweek Dinner - FH 6:00pm: ChapR - BR 6:30pm: Adult Bible Study - FH 6:45pm:ChanR- BR 6:30pm: EpwC- CR 7:30pm: ChanC - CR 31 30 TDP - Rm 203 AA mtg.– MP Dear Friends at First, Thanks to your beautiful cards, loving prayers and inspiring messages, and God’s healing power, my knee fracture has mended . I am grateful that I can worship with you again . In Christ ’s Love , 8:30am Worship Joanne Bates 10:45am Worship 12pm 5th Sunday Lunch - FH 4 3 Gifts Received May Milestones Memorial Fund In Memory of Milton “Ed” Lyon by In Memory of Greg Walker by May Birthdays May Anniversaries Ms. Bessie Mae Camper Mr. and Mrs. Merrick Vincent Mrs. Barbara Cockburn LTC Charles Coppedge Mrs. Miriam Sandstrom Mr. & Mrs. William Moore Paul “Dutch” and Ann Greene Ms. Melissa Link 1 - Todd Filer 2 - Rebecca Eshbach; Bob Tankard; George Pongratz 3 - Ben Pongratz 4 - Will Moore; Cathy Nicholson; Alice Shields; Susan Reinhardt 5 - Dave McCoy 6 - Barbara Yost 7Michener; Carl Swenson 8 - Isabel Marstellar 11 - Miriam Sandstrom; Elizabeth Hubbard 12 - Tom Foltz 14 - Jeannette Hubbard; Ruth Daniels 16 - Nathan Bush; Ryan Nocon 17 - Jason Michener; Craig Campbell; Joe Chalmers 21 - David Moore 23 - A.Y. Cooper; John Harwood 24 - Robert Eshbach 26 - Doug Foltz 27 - Sharolyn Bane 28 - Teresa Harrell 29 - Ronald Hicks; Paige Lawson 30 - David Gibson 31 - Barbara Alspaugh 1 - Skip & Ruthann Sullivan (1967) 12 - James & Teresa Michener (1990) 13 - John & Jean Midyette (1978) 14 - Mary Beth & Dave Dunlap (2005) 15 - John Louis & Aleta Harrell (2010) 16 - Doug & Susan Foltz (1970) 17 - Kathy & Steve Hubbard (1986) 25 - John & Judy Talbert (1957) 28 - Chuck & Ginger Root (Year not known) 29 - Robert Haley & Sandra Bullington (1996) In Memory of Marguerite Freeze by Ms. Patricia Robinson Mrs. Robye Scott Mrs. Rita Potter In Memory of Douglas Gibson by Mr. and Mrs. George Mumford Mrs. Barbara Cockburn Mr. and Mrs. William Jones, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Burnes Youth Fund In Memory of Mary Turner by Given for the Glory of God by Mr. & Mrs. Ray A Turner, Jr. Ms. Agnes Rodgers In Memory of Andrew Nicholson by In Honor of the Choirs by Grandmother Ginerva Nicholson Mr. and Mrs. John E. Garrett In Memory of James “Jimmie” Sandstrom Building Fund by In Memory of Christine Michalec by Ms. Bertie S. Mills Recent Deaths Dana Elizabeth Parks Atkins Mr. and Mrs. William Jones, Jr. Membership Transfer Mary H. Pulley recently transferred to Hilton Baptist Church Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lyon If your birthday or anniversary incorrectly, please advise the office so that your information can be corrected in our records. Thank you! 5 Mrs. Miriam Sandstrom Mrs. Erleen Wheeling In Memory of James and Mary Parks by UMW Circle 5 Mr. and Mrs. James Dinkins In Memory of Chris Michalec by Ms. Janet W. Kessler Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shuford Mr. and Mrs. David French Ms. Martha Wineman Mr. and Mrs. William Jones, Jr. 6 GIFTS TO THE FOUNDATION The Church Tower First United Methodist Church IN HONOR OF JOHN HARWOOD by Mr. Mitch Gregory IN HONOR OF MARGARET WARREN/JIM WARREN & ASSOCIATES By Mr. Mitch Gregory IN HONOR OF ELIZABETH DALEY by Mr. Vaughan Lunsford IN HONOR OF SALLY SPREDER by Anonymous GIVEN FOR THE GLORY OF GOD by Mr. & Mrs. Doug Foltz Mr. Tom Middleton Gifts Received (cont.)* Missions Fund Van/Bus Fund In Memory of Jacinda Miller by In Honor of the Church Van/Bus Drivers Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dodson by Mrs. Dorothy Coleman In Memory of Robert McKitrick by In Honor of the Missions Team by Mr. and Mrs. William Jones, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dodson Given for the Glory of God General Fund Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dodson In Honor of parents Bob & Elizabeth Ms. Elizabeth Knorpp Smith by Mrs. Betty Beeler Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Clodfelter In Remembrance of our parents wedding anniversary (Dec. 18) by The daughters of Dorothy Coleman *NOTE: Ther e ar e additional gifts r eceived to be placed in the J une newsletter . 2 Methodism’s founder John Wesley said, "I look upon all the world as my parish." Wesley reminded us that we are called to step out of our little corner of the world to spread the good news, transform hopelessness into hope and help God’s children wherever they may be. of General Conference. We share the cost of these ministries, with each local church being responsible for contributing a fair portion or "apportionment." The power of our collective giving enables us to spread the love of Jesus Christ, educate clergy, encourage cooperation with other faith communions, fund General Conference, nurture historically Black colleges and Africa University, and support bishops. "I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me." --Matthew 25:35-36, NRSV We can go beyond these primary gifts to the church and contribute to additional ministries through the Advance and churchwide Special Sundays with offerings. The Advance for Christ and His Church offers individuals and groups an opportunity to contribute to specific programs, missionaries and ministries of their choice. Six times a year, Special Sundays focus churchwide attention on specific ministries of the church such as promoting peace and justice and providing scholarships and student loans. While it would be wonderful if we could reach out personally to everyone who needs our help, we know that is impossible. So we gather regularly with our congregation and put money into the offering plate, and through a carefully crafted system of United Methodist mission and ministry our gifts stretch around the world. We live in a global village, and the world is our parish. When we give generously, our gifts do wonderful, life-changing things in the name of Jesus Christ. Your contributions to your local church not only benefit your local congregation, but also have regional, national and international impact through our connectional giving system. Most of the money you give is used to support the ministries of your local church. A small portion funds regional ministries. This edited information was taken from www.umc.org. Please see that site for more information. Grace and Peace, Finally, a portion of your giving goes to the general church to support programs on a national and international level, which have been agreed upon by lay and clergy delegates Pastor Robert 1 Announcements First United Methodist Church Council Members: Our next meeting will be Tuesday, May 12, at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Hope to see all members present! FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 10246 WARWICK BLVD NEWPORT NEWS, VA 23601-4029 Dated Material - mailed May 7, 2015 Return Service Requested NONPROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID NEWPORT NEWS, VA PERMIT NO. 59 It's KIT time again! Many thanks to Janet Keller for making "105 Mission Tote Bags" for UMCOR School Kits! Now it's our task to fill them. Would you please help by bringing some of the items listed below to church throughout the month of May! (These are the only items we are allowed to use in the kits!) A basket for kit supplies will be in the Narthex starting next Sunday. Thanks so much for your support! Edited for publication online! Items Needed: Box of 24 Crayons Blunt Scissors for Children 30-cm ruler (inches on one side) 1 hand held pencil sharpener wide-ruled 8 1/2"x11" notebook paper 6-unsharpened new pencils with erasers 2 1/2" eraser IT IS TIME FOR A NEW CHURCH DIRECTORY! Our photo sessions will be June 9th, 10th, 12th, and 13th. You can schedule your own appointment online, sign up in the church office today, or call Joyce Harrell (757-930-0183) or Dianne Harwood (757-288-8230). If you want to schedule your own appointment, just go to the church website (www.fumcnn.org), and in the upper right corner, click on "Directory Photos". Each family or individual who sits for a portrait receives a free 8x10 and a directory! Be a Live Saver!!! The Red Cross blood drive will be here at First Church on Tuesday, May 19 from 1:30 to 6:00pm. Last year we exceeded our goal and we can do even more this year. You are urged to make an appointment. See the flyer for details. Questions contact the Dodsons. UMC General Staff Meeting - Special Guests: Mark your calendars and come to this special gathering. Warren and Ann Baker will speak on their trip to Uganda to visit their daughter Rebecca, an orphanage missionary. We also will have our candle burning ceremony. All are welcome, Monday, May 19th at 6:30pm in the fellowship hall. United Methodist Men will have their May breakfast meeting Saturday, May 16, at 8:00 a.m. in the fellowship hall. Vacation Bible School 2015. We're ready to go! For many months the VBS team, comprised of six Hilton churches, has met to organize our area VBS. This year the title is "G-Force". It will be held at St. Andrews/Hilton Presbyterian the week of July 13 -17. Our mission this year is the Menchville House. In May, First Church, along with the other churches, will start collecting paper products, ie. towels, toilet paper, paper plates, bowls, cups, plastic ware, boxes of cereal and baby bed sheets. Now all we need is YOU! Children and volunteers can register at 2015.Cokesburyvbs.com/ Hiltonchurches2015. Volunteers are needed for science, art, music, recreation, and teachers. For more information contact the Dodsons at 599-4527. 7 The Church Tower First United Methodist Church 10246 Warwick Blvd. Newport News, Virginia 23601 Phone:(757) 595-0383 Website: fumcnn.org Copy Deadline: the 15th of the month The Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space.
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