Weekly Newsletter March 13-19 Go Paperless! Benefits • Reduce your carbon footprint & save trees! • Receive the FWFN Newsletter delivered to your in-box every Thurs! • Stay connected to your First Nation! It’s easy! Visit www.fwfn.com & enter your email address on our home page to sign up. Please consider the environment with this important service, if you receive our newsletter electronically & live on reserveplease email info@fwfn.com with your name & address to remove yourself from home delivery. https://www.facebook.com/fortwilliamfirstnation https://twitter.com/FWFN1 Contact Information: Name: _______________________________________________________ Email address: ________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Postal Code: _________________ Telephone: ______________________________________ Cell phone: ______________________________________________ Age:________________ Your Responses: Please provide your responses (not to exceed 500 words in total – please complete on reverse if required) to the following four questions: 1. Define/describe in your own words what a leader is. 2. Please explain why you want to participate in the Dinowigehmin Aboriginal Youth Leadership program? 3. Describe some of your future goals, and reflect on how you feel the Dinowigehmin Aboriginal Youth Leadership program would benefit you in working towards achieving those goals. 4. What do you consider to be the most significant challenge facing Aboriginal youth in Northwestern Ontario? How would you like to contribute in the efforts to create change? Tell Us: Where did you learn about the Dinowigehmin Aboriginal Youth Leadership program?: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If you have any questions about the program or the application contact Catherine Cheechoo at 629-8925 Thank you for your interest. Please attach your resume to this application and email to info@leadershiptb.com. Deadline to submit is March 15, 2015 All successful candidates will be contacted by email by March 16, 2015. Brought to you as a partnership between: Thunder Bay Indian Friendship Centre NOTICE OF INFORMATION CENTRE Black Spruce Forest Phase II Hosted by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Monday, March 23, 2015 Fort William First Nation Community Centre 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry and Resolute Forest Products Canada Inc. in the Thunder Bay District are in the midst of planning operations for the second five-year term (Phase II) of the 2011-2021 Black Spruce Forest Management Plan. Phase II of this Forest Management Plan will be prepared under the direction of the 2009 Forest Management Planning Manual. Phase II Planning will consist of the preparation of prescriptions for harvest, renewal and tending areas identified for the second five-year term (2016-2021), and if necessary identifying new areas. Road corridors will also be confirmed or modified as required. The Forest Management Plan will also specify management activities on values, including Aboriginal Values. The purpose of this Information Centre is to provide project information to Fort William First Nation community members. The Ministry of Natural Resources would like to work with Fort William First Nation to update the community’s Aboriginal Background Information Report, identify values, and provide a report on the protection of identified Aboriginal values to members. Refreshments will be provided. Fort William First Nation Health Centre 622-8802 Culture, Recreation and Youth Ages: 4 to 10 years Staff: Staff: Julie Bannon, Rita Fenton, Rita Charles, Sherri Boucher Time Frame 12:00p.m.-1:00p.m. Monday 16th 1:00p.m.-3:00p.m. 6:00p.m.-9:00p.m. 9:00p.m.-10:00p.m. Wednesday 18th Thursday 19th Friday 20th Pick up at designated locations and transport to scheduled outing Pick up at designated locations and transport to scheduled outing Pick up at designated locations and transport to scheduled outing Pick up at designated locations and transport to scheduled outing Swimming at the Complex Old Fort William Outdoor Activities Voyager Challenge Transportation home from Outing Transportation home from Outing Trampoline Park And fun play 1-3p.m. And transport home immediate after outing Movie at Silver City “Movie to be Wear Green for St. Paddy’s Day 3:00p.m.-4:00p.m. 5:00p.m.-6:00p.m. Tuesday 17th Transportation home from Outing Pick up at designated locations and transport to Community Center for Family Movie Night Pajama Night Theme Family Movie Night Community Center Popcorn, candy, drinks, prizes Transport home IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR PARENTS TO NOTE *Children 10 and under must be supervised by ONE parent/guardian 18+ for all activities during the March Breakwe can only have one parent attend with child(ren) * Parents are required to swim with children at the Swimming outing *Registrations and Waivers/Consents must be completed filled out and returned to the Health Center no later than Thursday, March 12, 2015 by 4:00p.m. – no late registrations will be accepted afterward as we need to provide outings places with accurate numbers to ensure they are staffed according to our number of participants attending. TRANSPORTATION Pick up and Drop off Locations Please ensure you and your child are at the designated sites for pick up 15 minutes ahead of time so we are not late arriving to outings Mt. McKay Ski Club Youth Centre – 107 Mission Road Community Centre Squaw Bay Mail Boxes *Schedule subject to change Please ensure children are dressed appropriate for all activities and don’t forget swim gear for the swimming outing on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Fort William First Nation Health Centre 622-8802 Culture, Recreation and Youth Ages: 11-17 years Staff: Gail, Amanda, Bear Time Frame 12:00p.m.-1:00p.m. Monday 16th 1:00p.m.-3:00p.m. 3:00p.m.-4:00p.m. 5:00p.m.-6:00p.m. 6:00p.m.-9:00p.m. 9:00p.m.-10:00p.m. Pick up at designated locations and transport to Community Centre for Family Movie Night Family Movie Night Community Center Popcorn, candy, drinks Prizes Transport home Tuesday 17th Wednesday 18th Thursday 19th Pick up at designated locations and transport to scheduled outing Pick up at designated locations and transport to scheduled outing OLD FORT WILLIAM OBSERVATORY TOUR Movie at Silver City “Movie to be announced” Swimming at the Complex Transportation home from Outing Transportation home from Outing Transportation home from Outing Pick up at designated locations and transport to scheduled outing IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR PARENTS TO NOTE *Registrations and Waivers/Consents must be completed filled out and returned to the Health Center no later than Thursday, March 12, 2015 by 4:00p.m. – no late registrations will be accepted afterward as we need to provide outings places with accurate numbers to ensure they are staffed according to our number of participants attending. TRANSPORTATION Pick up and Drop off Locations Please ensure you and your child are at the designated sites for pick up 15 minutes ahead of time so we are not late arriving to outings Mt. McKay Ski Club Youth Centre – 107 Mission Road Community Centre Squaw Bay Mail Boxes Friday 20th No afternoon outing We will be going Tubing at Loch Lomond in the Evening Pickups and Transport To Loch Lomond for Tubing Tubing at Loch Lomond Please dress warm Transport home *PLEASE NOTE CHANGE TO SCHEDULE – OLD FORT WILLIAM OUTTING WAS INITIALLY PLANNED FOR EVENING-THEY HAVE ASKED THAT WE PLEASE RE-BOOK FOR DAY TIME AS IT IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR EVENING NOW – WE APPOLOGIZE FOR ANY INCONVIENCE BUT IT IS RESCHEDULED FOR THE DAY TIME – 1:00 P.M.-3:00P.M. Fort William First Nation Health Centre Phone Number: 622-8802 Health, Culture, Recreation & Youth Fax Number: 623-8312 MARCH BREAK ACTIVITIES 2015 Please see the attached schedules for our March Break Activities **********Very Important Things to Note********** *All children/youth must be registered by Thursday, March 12, 2015 in order to attend March Break Activities. *Registration was sent out last month – or they can be picked up at the Health Center, filled out completely and handed back into reception desk no later than Thursday, March 12, 2015. We will not accept registrations after this date as we have to provide our outing places with accurate numbers on this day. *All Children between the ages of 4-10 years must be accompanied with one parent or guardian 18+ at all March Break Activities. *Parents with children 4-10 years of age must swim with their child(ren) at the swimming outing scheduled for Wednesday, March18th, 2015 – this is a rule we must follow through the Canada Games Complex or they will not allow your child to swim. *Transportation will be provided for all activities as indicated on the schedule and a reminder to parents who have to attend with children 4-10 years must also be on the bus with their child/ren *We are asking to please be at the designated sites at least 15 minutes prior to scheduled time as indicated on the schedule – the following pick up sites are as follows; Mt. McKay Ski Club, Youth Center, Community Center and Squaw Bay Mail Boxes *Please ensure children have proper clothing for all activities whether it is indoors or for outside activities – hats, mitts, etc. *Light snacks and refreshments will be served at all activities for free – if you would like anything over and above, you will need to purchase with your own money. Please remember we are not responsible for lost or stolen items – please encourage your child/youth to keep items such as cell phones, iPod, etc. at home if possible. *Please let’s make this a smoke, alcohol and drug free event and enjoyable for all attending –thank you in advance for your cooperation and assistance with the March Break Programming – Please note schedule subject to change- Notification will be announced on the web page if this occurs. FORT WILLIAM FIRST NATION Health Center Health Culture Recreation Youth MARCH BREAK 2015 NOTICE OF CHANGE AND IMPORTANT ITEM TO NOTE 1) Group# 2: Ages 11-17 years th Tuesday, March 17 , 2015 time frame for Old Fort William Observatory Tour has been rescheduled from 9:30p.m. – 11:30 p.m. to 1:00p.m. -3:00 p.m.. The activity Observatory Tour will remain the same. Time Frame 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. 1:00P.M.-3:00P.M. Tuesday, March 17th, 2015 Pick up at designated areas – please be at designated area 15 minutes before pick up please OLD FORT WILLIAM OBSERVATORY TOUR 2) Group#1 4-10 years Aerosport Trampoline park on Friday, March 20th, 2015 from 1:00 p.m.-3:00p.m. – All parents are expected to have their child(ren) who are REGISTERED for March Break to sign a waiver with Aerosport Trampoline park at the following link – we will try and have a tablet available for the Monday evening Family Movie Night set up at a table for parents to sign the waiver and parents will also be able to sign the waiver on site before their child participates in the activity this day. https://posthunderbay.a.pcsparty.com/shared/widgets/login.asp?source=waivers *PLEASE NOTE: ALL MARCH BREAK ACTIVITIES FOR BOTH SCHEDULES SUBJECT TO CHANGE – WE WILL ATTEMPT TO PROVIDE AS MUCH NOTICE AS POSSIBLE WITH THE CHANGE IF THIS DOES OCCUR THROUGH OUR WEB SITE WWW.FWFN.COM & FB https://www.facebook.com/fortwilliamfirstnation Weekly ---------March 13March 19 Health & Social Services Newsletter Notices & Updates What’s Up This Week UPWARD BOUND in association with the Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board Guardian Angels Meet & Greet Dates: March 14, 2015 Location: FWFN Community Centre Time: 1:00-3:00 p.m. Contact: Shannon Crews-623.9543 Ext. 209 ShannonC@fwfn.com Come out for homework help & PIZZA! *NEW NIGHT-Mondays 4:00-7:00 p.m. Community Centre-400 Anemki Drive in the GED room-KNET door on side of building. For more information contact: Britanny Collins Education Assistant Ph: 623.9543 Ext. 205 E: education@fwfn.com All FWFN Community Members are invited to come out and find out more about the Guardian Angels. Ian Hodgkinson will be there to answer your questions. Refreshments will be provided. ------------------------------------------DRUM SOCIAL Monday March 9, 23 & 30 7:00-9:00 p.m. FWFN Community Centre -------------------------------------------CHILDREN’S DENTAL CLINIC (COHI) Every Friday from 9:00a.m.-4:00 p.m. FWFN Health Centre Contact: Desiree Morriseau Shields 622.8802 --------------------------------------------- Common Core Mining Training Date: March 20, 2015 Time: 12:00-5:00 p.m. Contact: 622.6791 Taranis Training is coming to FWFN Social Services for Common Core Surface Mining Training. This training will grant you entrance to be able to apply for jobs in the mining sector. It must be finalized by being signed off within one year by an employer registered with MTCU to be official. Only 20 spots available! LIVE IT UP – Health & Social Services Newsletter FWFN.COM Good Food Box Can be purchased before the st 1 Thursday of the month & are available for everyone to participate. Payment can be made at FWFN Health Centre. Reception will provide you with a receipt. Pick up is between 10:00 am-3:00 pm at the Health Centre. Money Due (Thurs. by 4:00pm) March 5 April 2 Box Pick Up (Fri. 10am3:00pm March 20 April 24 --------------------------------------------- Sewing Program Thursday Nights! 6:00-9:00 p.m. FWFN Community Centre (Kihs Internet High School) Contact: Gail Bannon 623.2089 Anishinawbemowin March Break Activities! Date(s): March 16-20 Location: various (see attached info sheets) Contact: FWFN Health Centre-622.8802 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------2015-2016 Post Secondary Funding Applications are NOW Available Registration Deadline Date: May 29, 2015 Applications are Available: www.fwfn.com, FWFN Administration Office Contact Information: Myra Bannon-Education Manager@ 623.9543 Ext.225 Myra@fwfn.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LNHL Date(s): March 16-20, 2015 Location: Mississauga, Ontario Contact : Jacob McKay-355.9376/577.8026 or JacobMcKay@fwfn.com Good luck to all of the FWFN teams participating in this year’s LNHL tournament. Thank you to all of the players, parents, coaches and volunteers for making this another successful year! (Ojibway Language Program) Wednesday Nights! 7:00-9:00 p.m. FWFN Community Program Please contact Gail Bannon regarding any Culture & Recreation Programming information 623.2089 LIVE IT UP – Health & Social Services Newsletter Health Centre: 807.622.8802 | 24 hours On Call: 807.472.7701 90 Anemki Dr, Suite 200 Fort William First Nation Ontario, P7J1L3 P. 1.807.623.9543 P. 1.866.892.8687 F. 1.807.623.5190 FWFN.COM
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