FOUR WINDS VOLUNTEERS and FRIENDS! YOU ARE WARMLY INVITED TO OUR MAY WINDY DAY CELEBRATION!! Friday, May 15th from 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Wilder Center in Wilder, VT (2087 Hartford Ave., Wilder. Take Exit 12 off I-91, go east on Bugbee St. then north onto Rte. 5) 8:30 Optional for Early Birds! Join Chris Rimmer of the VT Center for Ecostudies for a Morning Bird Walk along the Kilowatt trail 10:00 Welcome and Connections Hawks and Owls of our Woods – Mike Clough and live raptors from the Southern Vermont Natural History Museum Drawing in Nature: Live Raptors – with Susan Sawyer Connecting with Nature through Play – nurturing a sense of wonder in early childhood with Cory Stephenson and Jen Brown Sharing Stories and Surprises! Please bring Four Winds ideas, artwork, songs, projects and discoveries to share!! 1:30 Thank yous, reflections, goodbyes We’ll be serving a light lunch – as a thank you for all you do! RSVPs needed!! Please email or call 802-353-9440 by Monday, May 11th if you plan to attend.
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