Office of First Year Programs & Learning Communities Internal Call for Faculty Director WiMSE House Learning Community (Women in Math, Science & Engineering) WiMSE House is a successful Living and Learning Community for students on the Storrs campus. The Office of First Year Programs and Learning Communities is seeking a current tenured or tenure‐track faculty member to assume responsibilities as Director. The 10‐month appointment is proposed as half‐time. Effective date of appointment is August 2015 and will be for a 3‐year term. UConn’s Academic Vision includes the growth of the Learning Community program as an initiative contributing to sustaining excellence in undergraduate education.1 Learning Communities are a proven pedagogy that can provoke intentionality and integration amongst students’ curricular, co‐curricular and residential experiences. They become a foundation for a creative and holistic approach to education. They assist first‐year students in their transition to college and encourage all students to become engaged on campus; they enable students to have regular one‐on‐one or small group interaction with faculty, advisors, staff and student leaders; they emphasize undergraduate research and experiential learning; and they develop interdisciplinary habits of mind that encourage students to become life‐long learners. WiMSE House is a residential community housing about 70 undergraduate women who have declared science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) related majors. Its mission is to retain women in STEM fields that are a source of innovation, leadership and change in our world. Innovation in STEM fields requires cross‐discipline knowledge, expertise and collaboration. In many respects women are well suited for these interdisciplinary approaches and WiMSE House aims to foster this strength. The Faculty Director’s primary responsibility is to provide vision and leadership for the continued development and operation of WiMSE House. The Director will work on the development and implementation of courses and programming related to the learning community. Responsibilities include: Developing and maintaining a quality program that encourages student retention and success in STEM fields with access and support to pursue enrichment opportunities that fit students’ varied personal goals and interests Developing an effective WiMSE House team (GA, Student Leaders, Residence Hall staff) and leading monthly meetings, as well as attending meetings with the Office of First Year Programs & Learning Communities Developing curriculum for WiMSE House students and teaching at least two 1‐credit courses each semester Overseeing planning of enrichment activities (Snack & Study tutoring program, speakers, events, field trips) to engage students throughout the academic year and attend events as schedule allows Seeking funding to support program initiatives, such as a summer research fellowship program and/or grant proposals Establishing the means of assessing progress towards the goals above The Faculty Director will work with First Year Programs & Learning Communities on supervision, and possibly selection of a Graduate Assistant. The GA will serve in a support role, planning and implementing Learning Community activities and may support instruction of WiMSE House courses (teaching or co‐teaching). The search for the Director of WiMSE is internal to the University of Connecticut. Requirements for the position include: status as a tenured full‐time faculty member; commitment to undergraduate education, mentoring and advising; science, technology, engineering, or math research and teaching interests; administrative skills, including budgeting; the ability to market and recruit; excellent communication skills, including the ability to strategically network; and, above all, the enthusiasm and organizational skills needed to build and lead a high‐quality program. The Director(s) will work closely with the Office of First Year Programs & Learning Communities (primarily), the Institute for Student Success, Residential Life and other offices, committees and individuals concerned with developing women pursuing careers in the STEM fields. The Faculty Director will provide academic oversight and vision and engage undergraduate residents of WiMSE in classroom and out‐of‐classroom scholastic activities. Compensation One additional month salary (10‐month appointment) Release time/other matters negotiated between Vice Provost and your Dean or Department Head Applications received by March 16, 2015 will be given first consideration, but the position will remain open until filled. Email a letter of application, current CV and contact information for three professional references to:, First Year Programs & Learning Communities, including “WiMSE Faculty Director Call” in the subject line. ______________________ 1‐excellence‐in‐undergraduate‐education/living‐learning‐communities;‐excellence‐in‐undergraduate‐education
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