Lesson Plan: Music Alone Shall Live ! Basic Information Apprentice Teacher: Gabby Gervasio Grade Level: 5th grade Teaching Date: 4/7/15 ! Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills for this Lesson Students should be able to perform in canon and identify musical terminology such as sequence and phrase as well as musical markings such as crescendo and decrescendo, forte, mezzoforte, and piano, and staccato, and legato. Content and Achievement Standards Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music. • Sing independently, on pitch and in rhythm, with appropriate timbre, diction, and posture while maintaining a steady tempo. ! Behavioral Objective(s) At the conclusion of this lesson, students will be able to… • Sing Music Alone Shall Live accurately and expressively • Define and perform an ostinato • Define passing tone and identify them in the piece ! Materials ! • Music Alone Shall Live sheet music Procedures 0:00 0:01 ! ! Welcome! “Today, we are going to begin with a warm up. I am going to play a few chords on the keyboard, and I would like for you all to tell me if you hear something that doesn’t necessarily belong.” -Play I-ii-(passing tone)-IV (Key of Eb) -A. “Any ideas?” -B. “Can anyone tell me what the purpose of that note is?” (“This note does not belong in the chord, however, it is used to create a smooth transition from one note to the next. We call this a passing tone.”) “I would like for you all to remember that because it might come up in the song that I am about to teach you all, called Music Alone Shall Live.” “This song is a Traditional German Canon with an ostinato addition.” - “Everyone say “ostinato”. C. “Who can tell me what an ostinato is? -(“An ostinato is a phrase or rhythm that is continually repeated.”) -“Before we get to that part, let’s learn the melody. Listen carefully.” 0:02 ! ! 0:03 Model entire song Music Alone Shall Live (Key of Eb) Model first four bars on the keyboard • “I am going to play the first four bars on the keyboard, and this time, I would like for you all to snap when you think you hear a passing tone.” “Now, I would like for you all to echo me. I will say ‘1, ready, go’ when it is your turn. Keep a steady beat please.” Rote teach in chunks (“1, ready, go”…) 1. All things shall perish from under the sky (students echo) 2. Music alone shall live, music alone shall live echo (students echo) 3. Music alone shall live, never to die echo (students echo) ! D. “Which sections where similar between the 1, 2, and 3?” ! 0:04 ! ! 0:05 0:06 “Everyone hold up a 1, 2, or 3 depending on how comfortable you are to sing the entire song. 1 means ready and 3 means not ready.” *(repeat if necessary) “Let’s sing the entire melody, and then move on to the ostinato parts.” “Now, I am going to sing the three ostinato parts and then have you all echo me and learn those parts.” Model ostinato parts (take repeats) “This time, echo me please. I will count you off the same.” 1. Music never shall die (take repeat) 2. Music never shall die (take repeat) 3. Music shall live, never to die (take repeat) 1. Sing #1-students echo 2. Sing #2-students echo 3. Sing #3-students echo ! - “Show me a 1, 2, or 3 on comfortability.” “Now, I am going to split the class into four groups so that we can tie all of this together.” Split the class into 4 sections (3-2-3-2) -Group 1 will sing the melody -Group 2 will sing ostinato #1 -Group 3 will sing ostinato #2 -Group 4 will sing ostinato #3 Put ostinato sheet music on projector ! 0:07 ! ! “I will put this up for guidance, however, I would really like for you all to listen to one another.” *The groups singing the ostinatos will repeat 3 times.* * “Everyone sing their starting pitch if this is do.” (sing do) * -Remember the melody starts on mi (sing first 4 bars) * “Everyone sing full so that I can hear all of your lovely voices.” ! 0:08 Tutti sing. “1, ready, go” E. “Who remembers what we identified at the beginning of the lesson?” ! Put melody sheet music on the projector F. “Can anyone point out where the passing tones are located in the music?” ! 0:09 Sponge: Alternate group seats (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1) and repeat the entire song. 0:10 Closure/Future Concepts ! ! ! ! ! “Next time, you all can look forward to learning about a new tempo marking called accelerando.” Thank you so much and have a nice day! Methods of Assessment • I will utilize proximity and eye contact ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " ! ! " • I will ask questions • I will be able to hear individual voices while the class sings the four-part harmony " " "
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