惑星地球科学 プレートテクトニクス1 April 15, 2015 Planets in our solar system outer solar system (giant planets and planet-wannabes) inner solar system (terrestrial planets) Plate tectonics does not occur on other terrestrial planets Plate tectonics is essential for life in many ways One example: long-term carbon cycle Exoplanets and planetary habitability 4 Can plate tectonics take place on those planets? Can we explain why it takes place on Earth? Solid earth science and natural science at large in 21st century • Connection between life and various geological processes • Origin of life and its evolution on Earth • Uniqueness of plate tectonics on Earth • Comparative planetology • Earth is immensely more accessible than any other planets (cf. ‘single-pixel’ astronomy of exoplanets) Today’s lecture: some warm-up stuff Present-day structure of Earth metallic core silicate mantle and crust oceans atmosphere The evolution of these components are all connected through mantle dynamics. The core • Inner solid core and outer liquid core • ~16% of Earth’s volume and ~32% of total mass • Composition: Fe-Ni alloy with some light elements (H, O, Si, S, ...) • Age of the core as a whole ~ 4.5 Ga How to denote ages in Earth sciences Ga = billion years ago(10億年前) Ma = million years ago(100万年前) 100 Ma = 1億年前 4.5 Ga = 45億年前 kilo (10^3), mega (10^6), giga (10^9), tera (10^12), peta (10^15), exa (10^18) 万(10^4)、億(10^8)、兆(10^12)、京(10^16) Speaking of the age of the core... The age of Earth • The oldest rock on Earth ~ 4.0 Ga • The oldest mineral on Earth ~ 4.4 Ga • Cosmochemical argument ~ 4.56 Ga (this is usually referred to as the age of Earth, or more precisely, “solar system initial”) • cf. the age of the universe ~ 13.7 Ga Geodynamo • Geomagnetic field is generated by convection in the outer core (positive feedback between E and B) • Convection in the core is driven by cooling from above. • Geomagnetic field shields cosmic rays and prevents atmospheric escape. • Geomagnetic field is known to change its polarity for ~0.5 Myr (on average). Insulating mantle • The core cannot cool by itself. Mantle cooling controls core cooling. • The evolution of geomagnetic field is regulated by mantle dynamics. The mantle • The mantle is made of silicate rocks (i.e., solid), but it can flow. • So, like the outer core, it convects (with much longer time scale), and this is the main engine for almost all kinds of geological phenomena. Viscosity (粘性率) a measure of how easily things can flow • water ~ 10^(-3) Pa s • maple syrup ~ 0.1 Pa s • peanut butter ~ 100 Pa s • mantle ~ 10^(21) Pa s How fast can mantle flow? Gravitational instability results in convection. (slow) (but significant) Velocity field of Earth’s surface Present-day Absolute Plate Motion Earth’s surface is broken into a dozen or so pieces (”plates”), each of which moves coherently with a velocity of a few cm/yr. Tectonic Plates North American Eurasian Arabian Indian Pacific African Australian Carib. Cocos Nazca South American Antarctic Note: Smaller plates are missing in this map (Juan de Fuca, Philippine Sea, Scotia). The number and size of plates are time-dependent (e.g., Cocos and Nazca used to be one plate called Farallon). Global Positioning System (GPS) • Developed by US Department of Defense • A constellation of >24 GPS satellites broadcasts precise timing signals by radio. • GPS receivers tell us their 3-D coordinates (longitude, latitude, and altitude) in any weather, day or night, anywhere on Earth, with accuracy of ~15 m. Continuous GPS record (example from some station in Northern CA) [Station BRIB] Where earthquakes occur or how crust responds to mantle dynamics Preliminary determination of epicenters 358,214 events, 1963-1998. Continental drift, supercontinent formation, continental breakup, mountain building How crust responds to mantle dynamics (in a longer term) [www.scotese.com] Continental drift, supercontinent formation, continental breakup, mountain building How crust responds to mantle dynamics (in a longer term) (note: sea level was a bit higher than present.) [www.scotese.com] Continental drift, supercontinent formation, continental breakup, mountain building How crust responds to mantle dynamics (in a longer term) Appalachian mountains were formed ~350-300 Ma during Pangea assembly. Note: changes in continental configuration affect ocean circulation and thus climate. [www.scotese.com] The crust(地殻) Chemical consequences of mantle dynamics Young (< 200 Ma), mafic (rich in Mg and Fe) oceanic crust and old (~2 Ga), felsic (rich in Si and Al) continental crust Both are products of mantle melting induced by mantle convection. (中央海嶺) Mid-ocean ridges - the world’s largest volcanic system where new oceanic crust is created Mid-Atlantic Ridge East Pacific Rise Southwest Indian Ridge Southeast Indian Ridge Pacific-Antarctic Ridge Global Rates of Cenozoic Magmatism (新生代:恐竜が絶滅してから今まで) Location Rate (km3/yr) Volcanic Plutonic Oceanic ridges 3 18 Convergent plate boundaries 0.4-0.6 2.5-8.0 Continental intraplate regions 0.03-0.1 0.1-1.5 Oceanic intraplate regions 0.3-0.4 1.5-2.0 Global Total 3.7-4.1 22.1-29.5 [after Crisp (JVGR, 1983)] Kilauea eruption, September 1983 The atmosphere Product of volcanic degassing Present-day atmospheric composition Component Volume % N2 78.088 O2 20.949 Ar 0.934 CO2 0.035 Ne 1.8E-03 He 5.24E-04 CH4 1.4E-04 • Earth’s atmosphere is not primordial (i.e., its composition is very different from solar nebula). • It is the accumulated effect of volcanic degassing from the mantle. • Earth’s atmosphere is NOT in a static equilibrium with other subsystems. Atmospheric composition: Comparative planetology perspective present-day Earth Venus Mars N2 78.1 1.8 2.7 O2 20.9 - - Ar 0.9 0.02 1.6 CO2 0.035 98.1 95.3 Atmospheric pressure 1 atm 90 atm 0.006 atm average surface temperature 15 °C 450 °C -30 °C Atmospheric composition Atmospheric composition: Comparative planetology perspective present-day Earth Earth* Venus Mars N2 78.1 1 1.8 2.7 O2 20.9 - - - Ar 0.9 0.01 0.02 1.6 CO2 0.035 99 98.1 95.3 Atmospheric pressure 1 atm ~80 atm 90 atm 0.006 atm average surface temperature 15°C ~200°C 450°C -30°C Atmospheric composition * Present-day Earth composition - (life-origin O2) + (CO2 in sedimentary rocks) At least more than one ocean worth of water is contained in Earth’s mantle. subduction of hydrated crust (mantle gains water) volcanic degassing (mantle loses water) Plate tectonics (mantle dynamics) controls global water and carbon cycles (long-term behavior of oceans and atmosphere). Earth system interactions through mantle dynamics How Earth began • Very early Earth was probably hotter than present-day Earth. • Why? Solar system formation Nebular hypothesis 1. Presolar nebula (formed by the gravitational collapse of part of a molecular cloud in an interstellar medium) 2. Protoplanetary disk (formed due to centrifugal force and internal gas pressure) 3. Condensation results in tiny solid particles 4. Planetesimals 5. Present-day planets [Tarbuck and Lutgens, “Earth Science”, 2004] Planet formation Planetary growth is not monotonic. N-body numerical simulation studies suggest the following three stages: 1. Runaway growth 2. Oligarchic growth 3. Late-stage accretion and giant impacts [Kokubo, 2000] Heating by Giant Impact Artist’s rendition for the Giant Impact that created Moon • We’d like to get a rough estimate for delta T. • Mars-size impactor (~0.1 earth mass) [check dimension!] Note: an impactor should glance off Earth in order to result in Earth-orbiting Moon. Gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy Conservation of energy v~11 km/s (=25,000 mph) Heating by Giant Impact Order-ofmagnitude estimate: (cf. condensation temperature for silicates is <~2000K in vacuum.) • • • Impact velocity depends on orbital dynamics. Not all of kinetic energy is converted to heat. Giant impact can happen more than once. Moon-forming Giant Impact Numerical simulation by spherical particle hydrodynamics (SPH) Note: Color shows temperature. This whole simulation covers a period of a few days. [Canup, 2004] Moon-forming giant imapct (from “Cosmic Collisions”) Note: tidal dissipation led to an increase in the Earth-Moon distance. Magma ocean and core formation [Wood et al., 2006] • Part of (or most of) Earth is likely to have been molten owing to energy from planetary accretion, helping dense metallic components to segregate (geochronology tells us the core formed during the first 100 Myr or so). • High surface heat flux from the magma ocean means rapid cooling; the magma ocean is expected to have lasted only for a few tens of Myr. How quickly can Earth cool down? T=3000K T=2000K t=0 t=? • How fast can Earth release heat into the space? Three ways of heat transfer • Radiation (輻射) Electromagnetic wave propagation or a stream of photons (‘light’) • Conduction (伝導) Propagation of atomic vibration (phonons) • Advection (移流) Physical transport of hot material Radiative cooling • • • • This mechanism depends strongly on temperature. For radiation to be efficient, medium should be ‘transparent’. Not efficient for heat transfer inside a planet. Important for stars, but not for planets. Conduction Fourier’s law “Heat always flows from hot to cold materials.” • q: heat flux [W/m^2] • k: thermal conductivity [W/m K] Scaling for thermal diffusion Quiz “How long does it take for temperature to be homogenized by conduction?” Hints: * Heat flow q = -k dT/dx has a dimension of W/m^2. * Specific heat Cp has a dimension of J/(K kg). Scaling for thermal diffusion heat flow: q T k L energy difference (per unit area): E Cp T L diffusion time scale: d E Cp 2 L2 = L = q k thermal diffusivity: k Cp Check dimension for all of these! Scaling for thermal diffusion diffusion time scale: L2 d diffusion length scale: L t For rocks, 10 6 m2 /s = 1 mm2 /s Conductive cooling of a hot sphere T t=0 z t>0 Lord Kelvin’s estimate on the age of Earth (1862) T z • Deep mines - temperature goes up with dT/dz~35 K/km. • Assume the initial temperature of 2000°C. • Then the boundary layer thickness is ~60 km. • Thermal diffusivity of 1 mm^2/s gives t~100 Myr. Lord Kelvin (William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin) • Superstar physicist in the 19th century (after Newton, before Einstein). Worked on nearly all branches of physics • One of the founders of thermodynamics • Also worked on a variety of geological and geophysical problems (as physicists and mathematicians in those days). Charles Lyell Popularizer of James Hutton’s “Uniformitarianism” • Close and influential friend of Charles Darwin • Uniformitarianism: “The Earth was shaped by slow-moving forces still in operation today” --- this (somehow) led to no definite beginning of Earth’s history... • Kelvin attacked this notion on the basis of thermodynamics: “energy must be finite in a finite space.” Kelvin’s estimate on the age of the Sun • • The only ‘thinkable’ energy source (in the 19th century) is gravitational collapse (~2.3e41 J): 3M 2 G U= 5R Dividing this by solar luminosity (4e26 W) gives the time scale of ~20 Myr. (currently this time scale is known as KelvinHelmholtz time scale in stellar physics.) What’s wrong, then? • Discovery of radioactivity at the turn of the 19th century: the birth of nuclear physics • Nuclear decay (radioactivity) and nuclear fusion both provide energy missing in Kelvin’s estimates for the ages of Earth and Sun, respectively. • ... but radioactivity is only a part of story. What’s chiefly wrong, then? Conduction is not the only way of heat transfer. • Radiation Electromagnetic wave propagation or a stream of photons (‘light’) • Conduction Propagation of atomic vibration (phonons) • Advection Physical transport of hot material Convection(対流) = CONduction + adVECTION Top layer is cooled down by conduction Cold advection Direction of gravity Direction of heat flow advection Hot Bottom layer is heated up by conduction to be continued…
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