Mystic Hexagon and Octagon - A Nice Application of Bézout’s Theorem Djordje Baralić Mathematical Institute SASA, Belgrade, Serbia Adviser : Rade Živaljević Problems I am working on My Research Area Currently I am studying quasitoric manifolds and small covers, topological generalizations of toric and real toric varieties, relations between their topology and combinatorics of their naturally associated simple polytopes and its application in geometric combinatorics toric topology, algebraic topology, geometric combinatorics, combinatorial algebraic geometry, projective geometry New Generalizations in Hexagrammum Mysticum Introduction Pappos, IV century A. D. Pascal line for cubics D1 and D2 Let A1, A2, A3 be three points on a straight line and let B1, B2, B3 be three points on another line. Let the lines A1B2 , A2B3, A3B1 intersect the lines B1A2 , B2A3, B3A1, in the points C1, C2 and C3 respectively. Then the three points C1, C2 and C3 are collinear. Let the points A, B, C, D, E and F lie on cubics D1 and D2. Then the remaining 3 intersection points of the cubics D1 and D2, P , Q and R lie on the same line l(ABCDEF ; D1, D2). Baralić & Spasojević, 2012 The lines l(ABCDEF ; D1, D2), l(ABCDEF ; D2, D3) and l(ABCDEF ; D3, D1) intersect in the Steiner-Kirkman point for the cubics D1, D2 and D3 and we denote it by N(D1)(D2)(D3). Blaise Pascal, 1639. Let the points A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 and A6 lie on conics C. The lines A1A2 and A4A5 meet at P , the lines A2A3 and A5A6 meet at Q, the lines A3A4 and A6A1 meet at R. Then the points P , Q and R are collinear. The point N(A.BD.E.CF ; D) = N(D)(l(AB) · l(EC) · l(DF ))(l(AD) · l(EF ) · l(BC)) is called generalized D Steiner point. Baralić & Spasojević, 2012 Bézout The four generalized D Steiner points N(A.BC.F.DE; D), N(A.BD.F.CE; D), N(A.DE.F.BC; D) and N(A.CE.F.BD; D) lie on the Generalized Steiner Line. If two projective curves C and D in CP 2 of degree n intersect at exactly n2 points and if n·m of these points lie on an irreducible curve E of degree m < n, then the remaining n·(n−m) points lie on a curve of degree at most n − m. Octagrammum Mysticum Hexagrammum Mysticum 60 possible ways for joining six points on a conic produce 60 Pascal lines. They are concurrent by triples in 20 ’Steiner points’ and also by triples in another 60 points, known as ‘Kirkman’s points’ which form a (60)3-type configuration. ’Veronese’s Decomposition Theorem’ states that (60)3-type configuration splits properly into six Desargues Configurations of the type (10)31’s. He also proved the existence of infinitely many systems comprised of sixty lines and points, explaining the complete Mystic Hexagon Configuration. Wilkinson 1872. Let ABCDEF GH be an octagon inscribed in a conic C and let Q1 and Q2 be distinct quartics that pass through the points A, B, C, D, E, F , G and H. Let L, M, N, O, P , Q, R and S be the eight other points of the intersection of Q1 and Q2. Then these eight points lie on the same conic D. Baralić & Spasojević, 2012. Plücker Let ABCDEF GH be an octagon inscribed in a conic C and assume that Q1, Q2 and Q3 are distinct quartics that pass through A, B, C, D, E, F , G and H. Then the conics D1(ABCDEF GH; Q2, Q3), D2(ABCDEF GH; Q3, Q1) and D3(ABCDEF GH; Q1, Q2) belong to the same pencil of conics. 20 Steiner points lie in fours on 15 SteinerPlücker lines, three through each point. Cayley and Salmon The Kirkman points lie in threes on 20 CayleySalmon lines. Each Steiner point lie on the Cayley-Salmon line. The Cayley-Salmon lines meet in threes in 15 Salmon points. References um, c ti s y M m u m m ra g ta c O um and m m ra g a x e H s l’ a c s a P f o ination m lu Il : ić v je o s a p S I. d n a -427 4 1 1 Dj. Baralić 4 p p , 2 e u s Is , ) 5 1 0 2 ol. 53 ( V ., m o o. 3, e N G , t. 4 u 3 p l. m o o V C r, e te c n e g lli Discre te Math. In , d e fi ti s y m e D m u c ti s y scal M a P e h T , a b y R . A d n a y 2 J. Conwa 4–8, 2012. 9, 1-12 7 8 1 , 2 l. o V ., th a M . J , Amer. m ra g a x ei e d H ie l a m c e s d a a P c c e h A T le , a d e d R a L i e . d 3C morie e M , m u c ti is M m u m m Hexagra ll’ u s i m re o e T i v o u N , e 4 G. Verones -703. Lincei, Vol. I, 1877, 649 Baralić & Spasojević, 2012. Let Q be a quartic passing through 8 vertices of mystic octagon ABCDEF GH, let C1, C2 and C3 be three distinct conics through the points A, B, C and D and let D1, D2 and D3 be three distinct conics through the points E, F , G and H. Let X1 be the mystic conic arising from the curves Q and C1 · D1 and let Y1 be the mystic conic arising from the curves Q and C3 · D2. The conics X2, X3, Y2 and Y3 are defined in analogous way. Then 12 intersection points of X1 ∩ Y1, X2 ∩ Y2 and X3 ∩ Y3 lie on the same conic.
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