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Rob ZJ
Mark Hattam
Jose Miguel Romero
Ontario DX Association
Paulo Henrique Castilla
Renato Lattanzi
Anderson José Torquato
Jose Miguel Romero
Jose Miguel Romero
Glenn Hauser
Manuel Méndez
Associao DX do Brasil
Associao DX do Brasil
Anatoly Klepov
Glenn Hauser
Antônio Avelino
Rafael Rodriguez
Alberto Mesquita
Radio Heritage Foundation
Jose Miguel Romero
Glenn Hauser
Marcio Renato
Dino Bloise
Michel Frias
Glenn Hauser
Magdiel Cruz
Glenn Hauser
Mur Uruguay
Pedro Sedano
Robert Ross
Jose Miguel Romero
Salomón Olvera Acosta
Rodolfo Tizzi
Pedro Elonda
Zacharias Liangas
Jorge Zuñiga
Sakae Onozawa
Lenildo da Silva
Alokesh Gupta
Roberto Pavanello
Bill Frahm
Hector (Luigi) Perez
Martin Emilio Pereda
Charles Reh
Babul Gupta
Anker Petersen
Jorge Zuñiga
José Maranhão
Allan Stern
Oscar Buendía
Ivanildo Gonçalves Dantas
Martin Emilio Pereda
Tandy Tasmania
Sandipan Basu Mallick
Gilvan Souza Costa
Antônio Avelino
Happy Birthday Samuel Morse
BBC World Service extra ENGLISH
Primer repetidor de Nepal - 9N1KS 145.000 / 434.500
ODXA DX REPORT - April 27th 2014
Atenção Radioamadores E Amantes De DX EM VHF!!!
Algo muito estranho no DXWATCH
O Araucaria VHF Contest esta de volta
Ajuda SDR
España: La radio digital, en 'standby'
Burundi: Dos ministros amenazan con cerrar una radio en Burundi
Logs April 2525-26, 2015
Nepal y noticias
Áudio do programa
programa "Encontro dos Amigos" de 1212-1010-2014
Nova promoção "Dê o seu lance" do período de 01 a 30 de abril de 2015
“RUS“RUS-DX” # 817
Logs April 25, 2015 [more]
Disponível o arquivo em PDF
Sutatenza, Un mensaje de Paz
25 de abril
abril - Aniversário Guglielmo Marconi
Big NZ Radio Guide Moves
Radio Veritas Asia's acclaimed Vietnamese
Logs April 2424-25, 2015
Frecuencia Al Día - No. 427, Abril 24, 2015
Venta (Uruguay)
Logs April 24, 2015
CW0R/CW1GM Abril 2015
Logs April 2323-24, 2015
Reparación y servicio Técnico en Radiocomunicaciones HF VHF UHF
Noticias de Asociación Española De Radioescucha (AER)
Rob ZJ
Happy Birthday Samuel Morse
The creator of Morse code and the single
gle wire telegraph was born on this day back in 1791.
Today marks the birthday of the brains behind Morse code – a universal communications system that revolutionised the
world as we knew it and came to be a truly enabling assistive technology for people with
ith disabilities.
On 27 April 1791, Samuel Morse was born. He died on 2 April 1872 but packed in a great deal of innovation during his
Initially a painter of historic scenes, Morse also had a technical brain and was responsible for creating the single
telegraph and, most notably, Morse code. Morse’s technical breakthrough occurred almost as a by-product
of his painting
enthusiasm. Following a tour of France, Italy and Switzerland from 1830-1832
1832 to enhance his painting expertise, Morse
d to America by sea. It was during this homebound voyage that he met up with Charles Thomas Jackson who
happened to be somewhat of an expert in electromagnetism. It was observing Jackson’s electromagnetic experiments during
the long journey home that Morse came up with the concept of the single wire telegraph. His painting plans – the reasoning
behind the trip – were immediately put on the back burner so that he could focus his attentions solely on this new project.
Great minds think alike
However, Morse wass not alone in his Eureka moment. William Cooke had also worked to create a commercial single wire
telegraph and, thanks to a large pool of cash, was some way ahead of Morse in the development stakes. Professor Charles
Wheatstone was also in on the action. The two paired up and patented their electrical telegraph back in May 1837.
Fellow American Joseph Henry had also previously dabbled in work on an electrical telegraph. But all was not lost for Morse.
Despite reaching a wall when it came to getting signal to travel more than a few hundred yards, Morse knew the power of
harnessing the knowledge of others. With the help of Leonard Gale, a professor of chemistry at New York University, Morse
managed to send messages that travelled 10 miles of wire.
Fuelled by the breakthrough, the two gents were joined by Alfred Vail who brought more expertise and financial resources
to the project. Vail was to prove key in thedevelopment of Morse code as we know it, expanding Morse’s early model
ofnumbers only to include both special characters and letters too. That is how we came to reach the dots and dashes
synonymous with Morse code today.
Money makes the world go round
Greater funding was required the make the telegraph a commercial reality. That funding was clearly more likely to go to
Cooke and Wheatstone in Europe, so Morse had to look closer to home. Following a demonstration connecting two committee
rooms in the US Capitol building,
g, Morse was awarded $30,000 to build a pilot line between Washington DC and Baltimore.
The real breakthrough came as Morse used the wire back on 24 May 1844 to say: “What hath God wrought” – a message that
marked the official opening of the new communications
The technology was patented in 1847, following legal battles regarding rightful ownership of the “inventor of the telegraph”
moniker. In 1851, Britain adopted Morse’s invention as the European telegraphy standard. The use of Morse code also
became key to aviation. The Morse code we use today has been tweaked as it based on the Modern International Morse code
that was actually developed by Friedrich Clemens Gerke back in 1848.
Mark Hattam
BBC World Service extra ENGLISH
BBC World Service extra ENGLISH transmissions to Nepal following earthquake ...
English 0000-0030
0030 on 9540 (Singapore) & 5895 (Thailand) and broadcasts in NEPALI ...
0145 on 11995 & 15510 (both from Thailand)
1600 on 9650 (Singapore) & 5895 (Thailand)
Jose Miguel Romero
Primer repetidor de Nepal - 9N1KS 145.000 / 434.500
Gracias a la energía y el arduo trabajo del personal de la Sociedad Nacional de Tecnología Sísmica (NSET) y la asistencia
técnica y financiera de la Asociación Informática de Nepal - EE.UU. capítulo, primer repetidor de Nepal fue inaugurado el mes
pasado y está trabajando muy bien!
El repetidor 9N1KS está situado en lo alto del edificio NSET en las afueras del sur de Katmandú [ mapa ]. La salida es 145.000
y 434.500 de entrada es sin tono. Un simulacro realizado en varios hospitales de la ciudad, la cobertura del valle de Katmandú
es muy bueno. Hay una actividad regular de la noche por el personal NSET, que están utilizando ocho Yaseu FT-60 donados
por CAN-EE.UU.. Con más concesionarios y equipos antes de venir 9N, 9N1KS pronto debería ser un repetidor ocupado de
El repetidor sí es un Kenwood TM-V71A, alimenta a una antena Diamond X-30A a unos cinco metros por encima del
edificio. La energía de reserva es proporcionada por una célula de gel 12Ah.
Más noticias de seguir en los próximos días y semanas - NSET y el Amateur Radio League Nepal (NARL) tienen varios
proyectos en cartera. Mientras tanto, escuchar la voz de anuncio Nisha 9N1NS [ .mp3 ] y echa un vistazo a las fotos de
abajo! Gracias a Rob 9N7ZL / NZ6J y los nuevos licenciatarios en NSET incluyendo Khadga 9N1KS, Nisha 9N1NS, Jimee 9N1GJ,
Surya 9N1SS, y otros por su trabajo en esta iniciativa.
(Edificio NSET, con antena repetidora débilmente visible en lo alto del edificio, a la izquierda)
(Rob 9N7ZL / NZ6J de CAN-EE.UU. con la antena)
Ontario DX Association
ODXA DX REPORT - April 27th 2014
Send us just your best DX! The editor reserves the right to decide what DX tips will be published. All DX tips are in English
unless otherwise noted and all dates and times are in UTC. Newer tips are in blueand older ones are in black.
We close another month in the great toybox of life offering prayers for Harold
Sellers' wife, Linda, who is undergoing some health issues and prayers of thanksgiving for my wife, Susan, who after a year
and a quarter has been declared to be cancer-free! Our health and that of our loved ones always comes first as the hobby
will always be there for us stalwarts!
2485 AUSTRALIA VL8K(ABC Katherine) at 1100 with a woman with possible news – Barely audible Apr 22 Wilkner-FL
2500 HAWAII WWVHat 0722 // 5000 with female time announcements barely audible under WWV then clearly heard ID
and station info under time pips at 0729 – Very weak Apr 4 Coady-ON – all things considered this was amazing
reception on my vintage Drake TR-7 with hardly any noise on the frequency – ed
3290 GUYANA Voice of Guyanaat 0535 with BBC news with an item about South Carolina police shooting a fleeing black
man - Poor Apr 8 Sellers-BC.Also at 0945 with Caribbean music and into “Guiding Light” religious program – Fair Apr
7 Wilkner-FL
3310 BOLIVIA Radio Mosoj Chaski at 1013 in a local language with a woman with talk – Good Apr 7 Wilkner-FL
3375.1 BRAZIL Radio Municipal São Gabriel da Cachoeiraat 0953 in Portuguese with a man with rapid talk and flute
instrumentals – Fair Apr 7 wilknerFL
4055 GUATEMALA Radio Verdadat 1019 with hymn “What A Friend We Have in Jesus” - Very Good Apr 7 Wilkner-FL.
Also at 1045 with choral hymns – Very Good Apr 20 Barton-AZ
4451.2 BOLIVIA Radio Santa Anaat 2310 in Spanish with talk – Poor with deep fades Apr 21 Wilkner-FL
4765 CUBA Radio Progresoat 0355 in Spanish with male and female DJs with ID and jingles – Poor Apr 7 WardaleENGLAND
4775 PERU Radio Tarma at 1043 with Andean flute music – Good Apr 6 WilknerFL
4810 PERU Radio Logosat 1020 with Andean flute music and vernacular religious talk – Fair Apr 6 Wilkner-FL
4840 USA WWCRat 0401 with a discussion about the NSA – Good Apr 7 WardaleENGLAND
4915 BRAZIL Radio Daqui at 2350 in Portuguese with romantic ballads and a clear “Radio Daqui” ID – Fair Apr 23
4925.2 BRAZIL Radio Educacao Ruralat 2350 in Portuguese with Brasopops – Good Apr 23 Wilkner-FL
4960 SAO TOME VOAat 0407 with news about the El Shabab attacks in Kenya and the Ebola crisis – Fair Apr 7 WardaleENGLAND
4985.5 PERU Radio Voz Cristiana at 1105 in Spanish with a man with talk theb music at 1109 – Fair Apr 10 Wilkner-FL
4990 SURINAME Radio Apintieat 0940 in Dutch with a man with talk – Weak Apr 7 Wilkner-FL
5025 CUBA Radio Rebeldeat 0419 in Spanish with music and a male DJ and ID at 0420 – Very Good Apr 7 WardaleENGLAND
5040 CUBA RHCat 0425 in Spanish with music and male and female DJs with ID – Good Apr 7 Wardale-ENGLAND
5810 USA WEWNat 0431 in Spanish with a man with religious talk – Fair but fluttery Apr 7 Wardale-ENGLAND
5830 USA WTWWat 0433 with a discussion of the Kenyan massacre – Good Apr 7 Wardale-ENGLAND
5910 COLOMBIA Alcaravan Radioat 2340 in Spanish with a male preacher – Good Apr 25 Wilkner-FL
5950 JAPAN NHK World Radio Japanat 0911 with IS to 0915 and sign-on with a man in Korean – Very Good Apr 23
5952.4 BOLIVIA Radio Pio XIIat 0022 in Spanish with a man and woman with apparent religious talk with another man on
the telephone then a number of ads or promos with music from 0027 – Poor with static crashes Apr 10 Coady-ON
5975 ENGLAND NHK World Radio Japanat 0525 // 11970 (via FRANCE) with a Japanese song then closing “Radio Japan
Focus” at 0528 with contact information and frequencies and sign-off - Fair Apr 8 Sellers-BC
6000 CUBA RHCat 0439 with ID and a discussion of how the capitalist system affects Africa followed by music the CD
“Women in Africa” - Very Good Apr 7 Wardale-ENGLAND
6005 ASCENSION ISLAND BBCat 0502 with world news – Good Apr 7 WardaleENGLAND
6010.14 COLOMBIA La Voz de tu Concienciaat 1110 in Spanish with a woman with talk and Christian music – Fair Apr 22
6030 USA Radio Martiat 0504 in Spanish and English with world news and ID at 0504 – Fair Apr 7 Wardale-ENGLAND
6035 ASCENSION ISLAND VOAat 0507 in Hausa with news mentioning “El Shabab” - Good Apr 7 Wardale-ENGLAND
6060 CUBA RHC at 0509 with news about the upcoming elections in Cuba – Very Good Apr 7 Wardale-ENGLAND
6070 CANADA CFRX(Toronto, ON) at 0521 with a host and guests discussing extra-marital affairs - Good Apr 27 Sellers6134.8 BOLIVIA Radio Santa Cruzat 2355 in Spanish with male vocals and a woman with a clear “Radio Santa Cruz” ID –
Fair Apr 23 Wilkner-FL
6145 SOUTH AFRICA Channel Africaat 0507 with news about the Nepal earthquake and other stories - Poor Apr 27
6155 AUSTRIA Radio Ö Internationalat 0613 in German with possible news headlines and off at 0615 – Poor with CCI
QRM Apr 8 Sellers-BC
6160 NEWFOUNDLAND CKZN(CBC St. John's NL) at 0745 with DW's “Inside Europe” - Fair Apr 4 Coady-ON. Also at
2359 playing Niel Young's “Old Man” - Fair Apr 25 Wilkner-FL
6185 MEXICO Radio Educacionat 0050 in Spanish with ranchero-like male vocals and a man with occasional talk – Fair
with static crashes Apr 10 Coady-ON
6185 USA Vatican Radioat 0208 in Armenian totally wiping out Radio Educacion with IS to ID at 0210 and a man with talk
– Very Good Apr 12 Coady-ON
6940 NORTH AMERICAN PIRATE Wolverine Radioat 0117 with blues and other old time music and a “Wolverine Radio”
ID at 0125 – Good Apr 5 Ross-ON
6950 NORTH AMERICAN PIRATE Radio Free Whateverat 0055 with 80s New Wave music and DJ Dick Weed with a
“Radio Free Whatever” ID at 0058 – Good Apr 5 Ross-ON
7250 VATICAN Vatican Radioat 0534 with choral religious music to 0544 and a man with brief talk in Latin back to music –
Fair with static Apr 3 Forsythe-WI. Also at 0529 with bells then sign-on at 0530 and into Latin Mass - Poor Apr 27
7375 EAST GERMANY The Mighty KBC at 0000 with usual fare of DJ Erich and his mix of chat, ads, and oldies pop music
– Very Good with static crashes Apr 19 Forsythe-WI
7415 ASCENSION ISLAND Dandal Kuriat 0523 in Kanuri with two men in an apparent interview then local music from 0536
– Fair with static Apr 3 Forsythe-WI
9315 EGYPT Radio Cairoat 0217 with a man with news then ID of “This is the North American Service of Radio Cairo” at
0220 and more news – Good signal but over-driven audio Apr 14 Coady-ON
9445 INDIA AIR(Bengaluru) at 2040 with subcontinental vocals then a woman with ID and frequencies at 2045 and into a
subcontinental ballad – Fair Apr 26 Coady-ON – generally poor band conditions to finish the month - ed
9450 EAST GERMANY Athmeeya Yatra Radio(via Nauen) at 0109 in listed Marwari with a man with religious talk then talk
over soft instrumentals at 0111 and an “Athmeeya Yatra Radio” ID at 0112 with address – Very Good Apr 27 Coady9490 CHINA CRIat 2235 with Mandarin ballads and soft pops with no announcements – Fair to Good but fluttery Apr 16
Forsythe-WI – Spanish program scheduled here - ed
9500 OMAN Radio Sultanate of Omanat 0130 in Arabic with a man with Middle Eastern news with music bridges then a
man with ID at 0136 and into a feature hosted by a man and woman – Fair Apr 21 Coady-ON. Also at 0018 in Arabic with talk
and into Qu'ran chanting – Fair with static Apr 27 Forsythe-WI
9510 EAST GERMANY Athmeeya Yatra Radio(via Nauen) at 0018 in a subcontinental language (Chakma listed for
Monday) with a man with talk then subcontinental music at 0022 and back to talk at 0030 – Fair with static Apr 27
9535 FRANCE Radio Algerienneat 0550 with French talk then Arabic announcements at 0555 over music with several
frequencies mentioned then abruptly off at 0558 – Good with a slight echo Apr 8 Sellers-BC
9575 MOROCCO Radio Medi Unat 0543 in French and Arabic with an English pop song and announcers with talk and a
mention of “Medi Un” - Fair Apr 8 Sellers-BC
9580 AUSTRALIA Radio Australiaat 0942 with Collingwood Magpies vs. Brisbane Lions AFL football – Excellent Apr 4
9625 PALAU NHK World Radio Japanat 1100 in listed Indonesian with a man and woman with talk – Fair Apr 25 Barton9665 BRAZIL Radio Voz Missionariaat 0205 in Portuguese with a male preacher then a man with ID at 0207 and a number
of promos – Fair Apr 21 Coady-ON
9690 AUSTRIA AWRat 0212 with ID and into two women with talk in Urdu – Good but fluttery Apr 1 Forsythe-WI
9700 ROMANIA RRI at 0535 with news ending with ID at 0537 - Fair Apr 27 Sellers-BC
9700 NEW ZEALAND RNZI at 0815 with “Pacific Music” featuring a mix of Island pop music and English and Maori IDs at
0826 – Very Good Apr 14 Coady-ON
9830 TURKEY Voice of Turkeyat 2206 with a woman with news and a man with “The news continues on the English
language broadcast of the Voice of Turkey” at 2207” and a woman with Turkish news – Very Good Apr 23 Coady-ON
9860 ENGLAND KBS World Radioat 0723 in Korean with pop music and occasional talk between tracks and off at 0800 –
Fair with static Apr 5 Forsythe-WI
9910 INDIA AIRat 2302 in Hindi with a man and woman with apparent news – Weak to Fair Apr 1 Forsythe-WI
10000 HAWAII WWVHat 1159 with a woman with clear ID, broadcast information, frequencies, and address ending with
“Aloha” - Fair with WWV Apr 26 Forsythe-WI
11560 PRIDNESTROVIE Radio Mirayaat 0518 with an interview with a UNHCR official discussing wildfires in South Sudan –
Very good Apr 8 Sellers-BC
11670 INDIA AIR at 2120 // 9445 with Bollywood music to 2132 and a man with “This program of film songs comes to an
end on the General Overseas Service of All India Radio” – Very Good Apr 12 Coady-ON
11710 ALBANIA CRIat 0541 with news of China then a promo at 0543 - Poor Apr 27 Sellers-BC
11725 NEW ZEALAND RNZIat 0536 telling the story of an autistic child lost in the Australian bush for five days - Excellent
Apr 8 Sellers-BC
11735 TANZANIA-ZANZIBAR ZBC Radioat 2014 in Swahili with East African pop and folk vocals – Good Apr 5 Coady-ON
11740 INDIA-GOA AIR(Panaji) at 2128 // 11670 with a man and woman hosting a letterbox program – Weak with CRI Mar
30 Coady-ON
11765 BRAZIL Super Radio Deus e Amorat 0032 in Portuguese with male and female excited preachers with many mentions
of “Dios”, “Jesus”, and “Brasil” – Fair Apr 21 Coady-ON
11810 ASCENSION ISLAND BBCat 2150 with “World Football” - Very Good Apr 24 Coady-ON
11810 SOUTH KOREA KBS World Radioat 2155 with IS and ID loop noted under BBC to 2159 then in the clear with
opening music and ID and a woman with “From Seoul, Korea, KBS World Radio News starts right now” at 2201 and
into news – Fair to Good Apr 24 Coady-ON
11820 SAUDI ARABIA BSKSAat 2235 in Arabic with “Holy Qu'ran Radio” program – Fair to Good Apr 16 Forsythe-WI
11905 SRI LANKA SLBCat 0115 in Hindi with OC to 0117 and subcontinental vocals then a woman with talk from 0119 to
0126 and more subcontinental vocals – Very Good Apr 14 Coady-ON
11945 SOUTH AFRICA BBCat 0548 // 5875 and 6005 with news headlines and sports highlights - Fair Apr 27 Sellers-BC
12010 GUAM KSDA(AWR) at 1150 with female vocals to ID of “This is Adventist World Radio, the Voice of Hope” at 1200 –
Fair Apr 25 Barton-AZ
12065 AUSTRALIA Radio Australiaat 1330 // 12085 with a Jazz music program – Good Apr 15 Barton-AZ – Rick mentions
that the // 12085 was a little weaker but in Eastern North America I find that 12085 is the stronger of the two so, as
mentioned before, Radio Australia seems to cover the continent well – ed
13725 FRANCE RFIwith OC prior to 0549 and abruptly into a press review in Progres
s then ID at 0500 of “English
language program of Radio France International” and into news headlines - Very good Apr 27 Sellers-BC
13760 NORTH KOREA Voice of Koreaat 0429 // 15180 with news about the DPRK and the Great Leader - Poor Apr 27
13760 CHINA CRI(Kashi) at 1645 with usual English program then killed by Voice of Korea at 1700 – Fair to Good Apr 15
15115 PHILIPPINES VOA at 1440 in Mandarin with possible news magazine with VOA theme music between items then
VOA web address and a definite ID and "This program has come to you from Washington. This is the Voice of
America, signing off." then Yankee Doodle IS and off at 1500 – Fair to Good over jammer Apr 17 Forsythe-WI
15120 NIGERIA Voice of Nigeriaat 0500 with news headlines and “world news” but began with all Nigerian news – Strong
signal but degraded by a whine and bassy audio Apr 27 Sellers-BC
15215 GUAM KSDA(AWR) at 2235 in Mandarin with a women with song talk and light instrumentals – Weak but audible Apr
19 Forsythe-WI
15240 AUSTRALIA Radio Australia at 0532 // 15415 and 17840 with “Pacific Beat” with program preview and news - Good
Apr 8 Sellers-BC – Harold mentions that 15415 was poor to fair and 17840 was poor. 17840 is usually the best of the
lot in Easter North America so I guess it was a wise choice of frequencies to give best coverage - ed
15245 NORTH KOREA Voice of Koreaat 2235 in Spanish with operatic music and talk between songs – Weak but audible
Apr 19 Forsythe-WI
15255 SOUTH AFRICA Channel Africaat 0602 with a woman with African news - Good Apr 8 Sellers-BC
15275 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES DW Radioat 0442 // 9800 with news and ID - Poor Apr 27 Sellers-BC
15275 MADAGASCAR DW Radioat 0526 // 7425 (via South Africa) with a radio drama - Good Apr 27 Sellers-BC
15345 ARGENTINA RNAat 2235 in Spanish with a man and woman with talk and an ad for something happening the week
of April 20th and a clear ID – Fair to Good Apr 19 Forsythe-WI
15420 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES BBCat 0445 with sports news - Poor Apr 27 Sellers-BC
15570 VATICAN Vatican Radioat 1740 with “African News Perspective” with a man with African and Catholic Church news
– Good Apr 6 Coady-ON
15580 BOTSWANA VOAat 1815 with a man with “At 15 minutes past the hour here is a news recap on Africa News
Tonight” - Good Apr 6 Coady-ON. Also at 2140 with a Disneyesque pop music program – Very Good Apr 15 Barton15720 NEW ZEALAND RNZIat 0239 with a woman interviewing a man about NZ cricket test matches vs. Australia – Fair Apr
3 Coady-ON
17615 SAUDI ARABIA BSKSAat 1130 in Arabic with Qu'ran chanting – Fair Apr 25 Barton-AZ
17840 AUSTRALIA Radio Australiaat 0234 with an interview of the British House of Lords' Maurice Glasman (Baron
Glasman) about how Pope Francis is encouraging social activists – Fair Apr 3 Coady-ON
Thanks to our contributors:
Rick Barton in Arizona; Mark Coady in Ontario; Carlie Forsythe in Wisconsin; Robert Ross in Ontario; Harold Sellers in British
Columbia; Charlie Wardale in England; Robert Wilkner in Florida
I don't use a lot of abbreviations in this column, preferring to use complete words and phrases, but here are some you may
encounter: ACI – adjacent channel interference (frequency usually 5 kHz apart); AIR – All India Radio; BBC – British
Broadcasting Corporation; BSKSA – Broadcasting Service of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; CCI – co-channel interference
(same frequency); CODAR - Coastal Ocean Dynamics Applications Radar (the swooping sound on the tropical bands); CRI –
China Radio International; DRM – digital shortwave radio; DW – Deutsche Welle; het – heterodyne interference; ID – station
ID; IS – interval signal; LSB – lower sideband; OC – open carrier; PNG – Papua New Guinea (when the appropriate radio
country is cited); QRN – noise; QRM – man-made interference; QTH – location; RFE/RL - Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty;
RRI – Radio Republic Indonesia or Radio Romania International (depends on the logging); RTI – Radio Taiwan International;
RTTY – radio teletype; TC – time check; USB – upper sideband; UTE – utility station; v (when used after a frequency) variable
frequency meaning it drifts or is not exactly on frequency; VOA – Voice of America; VOIRI – Voice of the Islamic Republic of
Iran; // (#) - parallel (frequency)
Paulo Henrique Castilla
Atenção Radioamadores E Amantes
Amantes De DX EM VHF!!!
Rio Dx Group
Urgente Urgente!!!!
Concurso Araucária De Vhf Avhfc Está De Volta!!! Dias 02 E 03 De Maio De 2015.. Em Breve Mais Notícias E O Regulamento
Completo!!! . O Rio Dx Group Aproveita O Momento Para Manifestar O Total Apoio Ao Grupo Araucária E Aos Organizadores
Por Essa Sábia Decisão De Retornar Com O Conteste Que Deixou Uma Lacuna No Calendário Do Vhf E Por Que Não Dizer No
Radioamadorismo Brasileiro. Solicitamos Ampla Divulgaçâo!!!
Algo muito estranho no DXWATCH
Tenho um assunto a relatar para voces,esta acontecendo algo muito estranho no DXWATCH,alguem por algum motivo que
desconheço,conseguiu não sei como fazer um cadastro usando meu prefixo e sempre quando estou fazendo DX e chamando
uma determinada estação,essa pessoa vai e faz uma postagem utilizando meu prefixo,e quando clico no prefixo,vai para
minha página de informações,é como se fosse eu mesmo,não sei qual a intenção,e quem utiliza o DXWATCH com
frequencia,vai reparar que o spot feito é diferente dos que eu costumo fazer,os dizeres são diferentes,pelo menos não esta
usando para ofender ninguem e nem tão pouco fazer falsas postagens,mas se quem esta fazendo isso,peço por favor que retire
seu cadastro e coloque seu próprio prefixo,esse prefixo é meu e não vejo motivo para fazer isso,espero que a pessoa que esta
fazendo isso tenha um pouco de consideração e respeito,já passei a situação para o Felipe,que é o dono do site e ele me
informou que isso não esta sendo feito pelo DXWATCH,isso esta vindo de outro cluster,segue os 2 spots que essa pessoa fez e
quem puder me ajudar a resolver isso,agradeço,pois não quero problemas com ninguem,já que meu prefixo esta sendo usado
por outra pessoa,quero deixar voces cientes deste fato.
PY1FC TC100TC 28540 SA 0931z 24 Apr PY1FC TC100B 28465 59 in brazil 1143z 26 Apr
Renato Lattanzi
O Araucaria VHF Contest esta de volta
1. Período: Edição de Outono (Hemisfério Sul): Desde as 00:00 UTC do Sábado 02 de Maio de 2015. Até as 16:00 UTC do
Domingo 03 de Maio de 2015. Objetivo: Realizar o maior número de contatos e trabalhar diferentes grids squares dentro do
período de competição. Apenas contatos ponto-a-ponto serão válidos (excluído uso de links VoIP, EME, satélites). Para
estações fora da América do Sul e Central, os QSOs válidos necessariamente deverão ser com estações localizadas na América
do Sul ou Central. 2. Bandas: 6 metros (50 MHz) e 2 metros (144 MHz) observando os planos das bandas e subfaixas no
respectivo país de operação. 3. Modos: FM, SSB, CW. 4. Categorias: 4.1 Mono Operador, Multibanda; 4.2 Mono Operador, 50
MHz; 4.3 Mono Operador, 144 MHz; 4.4 Multi Operador. 5. QSO: Trocar sinal (RS ou RST) e grid square da estação (os 4
primeiros dígitos do localizador mundial). Exemplo: “59 GG66” para SSB e “599 GG66” para CW. 6. Multiplicadores: O número
de diferentes grid squares trabalhados por banda, independente do modo. 7. Pontos: 8.1. Um ponto por diferente estação
trabalhada em 6m, independente do modo; 8.2. Dois pontos por diferente estação trabalhada em 2m, independente do modo;
8.3. A pontuação final é calculada pela a soma de diferentes grids squares trabalhados em cada banda, vezes a soma das
pontuações por banda; 8. Prêmios: 9.1. iplomas para as 3 estações com maior pontuação em cada categoria de cada país
DXCC; 9.2. Placas para o primeiro lugar de cada categoria Brasil; 9.3. Placa para a maior pontuação da América do Sul (exceto
Brasil); 9.4. Placas especiais: A expedição brasileira com maior pontuação e ao radioamador classe C com maior pontuação e
outras categorias criadas. 9.5. Para ser elegível a placas o log deverá ter um mínimo de 20 qso´s válidos. 9. Logs: Padrão
CQWW VHF Contest disponível em softwares para concursos (N1MM, DX4WIN, etc). Não serão aceitos relatórios escritos
(papel). Envio por email no formato Cabrillo em até 72 horas após o término do concurso, exceto expedições que terão até 10
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Miscelâneas: a. Apenas um indicativo deve ser proferido como da sua respectiva estação competidora durante o concurso; b.
É permitido o uso do DX Cluster, exceto self-sportting; c. Respeite as limitações legais de sua licença e as regulamentações
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desclassificação da estação. l. Site do AVHFC:
Anderson José Torquato
Ajuda SDR
Caros amigos. Como todos sabem, eu fui presenteado com um receptor que se encontra no site do amigo Junior torres de Castro.
O problema que eu não estou conseguindo usar o receptor.
Esta certo que eu estou sem o conector para encaixar as antenas, mais mesmo assim eu abri o receptor e liguei o vivo e a
malha da antena no lugar certo, e usando os programas, tudo que eu consigo é captar a emissora local em FM. Queria saber o
que estarei fazendo de errado, pois já tentei de tudo. Por favor me ajudem. Qualquer coisa podem me ajudar diretamente para
meu e-mail. Desde já muito obrigado
Minha gravações de emissoras escutadas aqui em Garopaba
Meu outro site de gravações
Anderson José Torquato - Garopaba-SC
Jose Miguel Romero
España: La radio digital, en 'standby'
La radio digital, en 'standby' –
Noruega apagará su FM en 2017, mientras en España la tecnología DAB, el estándar de emisión de radio digital, tan solo llega
a un 20% de la población
Noruega ya ha puesto fecha al fin de la FM. A partir del 11 de enero de 2017, el país nórdico iniciará su transición hacia la
radio digital con diversos apagones que concluirán el 13 de diciembre de ese mismo año, en un proceso muy similar al que se
ha llevado a cabo con la TDT de la televisión. La región será la primera del mundo en adoptar para todas sus estaciones la
tecnología DAB+, un estándar de emisión de radio digital que, en una versión algo más primitiva, comenzó a implantarse en
1995 en diversos países. Por increíble que parezca, España formó parte de esa primera avanzadilla.
Las ventajas estaban ahí: DAB, que no es más que el acrónimo en inglés de transmisión de audio digital, permitía alojar en el
mismo espectro de frecuencias que la FM necesita para ubicar una cadena, hasta seis programas distintos en estéreo con
calidad similar a la de un CD o uno con audio 5.1. DAB+, una mejora que se lanzó en 2007, es aproximadamente tres veces
más eficaz en este sentido. Pero las virtudes no acaban ahí. La transmisión es más estable, garantizando una mayor calidad
que la FM en la recepción cuando la señal es reducida y, sobre todo, en receptores móviles como los que se instalan en los
vehículos. Además, la tecnología reserva también un espacio para ofrecer contenido multimedia como textos e imágenes.
Sin embargo la expansión del sistema en nuestro país no solo se detuvo sino que dio pasos atrás. Javier Sánchez Pérez,
presidente del Programa Estratégico sobre Plataformas de Radio Digital de la Unión Europea de Radiodifusión (UER), lo
explica: «La red comenzó a desplegarse en 2000. En 2002 y con 23 centros emisores ya se daba cobertura al 50% de la
población». Pero no hubo campañas que alentaran la compra de receptores y el consumidor tampoco fue capaz de apreciar
las ventajas. «Debes poner contenidos novedosos porque para escuchar lo mismo la gente no se gasta dinero», reflexiona
Sánchez Pérez. Tras la llegada del DAB+, los radiodifusores volvieron a ponerse de acuerdo para tratar de migrar hacia esta
nueva versión -incompatible, por cierto, con los primeros receptores digitales que salieron al mercado-. Fruto de ese
consenso, el Consejo de Ministros dio a luz un acuerdo que establecía reducir la cobertura de DAB al 20% -en la actualidad
solo se emite en este formato en Madrid y Barcelona- para migrar los centros emisores DAB+.
Pero la segunda parte del plan ni siquiera empezó. «Para hacer la transición debe haber dos cosas: voluntad y consenso».
Habla Sánchez Pérez no solo del papel que juega la radio pública, sino también del de los fabricantes, de la adaptación de los
vehículos -al fin y al cabo, el 'prime time' en la radio tiene lugar por las mañanas- y de los radiodifusores privados que, en su
opinión, se caracterizan por «tomar medidas cortoplacistas y buscar la inmediatez en los resultados económicos». Y eso que
los gastos de explotación de esta nueva tecnología se reducen entre cinco y diez veces. Pilar Martínez-Costa, autora del libro
'La radio en la era digital' y profesora en la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de Navarra, coincide en que no hubo
voluntad política ni empresarial. «Cuando se inició la andadura de la radio digital, las empresas consideraban que tenían las
audiencias que querían y les interesaba mantener las reglas del juego».
El asalto de la radio 'online'
Por si fuera poco a la radio digital le ha salido un competidor: las emisiones por ‘streaming’ a través de internet. «Con la radio
online, el oyente ya obtiene todo lo que le podría dar la radio digital por medio de varios soportes -tabletas, móviles,
televisores- y aún con mayor interactividad», continúa Martínez-Costa. ¿Significa esto que no hay espacio para el DAB+? El
responsable del programa estratégico en la UER niega la mayor: «La radio puede ser online pero para audiencias pequeñas».
Tiene sentido porque la emisión a través del espectro radiofónico tiene unos costes fijos, mientras que en el caso de la radio
online los costes «se disparan por encima de los 9.000 oyentes». Para el consumidor tampoco es muy rentable. Los españoles
escuchan la radio una media de 111 minutos al día. Teniendo en cuenta que un 30% de ese tiempo se escucha con receptores
móviles, «cada oyente gastaría una media de 8 gigas de datos al mes». «Centrarse en la radio online es matar moscas a
cañonazos», asevera. Quizá la cuadratura del círculo se encuentre en los sistemas híbridos que suman las posibilidades del
DAB+ con las de la banda ancha. «Junto a las imágenes y los textos, estos sistemas permiten implementar guías electrónicas
de la programación, hacer encuestas e, incluso, conectar con una cámara de la DGT mientras el locutor da el parte del tráfico»,
dice Sánchez Pérez con entusiasmo. Además, si la señal de la radio digital se pierde por falta de cobertura, son capaces de
seguir por la FM o por internet hasta que se vuelva a recuperar.
Con los apagones de Suecia y Suiza, previstos para 2022 y 2024, -Reino Unido ha retrasado el suyo de forma indefinida-, cabe
preguntarse qué pasará en España. «Yo no creo en el apagón analógico en un país como el nuestro -afirma Martínez-Costa-.
Creo que la radio debe intentar llegar a todas partes sin abandonar los lugares en los que ya está». Sánchez Pérez, por su
parte, cree que España acabará yendo al sistema digital «forzada, cuando veamos que el entorno nos ha sobrepasado».
Jose Miguel Romero
Burundi: Dos ministros amenazan con cerrar una radio
Dos ministros amenazan con cerrar una radio en Burundi por informar de las protestas
La Policía burundesa y dos ministros del Gobierno han entrado por la fuerza este domingo en una emisora de radio y han
amenazado con cerrarla por informar sobre las protestas contra el anuncio del presidente del país, Pierre Nkurunziza, de que
optará a un tercer mandato, según ha informado un testigo a Reuters. Alexandre Niyungeko, presidente del Sindicato de
Periodistas de Burundi, que se encontraba también en el lugar de los hechos, ha indicado que el ministro del Interior, Edward
Nduwimana, ha informado a la emisora RPA de que quería cerrarla por difundir mensajes incitando a la población a evelarse.
Previamente, la Policía ha empleado gases lacrimógenos y cañones de agua para dispersar a los manifestantes que
protestaban por la decisión de Nkurunziza, según testigos, después de que el Gobierno haya prohibido tanto las protestas a
favor como en contra de la medida.
Según los testigos, al menos un policía y un manifestante han resultado heridos.
Este sábado el presidente hizo pública su decisión de buscar la reelección en un acto de su partido Consejo Nacional para la
Defensa de la Democracia - Fuerzas para la Defensa de la Democracia celebrado en la capital. "A partir de hoy se acabó el
silencio. Nadie va a detener al CNDD-FDD. Este es el partido que creó la democracia", manifestó.Nkurunziza lleva ahora
mismo diez años en el poder tras dos mandatos de cinco años.
En principio, la Constitución burundesa no permite un tercer mandato pero el partido de Nkurunziza argumenta que la
primera vez fue elegido por el Parlamento, no por votación popular, por lo que considera legítimo que se presente a sus
segundas elecciones.
La oposición no solo no comparte ese parecer sino que advierte de que se trata de una violación de los términos tan grave que
podría volver a arrastrar al país al caos que dejó más de 300.000 muertos entre 1993 y 2005 por enfrentamientos entre hutus
y tutsis.
"Si el presidente decide romper las reglas que terminaron con la guerra civil y restauraron la democracia no me hago
responsable de lo que suceda. No quiero llamar a las protestas pero apoyo a los que quieran salir a las calles", ha declarado el
político opositor Agathon Rwasa tras conocer la nominación de Nkurunziza.
"Lamentamos el modo en que la Policía ha actuado con violencia contra una manifestación pacífica", ha declarado Janvier
Bigirimana, un activista de la sociedad civil, a Reuters en Bujumbura. El ministro del Interior ha defendido que las
manifestaciones son ilegales ya que el Gobierno ha prohibido cualquier protesta tanto a favor como en contra de que el
presidente busque un tercer mandato.
"Hemos pedido a quien quiera que esté contra el tercer mandato que siga los procedimientos legales. Solo el Tribunal
Constitucional puede juzgar si Nkurunziza tiene derecho de presentarse o no", ha defendido Edward Nduwimana en
declaraciones a Reuters.
RPA - Radio Publique Africaine
Contacto: Commune ROHERO Boulevard du premier Novembre, parcelle no 5373 Email:
Bujumbura 93,7 MHz
Bugesera 89,4 MHz
92,6 MHz
107,1 MHz
Glenn Hauser
Logs April 2525-26, 2015
** BRAZIL. 11745 audible, and 11710 JB audible, April 26 at 0123 crackling spurs from RNA/RNB 11780.1v; 11815
unchecked? Unlogged, anyway (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also IRAN [and non]
** CHINA. 11910, April 26 at 1305, CRI English, poor with flutter, and a different program-hour than second-adjacent 11900
with fair signal during `China Drive` show, the latter // but not synch with 9570 via Cuba. 11910 is Beijing site, 11900
Kunming. Even the ChiCom can`t seem to keep sorted out correctly the three or four different program-hours daily of CRI
English. Maybe 11910 is an anomaly, as it`s filling in for what used to be the relay of Spain (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** CHINA [non?]. 19010, April 26 at 1330, JBA signal here, during the only hour RFA Tibetan via Kuwait is scheduled, i.e.
Sundays, but too weak to tell if that or the CNR1 jammer (Glenn Hasuer, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** COLOMBIA [and non]. 5910, April 26 at 0129, huge ``running water`` ute owns the frequency, but when it stops, music is
very poorly audible, i.e. HJDH (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 6000, April 26 at 0101, RHC English is instead open carrier/dead air, while 6165 is modulatory. Then at 0103 I find
that 6000 has dumped off the air. No het/carrier from 6001 tonight. 0129 recheck, 6000 is on and modulating too, but
11670, April 26 at 0123, RHC is just barely modulated here, dead air on 11840, but OK on 11760. ¿Qué más hay de nuevo?
** CUBA [and non]. 6080, April 26 at 0328, music from VOA BOTSWANA, poor-fair signal and no pulse jamming now, plugging or Facebook. However, at 0544 recheck now there is stray/spurious pulse jamming against nothing (Glenn
** EGYPT. 11935, April 26 at 0125, presumed R. Cairo, good level with flutter, but JBM. The traces of talk modulation are no
match to 12070 with Qur`an at the moment. But 9315, undermodulated in Spanish, is // 11935. There is no ZY het on 11935,
so RB2 still off. 9965, the Arabic frequency, is not // any of them.
9315, April 26 at 0327 toward the end of the `English` sesquihour, fair signal, but JBM with only a few spikes detectable
** GREECE. 9420, April 26 at 0111, ERA is on! Increasingly rarely; Greek talk and music, VG signal here and audible on much
weaker // 15630 which may also be undermodulated. Still no show on 9935: I suppose Avlis` third transmitter is totally dead
after acting up a lot when they tried to employ it. Recheck 0542 April 26, 9420 still on but weaker, well into the dayside
** IRAN [and non]. 13650, April 26 at 0326, IRIB music good with flutter, as the ``Voice of Justice`` English hour to North
America is underway; 0331 YL news, 0333 about an Iranian trade mission to Oman. No QRM here but the other frequency,
11780, is a total loss, nothing but a low audible het on the low side to huge 11780.1v RNB/RNA BRAZIL at 0334 check.
Wolfgang Büschel measured that on 11780.107 on April 20. VIRI is not known ever to make any mid-season adjustments,
which would amount to admitting their original incompetence in frequency management: instead, waste 500 kWh every
night for the duration. They`ve stupidly collided with Brasil for two or three seasons now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** JAPAN [non]. 11680, April 26 at 0322, VG signal with funny song in Japanese. Yes, it`s NHK, here via Nauen, GERMANY, 0305, 250 kW, 140 degrees to CIRAF 38-40, but plenty here off the back, and no doubt // 5910 France if I had checked. Would
that we could hear any English broadcast from Tokyo this well (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KURDISTAN [non]. 11510, April 26 at 0323, very good with Kurdish instrumental music. Nice to hear Denge Kurdistane
this well, as no longer possible in the 13+ UT period: that`s because from that hour, the site is inferior Bulgaria. Aoki shows
the site setup currently for Radyoya Denge Kurdistane; is this all still correct? --03-07 MDA = PRIDNESTROVYE
07-11 ARM = Armenia
11-13 MDA (but with an antenna azimuth change at 12, why?)
13-17 BUL
17-19 FRANCE
Yet, the latest HFCC shows nothing but Moldova for the entire span! As alleged by BRB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** NETHERLANDS [non]. 7375, April 26 at 0120, The Mighty KBC via Nauen, Germany, is still VG tonight, as Uncle Eric says
Kraig Krist is standing by with a Forgotten Song (is that still circa 0145-0150 now that The Giant Jukebox has expanded to
three hours?). But now, Peter Jones (James?) who sounds German, gets barely a minute to go over some ham DX news
headlines. Circa 0130, Kim Andrew Elliott introduces some Radiogram beeps allegedly publicizing the KBC QSY to 9925 from
next week (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NORTH AMERICA. 6940-USB, April 26 at 0104, poor signal with pirate music; 0112 announcement mentions
hfunderground and how the ads Google gives him are for Asian single women, rather than radio equipment. 0115
acknowledges contact from Bill Hassig in Chicago (a very active pirate DXer); 0116 finally IDs just before going back to music
as ``Radio Free, What-ever``. Now signal is a little better (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 1020, April 26 at 1339 UT, my semi-local KOKP Perry is off! Sibling station 1580 KOKB Blackwell is
still on, so make that Double-Play instead of Triple-Play. In KOKP absence, I detect a JBA carrier on-frequency, likely remnant
of KMMQ Nebraska. These stations are normally almost zero-beat, and I can hear the 50 kW KMMQ Spanish around SRS. Both
were suspected as source of way off-frequency het heard by others starting with Todd Skaine, MN, previous night April 25
circa 1100 UT. Maybe that`s why KOKP is off now? Still off at 1730 UT April 26 recheck. 400/250 watts. Hope it`s still off
tonight so can hear something more exotic like KDKA or ZP14 or some of the 52 Radio Illimani 1020s in Bolivia, hi2.
Brian Rachford, Prescott, AZ posted at 1105 UT April 25 to IRCA: ``I've got it here, although the hum is quite fade-y. It loops
W-E, so maybe KMMQ? Frequency analysis on a brief recording has a wonking spike at 107 Hz. I have Spanish speaking over
Spanish music so probably KTNQ [Los Ángeles] over KMMQ, which is common here. The hum decreased when the SS music
became dominant for a bit. Had a "Univision" ident near TOH so the SS talk is KTNQ, and couldn't make out an ident for other
station, but format consistent with KMMQ`` (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 1500, April 26 at 0135 UT, ad for a product from so must be a St. Louis team baseball affiliate.
Per the only one on 1500 is KPGM Pawhuska (Bartlesville market)
OK. The trouble is, it`s a 500-watt daytimer, illegal after 0100* UT in April (May: 0130*). However, sibling fulltime station
1400 KWON + FM is also on the roster. There are Cards affils in nine states, NOT including Kansas which the Royals must
have sewn up. There are several more in OK, but only in the north, east, and central part of the state (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** PALAU. 9930, Sunday April 26 at 1309, T8WH with gospel huxtress in English, and not on 9965. Examining Aoki, in the 1314 UT period, 9965 Angel 5 is daily except Sundays, and 9930 is Angel 3, Sat & Sun only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** PERU. 5980, April 26 at 0105, JBA carrier from R. Chaski until cutoff at 0109:30.5* which is 5.5 seconds later than last night
** SOMALILAND. 7120, April 26 at 0330-0336+, presumed R. Hargeisa attains no more than a JBA carrier. Constant AM
carrier unlikely to be a ham (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SRI LANKA. 11905, April 26 at 0114, SLBC carrier is on, poor; music starts 0114:46.5, and mistimesignal ends at 0115:19.5,
right on mistime (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TURKEY. 9515, UT Sunday April 26 at 0322, VOT is starting `Letterbox Programme` with bouncy swing theme, and runs
until 0334 with same theme and duplicate announcement serving as both intro and outro. In between, informal
acknowledgments of reports from Christopher J. Campbell in Columbus OH, who has been listening since 1996y; someone
from Hiroshima, among others, Glenn Lockley (spsp?), someone in Finland. Tnx to reminder from Alan Roe, who had heard
mailbag circa 2220 25 April on previous broadcast, 9830. Was not on last Saturday/UT Sunday, so this confirms L`box still
exists as fortnightly, tho its former alternator, `DX Corner` is long gone. Good luck finding any mention of L`box on VOT
website, let alone any weekend audio (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1770 monitoring: confirmed UT Sunday April 26 at 0316 on WA0RCR, Wentzville MO. Now on
second item about Australia, so maybe started a minute or two before 0315v. Steady signal, and audibility depends on
evading local noise sources. Next:
Sun 2100 WRMI 15770
Sun 2300 WRMI 11580
Mon 0300v WBCQ 5110v Area 51
Tue 1100 WRMI 9955
Wed 1315 WRMI 9955
Wed 2100 WBCQ 7490v
Thu 0330 WRMI 9955 [or 1771 if ready in time]
Thu 1130 WRMI 9955 [or 1771 if ready in time; ex-1230]
** U S A. 11825, Saturday April 25 at 2308, rock music, so Global 24 via WRMI is still on with `Rock Pile`; and much weaker
5850 is also on at 2308 with `Democracy Now`, no doubt old shows. Did not check during the first hour 22-23 UT.
11825 at 0047 check UT Sunday April 26 in `Blues Radio International`. At 0101 presumably FSN with Olds, i.e. about home of
German suicidal/mass murdering pilot raided in Düsseldorf, gas explosion destroys buildings in East Village, NYC; Yemen
president arrives in Saudi Arabia for asylum. That puts it from MARCH 26, now a month old!! 0105 Bonito Radio Jet ad,
available from Universal and other vendors of high-end radio products. (But what is it? Sounded like Benito, but lists lots of Bonito software, nothing named jet hit on searching.)
0105 opening `Travel with Rick Steves` and it`s the same old program too, ``leading up to Easter``, and policy changes easing
American travel restrixions to Cuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 11920, April 26 at 0124, Greek music, must be filler on WRMI instead of scheduled Fámily Radio in Spanish this hour.
No, not // 9420! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 5085, April 26 at 0118, WTWW-2 has been turned on, so Ted can ramble on a `QSO` show. I see that registration for
this has been changed to start as early as 0000, so maybe will avoid 9925 KBC which moves there next Saturday night from
7375, by WTWW not using 9930 after 0000, if it is ever on at all again (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 1480, April 26 at 0534 UT, predicted low 38 from `The Big Talker, KQAM`. What??! It can`t be that cold this time of
year. In fact, NWS records for Wichita shows the low this morning was 50. Therefore, KQAM is not to be trusted for weather
info, probably automatically replaying long-outdated forecast. But what can you expect from a station dedicated to
propagating far-right hateful wackos like Michael Savage and Laura Ingraham? No less a public disservice (Glenn Hauser, OK,
** VATICAN. 17600, April 26 at 1351, VOA Somali is just barely modulated, suppressed, with occasional spikes, on fair-good
signal. Wiggle that patchcord! Isn`t anyone at SMG paying attention to the output, or the input? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
UNIDENTIFIED. 9565, April 26 at 1314, fair signal with brief tone test, otherwise open carrier, 1316 another TT. Nothing at
all scheduled here around this hour. Could be Greenville checking system long before R. Martí from *2000, but not very
strong; or VOA Thailand scheduled for Tibetan from *1600. No off-time Cuban jamming audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
Manuel Méndez
Nepal y noticias
Despues del terromoto que sufrió Nepal, la radio pública de Nepal, Radio Nepal, tiene audio, a través de su página web, en los
servicios regionales de Dhankuta, 648 kHz; Pokhara, 684 kHz, y Dipayal, 810 kHz.
En cambio no tiene audio en Katmandú, 792 kHz y Surkhet, 576 kHz.
Associao DX do Brasil
12-10Áudio do programa "Encontro dos Amigos" de 12
Comunicamos que já se encontra a disposição o mais recente áudio do programa "Encontro dos Amigos" referente ao segundo
domingo de outubro/2014. Neste programa dominical você encontra o espaço "Correio dos Ouvintes" da Rádio França
Internacional, "Clube de Amigos" da Voz da Rússia e "Correspondência da Semana" da Rádio Vaticano.
Ainda temos as notícias do Informativo Semanal da ADXB com Jailton Amaral.
Associao DX do Brasil
Nova promoção "Dê o seu lance" do período de 01 a 30 de abril de 2015
Já está a disposição a nova promoção "Dê o seu lance" referente ao período de 01 a 30 de abril de 2015.
Confira em
Anatoly Klepov
“RUS“RUS-DX” # 817
“RUS-DX” # 817 - Broadcasting of Russia, countries of CIS and Baltiya , QSL world, WEB radio.
Sunday / 26, April 2015 - Information bulletin of Russian DX League - Electronic versión - Time : UTC
Editor : Anatoly Klepov
- QTH : Moscow, Russia - E-mail :
Web site : (Russian / English)
“RUS-DX” may not be redistributed without permission. If quoting from the bulletin, please list the original reporter and
“RUS-DX” as source. Electronic transfer :
Ryazanskaya oblast. Ryazan. Broadcasting "Radio Vera" in Ryazan was done in violation of the licensing requirements.
Employees of Roskomnadzora in the Ryazan region revealed a violation of broadcasting on the frequency 102.5 MHz in
Ryazan. According to the press service of the Arbitration Court of Ryazan region. Analysis of records from 25 to 31 August
2014 showed a violation of the following items:
- Radio broadcasting is not specified in the license: instead of the media "Serebryany dozhd" led broadcasting "Radio Vera";
- Failure to comply with the volume of broadcasting: "Radio Vera" does not stop its work 142 hours a week, taking away 134
hours in "Serebryany dozhd" and 8 hours at "Radio 9 - Ryazan";
- Failure to comply with the program concept of broadcasting: instead of a resolution of 1% of religious broadcasting, it was
90%, 10% has been allocated for information programs. The audit revealed numerous violations of the licensing
requirements. On their basis broadcaster received administrative punishment in the form of a warning. Acted as a mitigating
factor penalties that in July 2014 the organization received a positive decision to change the program concept of
broadcasting. (
Ryazan "Rock Radio" ceased broadcasting. Ryazan stopped broadcasting radio station "Radio Rock", clocked at 96,9 FM. As it
became known, the radio does not work for a week, and restore announcement is planned. Reasons for termination
of the unknown. As stated on the website, the date of the official release of "Rock Radio" broadcast - October 26, 2012. The
format of the radio station on the international classification - Modern Rock (Mainstream Rock) + Rock Alternative with
elements of AOR (Album Oriented Rock), or a mixture of modern rock and alternative tracks from the last century.
Information to stop broadcasting on site no. (
On May 1, the frequency of "Rock Radio" Takes station "Radio Day". On May 1, the frequency of "Rock Radio" takes a new
radio program. At a frequency of 96,9 FM will broadcast “Day of Radio “ ("Radio Day"). As the CEO of "Radio Day" Anton
Long, ester-based make popular songs of the nineties and zero years in Russian and foreign languages. In addition, the "Radio
Day" can be heard "greatest hits of the eighties" and "song at five-year plan."
Long said that especially for the start of the broadcast on the radio station in Ryazan launch disco "140 beats per minute." It
will guide the participants of the same name popular pop music group - Sergei Ivanov and Andrei Konev. Also Ryazan
broadcast cheer Lenya Golubkov, who "still bought his wife boots." Recall "Rock Radio" ceased broadcasting last week.
Reasons for termination of the unknown. (
Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. Nizhnevartovsk.
"Nashe radio" now and in Nizhnevartovsk! April 23, 2015 "Nsahe radio" began broadcasting in the oil capital of Russia Nizhnevartovsk. Nizhnevartovsk - the biggest city of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug (Yugra), the center of Russian oil
production, the capital of Samotlor - the largest oil field in the country. Broadcasting frequency Nizhnevartovsk - 89.1
FM.Chislennost potential listeners in the listening area - more than 250 thousand people. To date, "Nashe radio" broadcasts
in 57 cities in Russia. Now in the process of launching 25 more cities. All 2014 "Nashe Radio" in expanding its geography. In
2014, began broadcasting in Krasnoturyinsk Gelendzhik, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk, Rostov-onDon, Norilsk, Buzuluk, Khanty-Mansiysk and Surgut. Since the beginning of 2015 - in Udomlya, Vichuga, Achinsk and
Birobidzhan. As soon begin broadcasting in Novosibirsk, Omsk, Kazan, Samara, Volgograd, Magadan, Naryan-Mar,
Nizhnevartovsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Tolyatti, Tomsk, Tyumen, and in five cities of Crimea. "Nashe Radio" is a "Media Holding",
which also combines radio Vest FM, Radio Jazz, ROCK FM, ULTRA and Information Agency "National News Service."
The basis of the music playlist radio stations make up such legendary groups as "Agatha Christie", "DDT", "Alice", Zemfira,
"Spleen", "Time Machine", "The King and the Clown", "B-2" and many others . Thanks to the "Our Radio" gained national love
many musicians from Russia and other countries - Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Latvia. Since 2008, "Our Radio" is the organizer
of the National Music Award "Chart Dozen." In addition, the radio station for 15 years holds the largest in the post-festival
"Invasion", which collects up to 150,000 spectators annually. (
Domestic Broadcasting Survey April 2015 - 17th Edition - Danish ShortWave Club International DENMARK
Compiled by Anker Petersen
kHz kW ITU Station Schedule (UTC), remarks Last log
4010 100 KGZ Kyrgyz R 1, Krasnaya Rechka(= Red River), Bishkek, 0000-1800 Kyrgyz/Ru, ID: "Birinchi radio" // 4820
4765 50 TJK Tajik R 1, Yangiyul, Dushanbe 2300-2000 Tajik, ID: "In jo Dushanbe", r harmonics 9530, 14295 and
4810 100 ARM Armenian Public R, Noratus, HS: 1630-1730 Armenian; FS: 1145-1300 1430-1615 Middle East
Gavar languages, 1615-1630 Greek, 1900-1930 A, A ID: ”Huna idha’at Jumhuriyat al-Yermaniyah min Yerevan”
4820 15 KGZ Kyrgyz R 1, Krasnaya Rechka, Bishkek, 0000-1800 Kyrgyz/Ru // 4010 (ID), d-20,9
5130 15 KGZ SW Relay Sce,Krasnaya Rechka, Bishkek, 1500-1800 Farsi/Dari/Pashto rlg
DBS-17 Part 2 April 2015
(Domestic stations on international bands)
kHz kW ITU Station Schedule (UTC), remarks Last log
6080 150 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1, Kalodziščy, Minsk, 1500-2104 Belarusian to Ukraine, ID: “Radyjo 1”
7255 250 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1, Kalodziščy, Minsk, 0400-0700 1500-1700 Belarusian to Russia, ID: “Radyjo 1”
9677,5 5 AZE Ädalätin Säsi Radiosu (Voice of Justice), Stepanakert, Nagorno- Radiosu”
Karabakh We/Sa 0600-0628v, Tu/Fr 1400-1428v Azeri, ID: “Ädalätin Säsi
11980 0,3 UKR Dniprovska Khvylia (= Dnieper Wave), Zaporizhia , SS 0600-0900v Ukrainian, relays National R-1 & own IDs
El Dial - 04/15 – Espana - Onda Corta - Redactor: Deogracias López Ros
English 1600-1800 …..s. Am 9395yfr (del) - (Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria)
English 0030-0100 daily NAm 7455yfr (add) (Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria)
Walter Eibl - Erlangen – GERMANY
BELARUS - Belarussian Radio 1 in Belarussian on winter frequency from March 29 0400-0700 on 7255 MNS 125 kW / 072
deg to EEu, instead of 11930 A-14.
Radio Belarus Minsk from March 29 also on new frequency:
1100-1400 on 11730 MNS 100 kW / 246 deg to WEu Belarussian
1400-1600 on 11730 MNS 100 kW / 246 deg to WEu Russian
1600-1800 on 11730 MNS 100 kW / 246 deg to WEu Polish
1705-1800 NF 11930 MNS 125 kW / 252 deg to WEu Polish, ex 7255 in A-14
1800-1940 on 11730 MNS 100 kW / 246 deg to WEu German
1800-1940 NF 11930 MNS 125 kW / 252 deg to WEu German, ex 7255 in A-14
1940-2000 on 11730 MNS 100 kW / 246 deg to WEu German Tue/Wed/Fri
1940-2000 NF 11930 MNS 125 kW / 252 deg to WEu German Tue/Wed/Fri, ex 7255 in A-14
1940-2000 on 11730 MNS 100 kW / 246 deg to WEu French Sat-Mon/Thu
1940-2000 NF 11930 MNS 125 kW / 252 deg to WEu French Sat-Mon/Thu, ex 7255 in A-14
2000-2020 on 11730 MNS 100 kW / 246 deg to WEu Spanish Sat-Mon/Thu
2000-2020 NF 11930 MNS 125 kW / 252 deg to WEu Spanish Sat-Mon/Thu, ex 7255 in A-14
2000-2020 on 11730 MNS 100 kW / 246 deg to WEu English Tue/Wed/Fri
2000-2020 NF 11930 MNS 125 kW / 252 deg to WEu English Tue/Wed/Fri, ex 7255 in A-14
2020-2200 on 11730 MNS 100 kW / 246 deg to WEu English
2020-2200 NF 11930 MNS 125 kW / 252 deg to WEu English, ex 7255 in A-14
2200-2300 on 11730 MNS 100 kW / 246 deg to WEu Russian
2200-2300 NF 11930 MNS 125 kW / 252 deg to WEu Russian, ex 7255 in A-14
(Ivo Ivanov, dxldyg via WOR 1767 [English], DXLD)
SENDEPLAN KALL / Radio 700 - A15 ***** ALLE ZEITEN IN MESZ ****
6005 kHz
0800 Radio Belarus
0800 Radio Belarus
3985 kHz
2200 Radio Belarus
2200 Radio Belarus
0800 Radio Belarus
2200 Radio Belarus
(Chr. Milling, R 700)
INTERNATIONAL - Summer A-15 schedule of Alyx & Yey (former BRB) clandestine broadcasts:
Denge Kurdistan:
0300-1500 on 11510 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to WAs Kurdish
1500-1900 on 11510 F 250 kW / 090 deg to WAs Kurdish
(DX MIX NEWS #902 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, March 25, 2015)
/SINGAPORE / SOUTH AFRICA / TAJIKISTAN / UAE / U.K. / U.S.A. / UZBEKISTAN] NHK World - Radio Japan Tokyo - March 29, 2015 - October 25, 2015.
A-15 summer season file, according NHK World Radio Japan leaflet:
1400-1430 SWAs
0100-0130 SWAs
0400-0430 ME
1630-1700 ME
0330-0400 EU MW738/M MW1386/LTH
0430-0500 EU
1600-1630 EU MW738/M MW927/TJK
1730-1800 EU
1700-1745 SWAs
(NHK Radio Japan, March 24, PDF.format leaflet transformed by wb at wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 25)
KYRGYZ REP - 4010.00 Kyrgyz R 1, Krasnaya Rechka, at *0000-0025 UT on March 14, Fanfare, short ann in Kyrgyz by man
and woman, choir sings the long National Anthem, Kyrgyz opera with orchestra music, ann, 45343 // 4820.86 kHz (32111).
4820.86 Kyrgyz R 1, Krasnaya Rechka, at *0000-0125 UT on March 13 and 14, Same programme in Kyrgyz As // 4010 kHz.
Xizang on 4820 kHz QSA 3 at 0000 UT, but fading out, while Kyrgyz Radio became stronger, at 0125 UT: 34333. (Anker
Petersen-DEN, dswci DXW March 18)
5129.98 R Maranatha, via Bishkek, Krasnaya Rechka, at 1630-1700 UT on March 5, Afghan Christian Radio Sadaye Zindagi in
Dari/ Pashto. Station with TWR ties? Heard on Piliyandala Ceylon Perseus remote net receiver.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews / dswci DXW March 18)
RUSSIA - Receptions of Adygeyan Radio on Monday March 23
1800-1900 6000 ARM 100 kW 190 deg to CAs Ad/Ar/Tu Mon
1800-1900 6000 ARM 100 kW 190 deg to CAs Adygeyan Fri
1900-2000 6000 ARM 100 kW 190 deg to CAs Adygeyan Sun
Summer A-15 of Adygeyan Radio from Sunday, March 29 will be
7325 1800-2000 29SE ARM 100kW 190deg 218 Adygeyan RUS RRS GFC
(Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 29)
PLAYPLAY-DX 1646 electronic - 19 April 2015 - Editor : Dario Monferini, Milano, Italy
279.0 2236-... 18/4 BLR BR, Sasnovy. Bielor, local pops. Weak modulation as usual. QRM de POL on
225 via LUXEMBOURG effect. 34443 CGS 279.0 2236-... 18/4 BLR BR, Sasnovy. Bielor, local pops. Weak modulation as usual.
QRM de POL on 225 via LUXEMBOURG effect. 34443 CGS
JRC NRD-545DSP & DRAKE R-E; Advanced Receiver amp.; raised, 4 loop K9AY, 30 m 180º/0º mini-Bev., 80 m
300º/120º Bev., 200 m 270º/90º Bev., 270 m 145º/325º Bev.,300 m 225º/45º Bev......CGS
1011metros altitud. Latitud: 39.8667 N. Longitud: -0.7167 E.
RX Grundig Yatch Boy 80, Antena hilo de 10m
MOLDAVIA 11510 Radyoya Denge Kurdistane, Kishinev-Grigoriopol, 18:37-18:40, escuchada el 18 de abril de
2015 en kurdo con emisión de música pop local, SINPO 44444
ARMENIA 4810 Voice of Armenia, Yerevan-Gavar, 19:28-19:30, escuchada el 17 de abril de 2015 en árabe a
locutor con comentarios, segmento musical, locutor con despedida y fin de emisión, SINPO 34433
Shortwave DXDX-ing from Bulgaria - Bulgarian DX blog
Videos April 13-19.
April 13
Voice of Tibet in Tibetan to CeAs 1230 on new 15557 Dushanbe, ex 15587
Voice of Tibet in Tibetan to CeAs 1245 on new 15563 Dushanbe, ex 15588
Voice of Tibet in Tibetan to CeAs 1308 on new 15568 Dushanbe, ex 15593
Voice of Tibet in Tibetan to CeAs 1325 on new 15568 Dushanbe, ex 15593
Voice of Tibet in Tibetan to CeAs 1337 on new 15562 Dushanbe, ex 15587
Voice of Tibet in Chinese to EaAs 1339 on new 15548 Dushanbe, ex 15542
Voice of Tibet in Chinese to EaAs 1350 on new 15548 Dushanbe, ex 15542
Voice of Tibet in Tibetan to CeAs 1352 on new 15562 Dushanbe, ex 15587
Adygeyan Radio in Adygeyan, Arabic,Turkish 1800 on 7325 Armavir
Adygeyan Radio in Adygeyan, Arabic,Turkish 1814 on 7325 Armavir
Adygeyan Radio in Adygeyan, Arabic,Turkish 1828 on 7325 Armavir
Adygeyan Radio in Adygeyan, Arabic,Turkish 1844 on 7325 Armavir
Adygeyan Radio in Adygeyan, Arabic,Turkish 1857 on 7325 Armavir
April 14
Radio Japan NHK World in Russian to EaEu 0430 on 6165 Sitkunai
Voice of Tibet in Tibetan to CeAs 1428 on new 15498 Dushanbe, ex 11518
Comintern Radio, Russian songs 1434 on 6989,9
Comintern Radio, Russian songs 1456 on 6989,9
Voice of Tajik in Farsi to WeAs 1757 on 7245 Dushanbe and off air at 1802
Kyrgyz Radio 1 in Russian 1805 on 4010 Bishkek
Kyrgyz Radio 1 in Russian 1823 on 4010 Bishkek
April 16
Kyrgyz Radio 1 in Russian 1921 on 4010 Bishkek
Kyrgyz Radio 1 in Kyrgyz and Russian 1933 on 4010 Bishkek
Tajik Radio 1 in Tajik to CeAs 1625 on 4765,1 Dushanbe
Voice of Armenia in Greek to ME 1628 on 4810 Yerevan
Voice of Khmer M'Chas Srok on Khmer to SeAs 1130 on 17860 Dushanbe
April 17
Adygeyan Radio in Adygeyan 1800 on 7325 Armavir
Adygeyan Radio in Adygeyan 1818 on 7325 Armavir
Adygeyan Radio in Adygeyan 1847 on 7325 Armavir
Adygeyan Radio in Adygeyan 1858 on 7325 Armavir
Ukrainian Radio in Russian 1757 on 1431 Mykolayiv
April 19
Voice of Khmer M'Chas Srok on Khmer to SeAs 1130 on 17860 Dushanbe
Radio Free Chosun in Korean to NEAs 1355 on 11570 Tashkent
Adygeyan Radio in Adygeyan vs Radio Taiwan International in French, video on April 19:
UZBEKISTAN(non) Frequency change of clandestine Voice of Martyrs:
1600-1730 NF 7510 TAC 100 kW / 070 deg to NEAs Korean, ex 7530, videos:
TAJIKISTAN(non) Frequency change of clandestine Radio Free North Korea
1230-1330 NF 15590 DB 100 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean, ex 9330, videos:
WORLD OF RADIO HITLIST UPDATE - Hi, Glenn, My latest Hitlist update
1) New Zealand: RNZI - Very minor update relating to UT offset notation
2) Russia: Sputnik - removed link to obsolete VoR programme details
3) Russia: Sputnik - added link to FMWL old VoR archive of programs
4) UK BBCWS - added another link for program skeds (this one for actual daily prog skeds for each region, as opposed to the
six-month overview skeds (which still haven't been updated for A-15)
5) USA: WHRI - Updated links ( seems discontinued, and now served via
Unless there's a major change anywhere, the next update will be end of April. Best wishes and 73 (Alan Roe, England, April
Estimados colegas, Les incluyo las últimas SW databases de Eibi y Aoki, en el zip se encuentra El programa visualizador de las
mismas (Eibi view), descompriman el zip el que hará una carpeta. Luego ejecutar el programa Eibiview30.exe y aparecerá la
pantalla principal de Eibiview con las bases actualizadas!1EdkGApa!WS26StbYt QXoCDhfnjlN3pNgs oXchqW7kbYFz7bVG MM [sic as received with 3 spaces in
it ??] Cualquier duda, consulten. 73 (Enrique Wembagher, Argentina, April 12, condiglista yg via DXLD)
in various forms have now been updated on the WOR homepage: (Glenn Hauser, April 14,
including most of the international and domestic broadcasters, compiled by Ivo Ivanov, may be found in the Bulgarian DX
Blog. Summer A-15 schedules now available on our blog. Please visit: (Ivo Ivanov, April
15, Posted by: Georgi Bancov, BDXC-UK yg via DXLD)
Searching the FCC website can be extremely frustrating. I just found a couple of web pages that have numerous links to topics
that may be of interest to the DX'er or broadcast historian. Broadcast Radio Links: Directory of Media Bureau Pages: (Dennis Gibson, April 14, IRCA, ABDX via DXLD)
MIX NEWS # 906 - from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov. Date April 21, 2015
KYRGYSTAN Surprisingly broadcast of Kyrgyz Radio in Russian, instead Kyrgyz
1800-1830 on 4010 BI 100 kW / non-dir to CeAs and same situation 1900-1930UTC
RUSSIA(non) Summer A-15 SW schedule of Adygeyan Radio:
1800-1900 on 7325 ARM 100 kW / 188 deg to CeAs Ad/Ar/Tu Mon, ex 1700-1800 A-14
1800-1900 on 7325 ARM 100 kW / 188 deg to CeAs Adygeyan Fri, ex 1700-1800 A-14
1900-2000 on 7325*ARM 100 kW / 188 deg to CeAs Adygeyan Sun, ex 1800-1900 A-14
* co-ch Radio Taiwan International in French to WeEu via Woofferton + video April 19
RUSSIA Comintern Radio was heard again, weak signal, but audible:
1434 and 1456 on 6989,9 with Russian songs. The power is only 1 kW.
TAJIKISTAN Final four minutes of Voice of Tajik and then tx switches off:
1600-1800 on 7245 DB 100 kW / non-dir to CeAs Farsi, at 1800 carrier from CRI
1800-2000 on 7245 DB 100 kW / non-dir to CeAs Dari, not active at present
2000-2200 on 7245 DB 100 kW / non-dir to CeAs Russian, not active at present
2200-2300 on 7245 DB 100 kW / non-dir to CeAs Uzbek, not active at present
2300-2400 on 7245 DB 100 kW / non-dir to CeAs Hindi, not active at present
TIBET(non) Frequency changes of Voice of Tibet in 1230-1430UTC:
1230-1245 NF 15557 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15587
1300-1315 NF 15568 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15593
1315-1330 NF 15568 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15593
1330-1345 NF 15548 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 15542
1330-1345 NF 15562 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15587
1345-1400 NF 15548 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 15542
1345-1400 NF 15562 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15587
1400-1415 NF 15492 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 11512
1415-1430 NF 15497 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15498
All frequencies are jammed by China on xxxx0 / xxxx5
Changes between frequencies vary from 3 to 5 minutes
UZBEKISTAN(non) All broadcasts of CVC The Voice Asia are inactive in A-15:
0000-0400 on 6260 TAC 100 kW / 153 deg to IND Hindi in A-14
0100-0400 on 9975 TAC 100 kW / 186 deg to SoAs Hindi in A-14
0400-1100 on 13630 TAC 100 kW / 153 deg to IND Hindi in A-14
1100-1400 on 9670 TAC 100 kW / 153 deg to IND Hindi in A-14
1400-2000 on 6260 TAC 100 kW / 153 deg to IND Hindi in A-14, my last videos
The new e-mail address!
Dear friends!
We intend to discuss with you in each issue of the transfer "Mailbox" a particular topic. The theme of the next broadcast
"mailbox" assigned "Imam Ali (peace be upon him)" and "Persian Gulf." We invite you dear listeners who wish to participate
in our program, send an opinion in the form of e-mail, SMS, audio files on our new email address:
We'll read your comment, and play your audio files on your behalf. With uavzheniem Radio and Television of Iran - Russian
Radio and Television of Iran - Russian Service Website:
Phone-sms: +98 935-280-2821
Our page on facebook:
Our microblogging twitter:
Our page on FaceBook:
Our news on Yandex:
Our channel on YouTube:
(Anatoly Klepov, Moscow, Russia)
Trans World Radio
Broadcasting "Trans World Radio" for Central Asia at a frequency of 1287 kHz transmitter is translated into "Storm"
(previously used "Buran") - both Soviet production. Power of 150 kW. If someone expresses a wish to spend their time
listening to broadcasts and provide feedback on their quality and sound (with the location of reception, brand receiver and
antenna), I will be very grateful. Even better, would be attached audio files. Broadcasting TSR at this frequency is a 14.45 to
17.45 UTC in various languages, including in Russian: from 16.30 to 17.00 and from 17.15 to 17.30 daily.
(Vasily Gulyaev, Trans World Radio / "deneb-radio-dx")
China Radio International / CRI
China, Beijing, 100040, China Radio International, Service broadcasting in Russian, CRI-26
TELEPHONES: 86-10-68891720 Fax: 86-10-68891756
E-mail:, Address bureau:
Russia Moscow street. Innovators, 1, B0501 Zip Code: 119421 Sheng Jingjing
TELEPHONES: (495) 788-61-23 Fax: (495) 788-61-24
Program in Russian first aired December 24, 1954 (Anatoly Klepov, Moscow, Russia)
Radio Dacha. New mobile application "Radio Dacha" for devices based on Android. Mobile application "Radio Dacha"
became available for devices based on Android - one of the most popular operating systems. Smartphone users can now
download the application in GooglePlay and listen to "Radio Dacha" 24 hours a day anywhere in the world, according to with reference to the press service Krutoy Media. Features and benefits of the new mobile application "Radio
Dacha": - Exclusive design and live wallpapers;
- Online broadcast ether "Radio Dacha" and two Internet stations: «Disco Cottage" and "Song of the Year";
- Information about the song in real time;
- The most current news site;
- Information on the leading and programs;
- Set reminders exit favorite programs on the air;
- Daily horoscope;
- Lunar calendar;
- Sleep timer function "Alarm";
- Messages on the air;
- Modern broadcasting format, allowing to listen "Radio Dacha" in excellent quality even at low speed connections;
The application is available for smartphones with support for 3G / EDGE / LTE and Wi-Fi, operating on Android OS 2.3.x and
higher. The future plans - update the existing version of the mobile application for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, as well as the
development of stand-alone version for tablet devices based on iOS and Android. Recall download mobile app "Radio Dacha"
for iOS-devices can be in the AppStore. For more information visit: (
QSL world
Received two confirmation emails from Reach Beyond Australia for one report. Took Hindi 11.04.2015, 13.30-13.45 UTC on
frequency 12075 kHz. The report sent by electronic mail: IN WITNESS different
photos, one - Weano Gorge, Karijini, Western Australia, on the other - Victorias Shipwreck Coast.
(Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
Came From QSL R. Tirana for 03/28/2015 from 20.30-21.00 UTC (frequency not picky. QSL re: a monument to the knight on
the horse) (Andrew, Tomsk, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
Receive the promise of QSL-cards from the Voice of Vietnam is not Russian editorial and French. But before that was a polite
letter which explained that such card will be sent infrequently, they do not like to walk in and ask other editions.
(Vladimir Brewers, Boyarka, Ukraine / "deneb-radio-dx")
Received QSL-cards from the "Voice of Vietnam" for the reception in Russian
12.03.2015, 16.30-16.58 UTC on frequency 9730 kHz. On the card - "Fairy sea coast of Vietnam. "The report sent by electronic
mail: Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
Received a QSL from Radio Santec for reception in English on 05.04.2015
15190 kHz frequency. Card old, blue with a white dove. Report sent: Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia
/ "deneb-radio-dx")
Got eQSL-card (pdf-file from the card, where the address) and letter (doc-file), which reported the frequency schedule.
Answer wrote Johanna Limley (Sergey Elkin, Tver, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
QSL card received from Radio DPØ 7 Seefunk in Germany. Program was broadcasted 19.04. 2015 on 9560 kHz.
(Piotr Skorek, Poland)
Received by mail QSL-cards MV Baltic Radio. 5.4.15 / 9.20 / 9485 WEB: (Anatoly Klepov, Moscow,
Germany / Russia / Austria
Received QSL-cards from the "Voices of the Andes" from Voronezh for reception in Russian
04/04/2015 at the frequency of 13800 kHz. The report sent the e-mail. (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
Received QSL-cards "Voice of the Andes" radio studio "Revelation" (Voronezh).
04.04.2015 / 15.30-16.00 UTC / 13800 kHz / Moosbrunn (Austria).
Subject QSL-cards as usual the new: the lake and around the colorful winter trees. (Anatoly Klepov, Moscow, Russia)
Voice of the Andes came QSL for 11/04/2015 from 15.30-16.00 UTC on 13800 kHz (on the card darkness with lightning in
the field, Ps. 49: 3) (Andrew, Tomsk, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
QSL-received a letter by e-mail from a radio station from Holland Mighty KBC Radio reception of 19.04.2015, 01.00-01.35
UTC on 7375 kHz frequency (transmitter Nauen, Germany 125 kW). The report sent to the address: Broadcast in North America, but in our area, too, is heard well.
(Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
Received QSL-cards from the Russian service Inter radio Romania for reception
01/03/2015 at 7330 kHz frequency. The report sent by electronic mail: The card - Cave Scarisoara Glacier.
(Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
USA / Sri Lanka
Also received a Special QSL from AWR for receiving program WaveScan March 8, 2015 at 11780 kHz through a transmitter in
Trincomalee (Sri Lanka). The report is sent to the . QSL came in the envelope with this postmark on the
envelope plus a sticker with a picture of a bird, like a bird, amid clusters of red berries. The letter also enclosed printed
materials. Confirmed Adrian M. Peterson. (Igor Gashin, Murom, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
Taiwan / Sweden
Receive email - confirmation (QSL Verification) from PCJ Radio International.
Date / Time / UTC / Frequency / Tx / Site (Relay) / Power
April 18, 2015 / 2000-2048 / 9405 khz / Sala, Sweden / 10 kW
Confirmed: Victor Goonitelleke, Frequency Manager Wrote to the address:
(Anatoly Klepov, Moscow, Russia)
- Got an e-mail confirmation from PCJ Radio International for reception
18.04.2015, 20.00-20.25 UTC on 9405 kHz frequency (Sala, Sweden 10 kW). Report sent: .
- Got an e-mail confirmation from PCJ Radio International for reception
22.04.2015, 20.00-20.25 UTC on 9405 kHz frequency (Sala, Sweden 10 kW). Report sent: Confirmation
differs from previous I received yesterday.
- Received another e-mail confirmation from PCJ Radio International forreception 23.04.2015, 20.00-20.40 UTC on 9405 kHz
frequency (Sala, Sweden 10 kW). The report sent: pcjqsl @ Confirmation of two different earlier that I got
before. (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
Receive email - confirmation (QSL Verification) from PCJ Radio International.
Date / Time / UTC / Frequency / Tx / Site (Relay) / Power
April 20, 2015 / 2015-2100 / 9405 khz / Sala, Sweden / 10 kW
Confirmed: Victor Goonitelleke, Frequency Manager Wrote to the address:
(Konstantin Aseev, QTH: Kursk (51 ° 67'N, 36 ° 13'E), Russia via Dmitry Kutuzov)
QSL received from the Spanish Radio International Service for the reception Taiwan
18/03/2015 at frequency 3965 kHz. Card of the series this year at number
2015-3. The report sent by electronic mail: (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx ')
Today, April 22, finally got a QSL route for confirmation of the report on the admission test transmission Radio International
Taiwan in Russian March 7 at a frequency of 9590 kHz with a 14-15 UTC. The report on the admission sent by e-mail. Just
contacted an employee of the Russian service of Mary Lee, to confirm receipt of the letter. Waiting for response was 45 days. (TECSUN PL-600 MFJ-1020C Active Antenna
Paul Domnin, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
Czech Republic
Received an acknowledgment Radio Dechovka.
28.03.2015 / 1930-2030 / 1233 kHz. WEB: (Anatoly Klepov, Moscow, Russia)
Received QSL - card from R.Praga for reception March 31 at 738 kHz Sometimes after leaving R. South Ural is a great
reception on 738 kHz. I use it. The photo Šumava Ship Canal. (Alexander Golovihin, Tolyatti, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
Pirate radio.
- Germany.
Got unfilled electronic QSL from Popradio Ostfriesland for reception on German through Channel 292 - 04.04.2015 at a
frequency of 6070 kHz. Card attached to my report for admission. The report is sent via the form contact on their website:
- Germany.
Received an e-QSL from pirate radio station Radio from Germany Republica da Banana reception for 04/06/2015 at the
frequency of 6302 kHz. Report sent:
- Germany.
Got unfilled electronic QSL from Radio Diamond for reception in German language through Channel 292 - 04.04.2015 at the
frequency of 6070 kHz. The report sent by e-mail Channel 292.
- Italy.
Received an e-QSL from pirate radio station Radio Latino from Italy for
04/17/2015 reception at a frequency of 7585 kHz. The report sent: At the station every month there is
a new QSL.
- Italy.
Received an e-QSL from pirate radio station from Italy Enterprise Radiofor accepting 04/24/2015 at frequency 6950 kHz.
The report sent:
- Italy.
Received an e-QSL from pirate radio station Radio Voyager from Italy for 04/24/2015 reception at a frequency of 6950 kHz.
The report sent: (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
New QSL. USA. Cuba.
There are new QSL - cards from Catholic WEWN and eQSL in R. Rebelde with Che Guevara.
(Alexander Golovihin, Tolyatti, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
QSL news
Dmitry Puzanov, QTH: Almaty, Kazakhstan - RX: Grundig Satellit 750, Sangean ATS-909X, Degen DE1103 + MFJ-959C
AN: Wellbrook ALA1530, long wire - 15 meters, Degen DE31MS / "deneb-radio-dx" Reports:
April 20 received an envelope from Radio Cairo, which was a QSL-card for 2/22/15, reception at the frequency 9430 kHz in
1903-1947UTC in Russian. A report written in English, send an e-mail to all known addresses, including
and Card completed in English, there is a postscript "russian". 57 days.
April 13 received 3 QSL from AWR for the reception on 19/09/14 12010 kHz through Sri Lanka, on 14/12/14 11750 kHz
through Germany on 19/12/14 9490 kHz through Rwanda. QSL all came in the same envelope. Reports would send Last year,
by e-mail at wavescan and letters. 194 and 107 days.
Also on April 13 came in two separate envelopes QSL from Radio Taiwan Intl. for the reception on 02/02/15 15180 kHz.
Second Admissions frequency 9540 kHz 24 March 2015. 50 and 20 days respectively.
April 10, Voice of Vietnam, Russian edition, 25.01.15, 12000 kHz. Wrote in e-mail, 47 days.
April 2 received 3 QSL-cards from Radio Free Asia, all of 24/03/15: 7460 kHz through Mongolia,
9720 kHz and 11850 kHz through Sri Lanka. Wrote on qsl'at', 9 days.
March 30 came from Deutsche Welle QSL for reception via Rwanda 01/25/15 at frequency 9610 kHz. 36 days,
wrote by e-mail at TV.
March 6 came from a paper QSL Radio Nord Revival for the reception at the frequency 9295 kHz 23/08/14. The report sent
mail to Ronny Forslund, RNR, Vita Huset, SE-17995 Svartsjo, Sweden, sent $ 1. Second report on the admission at a frequency
6065 kHz sent in the same envelope, remained unanswered, although
I asked QSL route for the second frequency. Took in Kostanai. 183 days.
February 27 received QSL from DeutschlandFunk Admissions frequency 1422 kHz 20/08/14. Wrote by e-mail at
hoererservice'at', 188 days. QSL sent from Germany 13/02/15. Took in Kostanai.
February 25, Radio Tirana confirmed the appointment at a frequency 7465 kHz 11/09/14. Took in Almaty. Wrote
e-mail, 148 days.
e-QSLs from JSC "Transnistrian radioteletsentr" for the reception of Radio Payam-e-doost on 7480kGts, Vesti FM on
1413 kHz, Radio Denge Kurdistan on 9400 kHz, TWR on 999 kHz. Confirmed technical director SN Omelchenko.
February 21 received 2 QSL from Radio Free Asia for receiving 24 and 25 January 2015 in the frequency 5855 kHz
through Tinian and Saipan through 12105kGts. Wrote in e-mail, 28 days.
February 10 came directly from the QSL 10 InterRadio Romania for admission from May to December 2014, with 2 QSL
duplicate data. Specially sent reports to get all at once QSL-collection in 2014.
Frequency 15160 kHz, 9500 kHz, 11985 kHz, 9810 kHz.
Also on February 10 received 2 QSL from Radio Habana Cuba for hosting 09/02/14 at frequencies 5040 kHz and
6060 kHz. Took in Almaty. Wrote in e-mail, 159 days.
All India Radio, February 10 received QSL for the reception of the Russian program at the frequency 9595 kHz 06/12/14.
Wrote by e-mail to the address of the Russian edition, 45 days.
January 23 came QSL from Radio Veritas Asia for the reception at the frequency 9/17/14 15320 kHz through CVA.
Wrote by e-mail at rveritas-asia'at', 129 days.
January 12 came QSL from Radio Nikkei for the reception at the frequency 9595 kHz 15/11/14. 24 days, wrote via e-mail on
January 8 2 QSL received from Deutsche Welle for receiving 14 and 15 November 2014 frequencies 17640 kHz
through Sri Lanka and 17800 kHz through Armenia. Sent to tb'at' 26 days.
Late last year, received by e-mail QSL from the Chechen Republic of the branch RTRS "RtvPTs CR" for Radio reception Russia
15.09.14 at frequency 1287 kHz. Wrote by e-mail at the address: per.Radio 6, Grozny, Chechnya Rep., 364024 Russia. 66 days
Two more QSL received from Russia at the same time, one of the Vesti FM reception on 1089 kHz, the second - on the Radio
7325 kHz. Wrote to the address: Krasnodar KRTPTS, ul.Radio 3A, Moscow 350038, Russia. 36 days.
In addition to the above also received confirmation from EMI (13860 kHz, 7330 kHz, 11940 kHz)
NHK (11710 kHz, 11685 kHz, 927 kHz), KBS (7275 kHz, 11810 kHz, 7235 kHz), RTI (3965 kHz, 9540 kHz, 11955 kHz), CRI
(11750 kHz), Voice of Turkey (11730 kHz), Vatican Radio (11625 kHz, 6185 kHz, 7360 kHz, 15440 kHz) , RFA (13685 kHz,
13735 kHz), IRIB (11760 kHz), IBB Thailand (7455 kHz, 17770 kHz), Voice of the Andes (11900 kHz), VoV (7280 kHz, 9550
AWR (9760 kHz), Radio Thailand (15590 kHz), Reach Beyond (11590 kHz, 12115 kHz, 17760 kHz).
Moscow Information DX Bulletin - Weekly electronic publication # 941 - April 21, 2015
Editor of the current issue: Alexander Dementyev.
News for February-March:
E-QSL to Reach Beyond. 9940 and 11590 kHz, waited 11 days. The report was sent to the address office [at] Format PDF; in addition to the data of the report - the story of the caves Buchan Caves, Victoria, Australia.
Signature: Shelley Martin, Listener Correspondent
QSL-folder is on R Oesterreich 1. 6155 kHz, waited 48 days. Wrote on roi.service [at] Familiar from previous years to
decades-form, where one-third of the sheet can be cut and put in the QSL-archive (where the data of the report and a picture),
and the remaining 2/3 - standard letter of courtesy. Picture this time: Landmarks of Vienna - St. Stephan's Cathedral.
QSL from DW, transmitter in Armenia. 17800 kHz, waited 27 days. Signature: Horst Scholz, Transmission management.
Photos on the QSL: Schwerin, Schweriner Dom. (Retreat, but not lyrical: Recently, as something went wrong with DW
contacts at the technical department tb [at], but found a contact form on the website station, dw / reception / s-6809-9798 and then on the link «Send us an e-mail» closer to the bottom of
the page to the right. It has been tested and works. More than once I've read complaints that this or that station responds
poorly or not at all in any way does not respond to e-mails - and the reason may be too slam spam filters. Communication via
the web form works quite reliably, but here too there is a minus - not saved a copy of the letter sent to.)
Familiar lush QSL-certificate from R Kuwait - text says that I name the Official Gazette and can send reports as only wish:-)
6050 kHz, waited 191 days. Wrote on kwtfreq [at] By the way, complained some time ago that they had a box
full - now apparently cleaned. Reports have gone without the "thrash", will wait for the certificate!
E-QSL from R Revival Sweden. 9875 kHz, waiting for 0 days after the reminder that the reception was 20 days ago ... Format
DOC, a report sent to the audio recording through facebook group station, but QSL from Ronnie Forslunda not passed through
facebook messages (due to size ? or was it an excuse ... oh well). Written off, I gave your email address and received
confirmation. The signature on the QSL - Frida, the Radio Dog:-) and a number of photos with a pretty face of a dog Frida.
QSL from the Voice of America. One card for the reception of repeaters in three different countries (the location indicated on
the QSL), the frequency of 12075, 11825 and 9900 kHz respectively. Waited 48 days. In the column "date" indicated no
specific dates of each report, and the days start and end of the season B14 (26.10.14 - 28.03.15). All three were written report
on Radio Ashna, but since this is not a private radio station, and just a sign of broadcasting in Afghanistan, QSL Radio Ashna
nowhere mentioned. The image on the card - the editor of the Serbian VoA service checks how the interview played on the
iPod. Wrote simul-!
Menno in four locations, so do not know which one to load:
QSL Voices from Vietnam. Frequency not specified (was supposed to be 9730 and 6135), waited 45 days. The image on the
card - the boys herding buffalo.
QSL from KTWR. 12120 kHz, waited 81 days. The image on the card - Mount Schroeder and sayings from the Bible. QSL with
the picture I had about five.
QSL from Radio Cairo. 9430 kHz, waited 44 days. Load address; with the other two known addresses
ERTU (radioinfo [at] and enginfo [at] has reported undeliverable.
Mariana Islands
QSL from Radio Free Asia (transmitter IBB Tinian). 9950 kHz, waited 18 days. The image on the card - the year of the ram,
19/02/2015 - 07/02/2016
QSL from DW, transmitter in Rwanda, decommissioned at the end of March. 9610 kHz, waited 22 days. The image on the card
- Stuttgart, Staatstheater (and before him on the lawn barefoot resting shtutgarttsy). Report using the form on , and then on the link «Send us an e-mail».
United States
QSL-letter from the Eternal Good News. 9830 kHz (through the station WHRI), waited 29 days. Signature: George Bryan,
Speaker on Eternal Good News. Embedded print texts of the two programs. Wrote on
QSL from the Voice of Turkey. 15360 kHz, waited 36 days. The image on the card - a cup of Turkish coffee will be remembered
for 40 years. Wrote on tatar [at] and tsr [at]
QSL from Radio Veritas Asia. 15225 kHz, waited 44 days. Signature: Ms. Arlene A. Donarber, Audience Research & Relations
Officer. The image on the card - Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park, Palawan, one of the New 7 Wonders of the
World (2012) (Dmitry Mezin, open_dx)
Russian SWL / DX site - QSL álbum - Moscow, Russia – April 5,
Author: SakhHunter
Reception Location: Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Sakhalin Oblast
Receiver: Degen DE-1103 | Antenna: Degen DE-31MS
Radio Romania International / 6090 kHz / 06.03.2015 18:01 /
QSL-card, letter, sticker, printed materials / Ukrainian /
Author: pashadx
Reception Location: Krasnoyarsk
Receiver: TECSUN PL-600 | Antenna: MFJ-1020C
Radio Taiwan International (RTI) / 9590 kHz / 07.03.2015
14:00 / QSL-card / Russian /
Author: RadioMan
Reception Location: Moore
Receiver: TECSUN PL-600 | Antenna: Telescopic
Sri Lanka.
Adventist World Radio / 11780 kHz / 08.03.2015 16:30 / QSLcard, letter, printed materials / Report for receiving
transmission WaveScan. The report confirmed a special QSL /
English /
Radio Japan (NHK World) / 5910 kHz / 07.02.2015 4:30 /
QSL-card, letter, schedule / Russian /
Media. Media
President of the "European media group" Catherine Tikhomirov about the prospects for digital broadcasting. Hot on the heels
of the news that in 2017 Norway fully pass on the broadcasting format DAB, offer a detailed commentary of the President of
the "European media group" Catherine Tikhomirova about the prospects for digital broadcasting. Digital broadcasting:
sensation without sensation This week radiosoobschestvo and social network users excited the news that in 2017 Norway is
fully transferred to digital broadcasting in the format of DAB. Here are just a practice news this message is not, as stated this
was a long time ago. To go to this format of Norway took 22 of the year: the first experiments in DAB broadcasting were held
in 1995. Around the same time, there was talk about digital broadcasting in Russia. But if in 22 years Norway has introduced
this format, we have the matter further conversations did not get. And, perhaps, for the better. On the prospects of digital
broadcasting says President of the "European media group" Catherine Tikhomirov. Digital transmissions - not a new way of
doing radio Digital Broadcasting - not a new way of doing radio, and simply another (different from the usual FMbroadcasting) signal transmission method. These technologies have DAB, where broadcasting is the same in the FM-band,
there is a technology DRM (by the way, adopted in Russia), where broadcasting is carried out on the short, medium and long
waves. But actually it does not change: as traditional radio format and the media in any way does not suffer from the
emergence of new technology. In the air remains the same station, made by the same principles. What are the main
advantages of digital technology? Firstly, it allows you to fit 8-12 stations in the piece of the radio frequency spectrum, where
it was broadcast to a radio station. Thus, increasing the amount of air frequencies. For example, if we used the digital
standard DAB, then at the current frequency Europe Plus we could run 8 or 12 varieties of Europe Plus, add all the directions
(Europa Plus dance, pop, rock, etc.), which today can be listened to Online radio stations. Secondly, if the network is installed
and adjusted, it solves the problem of broadcasting in inaccessible areas. However, there is a digital broadcast and
weaknesses. First of all, it differs sometimes less resistant to interference and less good quality signal, because the applied
compression technology, which does not allow to fully convey the sound in its original form (which is extremely important
for music radio stations).
Predict the death of traditional radio at least naively
The advent of digital broadcasting does not change the habits of hearing themselves. The fact is that during the occurrence of
the digital radio in 1995 as the current Internet has not yet existed, nor was modern and new media devices. Indeed, today
there are certain changes in the process of listening to the radio. Number of listeners is not reduced even in the US, the
country's most technologically advanced, listen to the radio for more than 90% of the population, with more than 60% every
day. This figure is stable in Russia that abroad. But the share of listening through a particular device change: habitual
combined radio listening via the Internet or media players, but it has no relation to digital broadcasting. We can assume that
digital broadcasting would evolve in cars, but you need to have agreed to this largest automobile company. Since then,
however, conceived as digital radio, there was a revolution in the field of new media, so - if you say that will appear in cars - it
is rather a technology connected car, which will listen to the radio in the car via the Internet. So today, rather, it is necessary
to talk not about digital broadcasting, and how to adapt to the new radio for yourself Wednesdays. And if we say that today is
an alternative to traditional broadcasting, it's just all kinds of new media.
The future of digital broadcasting in Russia
Program development of digital broadcasting in Russia, which was adopted in the early 2010s, in 2013 was canceled due to
lack of funds. The cost of launching digital broadcasting, including the replacement of the entire fleet of transmitters and,
more importantly, the replacement of the entire fleet of receivers, estimated at more than $ 400 million. The state (especially
in the current environment) will not spend money for that purpose, from the largest broadcasters also have no desire to get
involved and opportunities in project with unclear prospects monetization. Find one enthusiast who would draw for an entire
industry, it is hardly possible. Therefore, those who are really thinking about the future, think about new media.
"Radio Chanson" announces the acquisition of structures Mikhail Gutseriev 100% stake in the station. "Radio Chanson"
announces the acquisition of structures Mikhail Gutseriev 100% stake in the station. Director General of media asset
appointed Andrew Nekludov, CFO - Yuri Sahakyan, who previously held a similar position at the radio station "Moscow
speaking." "Radio Chanson" first aired August 15, 2000. Today radio affiliates in more than 700 cities and towns in Russia and
CIS countries. Mikhail Gutseriev structure owned media holding Krutoy Media (Love Radio, Radio House, Taxi FM), «Raisin"
("East FM», «Spring FM», «Capital FM»), as well as the radio station "Moscow speaking." The main strategic objectives of
"Radio Chanson" are the expansion of regional broadcasting, the modernization of online platforms, maintaining and
strengthening its leading position in the media market.(
In St. Petersburg opened a monument to radio inventor Alexander Popov.
In Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI" on the eve of the 120th anniversary of the invention of radio and
the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the Day radio monument Popov. It is reported by the press service of the
Smolny. Monument to the inventor of radio was created in the early 1950s, in 1958 it was installed on Stone Island. However,
in 2005 in connection with the reconstruction of the territory of the monument was dismantled. And now he took his place on
the territory of LETI, where Popov was first elected director. In St. Petersburg, are three of the monument to the inventor of
radio. It is a monument in the square near the metro station "Petrograd", as well as monuments in Peterhof and Kronstadt. In
addition, the city installed about 15 commemorative plaques on buildings associated with activities Popov. On the eve of the
memorial museum-apartment scientist was an exhibition "Invention ASPopov the world's first radio in the scientific
iterature and in the commemorative print media." (
The new Russian communications and broadcasting satellite "Express-AM6" is put into operation. Spacecraft (SC) "ExpressAM6" is situated in one of the key orbital positions RSCC - at 53 degrees East, where a new satellite for tough coverage of
Russia, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia. Thus, space orbital group of FSUE "Satellite Communications" (RSCC) now
consists of 11 satellites (including 7 satellites "Express-AM" and two devices direct broadcast of "Express-AT").
In connection with the start of normal operation of the "Express-AM6" satellite "Express-AM22" working until now in the
position of 53 degrees east, in the future it is planned to transfer to the point of standing 80 degrees East, reported in the
press ROSCOM service. Russian satellite "Express-AM6" commissioned by RSCC established JSC "Information Satellite
Systems" Academician MF Reshetnev "in conjunction with the Federal State Unitary Enterprise" Scientific-Research Institute
of Radio "and the company MDA Corporation (Canada). "Express-AM6" is made in accordance with the Federal Target
Program "Development of broadcasting in the Russian Federation in 2009-2015" under the Federal Space Program of Russia
for the period up to 2015. The satellite "Express-AM6" is equipped with 72 transponders in C-, Ku-, Ka- and L- band on the
platform "Express-2000" (share over 2700 MHz). Lifetime spacecraft for its intended purpose is 15 years. Launch of the
satellite "Express-AM6" was held October 21, 2014. First satellite was put into a transfer orbit, and then the operating point
of 53 degrees east longitude in geostationary orbit. "Express-AM6" is designed to provide broadcasters (including problem
solving Federal Program "Development of broadcasting in the Russian Federation in 2009-2015"), high-speed data
transmission and broadband access to information resources (in perspective Ka frequency range), multimedia services,
telephony and mobile services in the European part of Russia, the Urals and Western Siberia. Resource satellite "ExpressAM6" also will be used for the implementation of international projects for Russian and foreign users in Africa, Europe and
the Middle East. Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Satellite Communications" (RSCC) - Russia's national satellite
communications operator, spacecraft which provide global coverage. RSCC is subordinate to the Federal Communications
Agency (Rossvyaz).
Glenn Hauser
Logs April 25, 2015 [more]
** CHINA [and non]. 11825, April 25 at 1256, VG signal from CNR1 jammer, atop not only its intended victim, VOA Chinese via
Philippines until 1300 but also Brother Scare via WRMI, another rôle reversal, the latter now scheduled 10-22, altho
registered as available 24 hours.
11840, April 25 at 1256, CNR1 jammer // 11825, but not as strong. Victim here is AIR Chinese until 1315.
14920, April 25 at 1329, CNR1 jammer with VG signal, yet none in the OOB 15s, 16s or 17s.
13690, April 25 at 1331, CNR1 jammer, a couple seconds ahead of 14920, and with CCI from victim. Nothing shown in Aoki of
April 24 to account for this, nothing anywhen on 13690, but HFCC shows an IBB Chinese transmission started April 13 at 1314 on 13690, via Saipan. And EiBi already has both VOA and the jammer as of April 18. No CNR1s in the 12s (Glenn Hauser,
** CUBA. 6100, April 25 at 0540, RHC English is instead open carrier/dead air here, while nominal on the remainder of The
Cuban Five: 6165, 6060, 6000, 5040.
6000 still has a het from weak carrier on 6001, April 25 at 0541, but at least the 6000 carrier is no longer dropping off like 3+
hours earlier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EGYPT [and non]. 13850, April 25 at 0534, R. Cairo is suptorted as usual in Arabic to N America, by now having landed on
correct frequency instead of transposed 13580 as noted earlier at 0218. In a rôle-reversal, 13850 has a bit of splatter from
stronger 13840 NHK French via Madagascar; but it matters not, since 13850 is totally unreadable and useless anyway (Glenn
** KOREA SOUTH. 15575, Saturday April 25 at 1344, KBS World Radio again with good signal to North America now that
we`re past equinox and on the way to summer solstice, during mailbag segment of `Listeners Lounge`; admitting they having
been getting reports of bad reception on 15575, but now it`s getting better, as evidenced by a recording that Benjamin in
Cookeville TN sent them; YL & YL discuss whether it merits an O of 3, or 4. This does NOT mean KBS will ever catch on and go
to a lower band in the B-seasons! At 1355, `Indian DX Report` from postal code 785001, not really DX, but partial schedules to
S Asia for AIR, AWR, NHK. Thanks to good elocution I can mostly understand his Indian accent. Maybe Kevin in NM will be on
next week (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NEW ZEALAND. 11725, April 25 at 0536, RNZ is starting a special about the centenary of Gallipoli which is to last 75
minutes until another special live event about it. Usual VG signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SOUTH CAROLINA [non non and non]. 21610, April 25 at 1328, Brother Scare on only poor signal from WHRI, and QRMed
by OTH radar pulses, roughly 21608-21633, Cyprus? WHRI registers 21610 at 13-14, then 21600 from 14 onwards, why?
Because Saudi Arabia is imaginary on 21600 until 1400: I`ve never heard it for years (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** SUDAN [and non]. 13800, April 25 at 0533, tone jamming, or rather het from carrier on hi side, marring R. Dabanga via
VATICAN, but its good signal is still completely readable, the tone a mere annoyance, but how is it in Sudan? How many notch
filters are on Sudanese SW radios? Is the jammer really inside Sudan? Skip distances on higher bands mean an external
location would be more effective, but maybe Omdurman is far enough away from Darfur, roughly one megameter; more so on
// 11650, which at 0537 has only a fair signal here but still atop its own tone jammer. HFCC registrations show that the entire
0430-0600 PNW (meaning Dabanga) transmission on 11650 is via Vatican, while 13800 switches from Madagascar to
Vatican at 0530; why? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** VATICAN. 15595, April 25 at 0529, VR bells, good signal, as we are now getting into summer-mode with MUFs from Europe
holding up overnight. 0530 Latin Mass with multilingual opening announcements in German, something Slavic, Polish,
Hungarian, 0532 choir. This is much better than // 7250, and much2 better than useless 6070 under CFRX. 15595 is 250 kW,
107 degrees to Mideast, so directly off the back would be 287 degrees. I would not be surprised if it`s really aimed toward us,
and ME gets the back (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also SUDAN [and non]
Antônio Avelino
Disponível o arquivo em PDF
Informo aos amigos e amigas que já está disponível o arquivo em PDF da 8ª edição do Boletim "DX Sem Fronteiras" no
link: Nas ondas do DX Clube Sem Fronteiras
Rafael Rodriguez
Sutatenza, Un mensaje de Paz
"Este documental muestra el orígen de Radio Sutatenza, estación de radio que naciera en las montañas de Colombia. Fue el
fruto de un proyecto concevido por el padre Salcedo, quién comprendió que la radio podía ser de gran ayuda para fomentar la
educación de base en regiones recónditas"
País/lugar: Colombia, - Series: INA-UNESCO collection, - Tipo: Documentary - Duración: 00:18:13
Autor/director: Enrico Fulchignoni, - Editor/productor: UNESCO, - Publicado en: 1995
Alberto Mesquita
25 de abril
abril - Aniversário Guglielmo Marcon
Guglielmo Marconi, 1º Marquês de Marconi (italiano: 25 de abril de 1874 -20
julho 1937) foi um inventor italiano e engenheiro elétrico, conhecido por seu
trabalho pioneiro em transmissão de rádio de longa distância e para o seu
desenvolvimento da lei de Marconi e um rádio sistema de telégrafo. Ele é
muitas vezes creditado como o inventor do rádio, e ele compartilhou a 1909
Prêmio Nobel de Física com Karl Ferdinand Braun ", em reconhecimento de
suas contribuições para o desenvolvimento da telegrafia sem fio".
Um empreendedor, empresário e fundador da Grã-Bretanha, em 1897, do
Wireless Telegraph & Signal Company (que se tornou o Marconi Company),
Marconi conseguiu fazer um sucesso comercial de rádio, inovando e com base
no trabalho de experimentadores e físicos anteriores. Em 1929, o Rei da Itália
enobrecido Marconi como um Marchese (Marquês).
Radio Heritage Foundation
Big NZ Radio Guide Moves
April 25 2015 - ANZAC Day
Hi Radio Guide user
Major changes have taken place recently on the NZ radio scene:
* Kiwi FM network closes
* The Word network closes
* Radio LiveSport network closes
* Magic network opens
* TAB Trackside Radio network expands
* many AM frequency changes
* new FM stations
For all the latest information about these changes you'll find the NZ - Radio Guide at now has full
The NZ Radio Guide is provided as a free public service by the Radio Heritage Foundation, the people who have been keeping
radio memories and memorabilia safe for future generations for over 10 years....... and sharing hundreds of stories and hours
of volunteer expert no cost...
Please consider making a donation to help the work of the RHF continue. Choose from many options at today...regular support is just $25 a year or less than 50c a week.....
Supporters are recognized on We get no government grants, no funds from mainstream commercial
or non-commercial radio and funds are used to keep memorabilia safe and provide office and storage space and daily
operating expenses. We finished the last financial year on March 31 about $5,200 in the red and would really welcome a bit of
help right now.
Please use the NZ Radio Guide to keep up to date with all the many changes today. Thanks for using our free service.
Sincerely – RHF -
PS...also use our free Australian and Hawaiian AM and FM Radio Guides, and our world famous PAL Pacific Asia Guide for AM
from Alaska to Afghanistan.....also be removed from our mailing lists, just email 'remove please' by return to this
address. Thank you if you can make a donation today.
Jose Miguel Romero
Radio Veritas Asia's acclaimed Vietnamese
Radio Veritas Asia's acclaimed Vietnamese communicator remembered for a life of service
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Vietnamese Msgr. Pietro Nguyen Van Tai will be remembered as a successful communicator who spent all life serving the
church in Asia for decades. Tai died of abdomen cancer Tuesday at age 67 in a hospital in Ho Chi Minh City. His funeral Mass
was scheduled for Friday at the Assumption Cathedral of his native Vinh Long diocese. He was considered the cornerstone or
one of the pillars of Radio Veritas Asia, the 45-year-old continental short-wave radio station owned and operated by the
Federation of Asian Bishops' Conference in Manila, Philippines. "He was a jack of all trades and he was instrumental in
shaping various policies and activities of RVA as a natural leader and mediator" for more than 36 years, RVA said.
Tai started his career as a program producer of Vietnamese broadcasts in 1978, then held other senior positions, including
coordinator of the Vietnamese language service and program director of RVA's 16 Asian language services.
He was appointed as priest-in-charge for Vietnamese refugees flocking to the Philippines to avoid persecution from
Vietnamese communists after the end of the Vietnam War. "Tai took various initiatives in communicating good news values to
people and especially nurturing faith life among Vietnamese Catholics in difficult times without ministers," said Fr. Anthony
Nguyen Ngoc Son, a close friend of Tai's. Son said Catholics, including ethnic minority communities throughout Vietnam and
especially in places without priests or religious, regularly gathered at homes to listen to church news, catechism, hymns,
prayers aired by RVA and "attending" aired Masses celebrated by Tai on Sundays to keep their faith alive.
Joseph Nguyen Tien Hiep, a former lay missionary based in Yen Bai province in northern Vietnam, said through Vietnamese
programs produced by Tai, Catholics remain true to the church, update themselves on church developments and get close to
God. Many others have been inspired by his services and embraced Catholicism, he added. Even today, government
authorities have not yet allowed priests to give regular ministries to Catholics in northern provinces of Dien Bien, Lai Chau
and Son La.
Hiep said "many Catholics still often listen to reflections and church news aired by RVA, and Dang The Dung [Tai's penname]
is very popular among listeners." Son, who was with Tai before he died, described his friend as a priest who lived a humble,
gentle and simple life who always smiled and brought joy to other people. Son said although he was based in the Philippines,
Tai helped develop the church in Vietnam by asking for scholarships from foreign charitable organizations and granted
hundreds of Vietnamese priests and religious to study further in the Philippines.
Born in southern Tra Vinh province in 1947, Tai graduated from Pius X Pontifical College in Dalat and was ordained a priest
in 1973. He obtained a doctorate in philosophy from Pontifical University of Urbaniana, Rome, in 1978 and was tasked with
RVA's Vietnamese language service since then.
[Joachim Pham is an NCR correspondent based in Vietnam.]
Glenn Hauser
Logs April 2424-25, 2015
** BRAZIL [and non]. 11745, April 25 at 0223, some weak station with phone interview in unknown language is taking a
direct hit from the RNA/RNB crackling spur. HFCC and Aoki show the only 11745 at any time is 02-03 RFA Tibetan via
KUWAIT, and I think this is it rather than CNR1 jamming but which surely also attacks it from the other side. The matching
spur on 11815 is in the clear, lucky it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also CUBA: 6001
** CHINA [non]. 9580, April 25 at 0134, I notice that CRI English relay via CUBA has a barely audible weak LAH, unlike clear
// 9570 ALBANIA. Still so at 0227 when CRI is in Chinese.
So what could the understation be? Checking Aoki, we see a 9579 listing for PBS Radio ng Bayan, 500 watts in the Philippines,
but this one is much closer to 9580.0, a pitch barely enough to be audible, and we`ve not seen any reports of PBS for years.
What else?
KBS World Radio direct from South Korea on 81 degree antenna toward Hawaii and S America, Japanese until 0200, then
English, likely that and probably a bigger collision further south. Also after 0200 is listed PBS Xizang, Lhasa, Tibet (Glenn
** CUBA [and non]. 6000, April 25 at 0236, RHC English dumps off the air for a second or two, maybe six times in the next
minute, as I am noticing a het close to 1 kHz on the hi side. It`s too weak for any modulation, but clear during the RHC outages.
When on, this and the other RHC English frequency, 6165, are both unreasonably weakened, undermodulated, and not
enough to overcome the general storm noise level from adjacent states. The CRI relays from Cuba on 9 MHz do much better.
Why does Arnie put all RHC`s English eggs in the one basket of 6 MHz? But he certainly can`t take propagational/frequency
advice from me!
As for the carrier on 6001, could be: 4 kW EBC Brasília? R. Guaíba has also been reported lately on nominal 6000. 4XZ, Israeli
Navy, Haifa has also shown up around here, but this is a continuous wave, not CW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EGYPT. 13580, April 25 at 0218, fair signal with very suptorted music, alla Qahira, but R. Cairo not scheduled here now: I`ll
bet it`s a mis-punch for 13850, which is missing! Supposed to start at 0200 in Arabic to N America, and talk which follows
could be Arabic. Abis does use 13580, however, for the Albanian service at 1500, on same 315 azimuth, and it`s horribly
distorted too.
Checking HFCC later, I see that this will collide with BBC Hindi via Uzbekistan at 0230-0300 on 13580; ooh.
9315, April 25 at 0228, R. Cairo frequency is producing regular bursts of slightly wavering hi-pitched noise in regular pattern
of 10 seconds on, 2 seconds off, way above JBM talk presumed English more audible during the pauses. A new kind of defect
for miserable Misr.
9965.4, April 25 at 0230, R. Cairo, VG signal in Arabic, some distortion and whine; see also UNIDENTIFIED 9825 (Glenn
** GREECE. 9420, April 25 at 0230 check, no signal from ERTOpen. This is now the rule rather than exception (Glenn Hauser,
** PERU. 5980, April 25 at 0108, JBA carrier from R. Chaski, until cutoff at 0109:25*. This is 31.5 seconds later than last check
a pentanite ago, averaging 6.3 seconds later per. We should now be drawing close to another autotimer reset back closer to
0100*, only to start precessing again (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 13557, April 25 at 0215, HIFER beacon MTI is JBA. Haven`t heard him in a while: Stone Mountain, GA, 5 wpm per the
LWCA list on 13557.54. Any others audible now? Yes, on the hi side of the ISM blob:
13564, April 25 at 0217, HIFER beacon GNK with much stronger signal than MTI; easy copy without strain, from Madison WI
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1770 monitoring: whatever the program schedules may show appended to the WRMI graphic
frequency schedule, the Friday April 24 broadcast at 2130.5 was on both 7570 and 15770, just as it had been for months, not
on 7570 only, and we are glad this is so, since 7570 is sinking into the noise level, much worse than 15770. Next:
Sat 1930v WA0RCR 1860-AM
Sun 0315v WA0RCR 1860-AM
Sun 2100 WRMI 15770
Sun 2300 WRMI 11580
Mon 0300v WBCQ 5110v Area 51
Tue 1100 WRMI 9955
Wed 1315 WRMI 9955
Wed 2100 WBCQ 7490v
Thu 0330 WRMI 9955 [or 1771 if ready in time]
** U S A. 7505.4, April 25 at 0233 as I tune in, ``We`re 75-05, WRNO Worldwide`` and music. No we aren`t! Considerable
distortion too (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 9825, April 25 at 0226, distorted whine with fading, so not a local device; like spurs we have heard before
from Turkey or Egypt around here, but there are no strong signals nearby to produce it now. 9965.4 Cairo might do it, but
can`t match the sound, nor is there another one +140 kHz on 10105, just CW hams, whew. Only thing scheduled on 9825 at
any time is during this hour only, CRI English via Kashgar, a site not known for any such problems (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
Marcio Renato
Vendo MFJ-1026 estado do novo, pouco usado mesmo. R$1.100,00 com FRETE GRÁTIS via PAC, pode comprar pelo
MERCADO PAGO no site Mercado Livre e pagar no cartão ou boleto. O anúncio lá ta bem explicadinho e tem um vídeo
mostrando o funcionamento..
Dino Bloise
Frecuencia Al Día - No. 427, Abril 24, 2015
FRECUENCIA AL DÍA - En esta emisión: Chile | Entrevista a Eduardo Labarca. El programa escucha chile de la desaparecida
radio moscú se transmitió por onda corta desde fines de 1973 hasta 1990. Los programas eran ampliamente escuchados en
todo el país sudamericano, pues era una de las pocas fuentes informativas disponible. Pero a medida que pasan los años se
van conociendo historias que hablan de un compromiso real con la radio. Informe de Luís Valderas
Download episode:
Ademas los siguientes temas: Miguel Á. Reyes: México - Falleció Jorge Gutiérrez Zamora*** Pedro Sedano: AER Noticias de
Onda Corta*** Víctor H. González: Participación del locutor y radioaficionado argentino, Roberto Saldí*** Ruben W. Suárez: El
Informe Diexista.
-Escúchanos cualquier día, a cualquier hora haciendo click en nuestra página web de Programas DX:
-Síguenos en Facebook y Twitter. -Nuestro correo electrónico:
[No. 427, Abril 24, 2015] - Copyright 2015 Frecuencia Al Día / Dino Bloise.
Este mensaje es enviado por DINO BLOISE. Con respeto a las leyes nacionales e internaciones las cuales nos rigen y siendo
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Tu espacio de los viernes.
-Frecuencia Al Día, El más internacional-
Michel Frias
Venta (Uruguay)
SDR HF Transceiver 160 - 6M (Motherboard+Filters+Oscillator+Enclosure)
Glenn Hauser
Logs April 24, 2015
** BANGLADESH. 15505, April 24 at 1359, JBA carrier from BB which I can detect only with BFO --- so weak that a timesignal
ending at 1359:41.5 I must qualify as only at ``imagination level``, but it would be typical (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** CHINA [and non]. 17705, April 24 at 1258, CNR1 jammer good signal and heavy QRM from Saudi Arabia and/or intended
victim All India Radio in Chinese.
Meanwhile, circa 1300 April 24, the other AIR Chinese frequency, 15795 bears DRM noise only. HFCC claims it`s not DRM, but
Aoki shows DRM, and also *jammed. Could the jamming also be DRM? That should make for interesting decoding.
18990, April 24 at 1259, CNR1 jammer, good level, timesignal and off 1300*. Then I check nearby and find 18980 at 1300
with VP signal, presumably RFA Tibetan via KUWAIT before jammer rehits it, as that is indeed scheduled to jump from 18990
to 18980 Fridays & Tuesdays at 1300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** COLOMBIA [and non]. 5910-, April 24 at 0539, music on very poor signal, 0542 Spanish talkover it; 0544 running-water ute
QRM briefly, but no sign of TWR via Austria which is in Polish M-F at 0545-0600 on 5910; already propped out? Other
Moosbrunn on 6155 is but a JBA carrier now.
Anyhow, this belies my previous remark that HJDH is not being heard after NHK/France finishes at 0500*. It was on earlier
same date at 0140, so this time it continues, but quite insufficiently, unlike adequate signal it used to provide for its mostlymusic (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 15355-15385, April 24 at 1303, RHC 15370 is extremely strong and splattering at least to 15 kHz either side, and
desensitizing the FRG-7. Enough, already (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** FRANCE [non]. 17660, April 24 at 1256, good signal in French, i.e. RFI at 12-13, but HFCC registered for both
MADAGASCAR at 305 degrees and SOUTH AFRICA at 342 degrees, the entire A-15 season, so which is it, really? EiBi & Aoki
** OKLAHOMA. April 24 at 1230 UT, I awaken to find AC power is off, so hasten to tune around with lowered noise level.
Strongest local, 1390 KCRC in another part of Enid is also off, so must be fairly extensive. Its associated Chisholm Trail
stations on FM are also off, or rather on with carrier only: 107.1 KNID, 95.7 KXLS; while Champlin`s 96.9 KQOB and 1640
KZLS, really run from OKC and with sites between here and there, are still on normally.
At 1239 UT bandscan, also off the air is 94.3 KLGB-LP, but strangely, its sibling station at same site, 99.9 KVBN-LP, is still on.
The Williams stations, 960 KGWA and 103.1 KOFM are still on. Also still on in Enid are translators or LPs on 92.1, 105.5, 98.5,
91.1, 89.1.
Power at home comes back on at 1307 UT, but KCRC 1390 is still off; by 1315 UT its carrier with hum is back. 94.3 is also back
by 1315 UT with music; 95.7 still open carrier; 107.1 back to normal with Oklahoma Farm Bureau report at 1316 UT; At 1318
UT, 95.7 is back to normal too.
Cause of outage must not be storms, none around. Here`s the scoop from the Enid Eagle:
Posted: Friday, April 24, 2015 8:47 am Enid News & Eagle
ENID, Okla. — More than 2,862 customers were out of power Friday morning for about an hour, according to an OG&E
Electric System spokesman.
John Little said power went out around 7-7:15 a.m. and was restored for most around 8 a.m. A lag in OG&E's SystemWatch,
the public online source for outage information, showed power still out to nearly 3,000 around 9 a.m. Little said that digital
issue is being address by OG&E so more accurate information will be provided in the future.
A burning pole in the area of Cambridge and 6th in northeast Enid was to blame for the outage, Little said, though officials do
not yet know what caused the fire. He said they do not believe weather was to blame.
When crews arrived on the scene, he said, they were able to reroute power to most of the affected customers. "With the
exception of one or two people off that pole," he said, "everyone is back on."``
** SUDAN [and non]. 13800, April 24 at 0551, R. Dabanga talk and stinger, good signal via MADAGASCAR, and NO tone
jamming audible at all. Much weaker // 11625 via VATICAN at 0552 does suffer from JBA tone jamming (Glenn Hauser, OK,
** U K [non]. 17790, April 24 at 1259, Bow Bells on weak signal, but during power outage here until 1307, with minimized
noise level, allowing lots of signals to audiblize on 16m, via FRG-7 on D-cell battery pack which still has some current in it.
17790 is 63 degrees from OMAN at 13-14 only, BBCWS in English. We know it will be overlapped by WRMI well before 1400
with Radio Africa`s nondescript ``interval signal`` emanating from Okeechobee at 87 degrees toward Equatorial Guinea
** U S A. 5890, April 24 at 0539, blessèd open carrier/dead air instead of BS via WWCR; by 0545, the quack is baaaack (Glenn
** U S A. 1580, April 24 at 0559 UT, ad for John Deere farm equipment, Colorado Springs, no ID heard, and 0600 UT into
medical talk show, so KHIG. I`ve yet to hear much about pot on it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 1670, April 24 at 0556 UT, two ``Fox Sports 1670`` promos, so must be WPLA Dry Branch (Macon market) GA, and
DF fits for that rather than Madison WI WOZN which is CBS Sports (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 1390, April 24 at 1230 UT I awaken to find AC power is off, so quick bandscan finds local KCRC NSP is also
off, a rare opportunity to DX something else (see OKLAHOMA for more on this). Dominating 1390 are national ads, then some
syndicated talkshow in English from E/W. At first I figure it`s very likely my next-nearest in Rogers (Fayetteville address) AR,
which is ND daytime (and KCRC must protect it, beaming away from it westward), but NRC AM Log shows KFFK is SS:MEX, La
Patrona. (I did also hear some Spanish briefly in the mix.) So on to next choice which is really northeast: KJPW, Waynesville
MO, also 5 kW ND daytime, and is a talker in English, including Fox network. By 1315 UT, KCRC carrier is back on with hum
UNIDENTIFIED. 1550, April 24 at 0602 UT, crooner in English, 0605 UT gospel song, loops WNW/ESE. Format and direxion
rule out the usual closer suspects, so I wonder if it`s WLOR Huntsville AL, 50000/44 watts with UC/OLD format per NRC AM
Log? Day pattern is circle tangent southward. WPFC Bâton Rouge LA, 5000/42 watts U1 with UC:GOS/REL also possible tho
DF seems further counterclockwise (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Magdiel Cruz
CW0R/CW1GM Abril 2015
Luego del Puerto del Buceo e Isla de Flores, estaremos ahora activando Punta del Este y participando el Día Internacional de
Marconi. Tras activar CW5B coincidiendo con el Fin de Semana de Faros Sudamericanos durante los días 20, 21 y 22 de
febrero desde el puerto del Buceo. e Isla de Flores con CV5A durante marzo 27, 28 y 29, ya tiene en marcha sus dos nuevas
actividades expedicionarias. Es así que por décimo año consecutivo, nuestro Club participará en el día Internacional de
Marconi (abril 25) con su indicativo especial correspondiente: CW1GM. Y por último, la cuarta primera activación del año,
será el día siguiente (abril 26) con el faro, península y puerto de Punta del Este, en este caso usando la CWØR.
Glenn Hauser
Logs April 2323-24, 2015
** ALBANIA [and non]. 9850, April 24 at *0126:15, R. Tirana carrier on and IS until 0130 theme and sign-on in English. Poor
signal, noisy band, and I can also detect a LAH (low audible heterodyne). Despite our best efforts to have R. Tirana on a clear
frequency for its North American service, Aoki now shows one or three others on 9850 during this semihour:
9850 PBS Qinghai, China, 2250-0600 in Tibetan, 50 kW, 206 degrees from Xining and Sound of Hope, Xi Wang Zhi Sheng,
*could* be on here any time between 2130 and 1550 in Chinese/Cantonese, 100 watts from Taiwan, but more importantly,
requiring CNR1 or Firedrake jamming by the ChiCom. It`s probably only Qinghai, and the het caused by Shijak being offfrequency, measured recently by Wolfgang Büschel on 9849.973. Note that none of this is shown in HFCC!
The QRM is not a big problem here, but it could be worse elsewhere, and RT really needs an absolutely clear frequency to
compensate for its low modulation level (and low signal level by the time it gets to deep North America).
So now it looks like the 0130-0200 broadcast, like the 2300-2400 in Albanian to North America, would be better off on 9855
where there is no conflict shown in Aoki, nor anything on adjacent 9860 (as long as Egypt stays on 9315 instead of woodenly
registered 9860). I suggest ALR make the shift to 9855, but it may take a while to get it implemented (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** BOLIVIA. 4410-, April 24 at 0058, since RSC is in so well on 6134.8 and Daqui [BRAZIL] in so well on 4915-, it`s time to look
for something more exotic. And I do detect a JBA carrier here, which matches Carlos Gonçalves latest report from Portugal of:
``4409.8 R. Eco, Reyes, 2325-2339, 19/4, castelhano, canções; 45332`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BOLIVIA. 6134.8, April 24 at 0054, fair signal with song in Spanish, no doubt R. Santa Cruz; if R. Aparecida is there too, it`s
too weak and/or too close to make much of a het tonight.
5952+, Pio XII/Siglo XX, is also audible before 0100 with talk, 0102 with music. Its totally split frequency requires nothing
further to identify it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BRAZIL. 4915-, April 24 at 0101 UT, slightly on the low side compared to WWV, best 60m S American signal is here
(nothing from Pará 4885, off again?) with rock music past 0100; 0101 quick announcement starting with beeps, copied only
this in Brazuguese, ``1,230``, and back to vocal romantic music. 1230 is enough to match it to 10 kW R. Daqui, Goiânia,
ZYF691, whose AM side per WRTH 2015 is indeed 1230, ZYH756 --- rather than the other 4915 Brazilian, 25 kW R. Difusora
Macapá, unless it also happens to be on MW 1230. But not among the many ZYs listed there; finding where it really is on MW
is out of the question among pages and pages of stations, and the WRTH-listed website, does not
Guess what, it requires a www. and RDM is on 630 AM, with no mention of SW/TW. More about the latter which I did *not*
log this time: lengthy history of the station, mentioning that from 1957 to 1964
it was only on onda tropical, but never states the frequency! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** COLOMBIA. 5910-, April 24 at 0140, very poor signal slightly on the low side, with music in noise level, must be HJDH,
which I continue NOT to hear after 0500 when NHK/France is finished with its 0300-0500 blockage. Nothing else scheduled
before 0300. Also at 0140 there is a LAH on 6010, presumably the other HJDH vs ZYE521, both off-frequency (Glenn Hauser,
** EGYPT. 9315, April 24 at 0104, R. Cairo in Spanish, fair and somewhat distorted
12070, April 24 at 0104, R. Cairo in Spanish, good signal with more distortion than 9315
11935, April 24 at 0105, R. Cairo, fair signal but just barely modulated. Occasional peaks are barely matchable to 12070
Spanish. No het from 11935 Brasil, off again? QRM de jammer pulses bleeding from Cuba 11930 against nothing (Glenn
** FRANCE. 17570, April 23 at 2000, ``Bonjour`` from a station in French, poor with flutter, so is it morning there? No, it isn`t
even daytime, from AWR to Africa via Issoudun (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDIA [non]. 9900, April 24 at 0113, poor-fair pronouncing TWR.IN address in English; it`s via UZBEKISTAN, of course.
HFCC lets it go as ``multilingual`` at 0030-0130, leaving it to specific Aoki to reveal it`s in Bhojpuri, M-F at 0045-0115.
Where does Bhojpuri fit into the huge scheme of things? Wikipedia classifies it as the leading ``other`` language with 33 or 40
megaspeakers per the 2001 census (2011 census figures not yet released; what`s taking so long??). This places it at about #13
by population. Yet another roster down to only 1 megaspeaker completely omits Bhojpuri --- maybe it`s a.k.a. some other
name, but nothing similar by spelling. Main area spoken is north India and Nepal, also some overseas spots such as Suriname.
All about Bhojpuri: (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NORTH AMERICA. 6876.0-AM, April 24 at 0142, having encountered not a single pirate above 6900 now or in the previous
half-sesquihour, I do find music here, on the well-established frequency of a single station, poor to fair with YL vocal, 0144
``Go ahead and shoot; do me a favor``, clip from movie or oldtime radio, and DJ says ``Heartbreak Hotel``, theme for the
evening? Not that axual song heard now; and: ``on The Crystal Ship from the TCS shortwave relay network`` --- so is there
really more than one transmitter site? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 97.1, April 23 at 2015 UT, ``The Sports Animal`` slogan makes it on the PL-880 despite strong adjacent 96.9
KQOB ``Enid``. WTFDA FM Database searching on frequency and slogan leads right to only one: KYAL Muskogee OK, 100 kW,
600m HAAT. I suppose it`s // 2.5 kW 1550 KYAL Sapulpa OK with same slogan in NRC AM Log but no mention of an FM there.
Likewise, no mention of an AM // in the WTFDA listing. Could they be non // but with same slogan? AM 1550 is barely
audible here, less signal than closer 250-watt KKLE Winfield KS (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OMAN. 9500, April 24 at 0118, Qur`an on good signal, so RSO is on correct frequency tonight for western Europe, also
USward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SRI LANKA. 11905, April 24 at 0114, OC is on, very poor with flutter; music prélude starts at 0114:46.5, but NO timesignal
is heard circa 0115:19 before SLBC sign-on announcement starts at 0115:23 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 13563.5, approx., April 24 at 0133, can barely make out the Madison WI HIFER beacon with continuous slow CW ID
as GNK, vs CODAR and ISM hash, on the PL-880 but not on the DX-398. No other beacons audible on the band at this time
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1770 monitoring: confirmed Thursday April 23 at 2100 not only on scheduled 7570 WRMI, which
is JBA in noise level, but also on much better // 15770, altho schedule continues to show 7570 only at this time. So we need to
continue checking both, such as at next airing on WRMI, Friday 2130.
Meanwhile, WRMI has put up a new program schedule grid for 9955 as of April 22, showing WOR is no longer at 1230 on
Thursdays, so if I had tuned in a few minutes earlier April 23, I should have heard R. Slovakia International instead, now at
1230-1300 M-F, with WOR shifted an hour earlier to 1130 Thursdays. Other airings remain the same, but some other
programs and DX programs will have been moved around, and there may be additional changes. Next WORs on SW:
Mon 0300v WBCQ 5110v Area 51
Fri 2130 WRMI 7570 and/or 15770
Tue 1100 WRMI 9955
Sat 1930v WA0RCR 1860-AM
Wed 1315 WRMI 9955
Sun 0315v WA0RCR 1860-AM
Wed 2100 WBCQ 7490v
Sun 2100 WRMI 15770
Sun 2300 WRMI 11580
Thu 0330 WRMI 9955 [or 1771 if ready in time] (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Mur Uruguay
Reparación y servicio Técnico en Radiocomunicaciones HF VHF UH
Reparación y servicio Técnico en Radiocomunicaciones HF VHF UHF
Servicio Técnico: Garantizamos nuestras reparaciones por utilizar repuestos originales.Contamos con laboratorio totalmente
equipado, Sitio web
Pedro Sedano
Noticias de Asociación Española De Radioescucha (AER)
El Dial (fm) ABRIL 2015, ya disponible.
disponible. Hoy, 01 de abril de 2015, Hace 16 minutos | EA4-0003. La AER anuncia la
disponibilidad del número de ABRIL 2015 de su boletín El Dial (fm), el boletín dedicado a la FM que ofrece gratuitamente la
AER por internet en formato PDF, flash y web, mediante motor de búsquedas. La … Sigue leyendo
El Dial (d), de ABRIL 2015, ya disponible.
disponible. Hoy, 01 de abril de 2015, Hace 2 horas | EA4-0003. La AER anuncia la salida del nº
de ABRIL 2015 del boletín El Dial (d) que ofrece gratuitamente por internet en y que este mes cambia
de ubicación. EL DIAL (d) [El Dial digital] es el ciberboletín mensual dedicado al diexismo … Sigue leyendo
Esquema AA-15 de Radio Thailand.
Thailand. Ayer, 31 de marzo de 2015, 20:17:16 | EA4-0003. Esquema de Radio Thailand efectivo
desde 29.03.2015: THAI 0100-0200 5590 0230-0330 5590 1000-1100 7770 1330-1400 9390 1800-1900 9390 2045-2115
9390 INGLÉS 0000-0100 5590 0200-0230 5590 0530-0600 17640 1230-1300 09390 1400-1430 09390 1900-2000 09390
2030-2045 09390 ALEMÁN 2000-2015 09390 JAPONÉS 1300-1315 … Sigue leyendo →
Informe nº 002, para el programa El Mundo en Nuestra Antena, de la URE, del 06.04.2014,
06.04.2014, Ayer, 31 de marzo de 2015,
13:10:47 | EA4-0003. La AER anuncia que ya están disponibles los ficheros de TEXTO y AUDIO de su Informe nº 002, para el
programa El Mundo en Nuestra Antena, de la URE, del 06.04.2014, difundido el 30.03.2015
Escuchar este informe Arturo Vera, … Sigue leyendo → mundoantena002.mp3
Esquema AA-15 de Radio Internacional de China.
China. lunes, 30 de marzo de 2015, 17:59:30 | EA4-0003. Horario, frecuencia y banda
(desde 29/03/2015) Hora UTC Frecuencia (kHz) Banda (m) Para Europa 21:00-23:00 7335, 9640 40.90, 31.12 22:00-00:00
7210, 7250 41.61, 41.38 23:00-00:00 6175 48.58 06:00-08:00 17680 16.97 Para Sudamérica 22:00-23:00 9490 31.61 23:0001:00 9590, 9800 31.28, 30.61 … Sigue leyendo →
El Dial (fm) ABRIL 2015, ya disponible.
disponible. Hoy, 01 de abril de 2015, Hace 16 minutos | EA4-0003. La AER anuncia la
disponibilidad del número de ABRIL 2015 de su boletín El Dial (fm), el boletín dedicado a la FM que ofrece gratuitamente la
AER por internet en formato PDF, flash y web, mediante motor de búsquedas. La … Sigue leyendo
El Dial (d), de ABRIL 2015, ya disponible.
disponible. Hoy, 01 de abril de 2015, Hace 2 horas | EA4-0003. La AER anuncia la salida del nº
de ABRIL 2015 del boletín El Dial (d) que ofrece gratuitamente por internet en y que este mes cambia
de ubicación. EL DIAL (d) [El Dial digital] es el ciberboletín mensual dedicado al diexismo … Sigue leyendo .
Esquema AA-15 de Radio Thailand.
Thailand. Ayer, 31 de marzo de 2015, 20:17:16 | EA4-0003. Esquema de Radio Thailand efectivo
desde 29.03.2015: THAI 0100-0200 5590 0230-0330 5590 1000-1100 7770 1330-1400 9390 1800-1900 9390 2045-2115
9390 INGLÉS 0000-0100 5590 0200-0230 5590 0530-0600 17640 1230-1300 09390 1400-1430 09390 1900-2000 09390
2030-2045 09390 ALEMÁN 2000-2015 09390 JAPONÉS 1300-1315 … Sigue leyendo →
Informe nº 002, para el programa El Mundo en Nuestra Antena, de la URE, del 06.04.2014.
06.04.2014. Ayer, 31 de marzo de 2015,
13:10:47 | EA4-0003. La AER anuncia que ya están disponibles los ficheros de TEXTO y AUDIO de su Informe nº 002, para el
programa El Mundo en Nuestra Antena, de la URE, del 06.04.2014, difundido el 30.03.2015
Escuchar este informe Arturo Vera, … Sigue leyendo → mundoantena002.mp3
Esquema AA-15 de Radio Internacional de China.
China. lunes, 30 de marzo de 2015, 17:59:30 | EA4-0003. Horario, frecuencia y banda
(desde 29/03/2015) Hora UTC Frecuencia (kHz) Banda (m) Para Europa 21:00-23:00 7335, 9640 40.90, 31.12 22:00-00:00
7210, 7250 41.61, 41.38 23:00-00:00 6175 48.58 06:00-08:00 17680 16.97 Para Sudamérica 22:00-23:00 9490 31.61 23:0001:00 9590, 9800 31.28, 30.61 … Sigue leyendo →
Esquema AA-15 de Radio Exterior de España
Publicado el 27 marzo 2015 12:38 por EA4-0003marzo 27, 2015
Según informa REE, han tenido algunos problemas con el registro de las frecuencias así como con las pruebas de emisión,
pero parece que todo está preparado para empezar a emitir este domingo 29.03.2015 con el horario de verano:
De lunes a viernes, de 2000 a 2400 HOE (1800-2200 UTC):
África occidental y Atlántico sur
15450 kHz
América del sur
17715 kHz
América del norte
17855 kHz
Índico, Oriente Medio, Gran Sol
15490 kHz
Fines de semana, de 1600 a 2400 HOE (1400-2200 UTC):
África Occidental y Atlántico sur
08-401-161º (de 16 a 20 HOE)
15450 kHz
03-402-161º (de 20 a 24 horas)
América del sur
17715 kHz
América del norte
17855 kHz
Índico, Oriente Medio, Gran Sol
15490 kHz
Como sabéis, las emisiones son en español y HOE es la hora oficial de la España continental, que ahora es UTC+1h, pero el día
que comienza el horario de verano, 29.03.2015, para
Informe nº 064 de 27.03.2015 para Frecuencia al Día, de Dino Bloise Publicado el 27 marzo 2015 9:00 por EA4-0003marzo
15, 2015. La AER anuncia que ya están disponibles los ficheros de TEXTO y AUDIO de su Informe nº 064 de 27.03.2015 para
Frecuencia al Día, de Dino Bloise. Escuchar este informe Dino Bloise ofreció a finales de 2009
una colaboración … Sigue leyendo →
Informe nº 065 de 24.04.2015 para Frecuencia al Día, de Dino Bloise La AER anuncia que ya están disponibles los ficheros de
TEXTO y AUDIO de su Informe nº 065 de 24.04.2015 para Frecuencia al Día, de Dino Bloise.
Escuchar este informe Dino Bloise ofreció a finales de 2009 una colaboración … Sigue leyendo
Un saludo cordial . Pedro Sedano, Madrid, España - COORDINADOR GENERAL-
La ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE RADIOESCUCHA (AER) es miembro de pleno derecho del Consejo Europeo de Diexismo,
EDXC; además de miembro fundador de la 'Plataforma en Defensa de la Onda Corta en Radio Exterior de España'; está inscrita
en el Registro Nacional de Asociaciones, Sección Primera, con el número 53.079 y su N.I.F. es G79558557. Dirección postal:
Apartado 10014, 50080 ZARAGOZA, España.
Robert Ross
Hi Guys: I got a little backlogged on checking the ELAD Recordings, so thankfully it was a Lousy Rainy Day here today and I
had some time to clear the Backlog!! Good thing I am retired or this ELAD SDR would only be in record mode…..I would have
little time to Playback anything to look for New Loggings!! Things can sure pile up in the Recorded Archives if you don't keep
up with what you have recorded!!
Anyways, for my work today I was rewarded with 3 New Stations over the past few days!! I have now had the ELAD SDR for 1
Month, and I have Logged 23 NEW STATIONS in that time, so the SDR appears to be doing it's job, especially considering this
is not Primo AM BCB DX Season!! Too Bad I got the Unit at the end of the Season, but it will be interesting to see what happens
in the fall and next winter!!
I also need to get some Better antennas up for AM BCB DX as this Longwire I am using is Very Noisy!! I'll get that done this
summer before the New DX Season starts!
ANTENNA………………….100 Foot Longwire
WASG Daphne, ALABAMA Mar/05/15 0240 EST EE FAIR Black Gospel music @ 0240-0245 EST. More Gospel Music @
0245-49 and 0249-51 EST. It was strong enough that I was finally able to // it to the WASG Live Webfeed!! (Couldn't
get the Webfeed to work 2 Nights ago!!). More Gospel Music @ 0251-0254. ID by Male DJ @ 0254 EST as "Powered by
Musical Soul Food dot com". "AM 540 WASG" ID @ 0256 EST. PSA for "Watching out for School Buses". More Gospel
Music @ 0258 EST. NEW STN ULR # 1099 Heard 2.5 KW/19 Watts Nights
UNID Mar/18/15 2326 EDT
LANG for Mx EE
FAIR EZ-LISTENING Music by Female 2326 EDT
Tune In. More EX List Mx 2330-34 EDT. Into 1950's Oldies Ballad by Male @ 2334 EDT. Then Faded. No Talk heard
between music. Could this be CUBA???? Never heard any talk to confirm if Spanish??? AURORA
RADIO SUTATENZA HJCX Cali, COLOMBIA (Presumed) Mar/05/15 0331 EST SS FR-VG Spanish Ballad at 0331-0335
EST Tune In. Completely taking out WLW - Cincinnati. Male Announcer with Spanish Talk @ 0335 EST and gave clear
ID as "RADIO SUTATENZA". Also gave some Phone Numbers after the ID @ 0336 EST. Into a Lively Mexican Flavoured
Song with Tubas and Accordions til 0341 EST. Another Clear ID as "RADIO SUTATENZA" @ 0341 EST. Male Announcer
spoke SS til 0343 EST. More Vocals/Ballads at 0343-47 and 0347-51 EST. More Spanish Ballad music 0351-56 EST.
Male announcer spoke SS @ 0356-57 EST. Spanish Ballad from 0357-0400 EST……Faded under WLW and GONE!! No
on the hour ID heard!. Let's play "Stump the Band" on this one…. RELOG for Overall Log if them??? ULR # 1100 Heard
if them?? 120,000 Watts?? 1300
WPNH Plymouth, NEW HAMPSHIRE April/24/15 2200 EDT EE FAIR Red
Sox/Orioles Baseball. ID by Male @ 2201 EDT as "The WEEI - Red Sox Radio Network". Also gave local ID @ 2201 EDT
as "You're listening to 1240 WFTN Franklin and 1300 WPNH Plymouth". Back to Baseball game. Heard on Adjacent
Channel to my Local CJBK on 1290 Khz….No Splatter!! Gotta love the filters on the Elad!! NEW STN 5 KW/82 Watts
YVRQ Caracas, VENEZUELA Mar/19/15 0240 EDT SPANISH FAIR SPANISH. Music Ballads and SS Pop Musci. 3
Door Chimes Interval Signal between songs. Male DJ Spoke SS..Lots of mentions of Caracas. 3 Door Chimes is very
distinctive and easy to recognize for this station! AURORA. RELOG 50/20 KW
WKTE King, NORTH CAROLINA Mar/17/15 2025 EDT EE FAIR Oldies Music - "Crimson and Clover" @ 2025
EDT Tune in. Promo for a Religious Pgm on Sundays. ID as "WKTE - 1090 - Stereo AM" @ 2028 EDT. AD for
"Legend's in King, NC". ON LATE??. RELOG 1 KW Days
WTBQ Warwick, NEW YORK Apr/25/15 2258 EDT EE FAIR ID by Male DJ @ 2258 EDT. "You're listening to your
Favourite Radio Station - 93.5 WTBQ - Warwick" Into soft Rock Music 1970's Music. ON LATE!! . in // To their their
FM Translator which runs all night! NEW STN 500 Watts Daytimer
another ID as "La Mejor:. Also in // with Live Webfeed NEW STATION ULR # 1100 Heard 10 KW Daytimer
WLBA Gainesville, GEORGIA March/07/2015 0606 EST SPANISH FAIR-GOOD Upbeat Mexican Music with lots of
Tubas and Accordions @ 0606-0611 EST. Male Announcer spoke Spanish @ 0611 EST. Music al Jingle with Station ID
as "La Mejor". Into a Spanish Ballad with Male Singer 0611-0615 EST. Male DJ spoke again @ 0615-0617 with another
ID as "La Mejor:. Also in // with Live Webfeed NEW STATION ULR # 1100 Heard 10 KW Daytimer
WSQR Sycamore, ILLINOIS Mar/04/15 1907 EST EE FAIR Oldies Music @ 1907-10 EST. Male DJ gave ID @ 1910 as
"FM93.5 and AM 1180". More Oldies - Song called "I will survive" @ 1910-13 EST. RELOG 900 Watts/ 1 Watt Nights
WSBB New Smyrna Bch, FLORIDA Mar/19/15 1935 EDT EE FAIR This one seems to really get out for a
GRAVEYARDER!! (965 Miles for this!) Standards Music. "On Broadway" @ 1935 EDT Tune In. Male with Local
Weather Report. High of 81 Tomorrow. ID as "Am 1230 and AM 1490 - WSBB". @ 1938 EDT. More Old Standards
Music. RELOG 1 KW
UNID WEST VA.?? APRIL/14/15 0700 EDT EE FAIR Male DJ with ID as "1450 WMVA" @ 0700 EDT. WMVA is located
in Martinsville, WEST VA. Only Station in WEST VA. Listed on 1230 Khz is WVNT in Parkersburg. I can't see how
WVNT is associated with WMVA?? UNID
WHTK Rochester, NEW YORK April/01/15 1932 EDT EE GOOD FOX Sports Promo and ID @ 1932 EDT. "ID also as
"FOX Sports 1280 - Rochester". Into Sports Talk. Lots of IDs as above…easy station to get a Positive ID from!! NEW
WGLR Lancaster, WISCONSIN April/16/15 2300 EDT EE FAIR "WGLR-Lancaster" ID by Male DJ @ 2300 EDT.Into
Sports Talk with ESPN IDS @ 2301-03. NEW STN 500/22 Watts
WLXG Lexington, KENTUCKY April/16/15 0618 EDT EE FAIR Local Ads for Kentucky , some with 606 Area Code @
0618-20 EDT. ESPN Sports Update @ 0620 EDT. NEW STN 2.5/1 KW
WSLW White Sulphur Springs, WEST VA. Apr/27/15 0700 EDT EE GOOD FOX Sports Radio Promo @ 0659 EDT.
ID by Male DJ @ 0700 EDT as "This is 1310 WSLW White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia". Into another FOX Sports
Promo and into Sports Talk @ 0701. NEW STN 5 KW Daytimer
WTTL Madisonville, KENTUCKY April/16/15 2100 EDT EE FAIR Male DJ Gave ID with Multi-Station ID and
Mentioned "97.7 FM and 1310 WTTL" @ 2100 EDT. There may have been a 3rd Station Mentioned as well. 97.7 is the
FM Sister Station for WTTL. NEW STN 1.5/500 Watts
WTKZ Allentown, PA. Apr/26/15 0003 EDT EE GOOD Male DJ with ID as "Your Home for Philadelphia Phillies
Baseball on ESPN 1320 Local Home for Mike and Mike". Also ID'd as "Phillies Baseball on your Sports. Leader in the
Allentown Area - ESPN 1320" @ 0004 EDT. NEW CALLS - EX-WKAP (Last Heard in 1976!!) 750/195 Watts Nights
WGET Gettysburg, PA. Apr/26/15 2100 EDT EE GOOD ID @ 2100 EDT as "1320 WGET Gettysburg-Hanover" Into
ESPN Sports Promo. Then News @ 2100 EDT. RELOG 1 KW/500 Watts Nights
WTDR Gadsden, ALABAMA Mar/20/15 0110 EDT EE FAIR-GOOD Spot for a Sports Pgm on the station on
Saturdays @ 0110 EDT Tune In. Pgm was called "Sports Saturday from 8-9 AM on THUNDER 92.7 and 99.3". ID by
Male DJ. Several mentions of ALABAMA SPORTS during that Promo as well. Into C/W Music @ 0110-0114 EDT. RELOG
- NEW CALLS Ex-WGAD but ULR # 1103
UNID Mar/18/15 1945 EDT EE FAIR 2 Male 's with RELIG Talk @ 1945 EDT Tune In. Looking for
Volunteers and Medical Staff for an Overseas Venture?? Mentioned "Here on Spiritual World". Sounded like they
mentioned "The Staff of WKHJ" @ 1955 EDT. Gospel/Relig Talk..May have been Catholic…EWTN???. AURORA
WKJV Asheville, NORTH CAROLINA Mar/04/15 1800 EST EE FAIR ID heard @ 1800 EST as "This is WKJV Asheville,
North Carolina and WGCR Black Mountain, North Carolina". (WGCR is licensed to Pisgah Forest, NC) Male DJ with
Local Weather Report @ 1800 EST. Into Southern Gospel Music. RELOG 25 KW/1 KW Nights
WDNY Dansville, NEW YORK Mar/25/15 2312 EDT EE FAIR Classic Hits/Oldies Music. Songs by Neil Diamond "Sweet
Caroline" and Chris Cross "Sailing". IDs sung out between songs as "WDNY". NEW STATION GRAVEYARDER # 155
Heard 1 KW
WAMC Albany, NEW YORK Apr/25/15 2359 EDT EE GOOD. Male DJ with Rapid Fire Multi-Station ID @ 2359 EDT.
One of the longest fastest IDs I've heard in a while!!. "This is North East Public Radio WAMC" Also included in ID were
many other Repeaters and Relay Stations in the WAMC Network such as "WANC - 103.9, WOSR - 91.7, WWES - 88.9
and WCEL - 91.9". There were many more stations mentioned!!. Into Instrumental Music @ 0000-0003 EDT. NPR
Station. NEW STN GRAVEYARDER # 160 Heard 1 KW
WDTK Detroit, MICHIGAN Mar/31/15 2020 EDT EE FAIR Ad for "Willliams Refrigeration in Warren,
MICHIGAN" @ 2020. Gave Phone Number as "586-758-2020". More Detroit Ads. NEW STN GY # 157 Heard 1 KW
1400 WMAN Mansfield, OHIO Mar/31/15 2145 EDT EE FAIR ID as "1400 WMAN" by Male DJ into an "OHIO dot com"
Spot @ 2145 EDT. NEW STN GY # 158 Heard 920 Watts
1450 WKIP Poughkeepsie, NEW YORK April/23/15 2230 EDT EE FR-GD Male DJ with News @ 2230-2231 EDT. ID by Male
as "1450 WKIP" @ 3321 EDT. Into Local Weather Report by Male DJ. RELOG // to WJIP 1370 Ellenville, NY 1 KW
1480 WYZE Atlanta, GEORGIA Mar/18/15 1913 EDT EE FAIR Male Preacher with Sermon @ 1913 EDT Tune In.
"Lighthouse Ministries with Pastor Randy Jordan".Gave an Address in Georgia @ 1915 EDT. ID by Male DJ @ 1915
EDT as "WYZE" After Sermon ended. AURORA NEW STN
ULR #1101
1510 UNID
UNID Mar/18/15 2001 EDT EE VG Strong! Great signal, but couldn't squeeze any kind of an ID out of
them! Oldies Music. "Sounds of Silence" S&GF @ 2001 EDT. BTO's "Takin Care of Business". Female DJ spoke @ 2008
"Right now here's a Classic"…into "Spooky". Station Slogan as "What you hear later on other Radio Stations, You hear
right now on ????(Faded!!). Elton John "Philadelphia Freedom. "Doo Wah Diddy". Ad string. "Oldies ????" Jingle sung
out. "Cry like a Baby" by Box Tops. Spot for a "SOUL PGM - this weekend". UNID….Anyone recognize this
format/slogan??? Possibly WLKR Norwalk, OHIO???? or WLGN Logan, OHIO???? AURORA
1520 WDSL Mocksville, NORTH CAROLINA Mar/17/15 1837 EDT EE FAIR Bluegrass Country Music 1837 EDT Tune
In. Male DJ with ID as "1520 WDSL" @ 1840 EDT. More C/W Music and IDs pretty much after each selection. RELOG 5
KW Days
1550 WIGN Bristol, VIRGINIA Mar/17/15 1903 EDT EE VG Blasting In! Ads for the "Tri-City Area" @ 1903-04 EDT.
ID as "1550 - WIGN". Into Gospel Bluegrass Music. RELOG 35 KW/6 Watts Nights
1560 WKIK La Plata, MARYLAND March/28/15 2343 EDT EE FAIR C/W Music @ 2343 EDT Tune In. ID by Male DJ @
2349 EDT as "Right here on Country 102.9 - WKIK". Male DJ with Station Promo as well. More C/W Music, nice Fade
Ups at times! NEW STN
ULR # 1104 Heard
1 KW Days (On Late??)
1560 WGLB Elm Grove, WISCONSIN March/29/15 0211 EDT EE FAIR Black Gospel Music Format @ 0211 EDT Tune
In. Rockin' and Rollin' in the House of the Lord!! Continuous Black Gospel Tunes …really getting' on down! Songs
included "House of Refuge", "I Feel the Spirit", and "Jesus fixed my Broken Heart"!! ID by Female DJ @ 0300 EDT as
"You're tuned to KLRG - Little Rock, Arkansas and WGLB - Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Your Home for Beautiful Music".
Into a Religious Talk Show. @ 0300 EDT. Also // to Live Webfeed. NEW STN ULR # 1105 Heard 185 Watts Days/250
Watts Nights
1570 WVOJ (Presumed) Fernadina Bch, FLORIDA. Mar/19/15 1910 EDT SS VG Pounding in again in Big Signal. Spanish
Talk. Mexican Flavoured Music with lots of Accordians and Tubas. LA RAZA Ids. Heard 2 Nights in a Row now!! (2 LA
RAZAS on 1570 from Florida..presumed this one…..) RELOG 10 KW/30 Watts
1570 WVOJ (Presumed) Fernadina Beach, FLORIDA Mar/18/15 1902 EDT SS VG Strong! SPANISH - MEXICAN Music with
Lots of Accordions and Tubas!! IDs as "LA RAZA". Spanish Ballads AND UPBEAT MEX MUSIC. Also ID as "LA RAZA Exitos". (2 LA RAZA's in both in Florida) AURORA. RELOG 10KW/30watts
1580 WVKO Columbus, OHIO Mar/04/15 1746 EST EE GOOD Black Gospel Music @ 1746-50 EST. ID as "WVKO - The Voice
of ????" @ 1750 EST. More Black Gospel Music 1750-54 EST.
1580 WLIJ Shelbyville, TENNESSEE Mar/17/15 1930 EDT EE GOOD ID by Male DJ @ 1930 EDT as "1580 WLIJ" Gave a
684-1514 Phone Number. Shelbyville Funeral Home Ad @ 1930 EDT. Spot "Trivia on Monday to Friday on WLIJ". Into
C/W Music @ 1932 EDT. RELOG 5 KW/12 Watts Nights
1590 WCSL Cherryville, NORTH CAROLINA Mar/17/15 0657 EDT EE GOOD Radio Promo and Contest @ 0657 EDT
Tune In. ID by Male DJ as "BIG - O - COUNTRY". Ad for "Camper's Inn" in King's Mountain. Spot for a C/W Music Show
"Country Countdown USA" on "BIG - O - COUNTRY". RELOG 10 KW/30 Watts Nights
1600 WZNZ Atlantic Beach, FLORIDA Mar/19/15 1925 EDT EE FAIR Oldies Music "Get right back to where we started
from" @ 1925 EDT Tune In. Male DJ with ID as "Goodtime Oldies - 102.3 The Beach". More Oldies Music. RELOG
5KW/89 Watts
1600 WAYC Bedford, PA. April/25/15 0658 EDT EE GOOD MOR Music 0658-0700 EDT. ID by Male Announcer @ 0700 EDT
as "You're listening to AM 1600 WAYC-Bedford". Into News @ 0700 EDT. RELOG…But not heard for a long time! 2.7
KW/18 Watts
1600 WZNZ Atlantic Beach, FLORIDA Mar/18/15 1926 EDT EE VG Strong! Oldies Music @ 1926 EDT Tune In. "Boogie
No More". ID @ 1929 by Female DJ as "More of your Goodtime Oldies right here on 102.3 The Beach". More Oldies
Music. Spot for "Windows 10 coming out soon". Another ID as "102.3 The Beach". AURORA. NEW STN ULR # 1102
6876 AM THE CRYSTAL SHIP - TCS PIRATE, USA Full Data e-QSL Sheet received in 2 1/2 Days for an Emailed Report.
This is for their "Rock N Roll Art" Show.
6876 TCS- The Crystal Ship PIRATE, USA Mar/29/15 2332 UTC EE VG Flower Power Show with 60's Music……..
Tuned in @ 2333 UTC . Great Signal…S9 Tonight!! Lots of Lightning /Static Crashes though Along Comes Mary 233336. 8 Miles High @ 2336-39. Journey to the centre of your mind? @ 2339-43. ID as "The Crystal Ship on the TCS Relay
Network, Turn On, Tune In, and Drop Out". The Flower Power Show. Into White Rabbit by Jeff Airplane @ 2344-46.
Too Much to Dream last Night @ 2346-48. Incense and Peppermints @ 2348-52. Venus @ 2352-54 Male and Female
with a Skit?? @ 2355. Same ID as listed above @ 2356. Just Dropped in to see what condition my condition was in @
6950 USB Radio Free Whatever PIRATE - USA Apr/05/15 0055 UTC EE GOOD 80's New Wave type Music @ 0055-58
UTC Tune In. Male DJ "DJ DICKWEED" with ID @ 0058 UTC as "Radio Free Whatever". Listed songs played including
"Pursuit of Happiness" and "Lord's of the New Church". Several shootouts to the Listeners on the HF Underground @
0059-0101 UTC. More Music 0103-0113 UTC. "Radio Free Whatever" ID @ 0113 UTC. MOre shoutouts @ 0114-15
UTC. More Music 0115 UTC.
8846 USB New York Radio New York, NY Mar/31.15 2150 UTC EE VG New York Radio with Female Op working
Various Aircraft from 2150-2155 UTC. UTE
9265 WINB - Shortwave Red Lion, PENNSYLVANIA Full Data QSL CARD received in almost 2 Months for an Emailed
Report. Card is signed by Fred W. Wise. Says Power is 50 KW into a RHOMBIC Antenna. The Last QSL Card I received
from WINB was almost 40 Years Ago!! Glad to see they are still Verifying Reception Reports!!
13800 RADIO DABANGA Clandestine - Darfur SUDAN Via Talata-Volonondry, MADAGASCAR Relay. Full Data MGLOB QSL
CARD received in 2 1/2 Months for an Emailed Report. Envelope has some nice MADAGASCAR Stamps affixed to it!!
15105 BANGLADESH BETAR Dhaka, BANGLADESH Transmitter FULL DATA Station "Mosque and Prayers" Card Received in
4 1/2 Months for an EMAIL REPORT. Signed by Abu Tabib Md. Zia Hasan (SENIOR ENGINEER). Included in the QSL
Package was the QSL CARD, A personal Letter on Station Letterhead, and a nice envelope covered in Bangladesh
Stamps!! Looks like it was mailed on FEB/ it took about a month to get here!!
15190 RADIO SANTEC via IRRS-Milan, ITALY Full Data QSL Card and Personal Letter from Johanna Limley - Radio Santec.
Received in just under 3 Months for an Emailed Report. Also sent some Religious Literature from the Station. QSL
Package was mailed from GERMANY. ( I Thought the Transmitter Site for this was in ROMANIA…But the QSL Card
states the TX is in Milan Italy (NEXUS - IRRS).
15480 Adventist World Radio AWR - via Talata-Volonondry, MADAGASCAR Relay Full Data QSL Card received in 2 1/2
Months from MGLOB Relay for an emailed report. This for AWR's Arabic Service
17575 Khz AWR - Adventist World Radio via Talata-Volonondry, MADAGASCAR Full Data Card, Personal Letter, Station
Sticker and Plastic Station Card Received in 2 Months for an emailed report to the AWR - UK Offices. Signed by Mabel
Amakye - AWR - Listener Services - Email is …….
17575 Adventist World Radio AWR - via Talata-Volonondry, MADAGASCAR Relay Full Data QSL Card received in 2 1/2
Months from MGLOB Relay for an emailed report. This for AWR's Swahili Service.
17800 AWR Adventist World Radio via Kigali, RWANDA (D/Welle Transmitter) Full Data Special "QSL STAMP" Card received
in 18 Days for a Mailed report to Adrian Peterson (DX Editor) at their Indianapolis, Indiana Offices. I also sent Mint
USA Stamps for return postage which were used on the Card when it was mailed! The Special AWR - Kigali QSL Stamp
can be seen affixed to the Upper left corner of the addressed side of the Card! Nice to verify this one before they close
down the D/Welle Kigali Rwanda site for good!! Thanks to Adrian Peterson for making this special QSL available!!
WBCJ Spencerville, OH Apr/03 0217 EDT VG 6 KW 225 Miles
WDPR Dayton, OH
Apr/03 0550 EDT EXC 600 Watts 271 Miles
WAUI Shelby, OH
Apr/03 0555 EDT VG 3 KW 163 Miles
WMUB Oxford, OH
Apr/03 0601 EDT VG 24.3 KW 302 Miles
WGNC Constantine, MI Apr/02 2305 EDT VG 9.7 KW 239 Miles
WBCL Ft. Wayne, IN
Apr/02 2233 EDT VG 26 KW 240 Miles
WBTU Kendallville, IN Apr/02 2239 EDT VG 18.5 KW 232 Miles
WBCT Gr. Rapids, MI
Apr/02 2243 EDT VG 320 KW 224 Miles
WFRR Walton, INDIANA April/02/15 2338 EDT EE GOOD ID by Male DJ as "The best in Christian Music –
WFRN" (WFRN is parent Station). Into Christian Music. Another ID as "Your Homegrown Radio Station - WFRN".
NEW STN 303 Miles 6 KW
WLHK Shelbyville, IN Apr/03 0234 EDT GD 23 KW 336 Miles
WMEE Ft. Wayne, IN
Apr/03 0305 EDT VG 26 KW 240 Miles
WBYR Woodburn, IN
Apr/03 0051 EDT VG 50 KW 226 Miles
WSHW Frankfort, IN
Apr/03 0011 EDT FR 50 KW 330 Miles
WFCV Bluffton, IN
Apr/03 0056 EDT VG 6 KW 255 Miles
WNKO New Albany, OH Apr/03 0623 EDT VG 15.5 KW 217 Miles
WMDH Newcastle, IN Apr/03 0202 EDT VG 50 KW 282 Miles
WDHT Urbana, OH
Apr/03 0750 EDT GD 50 KW 238 Miles
WVGR Gr. Rapids, MI
Apr/02 2252 EDT VG 96 KW 224 Miles
WQHK Huntertown, IN Apr/03 0022 EDT FR 5.7 KW 235 Miles
WJOT Wabash, INDIANA April/03/15 0026 EDT EE FAIR OLDIES Music. Duke of Eral, Eagles, John Mellencamp
etc. ID as "My BASH Morning Jam on 105.9 THE BASH". Local Wx. ID as THE BASH. NEW STN 281 Miles 3 KW
WDOH Delphos, OH
Apr/03 0136 EDT VG 3 KW 218 Miles
WVMX Westerville, OHIO April/03/15 0631 EDT EE VG Ads for Central Ohio. Hugh White Honda, Duncan
Diamonds in Lancaster. IDs as "MIX 107.9 - Today's Best MIx". Female with Wx Report. "MIX 107.9" ID into Ed
Sheeran Song. NEW STN FM # 2500 Logged!! 216 Miles 3 KW
Jose Miguel Romero
Alger Chaine 1/Radio Algérie Inte, Béchar, 21:23-21:27, escuchada el 26 de abril de 2015 con emisión musical en
paralelo por 252 pero con unos segundos de retraso, SINPO 22442
Alger Chaine 1/Radio Algérie Int, Ouargla, 21:37-21:40, escuchada el 26 de abril de 2015 en árabe con emisión
musical, SINPO 55555
Radio Algérie Int, Tipaza, 21:40-21:50, escuchada el 26 de abril de 2015 en francés con emisión musical, SINPO
kHz CRo Radiozurnal, Topolná, 21:19-21:23, escuchada el 26 de abril de 2015 en checo a locutor y locutora con
comentarios, posiblemente noticias, emisión de música pop, SINPO 33443
Europe 1, Felsberg (Saarlouis), 21:31-21:33, escuchada el 26 de abril de 2015 en francés a locutora con entrevista a
invitado, SINPO 44554
France Inter, Allouis, 21:27-21:29, escuchada el 26 de abril de 2015 en francés a locutora con entrevista a invitada,
SINPO 55555
RMC Info, Roumoules, 21:33-21:35, escuchada el 26 de abril en francés a locutora con noticias, SINPO 35543
RTL, Beidweiler, 21:35-21:37, escuchada el 26 de abril de 2015 en francés con la emisión de música Jazz, SINPO
Horarios y frecuencia , Test Día Fuerzas Armadas USA
7465 Radio Tirana, Shijak, 19:21-19:31, escuchada el 16 de abril de 2015 con emisión de un fragmento musical que se
repite constantemente, el servicio en alemán debe empezar a las 19:31, SINPO 44444
A las 19:31 intuyo a Radio Tirana en alemán con locutor y locutora, la modulación es terrible, prácticamente inaudible,
SINPO 34222
15205 Adventista World Radio, Nauen, 17:30-17:37, escuchada el 23 de abril de 2015 en kabile, sintonía, ID multilingüe,
fuerte colisión con BSKSA Holy Quran en esta frecuencia de 1600 a 1800, emisión musical, emisión en paralelo por
15170, a las 17:37 cesa la emisión, SINPO 53443
15345 Radio Argentina Exterior, General Pacheco, 20:44-20:50, escuchada el 16 de abril de 2015 en francés a locutor y
locutora con comentarios acompañados por música de fondo, referencias a “Obama y el terrorismo en su visita a la
Habana”, noticias internacionales, referencia a las declaraciones de Evo Morales, SINPO 45444
4810 Voice of Armenia, Yerevan-Gavar, 19:28-19:30, escuchada el 17 de abril de 2015 en árabe a locutor con comentarios,
segmento musical, locutor con despedida y fin de emisión, SINPO 34433
11855 Dimtse Radio Erena, Kostimbrod, 17:11-17:16, escuchada el 22 de abril de 2015 en oromo a locutor con entrevista a
invitado, saludo de despedida, SINPO 34333
15630 Radio Ranginkaman, Kostinbrod, 16:00-16:05, escuchada el 17 de abril en persa a locutora con presentación, locutor
con comentarios, entiendo “telefonen”, SINPO 45343
6250 COREA DEL SUR 6250 Voice of Hope, Hwaseong, 19:27-19:28, escuchada el 17 de abril de 2015 en coreano a locutor y
locutora con comentarios, se aprecia fuerte señal de jaming, emisión en paralelo con 6518 y 6600, SINPO 22442
6518 Voice of Hope, Hwaseong, 19:26-19:27, escuchada el 17 de abril de 2015 en coreano, la señal de jaming en menos
acusado, la emisión es en paralelo con 6250 y 6600, SINPO 33443
6600 Voice of Hope, Hwaseong, 19:24-19:26, escuchada el 17 de abril de 2015 en coreano a locutor y locutora con
comentarios, también se aprecia señal jaming, SINPO 43443
15245 FRANCIA Voice of Foum of Eritrea, Issoudun, 17:32-17:40, escuchada el 21 de abril de 2015 en tigriña a locutor con
comentarios, SINPO 34333
15245 FRANCIA Voice of Forum of Eritrea, Issoudun, 17:43-17:45, escuchada el 22 de abril de 2015 en árabe a locutor con
comentarios, SINPO 23222
17580 Codka Khaatumo, Issoudun, 17:20-17:30, escuchada el 21 de abril de 2015 en somalí a locutor con comentarios,
emisión de música étnica, locutor con comentarios a l final de la emisión, locutora con comentarios, SINPO 24332
17630 Voice of Oromo Liberatión, Issoudun, 17:16-17:33, escuchada el 22 de abril de 2015 en afar a locutor con comentarios
con muchas referencias a “oromo y oromía”, segmento musical, posible cuña de ID, nueva entrevista a invitado,
segmento musical, locutor con despedida y fin de emisión, SINPO 35333
Wiquipedia: Afar es una de las 9 regiones étnicas en que está dividida Etiopía conocido también por Afaria, es la
patria del pueblo afar. Antes de 1995 era conocido como Región 2, su capital es Semera y el idioma oficial es el
amhárico y afar.
17630 Voice of Oromo Liberatión, Issoudun, 17:33-17:40, escuchada el 22 de marzo de 2015 en amárico, locutor con
presentación, comentarios con referencias a “oromo”, SINPO 35333
Radio Haba Cuba
12 abril 2015
5040 Creole Banda tropicla
15370 Quechua Buenos Aires
5040 Fre
6060 Esp Nueva York
5040 Esp Méx, AmC y N de SAm
6000 Eng Washington
6165 Eng Chicago
5040 Eng
6060 Eng New York
6100 Eng San francisco
6100 Esperan San Francisco Domingos
9550 Esp San Francisco
9850 Esp Chicago
11860 Esp Nueva York
13740 Esp Buenos Aires
9640 Esp Caribe
9820 Esp AmC
15230 Esp Buenos Aires
15730 Esp Río de Janeiro
11950 Esp NCySam
15370 Esp San Francisco
11760 Esperan N,C y SAm Domingos
11760 Ara Rio
11760 Creole Rio
11760 Eng Rio
17730 Fre Europa
11760 Fre Rio
17730 Por Europa
17730 Ara Europa
11760 Esp AmC
9710 Esp Caribe
15230 Esp Buenos Aires
9535 Esp AmC
11840 Esp Chile
6000 Eng
5040 Esp Cuba, Caribe y SurUSA
17730 Esp Europa
11880 Fre África
15230 Por Buenos Aires
15370 Fre SAm
11880 Por África
15370 Esperan Buenos Aires Domingos
15370 Creole Buenos Aires
6000 Esp Wash y Chic.
11880 Eng Africa
11670 Esp Río de Janeiro
15230 Esp Buenos Aires
15370 Por Río de Janeiro
4765 Radio Progreso (Quivican), 02:12-21:20, presuntamente se trata de esta emisora, escuchada el 16 de abril de 2015 en
español a locutor y locutora con comentarios, emisión de música, la señal es muy débil y fuerte ruido atmosférico, a
penas se intuye alguna palabra que reconozco en español, SINPO 13211
11760 Radio Habana Cuba (Bauta), 01:55-02:00, escuchada el 16 de abril de 2015 en español a locutora con comentarios,
entrevista a invitada con referencias a grupo teatral infantil, cuña de la emisora, sintonía, ID “Esta es Radio Habana
Cuba, transmitiendo desde territorio libre de América”, SINPO 44433
11950 Radio Habana Cuba (Bauta), 11:10-11:20, escuchada el 16 de abril de 2015 en español a locutor y locutora con
comentarios y emisión de música hispana, SINPO 23211
12015 Voice of Korea (KCBS), Kujang, 20:15-20:20, escuchada el 16 de abril de 2015 en coreano a locutor y locutora con
comentarios, emisión de música popular, SINPO 32322
13760 Voice of Korea, Kujang, 20:27-20.35, escuchada el 16 de abril de 2015 en francés a locutora con noticias, referencias
Pyonyang, referencia a una noticia ofrecida por la KBS, emisión de música popular coreana, SINPO 54444
Observo ligera colisión con otra emisora que se escucha de fondo sin identificar, sin embargo no encuentro emisora
listada en esta frecuencia a esta hora.
15245 Voice of Korea, Kujang, 20:38-20:43, escuchada el 16 de abril de 2015 en francés, emisión en paralelo con 13760,
emisión de música popular coreana, locutora con ID, emisión de música militar, SINPO 54444
En esta frecuencia también observo una ligera colisión con otra emisora que se escucha de fondo muy de vez en
9965 Radio Cairo (Abu Zaabal), 02:12-02:18, escuchada el 16 de abril de 2015 en árabe, emisión de música pop, locutor con
cuña acompañada de música de fondo, locutora con comentarios en posible boletín de noticias, titulares con música,
emisión de música, SINPO 45444
7200 Voice of Broad Masses, Asmara-Selea Daro, 03:24-03:30, escuchada el 28 de abril de 2015, probablemente en
amharico a locutora con comentarios entre emisiones de música étnica, SINPO 23322
6030 Radio Oromiya, Addis Ababa, 03:36-03:42, escuchada el 28 de abril de 2015 en afar a locutor y locutora con
comentarios en lo que parece un boletín de noticias, intervenciones esporádicas de corresponsal, SINPO 22332
6110 Radio Fana, Addis Ababa, 18:15-18:26, escuchada el 23 de abril de 2015 en oromo a locutor y locutora con
comentarios, emisión de música étnica, SINPO 22222
15450 Radio Exterior de España, Noblejas, 20:52-20:56, escuchada el 16 de abril de 2015 en español a locutores con
retransmisión de fútbol, la emisión es de Radio Nacional de España, partido entre Sevilla y el Zenit, SINPO 34333
12060 Radio Algerienne Holy Qur´an, Issoudun, 20:21-20:23, escuchada el 16 de abril de 2015 en árabe con canto del Corán,
SINPO 54333
Se aprecia el deterioro de las condiciones de propagación, esta emisora normalmente entra con un SINPO 55555, sin
embargo en el día de hoy la emisión no es la misma, no es limpia.
13740 Radio Francia Int, Issoudun, 21:14-21:20, escuchada el 16 de abril de 2015 en francés a locutora con comentarios en
programa deportivo, tertulia con invitados, SINPO 55555
Este servicio parece ampliado, ya que se anuncia de 1900 a 2000.
15630 Helliniki Radiophonia, Avlis, 17:42-17:50, escuchada el 23 de abril de 2015 en griego a locutora en conversación con
invitado, emisión de música pop melódica griega, ID, la señal se desvanece poco a poco e se escucha el servicio de VOA
en afar, en paralelo por 9420, SINPO 34333
11925 Voz de la Rep Isl de Iran, Kamalabad?, 04:10-04:20, escuchada el 22 de abril en idioma sin identificar, probablemente
en ruso, locutor y locutora con comentarios, emisión musical, locutor con despedida y referencia a Teherán, sintonía y
fin de emisión, a las 04:20 comienza emisión en turco, SINPO 44444
¿Nueva emisión o emisión accidental?
12115 Radio Dialogue, Talata Volondry, 16:06-16:10, escuchada el 17 de abril de 2015 en inglés, emisión de música, locutor
en conversación con invitada, SINPO 34222
15150 Radio Dabanga, Talata Volondry, 15:45-15:59, escuchada el 17 de abril de 2015 en sudanés a locutor con comentarios,
segmento musical, cuña de ID “Radio Dabanga”, música africana, sin señal en 15550, cuña con referencias a Darfur y
Dabanga, locutor simulando llamadas telefónicas, SINPO 34333
15150 Radio Dabanga, Talata Volondry, 16:11-16:15, escuchada el 17 de abril de 2015 en sudanés a locutor anunciando
dirección de E-Mail dabanga@..., cuña de ID, emisión de música, locutor con comentarios con referencias a “Mubarak e
Ibraim”, SINPO 45444
7480 R. Payem e.Doost, Kishinev-Gricoriopol, 18:00-18:04, escuchada el 22 de abril de 2015 en persa, sintonía, locutora con
presentación, segmento musical, locutor y locutora, SINPO 22322
11510 Radyoya Dengue Kurdistane, Kishinev-Gricoriopol, 17:48-17:55, escuchada el 22 de abril de 2015 en kurdo con
emisión de música popular local, canticos sin música, locutor con comentarios, hombre recitando acompañado de
música de fondo, SINPO 44433
Recopilación de emisiones en nepalí del Aoki
Adventist World Radio
1500-1530 CLN Trincomalee Diaria 15525
ALL India Radio
0130-0230 IND Delhi
Diaria 7520, 9800, 11715(DRM)
0700-0800 IND Delhi
Diaria 7520, 9595, 11850
1330-1430 IND Delhi
Diaria 4870, 7420
IND Panaii
Diaria 11775
Athmeeya Yatra R.(GFA)
1300-1315 D Nauen
Diaria 15350
Bangladesh Betar
1315-1345 BGD Dhaka
Diaria 9455
China Radio International
0130-0227 CHN Kunming-Anning Diaria 11860, 13780
0230-0327 CHN Kunming-Anning Diaria 11730, 13780
1400-1500 CHN Kunming-Anning Diaria 1188
1400-1457 CHN Xian
Diaria 7220
CHN KunmingKunming-Anning Diaria 7435
1500-1557 CHN Kunming-Anning Diaria 7215
1500-1557 CHN Xian
Diaria 7250
1500-1600 CHN Kunming-Anning Diaria 1188
Reach Beyond Australia (HCJB)
1300-1315 AUS Kununurra 12.45..15340
1300-1330 AUS Kununurra ..3... 15340
TWR India
0045-0115 UZB Tashkent
Sábados 9900
11770 Voice of Nigeria, Ikorodu, 21:08-21:12,escuchada el 23 de abril de 2015 en hausa a locutor con entrevista a invitado,
SINPO 23322
6100 Radio Serbia Int, Bijeljina, 19:00-19:15, escuchada el 16 de abril de 2015 en español, sintonía, locutora con
presentación e ID, anuncia emisión diaria, locutor con boletín de noticias, escucho ligera interferencia de otra emisora
con locutor y emisión de música, probablemente hindú, aunque no encuentro a esta hora otra emisora listada ni en
Aoki ni en EiBi, chequeo en 6095 y 6105 sin encontrar emisora alguna, SINPO 43443
11750 Sri Lanka BC, Trincomalee, 17:45-17:52, escuchada el 21 de 2015 en bengalí a locutor y locutora en conversación
telefónica con invitado, se aprecia tonos telefónicos, SINPO 45444
11905 Sri Lanka BC (Trincomalee), 01:40-01:55, escuchada el 16 de abril de 2015 en hindi a locutora en programa musical
presentando temas musicales populares, emisión de música popular, SINPO 44333
15235 Channel África, Meyerton, 17:20-17:26, escuchada el 23 de abril del 2015 en inglés a locutor y locutora con entrevistas
a invitados, referencias a “África y África Continent…xenofobia…”, SINPO 45444
7205 Sudan Radio, Al Aitahab, 03:30-03:35, escuchada el 28 de abril de 2015 en árabe a locutor y locutora con comentarios,
segmentos musicales en lo que parece un boletín de noticias con titulares, referencia a “Sudan”, SINPO 34333
11735 Zanzibar Broadcasting Co., Dole, 18:15-18:24, escuchada el 21 de 2015 en swahili con emisión de música etnica,
SINPO 24332
4976 UBC Radio Uganda, Kampala, 19:48-19:50, escuchada el 17 de abril de 2015 con emisión de música, SINPO 24222
11580 RMI Radio Praga (Okeechobee), 02:02-02:10, escuchada el 16 de abril de 2015 en español a locutora y locutora con
comentarios, ID “En compañía de Radio Praga”, SINPO 45333
15770 Brother Stair, 20:58.21:00escuchada el 16 de abril de 2015 en inglés a locutor con comentarios y música religiosa,
locutor con comentarios de fin de emisión, SINPO 24322
7280 Voice de Vietnam, Hanoi-Sonta, 18:18-18:20, escuchada el 22 de abril de 2015 en español, locutor y locutora con
boletín de noticias, emisión en paralelo con 9730, SINPO 33333
9730 Voice de Vietnam, Hanoi-Sonta, 18:06-18:18 y de 18:20-18:27, escuchada el 22 de abril de 2015 en español a locutora
con boletín de noticias, locutor con reportaje, referencias al desastre del Mediterraneo, ID, emisión en paralelo por
7280 SINPO 34333
HFCC: Anuncia 7280 y 9730 de 1800 a 2000 emisiones en inglés, francés y español.
Saludos cordiales, tras el terrible terremeto que ha asolado la ciudad de Kathmandu en el Nepal, la situación de algunas
emisoras de FM en la ciudad es la siguiente:
26 Abril 2015
Situación de emisoras de radio que operan en Internet en Kathmandu, Nepal
Capital FM 92,4 FM - Kathmandu, Nepañ - Información de noticias sin actualizar, no hay audio en
Citizen FM 94.0 FM - - Información de noticias sin actualizar, no hay audio en vivo.
Bhaktapur FM 105,4 FM - - Información de noticias sin actualizar, - no hay audio en vivo.
Good News FM 105.1 FM - Good News FM 105.1 is the first
Christian Radio and probably the first Christian Community broadcasting station in South Asia. - Audio con emisión musical
Vietnam y China incrementan cooperación en radiodifusión
La Voz de Vietnam (VOV) y la Radiodifusión Nacional de China convinieron en intercambiar libremente los programas
noticiosos y temas de interés mutuo y explotar información en sus respectivas páginas web con respeto al contenido y el
derecho de autor. Se trata de algunos de los compromisos establecidos en un memorando de entendimiento firmado hoy en
Beijing por las emisoras para vigorizar la cooperación en el sector, como contribución al fortalecimiento de los nexos
amistosos y la comprensión entre los dos pueblos. Presenciaron la rúbrica el director general de la VOV, Nguyen Dang Tien, y
su par de la radiodifusión china, Wang Qiu. Ambas partes acordaron además colaborar en la producción de programas en
ocasión de importantes eventos de los países o cruciales momentos en las relaciones bilaterales. También abogaron por
organizar una reunión anual de alto nivel, que tendrá lugar rotativamente en Vietnam y China, para evisar el resultado de la
cooperación e intercambiar delegaci ones de reporteros facilitando la elaboración de los productos de diferentes géneros
periodísticos. Sobre todo, organizarán cursos de formación y seminarios para que los informadores y técnicos intercambien
experiencias. En la ocasión, compartieron experiencias sobre la gestión y renovación del contenido y forma de expresión en
los programas. Con anterioridad, la delegación de la VOV sostuvo un encuentro con Tong Gang, viceministro y subdirector de
la Administración General Estatal de Prensa, Publicación, Radio, Cine y Televisión de China.
El anfitrión sugirió incrementar la colaboración bilateral en la comunicación, en beneficio de la amistad y el entendimiento
entre ambos pueblos. – VNA
Jose Miguel Romero - Burjasot(Valencia) - España
Grundig Yatch Boy 80 - Antena hilo de 10m - Blog valenciadx:
Salomón Olvera Acosta
Compañeros, es esta la frecuencia de emergencia utilizada a raíz del terremoto que devasto Nepal?
Is this a emergecy frecuency? - Date: 2015-04-27 UTC - Time: 02:01 UTC - Frec: 14214.6 USB - RX: Radio Shack DX-39
Rodolfo Tizzi
Ya la estábamos extrañando por acá. Y a pesar que la banda de 49 metros esta por estos días casi por completo
cerrada en estas latitudes por la madrugada, La Voz de Tu Conciencia dio buena recepción en Uruguay a las 0712 UTC del
sábado pasado por los 5910 kHz.
El clásico del inicio del dial en Sudamérica, esta vez con una señal estable y muy buena por cierto, a las 0644 UTC del
sábado pasado. Reception of Falkland Islands Radio Service (Port Stanley, Falkland Islands) on 530 kHz by CX2ABP in
Jaureguiberry, Uruguay (GF25hf) (1892 km). April 25, 2015 at 0644 UTC.
Corporación con su programación religiosa habitual de la madrugada escuchada en el sureste de Uruguay a las 0545
UTC. Nótese lo estable de la señal, y como se imponía al resto de emisoras brasileñas y otras que se hallan en la misma
frecuencia. Reception of CB138 Radio Corporacion (Santiago, Chile) on 1380 kHz by CX2ABP in Jaureguiberry, Uruguay
(GF25hf) (1411 km). April 25, 2015 at 0545 UTC.
Parejitas las dos: Radio Guaviyú de Gregorio de Laferrere, Buenos Aires, Argentina, y Caribbean Beacon, de Anguilla,
por 1610 kHz a las 0508 UTC del sábado pasado. Reception of Caribbean Beacon (The Valley, Anguilla, 5947 km) and Radio
Guaviyu (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 289 km) on 1610 kHz by CX2ABP in Jaureguiberry, Uruguay (GF25hf). April 25, 2015 at
0508 UTC.
Breve fragmento de los tráficos cursados ayer por la frecuencia de 14210 kHz en la banda de 20 metros, al respecto
del terremoto en Nepal. Grabación realizada por un colega hindú. Una vez más la radio y los radioaficionados aportando
cuanto pueden para hacerle frente a una tragedia de este tipo.
Pedro Elonda
SPECTRUM FM MALLORCA, Magaluf. Captada avui en proves per al seu retorn.
SPECTRUM MALLORCA. Magaluf. Tal com ja he comentat, ha tornat a l'aire aquesta emissora després d'uns mesos
inactiva. Com a anècdota, recordar que aquesta freq. va estar ocupada uns dies per Unika FM. I el que és pitjor, per
una espuria de RNE1 que periòdicament crea l'emissor de 90'1 i que estan mesos a eliminar. El PS de l'RDS és el
mateix: "SPECTRUM".
RÀDIO ALCÚDIA. Si l'altra dia us informava de la baixada de potència de Ràdio Felanitx, comentar que la primera
s'hauria de poder sentir a Manacor i no és així, per la qual cosa em supòs que també ha reduït la seva potència.
RÀDIO FELANITX. Reactivada amb potència reduïda, així i tot es pot sentir perfectament a Manacor. Ha ressucitat el
primitiu PS: "--RADIO- FELANITX -FM-94,7".
FELANITX RÀDIO, després d'uns dies en portadora, avui l'he trobada fora de l'aire.
Ulldecona. En aquesta localitat emet una emissora privada. RNE encara la manté en els seus llistats... teniu idea de
CADENA 100 MALLORCA. Palma. A la fi després d'uns anys amb un PS "dur", de fa uns dies es visualitza ràpidament
en pantalla
RÀDIO ARTÀ MUNICIPAL. Repetidor per a la Colònia de Sant Pere, segons m'informa el colega Miquel Nicolau.
107.5 RÀDIO CAPDEPERA. Recupera la seva potència habitual.
TERCER INTENT. Aquest és el tercer intent de penjar el vídeo de la captura de Radio Flaix FM Montblanc, que entrava
fortíssima avui a Manacor. El que és curiós és que a la seva comarca tarragonina la seva cobertura és discreta.
40 Captada avui des de les afores de Manacor.
MALLORCA Després de mesos fora de l'aire. Spectrum es prepara per tornar a antena.
FELANITX Com ja he dit, aquesta municipal ha recuperat el primitiu PS.
BITÀCOLA D'AVUI. He pegat novament un bot a Costa Canyamel, però no hi havia gaire activitat tropo, Catalunya
pràcticament no hi entrava, tan sols un grap d'Itàlia i Algèria, quasi totes sintonitzades en dies previs... però he tengut la sort
de pillar RADIO INCONTRO de Pisa, cosa que no aconseguia fa molt de temps. En la dècada dels 80 era molt fàcil agafar la
Toscana en FM, però després ja no, cosa que no acab d'entendre. Tan sols per aquest fet, ja ha valgut la pena la sortida DX.
Zacharias Liangas
Logs of 18th part 2
Using 380 inductive on magnetic RF loop connected to 1103 and/or test 880 - S – S/N in db as the readout shows
9835 RTM –S 1713 with pop songs CO QRM from ???Please respect my 300+ hours of work written in circa one month,
by buying it
9830 CNR 1717 talk by OM 40/15 dbS/N max
9790 RL 1717 in Russian with talks
9780 Deewa R 1718 with ID fair
15120 Nigeria ? 1732 with Kuran 60/25
9810 CNR 1943 OMwith talks 47/09
9770 CNR 1954 CC song good 59/10
9730 VoV 1745 talk sin Viet 55/15
6305 pirate 1749 german songs 30/10
Logs 21/4
9745 CRI Esperanto 2115 mixed with Firedrake (against whom ? did Kuanghua returned? )
9745 CU Bahrain 2135 with audio problems (micro gaps ) S2 on inV S7 on H
1875 U ???/ weather reports in English S0 marginal Reykjavik ???
1925 U Romaradio 2122 with operational and values of several articles S1 15232
6604 U Gander Volmet U 2127 weather reports in English S1 15232
6676 U 2128 weather reports mostly 0 numbers S1 15232
9375 Algeria ? 2133 Kuran S9
9630 Aparecida 2134 Portuguese self adverts S4
11740 AIR 2140 in Eng under CNR //11620 poor ///11670 good
Logs 23/4
6676 U Bangkok Volmet ? 1643 with weather reports S2 max 45*
7175 VoBM 1652 phone ins in Arabic , back on 1658 with only carrier 1702 with a HoA sing but a sudden voice off Then
checked many times but signal was only the carrier 1818 no signal S7
7205 Xinjiang PBS 1702 YL with talks in Uighur over traditional music Seems a theater play or drama stage , a woman
speaker S9
7215 BBC Dari via Oman 1710 is like presentations with an internal clip of AIR (the metal phone played from higher to
lower pitches ). Several mentions of Afghanistan and short afghan song clip cut by YL while talking S8 There was also
a buzzer that reminds one of the Air’s transmitters Also a FDM carrier on 7219
6800 harmonic of 1700 @1715 Greek pirate with disco songs
7245 BSKSA 1722 OM in Tajik and Koran mixed with CRI or CNR A blank carrier on 7237.5 from Eth
13264 U Shannon Volmet 1726 with weather reports S0 24233
Logs 24/4
6070 R700 on 0649 with old rocks S3 24243
5985 CRI in Arabic 0650 with lessons of Chinese (Ramazan = Tai1 Yue4 )S20 44444
8250 S0 harmonic of 1650 S5 songs of 80s pops 0655
8728 Monaco 0657 with IS in English using the anthem of TWR (possibly hymn of Monaco? ) 0659 with ID in French and
stopping transmissions S1 13341
Logs for 26/4
6070 R 700 this is radio …. Calling with media magazine on 1600 S6
6080 CNR?? 1607 guitar play CC talks S7
4810 Yerevan 1609 supp in Kurdish prg , Armenia song S6
4765 Tajik R 1648 with folk song 1652 OM with talks 1658 with folk ssong passing ToH and 1709 back to talks S7
4910 AIR Jaipur 1717 with trad music (relig?)S7 35433
5060 XJPBS – CC 1734 with talks S9
4930 VoA 1806 with talks 24233
Jorge Zuñiga
27/04 NHK World radio japón 12015 kHz 04:01 UTC Noticias principalmente sobre el terremoto en Nepal, seguido por
Hablemos en japonés y cerrando la transmisión con el primer Opening de la serie de anime One Piece titulado We
Are!… SINPO 55545 *Señal muy fuerte y estable. RX: Akita R-9803 captada en la localidad de
Padre hurtado R.M. Chile
Sakae Onozawa
QSL: TRT: The Voice of Turkey - Emirler, TURKEY,
TURKEY March 5, 11:30 UTC, 13,625 kHz, Uzbek program. F/D QSL received in 41
days, for a reception report sent by email. QSL's design is ‘Wishing you a nice and happy, March 8th International Women's
QSL: CRI: China Radio International - Jinhua, CHINA,
CHINA April 1, 22:00 UTC, 13,640 kHz, Japanese program. F/D QSL received in 20
days, for a reception report sent by email.
Lenildo da Silva
11725 Radio New Zealand International, English (50 kW, Rangitaiki, New Zealand), 19:14-19:15UTC, April 26, 2015.
Receiver: TECSUN PL-600;QTH: São José de Piranhas, Brazil.
Alokesh Gupta
Radio Nepal MW stations at 1945 UTC.... All the 6 stations were noted on air with special programme on earthquake.
100 KW Surkhet
100 KW Dharan, Sunsari
100 KW Malepatan, Pokhara
100 KW Bhainsepati, Kathmandu
10 KW Doti, Dipayal
1143 10 KW Mahottari, Bardibas
Radio Spaceshuttle will have SPECIAL TEST transmission on 13800 kHz on Sunday 26th of 2015 at 20:00-21:00 UTC-time
(21-22 in UK, 22-23 in Central Europe, 23-24 in Eastern Europe)
This transmission will be made to study is this frequency more free to be listened this time. As well we like to gather
information of areas where this transmission might be received- Reception reports with audio files are very welcome!
Please send your reports with fee of 2 euros/ 3 US-$ or IRC's to our Herten Postal Box:
Radio Spaceshuttle International - P.O.Box 2702 - 6049 ZG Herten - The Netherlands -
Roberto Pavanello
20/4 20.50 Hit FM - Terrasa EE ID e MX buono
20/4 21.50 R. Inter - Madrid SS sport buono
1035 20/4 21.45 R. Eli - Tartu Russo talk YL suff.
1134 20/4 20.58 COPE - Salamanca SS ID e pubblicità locale buono
1350 19/4 17.00 I AM R. - IT ID e MX buono
1584 20/4 21.55 R. Gandia - SS ID e pubblicità locale buono
3330 25/4 03.30 CHU - Ottawa EE/FF ID e pip pip buono
4026 25/4 03.35 Laser Hot Hits - EE ID e MX buono
4765 25/4 03.40 R. Progreso - Habana SS NX buono
4765 25/4 23.00 Tajik R. - Dushambe Tagico MX buono
4775 25/4 03.50 TWR - Manzini Lomwe MX buono
4775 25/4 23.45 R. Tarma - SS MX suff.
4915 25/4 23.05 R. Difusora - Macapa' PP MX buono
5000 25/4 03.45 WWV - Fort Collins EE ID e pip pip buono
5952.5 25/4 23.40 R. Pio XII - Siglo XX Aymara Talk YL buono
6050 25/4 03.55 HCJB - Quito SS MX suff.
6070 26/4 08.20 R. Superclan - EE ID e MX buono
6090 25/4 04.00 Caribbean Beacon - Anguilla EE predica
6240 26/4 08.45 R. Casanova - radiocasanova@ EE ID e MX buono
6245 25/4 17.00 Crazy Wave R. - EE ID e MX buono
6380 26/4 09.00 R. Scotland - EE ID e MX buono
6300 25/4 22.50 R. Abu Dhabi - ?? EE ID e MX buono
6880 20/4 20.15 R. Europe - IT ID e MX buono
6950 26/4 08.25 R. Enterprise - IT ID e MX buono
7600 26/4 08.50 R. Waves Int. - EE ID e MX buono
11765 20/4 22.05 R. Deus è Amor - Curitiba PP A Voz do Brasil buono
11780 20/4 22.00 R. Nac. Amazonas - Brasilia PP ID buono
11815 25/4 23.25 R. Brasil Central - Goiania PP MX suff.
15345 20/4 22.10 R.A.E. - Buenos Aires SS NX buono
Bill Frahm
Strange night. 1010 CBR is pounding in. 1160 KSL is weak (I can listen to 1170 Tulsa as the IBOC hash is also weak). And
1180 Cuba is very listenable tonight on the Sony SRF-A100.
Robert Wilkner
2749u Canada VAR3 Saint John, New Brunswick, 0008
3310 Bolivia Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba 2340
4699.9 Bolivia, Radio San Miguel, Riberalta 2345
5910 Colombia La Voz de tu Conciencia / Alcaravan Radio, Puerto Lleras 2340 to 2345 with om preacher in Spanish good
signal during band scan.
Hector (Luigi) Perez
RMI por los 11580 en tiempo comprado por Radio Praga. Un poco mas arriba en los 11700 khz, escucho a Radio Rumania en
español. Por supuesto sigo utilizando el R-2000
Martin Emilio Pereda
Para cerrar la semana con SWL, les recomiendo sintonizar Radio RUMANIA cuya programación en español la escuché en
9.730 MHz a las 0206 UTC el día 25 de abril de 2015. Muy buenas condiciones anoche y excelente señal.
Charles Reh
WWMK-1260 Radio Disney in Cleveland OH has gone silent. Catholic station "The Rock" is due to sign on around May 4th.
Don't know if a call change is in the works.
Babul Gupta
Radio Santec GmbH - NEXUS IRRS, Milano, Italy:
Italy 15190 kHz in English at 1500 hrs to 1530 hrs UTC log this station on 25th
January, 2015 and f/d QSL card with letter received on 25th April, 2015 for my e-mail report to:
The Caribbean Beacon - The Valley, Anguilla: 6095 kHz in English at 0000 hrs to 0027 hrs UTC log this station on 8th February,
2015 and f/d QSL card arrived on 24th April, 2015 for my e-mail report to: v/s Doris Mussington
Anker Petersen
Dear DX-friends, Here are the latest DX-loggings heard on my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire in Skovlunde:
0005-0015 B 25.4 R Dif. Macapá, Macapá, AP Portuguese ann, Brazilian pop music 35333 AP-DNK
*0013-0025 IND 25.4 AIR IS, ann "Vande Mataram", hymn, Tamil ann, local music; Xizang faded out 45333
0020-0030 CHN 25.4 Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi Chinese talk, people shouting, advs, ID: "Xinjiang renmin kwangpo
dientai" 35232 // 3950 (nearly faded out 15111) 5960 (35333) AP-DNK
2100-2128* SRB 24.4 International R Serbia, via Bijeljina IS, English ID, ann two frequencies towards Europe
and North America, news and comments, Balkan music with audience 53443 heavy QRM from CRI in Arabic.
This station ann close down by 30.6.2015! AP-DNK
1140-1150 S Sa 25.4 R Revival, Sala (5 kW) Announced English, but it was a R Nord programme in Swedish!
Best in USB: 55444. 9440 was not heard AP-DNK
2005-2020 S 23.4 PCJ, Taiwan, via Sala (10 kW) presumed English man and woman reporting, but the
modulation was so poor, that I could not understand ONE word! 35121 AP-DNK
Jorge Zuñiga
25/04 Radio La Red 910 Khz AM 03:05 UTC San Lorenzo en La Red con Alfredo Gatti. SINFO 44444 *al momento de la
escucha se registra muy poco ruido en la banda. -RX: AKITA R-9803 -Captada en la Localidad de Padre Hurtado R.M. Chile
José Maranhão
Radio Kuwait - English service - Sulaibiyah, Kuwait.
Kuwait - Captada em Morrinhos - CE - Brazil, por José Maranhão, em 20/02/2015,
entre 19.15 - 19.35 UTC, na frequência de 15.540 KHz, com um SINPO: 35333 - Recebido belíssimo certificado QSL de luxo,
full data, e calendário 2015, via postal em 62 dias, após o envio do e-mail ! - V/S: Sem V/S - QTH:
RTI - Radio Taiwan International - Spanish service - via Okeechobee 3, USA - Captada em Morrinhos - CE - Brazil, por José
Maranhão, em 07/03/2015, entre 02.00 - 03.00 UTC, em teste na frequência de 11920 KHz, com um SINPO: 55444 - Recebido
cartão QSL full data, Sked e carta agradecendo pelo monitoramento da nova frequência "de prueba"; via postal, em 48 dias,
após o envio do e-mail - V/S: Sección de lengua Española - QTH:
AWR - French language service - via Kigali, Rwanda (Última transmissão do relay site de Kigali) - Captada em Morrinhos - CE Brazil, por José Maranhão, em 28/03/2015, entre 20.00 - 20.30 UTC, em 17.800 KHz, com um SINPO: 55444 - Recebido cartão
QSL especial full data, carta com a lista dos ganhadores do "AWR focus on Asia 2014", cartão em PVC e folhetos; por via
postal, em 26 dias, após o envio do e-mail - V/S: Adrian M. Peterson (DX Editor) - QTH:
Allan Stern
13927 USB 2215z: USAF MARS Operator AFA3CU (Virginia) working "Reach 389" 200 miles from Salt Lake City, on the
ground, for radio check; both sides strong into my qth. (24/Apr/2015) (Al Stern, Florida).
13927 USB 1943z: USAF MARS Operator AFA3CU (Virginia) working "Roller 79" (C-130H 79-0479, May ANGB, Reno-Tahoe
NV) for phone patch to 775/788-4079 (Roller Ops); message re LRF (Little Rock AFB); told to call back in half hour.
13927 USB 1818z: USAF MARS Operator "AFA3CU" (Virginia) with AWACS airplane "Sentry 06" over Louisiana, for phone
patch to 405/734-1010, then 405/734-1054 (Tinker AFB); passes message "Viking 1 has traffic for Viking 3; Sentry
06 is continuing on Mission."
AL STERN Satellite Beach FL -
Oscar Buendía
MELODIA FM Barcelona. L'he estat seguint aquests dies i tenen jingles en català cantats dient us ho exposo com ho
escoltariem tal cual: "Maludia efa ema" i tenen un altre que no es cantat, peró es local i en català, que diu aixi: "Maludia
efa ema, vuitanta-vuit punt set, Barsalona"
KISS FM Eivissa. Captada en la N-340 durant una bona estona aquesta tarda entre El Vendrell i Vilafranca putser uns
15 km de sintonia fina seguida fins a prop de Vilafranca amb RDS inclós.
Ivanildo Gonçalves Dantas
6125 24/04 1010 URUGUAY RADIO URUGUAY YL ID NXS 34433
Martin Emilio Pereda
Por las mañanas con una señal envidiable es la emisora Radio Católica Mundial EWTN que la escuché en 7.555 MHz a las 0646
XE / 1146 UTC. Otras veces la he sintonizado en 12.050 MHz
Tandy Tasmania
Hello fellow DXers, it is with great excitement to release the latest new and improved funky shortwave news programme; DX
Extra number 26 to the world wide web. We are now on Channel 292 - so tell us how we sound! Enjoy!
In the headlines this fortnight:
- Radio Yugoslavia protest and cessation July 1
- Radio France International strikes; back on the air
- Norway to end domestic radio
- Amateur Radio: International Marconi Day (IMD)
- Pirate Radio News, logs and recordings
- Audio Archive: Radio Spaceshuttle (Pirate)
To read the transcript, LISTEN OR DOWNLOAD the podcast simply head to:
DOWNLOAD directly at:
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Hear us on the radio:
FM: World FM New Zealand 88.2FM Thursdays at 3h30UTC
SW: WRMI Radio Miami International 9955kHz Sundays 3h30-4h00UTC
Channel 292 6070kHz Saturdays at 15h00UTC NEW!
Also via Premier Radio, Cupid Radio, Radio Spaceshuttle World Service and Focus International over the weekends.
Sandipan Basu Mallick
Radio Slovakia International, French Service, 22-Mar-15, 6005 kHz, 16:30 UTC - 16:57 UTC. QSL received on 23-Apr-15.
Gilvan Souza Costa
Antônio Avelino
Emissão da Rádio França Internacional em Português:
das 17:00 às 17:30 em 21690 kHz
das 19:00 às 19:30 em 17660 kHz