anpati Premier Ganpati Bricks & Paver Blocks blocks Manufactured by USA Technology Indian Government Approved Quality Product From anpati blocks anpati blocks Premier Ganpati Bricks Introduction Ganpati brick is a building material, specically masonry unit, containing cement, sand, stone, y ash and water. The manufacturing method saves energy, reduces mercury pollution, and costs 30% less than traditional clay brick manufacturing. Advantages Application The bricks and uniform in shape, size, therefore require less mortar in brick work. High strength with practically no breakage during transport and construction usage. Less energy intensive compared to clay bricks and helps in keeping clean environment. Light in weight and yet with higher compressive strength as compared to red bricks. Plaster thickness required will be less compared to clay bricks, this saving of cement mortar, Less porus and hence reduces water seepage. Reduces environmental pollution. It uses cement, sand, stone & y ash. Size Length 250 230 230 Width 125 110 75 Height 75 75 110 Average Gross Density = 1800 Kg/m3 Fro g& Do Sin Le tte gle rs Un Gr ub oo ve le Re ist Gr oo ve av er ex ton eP ng eP Tri h I-s cta on ula rP av av er er Pa ve r Unistone Pavers Intrduction Possessing by far the ultimate in locking strength, Unistone Pavers are capable of sustaining enormous loads making it the most widely used concrete block paving for both commercial and industrial pavements. Application Advantages Size Pathways Contemporary styles UNI Driveways Transform your outdoor walkways Warehouses Multiple combinations with color blends. Parkings Open driveways Can be used with contemporary colour based or shot blasted effect. Length 225 225 Width 112.5 112.5 Height 80 60 Precast Kerbstone Intrduction Kerbs and edging provide edge restrain for all types of external surface including concrete block and paving. They mark the differentiation between the level of roads and folkways, giving a visual warning to pedestrians and vehicles. Advantages Application Heavy trafc areas Gives extra strength to the edges of the carriageways On footpaths/ pavements protect lamp posts Used around signage and toll booths Environment Friendly Energy Efcient Recyclable Extreme Durable Size KERBSTONE (Standard & Close Textured Finish) Transverse Strength 15 N/mm2 to 25 N/mm2 Length 600 Gr Tri h as sP av er ex P Gr ave oo r w ve ith Co Sq nc ua ret eB loc k re Pa Height 300 Width 150 Ho ve r llow Blo ck Ho l wit low B h M lo ort ck or Gr as sP av er Premier Ganpati Blocks Vs Red Bricks Particulars Premier Ganpati BRICKS RED BRICKS Shape & Size Uniform & Regular Non uniform & Irregular Design Mix Computerized Design Mix Manual Design Mix (Cement, Sand, Stone & Fly ash) (Soil) 2 Strength 70-120 kg/cm 40-65 kg/cm2 Water Absorption 6-12% 30-35% Breakage / Wast Age 2-3% 8-10% Cement Consumption Low High 3 1500-1700 Kg/m3 Density 1800 Kg/m Nos. of Bricks For 100 sq. ft. wall of 9" Thick 925 Nos 1100 Nos Mortar Joint Thickness 8-10 MM 15-18 MM Plaster Thickness 8-10 MM 15-20 MM Ganpati Blocks Manufacturing Pvt Ltd. B-305, Ambition Business Centre, Jamal Road, Patna - 800 001 (Bihar) Works: Vill-Shivchak, Mauza-Bankipur, Machhiriyawa, Daniyawa, Patna For Enquiries: +91-9199524162, 9334120624 Email: Authorised Dealer / Distributor
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