April 2015 Newsletter.pages

WEB SITE: www.gardencluboflosaltos.org
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Los Altos Lutheran Church
460 S. El Monte Avenue, Los Altos
11:00 – 12:45
10 – noon on Saturday, May 2
10 -- 3 on Thursday, May 7
We are thrilled to welcome Rosalind Creasy to discuss EDIBLE
LANDSCAPING at our April meeting. Since the 1970’s, Ros has been a pioneer in the
field of Edible Landscaping. She has promoted cooking from the garden, eating fresh
organic food that is healthy and inexpensive. Long an advocate of recycling water and
using drip systems in the garden, she will explain how composting can save water in the
soil. Ros will bring her latest book for sale and also some pamphlets on Sustainability.
Ros was “blue potatoes” before blue potatoes were cool!
This month’s program was developed by Nancy Shardell. Guests are welcome to attend
for a $10 fee.
HOSPITALITY: April birthdays – it is your turn to bring cookies/fruit plate/veggie plate (by 12:15)
to our April meeting. Everyone remember your coffee mug – we are trying to “think green.”
FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS: For the April meeting, let’s try an asymmetrical bouquet. Let
some stems fly high and others trail low. Show off any of the beautiful spring flowers in your
garden. Newcomers are welcome to bring on their talents. We love to see what is growing
in all the various gardens. Carol Press
MEMBERSHIP DUES: Dues were due by April 1. Starting now, please send your $25 check ($30
for a family membership), payable to Garden Club of Los Altos, to Membership Chairman
Nancy Shardell, at her new address to renew your membership for 2015-2016. Nancy can also
be reached only on her cell phone. Nancy will also collect dues at the April meeting.
GARDEN CLUB WEB SITE: Our web site www.gardencluboflosaltos.org is easy to use. Just go to “home
page” and then click on links to recent events. Pat Knight
IN BLOOM NOW: Our display board for “In Bloom Now” is craving pictures of your garden
in bloom now. Or bring along actual flowers in vases for display also (these aren’t flower
arrangements, just the flowers). It will be fun to see what everyone is growing.
SPRING PLANT & BAKE SALE: Bring plants at 9:30. Sale starts at 11. This is our twiceyearly fund raiser and will be held before our Tuesday April 28 meeting. We ask everyone
to participate, if you can bring plants or baked goods, and of course tell your friends to
come and see our bargain prices.
PLANT SALE; Please bring plants at 9:30 a.m. so that we have time to price and organize
our tables. Please label with plant names and color, or best yet a photo, size pots 4” or larger
in nice condition you would be proud to take home. We would like water-wise plants,
perennials, annuals, succulents, houseplants, bulbs or garden related items such as plant
stands, decorative pots, etc. No heavy pots or plants, save those for the exchange.
BAKE SALE: Please bring items early (before 11 a.m. so they can be priced). Joyce Baron
suggests baked goods, small breads, cookies 12 to a plate, small cakes or cupcakes, pies, jams
jellies, candies, fresh herbs, etc. Wrap nicely for transport and label foods, especially if they
contain nuts. Bring a bag to carry your purchases. This is one way everyone can contribute, so
please be generous and come and support our club, and tell a friend.
Thanks to all of you who signed up to help, you are so special! Any questions call Susan Moss.
SPRING PLANT EXCHANGE The Spring Plant Exchange is almost here!!! It’s a great way to get
involved, go home with new plants and learn about what grows well in local gardens!!! Plant
IDing is a plus but not a necessity. Enthusiasm is all that’s required and you’ll learn something
along the way! I also do!! If you are available May 2 for an hour from 9 AM to Noon, email me
or call me or sign up at the April general meeting for a shift to help set up or organize or move
tables, etc. It takes place next to the Los Altos Theater box office, next to the soccer field at 97
Hillview Avenue, Los Altos. . . Please contact me, Liz Calhoon. An informative email about the
Plant Exchange is sent to whomever would like to be notified, giving all the details of what to
bring – cuttings, plants, seeds, bulbs – how to label, when and where it takes place. If you would
like to receive it, let me know!
We are still working on Thursdays, from 9-11.
You, too, can join our regular Thursday crew. The daily walkers enjoy these gardens regularly
and often stop to praise our efforts. If you would like to join us, please call Ellie Moll and I will
add you to my email list to be notified of our work plans. We chat as we work and quite often
we learn something new from one another. Thank You!!!
GARDEN CLUB BULLETIN BOARD: Here is a some information on our bulletin board:
gcbulletinboard@yahoogroups.com Be sure to use the same email address that you get
GCBB messages on! (The BulletinBoard will not recognize any other email address, and
think you aren't a member) When you send pictures, please use “small file” so everyone can
open the file.
If you aren't a GCBB member but wish to be, send an email to Nancy Brubaker and I'll send you
the Invitation. Alternately you can search for Yahoo Groups, find the GC BulletinBoard home
page, and click on Join This Group. That will send a request to me to let you join. Nancy
Brubaker, Moderator for the BulletinBoard
The Spring Members Garden Tour is scheduled for Thursday,
May 7 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tickets are $15 each and will be available at the April meeting.
You may also buy tickets at any of the gardens – hopefully you will have the exact amount.
We still need some volunteers at the gardens to work 2 ½ hour sessions on the day of the tour.
Please call Sue Becker or Kris Gulesserian if you can help. Every member should buy a ticket
and go on the tour! We don’t publicize this tour but you may bring your friends and neighbors.
Welcome to our new members:
Jeanie Ford, Pat Johnson, JoAnne Holland, and returning members: Nancy Liu,
Shirley Tognoli.
SEMPERVIRENS FUND: Thanks to your generosity at the March Salad Luncheon, we were able
to fund three “trees” (actually representative of buying land between us and the Santa Cruz
Mountains). Linda Caprini
ALONG THE GARDEN PATH: Didn’t we all enjoy our delicious salad luncheon last month and
delight in Kren Rasmussen’s enchanting flower arrangements?! Thank you for bringing your
favorite scrumptious salads and desserts! Also at the March meeting, the elected officers for the
2015-2016 year were installed: Betty Ward, President, Pat Hirschbek, Recording Secretary,
JoAnne Connelly, Vice President & Programs, Barbara Capron, Treasurer, and Susan Trost,
Corresponding Secretary. We look forward to continuing to dedicate ourselves to serving the
There are many up-coming opportunities to volunteer: Plant Sale, Bake Sale, Plant Exchange,
Member Garden Tour, Los Altos History Museum Garden, Plant Give-Away, etc. Please contact
Officers and Committee Chairs from the list on the inside cover of your member directory.
Thank you! Betty Ward
MAY BOARD MEETING: The May Board Meeting on Monday, May 4, 2014, at 2 p.m. will
be hosted by Ellie Moll, Chris Gilbrech and Betty Ward at Ellie’s home. Please call Ellie at
Chris or Betty if you will not be able to attend.
BUDGET FOR 2014-2015: We will be voting on the proposed budget at the April meeting.
Treasurer Barbara Capron will answer any questions before we vote.
This dessert was a BIG hit at our Salad Luncheon
Pineapple Cheesecake Squares
Marguerite Appling
Pat-in-the-Pan Crust:
2 cups all-purpose flour
2/3 cup margarine or butter, softened
½ cup almonds, finely chopped and toasted
½ cup powdered sugar
Heat oven to 350 º. Mix all ingredients in medium bowl with fork until crumbly. Press firmly and
evenly in bottom of ungreased rectangular pan, 13x9x2 inches. Bake until set, 15 to 20 minutes
2 packages (8 ounces each) cream cheese, softened
½ cup sugar
2 eggs
2/3 cup unsweetened pineapple juice (the recipe says “Dole”)
Beat cream cheese in medium bowl until smooth and fluffy; beat in ½ cup sugar and the eggs. Stir in
2/3 cup pineapple juice. Pour cream cheese mixture over hot crust. Bake just until center is set, about
20 minutes. Cool completely
¼ cup all-purpose flour
¼ cup sugar
1 can (20 ounces) crushed pineapple, well drained (reserve 1 cup juice)
½ cup whipping cream
Mix flour and ¼ cup sugar in 2-quart saucepan. Stir in 1 cup reserved pineapple juice. Heat to boiling
over medium heat, stirring constantly. Boil and stir 1 minute. Remove from heat; fold in pineapple.
Cool completely. Beat whipping cream in chilled bowl until stiff. Fold into pineapple mixture. Spread
carefully over dessert. Cover loosely and refrigerate until firm, about 4 hours. Cut into 3-inch squares.
April 11, 9AM-2PM, Spring Garden Market presented by Master Gardeners of Santa Clara County,
History San Jose, 1650 Senter Rd, offering tomatoes, peppers, ornamentals, herbs, garden talks, other
vendors, food trucks. Parking is $6, Cash or check for Master Gardener plant sales. For complete
information, go to http://www.mastergardeners.org/spring-garden-market
Tues. April 14 - Sun. April 19, 9:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m. (Fri. April 17, 9:30 a.m. - 8:45 p.m. BOUQUETS
TO ART at the deYoung Museum, Golden Gate Park, 50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive, San Francisco.
For more information and to purchase tickets: deyoungmuseum.org/bouquets or (1-415) 750-3504.
April 16, 7-8:30PM Winning the War on Weeds at Cupertino Community Center, 10350 Torre Ave,
Cupertino, by CNPS and MG. Useful information on sheet mulching and other ideas. Bring a weed or
more to ID.
April 18-19, 10AM-4PM, Going Native Garden Tour 2015 presented by CNPS, The tour is free but
you must register by 4/19 @ 3PM by going to this website: http://www.goingnativegardentour.org/
There are 50+ gardens split into South Santa Clara County on Sat. and North Santa Clara and San Mateo
Counties on Sun. Maps and garden descriptions are on the website. Great way to see a variety of
gardens with native and Mediterranean plants. A few gardens have plants for sale.
April 22, 7-8:30PM, Biodiversity and the Native Plant Gardener at Los Altos Library, 13 S. San
Antonio Rd, Los Altos by CNPS, Speaker Arvind Kumar
Friday, April 24 and Saturday, April 25, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. .GAMBLE GARDEN SPRING TOUR "There is no place like home" Tour 5 private Palo Alto gardens; marketplace and plant sale. Tickets and
information: (650) 329-1356 or www.gamblegarden.org.
April 25, 10AM-3PM, Native Plant Sale and Wildflower Show by CNPS at Hidden Villa, 26870
Moody Rd, Los Altos Hills. Bring a box to put plants in. Books and cards also for sale.
May 2, 10-Noon, Plant Exchange, Los Altos Theater/Soccer Field, 97 Hillview Ave, Los Altos by
May 9 and 10, from 11 – 5. Silicon Valley Open Studios – Los Altos Area. This is a yearly event
when local artists open their studios for visitors to see - and hopefully buy - the pictures, pottery,
jewelry, etc., being exhibited. Our Pat Ley, her daughter and some friends will be showing two types of
photography, acrylic and oil painting and pottery at Pat’s home 26850 Ortega Drive, Los Altos Hills.