Garth Trails Newsletter & Community Update

Garth Trails Newsletter & Community Update
May 2015
Dear Garth Trails Resident,
If you have changed your personal contact information or if there is a change in residence at your home such as
friends and/or family moving-in or leaving please inform the Clubhouse reception. If you are not sure that we have
the correct information please come in to verify. This is very important in order to keep our files up to date.
Shared Facilities Committee News
To clarify the structure between the SFC and the Condo Boards, we’ve made this diagram. The residents of
each Condo will elect a Board of Directors to
represent their community for a year’s term at
their Annual General Meeting. Each Condo
Board selects two representatives to sit on
the Shared Facilities Committee and
represent their Condo for issues related to the
Shared Facilities. These representatives are
answerable to their respective Boards and the
Boards are answerable to the residents. The
Chair of the Shared Facilities Committee
rotates from Condo to Condo each year. If a
resident has a concern related to the Shared
Facilities they should bring it forward to their
Condo Board who will represent them in
sharing such a concern to the Shared Facilities Committee through the selected representatives. If a community
group (representing multiple residents from various Condos) has a concern it should be brought to the Shared
Facilities Committee who will share back to each Condo Board through the representatives.
The Patio doors are now unlocked – however they have not yet been serviced and everyone must ensure that the
doors close firmly behind them! We ask that everyone always ensure the doors close behind you as there is no
vestibule here and the change in pressure sometimes blows the door open.
With the warmer weather now here, we ask that everyone be mindful of keeping to 30km/h while driving on the
shared roadways. Please respect the stop signs and yield to pedestrians. It is up to all of us to make sure that we
respect the speed limits and that our guests visiting do the same.
This is a reminder to all residents that personal items should not be left at the Clubhouse. If you are part of a
group in which personal items are used, you are required to bring your personal items home with you.
Thank-you to those who have donated to our Flag Pole objective! We are another few hundred dollars closer to
our goal! Donate your loose change to our “loon-ie” bin at the Clubhouse reception desk. Keep an eye on our
fundraiser flag pole in the lobby at the Clubhouse where the flag is raised to the amount of money we’ve raised! As
of now we’ve raised the flag to $1,380.
There is only minor work to be completed in the pond trails following the winter. We will maintain our standards
again this year for a safe usable path for everyone to enjoy! Please stay on the trails when navigating and ensure
children and pets do as well. Ticks are most active in April and May (and then again in the fall), so please check
yourselves after using the trails.
Garth Trails Newsletter & Community Update
May 2015
Volunteer Grounds Enhancement News
Thank-you to the volunteers who helped clean-up the patio and grounds in mid-April. Summer, here we come!
The SFC is still looking for a Chairperson to lead the Grounds Enhancement Committee this year. If you are
interested in this position please contact Michelle at the office. Additional gardening work (including weeding,
fertilizing, spreading of mulch, etc.) will need to be done towards the end of April/early May. If no one has stepped
forward as Chair, we will be looking for resident volunteers to take on smaller areas for maintenance. Any work
other than general maintenance of the grounds would still need to be approved by the SFC.
We have worked with the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority and established a schedule of events for
stewardship work in the wetlands including: bird boxes, removal of invasive species and tree planting! If you would
like to help head any of these activities please contact the Clubhouse office.
The NPCA will also be giving a free Information Session on Friday, May 1 at 5:30pm at the Clubhouse
about our wetlands. All welcome! Please sign-up in the Activity Binder at the Clubhouse reception.
We are looking for volunteer residents who would be interested in leading or contributing to our
Bird Box project in connection with other efforts we hope to complete for our Wetlands. We are
looking for residents with some knowledge on bird habitat and/or wood project construction. This
would be a great project to do with a grandchild! Or a great memorial item if you would like to
provide funding! There is a lot of pertinent information that we would encourage you to read about
at the following website: If you are interested in
helping with this project please sign up in the Activity Binder at the Clubhouse reception!
On Thursday, May 29th there will be a Tree Planting event. The SFC has purchased 30 native tree species that
will be planted in some areas around the pond to encourage woodland growth. We will need many volunteers to
help on this day. Please sign up in the Activity Binder at the Clubhouse reception.
Social Committee Announcements
If you would like to get involved in assisting with upcoming events please contact Teresa Losurdo by telephone at
905-679-9108 or through e-mail at
Join us for an Evening of Entertainment Saturday May 2nd, with Joe Callura vocalist and tribute artist. Resident
tickets are $8 and will go on sale Tuesday April 7th 9:00 – 10:30am and 6:00 – 7:00pm. Guest tickets (if available)
will go on sale Tuesday April 21st.
Sign-up in the Social Committee binder to participate in the Monday, May 18th Victoria Day Community
Dinner. BYOB, dinner plates, utensils, etc. Our goal is to make new friends and enjoy a wonderful
variety of food! Please include your phone number and dish you will be serving. We will have available
at this time a donation box for Neighbour to Neighbour. We invite you to bring a non-perishable food
item to share with families in need! For more information please contact: Carol Murray or Sheila Mahony!
Saturday, May 23rd enjoy our Spring Dinner Dance with entertainment by DJ Roberta Johnson
and a catered dinner by Luigi’s. Tickets on sale for $25 per resident and remaining tickets, if any,
will go on sale for guests May 12th.
We invite you way back to our Oldies Dance held Saturday, June 20th with live entertainment by DJ Walton (back
again by popular request!). Residents $7.50 on sale May 19th and guests $10.00 on sale June 2nd.
Garth Trails Newsletter & Community Update
May 2015
Special Interest
Do you have questions about your electronics? Come by open house style, no signup necessary, for
free one-on-one time with volunteer high school students who will be available to answer any
questions you might have at Tech Time at the Clubhouse every Monday between 5:30 and 7:30pm!
Join our Needleworks Group who meets every Wednesday at 1pm. We share ideas, expertise and opinions to all!
Each should bring their own project or materials and join the fun!
The Bookmobile will be making two stops this month on Monday, May 11th and 25th at 10am!
The Garth Trails Book Club will be reading My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult for the month of May. If you would
like to join for the month please pickup your book at the Clubhouse reception after Wednesday, April 29 th. We will
be meeting on Wednesday, May 27th at 1:30pm to discuss. Happy reading!
The Instrument Group, Trail Mix, will be meeting Mondays at 7pm in the Billiard Rooms and Fridays from
1pm to 3pm in the MPR to play some tunes together. Come out and see what it’s all about! All instruments
and experience levels welcome!
GARTH TRAILS SINGERS: Hopefully, spring has arrived by the time you read this. What better way to
celebrate than to enjoy a lovely evening of music. The Garth Trails Singers invite you to their
“Love and Romance” Spring Concert, with mezzo soprano, Margaret Bardos as their special
guest. You won’t want to miss hearing Margaret, so pass the word along to family and friends. The
date to remember: SATURDAY MAY 30th at 7 p.m. Tickets are $10 for the Community and nonresidents. You may purchase your tickets at the Clubhouse every, Tuesday morning in May from
9:30 to 10:30 a.m. and Wednesday evenings, May 13 and 20 from 6 to 7 pm. We thank you for your support.
The Annual Community Garage Sale will be held on Saturday, May 23. Register now in the Activity
Binder at the Clubhouse reception for $5. If you have items to donate to the host community sale
please contact Janet Cook, 905-387-5428.
Don’t be fooled by scams or fraud! Come and listen to Constable Vaughn Chisholm, Senior Support
Officer for Hamilton Mountain, with the Hamilton Police Service at the Clubhouse on Thursday,
June 4th at 1:30pm when he speaks about Seniors: Fraud & Scams. All residents welcome to
come to this workshop and learn the steps you can make to protect yourself against scams and
fraud! Please sign up in the Activity Binder at the Clubhouse reception if you would like to attend.
Join us on Thursday, June 4th at 6pm to make your own Outdoor Flower Planter! The cost is $10 per planter.
Bring your own outdoor pot with some soil and you will be provided with 6 – 7 plants (petunias,
geraniums, impatiens, lobelias, etc.) and some fill-in top soil. For those with bigger planters or
who want to do two, additional plants will be sold at the end (cost per plant tbd). Registration is
limited to one per person, residents only. Arrangements will be done outside in Clubhouse
parking lot. We encourage residents to carpool over for easy transportation home with the
planter. Signup in the Activity Binder before May 25 with payment by cheque or cash.
Garth Trails Newsletter & Community Update
May 2015
The Billiards group is playing at 10am on Thursdays at the Clubhouse. Come out and play! Beginners welcome!
Bocce is back! Games will begin the first week of play for the Bocce League, played Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday evenings at 5pm, 6pm and 7pm. Please note that on Holiday Mondays the games will
be scheduled for 1pm, 2pm and 3pm. All league information including procedures for what to do if you can’t play or
what to do in adverse weather conditions, team lists, game schedule, etc. please check
on our webpage!
Interested in playing with us for Ladies Bocce on Thursday afternoons at 2pm
beginning mid-May? There will be no teams just a fun and flexible league at no cost!
If interested please contact Marge Thomson at We will
have an organizational meeting on May 8th at 2pm. Mark your calendars!
Garth-Gals Golf will start up again at Southern Pines Golf & Country Club in May, playing Mondays with an
8:30am tee-off for 18 holes or a 10am tee-off for 9 holes. More information to come! If you are interested in
playing please sign up in the Activity Binder at the Clubhouse reception!
The Mixed Golf League is in need of a few more resident volunteers to coordinate play at
Chippewa Golf Club. If you are interested and available please contact the Clubhouse
reception. Sign-up for those who want to play on Tuesdays at Chippewa is in the Activity Binder.
Are you interested in playing Horseshoes this summer? Are you curious but have never played? We are
looking for more players to join us for a fun and relaxed 2015 Horseshoes League! If you are interested in
playing Horseshoes this season please sign up in the Activity Binder at the Clubhouse reception or
contact Shirley Hopkins.
Tennis Women’s League plays on Thursdays at 9am and the Men’s League plays Wednesdays at
9am! Everyone, men, women, beginners – are welcome to join the Social Round Robin on
Saturday mornings at 9:30am. Any other recreational Tennis players may book the court at any
other time in the Recreational Shared Facilities Reservation Binder at the Clubhouse reception
and pick up the key to the court.
- Military Whist: Signup at the Clubhouse reception to play. Next game is on May 24th at 7:30pm
- Texas Hold ’em Poker: Monday $5 games at 6:30pm and 8pm, Wednesday $10 tournament at 6:30pm
- Bid Euchre: Monday evenings at 7pm
- Duplicate Bridge lessons: Tuesday afternoons from 1:30pm to 5pm
- Hoss: Wednesday afternoons from 1:30pm to 3:30pm
- Duplicate Bridge: Wednesday evenings at 7pm
- Cribbage: Wednesday evenings at 7pm
- Bridge: Thursday afternoons at 2pm
- Euchre: Friday evenings at 7pm
Garth Trails Newsletter & Community Update
May 2015
Ladies Luncheon & Men’s Breakfast
For the month of May the ladies will be having dinner at The Purple Pear in Hamilton on
Wednesday the 6th! Please sign up at the Clubhouse reception before Saturday the 2nd and
remember to include your telephone number. If you are able to provide a ride for others, it
will be scheduled before Monday the 4th.
For the month of May the men will be going for a hearty breakfast at the West End
Dinner at 9am on Friday the 22nd! You can sign up in the Activity Binder at the Clubhouse
reception before Tuesday the 19th.
Classes & Seminars
Come on out and try Line Classes for dancing, exercise and fun! Monday afternoons from 1:30pm to 3:30pm
will be Easy Dances. Fun Dances on Tuesday evenings from 7:30pm to 9:00pm. And finally, the E-Z
Intermediate class runs on Mondays from 10:30am until noon. If you’re a New Beginner classes
run: Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm.
Health, relaxation, body balance, flexibility, art expression, social interaction: Tai Chi & QiGong.
Signup in the Activity Binder at the Clubhouse reception for the early spring session of 8 classes for
$50 of Continuing Tai Chi on Thursdays at 10:30am. Walkons with prior tai chi experience are
welcome for $8 per class. If you are interested in Tai Chi for beginners please put your name down in
the interest sheet in the Activity Binder.
Sign-up in the Activity Binder for the Varied Thrush painting workshop on Saturday, May 9th from 9am – 4pm
with a break for lunch. The workshop is $50 per person and includes the book published by the instructor.
Join Chef Mark and his sous-chef at our Clubhouse in this 3 hour fun and interactive Cooking Class. In this class
we will be cooking all fish & seafood - just in time for summer. Signup in the Activity Binder for
this class with Fish & Seafood on the menu (menu to come) on Thursday, May 28th from 5:30
– 8:30pm for $66! You will need a sharp knife, towel, “Tupperware” containers to bring your
creations home, apron and… your appetite!
To encourage a continued safe environment for residents enjoying the Clubhouse and living in
the community, we will be offering another basic First Aid course with AED training on
Tuesday, May 26th in the morning at a cost of $32 per person. Register for the course in the
Activity Binder at the Clubhouse reception.
If you are interested in attending the Exercise Room Seminar on Thursday, May 7th from 7pm to 8pm offered by
Maxam Fitness on how to properly use the equipment in our exercise room please sign up in the
Activity Binder at the Clubhouse reception, cost is $5 per person. If you cannot attend this
seminar please put your name down for a fall seminar.
Garth Trails Newsletter & Community Update
May 2015
Exercise Program
The Late Spring Exercise Program is offering a fantastic variety of classes on a weekly basis for walk-ons. The
schedule is posted on our website and at the Clubhouse reception. For more information or to
participate as a walk-on to one of the classes ($5) please contact the Clubhouse reception. The registration for the
Summer Exercise Program (July – August) will run from June 20th to the 25th.
Power Seat
Bend Me Shape Me
Gentle Waters
Bend Me Shape Me
Shelli / Mary
Shelli / Mary
Shelli / Mary
Shelli / Mary
May: 4, 11, 25; Jun: 1, 22, 29
May: 4, 11, 25; Jun: 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
May: 4, 11, 25; Jun: 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
May: 4, 11, 25; Jun: 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
May: 5, 12, 19, 26; Jun: 2, 16, 23, 30
May: 5, 12, 19, 26; Jun: 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
May: 5, 12, 19, 26; Jun: 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
May: 6, 13, 20, 27; Jun: 3, 10, 17, 24
May: 6, 13, 20, 27; Jun: 3, 10, 17, 24
May: 7, 14, 21, 28; Jun: 4, 11, 18, 25
May: 7, 14, 21, 28; Jun: 4, 11, 18, 25
May: 7, 14, 21, 28; Jun: 4, 11, 18, 25
May: 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; Jun: 5, 26
May: 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; Jun: 5, 12, 19, 26
May: 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; Jun: 5, 19, 26
May: 2, 9, 23, 30; Jun: 6, 13, 20, 27
Visit us at for the most up to date information! If you have any questions
or concerns please contact the Clubhouse by phone at 905-679-2582, by email at or even by coming by to visit at 45 Abbotsford Trail,
Hamilton, L9B 2X8. If you have questions about a specific activity, function or event
please use the contact information provided.