A Division of Bankrate, Inc. Naples Daily News CD & Deposit Guide Reach 190,000+ Florida Readers Naples Daily News Guide Monday Business CD & Deposit Guides About Bankrate Print Features • Flexibility to market your financial products on a local, regional or national basis. • Full contact info (address & phone number). Capture evening and weekend responses. • Reach the consumers who prefer their trusted weekly newspaper for monitoring the latest rates. • Opportunity to list 7 CD, MMA and checking products along with minimums to open. • Comments portion of the guide allows you to promote niche products and special promotions using up to 100 characters. • Use your print ad to drive traffic to your website. CD & Deposit Guide National Syracuse average: average: 1-year CD 0.44 % New car loans 0.84 % National Syracuse average: average: 5.44 % Credit Card 3.39 % National average: 14.32 % ADVERTISEMENT Yields Available to Syracuse Area Residents Institution/Phone 3 mo CD Min 6 mo CD Min 12 mo CD Min AmeriCU Credit Union 6303 Thompson Road 0.60 0.75 0.85 0.90 1.10 800-388-2000 www.americu.org 5,000 2,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 Specials: Check out AmeriCU’s “Honest” Card - Visa Platinum! Countryside Federal Credit Union 5720 Commons Park Dr 0.05 0.15 NA 0.50 0.55 315-445-2300 www.countryside.org 5,000 5,000 NA 500 500 Specials: Home repairs! Closed End Home Equity Loan as low as 3.95% for 5 years. Call for details 445-2300 Empower Federal Credit Union 515 Erie Blvd West NA 0.65 0.55 0.60 0.70 800-462-5000 www.empowerfcu.com NA 2,500 500 500 500 Specials: Call for special rates. Geddes Federal Savings & Loan Association 2208 West Genessee St. 0.55 0.55 NA 0.60 0.85 315-468-6803 www.geddesfederal.com 250 1,000 NA 500 500 Specials: Call for special rates. Money Federal Credit Union 100 Madison Street NA 0.40 0.75 0.75 1.01 315-671-4000 www.moneyfcu.org NA 2,500 500 500 500 Specials: CD maximum deposit $100,000. Need money for college? We offer private student loans! SEFCU 700 Patroom Creek Blvd NA NA 0.25 0.30 0.55 800-727-3328 www.sefcu.com NA NA 500 500 500 Specials: Earn Preferred Points every time you use your SEFCU Visa Check Card! Visit sefcu.com for details. Solvay Bank 1537 Milton Avenue 0.25 0.35 0.40 0.50 0.85 315-468-1661 www.solvaybank.com 500 15 500 500 500 Specials: Call for special rates. The Summit Federal Credit Union 1400 Erie Blvd. E. NA 0.20 0.40 0.50 0.70 800-836-7328 www.SummitFCU.org NA 5 500 500 500 Specials: Call for special rates. Visions Federal Credit Union 500 Erie Blvd. West 0.50 0.75 0.85 1.11 1.26 315-479-1580 www.visionsfcu.org 1,000 5,000 2,500 2,500 500 Specials: Are you looking for ways to relieve financial pressure? Take a look at our loan solutions! 18 mo CD Min 24 mo CD Min 36 mo CD Min 60 mo CD Min 1.10 1,000 1.56 1,000 1.95 500 2.55 500 NA NA 0.90 500 NA NA 2.17 500 1.00 500 1.30 500 1.70 500 2.30 500 Institution/Phone 1.00 500 1.45 500 1.85 500 2.50 500 Alliance Bank 866-578-6347 1.01 500 1.26 500 1.51 500 2.28 500 0.75 500 1.00 500 1.26 500 2.02 500 1.05 500 1.35 500 1.75 500 2.30 500 1.15 500 1.55 500 1.55 500 2.15 500 1.26 500 1.26 500 1.82 500 2.53 500 INSTITUTIONS, TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS FEATURE CALL BANKRATE.COM @ 888-768-4243 Note: Rates effective as of 6/22/11 and may change without notice. Rates may change after the account is opened. N/A means rates are not available or not offered at press time. Yields represent annual percentage yield (APY) paid by participating institutions. Fees may reduce the earnings on the account. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal. Payout of interest is mandatory for certain non-compounding accounts Banks, thrifts, brokers and credit unions pay to advertise in the CD & Deposit Guide which is compiled by Bankrate.com®, a publication of Bankrate, Inc. © 2011 To appear in this table, call 888-768-4243. To report any inaccuracies, call 888-509-4636. • www.syracuse.com/cdrates Savings and Loan Rates U.S. RATES BEST BASIC CREDIT CARD DEALS Min. to earn int. Yield (APY) For people who carry balances Discover Bank Sallie Mae Colorado Federal Savings Bank Nationwide Bank First Trade Union Bank 888-204-8984 877-346-2756 877-412-8643 877-412-6251 800-242-0272 $ 500 1.15 1.10 1.10 1.05 1.05 Amalgamated Bk of Chicago Citizens Trust Bank Abington Bank First Command Bank AloStar Bank of Commerce Aurora Bank, FSB Ally Bank Sallie Mae Discover Bank 877-738-6391 877-412-8271 877-779-0119 877-346-2756 888-204-8970 $ 1000 1.31 1.21 1.20 1.20 1.20 Citizens Trust Bank Abington Bank First Command Bank iBERIABANK fsb Aurora Bank, FSB Discover Bank Ally Bank Intervest National Bank Colorado Federal Savings Bank 877-412-8271 888-204-8970 877-779-0119 212-218-8383 877-412-9546 $ 1000 2.36 2.35 2.34 2.33 2.30 Rates are for standard credit cards, and information applies to purchases only. Cash advances frequently are charged interest from the date of transaction. Additional fees may be charged such as for exceeding a credit line, making an ATM transaction, or if a check is returned. B=Billing, T=Transaction, P=Posting, V=Variable rate, F=Fixed. 1-year CD 5-year CD Phone 0 2500 1000 2500 1000 0 0 2500 2500 0 2500 5000 Best Loan Rates 800-723-0303 404-659-5959 215-887-4666 888-763-7600 Annual Annual Grace % rate fee period 7.50 V 9.25 V 10.24 V 10.25 F 37 0 0 0 25 B 25 B 25 B 25 B 9.25 V 10.24 V 10.25 F 10.25 V 0 0 0 0 25 B 25 B 25 B 25 B For people who pay off balances 404-659-5959 215-887-4666 888-763-7600 800-217-7715 For more information visit www.bankrate.com Deposit Trend NATIONAL YIELD SYRACUSE RATES These were the lowest loan rates available among Syracuse-area National average is based on 100 largest institutions in the top 10 U.S. markets. institutions surveyed by Bankrate.com® as of June 22: Home equity loan Phone Rate 800-388-2000 315-479-1580 315-671-4000 3.25 3.74 4.25 Empower Federal Credit Union 800-462-5000 AmeriCU Credit Union 800-388-2000 SEFCU 800-727-3328 2.99 3.00 3.00 AmeriCU Credit Union Visions Federal Credit Union Money Federal Credit Union New car om CD & DEPOSIT GUIDE Yields Available to Greater Philadelphia Area Residents Check rates daily at http://www.phillynews.interest.com Int Chking Money Acct Mkt Acct Min Min Address/Internet 3 mo CD Min 6 mo CD Min 12 mo CD Min 18 mo CD Min 24 mo CD Min 36 mo CD Min 60 mo CD Min 541 Lawrence Rd., Broomall, PA 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.80 2.15 www.allianceanytime.com 99 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Specials: All branches now open Monday through Saturday at 8:00 AM! Discover Bank 866-238-1789 www.discoverbank.com NA 1.00 0.50 0.90 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.75 2.35 NA 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Specials: Online Savings Account at 1.15% APY! Mention Code D120296 when opening any account. First Priority Bank 866-561-6847 2 West Liberty Blvd www.fpbk.com Specials: Call us about our Combo Account!! 0.10 250 0.75 0.50 0.50 0.80 1.15 1.40 1.75 2.40 7,500 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Fox Chase Bank 866-688-0307 4390 Davisville Road www.foxchasebank.com 0.50 0.50 0.10 1,500 100,000 500 0.35 500 0.65 500 0.90 500 0.95 500 1.60 500 1.60 500 Hyperion Bank 866-542-4479 199 W. Girard Avenue www.hyperionbank.com NA 1.30 0.50 NA 100,000 399 0.75 399 1.00 399 1.15 399 1.40 399 1.75 399 2.40 399 1420 Locust Street 0.10 0.90 0.35 0.45 www.novabank.com 1 100,000 500 500 Specials: Rates available only in PA/NJ locations. Call 877-NOVABANK for details. 0.90 500 1.15 500 1.35 500 2.00 500 2.50 500 Specials: Call for special rates. Specials: Call for special rates. These were the highest yields available among U.S. banks surveyed These were the best standard credit card deals available among by Bankrate.com® as of June 21: U.S. banks surveyed by Bankrate.com® as of June 21: MMA/Savings account ADVERTISEMENT Check rates daily at www.syracuse.com/cdrates Int Chking Money Acct Mkt Acct Min Min Address/Internet Nova Bank 866-576-3053 Sharon Savings Bank 866-450-8714 3 Chester Pike www.sharonbank.com 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.65 1.00 1.15 1.35 250 25,000 1,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 NA 2.25 NA 10,000 Specials: Call for special rates. Stonebridge Bank 866-743-9647 624 Willowbrook Ln., Westchester 0.05 NA NA 0.85 www.Stonebridgebank.com 100 NA NA 500 Specials: SPECIALS: 14 Month CD APY = 1.20% ** 21 Month CD APY = 1.20% Other Ad Options 1.15 500 1.30 500 1.40 500 1.60 500 2.10 500 Vantage Point Bank 888-861-4980 1250 Virginia Drive, Suite 175 0.25 1.10 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 2.00 2.50 www.vantagepointbank.com 50 25,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Specials: Call us about Vantage Point Plus and 1.1% APY Money Market Account CapitalNA One0.35 VIST Financial 866-419-1082 1767 Sentry Parkway www.vistfc.com Specials: Competitive Relationship Rates also available. Text Box 1,500 0.45 500 0.45 500 0.80 500 866-346-6549 0.95 1.10 1.45 2.05 www.capitalone.com 500 500 500 500 InterestPlus Online Savings Get Paid Twice! Open your InterestPlus Online Savings Account Today and get a Great Ratehttp://www.interest.com/?pid=i_PHIL plus a 10% Bonus on Interest Earned. Member FDIC NA Used car Empower Federal Credit Union 800-462-5000 Countryside Federal Credit Union 315-445-2300 AmeriCU Credit Union 800-388-2000 2.49 2.89 3.25 Home equity loan: fixed rate, 5-year term, secured loan based on $30,000 at 80% LTV; New car: $22,000 fixed rate, 48-month term, 10% down payment; Used car (3 years old): $10,000 fixed rate, 36-month term, 20% down payment. Credit Unions have membership requirements. An Example of Bankrate’s Print Advertisement. Note: Rates effective as of 6/24/11 and may change without notice. Rates may change after the account is opened. N/A means rates are not available or not offered at press time. Yields represent annual percentage yield (APY) paid by participating institutions. Fees may reduce the earnings on the account. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal. Payout of interest is mandatory for certain non-compounding accounts Banks, thrifts, brokers and credit unions pay to advertise in the CD & Deposit Guide which is compiled by Bankrate. com®, a publication of Bankrate, Inc. © 2011 To appear in this table, call 888-768-4243. To report any inaccuracies, call 888-509-4636. • http://www.interest.com/?pid=i_PHIL Naples Daily News Demographics Publications Household Income Publication Day(s) $50,000 - $74,999 Monday Business $75,000 - $99,999 Daily Circulation $100,000 - $249,999 59,718 $250,000 or more Designated Market Area FL Collier FL Lee Age of Respondent 21-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70+ Level of Education College graduate Some post graduate Post graduate degree Marital Status Married Single, Divorced, Widowed Own a residence Financial Services (has or use) Certificates of Deposit (CDs) Home equity loan N/A Home mortgage Online banking Refinance home mortgage Savings account 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Source: Scarborough USA+ (Current 6 Months Only) 2011 Release 1 Total (Aug 2010 - Mar 2011) Naples Daily News Daily Naples Daily News Sunday 193,570 Readers 219,198 Readers Naples Daily News Newspaper Designated Market Area Manatee Hardee Okeechobee Highlands DeSoto Sarasota Glades Charlotte Florida Fort Myers Palm Beach Lee Hendry Immokalee Naples Golden Gate Collier Browa Marco Island Gulf of Mexico Miami-Dade Monroe Newspaper Market Area Urbanized Area State Boundary County Boundary City FL North Monroe Source: SRDS Circulation 2012, pg.290 1 North Wacker Dr. Ste. 4343 Chicago, IL. 60606 Get Started Today Call or Email for Current Pricing 800-509-4636 printsales@bankrate.com
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