OFFICE USE ONLY (Participant I.D.) Manet Cottage, Spintex Course Registration Form Please contact or call 0505785115 with any enquiries. PERSONAL DETAILS Title Dr. Mr. Mrs. Miss. Ms. Surname Other Gender (please tick) Male Female First name Date of birth D D / M M / Y Y Y Y Home address (Please include landmarks) Postal address Contact number/s Email address Who should we contact in case of an emergency? Please provide details of two persons. 1. Name What is your relationship to this emergency contact? 2. Person’s contact number Name What is your relationship to this emergency contact? Person’s contact number PLEASE TICK WHICH COURSE/S YOU WISH TO STUDY (For course numbers one, two and three only choose one.) 1. Fresh Cream Cake Making - For Learners With Cake Decorating Experience; Duration is one (1) Saturday – GHC950..... . 2. Gateau Box Special Treat Making Course- Suitable For Beginners; Taught over five (5) Saturdays - GHC1,950......... . 3. Gateau Box Special Treat Making Course- Suitable For Beginners; Taught over one (1) week (Mon – Fri) – GHC1,950.... . 4. Cheesecake Making (New York Style; Baked and Unbaked) – Duration is one (1) Saturday – GHC850....... . 5. Edible Printed Chocolate Making; Duration is two (2) Saturdays – GHC1,250…… . EDUCATION Please indicate your highest level of education No Education Advanced Level Primary School Degree JHS Master SHS PhD Ordinary Level Other (please provide details) EMPLOYMENT STATUS Please indicate your current employment status Employed Self-employed Unemployed Business Owner/founder If employed please state employer details (optional; but compulsory if your employer is paying for course) Employer name Address Contact number Your position/title COURSE/S AVAILABILITY Gateau Box reserves the right to postpone the start date of a course or discontinue it. Where a course is cancelled by Gateau Box, any fees paid by the student will be refunded in full. PARTICIPANT DECLARATION How did you hear about Gateau Box? Website Facebook Friend/Family Twitter Other (please give details) Student signature Date OFFICE USE ONLY SESSION DATE AMOUNT PAID PROCESSING OFFICER: Full Name CHEQUE / CASH / MOBILE MONEY / BANK ACCOUNT Signature NOTE
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